The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 23, 1915, Image 8

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. DARK, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Ycnr by Mnil In Advance... $1.2,i
Ono Ycnr by Carrier In Adrnncc. .$1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
PostofQco as Second Cla"sB Matter.
Lincoln County School Lands.
This county has been selected with
fifteen other western counties for tho
purpose of having tho school lands
ro-nppralscd with a view of boosting
tho rontalB.
Tho county commissioners have or
ders to rc-nppralse all tho state school
lands In tho county that arc subject
to rental.
Under tho law and tho terms of
their lenses tho present holders will
bo required to pay six per cent upon
tho appraised value as found by tho
Most of tho lands subject to rental
arc located In tho sand hills whero
lands owned by prlvato parties are
being offored at annual rental of from
$40 to $50 per section and to have them
appraised bo as to make tho rentals
more than these will work a hardship
on tho present holders and deprive
tho state school fund of tho revenue
tho lands would bring If they were not
appraised too high.
Tho system of state ownorshlp and
leasing of these lands works an In
justice to tho western counties.
In tho eastern counties tho stato
school lands have been sold and aro
being Improved by tho owners and aro
subject to taxation for school anu
county purposes and in that way help
to build up tho county, wlillo In tho
western counties these lands aro held
Bubject to lonso and rc-appralsemont
so that holders aro discouraged from
Improving tho same and thoy do not
bear their share of tho school and
county tnxes.
An attempt was mado at the last
legislature to remedy this injustice
by having tho stato sell theso lands in
the western counties tho snmo as they
did In tho eastern counties, but tho bill
was defeated by tho votes from the
eastern counties. This would bo only
Justlco ns between tho different sec
tlons of tho stato.
Any law that provents tho holder
and occupier from acquiring title
works a hardship on tho occupier and
retards the improvement and building
up of tho country.
It will require a great deal of care
on the part of our county commission
ors to mako this re-appraisement in
such a way as to not work an Injus
tice on tho present occupiors of theso
In some cases theso lands havo been
highly improved, in tho way of build
ings and cultivation and value added
to tho lands that rightfully bolongs
to tho occuplor; such added value
should not bo considered In this ap
pralsomont and tho law oxprossly cx
emptB such values from the appraise
The county commissioners will no
doubt carefully considor tho Interest
of our homo people and see that no
Injustice befalls them through tho op
eration of this re-appralsnl.
November 8th, 1915.
Tho board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, pres
ent, IIcrmlnghauBon, Springer and
white and county clorK.
Road No. 387 comes up lor linal
hearing, and tho board being of tho
opinion that snld road Is fdr tho public
good, tho petition Is hereby granted.
Claims allowed on roau district
funds: D. E. McDonald, dragging
roads district 11, $51.00.
A. D. Allen, road work, district 50,
$12.00; C. E. Whlsler, dragging roads
district 4, $3.00 j Schelllo Schneider,
road work district 58, $20.
Allowed on district 25: Bert Light,
$17.50; Thos. Young, $4.50; II. J.
Trusty, $8.75; Aaron Kaln, $3.50.
On dlBtrlct 35: J. w. Triggs, y.uu;
C. Q. Peterson, $1.50; Ncls John
son, $3.00; Arthur Dowoir, $;i.uu;
John Uurklund, $4.50; C. a. Nel
son, $3.75; Harry Anderson, $4.87;
Frank Anderson, $4.87; Aufcust N.
Larson, $10.00; Fred Nelson, $3.00.
Allowed on commissioners districts:
Walter Wilson road work, on district
1, $112.35; Frank Zlmmor, road work,
district 1, $29.40; Owen O'Ncll, drag
ging roads, district 1, $33.00.
Allowed on goiiorul fund: Josoph
Gamble, damages road 387, $40.00; H.
Nowborrv. damaucs road 387, $40.00;
J. E. Stevens, refund foreclosure ex- vQt a lEosnitnl But n Homo
AO r A . n T nl ... nurvnt'. I
lnt rnml.W 20. $17.I"iO; II. L. Coch
ran, surveying roads 77, and 104, Nurso Brown Memorial Hospital
$9; Henry Clark, ciiainman nnciauto
YVUBL 4111 BU, IN U Illl 1'IUllU,
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Real Estate and Insurance
Como and Bed us for town lots In
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Hts.. upstairs.
hire, $3.50; J. L. Soudor, chalnman,
$3.00; R. L. Cochran, surveying roau
N6.8, $15.75; Fred Spurrier, chnin
nmn and auto hire, $0.00; R. L. Coch-
Sutherland, $15.00; D. A Rundstrom, Dr. J. is Twinoill,
Mrs. Margaret Hall, Superintendent.
Miss Vein PIcknrd, Graduate Nurse.
medical services county poor, $7.50
Whereupon tho board adjourns to
Nov. 15, 1915.
C. w. YOST, County cierK.
November 15, 1915.
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present Horminghausen, springer,
White and county clork.
Tho following claims wore allowed
on general fund towlt: A. P. Kelly,
printing and publishing, $;ioj.2j;u
Physician nnd Surgeon
Rest for Humanity's Cure Orlficial
Surgery with Homeopathic Medi
cine for Acute nnd Chronic Disease.
joira sdims, ar. d.,
Physician nnd Surgeon
Walker, salary as poormastor to Nov. Office 13. & L. Building, Second Floor
i?' II5:.0 i r;Jttw : Phono. Omce, 88; Residence 38.
cphono Co. rent for Nov. $18.75; Nobr.
Tolephono Co. toll charges to Sept. 20,
$2G.28: A. B. Hoagland, auto lure,
$83.30; Marrlon Wessner, caro county
poor. $10.00; Tho Hub merchandise
county poor. $8.75; Fred Tobas, dray.
age, $3.00; Isaac Solby, muBo county
poor, $10.20; Jens Sonvmer, mdse
county poor, $23.05, Isaac Sclby, mdse
county poor, $35.40; Emma Pulver
caro of county poor, $i44.iu; u. 11.
.... . i ti rt o o
Whtto, services anu niuuugu ?wi t t TtPTiVTiOTn
Tin on Pacific Railroad Co. land and ""
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Soimner, mdse omco McDonald Stato Bank Building.
non Cnlliu 1111 DQl - .
Cornor Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Resldenco 283
Add Tills Fuct To Your Store of
. . . . 'Knowledge
Kidney disease often advances so
nrpldly that many a person is firmly
in its grasp before awaro of-Its pro
gress. Prompt attention should bo
given tho slightest symptom of kidney
disorder. If thoro Is a dull pain in the
back, headaches, dizzy spells or a
tired worn-out feeling, or if tho kid
noy secretions aro offensive, lrrgular
and attended by pain, procuro a good
kidney remedy at onco.
Your iownspooplo recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills Mtcad tho state
ment of this North Platte citizen.
Mrs. Christian Pickett, 318 East B
street, North latte, Neb., says: "I
havo used Doan's Kidney Pills and
havo found them to bo Just tho medi
cine I needed for backache and other
kidney disorders. Whenever I nm suf
ferlng from these troubles. I tako
Doan's Kidney Pills and they give mo
relief. Others of my family havo taken
Doan's Kidney Pills with fine results
Price BOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mrs. Pickett had. Foster-Mllburn
Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y.
dirt for now bridge, $350.00.
Allowed on brldgo fund, A. Rob
inson, bridge work, $1S.50; M. C. Rod-
gers, nails, $5.10.
Allowed on road .district 43: J. M,
Fnlnv. road work. S35.G0: H. A. Gib
son road work. $25.00; Earl Elwood, Office Phone 642
road work, $5.fi0; Chris Kronogg, road
work. $21.20: Alfred Brown, road
work, $11.00; E. W. Whlttakor, road
work. $10.80: W. S. Masters, road
work dstrlct 57, $10.00; Peter Young,
road work district 4, $0.00.
Allowed on commissioners' district
Successor to
JJrs. Redfleld & Redfleld'
Res. Phone G70
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
funds: Ed Gilman. road work, on dis- Bight years a Government Vetcrinar-
trlot 2, $02.00; Glias
When needing life iiiHunmce don'
liny blue sky, but good, safe old lino
like (be Mutunl Life of Now York,
IN owing snler, niMper or heller, hv
us show you how dhldcndri iieurly
pay premiums, nr. VTi' ; guimmiaa.
insinct akcwk.
A Case of Deception.
An Omahn paper says Elvan II.
Friend hns applied for a divorce from
his wife, who was formorly-Mrs. Ver
non Smith, and whose maiden name
was Hortha Scott, a formor North
Platte girl. Vornon Smith it will be
remembered, wns killed In tho local
flouring mill a year ago. Friend al
leges trat hs wlfo docolvcd him by
legos that his wlfo deceived him by
representing herself ns Miss Scott and
as a woman who had novcr married,
whoreas sho wns a widow with tlireo
children. IIo says he loft hov when ho
ascertained tho truth nnd now seeks
to havo marrlago annulled.
Dr. Brook, Dentist, has moved lilg
offlco to the RoynoldB building over
Stone's Drug Storo. 83tf
Fowles, road
work, on district 2. $4,00: R. W.
Schlolehor, road work, on district 2
$24.00; W D. Waldo, grading on dis
trict 2. $100.00.
By permission of tho Paxton and
Horshoy Ditch Co. tho county board
horoby authorlzo Henry Fulk to lower
tho nine under said ditch on bee. 15, T
14, R. 33, from tho public road at said
place according to tho Biirvcy of coun
ty surveyor, at the expense of tho
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housb. -
J. J. Crawford left Friday afternoon
for Coznd to Bpend a lew days.
Mrs. C. E. Souser left a few days
ago for Overton to spend a couple of
Masses Esther and Helen Sousor
have gone to Sidney to visit relatives
for a week or longer.
tax payors
ployed to prosecute the cattlo stealing rriCCS Keasonable
pnnoH nrw hifriri flin illntrlfit court.
The commsslonors hereby grant said Comer' 6th and Locust St.
petition and authorlzo tho county at
torney to employ such, additional legal MRS. C. F. JOHNSTON, Prop.
Inlnnt I
AVheroupon tho bord ndjourns until
C. W
Chicago. Georgo W. Perkins, con
ferring lmro with local leaders of
the progressive party, said that "tho
progressive party must nnd will havo
a national ticket In tip field In 191G."
Snn FranciBco. Tho question of pre
paredness, coming up unexpectedly
was threshed out beforo tho American
Federation of Labor with tho result
that a resolution protesting against
Introduction of military propaganda
In tho public schools was voted down
At a mooting of the Sarah Robokah
lodgo Friday evening tho following of
fleers wero elected: Noblo Grand
Floronco Stamp; vlco grand, Edith
Wondoborn: secretary, Mrs. Clara
Davis; treasurer, Mrs. Mntlo ProaBor
financial secretary, Mrs. Edith Vnn
Doran; trustee, Mrs. Mario Hoagland
Twonty-four membors of tho 500
club passed a delightful evening Frl
day as tho guests of Major and Mrs
Walkor and Mr. and Mrs. o. a. Clin
ton nt tho Wnlkor homo. Card woro
t)lnyvl until olovon, when a nice
lunch prepared by Mrs. Hart was
served. Misses Illldogardo Clinton
Vlrulna Dullard and Mnymo Plzor nB
slstlng. Following lunch those throe
young ladles entertained the guosts
with music. An out-of-town guest wbb
Miss Hazel McGulro of Choyonno.
The Omaha Beo's staff correspond
ont nt Lincoln writes to his paper that
nn organization Is bolng formed In
Lincoln which may later bocomo state
wide, that has for Its object sorvlng
notlco on Prosldont Wilson that U ho
continues to knuckle to W. J, Bryan
ho can not oxpoct support from tho
nntl-Bryan doraoorats of Nobraska,
Tho Btory may bo ovordrawn but thoro
is nevortholeBS consldorauio rouuda
tlon for it. and thoro is undonlably an
increasing determination with many
Nobraska democrats to unliorso a po
Utlcnl boss -whoso solflshnosB and ty-
ranical methods navo uocomo lntoi
erablo. Koarnoy .Hub.
YOST, County Clerk.
November 10, 1915,
Bonrd met sumo as yesterday. Pros
ont HermlnghausenJ Springer and
nntintv mnrk.
Claims allowed on general fund to limn anyone CISC. lJCIOie
j!:1!!10-'l!f": sell come and see me
$G.10; Llork-Sandnll Co. mdso county
Steam Heat, Running Hot and'
volitions presonicu .10 uio noani uy r i, w . . nll n rnnma
of Lincoln county aBklng """" "
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
p. Office 130
Phones Re3idence 115
I Am Paying More for
for Dry Bones.
North Platte Junk House
Lock's Old Barn.
n u. umbo cuumy Tw . mm
poor, $39.85; John Gaodko, caro of Eg- ve are paying iU rer ion
gort Martin, $83.05; J. D. AV. Lincoln,
digging gravo, $5.00; Rush Mercantile
Co. mdso county poor, $08.95; F. D
WoBtcnfold, mdso county poor, $21.95;
W. H. Morrlck Co., mdso county poor,
$15.00; a. W. Brown, mdso county
poor, $38,02; John Horrod, mdso coun
ty poor, $39.50; J. B. Hemphill, print
lug, $8.50; II. S. Covor, mdso county
poor, $2,G0; J. B. McDonald, mdso
county poor, $1.50; Sundry persons,
BtntlBtlcal roport 3rd quarter, $18.25;
Road district 25: A. K. Mclntlre,
roud work, $28.00; Robert Hornor, Jr
road work, 38.00
Tho following allowed on district .11
('. L. Ross, rond woik, $50.00. Harry
Morrov, road work $5.00; C. L. Ross,
logs am
Bought and highest market
prices paid
. W rA . i",ir!.,r iTi Residence Red 030 , Ofilco 459
! n, fl.UVf ULUIVJf Ul ll
0. I f ' 1LS WAT nPTCTL-SC?
Road district 54: Jcsso Blso, road IV. &.M., V v x-SlJU A JLiiiVtJ,
work, $5.00; G. R. Phillips, rond work,
$2.00; E. S. Wright, road work, $2.00; Probate Notlco
Road district 55: W. W. Huivtcr, in tho Matter of tho Estato of Jauies
m n n . 1 BBBH.UY An O f . Y 1 1 . - . . .1 I . .
lumi wont, josopu anaw, roiui liolton, Deceased.
work, $12.30. in tho County Court of Lincoln
uomi uisinct ix: u. w. lvunKio, roau County, Nebraska, Novembor 8, 1915,
Of (he Council of llie City of Xorth
IMnttv. Orcnllnir I'iivIhk District io. l
WIIUR13AS. tho City or North Platto
did at a special election held on Sep
tember 14th, 1910,' voto to authorize
the Issue of bonds In the sum of $16,000
for the mimosa of navlntr street Inter
sections and snaccs onnoslto alleys
within said city and which said bond
losuo 1b now available lor sucn pur-nose.
the Mayor and Council ot tho City of
North Platte, that Pavlnp District No.
1 of the City of North Platto be and the
same is hereby created to bo composed
of the following streots and portions
of streets therein and contained within
tho limits and boundaries herein set
forth nnd dellned. to-wlt:
All that portion of Locust Street
lyinjr between tho south side of Ninth
Street and the north sldo of Third
Street: all that portion of Dewey Street
lying between the north sldo of Front
Street and tho north side of Third
Street; all that portion of Pino Streo
v ni? lintwnnn tne norm siuo 01 i ron
Ktrcfit nnd the. south sldo Of Sixth
Street; all that portion or l"ront tjtroct
lylnff botween tho east line of Vino
Street and tho west lino of Chestnut
Street; all that portion of Sixth Street
lylnc between the eaBt lino of Vino
Htrnet nn1 the oast side of Pino Strout
all that fyortlon 0f Fifth Stroot lying
between tho east line of Vino Street
nnd tho west line of Pino Street; all
that nortlon of Fourth street iyinir oe
tween tho west lino of Locust Street
and tho west lino of l'lno Ktroot anu
a copy of this resolution bo publlshod
ior not leas man uuriy uays in uiu
North Plnttn Homl-Woeklv Tribune an
the North Platto Telegraph anu tnai
to nnn-rHli1niit nronortv owners shall
be mailed a copy of this resolution by
registered mall to tno last Known nu
dress of said respective non-rosldonts
nnd that unless a mnlorlty of tho own
ors of nronortv nbuttlnir on the with
in (lescrlbcil district snau mo wriiieu
objections to tho creation of saiu uis
tript nnd in tun nnvintr ana curninc o
same within thirty days from tho
ilntn nf thn (lrnt nublicntlon of this res
olution, then tho limits and boundaries
or this DlHtrict as uouneu snau uo oa-
tabl shod and tho navinir anu curuini?
thereof ordored by ordinance atd that
the Mnvor nnd Council shall proceed
forthwith to construct such pavement
subject to tho rlht of the property
owner thoroln to designato tho material
tO 1)0 UHCU.
Passed and approved this zist uay or
Ootober, 191G.
(SEAL Jlayor.
C. F. TEMPLE. City Clork.
work, $3.50.
Whoreupon tho board adjourns un
in tomorrow.
C. W. YOST, County Clork,
Notico Is horoby that tho creditors
of said deceased will moot tho admin
lstrator of said estato boforo tho Coun
ty Judgo of Lincoln County, Nobraska
at the County Court room, In said
F. E. Dullard loft Snturday for Fro- County, on tho 10th day of December,
mont to spond a tow days on buslnoss. 1915, and on tho 10th day of Juno,
Mrs. w. s nnian n,i .ini.., u o'ciocic a. m. oacii cay, tor
wont fJrn,1 T-lnn.l a..-,l VUllJUBO ui luuuuuB luuir uiuiiuo
i . t.u.., '"- for examination, adjustment and allow.
"o I nnnn Qlv rnnnt lia nrA nllnwml f nr
l MMWSJt r-J uvfuvaiM w mw ii vu s
Mrs. Josoph Fllllon, Jr.. has ac- creditors to prosent tholr claims, and
coptou a position as cashier at tho ono year for tno administrator to sot
Union Cafo. tlo said estato, from tho 10th day of
xxt m -n r ti...i . Docembor, 1015. This notlco will bo
r, iJUi.j, umuu xaiuitu. bliuill. I n. xth. Tin.t. m-it
t, , " "u'u u" uuo'"u" 4 ,1 u,u a legal nowspapor printed In . said
prior to Decctabor 10, 1915.
unlvorBlty, will spond Thanksgiving GEO. E. FRENCH,
wltu his parents. u9-4w county Judge.
412 En3t Third Street.
Phone Red 10J.
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical nnd confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Roy
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, HI. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redficld, M. D. J. S. Sinims, M.D.
Miss Elise Sieman, Supt.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Notlco of Special Election
Licensed Embnlmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black 588.
Cigars in the Home
For the next five months smokers
will spend their evenings Indoors, nnd
wnnt is more convenient 'imu moro
plcasurcable than a box of cigars nt
home, easily accessible when you have
an Inclination to Hinoke. Try a box
of our homc-innde nnd linud-mndo ci
gars, tho kind that arc n little better
Mum you buy elsewhcro for the same
Wo nlso carry a full lino of to
bncco nnd smokers' articles.
J. F. Schmalzried.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtuo of an alias order of salo
Issued from tlio District court or iin
coin County. Nobraska, upon a decreo
ot foreclosure rendorcd in said court,
whoroln C S. Cadwallador is plaintiff
and Jnmos F. Kclnsmlth. ot al, are
dorondants, and to tno directed, I will,
on tho 11th dav of Decombor, 1915, at
two o'clock P. M., at tho cast front
door of tlio Court Houso. in Norm
Plntto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil
at nubl o auction to tno nignest om
dor. for cash, to satisfy said docreo,
lntorost and costs, tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
East hnlf. (EVjL of Northwest ouar
tor, (NWVi) of Section thirty (301,
Townshln fifteen. (15). Range twenty
seven, (27), WeBt of tho Sixth (Cth),
P. M., Lincoln county, wouraBita.
Datod North Platto, Nobraska, No
vember Cth, 1915. ,
n9-5w 4. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
To Charles Brlttlngham, Joseph H.
Schick, Joseph H. Schick, Adminis
trator of the Estato of Gusslo
Schick, deceased, Catherine Lu
cile Schick, a minor: Joseph H,
Schick, father and natural guardian
of Catherlno Lucilo Schick, a minor,
South Bend Chilled Plow Company,
a corporation; Raclno Sjittley Com
pany of Nebraska, a corporation;
Raclno Sattloy Company , a corpora
tlon; Joel Turnoy & Company, a cor
poratlon; Challenge Company, t
corporrtlon; McFarlan Carriage
-Company, a Corporation, Mrs
Clnudo L. Abbott, Mrs. John C,
Camp, George F. Sawyor and Mrs,
Georgo F. Sawyer, non-resluent ae
You and ench of you will tako no
tlco that on Novembor 5, 1915, IL S.
Evans, Plaintiff, filed his certain pe
tition in the District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, bringing suit
against you and each of you, Im
pleaded with others, tho object and
prayer of which said petition are to
forecloso you and each of you of all
equity of redemption, claim, right, In
terest and title in and to tho follow
ing described lands situate In Lin
coln County. Nobraska, to-wlt: South
west Quarter (SW) of Section Four
(4), Township Nino (9) and tho East
Half CEVj.) and East Half of tho
Northwest Quarter (EV. & . ENWVi)
of Section Thirty-two (32), Town
ship Ten (10), North, all in linngo
Twontv-soven (27) and west of tho
fith P M.. to satisfy a lirst 110ns cmim
ed by plaintiff upon said promises by
virtuo of bolng tho owner of tax sale
rnrtmpnfft No. 47G5 anil No. 4((U 00
inir nortlllcatos of tho purchase of said
respective tracts of land from tho
Troasuror of said County at public
salo for tho taxes for tho year iuuu
nnii hv virtue of suuscauent taxes
nniil thoroon by nlalntlff, and accrued
lntorost, anu upon saiu tax curuuuuiu
No. 4705 thoro Is now duo tho sum of
S03.22 holntr a lion upon saiu bouin
weat Quarter of Section four, and tho
sum of $191.49 bolng a lien upon tho
ttnst Half and East liair or ino iNorm
west Quartorof Section Ten, and If
said resnectlvo sunra no noi paiu to
cother with accurlng Intorest thoreon
at tho rate of 15 per cent per annum
nml cost of suit within thirty days
from date of decreo had heroin that
sail rospectvo tracts bo soia in sat.
tsfnctlon thereof.
You and each of you will make
answor to Bald potltlon on or boforo
Dnccmhor 20th. 1915. or decreo will
bo taken against you as in Bald potl
tlon prayed.
. H. S. EVANS, Plaintiff,
By E. II. EVANS, His Attorney,
Notlco Is hereby given that on tho
7th day of Docombcr, 1916, a apodal
oloction will bo hold in tho School Dis
trict of tho City of North Platto, in tho
County of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Ne
braska; the polling places to bo as
follows: For that portion of said Dis
trict north of tho tracks of tho Union
Pacific Railroad Company, at the Hoso
Houso in tho Fourth Ward In tho City
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska; for that portion of said Dis
trict south of tho tracks of the Union
Pacific Railroad Company and west
of Dewey street, and public road No.
G, which Is a continuation of Dewey
Street, at tho Hoso Houso in tho
Third Ward of said City ot North
Platto; and for that portion of said
District south of tho tracks of tlio Un
ion iPaclflc Railroad Company and
east of said Dowoy Street and public
road No. 0, tho same being a contlnu
tlon of Dowoy street, at Lloyd's Opera
Houso In tho First Ward In tlio City
of North Platte.
At which said election tho following
proposition will bo submitted to the
voters of said School District:
"Shall tho School District of tho
City of North Platto, in tho County ot
Lincoln, In the Stato of Nebraska, Is
suo Its negotiable bonds In tho sum
of Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000.00)
in denominations of $1,000.00 each
dated on the first day of April, 1910,
bearing Interest at tho rate of 5 per
cent per annum, payable seml-annu-aljy,
principal and Interest payable
at tho fiscal agency of tho Stato of Ne
braska In tho City of Now York and
payable as follows, to-wlt: In twen
ty years from tho dato thereof, but
may bo pjatd at any time after ten
years from tho dato thereof at tho op
tion of tho Board of Education of said
School District.
Said bonds to be issued for tho pur
pose of erecting and furnishing one
14 room school building In tho First
Ward of tho City of North Platto, Ne
braska, on Block 144 in said ward.
And shall tho Board of Education of
the School District of the City of
North Platto, In the County of Lin
coln, in the Stato of Nebraska, be
alhorlzed to cause to bo levied and
collected, a tax annually in amount
sufficient to pay tho Interest and prin
cipal of said bonds, as tho samo ma
ture, in addition to the taxes now au
thorized to bo levied by law, on all
property within the said School District.
Tho ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall havo printed thereon:
"For issuing $50,000.00 of tho
bonds of. tho School District of
the City of North Platto, In the County
of Lincoln, In the Stato of Nebraska,
for the purpose of erecting and fur
nishing ono 14 room school building
on block 144 in the First Ward of tho
City of North Platto, Nebraska, In said
District. Said bonds to be negotiable
in form and to bear interest at the
rate of five, per cent per annum, pay-
able semi-annually, principal and In
terest nayablo at the fiscal agency of
tho Stato of Nebraska, In the city of
New York and which said bonds shall
be duo as follows: In twenty years
from the date thereof, but may ba
paid at any tlmo after ten years from
tho. date thereof, at the option of the
Board, of Education of saiu school
district; and for levying and collect
ing a tax annually in an amount suf
ficient to pay the interest and princi
pal of said bonds, as the same mature.
In addition to the taxes now authorized
to be levied by law, on all property
within the said school district."
"Against Issuing $50,000.00 of tho
bonds of tho School District of tho
City ot Nortli Platte, In tho County of
Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska, for
the purpose of erecting and furnishing
ono 14 room school building on block
144 in tho First Ward of the City of
North Platte, Nebraska, within said
district. Said bonds to be negotiable
in form and to bear Interest at the
rate of five per cent per annum pay
able semi-annually, principal and In
terest payable at tho fiscal agency of
tho Stato of Nebraska In the City of
Now York, and wllch teald bonds
shall be due as follows: In twenty
years from the. dato thereof but may
bo paid at any time after ten. years
from the dato -thereof, at the option
of the Board of Education of said
School District; and against levying
and collecting a tax annually, in an
amount sufficient to pay the inter
est and principal of said bonds, as
tho same, mature, in addition to tho
taxes, now authorized by law, on all
property within the said school dis
Those voting In favor of said prop
osition shall mark their ballots with
an "X" after the paragraph beginning
For Issuing $50,000.00 of tho bondB
of tho School District of tho City ot
North Platte, in tho County of Lincoln,
In tho Stato of Nobraska."
Those voting against said proposi
tion shall mark their ballots with an
"X" after tho paragraph beginning
'Against issuing $50,000.00 of the bonds
of tho School District of tho City ot
North Platte, In tho County of Lin
coln, in the Stato of Nebraska."
Said election to bo open nt (S)
eight o'clock a. m. and continue open
until (G) six o'clock p. m. central
time on said dato.
Dated this 1st day of November, 1915.
By order of the Board of Education.
E. T. TRAMP, President.
A. F. STREITZ, Secretary.
Probato Notice.
In tho Matter of the Estato of Charles
Llerk, Sr, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska, November 12, 1916.
Notice Is herby given. That tho cred
itors of Bald deceased will meet the
Administrator of said Estato, boforo
tho County Judgo of Lincoln County,
Nobraska, nt tho County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 17th day of De
combor, 1916, and on tho 17th day of
June, 191G, at 9 o'colck a. m each
day, for tho purposo of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment nnd allowance. Six months are
allowed for crodltora to present their
claims, and ono year for tho Adminis
trator to sottlo said Estato, from tho
17th day of December, 1915. This
notlco will bo published in the North
Platto Trlbuno a newspaper printed In
said County, for four weeks succes
sively, preceding Doc. 17, 1916.
nlG-4 County Judge.