Secretary Berneckcr of Assessment
Board Gives Figures to Indicate
Condition in Nebraska.
1 rzirrr n
frCT L quick; J j
Operation Said Not to Be Result of
the Shooting Lest July by Frank
Holt Quick Recovery Expected, Ac
cording to statement of Physicians.
Now York, Nov. 1. J. P. Morgan,
underwent an operation on Friday for
appondlcltlB at Ills country homo, Glen
Covo, Long Island. Tho operation was
reported successful and Mr. Morgan
la resting comfortably.
Mr. Morgnn woo nt his olllco
Wednesday, but was Indisposed Thurs
day and remained at bis Ulen Covo
homo. Illu physicians discovered ho
was suffering from a mild attack of
appendicitis. To guard against a ro
currenco tho physicians decided to re
move tho llnanclors appendix.
Tho operation was performed by
Doctors Alarkoo, Lylo and Smith, who
reported it to havo been successful .r
every way and suld that Mr. Morgan
Is resting comfortably. Mr. Morgan's
gcnoral condition Is so excellent that
nls prompt recovery Is oxpected.
Tho facts wore contained in a state
ment given out at tho oliice of J. P.
Morgan & Co. 80 far as could be
learned tho operation Is In no way tho
result of tho shooting of Mr. Morgan
by Frank Holt at Glen Covo July 3.
Mr. Morgan has boon regularly at
his olllco slnco early August Ho has
bpen very actlvo In business during
tho last few months, especially In con
nection with tho Anglo-French loan.
PrtmUr Will Also Act as Minister of
Foreign Affairs for France Four
Without Portfolios.
Paris, Nov. 1. The following offl.
clal announcement of tho formation of
tho new French cabluet waa made
hero on Friday:
"M. Ilrland ctated that the uilnlstry
has been formed and would go bororo
tho chamber as follows:
"Premier and minister of foreign af
fairs. Arlstldo Hrland; minister or war.
Con. J, S. Galllcnl; minister of marine.
Admiral Lacaze; minister of llnunco,
Alexandre F. Rlbot; minister or the
interior, L. J. Malvy; minister of com
merce. Etlenno Oletuontel; minister
of public works, Marcel Sembat: min
ister of Justlco. Reno Vlvlanl: colonial
minister. Emllo Doumorguo; minister
of public instruction and war inven
tions, Paul Palnlevo; minister of ugrl
culture, Jules Mellne: mlnlsterBol stato
without portfolios, Charles do Prey
clnct, Leon Ilourgeols. Emllcs Combes.
Jules Guesdo nnd Denys Cochin. M.
Jules Canihon will bd gcnoral secre
tary ror foreign affairs with a scat In
tho cabinet."
Ruler of Great Britain Thrown by
Mount Whllo Reviewing His
London, Nov. l. Whllo reviewing
troops King Georgo was thrown from
his horso on Thursday and injured.
Although it wns olllclally roportcd
that tho king was "soVorely bruised,"
his majosty Is unablo to Irnvo Ills bed
and thoro aro Indications that his con
dition may dovolop serious complica
tions. Tho olllclal roport on tho affair fol
lows: "While tho king was Inspecting hie
nimy In tho Hold Thursday his horso
becamo rrlghtoned by tho cheers or
the soldiers, and roarod, railing to tho
ground. Tho king was novoroly bruised
and will bo compollod to romaln In
his bed for tho presort."
As tho frlghtonoi' mount or tho king
loll tho rider was unhorsed und roll
with tho animal. Olllcers rair forwurd
and picked up his majesty.
450,000 Troops Moblllied on Frontier
and Are Reported Ready to
Aid Allies.
Paris, Nov. 1. Tho Salonlkl corre
spondent of tho Petit Journal learns
rrom a rollablo sourco that Itoumanla
has mobilized 450.000 men, or whom
200,000 aro concentrated on tho Bul
garian frontior and tho rost on tho
Hungarian rrontlor, whoro Improg
nablo dofoiiBOB havo boon constructed.
Tho dispatch Indicates Uoumanla's
Intention to ontor tho war on tho sldo
or tho alllos. According to advices re
cently recolved tho Russians havo
boon Beoklng permission to send
troops through Itoumanla to coop
erato with tho allies In attempting to
stop tho Teutons' drlvo through tho
Showman's Debts $800,000.
Soattlo, Wash.. Nov. 1. John Con
sldlno, member or a theatrical llrm.
who a Tow years ago was reputed a
millionaire tostlllcd in tho superior
court hero that uq was entirely with
out ineanB and that ho owed $800,000.
Widow Will Make American FUgs.
Washington, Nov. 1. President Wll.
son provided a moana or support ror
the widow or Frederick Oilman, me
of tho victims of the F-4 disaster. He
appointed Mrs Oilman as a llugmaker
at tho Mnro .'eland navy yard.
r 1 1
y iliKr rusenvroer I 1 It
I I AM li i 1 KTD&Yeri (I to I I
And It's Liable to Be Wort
First Connecting Link Formed In the
Northeast by Invaders Purpose
of Drive Accomplished.
Berlin, Germany (via London), Oct.
-'9. Direct connection botween the
Austro-German forces in Sorbin and
tho Bulgarian army of General Bovad
Jlolf lias been established on tho Dan
uho rlvor cast of Brnza Palanka. ac
cording to tho olllclul announcement
given out on Wedncsdny by tho Gor
man army headquarters staff. The
statement follows:
"Dorblu. east or Vlsegrad (Bosnia),
has boon taken.
"The armies or General von Koovess
and General von Callwltb havo driven
back tho enemy wherovor ho has made
a stand.
"As regards tho main forces, the
gonornl lino or Valyevoa-Morawos (on
tho LJIg) Docola has been reached.
East of thla lino, tho .lasonlca and
Haca havu been crossed on both Bides
or Svllujacronava. In tho Pek valley
Norosnlkn lino been taken.
"Forces advnnclng oast or Orsovn
captured twolvo heavy cannon near
"At LJIuglcovnc, on tho Danube east
or Braza Palanka, direct connection
with tho army or General Boyadjloft
(tho Bulgarian commander) has boon
established by patrolB. Tho right wing
or thla army Is pursuing tho enemy
Troni Ncgotln northeast to southwe.Bt
Fighting continues ror possession or
Tho junction or tho Austro-Gcrmnn
nrmlos with tho Bulgarian troops was
made In tho oxtrcmo northeastern cor
nor or Serbia.
Chicago Financier Says He Did All In
Power to Avert Failure of La
Salle Street Bank.
Morris, ill., Oct. 20. James n. For
gan, prcBldont or the First National
bank or Chicago, In testirylng at tho
trial or Charles B. Munday, charged
with bank wrecking, declared lie did
all In his power to avert tho financial
ruin or William Lorlmor and Munduv
whllo tho LaSallo Street National
bank was on the road to destruction.
Forgan warned thorn aovornl times,
ho tostllied and oven when thlH ad
vlco was unhcoded ho stood by thom
and succeeded In prolonging tholr nr
(Illation with tho Chicago Clearing
IIoubo association. Forgan wont so
rar as to say that his bank 'might
holp liquidate tho Lorlmor-Mundny In
stltutlon and thus savo tho depositors'
Forgan proved a valuable witness
ror tho prosocutlon. dcsplto offorts of
tho dofenso to show ho was respon
sible ror a "run" on tho I.orlmer-Mun-day
bnnk Just beforo It failed.
Say French Shot Red Cross Man.
Berlin, Nov. 1. Tho Dresdon Nnch
rlchten reports that n momhor of tho
Red Cross, named llclllngcr, a pris
oner of war, waB Bitot by a French ot
ticor bocnuso ho rufusod to betray the
position of tho Gorman staff.
Ammunition Shortage In Germany.
London, Nov. 1. "A German short
ago of ammunition, which Is said
to ho becoming critical, ' Is given In
a Potrograd dispatch as ono reason
ror tho Germans' fulluro to dato to
capture Dvlnsk und lliga.
l I
h a Lot of Money Somo Time.
Vessel Carrying Escaped KronprU.z
Men Overtaken by British Cruiser
Sydnoy, Tourists Say.
Roanoko, Va., Oct 28. Tourists re
turning hero from Bermuda say that
on Octobor 20 olllcers rrom tho Aus
tralian cruiser Sydnoy boarded tho
liner Bermudlan. about flrty inllqs off
Sandy Hook, N. J., on her last trip
from New York to Bermuda, and re
ported having sunk on October 10 tho
power boat Eclipse, with tho six war
rant olllcers of tho Interned German
cruiser Kronprinz Wilhelra. They
say tho Sydnoy reported nil tho Ger
man olllceis lost. Misses Estollo and
Clommlo Whito, who were passengers
on tho Bermudian, said that about
llvo o'clock on tho afternoon or Octo
ber 20 tho Sydnoy hailed tho liner and
sent olllcers aboard. It was explained
to passengers on tho Bermudlan that
tho Sydney's olllcers had como aboard
to say thero was no further need to
watch Tor the escaped German olll
cers. They say It was generally mado
known to tho passengers that tho
Eclipso had been sunk tho day boforo
with all on board.
Veteran Inventor Tells Secretary Dan
iols of Invention to Increaso
Aeronautic Efficiency.
Washington, Oct. 30. Hudson Max
im, member of tho naval advisory
board and veteran Inventor, called on
Secretary or tho Navy Daniels and
roportcd that he had Invented a now
fuse for use on norla! bombs which
will greatly Increaso tholr olllcloney.
By using tho now fuso, ho said, avia
tors can tlmo tho bomb t-xploslon to
tho rractlon cr a second. The dis
covery will bo tried at onco at tho
navy aeronautic oxperlmeutal station
at Pensacola, Fla,
Former Mexican General Charged
With Complicity In Murder of
President Madero Seized.
Vera Cruz. Mexico. Oct. 30
Charged 'with complicity in tho mur
der In Mexico City of President Ma
dero, Ignnclo lllvero. rormerly a gen
eral In the Mexican army under Presi
dent Diaz and financial agent of the
Catholic party, was urrosted here as
ho stepped off a ship from New or.
leans. Ho had been In tho Unltod
States for tho last two years.
Big Flood In France.
Paris. Oct. 30. Tho overllow of tho
Basso river has caused several mil
lion francs' damugo In tho region ol
Perplgnan, n historic city of southern
Frunco. A railroad brldgo was washed
away at Hlvesaltes, tho home ot Gen
ornl Joffro.
French Land More Troops.
London, OcL 30. A Central Nowa
dlBpateh from Vienna on Thursday by
way of Amstordam quotcB tho Frank
furter Zoltung as saying that tho
French havo landed 150,000 troops and
100 big guns nt Salonlkl.
British Warship on Shore.
London, Oct. 30. Tho British cruls
or Argyll, 10,860 toiiB, has gono ashoro
011 tho enst coast or Scotland during a
galo. All tho members or tho crew
wor saved. It Is reared tho warship
muy bo a total loss.
Three-Story Building of St. John's Pa
rochlal School at Peabody, Mass
Swept After 600 Boys and Girls Had
Entered Structure.
Ponbody, Mass.. Oct. 3U. Fl
through tho three-storv hrlt-it iiiHMim
occupied by the St. Johns parochlul
scnooi, Duruing or driving to death in
uio panic mat followed the alaim
11 or tho (iUO hoys and girls who u
tow minutes beforo had aHsomhiod m.
uioir daily lessons on Thursday.
iwenty oodles havo been recovered
irom trio ruins. Twolvo. of these bod
les were removed rrom tho vestibule.
wnero tlio Jam of terrified llttln nuns
nau resulted In tho greatest loss of
lll'O. Many Others Wcrn inliiru,! in
their Might down tho stairways and a
iuw jumpeu irom tho windows ot tho
mini noor.
Tho first alarm
detracted mothers to tho schoolyard,
where soon thoy woro Joined by other
reiuuves or 1110 nun Is. until tho htiilH
ing was Burrounded by a great crowd
of hysterical men" nnd women, who
rushed tho police linos in a wild effort
10 reacu tbeir children. The police
wero powerless to Btop tho rush, but
m..uu muy ianeu to uo was accom
fjlshed presently bv tn
shooting from tho windows of the
ouiming. neld back tho throng.
Tho students, who ranged in years
from Eoven to thirteen, were in
charge of 16 sisters. Wlmn tho 11
started tho sisters marshaled their
cnarges tor a lire drill and started
them rrom tho building.
buuucnly thero wub a cry or rear
rrom one of the throne. It
up by n hundred others, and panic
unaueu. Tlio sma lor chililrnn M
under tho feet or those behind them,
anu soon tho vestlbulo was so Jammed
with living nnd dead that tho firemen
could not rorco an entrance. The 10
slstorB escaped.
The origin or tho fire remained In
doubt. Michael Dunn, who lives near
tho school, said ho heard a mur
lied explosion.
A largo percentnKQ of tho nnniia
wero children of foreign parentage. In
uio numoer wero many of Irish and
Italian descent.
London, Oct. i!8. Tho war ofllco
announced on Tuesday that tho British
transport Marquette has been torpe
doed by a submarlno in tho Aegean
sea. Ninety-nine of those on board aro
unaccounted for.
Eagle Pass. Tex.. Oct. 30. Twenty
six carloads or Mexican cavulry
horses. Mi carloads of munition wagons
and an armored motor car loft hum
over tho Southern Pacific railroad for
Douglas. Ariz. They are part ol the
t arranza troop movement over Anier
leun soli, authorized by Washington.
Los Angeles. Cal.. Oct. 30. -in iunt
two years the United States will have
such a competent duiensn thnf it
defy the world." said Thomas A. Edi
son nere. "Wo shall bo In a position
men 10 ne afraid of no one."
Attack on Bulgar Port Paves Way for
Landing Troops to Co-Operato
With Allies.
Homn. (tot' fin a 11, . .....
, w, Mui,iiuiuai uia-
patch to the Stcfanl Nows agency, filed
"uunesuay, cays that the Kussluns
have begun an attack on Mm mn,.ir on
coast or Bulgaria.
A Russian lleet nrrivmi nt fr.
o'clock this moinlncr On tfin lllllfrn.
rlan coast." tho correspondent wires.
uuu uumeuiuteiy began a bombard
ment or Vnrnn. Shelling wns still pro
ccedlng at cloven n'clnnit imat,i..
nblo dnmago has been dono to tho
Miss McCallln of Prominent Pitts
burgh Family Discovered
Pittsburgh, Pa.. Oct. HO. Tlin hnrift.
less body or Miss Sophia McCallln.
oaugntor or tho lato William C. Me
lanin, rormor mayor or Pittsburgh,
wns round on tho Pennsvlvnnln tmn,a
nt Roup, a station within tho city lira-
us. 1110 oody was so badly crushed
that Identification was imnoRRihin im.
til tho glrl a nbsonco rrom tho olllco
or E. S. Morrow, city comptroller.
wuobo secretary Bho was. started an
Georgia Offers Wilson Wedding Ring.
Dahlono. Ga . Nov. 1. President
Wilson has been asked to accept a
ring madu or virgin Ccorein uni,i i.,-
his wedding ring, ir ho accepts tho
citizens will "pan" tho gold and mako
it Into a ring.
Chinese Premier Resigns.
Washington, Nov. 1. Resignation
or Hsu Shlh Chang, Chinese premier.
was auuounccu in un niitciuj telegram.
Ho Is out ot sympathy with tho pro-'
posed chango from tho republic to a
Tho Inequity of taxation, ns brought
oui by the report of Soeiotarv lim
necker of the State Board of ab
ment shows that lands and Imnrove-
inents aro assessed at 1225,219,230,
un average or JG.0G per acre.
Tho highest valuation of any conn
ty is given to York, where the land is
valued on an averace of S1G.29 nr
acre. Tho lowest Is given to Thomas,
which Is assessed at only 53 cents
per nere.
Thero is considerable variation In
tho assessment of lots and Improve
ments thereon. In many instances It
would seoni that tho valuation of this
property is not very fairly divided.
ino whole valuation is nlacod at S7:t,
180(521, an average of only $120 to
the lot. Douglas county lots are
Placed at a valuation of taxation of
$37o.45 per lot; Lancaster county
lots at $193.08, Dodge nt f 90,73; Gage
nt ?.80, Hall at $1C5.3C, Platto at
$144.03, York at $140.05, Adams at
$110.21. Lots and Improvements In
Adams county, which has Hastings
within Us borders, are assessed nt
nn average of $110.21, while in
uoono county, where tho largost town
Is only about 1.500. lots and I mnrnvp.
mcnts thereon aro assessed at $121.31,
more than the Adams county lots. In
Cass county lots uto assessed but
$G5.78, whllo In Cuming county they
aro placed at $119.90. In Gnrfleld
county, where there aro no towns
mcnts nro assessed at J2.ri5.2m 2nn.
ono thsuand people, lots and im
provements are nlaced at Sl2fi.2o.
while in Gngo county, ono or tho best
Improved counties In the state, lots
and Improvements are but $42.80.
There are 903.9G5 horses In Nohrns.
ku, valued at $12,740,876, an average
of $14.10 per horse, or a real valua
tion of $70.50 for each animal on an
There are 105.381 mules In tho
stato, which aro assessed at $1,899.
476, an average valuation for taxation
purposes of $17.42 per animal.
There are 2.311.480 cattle in the
stato, valued for tnxation at $14,184.-
308, or $6.14 per head.
The assessment of automobile;.
shows that the averace assessment
on each machine is hut $73, or on the
one-fifth method, actual valuntlon of
hut $365. The total number clven in
for assessment In the state is 44.261.
although numbers issued bv the see
retary of state at tho lime of tho as
sessment ran up about 60,000. The
machines are given a total valuation
of $3,220,558
Thirty-fivo farmers' institutes were
scheduled by tho agricultural exten
sion service of the university farm
for the month of October. The places
nnd dates of the meetings are as t'ol
lows: Curtls,7; Wauneta. 9; Culbert
son, 11; Uartley, 12; Overton, 15;
Lexington, 16; Sutherland, 19; Dig
Springs, 20; Clmppollf 21; Lodge Pole.
2; Lowellcn, 25; Llsco, 26; Holbrook,
S; Page, 5; Atkinson, 7; Bassctt, 8;
Cody, 0; Harrison. 22; Raymond, 27
28, 29. The olglit inslltutes to be
held In Bawes county and tlio live tc
bo held in Box Butte county aro un
der the local auspices of tho Dawes
county farmers' association and the
Box Butte county farmers' associa
tion. (An agricultural extension scho 'l
wns held October 4 to 8, inclusive, at
Two hundred Virginia Beauty ap
ple trees set out on Ave acres of No-
niaha county land and listed In the
books as 20 years of ago, brought In
a gross return of nearly $2,700 to
their owner, G. N. Titus. That is the
story brought back to tho stato house
by Secretary Duncan of tho stato hor
ticultural board. 'Last year Mr. Titus
obtained a very good crop from the
sanio trees, nnd in fact for several
years past ho has been doing quite
well enough with them to feel that ho
has made money on them.
A boom In tho erection of country
school houses is on in this state, a
boom which has not been equalod In
years, according to the mute testi
mony of tho stato bond record. Dur
ing the past several months, accord
ing to tliat record, thero have boon
more issues of bonds registered with
ho stato auditor than during ontiro
years in tho past. Tho greater share
of these Issues como from wostern
and northwestern Nebraska.
In response to a request from Sec-
rotary Mollor of tho state board ol
ngriculture, 15. J. Mitchell, secretary
of tho Thayer county agricultural bo
cloty, has sent In Uio following esti
mate of crop ylolda In that part of the
county: Wheat, 25 bushols; rye, 28
bushuls; barley, 23 bushpJs; potatoes,
SO bushols; alfalfa. 4 tons; wild hay.
VA tons; corn, 45 bushels.
On 53 farms survoyed in Thurston
county tho farmers mado $1,448
above expenses nnd 5 per cont Inter
est on their investment for tho year
1914, "In addition to receiving a homo
and what tho farm contributed to
ward tholr living. Tho nvorago size
or tho rorms was 214 acres and tho
avorago total capital for ench farm
was $21,816. This survoy will bo con
tinued for a number of years for tho
purposo of finding which system of
fnrm management yields tho greatest
continuous profit. It Is being made
Rebel Chief Has Ten Thousand Sol,
dlers No More Protection for
Foreigners, He Says.
Douglas, Ariz. When Gcnoral Fran.
Cisco Villa began moving his troops
Into position for an attack on Agua
Priota, Sonora, opposite here, ho per
sonally declared that ho would stand,
tho consequences. "If necessary, J
will fight the United States army as
sembled along the bordor," ho as
sorted, after hcarirfg for tho first tlm
that the American government had
glvon permission for Carranza to
transport troops from Laredo und
Eugle Pass, Tex., to reinforce tho
garrison at Agua Prleta.
Villa, according to reliablo esti
mates, has 10,000 soldiors, although,
ho claims to havo 18,000. Tho bordor
line has been closed, but arrango
ments woro mado by United States
Immigration authorities to admit un
der guard thousands of more or less
destitute refugees from Agua Prleta.
Villa himself is with his cavalry,,
forming a flank guard along tho bor
der. It was whllo getting these
troops Into position that ho learned.
that Carranza reinforcements had
been transported over American tor-.
ritory, and launched a vorbal attack
on tho United States which ho de
clared would turn into a nhvslcal at
tack if necessary. Ho said: "This Is
the way tho United States repays me
for tho treatment and nrotectlon I
havo given foreigners In Mexico,
Hereafter I don't care what happens
to foreigners in Mexico, or in mv ter
ritory. I am through with tho United
States. I can fight my battles. Let
them fight theirs."
Double Appropriation for Militia.
Washington, D. C. Practically
doubled federal appropriations for
the state militia and opening of tho
proposed continental army to any or
ganization or individual of tho na
tional guard desiring to enter and
free to do so, are contemplated in the
army slife of the administration's na
tional defense program.
Details of tho provision to bo made
for tho militia wero mado public for
the first tlmo In a statement Issued
by Secretary Garrison, which 'said, in
"In my proposition the membership
of the national guard is offered al
ternatives based upon this full recog
nition and meeting every proper
point of view with respect to their
relationship to tho matter of military
policy. In other words, I propose
that any and every organization of
the national guard that Is free to do
so In so far as its stato obligations
aro concerned, may como over Into
tho national force Intact and bo ac
corded exaxctly the same position
therein that it now holds.
"With respect to the national guard
In tho states, tho plan not only con
templates continuing tho financial
and personal aid on behalf of tho na
tional government, but largely In
creases tho same, practically doub
ling It the next fiscal year."
U. S. Steamer Seized.
Halifax, N. S. Tho Dutch steamer
llamborn, from Now York, and tho
steamer Hocking, from New York for
Norfolk, wero brought into port hero
by prize crows from a British war
ship. The Hocking wan formerly tho
Danish steamer Gronland, but wns
vocently changed to American re
gistry and was flying tho American
flag when overhauled by tho war
shfps. Tho sheriff of tho admiralty court
haa taken charge of both steamers
and has placed armed men aboard,
but nothing has been mado public as
to why tho vessels wero seized.
Blanche Walsh Ic Dead.
Cleveland, O. Blanche Walsh, tho
well known actress, died in a hospital
here where she was taken two weeks
ago for an IllnesB which required an
operation. Mls3 Walsh's refusal to
disappoint an audience caused a ro
lapso from which she died.
Rifle Brings Big Price.
New York. A rlflo purchased by
Abraham Lincoln and Henry Brooncr
for $15 when thoy lived In Spencer
county, Indiana, and which was used
by tho famous war presldont In deor
hunting, brought $285 in u sale ot
Lincoln relics here.
Death Duel In Air.
Clovoland, O. A horrified crowd
saw a death duol sixty foot in tho
air on an arch or tho now hlghlevol
brldgo ovor the Coyahoga river, in
which Frank Wright, storekeeper for
bridge contractors, wns killed by a
follow workman with an iron bar.
Tho killing was witnessed by Wrlght'
wire, who was on her way up to
him with his lunch. Tho killing waa
preceded by a grim strugglo, In which
tho two men wrestled back and forth
on tho arch, and both camo near to
falling Into tho river several times.
by tho College of Agriculture