CANDY SPECIAL! For Saturday. Chocolate Covered Curshed Strawberries with Whipped Cream Can you imagine a more delicious combination than this? They arc made of fresh, carefully selected strawberries, crushed in sugar so as to retain all the flavor, combined with rich whipped cream, and then heavily coated with pure chocolate. The result is one of the most delicious confection ever devised. This is what we offer as our great Candy Special tomorrow and we give you our word that you never lasted better 60c Candy in your life. 39 CENTS FULL POUND BOX. Wilcox Department Store. Semi-Weekly Tribune UIX I. HAKE, Editor nml Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES: One Year by Mali In Advance.... $ 1 .25 Ouo Year by Carrier In Advance .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PostoIIlco as Second Cluss Matter. FRIDAY, KOYJHIlitilt J2, 1015. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Frank Elliott lias been off duty at the Hub for some tinio on account of illness. Mrs. John Burke, of Maxwell, Is vis iting this week with Attorney and Mrs. Wm. Shurann. Stcvo Baldwin left this morning for Council Bluffs to visit his mother for a week or longer. i Miss Mlnnlo Sudman returned Wed nesday ovcnlng from a six months' vis it iu eastern cities. James Flynn came down from his homestead in Arthur couuty yostcrday to visit with his family for fow days. Miss Lucy Dunn wll bo the guest of honor at a shower glvon by the Lady Forrostors at the homo of Mrs. J. I. Smith Monday afternoon. Tho threo banks of the city will cloao at 2:30 today at tho request o'f tho foot ball enthusiasts and of course tho bank forces want to sco the game. Edward Earhart was taken violent ly 111 near tho Keith theatre Wednes day ovenlng. Medical aid was sum moned and he was removed to his homo on oust Fourth Btreot. Bryon Oborst of Chicago, a former North Platto boy, camo Wednesday to visit his unelo Judgo French and cou- sin Mrs. Ralph Smith for a couple of wcoks. Ilo Is now practicing law in Chicago. Willis Baker, who lias been con- llned to tho houso for a weuk by 111 ncss, was able to bo out to tho foot ball practlco last ovcnlng and will play in his position in tho game to day. C. W. Wright, of the Now York Call, a brother of II. F. Wright of tihs city, passed through on No. 1 Monday en routo to San Francisco to attend tho convention of tho American Federation of Labor now In session in that city. Forrest Greeley, of Staplcton and Miss Bertha Gosnell, of this city, wcro granted a marringo licenso yesterday by Judgo French. As tho bride was but sixteen years of ago the written consent of her parents was necessary. Beginning Saturday and continuing to November 28th I will have a lino lot of trimmed lints for $1.08; another lot for $2.98 and one lot of trimmed and untrlmmed hats for 9Sc. Miss Whlttakor, at the Wilcox Department Store. Frank Balloy, of Hershoy, was ar rested Wednesday for causing a dis turbance on tho streets. The flno and cost amounted to $G.80. James Tumoy and Win. BIgham wcro arrested yester day on similar charges and fined $1.00 and costs. Folowlng Is the menu which will bo served In tho basement of tho Christian church Monday, November 15th, from 11: GO to 1:30: Chicken nio. mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed peas, cold slaw, brown topped pud ding and coffee. Prlco 30 cents. The Lincoln County Poultry and Pet Stock Association will havo tholr sec ond annual exhibit of Htock In tho Lloyd opera house from January 5th to 9th. Marks will bo given on score enrds. Tho Lincoln County Fair As sociation will give a corn show In connection. Earl Smiley, of Beaver Crossing, has boon solectcd as Judge. Mrs. Loulso Carson died at her homo In Hastings Wednesday ovcnlng. The deceased, was tho mother of Mrs. Henry Simon, aunt of Mrs. Ilorbert Baker and Perry Carson, and sister in-law of Mrs. J. B. Elliott, of this city. Mrs. Simon was called to Hastings last weok by Mrs. Carson's critical condition, and will reimaln thoro until nftor tho funoral. Cases Set for Hearing Following is a list of cases set for hearing on tho several dates in tho district court which convenes next Monday: Nov. 10 Giles & Son -vs. ioiner. Nov. 17 State vs. Beatty et al. Nov. 18 State vs. Smith Nov. 19 First National Bank of Om aha vs. Sutherland Bank. Nov. 20 State vs. Russell. Nov. 22 VanAnda vs. Spencer. Nov. 23 State vs. Mudd et al. ' Nov. 27 Slimier vs. Shancr. ' Nov. 28 Wagner vs. Borden. 4 . Nov. 28 Stato vs. Hill. Dec. C Adams vs. Lucas. Doc. 7 Stato vs. Jamos. Dec. 8 Yates vs. Conway Estate. Dec. 9 State vs. Howard. Dec. 10 Gorle vs. Garman. Dec. 11 Stato vs. Itomoro. Doc. 13 Killon vs. Klllen. Doc. 14 State vs. Forroll. fc Dec. 14 State vs. Timmorman. Dec. 14 Fast vs. Selck. Doc. 15 Hupfer vs. A. I. L. Co. Dec. 15 Baker vs. Mogcnsen. Dec. 10 McConnell vs. Burlington. .Dec. 17 Illdonour vs. Fear. Dec. 18 Cooper vs. Robb. Dec. 20 Maloney vs. Turner. Dec. 21 Jenkins vs. Dial. Dec. 22 Sutherland Bank vs. Dial & Laubncr. Dec. 23 Baker vs. Cooloy. Foot Ball flume Today Foot ball enthusiasts will gather at Athletic park this afternoon to see the much-tnlked-of Omaha-North Platte game. If there is one thing on earth that tho local players are anxious to accomplish it Is tho defeat of tho Oma ha team and in this desire the players are not alone. By this wo do riot mean that there is any ill-feeling to ward Omaha, Just a friendly rivalry, but success for tho local team would encircle It with a halo that would re- 'maln for years. To secure this laurel every man on tho team will do Ills ut mostand hero's hoping that the best he can do will bo sufficient. Yesterday a committee made a round of the business houses with a petition asking them to gloso during tho game, and this practically all consented to do. A special train of nino cars crowd ed with chicken fanciers passed through Wednesday evening enrouto to San Francisco to attend tho con vention of tho national poultry as sociation. Hilmer Thompson came down this morning from Chappell to visit his parents and attend tho foot ball gamo Mrs. Chris Pnulson is enjoying 'a visit from her cousin Luella Palln of Wingato, Intl., who is enrouto to tho Panama exposition. For Sale Pure bred Duroc-Jorsoy spring boars your choice at $25.00 each. CGtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. UHllllIIVNHkH I The Necessary Tools To hare jour own checking ac count and poy bills with checks tin this Bank, you:- Make your money deposit. Icimo jour Nigiiaturo tin file. Receive your puss book In which deposits arc recorded. Also book of bank chucks, Uno pen and ink or Indellhlo pencil to write checks. Nothing more required. You keep n record on tho check stubs. IV render u monthly statement. You deposit to keep your balance sufficient to meet your checks. .Wo return can celled checks when paid. Platte Valley State Bank, North Platto, Nebraska. EC LOCAL AND PERSONAL. C. C. Hupfer was a visitor In Gerlng Wednesday. Hogs are still on tho toboggan slide, tho bulk yonterday selling at $G.43 in tho South Omaha market. Henry Ford, the auto bulldor, will pass cast In a special car attached to train No. 0 Sunday morning. Mrs. James McMlchael went to Sld noy this morning to visit her daugh ter Mrs. Juck Mann for a week. Judgo Vincent Haskell, of Omaha, camo last evening to visit friends and attend tho foot ball gamo today. For Rent Furnished room In mod om home. 208 east Third. Mrs. Van Dyke. 84tf Tho young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Saunders .had a slight operation performed at the Nurso Brown Me morial hospital yesterday morning. Rev. A.' M. Shoppard, for ilvo years pastor of tho Presbyterian church at Gothenburg, hns tendered his resig nation to tako effect December 1st. A. P. Ridge, at oiio time a railroad employe of this city, was recently olected mayor of Park City, Utah. Ho run as a republican and had as op ponents democratic and socialist can didates. For Rent Five room house, modern except heat. 808 west Sixth street. Seo Huffman. The Albortn Lorcnc Troupe of Ha waiian singers, 'dancers and musicians opened at the Keith last night for a threo days engagement. This is a real high class musical act and more than made good with those present last night. Entlro change of program daily. - t Tho cooler weather has brought a very urgent need of clothes for new born babies and underclothes for chil dren. Contributions of any of these articles will be very much apreclated by the Associated Charities and will bo received at the . basement of tho library on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 2 to G p. m. Tho Wasp. 16 la said that tho malo 'wasp does not sting, but as tho malo arid fcinalo wasps wear tho samo kind of polonaise and look as much aliko as twins the only way to distinguish their sex Is to catch one. If it stings it is a female If not, it is a gentleman wasp. Cossacks as Ftidors. When crosslnc rivers tho Cossacks. to avoid getting wet, throw tho left stirrup Ieatuor across tho saddle and tho. right stirrup leather In tho opposite direction. Then, placing their feet in tho reversed stirrups, they stand up- rlgliL TKeWoitcCer C ar .00 jj Demountable Kims g mi The 1916 Maxwell is equipped with de mountable rimo, and has the came aize lire on nil four wheels. Two vitally important features. To replace a lire on the road it is only nec essary to loosen five bolts ; slip off the flat tire; slip on spare rim and tire; tighten three bolts, and proceed. We are waiting to take you for a test ride in the car that has broken all Ibw "Firot-Coat" records, and is breaking all low "After-Cost" recordo. UiieAJmiMnfimr nn , r Demountable Rims linYunon Wndshield GSL M worn 9 nfu immi wii EectricSfarter Hectricliqhts Uaqiieto Ignition $ F.OO DETaOlT "fyertPqadisaAlnxwdllfyid' C. M. TROTTER, North Platte. A Flow of Strenuous Ercnts A fow days ago a flro occurred at the rcaldenco of Mrs. Frank Hiner at Aurora, Nebraska. Tho flro had its origin through a five year old son and a match. Tho daughter, fifteen years of ago, had Just been brought homo convalescent from an operation for ap pendicitis. Sho was carried from the houso and it was bolleved her hyster ical condition would result badlv. but did not- Miss Deborah Dusenberry, a young lady who mado her home with Mrs. HIncr was to havo been married to a Kearney man that evening, but In tho nftornoon of that day she received a telegram from Kearney Informing her that tho prqspcctlvo groom had been taken to a hospital and an oper ation would be necessary, and Miss Dusenberry immediately left for Kear ney. 1 Fire at Jllller. Flro that originated in tho storo of C. M. Houston at Miller earljr Tues day morning wiped out ono-iialf of the business houses of that town and tho loss Is placed at $50,000 with about ono half covered by insurance. Among tho business houses destroyed are Maddoxs hardware store; Houston's general merchandise; tho Bank of Mil ler; tho postofflco; tho Narcross drug stdre; Stlckel's lodge hall; Dean's shoo storo and Mrs. Walker's restaur ant. Unfortunately Miller has no flro protection and no means existed for fighting the flro. The lodgo hall was used by the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Modern Wood men, Royal Highlanders, Royal Neigh bors and Grand Army of tho Republic and njl lost their entire paraphernalia and furnishings. Turkeys, Docks, We are now Ready for Thanksgiving Poultry. We offer the following prices delivered to our House at North Platte, Nebraska. Fat young Tom Turkeys, 10 lbs. each and over, 14 cents per pound. Fat young Hen Turkeys, 8 lbs each anil over, 14 cents, per pound. Fat Turkeys under above weight, 12 cents Poor turkeys not wanted; hold them, they will be fat later. Fat Ducks 9c Fat Geese 9c This price is about as high as Omaha cash offers livered in Omaha. Bring them in NOW. Let know how many you have to sell. We want all Turkeys in by November 16th. de us our The Call For Help when a flro is raging brings to the mind quickly the necessity of flro in. sunuice. Ercry homo should be in. surcd. You may bo as cnreful as yon please, but firo will break out wliero it Is least expected. Get a policy from mo without delay, and be on tho safe side. Tho companies I represent arc nil re liable and prompt payers. C.F.TEMPL E.LOANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS lANpa, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. 1JPU MWMJHI 9 E W more you must depend on electricity. Put in MMiwWys!ISKW,i I I these economical Inmpa that Rivo you three W&JM'i J iim us much light without increased cost. I lW'p j MAZDA LAMPS Nfinj Made in V. S. A. and Hacked by Maida Senice 1 fHpfefflf if Compare tlio lipht or EDISON MAZDA with your old MlF,am'jri pirlKm lniiin'n lisht. Try this tonight In your own M'SM IgSK MMA p'nu liKht I rut one nml then the other: Note the wMtSiW I lilit dlttereiico In QUALITY us well lis in QUANTITY I IhIHSi' I VA , of light. 1'nt thorn in every socket. They are made WMi SMkl Mk Hj lu 'ilea for vverv lighting need. M'lljl North Platte Light & Power Co; C.R. MOREY, Mgr.