tmi-WitMn Wtibttm THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 5, 1915. No. 83 & cMk ,v AIM , t rt mm lorm mm LOCAL AND l'EKSOXAL. Mrs. n. N. Lamb, who has been ill for some time, Is Improving. Educator Shoes for boys and jjlrls ot Wilcox Department Store. i John Tlgho left Wednesday morning for Lincoln to spond a couple of weeks ylth the O'Nell family. Jncob I'lzor and Joseph Plzer, of Grand Island came last evening to visit Julius Pizer and fanily. j Miss Margaret War 3, of LJUIr. who was the guest of Miss Ida Ottensteln, returned homo last evening. Wilbur Towers, living two miles south of Maxwell, fell In his "barn Sunday and fractured his hip. Hear Col. Lou J. Beauchatnp at the Presbyterian church Wednesday sight in one of his wonderful lectures. See those new fancy goods pack ages for embroidering for Christmas gifts at Wilcox Dtvartnrmt Store. Mrs. Frank Hatch left for Pacific coast polntf yestordayV accompany ing Mrs. W. W. Hirge and Mrs. It. D. Blrge: Mrs. Emily Coates has taken the agency for tho M. & K. innerbelt corset and will combine that line with her beauty parlor work. Have you seen tho silk wa3ts wo are offering at 98c? You cannot afford to miss this special offering on waists. K. T. TRAMP & SONS. iji . muuunuuii uuu uu iisaiauuu, ui i Omaha, performed seven operations at Biady Sunday. Fairly a good day for; operations, we should judge. j Christian Science service Sunday li , a. m., subject "Adam and Fallen Man." ; Sunday school 12 m. Wednesday ev ening meeting every week at 8 o'clock. Building & Loan building, room 25. i A new line of dresses received this week at Wilcox Department Store. Jesse Eggert, who was. burned In the recent prairio fire In tho south part of Arthur county, died at Arthur Sat urday, six days following- the fire. He was eighteen years of age. All Fall Suits now selling at cost at BLOCK'S. Supt. John Harrigah, of the Ft. Mc Pherson National Cemetery, has been transferred to Keokuk, Iowa, leaving for the latter place the early part of this week. He is succeeeded at the, cemetery by a Mr. Howe. j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart and son Harris will go to Denver tomorrow toj meet and visit for a few days with Bruce Stuart, of San Francisco. The latter travels for an oil firm and comes as far east as Denver. j Friend Carpenter was brought down from Hershey Wednesday to serve a ten-day sentence In Jail. Ho was sentenced on the charge of being drunk and disorderly, using obscene language and threatening to strike his daughter-in-law with a chair. j Funeral services for the late James Belton were -held at the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon and at- tended by the fraternal orders of i which the deceased was a member, and a large concourse of friends. Dean. Bowker was In charge of the services. The floral offerings were very beauti-' ful. Messrs. A. F. Streltz, F. Freder Jckson, F. W. Rincker, H. S. Welch, A. Plummer and Harry Dixon were pall bearers. Tho remains wore laid to rest in the North Platte cemetery; Mrs. Harry Scharmann, who was ', critically ill, Is getting along nicely. Miss Mary Mahoney will leave to morrow for Grand Island to spend two weeks with relatives. Miss Rose McGlnley, of Paxton, who visited with Mrs. Omar Huff this week, returned home a few days ago. Miss Emellnc Bauer, of Gothenburg, who was the guest of Miss Mildred Fltzpatrick, returned home a few days ago. Miss Vaunlta Hayes will entertain a number of friends at a prenuptlal showor for Miss Lucy Dunn Monday evening. Amateur nil stars at the KcUh Tuesday ovenlng Nov. Oth. Prlce3 15 35 and GO otus. Mrs. J. T. Stuart returned Wednes day ovenlng from Omaha where she visited her daughter Mrs. Jasper Ma halt'oy for a week. F. W. Rlncker left yesterday morn ing for Koystono to look after his In terests In the drug storo which ho Is conducting there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahoney, of Grand Island, were guests of the for mer's sister Miss Mary Mnhoney this week while esroute to Denver. Latest Hair Dress 25c, Coates par lor. Men's fur coats sheepskin lined coats, leather coats nnd Macklnaws for men and boys. Also combination Mackinaw sets, coat, cap and leggins, at the very ' lowest prices at The Leader. The "seedling mile" of the Lincoln highway at Grand Island was com pleted Wedsesday. This sample mllo cost eleven thousand dollars. A road way of that kind through Lincoln county would cost about six hundred thousand dollars. For satisfactory medium priced shoes go to Wilcox Department Store. The Presbyterian ladies' a'd society announce a "Church Kitchen Shower" In connection with an ex change, at their church parlor next I'narsday. afternoon. A vohtniotr jommittce will serve a ten cent lunch to which tho pablii is invited. 83-2 Dr. Brock, Dentist, has moved his office to the Reynolds building over Stone's Drug Store. 83tf The funeral of the late Mrs, J. B. Hemphill was held Wednesday after noon from the Christian church. Many friends attended the services. Acting as pall bearers were Messrs. J. H. Van Cleave, J. E. Pile, J. H. Ed- minstcn, George Harden, F. J. Dlener and L. E. Miller, inoterment was made In, he North Platte cemetery. Optometry makes good, with proper glasses, defective vision, caused bv nature's oversight, or fault on your part to care for your eyes. C. a. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Lok for the jitjn with the btg ring. John Spies, of Kearney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spies, of this city, who was injured in nn automobile ac cident the llrst of this week, is re ported to be on tho road to recovery. Mr. Spies is a traveling man and was making his routo through tho country when struck by tho Kearney-Callaway mtor near Amherst. Tho car in which ho was driving was totally destroyed and Mr. Spies was thrown about ono hundred feet. He was taken to the Kearney hospital where It was found ho had sustained numerous in juries, none of which, however, would prove serous unless complications sot In. Keith Theatre Monday ragm, "A FOOL TK Robert Milliard's greatest success with THEDA BARA and EDWARD JOSE in the leading roles. 6 REELS 10c. HEALTH HINTS In case of poisoning. First srnd for a physician: second in- ... i .. li- .i . .! .i n .! i (luce vomiting oy UCKiing mroai wiui leaincr or nngcr; uruiK lots of water, or strong mustard and water; swallow sweet oil or white of can. Acids are antidotes for alkalies and vice versa NEW REMEDIES are discovered every Day. We keep abreast with the Progress of Sci ence and our Stock contains some of the very newest Drugs and Sundries. Besides we put Brains into our work, Honesty into our Material and keep Faith with our Customers. "If it's a Drug we have it or we'll make it." J. H. STONE Heauchamp will make you laugh, cry and think. 1 Frank Plolstlcker trnnannloil lnisl- ncss in Paxton Wednesday. Hawkey Caps and Auto Cans from 25c up nt BLOCK S. Oraildnm CoX of Sutlinrlnnil. ro. turned homo Tuesday evening after visiting the Dunham family for ten mi . Mrs. E. L. Hohhs, of Ocalnlla. who was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Weston, returned homo this morning. Miss Ella Williams, who wna rlia sucst of Mr. Mrs. Jack Carroll, icrt tor nor r.tune in Sidney la r evening. Tho Davis Garnco received n shin. llient Of fourtoon Dlllek nnrs vnsfnr- day. Tho shipment Included hlg sixes, lime sixes ana roadsters. The C. I. A. card cluh will ho enter tained hy Mrs. Sehastlan Schwaiger and Mrs. Ada Lewis at the homo of tho former Wednesday aftorsoon. Attend "Miss Fearless & Co.." u $1.50 play for 25, 35 and 50 cents. Mrs. Thos. Hcaley was severely bruised Tuesday when she trinnod and fell down a flight of stairs. Fort unately no hones were broken. Munslng Underwear for Men. Wom en and Children nt Wilcox Department Store. The KnlirhtH rf Cnlimihiis will Imlil a social dance at tho Masonic hall Thursday evening Nov. 18th. Tranip- WMte orchestra will furnish music. See "Miss Fonrlns & C.n.' nt Hm Keith theatre Tuosdav ovonlnir nml on. Joy a good laugh. Coats! Coats! It matters not what kind of a coat you are looklnpr for, you are sure to find what you want at tho price you can afford to pay ot DLOCK'S. Mr3. Kerkow and daughter, of Fre. mont, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. "W. S. Dolson while enroute to Callforna to spend the winter, left a few days ago. Jonathan Apples 75 cents a bushel at Wilcox Department Store. Henry Well has sold a relinqulsh nier,t to hSs homestead, in A!rthur county and with his family will re turn to town This action was duo to tho illness of his wife. Friends in town received word of the death of Guy Woods, of Salt Lake city, a former resident of this city. The remains were taken to California and cremated. He leaves a wife who was MIbs Anna Router. Col. Lou Heauchamp, tho original humoruotis philosopher, will appear nt the Presbyterian church Wednes day night nt the Presbyterian church. tul lectures. You will enjoy him from start to finish. The third number of i.he United Lecture Course will bo given Wednes day sight at the Presbyterian church. Mr. Deauchamp, lecturer, has tho gift of making his audience laugh ono mo ment and cry the next. The thinker who makes you laugh, tho humorist who makes you think. The fire company was called out i three o'clock this morning to the stock yards east of town where an I empty box car was burning. It is thought the fire was the result of matches dropped by tramps who were noticed In that vicinity last evening. The children's entertainment given under tho auspices of the Yeoman I lodge at the Lloyd opera house Tues-1 day evening was a decided success t and the forty-four children In tho cast' creditably played their parts. , The tableaus representd "Tho Goddess of Liberty," "Dutch Sweethearts'.' and "Hock of Ages. Mrs. George Gar- rard was In chnrgo of the program. I liallroad Business nt Hershey ' During the month of October Hcr- allfit" Hlilmifiit nut 1 r9 nnra if linnta LI I of liny, 3 of mill products, 3 of pota toes, 2S ot live stock, 2 of mnchinory, and 1 of rye, a total of 283 cars, to gether with partial carload lots, mak ing the nmount forwnrded during the month the munificent sum of 10,521, QtiG pounds. During tho same period 18 cur.j wore shipped in as follows: 1 of brick, 1 of cement, S of coal, 1 of lum ber, 1 of mill stuff, 5 of live stock and 1 of mnchinory, which togelhor with leas than car lots, amounted to 044,108 pounds. Locul ticket sales nmountcd to $527.14; coupon Interllno tickets $118. 751 passongors bought tickets, an av erage of nearly 25 a day. This nil goes to show that this is Indeed a prosperous community. Her shey Tlmos. Ladles' Dresses. Crepe de Chinos, taffetas, combi nations, woolens at a twenty per cent , illscount. THE LEADER. Former Resident Killed. 1 M. Cohagen rcclovcd a telegram ,' Thursday, tolling of the accidental death of Ottls O. Durss at Pasco. Wash. Mr. minis wns a former resi dent of this county, coming to Ne- j brnskti with his parents In 1S8G, when but a small child. Ho grew to manhood In Myrtle precinct and loft , several years ngo for Washington, where ho entered tho employ of the Northern Pacific as brakemnn and met his death while thus employed. I The deceased has a sister, Mrs. E. ;A Wright, residing north of this city. Pleads (iiillly to Itoollopglng Inj tho county court yesterday after noon Dr. Henry Farrell, proprietor of a drug storo at Wallace, pleaded guil ty selling intoxicating liquor without out a license. He was bound over to the district court on his own recog nizee ei Complaint wns filed by County At torney Glbbs, and when tho drug storo was searched hy. Sheriff Salisbury Wednesday several bottles of whis key were found. Presbyterian Church Next Sunday, Nov. 7th, is the great "Go-to-Sunday-School" day. Every member of the Presbyterian church, big, little, old and young, are expect ed and requested to bo present. The hour. Is 10 o'clock a. m. We want nt least-100 men and boys. If you have not been to Sundny school this year, break the rule and come next Sunday. Tho Rev. Robert White w,ill preach morning and ovenlng. Come and hear him. The condition of Mrs. Mary J. Neary. who has been ill for some time Is still serious. For Sale G room cement block house, two lots and furniture. C. S. Stewart, Phono Ulnck G97. Sec Sarah .Tano Lovejoy and her hen In tho Tllllkum play Tuesday ev enng, Nov. Oth, at the Keith. Mrs. D. W. Arnold and dnughtor Dorothy left this morning for Suther land to visit the Oldfnther family for a week. Marriage licenses wore granted yes terday afternoon to Ralph W. Wood, of Illif and Ilornice U White of North Platte, also to Ray Nelson of North Platto and Anna Sorenscn, of Lexington. An especially important meeting of the Twonticth Century Club will bo held Tuesday ovenlng at oight o'clock In tho Chamber of Commerce rooms In tho Building & Loan Bulldlsg. Tho Eldeen club spent a pleasant afternoon with Miss Anna Howes Wednesday. Tho decorations wore pretty and tho lunch nicely served. Tho afternoon was Bpont in kcnslng ton work. 'A Tor Sale Puro bred Duroc-Jorsey spring boars I your choice at $25.00 ench. iGfitf EXPERIMENTAL STVTION. 1 Why Leave Machinery in the Ram? It is proved that ma- fchincs exposed to the weather rust out jf three times as quickly as they wear ipout. In other . words, out of every four dollars you in vest in a machine rust gets three of them If you & let it. ! Some men Jf use their barns to store their tools, 'but usually there isn't enough spacs. Why not keep it in a shed? It's th? modern way. i The of building such a shed is much Jpless than you think, much less than Svhat you'd otherwise have to pay m for new machines and new parts. We have a full line of cood 'building materials. Tho sooner you get your shed started, the sooner it will Start saving you money. Tho bible clao3 of Dtstrlct No. 1 wll meet with Mrs. McGrow Tuesday afternoon. Miss Rcgina Nolan wll go to Kear ney tomorrow to visit friends for n fow days. Miss Florence McKay will hold a muslcnl recital at the Langlois music storo Monday ovenlng. The Et-A-Vlrp club will bo enter tained Tuesday afternoon nt the homo' of Mrs. W. A. Duehllnck. I s r earless and Company a home talent play, will be given by the TILLIKUM CLUB at the Keith Theatre Tuesday, Nov. 9 Prices 50, 35 and 25c Box office open fqr sale and res crvations Monday and Tuesday Jnmos Kcofo left last ovenlng for IInstlngB.,to roforeo a foot ball gamo today, and will attend one at Beat rlco tomorrow. Miss Katherinc Feather, of OgalaMa camo down a few days ago to visit her siBtor Mrs. Edward Weston until tomorrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hilmcr Thompson, of Chappcll, roturned homo Wednesday evening aftor visiting tho formor's parents for several days. FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY LADIES This Beautiful Napoleon Boot, Lace or Button, in patent or kid leath er, is extremely stylish and comfortable, $2.95 WHY PAY MORE? Harry's Shoe Shop First Door South of Keith Theatre. ' i Oeese We are now Ready for Thanksgiving Poultry. We offer the following prices delivered to our House at North. Platte, Nebraska. f Fat young Tom Turkeys, 10 lbs. each and ' over, 14 cents per pound. Fat young Hen Turkeys, 8 lbs each and over, 14 cents per pound. Fat Turkeys under above weight, 12 cents Poor turkeys not wanted; hold them, they will be fat later. Fat Ducks 9c Fat Geese 9c This about as high as Omaha cash offers de livered, in Omaha. Bring them in NOW. Let us know Ijow many you. have to sell. We want all our( Turkeys ip by November 16tb. Employees as toek!il?Jfs There aro about 150,000 employees in the Bell Telephone System. More than 30,000 employees, or practically one in five, aro stockholders. Thousands of girl operators, linemen and clerks have subscribed for stock under an easy payment plan recently adopted by the Company. Including employees, there are nearly 100,000 stockholders in the Bell Telephone System, or one to every thousand persons in the United States. Who the Shareholders Are In many cases stock subscribed for by em ployees is being paid for a little each month. The plan of buying stock this way aids employees to save their money as well as to become part owners of the Company for which they work. Aside from employees, the majority of stock holders in the Bell System are women. Yale and Harvard, and other colleges and pub lic institutions, have part of their endowment funds invested in Bell Telephone stock. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY ASK FOR TRADING STAMPS W W. BIRGE CO. Jixxx