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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1915)
A f f 'If A DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, ,s ., Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonuld v Stato Bnnk. CITY AJTD COUNTY jNEAVS. Attorney Albert Muldoon went to Ogalalla yesterday morning on legal mutters. Miss Eunice Drogan, of Keystone, visited tho Misses Ilerrod the latter part of last Week. Miss Alta Hoy, of Garflold, cumo yesterday morning to visit Miss Eva x .Baker for n week. Ed Votaw., of tho Muywood Mill Co., came over yesterday to visit friends and transact business. A. E. Tlmmorman will leave tomor row morning In his car for York to attend the foot ball game. Frank "Winn, of Kearney, spent yes terday In town renewing acquaintance with old-time frionds. "Ted" Bogue has returned from Lin-1 coin where he spent the week end and attended the foot ball game. Mrs. George. Lumas and sister who havo been Visiting in Grand Island, returned homo Saturday evening. Take your choice of any Fall Suit In thestoro formerly sold up to $22X0 for ?10 at BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. O'Nell of Lincoln, enmo last evening to visit tho former's aunts Mrs. Wm, Stack and Mrs. John Tighe. Attorney It.- P. Halligan went to Arthur yesterday morning whero ho will transact legal business for several days. , Miss Ella Weaver has resigned her position at tho Kauffman-Wernett store. She is succeeded by Miss Beulah McGraw. Miss Bertha Thoelecke left for her homestead at Melroso Saturday, after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Thoelecke. Mrs. S. C. Munson returned to San Francisco Sunday morning after an extended' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Baskins. ,.. "" Merode Union Suits In wool or cot ton, high or low neck, long or short sleeves, or sleeveless, 50c up at BLOCK'S.' Percy Scliott- who has been em ployed In Omaha for several weeks, has been visiting the home folks for! several days past. 1 L. D. Newton came over from Well fleet Sunday to visit his family who are visiting Mrs. Newton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Julius Pizer' left Sunday morning for Grand Island to spend a few days with his brother while ehroute to Chi cago and New York to buy goods. Archie Hood, Cecil Cool and Willis Baker, who were injured in the foot ball game with Lexington Friday af ternoon, are receiving treatment at the City Hosptal and will be ready tor the Thanksgiving gamo with York. ij 1621 Thanksgiving. 1915 Tho l'lntto Valley State Bnnk will he closed on Thanksgiving Day. Wo cannot join in the obscrvnnce of Thanksgiving better tlian to offer the Service nnd Facilities of this Bnnk to tho community, with the assurance II I) -vO1) . of sound hanking methods nnd cour teous consideration always. Platte Valley State Bank, y North PJatte, Nebraska. Money to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Rateo and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson Carl Knapp, of Cozad? was the gueat of Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Knowlcs last week, Jess Smith, wlio was laid up at Fnr nam for two weeks with an Injured right leg sustained by a fall from a motorcycle, has returned to town. General Superintendent Wm. Jef fors went through Sunday morning enrouto homo from Denver in his car "03" which was attaclied to train No. 1G. Wanted Relinquishment to homo stead or to buy deeded land. Want some stock and machinery with place. Can pay $500, terms on remainder. Ad dress Box, 257, Columbus, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Langford and sons havo'gono to Corning, Iowa, to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lnngford's brother. They will visit Chicago nnd other eastern points before returning home. For Farm Loans seo or write Geno Crook, room 3, Wnltomath building, North Platte. 41tf G. E. Winslow, who has been In Dickens for several weeks superin tending the erection of a new school house, spent the past three days vis iting his family. Tho building will bo ready for uso In three weeks. Autos driven by Miss Maymo PIzor and G. W. Brown of Ilershoy, collided at tho corner of Fifth and Dewey Friday afternoon. Fenders on tho Pizer car wore bent and tho front end of tho Brown car damaged. Mr. Brown was at fault and so acknowledged. Tho Shostrom garago at Gothenburg burned Friday afternoon, together with nine cars. Tho vulcanlzer was left burning during tho noon hour and the fire Is supposed to have origi nated therefrom. Tho garage was a one-story cement block building. Mrs. L. D. Newton of Wcllfleet, who has been taking medical treatments hero for several weeks entered the City Hospital yesterday for an opera tion. Ray Robinson and Rich BIrgo each weighed 800 pounds yesterday morn ing. Their "heaviness" was duo to the fact that they killed five wild geese, and this, too, out of one flock. The other four men in the party bagged one. The Trotter garago sold two Max well cars to out-of-town people Sat orday, and yesterday sold a Rco Six to J. E. Pile, of this city. Another car of Maxwells was received nndun loadcd by this garago yesterday. The Maxwell car seeni3 to be about as popular car in this section as is tho Ford. ' . Tho University of Nebraska foot ball team 7s the only team in the west which came through the 1915 season with a clear slate of victories and tho Corn huskors havo at last come into their own. In 1913 and 1914, Missouri val ley supporters classified Nebraska as the cream of the west, but this classi fication was ridiculed In tho Big Nino. But this year Nebraska has a better record than any western conference team or any any other team in the west, whether It be in a conference or not, and 'the Cornhuskers must bo ac knowledged supremo in tho west. Omaha Bee. For Sale Pure bred Duroc-Jersey spring boai's your choice at $25.00 each. GGtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. SAVE MONEY 1V BUYING TOM YOUlt LOCAL DKALKIt When I learned that some thrco hundred persons had purchased blankets from an agent of a Kansas City house, and had Investigated the prices paid, I determined to know how much difference thoro waa botwecn his prices and the prices that tho samo goods could bo bought for from our local dealers, nnd to my grrfat sur prise found that tho Identical samo blankets and perhaps a little better could bo bought right at homo and for a little less money. I do not cry out against people buying as cheaply as thoy can nnd mako tho dollar go aa far ns possible. Our local mer chants ought to havo the preference unless thcro Is a saving worth while and by all moans when we can buy for the samo money or a llttlo choipor, the money ought to stay nt homo. Don't bo too ready to buy every tinio nn agont comes to your door. Tnko timo at least to investigate for I nm sure that in this particular caso mon ey could hnvo been saved by buying at home, nnd I think on Just ns good termo. I might add hero, too, that If wo wr.uld do all our business with our local merchants on the same basis tl at It Is carried on with the fore'p'i mall order houses that tho prices could bo very nearly, If not entirely, duplicated. It is worth thinking about anyway. ,J. II. VAN CLEAVE. CERTAINLY A BARGAIN IN W. FOURTH STREET PROL'ERTY Six room house modern in every re spect except hent, nnd In good con ilifioii, situated on it southeast cornet' lot, being' 901 west Fourth street. Lot GGxl32 feet and worth alone $1500.00. This property Is well Improved". .Nice trees nnd sidewalk in nnd nice lawn. Price $3200.00. This property Is certainly nn Idenl location nnd this price will only be on the property for n short time. Let inc show you tho property. S8-2 C. F. TEMPLE, Agent. Woman Dope Fiend Held. A woman giving her name as Doug las and subsequently said it was Miller, was arrested Saturday night while in a mentally unbalanced con dition. She stated that her homo was in Toronto, Canada, but sho could not remember how sho reached North Platte. Apparently she Is a dope fiend, and not being able to secure the drug after reaching here, employed some one to buy her a flask of whiskey, and when arrested was In an intoxicated conditon. She is being held nt the county Jail for further Investigation. During the burning of tho Union Pn ciflc depot Wednesday afternoon tho pay checks of thirty conductors and brakemen wero overlooked in re moving articles from tho- ticket of- flee. Fragments of them wero found In tho debris tho following day and thov. will bo duplicated within a few days. Tho report sheets of the hag- gago department wero completed des- troyed. Furs Wanted Bring ih your furs to us. Wo will pay you tho highest price. Don't Bhip thein until you seo us. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. 3W Kara Build it now. Have your new barn earning for you just that much sooner. You will enjoy the win ter more, knowing that the stock is properly housed. And they'll be in line condition to earn more for you next year. Take advantage of the fall months to complete all your building and re pair work. It's the best season to get your build ings in ship-shape, and you won't be interrupted during the rush spring work next yean? W W. BIRGE CO. REAL ESTATE.L0ANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS 1SH62, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. XOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. L. II. Dick will entertain tho Et-A-Virp club this afternoon. Robert Simmons, of Goring, spent tho week end hero on business. j Miss Marian Lawson has gone to Central City to spend a week with; menus. Addison Cook and party, of Loxinc- ton, enme up by auto Friday to attend1 tho foot ball game. Miss Annn O'Connefl wont- to Ar thur last week to tako chargo of a special caso of nursing. 100 Children's Coats, nil Blmdes, all1 sizes, in all tho latest stylos all on! snl.i now at cut prices, BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson will spend Thanksgiving with Mlssos Ruth and Edith Patterson In Omaha. Union Thanksgiving sorvlces will be held at tho Presbyterian chinch at 10 o'clock Thursdny morning. Miss Cclla Gorham and Mrs. Waller, of Grand Island, spent Sunday as tho guest of tho former's sister Mrs. W. A. Dtickflnch. Church of Our Saviour, Thanksgiv ing morning, two services, 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock. All are cordially In vited. Beautiful card cases, vanity bags, needlo cases, pin cushions, and a va Tiety of other novoltios ut tho Pres bjicrnn bnznur Fall Suits nt less than half price, all suits formerly sold up to $23.51) now offered while they last at $10, at BLOCK'S. A party of local young folks at tended a barn danco at the Fall; home several miles from town Saturday arid report having had an enjoyable even ing. Miss Emily Burklnnd entertained tho Lutheran Girls in a pleasant niannor at tho Novlllo residence Saturday ev ening. Games were played and a nice ly prepared lunch served. Mrs. Arthur Hoagland wa3 taken to tho City Hosptal Sunday for treatment for gall stones. Sho has been seriously 111 for sovernl days nnd an operation will bo performed today if her condition will penult. Attorney and Mrs. W. V. Hongland left last evening for Bridgeport to at tend tho district convention of tho I. O. O. F. and Rebeknh lodges. Tho former will deliver nn address on Odd Fellowship at a public meeting at tho opera house there. Allen Tift returned yesterday from Minnesota whero ho has been work ing his grading outfit on a stato high way. Ho has suspended operations for tho winter and will keep tho outfit thcro until Bprlng; when he expects to again engage In work of a similar nature. a, t(, , rai, ptil , It It ATT k (1001WAX. ., Tho Methodist llrothorhood hold their annual banquet last evening nt tho miner cafe. Rev. Zentz, of Cam eron, Mo., was tho principal speaker of tho evening. Talks wero also mado by Rev. Cram, Wilson Tout nnd At tornoy J. G. Heeler. Bert Reynolds acted as toastmastor. During tho eV' enlng music was furnished by the Methodist church orchestra. ; All our highest priced suits former ly sold from $30 to $40 now going at $15. BLOCK'S. I Members of tho Assembly- club on I tcrtalncd tholr husbands at a six ; o'clock turkey dinner Friday at tho liomo of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norrls, tho latter being assisted by Mesdames Groves, Cornwoll and Cnufmnn. Af ter tho dinner tho evening was spent in contests between wives and hus bands. The ladles wore highly com plimented for tho pleasant evening thoy had provided. Thcro certainly ought to bo a great degree of satisfaction In knowing that one's evening dress apparel is made by tailors who produco moro flno dress garments than any ten average shops. Yours will be of that character if you order it of Edw. Burko's Clothes I Shop becauso tho evening dress gar- I ments mado to your measuro througl i Mr. Burke aro all tailored In tho ex cluslvo dress wear department of the Kahn Tailoring Company of Indiana i polls, which has won gold metals at I international expositions for the pro duction of this clas3 of wear. Adv. Tho Union Cafo, In tho room south of tho McDonald bank, opened at 11 o'clock Saturday morning -and served dlnnor to two hundred people. Tho room has been completely remodeled to suit tho convenience of tho new tenants, Messrs. Carldls and Corones who recently camo from Hastings Tho lunch counter will accommodate twenty-two people and fifty can bo served at tho tables which aro arrang ed hetween largo palms and rubbr; plnnts. Tho counters, cupboards and chairs aro of highly polished oak and tho kitchen, which Is divided ffom tho dining room by glass panel swing lnc doors. Is finished in wlilto and properly equipped. Tho Stamp or chestra furnished music during tho afternoon and ovenlng and cut flow ers wero used on tho tables and dls trlbuted to tho patrons. The Policy in the Pocke is worth u dozen in prospect. Do not delay (o (ret your Tiro Insurance Pol Icy made out and In your possession You never know when or where n flro is going to break out. Ho prepared for it nt all times oven if It never hnppoiiH The cost of innlntninlng n good policy Is very smiul If you will lot mo wrlto it. Hut your protection will bo perfect then. MnaMmjrdicwroMSKnuiaemsuQ I.O.O.F. BUILDING, FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER The turkey will taste better the plum pudding will have a finer flavor the finishing touch will be put upon G&SfiSE & SANBORN'S ' "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE Used By THREE Generations ror lour inankseivine Winner OUR LINE OF Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cannot be excelled. Have you tried one of those CAS ABA MELONS yet?They are much sweeter and better than canta loupes. Remember this, we will have FARM DRESSED CHICKENS and DUCKS that will please you. LIERK - SAND ALL COMPANY, Headquarters for Everything Good to Eat. CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE,' NEBRASKA, x PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases, A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of tha physicians of North Platte and country tributary thereto. , One-Man Mohair Top The new Maxwell is equipped with a one. man real mohair top. It can be raised or low ered' almost in an instant, by one person. There are no top bows near the driver's seat. This gives the driver and passenger beside him an unobstructed view on both sides of the car. The storm curtains are quick-adjustable. We are waiting to take you for a test ride in the car that has broken all low "First-Cost" records, and is breaking all low "After-Coal"record8. VfleMmiMofiairTop A f& ff? ElectricSfarter Demountable Rims iPJpiJ II WBectricLiqhts ItyriVisionWindsfiield m.Jr M wMaqnefo 'Icmition C. M. TROTTER, the meal if you serve Agent. North Platte. VP- ii imimnjm