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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1915)
DR. 0. H.CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. For Sale Now house at 1213 west Third street, all nftor 3 p. in. Mrs. Mltchom, of Kearney, camo Ttiosday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. RIbbs. ' A new shipment of slclr'.a: thoy are Just the thing, and the prices are right too. B. T, TRAMP Sr. SONS. Ray West, of Wood Rlvor, who visit ed his hrothor-In-lnw Guy Drake for a week loft Tuesday ovonlng. The latest noveltlo In dress goods and trimmings, at tlio vory lowest prices at Tho Loader. The Los Angeles Examiner says: "Mr. IJeauchanip has scored one of the greatest successes ever made at the Long Beach Chautauqua." Miss Ruth McClanalian, of Beatrice, arrived here Wednesday morning to bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker. For Sale Quick for cash, Lot 9, Block G. Inqulro of Martin Wyman at VanCleavo's blacksmith shop. 81tf Work on tho office rooms of Dr. Cressler is being hurried in order that he may bo able to use them the first of next week. Mrs. Swanga and Mr. and Mrs. Line weaver, of Eaglo Grove, la., who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Dorram, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Arnold, of Cozad, returned homo Tuesday evening aftor visiting with tlielr son D. W. Arnold nnd wife for two weeks. Mrs. H. B. Tlmmpr, who had been taking treatment at tho North Platto General Hospital for several weeks, returned home Wednesday. Ladles' Skirts $2.48 to ?12 at Wil cox Departmest Store. Mrs. Joseph Spies and Mr. and Mrs. Grovor Willerton wero called to Kear ney Tuesday by tho illness of John Spies who was Injured In an auto ac cident. Mr. and Mrs. Wood White returned Tuesday morning from an extended visit in Los Angeles with their son Major who Is taking treatments In a sanitarium. They report him Improv ing. Art is but tho employment of the power of nature for an' end. To that end do the Optometrists bend every energy tho preservation rf eyesight when natural vision falls thon Is Art, our part, employed. C. S. CLIN TON, Registered Optometrist. Look i'oi tho sign with the big ring. Tho Elite Kensington Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. McMul len. Music was tho entertaining fea ture. Mrs. McMullcn was presented with a hand-painted cup and saucor At tho close of tho afternoon refresh ments wore served. Tho next meeting will bo Nov. ICth with Mrs. Charles Groves. Queen Quality Shoes for Ladle at Wilcox Department Store. The J. F. F. club wero the guests of Mrs. E. N. Johnston Tuesday after noon. Card gamc3 wero played and prizes awarded to Mcsdamcs I. Steb blns and E. W. Mann. Guests of tho club wero Mrs. Ray Snyder and Mrs. JI. A. Lawhoad. A Hallowe'en lunch eon was served. Tho next meeting will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs. I. Stob blns on November 10th. Tho city council met Tuesday even ing In regular session with all prcsont except Bell and Simon, Tho reports of tho city clerk, police Judgo and treasurer wero received and placed on lllo. Tho annual report of tho street commltteo with roforenco to cutting tho weeds was also received and placed on file. A plumbors' li cense was granted to C. J. Burko & Son, they having established a placo of business nt 113 oust Sixth street. Monthly bills and quarterly salaries wero allowed. All Fall Suits now selling at cost at BLOCK'S. Dr. J. B. Rcdflcld transacted husl ncss In Sutherland tho first of tho week. Miss Vorna Grove of Rockwell. la. Is tho guest of her aunt Mrs. Albert Muldoon. Mrs. John Hcrrod will cntortaln the Catholic ladles next Tuesday after noonj. Mrs. H. M. Grimes and Mrs. W. T, Wilcox spont Tuesday In Lexington with menus. Ladles' Silk Sweaters being sold at a discount of twenty-five por cunt at The Leador. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles McN'amnra have a tholr guest Mr. and Mrs. Fullor of Omaha. Mrs. Carl Ostrock, wlio spont sovor al months here, returned to Wallace iuosday afternoon. Mlh Hazel Feeney will go to Kcnr ney tonight to spend tho week end with tho home folks, Dr. L. A. Cartor, of Tryon, was n professional caller at the North Platte Goneral hospital Wednosday. Ladles' Silk and Wool Scarfs, with caps to mutch, which nro the latest fads, at Tho Loader. Your cholco of any trimmed hats that were priced from $5.00 to $7.50, Saturday on v at 54. uu. ansa wnit taker, at Wilcox Dept. Store. Miss Laura Murray left a few days ago for Omaha to attend the Stato Teachers Association which is in bob slon this week. Tho meeting of the Indian card club which was announced for this week has been postponed on account of the Illness of Mrs. Thos. Hcaloy. New shipment of Suits Just received In the new plaids, mixtures and mili tary effects. Drop in and see them at BLOCK'S. Mrs. Dell Huntington returned Wednesday evening from Grand Is land, where sho was called last -week by the Illness of E. J. Huntington. Misses Esther Schwalgcr nnd Dor othy Hubbard of the Kearney Normal are visiting thejr parents this week, having come up Wednesday evening, Clavton Oder, of Los Ancnlos. who spont six weeks vialtng his brother uu ugjer nero and relatives in Wal lace, lcrt Tor home Wednesday even ing. Miss Carrie Belton, who came east with tho remains of her father, will probably spend the greater part of tlio winter with her sister, Mrs. W. H McDonald. If you have sot bought your Full Suit as yet, now Is the thue to buy it when you can save from $5.00 to ?10 whlo we aro closing out our suits at uctual cost. BLOCK'S. A nino pound girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Thoelccke yester day morning. Tlio mother and daugh tor aro at tho City Hospital ,nnd are getting along nicely. Beforo buying your winter supply of Wearing apparel for the whole family, from head to- foot, see The Leador, llrst. Our prices, quality con sldercd are' as low as any., store In tno country. . ., . THE LEADER. Mrs. W. W. fllrgc and Mrs; Rich mond Hires left yesterday for Call fornla whero t)io former will spend the winter with her sister Mrs. N. B, OU13 nnd tho later will visit for Bovcr al weeks. . .Ladles Have your Suit or Mater nity Dress tailored to your Individual measure, cut and finished by an ex port, from beautiful material. Up-to the-mlnuto styles. Writo for samples and styles. Standard Ladles Tailors, 1510 N St.. Lincoln, Nebr. Mrs. Will Ilawloy nnd Mrs. Frank Buchanan entertained the members of the M. M. M, club nnd tholr huBbnnds Wednesday evening at cards at the Ilawloy home. Tho highest scores wero mndo by Mr. and Mrs. Perry Carson and they received a boquet of cut (lowers. Consolation prizes wero given to Dr. F. J. Wurtolo and Mrs. Wm. Mnloncy. Boquets of yellow chrysanthomums wero used in docorn- tlng and nicely propared refreshments wero served. lKjjj 0 Look Out for the 10 -Per Cent l;"Hy ' of the people with whom Ju have business dealing nrc slrldly honest mid have no desire to profit through dishonesty. U tho other 10 the dishonest, the frniidiilent, the forgers, the sneak thieves, and hold-up men, from whom you need protect Ion. A Checking Account protects your business transactions from the dlshoii. est. It costs nothing to have this pro. tectiou when you Hank here. - Platte Yalley State Bank, North Plcittc, Nebraska. g The "Sunset" Dinner. An occasion worthy of special men' tlon was the "Sunset" dinner given nt noon Wednesday by the Indies of ' the Methodist church at the homo of Mrs. M. J. Forbes. The guests were tho residents of this city who nnd reached seventy years of age and the flftyslx that responded to the invitation spent a most enjoyable af ternoon renewing acquaintances of former years and relating Incidents or the early days. The large rooms were decorated with streamers of yj.ow and white, and twelve small tabloc wore unst tlly decorated with yollow astors and ferns. At a large table In tho ('Inlng room roeni were seated tin oldest guests and Charles McDonald having recent ly passed his elghty-nineth birthday was given the placo of honor at the head. Boquets of largo yellow chrys anthemums and garden flowers wer use'd on' this tnble. The color scheme, yellow and white was carried out In the place-cards, napkins and courses of the elnboratf dinner. Tho guests were called for in automomblles. The following program was rendered: Address of Welcome, Rev. B. F. Cram; vocal solo, Mrs. Charles Stuart; reading, Bert Rey nolds; Instrumental, duet, Misses Ro'xy and Isa Murphy; recitation, Harrison Tout; piano solos, Mrs. B. F. Cram; Impromptu talks by Mnjor Walker. Charlca McDonald and Henry Cordes. The reading by Bert Rey nolds was an original poem entitled, "When We were Boys and Girls" and In It were mentioned a number of the guests. Tho commltteo and their assistants are to bo highly complimented upon the pleasant day which they gave to those of our residents who aro In the sunset of life. Among those present were: Clins. McDonald, Major and Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason, Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. Kate Guynnn, Mrs. E. M. Wood, Mrs. B. I. Hlnmnn, Mrs. H. E. Welch, Mrs. Sarah Moore, A Wendt, Valentine Scharmnnn. W. L. Blalock, B. Mas ters. Mr. and Mrs. D. McNIchol. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rose. Mrs. Stearns, Mrs. E. D. Bean. A. R. Adamson, James Voselpka. Mr. and Mrs. Steb blns. Mrs. Slvlts, Henry Cordes. Mrs. A. F. Reed. A. McMichael. Mrs. H. S. White. Mrs Manlon. Mrs. Hnynes, Mrs. Franzen. Mrs. J. R. Shaw. Mrs. Salisbury Mrs. Schwerdt. Mrs. Gru mnnn, G. W. Vroman, Mrs. C. A. Koontz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yost. Mrs. C. B. Shaffer, Mrs. W. H. Combs. Mrs. M. C. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. VanScoy. Mrs. Rector, Mr. and Mr3. Wallenhaupt. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott. Mrs. L. C. Rigg. Mrs. Ruggy. Mrs. Wolback. Mrs. Albro, Ladies' Suits We aro closing out Ladles' Suits at forty cents on tho dollar. THELEADER. Lutheran Brotherhood llauquet. Tho fifth anniversary of the Luth eran Brotherhood will be celebrnted on next Monday evening with a ban quet at the Masonic hall. Dr. Hol mes Dysinger, D. D., Dean of flic Western Theological Seminary, will deliver the address of tho evening. He has been selected because consid ered able to maintain the high stan dard set by Inst year's speaker, Dr. Baltzly of Omaha. Thera wero a hundred men present then and the ulm is now to exceed that number. A general good time is promised to tho members of the brotherhood and tho church constituency besides the splendid address. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. Lutheran Sunday Aimoiinceiiiiits. 9:45 a. pi., Sunday School Homo Mission. The offering for this cause. 11 a. ni. Morning Worship. Dr. Dy singer will preach. G:45 p. m., Luther lengue. Topic: "The Everlastng Life." 7: .50 Evening worship. Sermon by the pastor. Special music by the choir. Card of Thanks We take this method of returning our heartfelt thanks to tho ninny kind friends who sympathized and assisted us In tho burial of our beloved wife, mother and sister. Signed, J. B. Hem phill nnd family, Mrs. James Adslt, Wm. nnd Harney McElfresh. Conductor .Madden Dies Passenger Conductor William Mad den, for thlrty-llvo years an employe of tho Union Pacific, and for na.iv years on the Oninha-North Plntte run, died at his homo In Omaha Wednes day ovonlng. Denth was duo to kid ney trouble, with which ho hnd been alTocted for scvoral years. Tho dis ease, however, did not Incapacitate him from service, nnd ho left this city on his run Tuesday noon. Mr. Mad den was a popular employe and through his long years of service had many frlonds nlong the lino of the Union Pacific. Ho leaves a wife, a daughtor nnd two sons. CITY AKI) COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Fred Wnltemnth and "children left yesterday morning for Omaha to spend a week. Miss Hazol Simpson loft Wednesday morning for Horshey to visit tho unist family. Miss Ila Martn visited local frlonds this week whllo onrouto from Wallace to Bayard. Miss Nolllo Grimes returned Wml- nosdnv ovonlmr from n vii with frlonds in Omaha. EiiKono Dolntour of Osliknaii imp acted business and visited friends horo Wednesday. Mrs. Blnnchn Ownnn rrvtnrnnil Tuesday ovonlng from Callaway wnero sue visited rolatives. Mrs. James Do Cozad yostordny afternoon by the scr- iuuh iiiuuss ot nor rntnor, James ivln-mau. Tho Zondn Dunnnir nlul arrangomnts to hold a ball v tho laoyu opera houso on Thankspivlng l 4 VU, For Farm Loans boo or writo Oono Crook, room 3, Wnltomnth building, North Platte. Aur Mrs. Ida TiirkltuW fill ft lfrw1tm day morning for Rnvennn to visit hor daughter Mrs. Homer Hundley for two weeks. October 29, 1915. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Hermlnchnunnn. Snrln- cer. Whitn nnd rnnnfv Hnrk. Clnlm of J. H. Emplo for $7.50 drag ging roads is hereby disallowed for me reason mat same was paid to H. B kin pie. Allowed on general fund: A. B. Honcland. ntito lilrn. SfiS.nn. J. B. Redflold, services as county physician and medicine, $97.10. Fnrmors Co-oporatlvo Association, com ror county pooj, Hershey, $13.85. Adjourncu until tomorrow. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. October 30. 1!lin. Board met snino as vnstnrilnv. Prnn em mil uoaru and ciork. Claims allowed nil fttnil? Hilda Anderson, salary clerk county court. $50.00. Anna Anderson, care of county poor $ao.uu. A. J. Salisbury, salary,$145.80. Rov Wilson, snlnrv. S7fi Oft Jos. M. Wilson, salary and cash It 01118. $77.25. ISssio Wessberc. salary, clnrlt sunt. C. W. Yost, office nxnfliiMOH. S1R.40 C. W. Yost, salary, $137.50. Ailoon Gantt, visiting schools, Ailoen Gantt. snliirv. sm.i an Alleeil Gniltt. riff Inn nvnnnnna 418 17 E. H. SnrinKor. services nnd mil . - ' - 4UU.OU. F. W. IIcrminEhnilRP.n. Rnrvlnna nnrl miieago, $4u.uu. D. B. White, services and mileage $54.40. A. J. Salisbury, mileage state cases, 263.00. A. J. Salisbury, office OYnnnsns - A. J. Salisbury, Jailers fees, $138,00. iv. j. aailSOUrV. Hoard nf nr Hnnpra 07 no ' On bridge fund: Greeley Bundy, bridge work, $00.00 fin wiiBon, nridgo work, $14.00. Henry Tilman, brldgo work, $1.00 S. S. Scott, hrldee work. John R. Rltner. buildinir brld crr npnr vuriis, $ In road distr ct funds: P. W. Joruensen. road work dis trict 3, $34.00. bundry persons, road work district Ira Wilson, district 17, $31.50. G. D. Fells, district 17, $42.00. Rollo Bloom, district 17, $14.00. Leo Scott, district 17, $16.25. Fred Totro, district 17, $21.25. L. F. Soules, district 17, $29.75. George Brown, district 17, $2.25. unas. men, district 17, $3.00. Jamo3 Bochan, district 9, $30.00. Milton Ranoy, district 44, $52.30. F. M. Kueser, district 31, $20.00. F. M. Kuser, district 39, 515 CO. Omaha Structural sinoi ivnrira c tlmnte No. 5, Platte Preelnut bridge S1793.GG. Tidball Lumber Co. lumber, bridge I Said o fi i Know what it would jM 1 mean to go homo without $34 3 it. Mother won't take Ql chances she's sure of Orv iwn v-uiuinui sine oi ii :iu. woi wholesome, tasty bak- tHa V. JO form results of purity kfxV oJJ and economy. You try 1CVV g CALUMET mj Baiting Powder fcVv tV l-iy aside your wfftj favorite brand once PC ,"yu and you'll never go POy 3St hack to it. Calu- fM3 'not is the world's fin cut it s moucr- YTfc A .tie iu price." SKHal MKecoS3,,csl jW Mail s iririit slit hakfi p fund, $14.65. Claim of Emma Pulver for $14410 care of county poor is hereby disal lowed. vi petition for a road commencing nt the south-east corner of See. 2H, T. 9, R 31, nnd running west ono rollo to the south-west corner of dald section Is presented to tho board, and all damages having been waive 1 i-v ihe land owners, cnld pjtltlo.i Is horeby granted, and cattle chute allowed on section 26. Whereupon the board adjourns until tomorrow. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. Board met same as yesterday. Prcs ont full board and clerk. Clnlms allowed on general fund: Bratt & )o1ii:an, rent cotitny poor, $12.00. G. W. Brown refund taxes, $10.41. E. A. Surber, caro of county poor, $3G.00. Geo. N. Gibbs, office rent county attorney office three months, $45.00. On brldgo fund: E. C. Hostettcr, brldgo work, $13.65. Wm. Johnson, bridge work, $51.00. W. S. Elliott bridge work, $243.30. W. M. Dymond, brldgo work 79.00. Ed Lunkwltz, brldgo work, $7.50. Carl Lunkwitz, brldgo work, $20.00. E. C. Hostettcr, brldgo work district 15, $21.50. Paul G. Meyer, insp. nt Platte brldgo $108.00. Whereupon the board adjourns until tomorrow. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. Apples A big crop of good winter apples nt tho Glcnburnlo Fruit Farm. Thoso aro cholco varieties nnd aro selling cheap. Special prices on wagon loads. 70tf DAVID iHUNTER, Sutherland. CP z in It 3 SmmmH OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank ol- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL AA'D SU.RlL,USt J One Hurdred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE H HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IX THE GHOWTJI OF TJHS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Ell 11 It AZ20 We Know Not What's Before Us But you'llknow that you have A Load o Good Sound Lumber behind you, when perched on your wagon, homeward hound, after having been Loaded In Our Yards WE SELL THE BEST Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. utter By r arcels Po We will send you by PARCELS POST, charges prepaid, a shipment of choice CREAMERY BUTTER, packed in one pound cartons and guaranteed to please you. Price good to November 10, 31c per pound, cash with order. No orders filled for less than five pounds. Orders promptly filled and safe delivery assured. o Creamery Company Kearney, Neb. to Loan ChcapandblgcanBaklngPowdorsdonot savoyou money. Calumet does It'sPure and far superior to sour tribe and soda, oney ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson