The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 23, 1915, Image 7

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The 1915 Yield of Grain "Keeps
Western Canada to the Front.
Tho great publicity that has been
given to tho grain yields of tho Prov
inces ol Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, tho three provinces that com
prlso that portion of Western Canada
cast of tho British Columbia boundary,
has kept Canada to tho front with a
promlnenco that Is merited.
Tho grain crop of tho threo prov
lncos has now boon harvested, and suf
ficient of it has been threshed bo that
it is no longer a mattor of estimato as
to tho returns. It is safo to say that
tho ontiro yield of wheat will bo up
wards of 275,000,000 bushels, and tho
averago yield well over 25 bushels per
aero. In proportion to tho aggregato
this is perhaps tho largest yield over
known on tho continent.
Most of this wheat will grado No. 1
northern, and, better, and with pres
ent prices the condition of tho farm
or is to bo envied. Many individual
yields aro reported, and verified, and
thoy aro almost beyond belief, but
they go to show that under tho care
ful system of agriculture that pro
duced thoso yields WesteruCanada
would havo far exceeded a 300,000,000
production of wheat in 1915 had tho
system been universal.
It was not in one or two districts
that big yields havo been made known.
Tho reports come from all parts of
tho 24,000 squaro miles of territory in
which tho growing of wheat is car
ried on.
Mr. Elmir Seller, a farmer south of
Strassburg, Sask., has harvested 5,465
bushels No. 1 hard wheat from 160
Jas. A. Benner, near Daysland, Al
berta, sayB his wheat went over 40
bushels to tho acre, with an all round
crop of 33 bushels to the acre.
J. N. Wagner, near tho same place,
also lays claim to over 40 bushels of
wheat per acre.
A Norwegian farmer, named S. A.
Tofthagon, not far from Daysland,
had 23 acres of wheat which gave a
yield of 47 bushels to the acre.
Well, then, near Glelchen, Alberta,
D. H. Englo of Humboldt, Iowa, owns
a quarter section of land. This land
was rentod so that Mr. Englo should
receive one-third of the crop, and this
gave him $612.65, hlB net rental for
the crop, and thero was only 80 acres
in crop.
Scores of reports glvo yields fully
as largo as thoso given above. A
large field of spring wheat near Loth
bridgo averaged 69 bushels, another 59
and a third 56 bushels per acre. On
tho Jail farm at Lethbrldge 25 acres
of Marquis wheat yielded 60 bushels to
tho aero and weighed 67 pounds to tho
bushel. A test lot of ono aero of Mar
quis wheat when threshed yielded 99
bushels and a 30 aero field averaged
601-3 bushels. This farm had 200
acres under crop to Marquis wheat
and It is expected tho averago from
the whole will exceed 50 bushels.
In all portions of Saskatchewan and
Manitoba, as well, remarkable yields
aro roported, many large fields show
ing averages of from 40 to 55 bushels
per acre.
When the story of this year's thresh
ing is completed some extraordinary
yields will -bo heard of. Ono farmer
west of Unity, Saskatchewan, threshed
10,000 bushels of No. 1 northern from
200 acres and such instances will not
bo isolated.
Considerable of the wheat grown in
Western Canada is finding its way to
the markets of tho United States, not
withstanding tho duty of ten cents
per bushel. Tho miller in tho United
States finds Western Canadian wheat
necessary for the blending of tho high
class flour that Is demanded by somo
millers. Alroady near a hundred
thousand bushels of tho 1915 crop has
found its way to tho Minneapolis, Du
luth, St. Louis and other markets.
It was not in wheat alono that there
were extraordinary yields. A farmer
living south of Wadena, Sask., har
vested 900-bushelB of oats from ten
acres. S. A. Tofthagon of Daysland
beforo referred to had oats which
yielded 110 bushels to tho acre, while
thoso of J. N. Wagner went 90 bush
els to tho acre.
As is pointed out by a Toronto pa
per Canada's great good fortune and
splendid service as tho Granary of tho
Emplro aro revealed in tho record
harvest from her rich fields of wheat
and other grains. "Tho foundation of
Its prosperity' is solid and enduring.
While mines may bo exhausted and
lumber may disappear through im
provident management, agriculture is
a perpetual source of wealth, increas
ing from year to year by tho stimulus
of individual Industry and personal In
terest. A wheat harvost of 336,250,000
bushels from 13,000,000 acres, an av
orago yield of 26 bushels to tho aero.
Tho substantial nature of this growth
in production is shown by tho fact
that tho harvest returns are 72 per
cent greater than tho averago for the
past flvo years.
Tho same satisfactory and highly
Important success has been attained
In other grain crops. Tho aggregato
yield of oats is 481,035,500 bushels
from tho 11,305,000 acres under crop.
Of this yield 305,680,000 bushels aro
from tho threo Pralrlo Provinces.
Theso provinces also contribute 304,
200,000 bushels of wheat. Tho bar
loy harvest is 50,868,000 bushels from
1,509,350 acres, an avorago yield of
33.7 bushels per aero."
"Tho impression ono gotB in going
through Alberta, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba," said a trnvelor from tho
East, "Is that all tho horses and teamp
and all tho threshing machines en
gaged mako no Impression on tho
crops, nnd that It will tako six months
to throsh tho grain out; but two
weeks ago tho Canadian Pacific rail
way wcro having a dally shipment .of
1,700 cars of wheat from tho threo
provinces, and a week ago they had
got tip to 2,100 cars a day. And be
sides this thero Is tho Canadian North
ern railway and tho Grand Trunk Pa
cific, so an enormous quantity must
bo being shipped out of tho provinces,
Tho wealthier farmors aro building
large granaries on their farms, while
there Is a great improvement In tho
storago facilities provided by tho gov
ernment." It is thereforo no wonder that the
greatest Interest was Bhown by thoso
who attended the Soli Products Ex
position held at Denver a short tlmo
ago, when It was demonstrated that It
was not only In quantity that Western
Canada still occupied tho primary po
sition. It was thero that Westorn
Canada again proved Its supremacy.
In wheat, it was early conceded that
Canada would bo a winner, and this
was easily tho caso, not only did It win
tho big prize, but It carried off tho
sweepstakes. What, however, to thoso
who wero representing Canada at this
exposition, was of greater value proba
bly, was winning first and second prize
for alfalfa. Tho exhibits wore beauti
ful and pronounced by old alfalfa
growers to be tho best they had over
seen. First, second and third cuttings
of this year's growth wero shown.
At this same exposition, thero were
shown somo excellent samples of fod
der corn, grown In tho Swift Current
Topping tho range cattle market In
Chicago a short tlmo ago is another of
tho feats accomplished by Westorn
Canada this year.
On Wednesday, October 13, Clay,
Robinson and company sold at Chi
cago for E. H. Maunsell, Macleod, Al
berta, a consignment of cattle, 17 head
of which, averaging 1,420 pounds,
brought $8.90 per hundredweight, top
ping tho range cattle market for tho
week to date. Tho same firm also
sold for Mr. Maunsell 206 head, aver
aging 1,240 pounds, at $8.55, without a
throwout. Theso were all grass cat
tle. They wero purchased by Armour
and company. Clay, Robinson and
company describe tho cattlo as of
very nice quality, In excellent condi
tion, and a great credit to Mr. Maun
sell. It speaks well for our Canadian
cattlo raisers that they can produce
stock good enough to top tho Chicago
market against strong competition,
thero being over 4,000 rango cattle-on
sale that day.
It is ono thing to produce crops
such as are referred to, and another
to get them to market. Tho facilities
of Western Canada aro excellent. The
railway companies, of which there aro
three, tho Canadian Pacific, the Cana
dian Northern and tho Grand Trunk
Pacific, havo tho mark of efficiency
stamped upon all tholr work. Besides
the main trunk lines of theso systems,
which extend from ocean to ocean,
thero aro branch lines and laterals,
feeders which enter into remote parts
of tho farming districts, nnd give to
tho farmer immediate access to the
world's grain markets. Tho elevator
capacity of the country is something
enormous, and if tho flguros can bo
digested, the full extent of tho grain
producing powerB of Western Canada
may be realized. The total elevator
capacity is about 170,000,000 bushels,
or nearly one-half of tho entire wheat
production of tho Dominion in 1915.
Of this large storago facilities tho
country elevators number 2,800, with
a capacity of 95,000,000 bushels. Advertisement.
Device to Save.
A new device -brought out by an
Englishman puts an end to waste of
tlmo In using tho telephone. Tho In
vention Is called an amplifier and can
bo connected with tho receiver by
pressing a button. By this simple
arrangomont ono does not havo to wait
at tho telephone while tho person at
tho other end goes in search of tho
person you seek. Instead, tho ampli
fier Is switched on. Tho receiver can
then bo placed on tho desk and work
of tho caller resumed. When tho
party sought calls his tono is greatly
Increased by tho amplifier and can bo
heard across a large-sized room.
A Good Day.
"Lady," said tho wayfarer, "though
I look llko .a common tramp, I was
not always like this. I havo seen bet
ter days."
"That's what thoy all say," an
swered tho lady of tho houso scorn
fully. "It's true, Just tho samo," insisted
tho shabby one. "Why, ono day last
week I got six hand-outs of grub and
four dollars In real money."
Circumstantial Evidence.
Tho klddlo chanced to sit near a
plate containing npplo parings. Aftor
a long wait, during which no offer was
raado of hospitality, tho child finally
blurted out:
"I smell apples."
"Yes," said tho lndy of tho houso,
"you smell thoso parings."
"Parings nothing!" exclaimed tho
kiddle, "I smell wholo apples!"
One Advantage.
"Do you find living with alimony bet
tor than living with a husband?"
"I should Bay I do.- That comes In
regularly, at least."
A man isn't necessarily polished just
becauso you see his finish.
A man Boon gets used to the dis
trust he has of himself.
A slono nt for tho wall will not bo
left by tho roadside. Persian Proverb.
Whenever you nro fcollns blue.
Something for romcono clso go do.
This is tho season when wo look,
over tho household furnishings, wear
ing apparel and
brlc-a-brac to seo
what may bo dis
posed of and what
must bo reserved.
We find clothing
which is out of
stylo but good,
playthings and or
naments which our household hnB out
grown, which will bo appreciated In
somo other home and will lessen tho
burden of things to care for in our
own homes.
Tho modern homo of tho efficient
housokeoper today Is slmplo, becauso
she cares raoro for tho things worth
whllo than to spend hor tlmo In dust
ing useless ornaments and compli
cated furniture Woodwork In tho
home should bo plain, so that there ts
no place for dust to lodge. This need
not sacrlfico beauty, for' tho Hues
may bo just as beautiful' if slmplo.
- When making new comforters tho
wool batting is much warmer and
lighter and makes an altogether moro
satisfactory comforter than tho cot-,
ton batting. Tho cost Ib an item to
bo considered, of' course, as an ordi
nary comforter takes two pounds of
tho wool nnd costs 85 or 90 cents
pound. Tho wool batting should bo
covered with a thin cheesecloth which
keeps tho wool from pushing through
tho covor and also protects It as tho
outsldo may thon bo removod and
washed or a now cover put on.
Light, washablo draperies for bed
rooms, small rugs and floors so
finished that an oil mop will keep
them clean and dustless, aro tho sen
sible and practical as well as tho
most economical furnishings.
Furs and underwear should boJ
brought out, well brushed and aired
before wearing; even If moth balls aro
not objectionable to you, "thero aro
others." Tho odor of moth balls In
a crowded car or heated room, 1b
something too sickening to mention;
no wonder any solf-respectlng moth
would refuse to occupy tho same
quarters. Clothing that Is aired often
and worn occasionally Is not apt to
becomo a harbor for moths. Furs
wrapped in ordinary newspaper, using
care to cover securely, is ono of the
best ways of keeping furs from moths.
Not to tho swift tho rac6, not to tho
etrone tho nght,
Not to tho righteous perfect grace,
not to tho wlso tho light.
Fry 12 onions In butter slowly, cov
ering during tho first half of tho
cooking, then let them
brown until tender.
Mash six hard-cooked
egg yolks, add a cupful
of milk gradually. Pour
this ovor tho onions, sea
son and add tho whites
of tho eggs, coarsoly
chopped. Let it sim
mer for threo minutes nnd sorvo with
browned rlco or mashed potatoes.
Cinnamon Toast. Toast bread
quickly, Bproad generously with but
ter nnd sprinkle with cinnamon and
sugar, well mixed; put in pairs and
cut. in triangles. Place in a hot oven
for a mlnuto or two, then servo on a
folded napkin on a hot piato.
Orange Biscuits. Shape rich bls
cult dough in small biscuit. Grato tho
rjnd and squoozo tho Juice from nn
orango. Dip as many lumps of sugar
in tho julco as there aro biscuit.
Plungo ono lump in each biscuit,
Bprinklo with tho rind and bako in
a hot oven. Servo ho1, or cold.
Halibut Baked In Milk. Tako a
two-pound slice of halibut, lay in .-.
deep baking dich or flroproof platter,
season with Bait, popper and parsley,
dredgo with flour and dot with bits if
butter. Add milk to tho depth of one
Inch, lay ovor a sllcod onion and a fow
minced colory tips. Bako gently for
50 minutes in a moderato oven.
Sour Cream Doughnuts. Take a
cupful each of Bour cream and sour
milk, add a teaspoonful each of salt,
soda and gingor, mix well, add a half
cupful of sugar, beat in threo cupfuls
of flour, thon add two woll-beaten eggs
and flour enough to roll without stick
ing. Fry in deep hot fat.
Bisque Cream. Tako a half pound
of peanut brittle, put through tho food
chopper, whip a ptnt of cream, com
bine mlxturps; pour into n mold and
set In ice for four hours. Cover tho
mold with waxed paper beforo placing
tho cover.
Gas From Sawdust.
Engineers havo taught that wood
Joss than four to six Inches diameter
could not bo distilled In gas-making
bocauso of Its tondency to burn up
rnpldly when tho tomporaturo reaches
275 degrees Contlgrado. it has now
been shown that ovsn sawdust can bo
distilled In gas mating If tho retort Is
heated very slowly up to 100 degrees
Centigrade, and thon stopping tho ex
ternal heating until tho tomporaturo
reaches a maximum, heating again
and finishing tho distillation y rats-
dlvo us, oh glvo us, tho mnn who
sings nt his work. Uo his occupation
what It may, ho Is equal to any of
thoso who follow tho samo pursuit In
silent sullcnness. Ho docs inoro In
the samo time ho will do It better
he will persovoro longor. Thomnt
Proparo a sllco of venl from tho leg
by cutting In servlng-slzed pieces and
pound thorn to about a
half inch in thickness.
Roll in fiour nnd saute
in hot fat salt pork un
til brown on both Bides.
When brown romovo tc
a cassorolo, pour broth
or hot water into tho
frylnc nan and boll until
nil tho browned Juices aro removed,
then add this to tho cassorolo. Salt
and poppor should bo added, cover
and let cook In a moderato oven for an
hour. Servo from tho casBerolo. To
mato pureo may bo added If desired.
Pineapple Cream. Boll a third of a
cupful of grated plno npplo, Julco and
pulp, to tho soft-hall stage, thou pour
In a fine stream on an egg, beaten stiff.
When cold fold in-n cup of beaten
cream. A tablcspoonful of lemon
Julco may bo added to intensify the
flavor of tho pineapple.
Pear Salad. A most dainty and ap
petizing salad 1b ono of canned pears
cut In half and placed on whlto leaves
of lettuce, tho cut, side down. On top
of tho pear urrango a tablcspoonful or
two of skinned seeded white grapes,
cut in half, and a spoonful of mayon
nalbo dressing.
Stuffed Tomatoes. Select, eight
smooth, small-sized tomatoes; chill,
reniovo tho Bkln, cut out a portion
around tho stem and remove tho cen
ters with a spoon. Havo ready throo
fourths of a cupful of Bhrcdded cab
bage, ono greon poppor chopped fine,
the pulp taken from tho tomatoes, a
toblespoonful of scraped onion, and
a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of
paprika. Mix all together and fill tho
tomatoes. Set thom on crisp heart
leaves of lottuco and dispose generous
spoonfuls of mayonnaise aBovo tho
filling in each tomato.
Whatever narrows tho environment
of Individuals, or limits their activi
ties, stops tholr growth and stops so
cial progress. Prof. Simon Patton.
Good cooking will mako nlniost any
meat tender and bad cooking will
toughon tho best
of meats. Lean
moat is mado up of
bundles of hollow
flbors, filled with
juices llko tho
whlto of an egg. It
meat llos in cold
water tho lutcas
are dissolved, if cooked at. too high a
tomporaturo tho flbors aro toughened
nnd becomo hard. Tho objoct of cook
ing meat is to mako it both palatablo
and more digestible If meat is put
Into boiling water or a hot oven to
soar it ovor, then tho heat reduced to
simmer it until tendor, tho meat will
bo Juicy, tender and of good flavor.
Venison will soon bo in season and
when carefully cooked Is a most tasty
dish. Wipe tho moat with a damp
cloth. Placo on a meat board and
pound to mako an oven roast, use
strips of fnt pork on top, pound thom
In. Place In a deep dish" and cover
with J.hls marlriado to season and
mako tho meat tendor. Ono cupful of
olivo oil, two cupfuls of vinegar, threo
sliced onions, two sliced carrots, two
stalks of celery chopped, a fow sprigs'
of parsloy and two bay loaves, a-little
poppor and thyme. Turn tho meat
sovoral times bo that every portion is
seasoned. When ready to roast, tlo up
In compact shapo, romoving all tho
shreds of vegetables that cling to tho
meat. Put a fow thin slices of salt
pork Into tho roasting pan nnd lay in
tho meat, wol dredged with salt, pop
per and flour. Sot into a hot oven and
basto every ten minutes for tho flrBt
half hour. When tho roast is nicely
browned all over, roduco tho heat and
cook slowly, allowing ton minutes to
tho pound after It Is browned. A lit
tle currant Jolly added to tho basting
gravy adds to tho flavor. Sorvo rnro,
accompanied with spiced grnpo Jolly.
Creole Soup. Tako a pint of stowed
tomatoes, and ono green popper, sliced
thin, a pint of woll-seasoned stock,
with seasoning of celery, popper and
salt to taste. Simmer for fifteen mln
uteB, then bind with two tnblcspoon
fuls each of flour and buttor cooked
together, Strain nnd servo piping hot.
ing tho tompernturo aB rapidly ns pos
sihlo-to 400 degrees Centigrade, or n
Httlo over.
They Did It.
"A queer thing happened at Mro.
Urown's dinner tho other nlglit." '
"What was it?"
"Aftor tho corn on tho cob was
passed our hostess said: 'I hop?, you'll
mako yourselves perfectly at homo.'"
"Immediately twolvo pairs of olbow
wero planted od the tabK"
Children Cry
Tlio Kind Yon Havo Always
in uso for ovor 30 years,
All Counterfoil, Imitations and " Juat-na-good" nro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the' health ol
Jnfants and Children Experience against HxpcrJincnt.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnfltorla is a harmless suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is plonsnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic)
substance Its nrro is its guarantee. It dostroys Worms
and allays Fevorlshnoss. For moro than thirty years ife
c has boon in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation,
flatulency, Wind Colic, all Toothing Tronblos and
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach, and Bowels,
assimilates tho Food, giving1 healthy and natural sloop
Tho CWldrou's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
Bears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Chase Vic Unpropltlous Mood.
In tho prcsonco of manifest duty it
is our prlvliego to treat an unpropl
tlous mood with scant courtcBy. Wo
may havo to swoop It out of our path,
without so much as an "If you please."
Used Whenever Quinine is Needed
Does Not Affect the Head
Deennso of Its tonlo and laxative effect LAX
ATIVE BUOMO QUININE 'will be found better
than ordinary Qulnltio for any purpose for
which Qululno fa UBcd. Does not causa ner
vousness nor ringing In head, Ilemember there
In ouly ono "llromo Qululno. ' That Is Laxa
ttvo llrouio Qitlnluo. Look for elguuturo ol
E. W. Grove. S5e. Adv.
A man doesn't necessarily beliovo
all you say just becauso ho doesn't
call you a liar.
If a woman would havo tho neigh
bors rospect her husband she must
sot an examplo.
Sufferers from Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
Boforo an Insuranco Company will
tako a risk on your lifo tho oxamlning
physician will test tho urino and re
port whothor you aro. a good risk.
When your kldneyb got sluggish and
clog, you suffer from backacho, sick
hcadacho, dizzy spoils, or tho twingos
and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
gout. Tho urino is often cloudy, full
of sediment; channels often got soro
and Bleep Is disturbed two or throo
times a night. This is tho tlmo you
should consult somo physician of wldo
experience such as Dr. Plorco, of tho
Invalids! Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for
samplo package of his now discovory
"Anuric." Writo him your symptoms
and sond a samplo of urino for test.
Nothing Unusual.
Any pretty girls at tho hotel whore
you spont tho summer?"
"Yes, indeed," ropllod tho man
whoso fow remaining strands of hair
wore laid out to tho best advantage.
"Did thoy show you any atten
tion?" "Thoy showed mo Just as Httlo as
thoy could."
"Tough luck!"
"I rather oxpocted It. You seo, thoy
wero waitresses."
Follows Use of Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment Trial Free.
By bathing and anointing thesQ. fra
grant suporcrcamy emollients impart
to tender, sensitive or irritated, itch
ing skins a feeling of intense skin
comfort difficult for ono to rcallzo who
has novor used them for llko purposes.
Cultivato an acquaintance with thom.
Samplo each frco by mall with Book.
AddrcsB postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston, Sold everywhere. Ady.
Good BualnoBs.
"What Is a financier, papa?"
"A financier, my son, Is a man who
can borrow monoy and mako tho
londor pay lntorest on It."
You enn rely on a man to kcop his
word when It Is to his ndvantago so
to do.
Energy can dispel gloom.
but tired
us look
than we
Old age
and Dull
out Tell
Yam age
Marln Ey Bmcir OoaputT, Chlci, 8n Btox ettt j upon Mqitit.
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has fcocn.
lias homo tho slgnnturo of
nnu wis peon niauo turner nis per
sonal supervision slnco Its Infancy
Allow no ono todocolvo you In this.
Sfgnature of
Why Ho Was Sad.
"Why bo Bad and downcast?"
"My wlfo has thrcatonod to leave
"Choor up. Women aro always
threatening something llko that, but
thoy hardly ovor do it."
"That's what I was thinking."
Red Cross Ball Blue, mado in America,
thereforo tho best, delights the housewife.
All good grocers. Adv.
it wo had no troublos but reul onos
this wouldn't bo such a troublosomo '
old world.
To keen clean nnd healthy take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels nnd stomach. Adv.
Tho average woman" 1b willing to ad
mit that any man is perfect who
thinks Bho is perfect.
Exporicnco has taught Dr. Fiorco that
"Anuric" is tho most powerful agent
in dissolving uric acid, as hot wator
molts Bugar, besides bolng absolutely
harmless and is endowed with other
proportlos, for It preserves tho kid
nays in a hoalthy condition by thor
oughly cleansing thom. ChockB tho do
generation of tho blood-vosBols, as well
as regulating blood pressure. "Anuric'
is a rogular Insuranco and llfo-saver
for all big meat eaters and thoso who
doposlt Hmo-Bults in their Joints. Ask
tho druggist for "Anuric" put up by Dr.
Plorco, in 60-cent packages.
Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription
makes weak women strong, sick
women well, no alcohol. Sold in tab
lots or liquid.
Reasons for Eating Fruit.
1. Becauso It is appetizing and pal
2. Becauno it 1b refreshing and
thirst quenching.
3. Becauso of its nutrltivo proper-
4. On account of Its salts anil
G. On account of its action on tho
G. Us laxativo proportlos.
For a really Ono coffee at a mod
erato price, drink Denlson's Somlnola
Brand, 35o tho lb., in sealed cans.
Only ono merchant In each town
sells Seminole. If your grocer lBn't
tho ono, writo tho Denlson Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and the name
of your Seminole dealer.
Buy the 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00,
Useful Friends.
"I hopo you aro soloctlng playmates
whoso companionship will bo of value
to you," said Jimmy's mothor.
"Oh, suro," ropllod Jimmy. "Skinny
Jones is showin' mo how to spit
through my tooth, and Tug Iiigglns
says If I'll glvo him my rollor BkatoB
ho'll teach mo tho punch that knocked
out Jim Corbett."
An ornery man s dog sticks to his
master. But a good man's dog often
disappears, leaving no cluo.
Tho worBo tho weathor today, tho
better It may bo tomorrow.
After the
EO home
your Eyes.
will rest,
Have it