lew THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 23, L915. No. 88 CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. For Sale A Ono Minute Washer. 108 west Fourth street. The Catholic Glrte' club jvlll meet Friday evening with Mrs. Perry Car son. Mrs. Gco. V. Finn loft Saturday night for Donyjer, where she will visit her sister for a week. Mrs. James Kennedy loft Friday ov alng for Willow Island to visit rela tives for a week or more. Hussoll Langford and Lqren Hast ings wont to Lincoln Friday ovenlng to attend the foot ball gamo. J. D. McDonald returned Sunday from Omaha where ho attended tho Masonic Shrlno last week. C. P. Hahn, of Lincoln, arrived hero Sunday to visit his daughter Miss Beryl Hahn until Friday morning. Take your pick of our hlsh grade Fall Suits priced from $30 to 40 for $15 while they last, BLOCKS. Herbert Waxlmrn, who had been working 1n Simon Bros, tlnshop, left yesterday for Grover, Col., where lie owns a farm. Elmer Crocraft Fisher, of Mullen, 'and Amanda Gregg of Mayflower, voro granted a llcenso to wed Saturday morning. Thonias Haggerty Ib off duty this week owing to a crushed finger winch he sustained while at work In the round house Saturday. Conductor Mose McFarland re sumed work yesterday morning after being off duty for two weeks on ac count of illness. Mrs. Harold Wright Is critically 111 at her homo on cast Ninth street. Miss Hattio Hatfield left last night for Paxton to visit rolatlv3 ftr sev eral days. Mrs. George Harvey returned last ovenlng from a short visit In Chey enne. Houso nnd 2 lots In fruit for salo or trado for slock. Black 4G0. 1203 north Locust. SS-4 Visit tho Japancso booth at tho Pres byterian bazaar for your Christmas gifts, December 2nd. Miss Grace Clark cani'j homo last ovenlng from Lexington where "bIio visited friends for a short time. Miss Avis Yoder, of Alliance, ar rived hero a few days ago and la vis iting her brother W. D. Yoder and wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Winn and sou John, of Kearney, rat trnnd homo last ovenlng after visiting with Mrs. Winn's mother Mrs. Manlon. Attorney James Kcefo loft last even ing for Omaha to referee tho foot ball gamo between Crelghton and Soutli Dakota on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs It. L. Hyland, of O3hkosh, and Master Lloyd Pierce, of Lisco, under went operations for appendicitis at tho North Platte Gpncrnl Hospital Fri day. New shipment of Plush and 55lbe Hno Coats Just received; fur trim med, with chin chin collars, now on salo at urcatly reduced prices at JURY FIND ItKATTY AND 80ULKS GUILTY Tho caso of tho .State, against Will Bentty and Warren Soiiles, charged with raitle steall g, was given to I ho Jury at four o'clock yesterday after noon and at eleVcn o'clock last night a verdict of guilty was returned. Tho trial of this case created un usual interest, partly becauso of tho promlnonco of tho family of ono ol the defendants, and again by reason of factlonnl Reeling that exlat3 In Brady and surrounding section. Near ly two days was spent In securing a Jury, nearly a hundred talesmen being oxnmlned. The prosecution of tho case began Thursday afternoon, tho Btato Introducing about twenty wit nesses and tho defense fifteen. Tho evidence was lnnnly circumstantial I and very contradictory. The main I contention was whether two head of cattle In tho possuswion of Dcatty and Soulcs wcro tho property of Bergman. The Identity of thoso cattle, however, seems to have been proven to two sal Ihffirtirm of the 1urv. Though tfudpe Hobart wns "n tho bench during tho trial of tho uise, by consent of tho prns.'ciulon, he was clven tho nrlvllcKC of returning home last night and tho verdict was mado returnable to Judge Grimes, who will Impose the sontencc. Tho penalty is from ono to ten years In the- penlten tlary. DlHtrict Court Notes Following tho retiring of the jury In neattv nnd Soulcs case a jury wa3 em paneled, and this morning tho case o tho Stato against U. G. Smith was Iturlarize Tool Hall Aftor twelve o'clock last night the Bntly pool hall was broken Into nnd this morning sovornl dollars' worth of cigars and tho two dollars which wfts left In tho cash register wcro miss ing. Entrnnco wns mado at tho rear door which was badly splintered. A break shoo eight Inches long and u bolt of tho snmo length were, used In breaking tho lock and wero found thoro this morning. BLOCK'S itTtaa A ftT TllnUlnv n rnrr!atnrfl mllrwl TMila a n pnf whom thn llo- illlOO Jll -ViW f w0.w- . V.1U1V.UI u - ww " nurse, of Omaha, has accepted tho po- fondant Is charged with setting fire to sitlon of superintendent of tho North and burning a houso in tho Fourth Mrs. Sidney Dillon, of Mumper, Neb., Platto General Hospital, succceuing ; ward belonging to uoy uunnon. uepuiv who has been visiting ,Mrs. Lester Miss Alice Sleman, wno win taice a state fire commissioner ueiiuuruo wnivnr' fnr n rminln of woaks. ro-' rest for several months. Miss Blckley has been In town for a couple of days turned hCme Sunday evening. has had charge'or several large nospi- assisting county Attorney uious in f tola tti tun nnar Misses Margaret McCarthy and Anna I""" " ' Aiaster cnaries iuuhui euw:iiuci twenty-four of his young friends yes- DeWolf, of Kearney, aro expected here this evening to visit the former's sis ter Miss Ellen McCarthy for several days. Mrs. Robert Davldsion, of Ogden, who resided hero twenty-five years ago, Is visiting Mrs. Anna Shea and other lo cal friends and will remain hero for a fortnight. Another new shipment of Silk Waists just received; beautiful all silk crepo waists 'n all shades, high or low neck, long iloovas", at $2.50,. at BLOCK'S. The regular monthly membership meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will bo held In the basement of the Building & Loan building tomorrow. nvpnlnc. Secretary Temnle will sub mit -a report showing tho work of tho organization during the past six months. To this meeting all members are Invited. Catherine evidence In tho case. Judge Hobart, who has been on tho bench silica court opened a week ago take the bench today and It is prob able that tomorrow evening he will announco that court will stand ad journed until December Gth. i . i si i- t.l 1. - I.. it,. terdav from 4 to G, tho occasion being ' E?"" iou ior i.i l.l-M, nnrlvnrHnrv. A Vrv MJiuu iubl uiBm.. juubu " pleasant time was spent by tho little people In games and stories and nice refreshments wero served. Charles was presented with a number of pret ty remembrances of the day. Dull headaches, and sometimes very acute headaches', may come from eye strain. This Is probably the case when a child shows signs of headache or malalso or nervous Irritability af ter being In tho bright sunlight, ot after reading or doing any cl03e work. When it is evident that the trouble IIcr in tho oves. it is much better tt visit the 'optometrist first for it of Un nupptm fhat he iutrui?trUtt can obviate tho necessity for medicine and save medical fees. C. S. CLINTON, ndclstered Optometrist. Look for the sign with the big ring. rim: insuhanck The best Is the clieupcst nnd Is writ ten by llrntl & Oooilninn. Mrs. Helen Wlngett went to Omaha Sunday ovenlng to spend a few days. Bruco Brown left this morning for Ogalnlla on business. For Rent Furnished room. Inqulro 40G cast Third street. S-2 Mrs. Chris Paulson returned last nvnnliiir frntii n Hhnrt visit. In f!!mvpnnfrt with rolatlves. Mrs. Martin Wymnn loft this morn ing for Curtis to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. Miss Alma Shoup, of Sutherland, has located at tho Now Hamilton apartments In Omaha and will teach dramatic art. After taking a six-week treatment nt the North Platto General Hospital, Mr. Shrelver returned to Maxwell Sunday fully recovered. Mrs. Applegato, who had spent sov ornl months with her dnughter Mrs. Chris Paulson, loft this morning for Sidney to spend a fow days after which she will go to Choyenno for tho win-tor. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Warmer tonight, cooler Wednesday; fresh winds. Highest temperature yesterday GJ5, a year ago G3; lowest laBt night 24, a year ago 18. Tho Christian Science society will hold a service nt eleven o'clock Thanksgiving Day in room 25 Build ing & Loan bulldng. The Domestic Science department of tho Twentieth Century club was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Wni. Maloney Monday aftornoon. Tho main topic of tho aftornoon wns tho "lunch box" which was divided into sub-topics; considering tho proper re ceptacle for tho lunch box; considera tion of food values and sandwich mak ing. Mrs. Mahaffcy, a faithful member of tho club nnd a recent briuo, was prc&u ted with n casserole. Mrs. Guy Swopo assisted Mrs. Maloney In serv ing a nice lunch. For Sale Ducks and chickens for Thanksgiving. Phono Black 844. Leo Simon nnd oldest -son leave tq day for tho Snn Francisco exposition. Mrs. Henry Waltcmnth and daugh ter Alma loft yesterday for n fow days' visit In Omaha. Charley Dixon loft last night for Grlnnoll, Iowa, to visit his sister Har riot, who Is attending school there. C. H. Boylo n.A rented tho building across tho street from Tho Tribune olTico"nnd jvlll uso It as n plumblns shop. Mrs. Glen Scott, of Grand Island, Is vlrflttnp thlp wdok wth Mrs. Roy Kelly. Misses Minnlo Roscncuttor and Clara Ocstrlch spent Sunday with Og nlalla friends. Mrs. Hnry Moore will go to Choy enno today Ho spend Thanksgiving with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Stltolor, of Goth enburg, visited In town tho lattor part of last wcok. Mrs. E. C. Stanley nnd son, ot Gotlt onburg, who visited hero last, week, wont homo Sunday. Ipecial Thanksgiving Dinner AT THE PALACE CAFE NOVEMBER, 25th. 1915. Soup Celery Heart Lincoln County Oats Crop. The report of tho state board of ag riculture gives tho oats crop of Lin coln county for 1015 at 071,520 busli ols. The average yield per aero was forty bushels and tho number of acre In onts 1G.780. The yield in the state avoraeed thirty-four bushels ner acre, V.Oll SAIjH ' . - ' . . ... therefore tho yield in Lincoln county i A good Jim rnncn, inciuuing icaso, wo.3 six bushels per aero above the on n very good school section n average. . bIco bunch of entile, .about .six miles, . " froni tills1 city.. 1'rlco right nnd (print? Mrs. Sdward Doltrlek and daughter reasonable. went to Sidnev list owning to visit Wo have also best bargains" In relatives for axwesk. Mr. DeUrlck will houses, lots nnd ncrcago adjoining spend Thanksgiving thoro. this city. . J1RATT & GOODMAN. Consomme a la St. Javier Mixed Nuts Sliced Tomato Oyster Fritters Bonne Femme Fillets-of Stripped Dass Maitred Hotel Fried Spring Chicken a la Dumas Stuffed Pork Tenderloin Demi Glaze Baked Domestic Duck with Orange Sauce Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Roast Young Turkey with Oyster Dressing and Cranberry Sauce Potato a la Marie Early June Peas English Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce Vanillia Ice Cream and Wine Cake Assorted Pie Tea .Coffee Milk PRICE 35 CENTS. ' Wilcox Department Store Specials! From November 13th to November 28th we will offer Specials on a great many new and up to date items as well as some odd and broken lots from last season. On either class of articles you will make substantial savings GROCEIIY SPECIALS 5 lb. Package Argo Starch (Jq E. C. Corn Flakes, 4 packages. Tomatoes, standard, large can QC a nnns for tub Sauer Kraut, 3 cans for .25c pH-Empson's Leader or Champion nC r Pflns. 3 cans for uuj 20 Mule Team Borax Soap, 7 rr hnrR for tub Lennox Soap, S bars for Santa Claus" Soap, 8 bars for 25c 25c LADIES' SUITS This will be the best chance you LADIES' COATS will have to buy your fall suit. i Right now is coat time and our We 1 line is larger than ever before. . We are offering up to the minute styles have taken all our cloth coats and in the best makes at special prices, made tiiem nuo nree iots( ouering that make them cheaper than infer lor goods you values that will surprise you Lot 1, All of our high grade cloth CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Childrens Shirts and Drawers, fleece lined, sizes in this lot are IQp hrnlrmv snonlnl nrice I Ob Rnvs Ribbed fleece lined shirts and 'Lot 1, Ladies drawers, all sizes, special HO price Cub Boy's Wright's fleece lined shirts and drawers, the best fleece lined goods made, regular 50c Oflp quality, special price OJb Girls' Union Suits, fine quality cot ton ribed, regular 50 to 75c qual ity, broken sizes, special QQ price uu Children's wool union suits, san itary ribbed, all sizes, value 85c to $1.25, special price yy q Children's Wool Vests and Pants, worth up to 70c, In large sizes, all sizes, put together at A0n snecial nrice Tlb OUTING GOWNS One lot Ladies Outing Gowns, white or colored, full size, spe- CQ UUb Lot 1, High Grade Suits, values up, coats worth up to $25 AO to $35.00, special price (Pin jO ami $au, special price ..iui-tu tPlUiHU Lot 2, Fine ciylh coats including a Lot ' 2, Medium Grade Suits, good! g'reat many Wooltex (jjll IQ values at $20.00, spe- M Aft garments, special price. U) i'ti'tU cial price ipl'tiHO Let 3, A largo line of splendid T,nt finnrl crades of cheaner dual- ciotns macie up in up to uuuj ity, values $15.00, spe- OQQQ, styles, weil tuilored, cial nrice J)ji3Qi special price Lot A, Last season's Suits, all in Lot 4, Tuit? is u good lino of Junior high grade garments, selling up! Styles tv f.;irlb 13 to 10 M no to S35 and $40. snecial fl7 IO! years old, special price ..lOfidU price vi , Lot 5, High Grade Coats, last years' . j t r r I styles, some worm up 10 $zd.uu J These make good, service-(jQ 0 all, nrarments. snecial nrice . . vDOiHrO $9,98 cial price LADIES' DRESSES Wool Dresses, wool cloths, special price (fQ Q ipiJitU Lot 2, Ladies' Wool Dresses, good fine cloths, special price Jg Lot 3, House Dresses made from good ginghams and percales, light and dark colors, special 7Q-, price lub SILKS One lot 26 inch Taffeta Silks, CQp $1.00 values, special price ..uub One lot 3G inch Fancy Silks $1.50 values, special price.. SHIRT WAISTS One lot Fancy Plaid Silk Waists, new styles, special price One lot Silk Waists, small sizes, not new in styles, but $3.50 to QQn ..UUb $7.50 values, special price sizes, 98c LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS Lot 1, All of our highest grade skirts, latest styles, values up to $10 and $12.00, special $7 jflQ price Oi iW Lot 2, This lot is made up of latest style skirts selling up to $7.00, special price Lot 3, Ladies' Skirts, cheaper cloths, but good -quality, spe cial price Lot 4, Ladies' all wool serge Skirts, well made, good styles special price ..$4,98 $3.48 $2.48 Lot G, A few old styles, smal but good warm garments special price CORSETS One lot high grade back lacing cor sets, values $2.50, $3 and $3.50. These are all right except the elas tic in the garters are M QO weak, special price p I iUO MILLINERY During this period Miss Whittakcr will make special prices on a great many items in Millinery. No mat ter what price hat you want, see Miss Whittaker before you buy. MENS SHIRTS We are overstocked on $1.50 qual ity of mens fine shirts and will of fer a largo assortment at QQp special price jOb One lot mens fancy shirts, good percales special price MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's Fleece Lined Union Suits, special price Men's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, special price . One lot men's wool shirts and draw ers, broken sizes, special price Men's Woolen Socks, heavy IQp ' weight, special price lob Men's Rockford Socks, heavy weight, special price Mens work shirts, good quality HQ special price Odu Ono lot Boy Scout Sweaters, a good heavy wool sweater, colors 00 navy and tan, special price. .UUb Boys wool, blouses,, regular, $1.00 quality, just the thing for 7Qn school wear, special price..! vit BLANKETS 83c 83c ilraw- 79c ..7c .59c Cotton Blankets, size 70x80 inches, regular$1.50 quality, spe-(M HQ cial price ij) I tCU Ono lot Grey Woolen Blankets, one of the best $4.00 blankets we have ever handled, special (JJQ HQ price j)0iu SHOES One lot Ladies fine Shoes, fine qual ity patent leathors and tan, small sizes, narrow last, special QQw prico uOb One lot Ladies fine Shoes, good lasts, but broken sizes, quite an assort ment of styles and leathers, all of them $3.00, $3.50 and $4 dri AO grades, special price tilO One lot Growing Girls shoes, both button and blucher styles, sizes 2io to 5. A good fine shoe made to sell for $2.50 and $3.00, 01 00 special price iuIiOU One lot Boys Patent Leather Shoes, sizes 9 to 5, regular prices up to $2.50, special price 98" Ono lot Mens Heavy Tan Work Shoes, a good strong, serviceable shoe, $3.00 value, special HQ price tbe.ic.Ti One lot Mens Elk Outing Shoes, also a few heavy, black work shoes, $2.50 values, special (jj-j jg Ono lot Mens Patent Shoes, also a few Vici Kid, not new lasts, but shoes worth up to $5.00, in high grade ines, special price "j (jg RUGS AND CARPETS One lot 9x12 Axminster M C Aft Rugs, special prico . . . I uiHO Ono lot 9x12 Axminster Rugs, one of the best known 01 7 A 0 makes, special price. ...) 1 1 iHQ One lot 9x12 extra Axminster Rugs, fine quality, special 010 0 prico ianp4U One lot 9x12 Velvet Rugs, (Mfj Aft nigii grade, special prlce.ip 1 UrtU Ingrain Carpets, your choice of any piece in our stock, special AQn prico per yard 40 b EM HB!2E2BHBaKHn2ni2n2H2Bt2B(2 urn