The Clothes of Common Sense Service is what you want in the clothes you put on style service wear service. ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES MRS. MARY NEARY PASSES AWAY SUNDAY MORNING v ,-j!-ii oto featured nt thin store -.J Kini y bccnusooftheirsplcndidscr- fj v'co By'! woar fit ond J. 5-7 l oil 'found satisfoctioiu,, m 2:3:. Ilr3 The new suits and overcoats have the cut and hang you will admire. Step in and look them over. HARCOURT The Store where you feel at home. & JENSEN Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA L. HAItE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oho Year by Mull In Advance.... $1.25 4 Y -wr n rt k m - wiiu iciir y tnrner in Adrnnco. ,$l.ou Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofllco ua Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, tiOVlHlIIKlt 1(1, 1515. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Tho M. M. M. Club will be ontor tnlncd by Mrs. Jobbo Edwards Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton will leave next week for an extended visit In California. Herbort Ames of Chicago, and Miss Myrtlo Ramsey of North Platto woro married yesterday morning In tho county Judge's office The GOO club will bo ontortalned by Major and Mrs. L. Walker and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Clnton on Friday evening, November 19, at tho Walker homo. Money to loan on real estate. Hit ATT & GOODMAN. A union mooting of all tho blbjo study classes tof tho city iwlU bo hold at tho Baptist church, this after noon at 3 p. m. It is hoped all mem bers will bo present. Tho Mothqdlst aid society will moot at tho homo of Mrs. II. N. dotty, 320 south Vine Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Getty will bo assisted by Mesdamos Dorryborry, Rector, Durbln and Tucker. Floyd Edwards was arrested Sun day aftornoon for causing a distur bance on tho main streets. Fred Meyers of Sutherland, c'amo down yestorday morning to spond a few days on businoss. Mrs. Mary J. Ncnry, one of Nortli Platte's most highly respected ladies passed away at ono o'clock Sunday morning at tho homo of her step daughter, Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, with whom she had resided for a number of years. Death was due to a complication of diseases and although In poor health for several years, she did not give up but went cheerfully about bar dally work. Tho change enrao about one month nco nnd fnr Hi Ll... 1 1 1 i . . .... miu iiau uouu in a Benous conuiMon An improvement wns noticed tho lat ter part of last week and hones of her rccovory were given until Sat urday aftornoon when all efforts to stay the course of tho dlscaso were of no avail and she realizing that tho ond was near called her relatives to her bedside and bade them farewell. giving them her blessing and express ing her gratitude for their ministra tlons. During her Illness sho maintained tho same amiable manor and natienco that characterized her whole Ufa 'Mary Jano Dolmore was born in Now "iork City December 25, 1817. Later sho moved to Leavenworth, Kan., wiicro at the ago of fifteen sho was married on February 15A18G2. to Joseph Mackle. To this union were born three children who died In in fnncy. Sho camo to this city in 1873 and in September, 1882, sho suffered tho loss of her husband. For six vears after his death sho conducted a mil linery store and on March 7, 1880. sho was married to John Neary who died August 22, lQOG Mrs. Ncnry was a well read woman and talented In many ways. Her child hood was spent In a convent in Kan sns and after her first marriage sho traveled extensively. She was one of tno most charltablo women of this city, a devoted Cnthollc and of a vorv affectionnto nature. Sho was a mem bor of the W. R. C. and I,. O. T. M. To mourn her arc left two ston daughters, Mrs. M. V. Mitchell and Mrs. II. D. Kenworthy and a slster-ln law Mrs. Sarah Bangs, all of this cltv Tho funeral services wcro hold at St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock this " w. ill. u tiuuil una n. bcoonovcr left Sunday mornlnc mornlne iui uimuiu ua uusiness. fr ends of tlm .wnn,i ,i, tMn.i ....... . I - - . . .iw ivoiiiicu iUrs. Will JJlOllOr rntiirnml Riimlnv I liv . . ... . frnin n ,.IV i V .1 t li udujiuo UUU UOnillllUl 1 Oral from a short visit at Gothenburg. offering thn 1,11. Hfom . ,.,. u T tt . . : . 0 u. imijiui, 01 wuuaco, was m was new. Hov. RTr-n.itii mn.i n.n town yestorday transacting business, requiem mass. Miss Sadio Trovlllo Miss EIbIo Rhone of Cozad. who snnB "Somo Sweet Day", Charles Pass vlsted lioro for sovoral days, loft vos- snnB "Calvary" and "Nearer Mv God terday aftornoon. to Tlico" was sung by tho choir. Charlie Cambrel and wife return J rmcnt WlB m"do ,n Ul NoHh Saturday from a six weeks' visit with ' r. T n Pa , barrS friends and relative's in Idaho, Utah XZ J PaTttT' and California. They also at ended !?n'- E"3. Boy- tho San Francisco exposition. 'r-"""- Kdwln Strauss of Seattle Wash.. Uniform Land AnnpnuiiipiiIu visited his cousin Charles Strauss last Lincoln Journal: Secretary Bor weok while enrouto to Illinois to necker of tlio stntn hmrri nt nminii. spond two weeks. Ho will spond a tlons and assessment has returned to fow dnys hero on his return trip. Lincoln after holding meetings which Tho Wilcox Department Store In WMro attemled by n11 but 'ten of tho showing a very attractivo window, a county assessors D tl.o state. As a representation of tho canltol. buildlne rosult ot tllcso "votings he believes at Washington constructed '-of cakes 0 roul estato nsscssmcnt next of Royal Medicated Cutlclo Soap for "vai m 1110 lustory 01 which tho storo Is selling nKent. Th0 rebrn8ka- Mr Bornecltcr hold meet- work of tho builder Is very artistic. , gS nt orro,k- Fremont, Lincoln, Al- i T-i m ... I """"i umim xsiuuu, iorui i'lattO. Leo F. Simon nnd oldest son leave TTr.,i , , ' Tuesday of next weok to visit the q.... t, , San I-rnncisco expos! ion and attend county ngscssors to bo corta,n is ono or Lincoln county's noultrv i..,i , , , i , , . :. v.uuiiSiUB luimib nutwecn January 13. ti,r ?'!!.",'' I,"1' "l"cr8 lnh . ' bcBl,Eylp IS tO bo HOTlf in ATr llnrnnMnit - n v uv-wnui ing from Omaha whero ho took a six ono Itopt by tho assessor. v Ono of tho weokB' courso In embalming nnd un- secretary's chlof aims Is to have real dortnking and rocolvcd his diploma ostato assessments uniform. To this num uio oucgo or Metiiclno. While o assossors on county lines are thero hp worked upon twenty-eight to confer with those in tho addjolning cases of suicide and murder. 'counties and valuations nro to ho Tho Epworth loasuo hold an cn J workc(1 fr01 o ""cs to tho interior. Joyablo social at tho homo of Mr. and . Vory counly nS3CSSr las been ln- Mra. A. W. Shilling Friday evening struclea t0 Personally supervise tho Thtrty-flvo of tho regular members raI T?t0 n8sessment of hs county u...i.i ...i OSneC allv ns in fnrm lnr,,la tt i uiiuiiviuu iuiu Hovorni new mombors , muni, wero taken in. A short businoss moot- VTor5r proclnct or township and ing was hold and a number ot in- flunllnirlzo himself wtyh valuota in tcrosting games played. Dainty re- Vry part of tho county. " tho in- froBhmonts woro served. structons of tho sccrctlnry of tho stato' ooani aro followed. Notice to Water Consumers. Owners and agents for houses should see that meter boxes aro cleaned out and meters repacked for tho winter. Drive four stakes Into tho ground in bottom of meter box, leaving top an inch or two higher than tho ton of tho meter. Construct a coven hint inrgo enough to fit inside tho tile, nre- forably In two pieces and place this on top. oj stakes, thon fill in tho top of tile with dry leaves in sacks, or somo thing similar and put on tho iron cov er. Tho lnsldo cover Just abovo tho meter can bo constructed of Beaver Board, or by cutting out a circular piece of rubberoid roofing and tack ing same on two lath crossed so as to suport it. I wish to again warn owners ncalnst packing meters with manure or wet leaves, as theso decay and tho nm monia and acids generated attack tho registers of tho meters, thus ruining tnem Several owners have been com polled to purchase new registers duo to this cause. Agent3 and owners havinc vacant nouses should notify tho Water Com misslonor and have water shut off at curb so that in caso of freezeuns in side of houso or bursted nines tho housos will not bo flooded and largo water bills run Up. Whero there are range boilers and toilets in housos theso should bo drained and water dipped out so that in case of freezing weather no damage may result. HERSHEY S. WELCH. 85-2 Wator Cnm mlsalnnor FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE One 7 room nnd one A room modern houso in Oniiiliii. Doth rented nt $25 per mouth each. For sale nt rlirhf ligiirc or would exchango for farm or esKlence In North Platte. Whnt hnvo you I 11UATT & GOODMAN. W. P. Hall, of Holdrego, left last evening after a short visit with Mr and Mrs. John Den. Baked hawk is pronounced by En gineer Joe Schwalger as being tho equal of baked quicken, duck or goose. Just how Joe became ac quainted with the worth of a hawk as an eatablo fowl is rolated in a story orignntlng from Claude Delaney the gist of which is that Claude prepared the hawJc,, (roasted to ,ti dellclitful brown and setting it before Joe, tho latter Tapldly made way with it and pronounced it ono of tho best birds ho had ever eaten, not knowing that It was a hawk. For Sale Sanitary couch, bed, dresser babv buggy, baby bed. cemen't block ma chine and outfit. " Phono Black C97. Turkeys, Ducks. Geese We are now Ready for Thanksgiving Poultry. We offer the following prices delivered to our House at North Platte, Nebraska. Fat young Tom Turkeys, 10 lbs. each and, over, 14 cents per pound. Fat young Hen Turkeys, 8 lbs each and over, 14 cents per pound. Fat Turkeys under above weight, 12 cents Poor turkeys not wanted; hold them, they will be fat later. Fat Ducks 9c . Fat Geese 9c 3 EZZ1L" 3C OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -or- NORT1I A. TTJS, KlSliRA SKA.. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. OAJPJ2V1Z, AND SUKl't,USt One Hundred ond Fifty Thousand dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAYE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF TniS HANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIYEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIYEN TO LARGE BALANCES. rmu UN TIME DEPOSITS. LT3Eg-ir II 3C 3CZSC Attention. Tho ladles guild of tho Enlsonnnl church will hold a bazaar in tho base ment of tho church on Thursday, Nov. l&tii, Doglnning at 3 o'clock. There will bo many pretty nnd dnlntv nr. tides, ns well as a great variety of useful ones; all kinds of homo cooked roods, Jollies and nrosorvos. An nnnn. Using lunch for ton conts and a gon- oral good tlmo guaranteed. Thnsr. making donations pleaso havo them In by Wednesday ovonlng. SB-2 Tho county commissioners last week appraising forty sections of school land in various parts ot tho county nnd find that owing to tho number of improvements mndo In tho past year that tho ossosmonu n many of them will bo Increased two hundred per cent, Thoy exnoct to spond tho next two weoks in Ibis work and tho assessments will tnko offect in tho 1016 tnxos. Colonel HouDslor,.-tha Swinn mill. tnry statistical estimatM thnt i million men havo lio'on Killed "fn'Yho I European war. Early Pigs Pay better than late ones. They have a longer pas ture season and rnake more pork from grass. They can be kept on grass until almost ready for market. They make not only more use of pasture, but also more ECONOMICAL use of all feed, because they can be fin ished for market before cold weather sets in. Gains, in weight cost more in feed after winter weather begins. The one thing necessary in raising early pigs is a good hog house. There are a great many kinds of hog houses. Come in and discuss your plans with us. Together we can select the type best suited to your requirements. Re member, it costs you nothing for the help we give. We have all necessary materials. W W. BIRGE CO. THE LOTUS 59 Steam Heat, Running Hot and Cold Water in all the rooms. Prices Reasonable. Corner 6th and Locust St. MRS. C. F. JOHNSTON, Prop. lisanilCattle Bought nnd highest markt prices paid . i PHONES Reiidanoe Red G3G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Mgr. NO chilly days with the PERFECTION Perfection Oil gives best results. STANDAND OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha adeJ