THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA Marked Liking for Boleros All at onco a liking for little j boleros Is making Itself felt In tho specialty shops that deal In waists, and In tho departments of tho stores that deal In ovorythlug women want or Imagine thoy want. And tho sup ply of small jackets that has sprung into ovldence Includes those made of lace, of net, of sheer fabrics, of silk and of yarns. A little Jacket of batiste Is shown In tho picture. It Is designed to bo worn over a light-colored evening sown or afternoon gown, but for tho purpose of bringing out thjo pattern It is photographed over a dark street dross. It fits the figure rather snugly, with shaped undorarm seams, and has a high turn-over collar at the back. A very fine pattern in eyelet embroid ery trims tho bottom, and a narrow edging of filet lace is stitched on all tho edges of the Jacket. Silk mu3lin, crope do chino, Georg Styles Beautiful Tho Goddoss of Fashion appears to j bo taking a vacation, or perhaps sho has abdicated; at any rato sho Is Is suing few edicts. Wo do not hear "thou shalt" or "thou shalt not," and aro left to do aB wo pleaso, with a .world of new designs in hats and gowns to choose from. Thoy Include many beautiful things. In tho early season thoro was a universal voguo for tho black velvet hat. It Is a becoming thing, this black velvet hat, but when ninety-nine out of a hundred women wear It It bocomcs monotonous. Tho demaud has swung away to black hats in plush and velours and to tho dark col ors that look so well with tho metal trimmings and handsome furB and feathers. Two hats aro pictured here which aro so good In shapo and In design and In every particular that thoy may bo chosen with tho comforting con viction that thoro la nothing better. Ono la a moderately wldo-brlmmed model, with lines lifting a llttlo at tho front and a little moro at tho back. Its small, round crown Is concealed by threo soft half-plumes mounted over it. Thoy aro topped by ono of thoso odd stool ornamonts mounted on a stem, which look llko nothing on tho earth or In tho air above It. Perhaps this is a part of tholr fascination. A hat of this kind must bo dovol- oped in materials of, excellent quality and will be beautiful In dark-colored velvet with plumes In shades of tho Fame co'or, or In black. - - - J I III II IUIIH ette crepe, and chiffon, as well as tho metal gauzes, suggest themselves for more fuiiclful boleros. Fine laces run with silver or gold threads that out line tho pattern, or tho metallic lacea, will mako lovely llttlo Jackets and auu new finery by way of variety to the evening or afternoon gown or to tho dance frock. Even an amatour or a beginner In needlework ought to havo no trouble In making ono of theso fascinating ac cessories of dress. There are only two seams to sow at each side, tho shoulder and underarm scam. Thoy aro so short that It will not tax tho patience to fell them by hand. Hand work Is to bo recommended for all theso small garments and Is Impera tive when tho motal laces aro used. If you aro considering what to make, as an acceptable holiday gift for some friend, tho llttlo bolero presents few difficulties and many charms. and Authoritative A nrottv turban of plush Is shown with a broad bow of wldo striped rib bon poised at tho back. It appears to bo tied over an odd extension of tno crown, covered with tho plush, which sunnortB it and adds an entirely now featuro to tho shapo. A molro rib bon Is used, having a dark and a light stripe. There aro many color combi nations that will bo flno for a copy of this model. With nil this collection of varied stylo and Influences striving to mako themselves felt, tho opportunity for tho Individual who knows what to chooso for hor own particular stylo wub never bo good. In ratlllnory tho display of pleasing hats is creditable to tho many Independent designers who havo created them. Thero Is noth ing startling In tho two hats shown hero, and nothing freakish. They rep resent legltlmato types of real mil linery, with novelty In tho handling, of trimmings to further commend them Sleeve Models. Tho sleeves havo a great liberality of choice somo aro full to tho elbow, and then tight to tho wrist; but tho designers havo availed thomsolvofl of many models Greek, Victorian and Moyen age, not disdaining tho nmpll tudo of tho bishop sloovcs, drawn In to tho wrist with a frill toward the band. POULTRY IMPROVED HENHOUSE FRONT Arrnngement Shown In Illustration for Fastening Muslin Without Shutting Out Light. Anyono using a muslln-front hen houso, who desires to havo tho win dows above, and yet dislikes to havo tho light shut off when tho curtnlns tiro ralsca can avoid this by fastening strulght strips of wood Bccurcly to tho Muslin Front and Light. frames, lotting them extend to tho top of tho windows, where they aro hinged, writes T. L. Datlcy of Greens Fork, Ind., In MlBsourl Valley Farmer. Then tho curtains may bo raised clear of tho wlndowB. SYTEM FOR FEEDING FOWLS Grain, Green Food, Grubs, Grit and Shell Are Necessary In Chicken Diet Dry Mash Best. For tho hen that is "manufacturing an egg every day, or ono in two days, it Is Impossible to get tho required nourishment fast enough unless It Is taken Into tho body already ground. Tho best system of feeding, then, as recognized tho country over, Is to glvo ono or moro of tho varieties of wholo grain as a means of exercise; that Is, fed in a deep litter so tho fowls will havo to work for It. Then use a variety of ground foods to supply tho nourishment, heat and energy of tho bird. Tho four "g's" glvo us a cuo as to what is necessary in tho chicken diet grain, green food, grubs, grit aim shell. Wholo grain gives tho best ro sult8 when two or moro forms aro mixed and fed twico dally in a deep litter. Throe parts wheat, thrco parts cracked corn and ono part oats, or equal partB wheat and cracked corn or kafir, makes a good combination. Ono pint fo ten fowls is about tho right amount, with tho heaviest feed at night. Ground food may bo fed In either a dry or wet form, but for breeders and layers, dry mash Is best, while for fat toning poultry it Is better to use wet mash. Tho dry form may bo supplied In self-feeding hoppers. A good mix ture would bo: Sevonnounds mill run, seven pounds cornmoaw1 threo pounds beef scrap, two pounds alfalfa leaves, one-half pound charcoal. KEEP RECORD OF EGGS LAID Callfornian Invents Device Possessing Minimum Danger of Frightening Hen on Entering. In describing a trap nest, Invented by A. G. R. Keller of Alameda, Cal., Scientific American says: This Invention relatos to trap nests utilized for trapping hens In order Practical Trap Nest, that accounts may bo kept of tho num bers of eggs laid by each hen, and tho object of tho invention is to provide a construction for accomplishing this purpose, of such a naturo that thoro will bo minimum danger of frighten ing tho birds either as thoy enter tho nest or aro trapped therein. FEED CHARCOAL EVERY WEEK Always Advisable to Feed as Early In Morning as Convenient Shako Up the Litter. Onco a week, or oftener, It may bo well to add to tho hen b ration a sup ply of granulated charcoal. In tho winter it Is always advisable to feed ns nnrlv In tho mornlnc as conven ient, and give tho evening meal about an hour boforo dark. Shako un tho litter with a fork, so that tho grain will work down Into It, which will compel tno fowls to hunt for their rations. Breed for Winter Eggs. Tho cholco of a breed for tho pro duction of winter eggs la governed largely by tho peculiar requirements of the market in which tho eggs ar to bo sold, and nlso by the demand foi table poultry, which la In many caaea un important Hide lino, Value of Well-Fed Hen. Ono well-ted hen Is bettor thun twi IBB!" half-BtaJved ones. IN! 1 1 Empire Contains a Large portion of the Race. Pro- Havo Proved Themselves Loyal Sub jects of the Czar In the Present European War Compelled to Dwell Within Pale. Ilussla has tho largest Jowlsh popu lation of any country In tho world. Although their lot has not always been an enviable ono under tho rulo of tho czars, tho groat war has found thorn loyal citizens of their northorn father land, willing and anxious to contribute tholr sacrifices to tho succoss of Its causo. According to prlvato letters and dispatches from Ilussla many Jews havo como forward to enlist; they havo opened and equipped lios pltals for the soldiers, and displayed an cngorucBS to aid with their goods and their labor. Tho warmth of their patriotism has been a surprise In Mus covy. Tho position of tho Jowlsh sub jects of tho czar, as It was beforo thu war, Is told In a bulletin Just proparod by tho National Geographic society. It reads as follows: "Moro than one-half of tho world's total Jowlsh population, numbering about C.C00.000, dwells within tho Rus sian empire. Tho total number of Jows In tho world numbers about 13,' 000,000. Tho United States and Aus trla-llungnry, each with moro than two million; Germany, with (500,000. and tho Drltlsh empire, with 400,000, aro tho other Important homelands of this scattered nation. Russia, howover, today might bo looked upon as tho true fathorland of tho Jowlsh pcoplo, as tho great body of them live there. This comes primarily from tho causo that tho Slavs, moro especially the Russian Slavs, havo always been tho most tolerant of peoples In matters of rollglon. The Russian church, prop erly speaking, is not a missionary church. That a Russian should bo a membor of tho Russian branch of tho Eastern Orthodox church Is regarded almost as a law of nature In Muscovy, whllo tho Russian feels that It is Just as natural and fitting that a Tartar should bo a Mohammedan, and that a Jow should follow tho Mosaic creed. "It Is truo that most of tho Jows wcro originally Polish subjects, and it Is said that colonics of them lived In the basin of tho Volga and tho Crimea COO years beforo tho birth of Christ. Through tho yeara of tholr blttorest persecution tho rulo of tho Polos over tho Jows was a light and amiable ono, and many hundreds of thousands of them passed to this country. Thus, with Poland, Russia acquired tho greater part of her Jowlsh subjects. "Tho czar's JowIbIi subjects aro con fined by law to a doflnlto part of tho omplro, known as tho Jowlsh palo, or settlement. This is an Irregular bolt of territory, oxtondlng from tho Baltic to tho Black soa. Tho palo Includos Poland, Lithuania, Whlto Russia, part of Llttlo Russia, and regions in tho Caucasus. A belt of land about thirty miles wldo along tho International boundary Is also oxempt. Tho palo proper, whoreln nearly all of tho Rus sian Jows dwoll, comprises tho ontlro territory of Russian Poland and tho governments of Kovno, Vitebsk, Vllna, Curative Valtie . In Food? "Recalling that 90 of disease results from errors in diet, then foods properly prescribed by the physi cian can justly be said to have curative value." Dr. Henry B. llollen, in The Medical Standard. One of the errors in the diet of many people is the use of foods robbed of the vital mineral salts (phosphate of potash, etc.) which are absolutely necessary'for proper balance of body, brain and nerves. The result is a long list of ills, including nervous prostration, kidney trouble, constipation, rickets in children, and so on. Twenty years ago a whole wheat and barley food, containing all the nutriment of the grain, including the priceless mineral elements, was devised especially to correct errors in diet. That food is Grape-Nuts It fulfills its mission admirably. Another physician says: "Nearly half the year my breakfast consists of a dish of Grape-Nuts, one or two eggs, or fruit. I RECOM MEND IT TO MY PATIENTS CONSTANTLY, and invariably with good results." This wholesome food not only builds sturdy health and strength, but fortifies the system against disease. Ready-to-eat, nourishing, economical, delicious "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Recommend Peruana To Mrs. William II. Hlnchllffc. No. 20 Myrtlo St., Ucverly. Moss., writes: "I HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know what you soil or buy throuKh tho sales lias about ono flmnco In fifty to escape 8AI,B 8TABLK DI8TEMPEH. "HI'OIIN'8" Is your trun protection, your only safeguard, for us miro un you treat nil your horses with It, you will soon ho rhl of tho OIkouho. It acts ns a sum proventlvo no mat tor how tlioy are "exposed." 60 cents and $1 a bottle, $5 and tn dozen bottles, at all Kood druggists, horso goods houses, or ilollvoivil tiy tho manufacturers. SP0IIN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists and Bacteriologists. GOSHEN, IND, U. S.A Mohllov, Volhynla, Grodno, Minsk. Chomlgof, Poltava, Kief, Podolla. Ilea Barabla. Kherson, Hkntcrlnoslav and Taurlda. Kovno, Minsk, Mohllov nnd Volhynla aro tho most thickly Bottled by Jews, who, In those governments, conBtltuto nbout two-thirds of tho on tlro population. Somo Jowb woro set tled as agriculturists upon tho south ern steppe, and, desplto tho strict law, wealthy memborB of tho nation aro found In business in Petrograd and Moscow. All disabilities which attach to Jowlsh birth In Russia fall away with tho conversion of ono of tho raco to orthodoxy, but nevertheless such conversions soltlom tako place, this curtailment of tho freedom of tho Jow lsh subjects Is not a matter of rollg lous persecution but rather an oxpros Blon of tho Russian's dread of tho su perior buslncsB ability of tho Jow. "Thero are. however, certain clnssoB of Jows allowed by tho law to dwoll without tho palo. Thoso aro students In educational Institutions, morchanta of tho first guild, professional persons and skilled artisans, nnd such as havo Reived 25 years In tho army. Mom- bers of theso classes, novortholcBS, must obtain .special permission to on Joy their rights under tho law. No Jow Is cllglblo to govornmont ofllco, unless ho bocomcs a convert to ortho doxy. "Tho Jowb aro taxed moro highly than other citizens of RuBsla. Tholr citizenship Is of a qualified kind, for tho law Btatcs that 'Jowb aro aliens, whoso social rights aro regulated by special ordinances.' Taxes on 'koshor' meat, on candles for uso In tho syna gogues, on skull caps, legacy taxos and special taxes upon tholr busi nesses nro taken by tho state Thoro aro a host of other special regulations. Tho Russian Jows, on tholr sldo, aro organized for tholr protection, with headquarters at Warsaw. In aplto of dllllcultlcB, howovor, tho Jows of Rus sia tako a prominent part In tho coun try's commorco, and oxerclso a power ful influence of wealth." Its Sort. "Military courtship must bo trying." "Naturally. It la a sort of court martial." Thoro Is room for everybody In this big world but wo can't nil havo front rooms. ! All Sufferers Of Catarrh have taken four bottles of Peruna, and I can say that It nan done mo a great deal of good for catarrh of tho head and throat. I recommend Peruna to all sufferer with catarrn. I do not think X ever ton much bet ter. I am really surprlsod at tho work I oan do. I do not think too much pra!o oan bo said for Peruna." Our booklet, telling you how to keep well, freo to all. Thote who object to liquid modi olnei oan now procur Peruna Tab lets. Divergent Opinion. Ho had a lot of monoy, but no dla covorablo ancostors, and so It camo that ho directed contempt for prldo of birth. And thero was nnothcr man whoso family troo waa tall and um brageous, but who possessed no other assets worth mentioning. A discus sion between theso two mon was of profound Interest. Each avoldod hurting tho other's fcollng3, but It was easy to dotoct an undercurrent of an tagonism. Thoy concluded: "Say what you will," assorted tho ono, "It Is a flno thing to como of good stock." "It's a finer thing," replied tho other, with finality, "to own It." She Knew. Olive, aged four years, wont for a walk with her fathor ono Juno morn ing. Hearing a bird singing by tho roadsldo, sho stopped to admlro his beautiful black-and-whlto coat. "Oh, papa!" sho oxclalmed, "soo tula bobolink l" "How do you know It's a bobolink?" asked hor father. "'Causo 1 'stlnctly heard it bob ble," wbb tho reply. In "tho Swim. "Your daughter la studying art, 1 hear. Is sho making any progress?" "Oh. vcs. Sho has beon luvltod to tho annual frolic of tho Illustrators and hna a bid to tho Art Studonta' league costumo party." Outclassed. "Woro vou much Impressed by the maJoBtlc roar of Niagara?" "I wbb at first, but later on, when my husband put up "a roar about t r hotel bill, Niagara Bounded llko a rippling brook." Sorry Ho Spoke. Ho (during family quarrel) I sup poso somo Idiot proposed to you bofore I did. Sho No, when you did. Don't ask a truthful man for his honest opinion of you unlcsB you aro propared for a jolt. Tho amatour actor always boliovoa that' tho world Is full of. possibilities. A term In pfllco will In most cases kill tho reform bug In a man.