The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 16, 1915, Image 2

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This photograph of great stores of shells, which has Just reached America, gives aqrao Idea of tho preparations
mado by tho French for tho recent offensive In tho westorn war zone Tho picture was taken near a hidden battory.
Mrs. Gait Is a Woman of Mani
fold Interests.
Will Not Follow Precedents In Wed
ding Ceremony Society Breathes
Easier Over Resumption of
White House Functions.
Washington. Twice boforo presi
dents of tho United States have taken
unto themselves wives while in their
high ofllco. It Ib safo to say that
Woodrow Wilson and tho wlnsomo
Edith Boiling Oalt will follow nolthor
of tho two precedents set.
President John Tyler evidently dis
trusted his public. Two years after
tho death of his first wlfo in 1844, ho
camo to Now York, and whllo tho poo
plo wero still under tho Impression
that his wedding to Miss Julia Gardi
ner of Now York was sovoral weoks
off, they learned suddenly that tho
chief executivo had led his brldo'to
tho altar in tbo Church of tho Ascen
sion. It was almost an elopomcnt.
Thoro was a similar lack of warn
ing, though not qulto so extreme,
when President Grovcr Clovoland mar
ried Frances Folsom, probably tho
most beautiful of all tho brides of tho
Whlto Houbo, in 188C. Tho engage
ment was published two weeks beforo
tho day when tho ceremony actually
took placo; but tho day and tho hour
wero not announced until about 48
hours boforo tho arrival of tho brldo
elect and her mother in tho capital.
They had Just como from several
months in Europe.
Tho guests at tho Clovoland wed
ding numbered fowcr than forty. Tho
only officials presont wero tho cabinet
and tho president's prlvato secretary.
Tho sceno wns set in tho bluo room.
Thoso In confldenco of Mrs. Oalt
hero bollovo sho will arrango every
thing for a lino old Virginia wedding,
not an unwieldy affair, but on tho
other hand nothing hurried or ill-considered.
Thoso who havo visited tho Ualt
homo in Pennsylvania avenuo agroo
that tho futuro "first lady of tho land"
la a queen of hostesses and a marvel
of forethought and graceful tact.
All in all, Washington society has
learned of tho president's coming
marrlago with a fooling akin to rcllof.
Tho capital is a distinctly less lively
and gay affair with no Whlto Houso
social season to set tho pace.
With Mrs. Gait at tho head of tho
president's establishment Washing
ton's grent hostesses will brcatho
easier. Sho has never figured largo
on tho socloty pages of tho newspa
pers but Bho has a largo circle of
friends and thoso ngreo sho can ho
dopended upon as a worthy succes
sor of a long lino of gracious presi
dents' wives.
All Washington winter functions are
arranged so as not to lntorfero with
Whlto Ilouso engagements. For this
reason no other Invitations can go out
until tho Whlto Ilouso schodulo Is
Tho second Mrs. Wilson Is an at
tractive dresser and sho may well set
tho fashion for womon of hor ago.
When wnlking about Washington
Mrs. Gait waa soon In a whlto sorgo
tailored suit, tho Jacket decorated In
military fashion in whlto Bilk braid,
whito kid low shoos, whlto silk
hosiery and a small black velvet hat.
For a woman of about forty years
MrB. Gait Is strikingly hantlBome. Sho
has dark oyos and wavy dark hair,
spionuiu teeth, a peach bloon com
picxion ana regular features. It is
when sho Bmiles, howovor, that sho is
Hor oxcoodingly warm, sympathetic
naturo makes thoso who havo tho hon
or of entering hor homo immediately
nt oaso and Bho haa tho faculty of tho
groat French dames of cauUiiB thoso
conversing with hor to feol thoy havo
never hororo been so brilliant.
Tho president Is not n poor man,
uui u is prooauio that Mrs. Gait will
bring him a fortuno greator than his
own. Her husband Is understood to
havo loft her about $260,000. Ab hor
expenses havo novor been largo, thjp
has been Increased considerably. Sho
owns tho century-old Gait Jowolry
Btoro in Washington, which two of hoi
brothers run for her.
Mrs. Gait Is a woman of manifold
interests. Her homo is full of good
books, which sharo with her music the
long winter evenings. Sho is fond of
tho theater. Sho drives her own elec
tric nutomobllo about Washington.
Sho plays a fair gamo of tennis and
her golf has Improved rapidly under
Mr. Wilson's tuition. Sho proved on
ardent baseball "fan" nt ono of tho ro
cent world series games and It Is
said that tho president arranged to
sco this contest at his flanceo's ex
pressed wish.
Mrs. Gait has not devoted herself to
her own amusement by any means.
She Is active In St. Thomas Episcopal
church, whore sho was for some tirao
chairman of tho Hector's Aid society.
Besides other local charities she has
done much work for tho mountain
whites of tho South, an activity in
which tho first Mrs. Wilson was also
a leader. Mrs. Gait's offorts havo al
ways been most unobtrusive.
Bear, When Surprised, Claws Horse
back Rider's Artificial
Sunbury, Pa. John Davidson, a Cat
awlssa mountain farmer, who "lives
near tho town of that name, says ho
is glad ho has a wooden leg. for It
saved him serious hurts In a battlo
with a hear.
Davidson says ho was riding horso
back along tho Susquehanna, which
sklrtB donso mountain growths at that
point, when ho saw a black bear fish
ing In tho river. It would dlvo down
and como up with a fish In its mouth.
Angered by his approach bruin,
dropped a fish and gave chase, but
Davidson drow his rovolver nnd fired.
Ho missed, and tho unlmal enmo on
after him nnd bit and clawed at his
wooden leg.
Ho fired ngaln, and then a freight
train approached on a railroad near
by. This, togothor with tho tooting
of tho locomotivo whistle, frightened
tho beast and it dropped to Its feot
and ambled off Into tho woods. Tho
farmer exhibited a torn pair of trous
orB nnd lacerated wooden log to bis
friends as proof of tho truth of IiIb
Honey In Court.
Butler, Mo. For weeks a swarm of
boos has boon noticed around the
cupola of tho Butos county courthouso.
Tho county court ordered tho veteran
Janitor, Fleetwood Thomas, to inves
tigate. Ho found tho boes had depos
ited about 500 pounds of honoy. Ho
took It to tho grocory stores and real
ized about $75 from tho sale.
Mrs. Herbert S, Carpontor led tho
Now York Stato SufTrago association
division of tho raonstor parado. Sho
IB snown horo returning tho saluto of
a icuow marshal.
Indian Women Devote the Winter
to Fancy Work.
Passing of Season of Feasts and Danc
ing Enables Squaws to Devoto
Time to Making Indian
Thomas, Okla. Now that tho
Choyonno social season has ended
with tho closo of summer tho women
of tho tribes havo more lelsuro for
making and decorntlon of moccasins
and other Indian trappings. Their
children aro at school, their homos
aro stationary and dances and feasts
Dealers In beadwork havo learned
that they got best results by supply
lng tho Indian woman with all hor
matorlals and then paying for tho
work when finished. In this way an
export boador will receive better pay
than sho might bo ablo to do If sho
had to get, tan and cut hides for
Tho design for beadwork Is often
agreed upon boforohand, as well. In
this way tho Indian Is saved from do
clsion and tho dealer can bo sure ho
will get tho designs nnd sizes which
havo boon found to suit tho markets.
Moroovor, this proventB tho low In
steps which aro Invariably found In
moccasins made for Indian wear.
Tho Indian has worn hcelless foot
gear for so many generations that his
Instep Is not ns high as that of most
civilized men, and and tho result Is
that, if loft to themselves, tho moc
casin makors turn out footgear that
fow whlto pcoplo can wear.
But for all this tho nattern. maklnc
nnd beaded design nro genuine "In
dian" in every respect, and havo been
carefully copied from old models Tho
present system nrobablv has dono a.
great deal to presorvo old Indian pat
terns, which might havo been for
gotten or changed If left unstandard
lzcd. It Is remarkable with what deftness
nnd spoed an export can cover a pair
of buckskin moccasins, using only a
thin strand of slnow and a sharp awl
Tho Indlnn woman has boon adopt at
this work for years upon years, and
hor bost work Is easily distinguished
from tho cheap and Irregular work of
Tho art work of Choyonno women
nnd Cheyenne men Is qulto different.
Tho man s art Is realistic and Ib In
tended to roprosent things as thoy
are. Ho devoted his attention to
painting topees, shields nnd buffalo
roues, and those pictures jiro novor
twlco tho Bamo.
Tho womon, on tho other hand, em-
ploy unchnnglng geometrical designs,
squares, circles, triangles and lines
Floworlng lines nnd (lower patterns
aro utterly unknown to tho womon of
tho plains tribes, and whonovor seen
should bo regarded with suspicion by
tho collector, ns It Is more than prob
ablo thoy camo from Germany.
in reading the designs on a mocca
sin ono can usually say that tho
triangles nro topees If thoy stand up
right round tho solo. If not, and es
pcclally If they are pointed toward
somo other llguro, they stand for ur
Every Indian design means some
thing and somctlmos tho colors havo
a second slgnlllcnnco, qulto Indepond
out of tho design. A squaro with
trlnngles pointing townrd It repro
sonts n buffalo attack by hunters
with arrows. Without the arrow
heads about It a squaro Is usually
meant for a star. Diamonds stand
for lukos.
Sometimes moccasins wero made
with n bunch of fringes a foot long
nt tho heel. These wero Intended to
smooth over tho trncks by tho wearer,
so that anyone following him might
bo uuablo to know who had passed.
Of course they also wero decorated,
especially whon tho wearer was
As ttmo goes on nnd buckskin be
comes Bcnrcor tho makors of moc
casins will havo to turn more nnd
moro to other kinds of leather. If they
do not havo to glvo up mnklng them
Butterflies on the Wing.
Dowey, Okla. Millions of butter
llles, presenting n kaleidoscopic spec
tacle of colors, (low for hours townrd
tho south ovor this city rccontly. Tho
butterflies (low at an avcrago height
of 100 feet.
Diagrammatic Illustration of District
With Township Sections Indicated
by Different Lines.
Tho Scientific American, in describ
ing a guide-board Invontcd by W. A.
Fusch of Decatur, 111., says:
This Invention Is a guido-board
bearing a diagrammatic illustration of
a district with township sections and
roads Indicated by differentiated lines,
and having a movablo devlco adapted
to bo set in tho guido-board at any
desired point which serves to indicate
tho location of said guide-board in
tho particular district or township de
lineated by tho map on its face. Tho
guido-board haB a border on which aro
inscribed namos of towns and other
locations lying outsldo tho ono in
which tho gulde-toard Itself is lo
cated, and also tho distances of such
towns arid locations from points indi
cated on tho map proper.
Before Ground Freezes Smooth, Drag
and Pack Center of Road to Pro
vide Needed Drainage.
See that all drain ditches along the
road aro opened boforo tho ground
freozes; then smooth, drag and pack
tho center of tho road, and you will
havo provided for tho essential drain
age, without which wo cannot expect
to havo good highways. All rocks
should bo picked out of tho track bo
foro thoy freezo to tho ground, harass
ing both man and beast when thoy
pass over thorn during tho winter
months. Low places at bridges and
culverts should bo filled and lcvoled
up to make winter travel moro. endur
able Repair holes in bridges, tosguard
against serious accidents by some
horso getting his foot fast pcrhapa
breaking his leg.
Directions Given for Making Small
Brldgo Strong Enough to Stand
Travel of Heavy Teams.
Our borough construction force
builds a very good concrete culvert in
tho manner shown In tho sketch,
writes Je.mea M. Kano in Popular Me
chanics. Tho sides A nro first built,
and tho forms removed beforo tho con
croto Is completely set. Benchllko
wood forms aro then placed at inter
vals botwoen tho sides A and boards
Concrete Culvert.
laid on them, then paper spread over
tho Burfnco of tho boards. Tho con
croto is then put on top of tho paper.
Short pieces of railroad iron aro laid
In tho coiicroto to ro-oniorco it.
After tho top has properly oct, tho
supports aro driven out, or broken
down with a long iron rod. Tho boards
aro thon easily withdrawn. This cul
vert is strong enough to stand tho
travel of heavy teams as woll as auto
mobllo trucks.
Virtues of Good Roads,
Good roads will incronso health,
wealth, happiness, education, rollglon,
morality, civilization and prosperity.
Drainage Is Essential.
Dralungo is tho first ossontlal of tho
construction of good r?ads and BtUl It
la very frequently tho last to bo con
sidered. Easy on Horse and Wagon.
Good roads nro easy on you, easy on
your horso, easy on tho wagon, easy
on tho hamoss.
Happier Social Life.
Good roads bring a better school
life, a closer church life, a happlor
social life.
ill My?
"Isn't this awful!" exclaimed Mrs.
Gabb as sho looked up from her news
paper. "Isn't what awful7" demanded Mr.
"Why, here's a woman who com
plains that tho insnno asylum Is filled
with bugs," replied Mrs. Gabb.
"Woll," growled Mr. Gabb, "what's
the blamo placo for, anyway?"
Passing tho Buck.
"Our head bookkeeper can add up
four columns of figures at once."
"Doesn't ho over mnko mistakes?"
"Oh, suro, but ho's got an nssMant
to blamo them on."
To bo n satisfactory finnco n mnn
should bo all heart, but to bo n satis
factory husband ho should bo all
Out of Sorts
THAT IS, something is wrong with baby, but wo can't tell
just what it is. All mothers recognize the term by the
lassitude, weakness, loss of appetite, inclination to sleep,
heavy breathing, and lack of interest shown by baby. These
are the symptoms of sickness. It may be fever, congestion,
worms, croup, diphtheria, pr scarlatina. Do not lose a minute.
Give the child Castoria. It will start the digestive organs into
operation, open the pores of the skin, carry off the foetid
matter, and drive away the threatened sickness.
Genuine Castoria always bears the
Sarcastic Comment Will Be Appre
ciated by Those Who Favor Old
Time Methods of Travel.
Down in tho crimson clover zono
thoro wero two farmers named Jones
and Smith, respectively. Jones wnB
old-fashioned and stuck to old-fashioned
ways, but Smith, who wns moro
modern, bought a flno now automo
bllo. Ono day ho was proudly oxhlb
ing It to somo friends when Jones
came along.
"Um," remarked Jones, as ho
thoughtfully sized up tho handsome
machine. "What's that thing thoro
on tho side?"
"That's a spare rim and a tiro," an
swered tho proud Smith. "Wo al
ways carry an extra ono 'in caso ono
of tho wheels goes wrong."
"Jos' as I allers said," was tho dis
dainful responso of Jones. "I'vo druv
hosses fer nigh on 50 years, and 1
never had to carry a spare leg for one
o' them yet." Philadelphia Press.
Landlord's Way.
John Darrymore, tho actor, was
talking about Germany's submarlno
policy in New York.
"When Germany told us wo Amer
icans might cross tho seas in safety
provided wo used such ships as sho
offered, I nearly died laughing," ho
"I was irresistibly reminded of tho
poet who complained to his landlord:
" 'Landlord, I really must insist on
your repairing my doors and win
dows. They closo so badly that it in
terrupts my work. It blowB my hair
all about my face.'
" 'Humph,' said tho landlord. 'The
easiest way out of that difficulty is for
you to get your hair cut off.' " Now
York Times.
With Cutlcura Soap Because So Sooth
ing When His Skin is Hot.
Theso fragrant supercreamy emol
lients aro a comfort to children. The
Soap to cleanse and purify, tho Oint
ment to soothe and heal rashes, ltch
ings, chafings, etc. Nothing moro ef
fective. May bo used from tho hour
of birth, with absoluto confidence.
Samplo each free by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
One Year More. -
"My but Percy haB grown to bo a
big boy. How tall aro you, Percy?"
"Just an Inch short of being able to
wear father's tennis trousers, but
they'll bo all right next summer."
Now York World.
For genuine comfort and lasting picas
nro use Red Cross Ball Blue on wash day
All good grocers. Adv.
A woman's Idea of doing charity
work is to got her male acquaintances
to furnish tho monoy.
Wrlto Murine Eye llemody Co., Clilcaco
for illustrated Book of the Eye Free.
A single word to tho point Is better
than a speech.
Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It
A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and all Uric Acid Troubles.
Dr. Eberlo and Dr. Braithwalto as
well as Dr. Simon all distinguished
Authors ngreo that whntovor may bo
tho disease, tho urlno soldom falls in
furnishing us with n cluo to tho princi
ples upon which it Is to bo treated,
and accurato knowledge concerning
tho naturo of dlscaso can thus bo ob
tained. It backache, scalding urlno or
frequent urination bother or distress
you, or if urlo acid in tho blood has
caused rheumatism, gout or sciatica
or you suspect ltldnoy or bladder
troublo Just wrlto Dr. Plorco at tho
Surgical Instituto, Buffalo, N. Y.; send
a samplo of urlno and describo symp
toms. You will recolvo free medical
advico after Dr. Plorco's chemist has
examined tho urlno this will be care
fully dono without charge, and you
will bo under no obligation. Dr. Plerco
Salmon Thrive In Maine,
Success has been mot by tho bu
reau of fisheries In establishing hump
back salmon on tjio Mnlno coast, ac
cording to reports from that terri
tory. Tho fish wero planted In Febru
ary, 1914. Many fish weighing tlvo
to soven and n half pounds havo been
taken or soon In PenobHrot river, Me.,
nnd twenty wero captured alive by
agents of tho bureau near Bangor and
held In an offort to obtain rlpo eggs.
From two of theso fish 11,000 eggs wore
taken September C, and, after fertili
zation, sent to tho Craig Brook hatch
ery for incubation. Local fishermen
caught and ato largo numbers, and an
employee of tho Green Lako hatchery
took fifteen fish last week. Theso had
passed througli tho flshways In dams
In Donnys river and wore dropping
down strcnm in a spent condition; at
tho same tirao both Hvo and dead fish
wero obsorved below tho dams.
signature of
"Wo don't hear much about Doctor
Cook Blnco tho timo ho claimed to
havo discovered tho North polo."
"No; I daresay ho nover fully re
covered from tho torriblo frost ho en
countorod." For a really flno coffee at a mod
erato price, drink Denlson'o Seminole
Brand, 35c the lb., in sealed cans.
Only one merchant in each town,
sells Seminole. If your grocer Isn't
tho one, write the Denlson Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and the name
of your Seminole dealer.
Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00
Adv. Another Slap.
Sarcasticus (to friend who Is ex
hibiting his now 4d car) Cuto littlo
thing! I suppose you wash it In tho
sink. Tho tall man Is occasionally short
on intellect. .
Stop That Backache !
There's nothing moro discouraging
than a constant backache. You are
lame when you awake. Pains pierce you
when you bend or lift. It's hard to rest
and next day it's the same old story.
Pain in the back is nature's warning of
kidney ills. Neglect may pave the way
to dropsy, gravel, or other serious kid
ney sickness. Don't delay begin, using
Doan's Kidney Pills tho remedy that
has been curing backache and kidney
trouble for over fifty years.
An Iowa Case
Mm. A. .T. Lnm. "Evtro
bert. 811 Cook St.,
sioux uuy. iowa, ZU"r.
says: "My Diauuer
was d a u i y in
flamed and I was
foe ling miserable
when I bctjan us-
1 In? Doan's Kidney
nils. They gave
mo prompt relief.
Some time later
when I was again
suffering: from
weak nnd disor
dered kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills fixed me up all
right. Slnco then I haven't suffered."
Get Doan'a at Any Store. SOc a Box
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give relict
tney perma-
lipatioa. Mil;
lions use.
them for
Indigestion, Sick Htadacse. Sallow Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
YVntsotj It, f!o!rmnn, Wash
ington, D.C. Hooks free. High
est references, lieu reauIiA.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 46-1915.
during many years of experimentation
has discovored a now romedy which
is thirty-soven times moro powerful
than litlila In removing uric acid from
tho system. If you are suffering from
backacho or tho pains of rheumatism,
go to your best druggist and ask for
a B0 cent box of "jnrtc" put up by
Doctor Pierce, or send 10c for a largo
trial pek'g. Dr. Plorco's Favorito Pre
scription for weak women and Dr.
Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery
for tho blood havo been favorably
known for tho past forty years and
more. Thoy aro standard remedies
today aa well as Doctor Plorce'a
Pleasant Pellete for tho liver and
bowels. You can have n Bamplo of any
ono of thoso remedies by writing Dr.
Plerco, ami sending 10c for trial pack-ago.
aaaam; l: