The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 12, 1915, Image 5

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We Invite the Public to see the Unveiling Ceremonies in Window Tonight at 7:30 O'clock of
This Great Masterpiece is Executed with 10,000 Cakes of Royal Cuticle Soap and Can be Seen in Our Show Window Saturday.
introducing n new high
class Toilet Soap, regu
lur 25c value, at cake
3 Cakes for 25c
a .:uf f . i;f,; nnd e that i. worth comin miles to see. Every citizen of North Platte and vicinity should see this
wonderful piece of workmanship. It's a marvel of ingenuity and artistic skiil. It exhibits the front elevation of the National
Capitol-the mammoth Arch of Triumph with its ornamental column of Liberty and Chariot of Progress. The great hall flank
ed with smaller halls running through the entire building is shown with marked exactness as to its distinctive features and
adornment. This masterpiece is executed in one of our largest show windows, and with one purpose in view, to make you ac
ouainted with ROYAL CUTICLE SOAP.
Introducing a new high
class Toliet Sonp, regu
lar 25c value, at cako
3 Cakes for 25c
Now the Leading Storein Furthering the Interest of the People of North Platte and Vicinity Has Wonfor our Store Much well Deserved Popularity
For a 25c cake of ROYAL CUT-
a am
CCLE SOAP, or 3 cakes tor soc
UUHU& liuo
Tn order to thoroughly introduce their Medicated Royal
Xn oruerio """""fa"., 1inQ and an-
SSSd MSffl store in each
S through which to offer the greatest soap bargain ever
offered in America, and incidetally make one of the most
u fnue displays ever shown. In selecting their repreaent
Xe for North Platte they naturally first thought of Wil
cox's d arranged for this display and appointed us agent.
SoSt fortunate in having : secured tto
. . " r,roi PnHnio finnn for North Platte
exclusive agenuy iui .i.,..
and are glad to be able to give the people of this vlemilj
an opportunity to buy this high-grade Toilet Soap at pos
itively the lowest price ever named for such quality.
Instead of distributing small free
samples to each family, the manu
facturers allow us during this event
only to sell
One 25c Cake tor 10c
and 3 Cakes, tor 25c
and not more than six cakes to one
person. No dealers supplied.
For a 2Sc cake of ROYAL CUTI-
CCLE SOAP, or 3 cakes for 2Sc
during mis saie.
This soap is famous elsewhere, but has never been sold In
North Platte under its present name, although a soap made
from the same formula is sold everywhere under another
trademark at 25 cents a cake. This Royal Cuticle Soap
"is the cleanest, purest, softest and most soothing you could
use on your hands or face. You should get half a dozen
cakes at the introductory price which we will make for a
short time, while the exhibit is in our window. This price
is positively the lowest ever made for such a high-grade
toilet soap.
- ,
10c a Cake, 3 Cakes for 25 Cents
Send Us Your Mail Orders To Our Out-of-Town Friends
rr ....! , nl-tlm rilv mid are mmlilc 10 We are sole agents for all towns in Lincoln
11 yuu iivu vjm.. v" j ,1
attend this great display and sale, send your , County, Nebraska
mail orders. ' oraers
Send in your
10c a Cake, 3 Cakes for 25 Cents
. " i
Miss Margaret Fitzpatrlck is suf
ferer this week with tonsilitls.
For Rent Eight room house and
bath at 510 west Fifth street. Inquire
of Mrs. M: E. Watts, 316 west Fifth;
Mr. w. .T. Landgraf went to North-
port yesterday morning to visit for a
few days.
V. E. Bradshaw, of the local shop3,
is off duty this week on account of an
injured eye. ,
nr Ainrio Ames went up the branch
yesterday morning to spend a few days
on business.
Airs Tinrrv Moore left last evening
for Cheyenne to visit friends for a
..week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Douglas have re
turned from Sidney where they visited
friends last week.
"Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDon
ald, 407 west Fifth.
Attorneys Halligan and Wilcox went
to Lexington yesterday morning on
professional business.
Mrs. E. N. McNamar came down
from Paxton "Wednesday morning to
visit friends, returning homo today.
The Knights Templar will hold ser
livicps this evening at the Masonic hall
pA" banquet will bo hold after tho cer
Mrs. J. H. Posey, of North Bend,
who has been visiting Mrs. Frank Bu
.chanan for a week, will leavo tomor
jtcntiininv. Knv. 13th. a snecinl price
- I w i t i " -
of 85.00 'and $7.00 hats at $2.00 and
$3.00. McVlckor's Millinery, at Tho
Mrs. R. L. Metcalf and baby of
Paxton, who spent a week with the
former's mother, Mrs. F. C. Hoxie,
returned home yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwick, who
have been visiting their daughters in
nlties of Wyoming for sovoral weeks,
aro expected homo tho nrst or next
.Tames Banks, of Mcrlngo, Colo., who
came here last spring for medical
treatments and had since been visit
ing his brother W. T. Banks, left yes
terday morning.
Wo have a good asortment of miss
es' and children's hats to close out,
Saturday. November 13th, at, $1.00
and $2.00. McVlckor's Millinery, at
The Leader.
The members of tho Eastern. Star
held a' special program last evening
In honor of their Grand Worthy Mat
ron Mrs. Willitts of Mcook, who Is
spending a few days here inspecting
the work of tho order.
Among tho visitors In town yester
day was John C. Weir, ono of tho old
time residents of Paxton. Mr. Weir is
building a now six room houso on his
farm south of Paxton, and is also
erecting cribs to hold his big crop -of
v MnrHn ntnrtnincd tho
.it A l .
socialist study club Wednesday after
Yesterday morning Miss Helen
Hoxie, returned to her duties in the
court houso at Ogalalla after spending
a week with the homo folks.
Homlsinen Want rarmlee. I .Municipal Christmas Tree.
Seven well known farmers and At a special meeting of tho Twon
stockmen living north of tho river aro "oth Century club hold Tuesday ev
anxious to know tho whereabouts of lining plans for a municipal Chrlst
iw Pnrmino Thnv nro interested mas tree wcro made and a committee
The Nevlta club enjoyed a kensttig
ton at tho hotao of Mrs. Charles Llerk,
Jr., Wednesday afternoon. Dainty re
freshments were served. Mrs. kmtiy
Coates will entertain tho club at a
theatre party on Tuesday evening,
November 23d.
For Sale 1914 Model T five passon
gor Ford in good condtlon. Meet any
prospective buyer in North Platte. W.
T. Turner, Sutherland, Neb. 84-2
Mrs. Ralnh Smith was hostess at a
"duck" dinner Tuesday evening' which
was given in honor of Mr., and Mrs.
Albert Fuller, of Omaha. Covers were
laid for ten.
Mrs. Harry Williams entertained
tho Triangle club of tho Christian
church Tuesday evening. Plans for a
box of supplies for'tho needy wcro dis
cussed and meetings will bo hold fre
quently in tho future to preparo cloth
ing for them.
F. A. May, district commercial man
ncor for tho Nebraska Telephone Co.,
spent a day or two in town this week.
Ills company is making many im
nrovementa on their lines in western
Nebraska. Ono of tho latest lines to
be built is from Ogalalla to Grant
Beginning Saturday and continuing
to November 28th I will have a fine
lot of trimmed hats for $4.98; another
lot for $2.98 nnd ono lot of trimmed
and untrimmed hats for 98c. Miss
Whlttakor, at tho Wilcox Department
in him to tho extent of hnving signed
an appearanco bond for $2,000 which
they must make good if Parmlco falls
to put In nppcaranco, and this tho
bondsmen aro fearful ho will not do.
At a lato term of district court
Partnlee was convicted of rape, Minnlo
Thedo being tho complaining witness.
Parmlco took an appeal to tho su
premo court, but to do this ho was
required to furnish a bond of $2,000
Having worked on tho Henry Han-
sen ranch, Parmlco was well ac
quainted with residents of tho north
sldo. and through this acquaintance
shin succeeded in getting seven of them
to go on the bond. For somo timo past
Parmlco had been working for Dcrry
Literary Department Program
Tho literary dopartcnt of tho Twen
tieth Century club will moeat Tues
day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs.
Frank Buchanan. Mrs. J. !. Jloddy
will be tho lender, and tho' following
program will be given: Roll call; book
review, Mrs. J. S. Sims; reading from
"Michael O'Halloran," Mrs. B. B.
Boatman. Each membdr is requested
to bring a guest.
lleet Harvest AJjdiitf Finished.
Flold Mannger John Bryan informs
us tho boots will bzo cleaned up in his
territory by tho middlo of next week,
the weather permitting. Tho weather
for beet harvesting has been unusally
. . ... 1 r 1 . 1 P.... 1 1 ( ci nnnontl nTlfl T 1 1 f
John Spies, who was injured last DU
week in an auto accident at Kearney, growers have taken advantage of ov-
.... ... nru mlniitn WJifin vnil tnltn into COn-
wns iihio to leavo tno nosniuu ye-iw ...
appointed to. mako tho necessary ar
irangement. It wari also decided to
donato a Vlctrola to tho ward schools
and Mrs. J. L. Roddy, Mrs. M. E.
Scott and Misses Annlo Krainph and
avero: so:
Thojfront room ofMho now Malonoy
building was offered for tho use of
tho club at any time as was also tho
iilirti anlmnl niiiHtnrliim. nnd n. voto of
thanks was extended to Mr. Malonoy
and Prof. Tout for theso offers.
Emma Smith avero? selected to take
charge of tho purchasing of the same
borry & Forbes, but two wcoks ago,
after receiving on a Saturday
night his week's pay, ho vamoosed
without intimating to his cmployors
that ho would not bo on hand tho
following Monday morning. Whero
Parmleo went or whero ho Is now
lnnntPii in not known, and to ascer
tain his wherorfbouts circulars will bo
torday, but it will bo two weeks be
foro ho can take up his duties as
traveling man.
Tho contract was let today to tho
W. E. Monroe Sign Co. to decorato tho
Catholic church. Material and taen
will ho hero in a few days from Kan
sas City for the Job.
Rain fell for an hour or so Wednes
day ovenlng, sufficient falling to well
sldoratlon tho returns for beets will
amount to nearly $100,000 to tho grow
ers In this district this year It must
bo admitted tho beet Industry is bo-
coming a crop factor. Next year will
sco many moro hundreds of acres
planted to beets. Horshoy Times.
Tor Kent.
4 room houso 21G east B street. 7
room houso 203 south Locust street.
modern except heat. ,TTT,T.VT
84tf J. C. HOLLMAN.
Money to Loan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson
Wanted Good girl for general house
work. Mrs. Chas. Tomplo, 220 south
Mr. Tnnir MfP.rnw ontortalnod at
six o'clock dinner Wednesday even
ing In honor of her slstor Miss Mauda
Roes tho occasion being hor birth
anniversary. Covers wore laid for
twolvo and tho tablo decorations wero
of yellow and white crysanthomums
which wdro also used in decorat
ing tho house. Tho latter part of the
ovoninc was spent in music and
cames. Miss Rees was presented with
a set of will to ivory as a remembrance
of tho day.
In tho countv court Tuesday, Dr.
Dont filed a complaint against Clay
ton Whcolock, charging him with as
sault. Dr. Dent was crossing thp
South Platto river bridgo Monday ov
anlnc and in pastdng tho oil wagoc
drlvoi by Wlioolock it is claimed tho
latter attempted to force tho Doc
tor's cur off tho eido of tho bridge
Owing to Wheolock's abaenco from
..wn, tl'o war-vat ipsued had not
till 11 ilin MW-iViUHUui." - j j '
distributed offering a reward for hisjsottlo tho dust, which had becomo
return. vory deop on tno country roaus
Mrs. "W. L. Chausee, of Sutherland,
lfoine Coming Xlglil. who undorwont un onoratlon at the
Walla Walla lodge, I. O. O. F., will Nurso Brown Memorial hospital Wed-
obsorvo Thursday evening of noxtncsday, is getting aiong niceiy..
wook as "Homo Coming Night." It will r
also bo tho fortieth annlvorsary of tho
Mr. and Mrs. Albort Fujler, of Oma
ha, who havo boon visiting tho lattor's
slstor, Mrs. Charles McNama'ra for a
couple of weeks, will leave for homo
tomorrow morning.
MrsTjosoph Spies returned Tuosday
evening from Kearney, whero sho was
called by tho illnoss of her son John
last week.
local lodge, which was Instituted No
vember 18th, 1875. Of tho ilftcon char-
tnr inntiilmrs. three aro still actlvo
membors of tho lodge. They nro W.
J. Rocho. of Davenport, la., C. G.
Hall, of Santa Ana, Calif., and 13. J.
IIuntlnEton. of Burkett, Nob.
A nrogram Including responses rrom
mombors hns boon arranged, and fol
lowing tho oxercisos a supper will
bo served.
Hunters Have Success.
Wild fowl huntors havo been hav-
lnc fairly good success this week on
tho North Platto rlvor. MosBrs. Woods
and Ackcrmnn brought in twenty
cooso and a nu'mbor of ducks, and
riinrlns ThornburK and tho Shult-s
bovs sont down nlno gooso from their
nnmn near Keystone which they killed
Monday. Gecso have Just commenced
to arivc from tho north, and a mtio
Rtormv weather would drlvo them
south la big numbers. "Ducks nro vory
plentiful along tho North rlvor from
Reduction in Flour
Kindly note the following reductions in prices
on flour:
Puritan Flour per sack ,
Oriole Flour per sack .
This reduction in price does not mean a corres
ponding reduction in quality, because we will continue
' to keep the quality up as always.
It is our ambition to be first in quality, first in
value and first in service.
Rush Mercantile Co.
up to last oven rg i vn cd.
Keystono weBt to Ouhkosh.