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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1915)
y CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Ocnuinc Union-Alls for s&lo only at Wilcox Department Store. Attorney W. T. Wilcox transacted business In Lexington yesterday. A party of young folks will hold a dance at the Masonic hall this evening. Miss Fayo Elder returned tho first of this week from a two weeks' vlsU in Omaha. Ilov. Barton "vlil lmv tomorrow morning for Grand Islanl to attend tho Baptist con.'i n'Cfo. Miss Mnrjorlo Campbell will go to Grand Island tomorrow to attend tho Baptist convention. Ray McCnnn of tho Kauffman-Wer-nett Co., is spending a few days in Kearney this week. Miss Annio Kramph spent Wednes day in" Huntings as the guest of Rev. and Mrs, Lee Young. Children's Dresses, woolen and washable, for all ages, from 60 cents and up at The Leader. Mrs. t Lincoln Carpenter of Curtis, a former resident, is spending a few dv.ya with local tfienJa Attorney J. J. Halllgan returned last night fjrom Lincoln whore ho 'nrgued a case In the supreme court. Mrs. George Gorman and Mrs. Wm. Garman. who had been visiting In Hastings, returned yesterday morn ing. Special values in our Suit and Coat department. Suits going at cost. Wo Htlll have a goodly stock and can fit you out. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Miss Allco Troy, of Kearney, ar rived here Wednesday evening to visit her cousin Miss Marie Doran for two weeks. Frank Doran returned Tuesday ev enng from Crawford, Alliance and other towns where he spent a week on K. C. business. Mrs. Frank Flint and children left at noon Wednesday for Omaha and other eastern po'nts to spend a week with relatives. Jolir H. Hall ago 14. and Mrs. Katie J. Hronlsh age 35 of Stapleton, were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon by County Judge French. i Mrs. Payton, of Schuylec, who was the guest of Mr. and Mr3. 13. N. Ogier. , left .Wednesday evening for California to Visit relatives for a month. I i Charles Tliompsqn ha is a student at the University School of Music in Lincoln visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brownfiuld. of Cozad, visited the latter'3 aistor Mrs. R. A. Surlier Wednesday wh'lu en route to Long Beach, Calif., to spend several weeks. If you have not 'bought your Fall Suit ns yet, now Is tho t!.no to buy It when you can save from $5.00 to $10 while we are closing nut oil'1 suits at 4at actual cost.. BLOCK'S. .Mrs. Wilson Tout entertained the teachers of the Methodist Sunday schoool Tuesday ovening In a very en joyable manner. Dainty refreshments were served. ... . Mr .and Mrs. Earl Carpenter of Lincoln, are visitng the latter's aunt, Mrs. A. P. Kelly after spending a week nt Curtis. Mrs. Carpenter was forerly Miss Gertrude Waldman of this city. Winter is coming and you will want to supply !the family with under garments. The Leader is equipped to supply the whole family from the smallest to the largest, in wool or cot ton. THE LEADER. Mrs. N. McCabe assisted by Mrs. J. H. Fonda and Mrs. Con Walker en tertained the Catholic ladies Tuesday afternoon. The refreshments were very enjoyable and important busi ness was transacted. Days nre getting shorter now. More nlr! wAraf moro you must depend on electricity. Put in f these economical lamps that givo you three WjiwStWiK at I limes .is much light without Increased cost. 2 , EDISON WSkf I i MAZDA LAMPS Bftli !j Untie In V. S. A . mul Hack, 1 bv Mazda .St , Wee I MwSm ; j C'ominre the Ilclit of EDISON' MAZDA with vour old if f' Wf l! uirlmn lamp' lisrht. Try this tnniifht in jour own b Wi g&.Jftg&S H'i ! home -hitlitllrbt one anil then the other: Nolo the M tgl ' ' ,;V, 1 1 hiirilltlerencoin Jl'AUTV a well n in QUANTITV fill ' &fllpS' J : ofliitht. I'ut them m every horket. 'Ihey ure maile f IN , (iKS!S!?w North PI afte Light & C. I?. MOMS.Y, n&. Donald and Mabel McFarlanU enter tnlned forty-fivo of their friends at a Hnllowo'cn party Tuesday ovening. Interesting games wero played and a luncheon sultablo to tho day served late In tho evening. J. A. Banta and D. J. Greeley two prominent farmers who live sovcral miles from town wore hero Wednes day purchasing material for tho erec tion of new, modern and commodious houses to be built on their farms. Alfred M. Hanson ago 2'J and Miss Stella GrandstnfY nirn 1!) nf Dnniiinrk were married Wednesday morning fttl the county judge's office. A reception and supper will be given nt their new home In Denmark tomorrow evening. Miss Minnie Lincoln entertained a dozen young people at a Hallowe'en party Mondny cvenng. Comic games! wero played and peanut races held.' Refreshments sultnblo to tho day wero served and all present report an enjoyable' evening. Eva May. the five week old daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Anthony died Tuesday afternoon after a short 111-: ness. The funeral was hold Wednes day morning and conducted by Rev.) Cram. Interment was In tho North Platte cemetery. I For Ront Eight room houso and bath at 510 west Fifth street. Inquire of Mrs. M. E. Watts, 31G west Fifth. Mrs. Everett Bloyd and Miss Nora Jeffors entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening nt the homo of the former. Unique games were played and a dcllcous lunch served. The latter part of the evening was spent in dancing. The ladles' suits which are now on sale at Tho Leader are certainly ap preciated by tho eager buyers. They are going with great rapidity and every buyer Is extremely well sat isfied. THE LEADER. Edward C. Elliott, of Madison, Wis., spent a day In town this week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred El liott. Ho has been a member of the faculty of the Unversity of Wisconsin, but will go to the University of Mon tana February 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Muldoon en tertained a number of friends nt a; dinner Wednesday evening. Tho table; was prettily decorated and the dinner i was served In courses. The latter! part of the evening was enlivened with music. Sebastian Schwaiger left Wednes day morning for Grand lslyand to at tend the funeral of the late John KUnge who died suddenly tho first of this week. Mr. Klinge had been em ployed as hosier at Grand Island for thirty-flvo years and was pensioned some time ago. Ho was very popular among the railroad men. SJlk and Taffeta petticoats, also fancy petticoats, extra sizes included, from $2.00 up. THE LEADER. The Harmony club was entertained Wednesday evening, by Mrs. A. E. Garlichs and Mrs. Julius Pizer at the home of tub. former. Eight tables wore-uned In playing Ave hundred. Delicious refreshments were served after, the, games. Tho next meeting wil be'he"ld ill two weeks when Mes dames Rcdfielil and Crcssler will bo hostesses. The literature department -,of tho Twentieth Century club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Dick. Mrs Lemuel Toole led the meeting and the loll call was answered by current events on the following topics, litera ture, civic affairs, music, idrama, prominent women, sex hygiene, science, laws pertaining to women. A book review on "A Far County was given by Mrs. J. II. Hegarty. Dainty refreshments were served. Money to Loan On improved farm lands from three ttf five years at 8 per cent. No com mission. Address 44 Tribune office, North Platte. Neb. 81f2 mm Co LOCAL AND PERSONAL. I Glen Scott has accepted a position at the Maxwell garago. The best $15.00 Plush Coat, found anywhere In tho country will be found at The Leader. MJss Ella Slcgmnn has resigned her position ns operator In the tele phono office. Mr .and Mrs. Chris Schick of Curtis, are visiting tho lnttor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln this week. Mrs. Haste returned to Hcrshcy Wednesday morning after visiting with Mrs. A. J. Salisbury for a week. Miss Helen Hoxie, of Ogalalla, came down tho first of this week to visit tho homo folks and attend tho Elks' party. Tho Presbytorlan ladles' aid a tross of "Sun Remover" on sale their exclianie ne: Thursday nftcr- l.OOll. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott left Inst night for Madison, Wis., where they will visit their son Edward for hov oral weoks. Llcenso to wed was granted Wed nesday afternoon to Rcuol V. Mc Mastdr and Genevieve M. Brooks, both of this city. Mrs. Mark Atchluson and baby of Kearney, who wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Reynolds went home yesterday morning. Ladles', Misses and Children's bath robes from 9Sc up at BLOCK'S. The service at tho Lutheran church last Sunday evening was very well attended and was of a high order, showing careful drill on the part of the leader and faithful co-operation on the part of the choir. A. M. Gage, of Arthur'county, was in town yesterday having bills printed for a sale he will hold November 19. Ho will sell twenty-two head of hor ses, fifteen head of cattle, forty hogs and a lot of farm machinery. Tho Kearney high school foot ball team, accompanied by a number of students, arrived this mornng and will play the local team at 3:30 this afternoon. It promises to be a highly interesting game, and well worth see ing., I Gold and Silver Collars for men at Wilcox Department Store. ! Twenty-eight Ford enrs will bo .shipped Into the Hendy-Ogler Gar- age Co. territory the early part of' next week. One car load will como here, one to Stapleton, one to Wallace and one to Sutherland. Other, ship ments will arrive a week or so later. Tills Is November sixth and in tho yards in North Platte are seen many varieties of flowers yet in bloom In suelteied places. To escapo a killing frost or freeze so late In tho season is somewhat remarkable, oven In this, the banana belt, of Nebraska. Nature, If left to herself, will do a whole lot towards repairing injured portions of the body, but when the muscles of the eyes hnve been strain ed, Nature has to assisted. There's no ueo in waiting W give nature a chance." C. S. CLNTON, Registered Optometrist. Look for the sign with the big ring. Following Is the menu for the com mercial dinner which will be Borvcd In the Christan church basement on Monday Nov. St'.i from 11:?9 to 1:30: Roast pork, beef loaf, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, cabbigo salad with mayonaise dressing, sliced parsnips, baked apples with whipped cream, coffee. Price 30 cents. C. M. Trotter, who has taken over the agency in this city for tho Max well car, expects to receive a car load six in number today. These cars have all been sold, but ho will have another carload in a few days. Mr. Trotter will conduct an aggres sive campaign for the sale of Maxwell cars The pupils of Florence McKay will glvo a piano muslcale at 8 p. m. Mon day Nov. 8th, at tho Langlois Piano store, 109 west Sixth street. Those taking part are Clara Sorenson, Bes sie Rannie, Emma Bogue, Clara Rod gers, Lois Porter, Harrlette Fleish man, Mildred Skinner, Ruth Donel son, Mario Schwaiger, Zoo Reynolds and Freda Meyers of Sutherland. Tho class will be assisted by Miss Theo Schwaiger and Mr. Everett Kendoll. Admission 10 cents. 4T1 jfre PJ! nr.T . in s IniproTcd Train Sertlco E. F. Seeborgcr who hau ben spending tho past week In Omuna writes that he had a conference with President Mohlpr and Gen. Manager Ware nnd that those officials prom ised to hnve Horshoy and Sutherland made flag sftntlons for train No. i7, which leaves this terminal at G'10 In the evening. This mnkos oven better train service for the pooj lo of those towns thnn did No. 11, ns It gives them longer time to transact business nt the county sent. Nurse Hroviii .Memorial Hospital Notes MI93 Mabel Schell, who was operat ed on n week ago, Is Improving slowly. The small son of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Mars, from Paxton, was operated on Saturday morning. Mrs. M. S. Huffman, of Lena, Neb., underwent an operation at tho hospi tal Saturday morning. Mrs. W. II. AVoodgnte was on special duty nt the hospital for a few days last week. Mrs. J. II. Honey, of Mullen, Neb., was operated on Saturday morning at the hospital. At present she Is doing nicely. Miss Lloyd entered tho hospital yesterday for training. If she decides to take up nursing she will enter ti larger hospital. The Science of Optometry ' Optometry, tho science of fitting glasses, Is n dignified, honorable pro fession, tho benefits of whMh arc worthy tho serious consideration of thinking people who are In any way troubled with their eyes. Harry Dixon, Jowelcr nnd Optometrist, west Bide of Dewey street. j Charles McNamnrn spent tho first of this week In Lexington on business. LEOAL NOTICE To Charles Brlttingham, Joseph H. Schick, Joseph H. Schick, Adminis trator of tho Estate of Gussio Schick, deceased, Catherlno Lu etic Schick, a minor; Joseph II. Schick, fnthcr and nntural guardian of Cntherlno Lucllo Schick, a minor, South Bend Chilled Plow Company, a corporation; Racine Sattley Com pany of Nebraska, n corporation; Racine Sattley Compnny, a corpora tion; Joel Turnoy & Compnny, a cor poration; Chnllengo Company, a corporrtion? McFnrlan Carriage Company, a Corporation, Mrs. Claude L. Abbott, Mrs. John C. Camp, George F. Sawyer and Mrs. George F. Sawyer, non-resident de fendants: You nnd ench of you will take no tice that on November 5, 1915, II. S. Evans, Plnlntiff, filed his certain po-' tltion in tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, bringing suit ngninst you and each of you, im pleaded with others, tho object nnd prayer of which said petition nre to forecloso you and each of you of all equity of redemption, claim, right, in terest and title in nnd to the follow ing described lands sltunto In Lin coln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: South west, Quarter (SW'4) of Section Four (4.1, Township Nino (9) nnd the East Half (EVj) and East Half of tho Northwest Quarter (E'f. & EMiNW'4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Town ship Ten (10), North, all in Rnno Twonty-seven (27) and west of the Gth P M., to satisfy a first liens claim ed by plaintiff upon said premises by virtue of being the owner of tnx sale certificate No. 47G5 and No. 4770 be ing certificates of tho purchase of said respective tracts of land from the Treasurer of said County nt public sale for the taxes for the year 1909 and by virtue of subsequent taxes paid thereon by plaintiff, nnd nccrucd interest, and upon said tax certificate No. 47G5 there Is now due the sum of $93.22 being a lien upon said South west Quarter of Section four, and tho sum of $191.49 being a Hen upon tho East Half and East Half of tho North west Quarter of Section Ten, and If said respective sums bo not paid to gether with accurlng interest thereon at the rate of 15 per cent per annum and cost of suit within thirty dnya from date of decree had herein that sail respectvo tracts be sold in sat isfaction thereof. You and each of you will make answer to said petition on or beforo December 20th, 1915, or decreo will bo taken ngainst you ns In said peti tion prayed. H. S. EVANS, Plaintiff, By E. II. EVANS, His Attorney. Gives cheer to the family circle. PERFECTION 5MOKELESpil. HEATER Be sure to use Perfection Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY n i. 1 Your choice of any trimmed hnta that wero priced from $5.00 to $7.50, Saturday only at $4.00. Miss Whlt- tnkcr, nt Wilcox Dept. Storo. Tho Methodist aid society met yes terday afternoon with Mrs. Crnm, as sisting Mrs. Cram wero Mcsdnme Bontiimn, Starr, and Derryborry. Anotlior now.nhlpmeni. of wool nnd silk Dresses recolved. Tho niftiest I'roases ovqr shown, yet nt lowest prtcos. BLOCK'S. Mrs. C. A. Talbot, of Kearney who was called here two weeks ago by tho Illness of her grand daughter Retta Talbot, left for homo yosterdny after noon . Tho Indies' bible class of the Pres byterian church will bo entertained nt the home of Mrs. J. C. Strnltorn, 109 west Second street Friday after noon nt 2:30. .ii TKe''Woitcei: Car' I'-.T1 I I n I it The Powerful Motor of the Maxwell This io one of tho most marvelous pieces of machinery ever invented. Very powerful with four cylinders cast en bloc it has made the Maxwell famous as "The Car that Laurrhs at Hills." Best of all this motor is breaking all low cost records for: lot Miles per gallon of gaaolinc. 2nd Miles per quart of lubricating oil. 3rd Lowest year-in-and-year-out repair bills. We are waiting lo take you for a test ride in the car that hao broken all low "First-Coat" records, and ia breaking all low "After-Cost records. demountable Kims WEectdcLiqhts: PhVisionWtdsfiield mJP j$ MMcccpieto Ignition 1 r.O.Q i ML MsmmssM C. M. TKOTTER, NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES NURSES Wo are in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 and ftnto whether you wont graduute or domestic nuisc end we will complete all the arrangements for you without charuo. ' CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment ofStirp; ical, Medical and Obbtctrical case?. A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience oC the physicians of North Platte and country tributary thereto. 8 (ST54 W IS. REAL ESTATE.UMWS iW INSURANCE J ROOMS ZbSS S, I.O.O.E BUILDING, S NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Mrs. Charles Reynolds entertained tho Saturday Afternoon Brldgo club Wednesday nftornoon In honor of Mrs. Mark Atcliinson of Kcarnoy who was her guest. A baby boy whB born Wednesday morning nt tho Nurse Brown Memor ial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford of Paxton. Mrs. Stafford was formerly Miss Margaret McFndden. Wm. McElfresh of Lincoln, Horbort McElflresh of Memphis, nnd Mrs. C. Ad Bid of Foster who were called horo by tho death of tholr sister the lattt Mrs. J. B. Hemphill, returned homo yesterday. The otnnnilHslonors of Arthur couu ty havo cnllcd a special torni of court for next weok. Tho local attor neys who will nrguo cases nre M. 13. Crosby, Leslie Raskins, Rolfo Halll Igan and W. T. Wilcox. I m DETR.OIT North Platte. ThfoCall For Help when n1 llro Is rutrlnu; brings to tlio mind quickly (lie necessity of llro in siirniicc. Krvry homo should bo in sured. You limy bo us careful us you please, but Are will break out whore it is least cxpcclcd. Got n policy from mo without delay, and bo on tho safe side. Tho companies I represent nre nil re liable mid prompt payers. avwii i-tar trmii