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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1915)
Semi-Weeklv Tribune IltA L. IJARE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Tear bj Mnil in Adranco. . . .$1.25 Ono Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, NOVEMHKIt 8, 1915. How Shall it lie Hone? Washington, D. C, Nov. 1. "In ono year tlio American people must decide how they shall meet a national crlBls." Senator Reed Snioot, member of the senate finance committee, made -.hia Htatcmont today as a common: upon tho national defense program. "As now proposed,' said Senator Kmnt. "tho nronoscd national dc- fenso program Involves an expendi ture of more than one billion dollars; Mm nxnondlturos. however, to covor a nerlod of live years. That oxpcndi- turo must be financed "How shall It done? That Is the question voters must answer one year Inter. It Is a crave responsibility. 1 thoroughly believo that thoro can bo, will be, but one course to pur sue. That Is to elect a republican nmluent and a republican congress, "The republican party Is tho only ono that In policy and performance has proven adequate to meet such a situation. Considered irom evory an trio tho democratic uarty has demon strated its inability and unfitness for thn task. "Remember that tho balance of trade against us during the four montns preceding tho war, at a time when democratic policies and laws wcro In effect, was $248,000,000. What a po litical blessing the war was to the I n two v ears th o democratic ndmlu- istratlon hns produced such Dustness conditions, that, but for the purely accidental stimulus of a foreign war, ... wo would bo In the throes of a panic. Elimlnato tho market created by tem porary artificial European domands, and Amorlcan industry would bo pros trated. "Past history has provon the only way tho democratic party, when In power, has been ablo to meet tho ex travagant appropriations made by them for tho ordinary running ex penses of tho government, was by the salo of bonds. A b6nd lssuo is Inev itable whether a national defense pro gram Is undertaken or not. "In two years tho democratic ad ministration lias passed Bcores of worthiest laws.. Tho Insertion of meaningless phrases In tho statutes, the constant violation of tho simplest legislative rules, have brought about more costly and needless federal lit! gatlon than wo have over known be fore. "In two ycarB tho democratic ad ministration bus created an enormous dollclt In our treasury, and has not advanced a single plan for meeting It Tho proposed re-enactment of tho sugar duty and tho 'war tax' law only 'retains presont revenues. Bond Jd- sucs nro nothing but loans that must bo paid for in tho future. "Tho democratic party has not a policy In Its platform, a law to Its crodit, nor a plan to propose, that will meet the financial crisis cnovitubly Imposed by the national dofonsa pro gram. . "A roturn of tho republican party to power seems to mo not only a na tional necessity but a foregone con clusion." Mrs. J. It. Hemphill Passes A way Tho remains of the late Mrs, J. B. Hemphill, who died In Omaha yostor day morning, wore brought horo this morning for burial. Mrs. Hemphill had been 111 for sov months with hardening of the arteries, and two months ngo enter oil one of tho local hospitals for troatmont, whero bIio remained four weeks. It was thou deemod advlsnblo that sho bo removed to Omaha. Tho chango was made and sho had Blnce been a pationt In tho Swedish Mission hospital, whero bIio received tho best of medical attention and careful nursing. Ilcr condition becamo criti cal last weok and rolatlves woro sum moned. When tho end eamo her hus band and ono son of this city nnd a sister and brothor of Lincoln woro with her. Why Leave Machinery in the Ram? It 13 proved that ma- ch!ncs exposed to tho weather rust out Jr three time as quickly as thoy wear jTout. In other words, out of every four dollars you in vest in a machine jftust gets three of them If you Jrlet It. Some men 0 use their barns to store their tools, M but usually there isn't enough & spaca. Why not keep it in a shod? yIt's tl i modern way. Tho cost of building such a shed is much 4fless than you think, much less than iwhat you'd otherwise have to pay m for new machines and new parts. Wo have a full lino of jrood r building materials. Tho sooner 'you get your shed started, tho sooner it will start 8av1nfr you money. W W. BIRGE CO. Emma Elfish was born in Ohio April 16th, 1855 and later moved to Rans weclcr, Ind., whero sho was married In 1887 to J. 13. Hemphill, who sur vives her. To this union wore born four sons. W. L. of Cheyenno, Harry of Alnslcy, Sam and Ray of this city. Other relatives to mourn her are a sister, Mrs. Clara Adslt of Pierce, Will McElflsh of Lincoln, Abe or Ashland, Colo., Milt and Herbert, of Memphis. Mrs. Hemphill had resided In this city for a little over two years and was known ns a charitable woman and pleasant neighbor. Although of a retiring disposition sue reanuy made friends and was a faithful mem ber of the Christian church. She was also a member of tho Degree of Hon or and Royal Neighbors and assisted them In their work. Her loss Is keenly felt by tho sor rowing relatives and a large circle of friends. Tho funeral will bo hold at 2:30 to morrow afternoon from the Christian church. Garfield Fanners' Instllulo Tho Farmers' Institute at Gcrfltld will be held on Friday, November 19. The speakers to be sent from the Col lege of Agriculture arc; Mr. K. V. Warner, who will speak on the sub jects, "Care, Management and Feed ing Live Stock" and "From Feed Lot to Frying Pan;" and Francos Wy ninn, who wil sponk on "The balanced Meal" and "Tho Efficient Kitchen." CITY AS I) COUA'TY 3TEWS. Sheriff Heal, of OgalalR pent Sat unlay In town on biicduna.i. Maurice Gardner, of Ocalalla, who spent last week here visiting friends, left Saturday morning. Tho Indian Card Club will bo en tertained by Mrs. Thos. Ilealey Wednesday afternoon. Tin,... fn ATr nnil TV.ra fin V T?nvnnMa ? ?? north of town, a nine pound boy, Sunday. I til V II II II V. Mrs. Herman Suelson, of Omaha, Who was tho guest of Mrs. Jack Sin- Calr this week, has gone homo. T linnrv iloniirtoinont of Mm Twontl- Literary department 01 tnc iwenu- eth Century club this afternoon. , . . , Mrs. Dan RobQrts and son returned yesterday afternoon from a two weeks' v n i with rnlnt vph In Chcvennp Vlbll Willi lOlllllVlH 111 UIH.yi.IIIH.. Judge Grimes and Court Reporter Barron, who spent Sunday with their Hvlves, returned to Lexington yestor- dnv mornlllir - C. E. McLanc returned Sunday from a visit at tho Panama and San Diciro cxuosltlons. Mrs. McLanc and tlilldrcn, who accompanied him will i 1.. nur i .1 " ouhiu I 1M.. t,m,i- t..,.i,,,.i, 0i.i,in,i raic, uumu muiiii,iuiiSu wi.uioiuuu a number of friends at a Hallowe'en party last evening. Appropriate .rnmnti worn nlv,l itl n'nlr-n Innnl, f 'J"" " served. Tho house was prettily dec- QraiOd., , I .1 '' 1 I ). rtecuon iour ( tj. xownsmp inir VW1 Pnrm TnniiH rino nr wrltn f3inn toen H3) north. Iiiuiirc thirty (30) Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, ,...!. ,.... ... ,M1 III 1 lUlll.'. 1111 WliHe firing a small cannon Sat - , , . urday Chester Cummlngs, son of Mr. uruuy iuesiur uiiiiiiiiibh, sou ui inr. and Mrs. W. W. Cummlngs, had an eye badly burned by . exploding powder. It will require several days to determine It tho sight is permanent- lv Inlnrnil " ' Tile Kearney High SCllOOl loot ball team will bo hero Friday afternoon for ..... , . . , . , , a game with tho undefeated high school warriors. Kearney expects a hard game, especially so since tho i i i Vt t i mi t locals tlofeated Gotlienburg. The boys are in snapo to piny in line lorm. WI'liVI.'WW! i;'HL'f Tt'l'O'VVUU ' IV VlllM'lf PI.A'I"I'I; n'M"1 Ul'u"' 1 ' I Such evidence Our Headers Cannot As wo take up Tho Tribune week by week, wo aro struck by the hearty, nimilHtiikiihln wnv In wblidi wltnnm iflnr u-ltrinaa hiwi.Uh out na Mr Tnbn alior WlltieSS SpeaKS OUt as Ml. JOim- son does bore. If theso people wore strangers living miles away, wo might talto llttlo notice of them. But they are not. Thoy are our neighbors, llvliu nmnnt- nu 'I' tvnnl lu tnn nfinllv tirnvnn tn mlmlf nf miv ,inni, easu provon to admit or any doubt. Thoy speak out In tho hope that their cxporleuco may bo a guido to others. ITnilH Tnliiiunn J1i Wnlnnt oront S18,., '"T"' 814 Walnut Street, North Plutto, says: "For years I was troublod with kidney compalnt, duo to heavv work In thn liaekimlfb R,nn T uuny wore in ino nacKsmiiii Bliop. 1 have frequently taken Doan'a Klduoy 1 n nnil mv lmvn riii nm nf mn r. ache lnnionn nnil nllior lHilnnv ,11a acne, lameness and other kldnoy ills- orders, I recommend Donn's Kidney ruis as a medlelno or morlt that all "J" 11 ot ?". snmo iiouik a reason ,..... ,.i ,., ublo and Just sum nnd n tho opinion ' nmiuiuio B.iuum irj. i i no uuc, iu nil ueaiors. won t Sim- nlv ask for n Idtlnnv p.i,n,i.. nt Doun's Kidney Pills the suma that Mr. juiuiHuii nun. i08'er-illimir'l UU - . , . ITOps., UUliaio, i, V. "'" miiniii; i iMUTiiunv uiir Slll'l, Clfitn r x',,l..,i,.. i i...,i n. .... f"".V Jl"Ul VvUUIllJ, U. in the Mutter of the Kstate of .John l. I'lsner. IJoeeiiROi . ' To tho Creditors, Hoirs and all psr- sons Interested In said ostato: Notice is herobv Kivoti. that John Ti. Fisher, claiming an undivided 4 M turost In and to tho EV, SEV, Sec. 27. rjvs isiuvi see. 8, i. u ,, u. a4 West lit ii ' i nimi l.iu ...,,itin.. i.. ..... .. ..... ,,ullvl(lll ui UlU I'fllllllV I'.lll,,! rf 1 i,n .. T , v.v nivuiii v ui. ..u - broska praylnir for u dotnrinliinilnn and nf tlw, l,nlrU .f .i ... ..."i ...... ..v..,,, w, ouui un. ii-iiu, .nm tneir degree of kinship and tho Inter- est In said real estate of tho netltlnnnr urnnnai Town or North I'lntto. and other hoirs, and that nil eEl 5 nHrt ts ot So,,t1' Pn,U A against said eslato bo barred. Said petition nllouns tlmi .inim u riai... died on or about September 4, ToiJ, nun nun ill mo (into Of Ills ilnnlli l.n was a rosldont of Jasper. Florida, and was tho owner ot in Inh rt in i i i T I intorsst In tho above described premhea by virtue oi u iiiorigugo upon said land, and that thoro survlvod him Margaret Fisher, his widow, and that ho died ir.tostato. leaving ns noxi or Kin: Italph T. Fisher, Mrs. Dora S. Rachel. Mrs. Mar- gnrot C. Hadsock nnd John K. FlBhor. only chlldrou of docensod. It a hereby ordered that said poll tion no neard nt tno orrice of tlio county jiiugo oi liincoin uounty, no- brnHkn. nn thn 5".h dnv nf wm)P brnska, on tho SGth day of Novembar, ..o n... n ... ..,L. ." uouuiy juurc. BERYL HAHN, TEACHER OF PIANO 112 Knst Third Street. Phone Jtcd 101. THE LOTUS "ROOMS" Steam Ileal, Running Hot and Cold Water in all the rooms. Prices Reasonable. Corner 6th and Locust St. MRS. C. F. JOHNSTON, Prop. Order of, Ht-nrliiic Prlltloii for Set ' tli'iui'iit of Account. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss In the County Court. In the Mutteer of the Estate of John Fl. MnWlIIIrmis. Deceased. On rendlntr and filing tho petition of l.lizaheth McWUllnnis nravlnir a llnal settlement and nllowanco of her final nccount, filed onthe 21st day of October, l!)ir, and for a decree of descent ami distribution. Ordered, That Nov. 19 A. D. 191G, at 9 o'clock A. M., Is HMlKiicd for bearing said petition, when all porsons Inter ested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be Kranted; and that notice of tho pen dency of said petition, and tho hearing thereof, be kIvcii to all persons Inter ested In said matter by publishing n copy of this order In the North Platte Tribune, a IokoI semi-weekly news paper printed In said County, for three Huccesslve weeks, prior to said day of ncni'iiiK. Dated October 21, 191B. (1EO. K. FRENCH, o2G-3v County Judgo. KKSOl.UTIO.V HI,: rr niOSOLVED. By the Mayor and aSSL1, , "L.V,1,?,. "Lr,Vl ting n't a regular meeting of the Coun- cu on uctoucr bin, rjiu. ror t ie pur- ter of nuproorlatlnir private property for street purposes and for the opening of n ,)0rtIon of willow and A and -h- streets within the City of North Plnttc. Nebraska. win-rens. tho Mayor nnd Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, (,lu " 1,10 ul June, iviu, Nur- nllnun mm lir vuln nu'llrrn Mm fnl. )'"?. . ,Le"l')e Lllr.?PeJ.ty'w-llv K Sfl o 'K west quarter (NWU), Section four (I), Townsnip uurieen (id) i-turin. itange ruifrv ,:u i tinir nr r in lirn I' ii.. Tiiono south along the east line of said North- """i. Su",l?WY Vwti four n a distance of . 625.02 feet, thenco west parallel with the north line of Section fdur (4) n dlH- tnnco of 3IS.G feet, thence north paral- ... I... . 11 -- O . 1 . .. ,.... I ........ t lei wiin 1110 eui line ui me nuiunvcai ...,.,.. MW nf ISTnrtliWPHl nilnr- ter (NW2 .Section four (4) a distance pf S.02 feet thenco east parallel to the north llllO Of Said Section four (4) tO the southwest corner or lot rour c) Block two (2) to Selby's subdivision J t 1 . . 11.. A n T n fm.H Ul ivu m rmi ui ii jji-i i l ui uul rum, I timut tlu.nna utiith tn tfi 1 1 nt tn tlin Mtiur Hue of the Northwest quarter (NWj or the Nortliwest ouarter (.'NWVil 01 unntlnn tmxr I X .llotnlinn nf 4 fft. k'i0"0.0,0, i sain neuiion iour u uinuiiiL-e vi neat feet thenco north parallel to 136.21 feet thenco north parall the east lino of Northwest qi tAVll four feet thence east parallel to quarter quarter distance of el to north lino of Section four (4) a distance of lr' feot thenco south parallel to tho east iini nr tim xnri.hiviNt niinrtor in w'ii of the Northwest quarter iw) hoc J ,''ru'?n "niV8"0 Ui, ul thence east parallel to the north lino 0f said Section four (i) a distance of feet, thence north parallel to thellcJ,l2Ll'"f0fr8n ''L??01!?,'". a distnnco of UuO feet, thenco wost parallel to the north line of Section: rour t u a (iistance oi reei, uienco iifjrin iiaranei in iiiu chml line ui iurvi nvesi quuni! I i m uid iimun tni quarter i.nwu) wcciion iour hi i dlstanco of SO foot, thenco enst parol i,,i to the north 1 no of Section fou t.i n illuhinnn rf 1 1 Pi 00 font tlininn north parallel to the east line of North- west quarter (NWU) of the Northweat u n' nVhonce weVt' mruU lol to the north Hue or Section four (I) a distance of 115.90 feet, thenco '' th parallel to tho enst lino of North .... nunrtnr of tho Nort nvnst nunrtn (NWU) Section four (I) a distance of l" ,IC0.l monco nasi paraiioi to mo V,,1; XV " if, on fn )r i,i en ,Vo th , allel to the east line of tho Northwest (luarter (NWU) of the Nortwost quar- tpr (N'WVi) Section four (1) a distance of m,0 feot( thence west parallel to the north lino of Section 4 a distnnco ?' feet, thence north parallel to t,lp oilHt 11,10 ot tl,p NortllWPSt quarter (.vvi) of the Northwest quartor (Nwy,) to tho north line of said soc- lloI '?,ur uienco east aiontr t north lino of Section four (4) tp ph or boKlnulutt for tho purpoBo of opt inw streets nnd for street Iniprw iiu in. inu w noras sain tract was 11 chased for tho sum of 4300.00 cxclus- lvo of uny nssoHsmont toKotber with costs of purehnso ninountlnK to tho of th0 councll th0 lowest amount for w bloh sn d mem sok could bo obta ned. WIIUHUAS. sold Council of said City 'J"?". .!.' S?.r.'I'e'.1 J""1. .!,..Ht..t.lV.l.Lt,1.!0 i tMiinKvn uini ;sjnin iu piiiii Hon bo assessed UKiilnst tho real prop criy nearny tniii inny no especially pen ruiieu. HV TUB JIAYOll anil COl'NCII. Ol' THIS CITY OF NOHT11 1'LATTIJ, NE I1IKAHKA: T,..., ..... ,.,,,,..,.. 11,1w.1.I,H.ll l.V H.,l,l City to be paid for by danumoH anil levied ami assnsseil upon tlio real i:'0': "'"'X'.'Xi ".R.,'?.ctl,.!?i' i',.0''!! council sit as n Hoard of Kqiiallzatlon for the purpose enualizlnvr said ibunnires tai Tiinst sucl7p?opertVe oyeinner iiiin. iyir. i ntiiti uuiiuiKfn nun uunm iu iiu itsesse nirillllHt thn fnllnwlmr ilnHnrlltn.l Inn.lg I.." --.r, -.-- itne same doiiik ino real property es peolally bonollttod. to-wlt: nincKH i una i or oll)y s ahiiiiiou p.Ht. . V11 1,1 'ockh i iuui n, .miii or h (i(iition Lots l and s In Hlook 1S8 of th ,'0,M nnd c. Wools 189 of tho Oriir inni Town or North I'latte. towTo'r tS7 WWX That n.irt of I.ot 3 In Seel on !I3 TivV- 1J J.HnnKo 30 w.. lylntr south of, 'iotH. - anil 7. nioeU 187 or tho orlulnal town of North I'latte. HIocUh i and 2. Hank's Addition llloelcs fi mill 11 nf Kniltli Pnrlr A ,1 union. Lots (!. 7 and 8. lllneU 18(1. HIocUh 12 nnd 13, and east half of " 'Hu.'.Vr 8 Aiiumon nfH0nHAul!,,,1,),N l,HSfl .?u,,LVuviM Ion orlirlnal tow'n k 1 the v.TV,,lt r"irt,of I'ot. 3 ''V Se0- 83' Tu'iv 1 - f i' Tiio'ck Tsfi" of VhSorffinA ftm,nn I liiock i. p. 3, i, 7, s, 9 hud 10, south ulU' L.J. n.8B?rt '") PIrov-d-this CtlxdHV o October, 1915. V., II. EVANS. (nlt.AU) Mayor AlleBi:- r v n Elizabeth Kaar-Langsfon T eacher of Singing Studio 122 West Front St. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern 'institution for tho scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Hny and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.D. Redficld, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D. s Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald State Hank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 II. II. IiAADGRAF I'alnter, rapcrliniiger nnd Decorator hone ninck f.7(). We are Paying a Big Price for H:des. Don't ship, for we will pay you or every pound and save you shrinkage. We are paying S10 Per ton for Dry Bones. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. DEltltYlJEItltY & FORBES, Licensed Em'bnlmers Undcrlnkcrs nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono J31ack C88. Hospital Phone Black C33. House Phone Black 633. W. T. I'RITCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House, Bought and highest market' prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3G OfTlce 459 C. H. WALTERS. Cigars k the Home For (ho next Ave months smoker will spend their evenings Indoors, and what Is more convenient and more plcasiircable than n box of cigars at home, easily accessible when you liav an Inclination to smoke. Try u bo: of our honiC'iundo and hand. made ci gars, the kind that nro n llttlo better than you buy elsewhere for Hie same price. lVo also carry a full line of to bniTo ami smokers' articles. J. F. Schmalzried. Order of Hearing on Final Settlement. Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County. in tho County County Court: In tho Matter of tho Estate of Dennis J. O'Brien, Deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others Interested in the estate of Den nis J. O'Brien: Tako notice, that Corda V. O'Brien has filed In tho County Court, a report of her doings ns Ad ministratrix of Bald estate, and It is ordored that tho same stand for hear ing the 12th dny of November A. D. 1915, boforo tho Court at tho hour ot 9 o'cloqk a. m at which tlmo any per son Interested may appear and oxcept to an d CQQtost the same. Notice., of this proceeding nnd tho hearing thereof Is ordered given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy ot this order )n the North Platto Trlbunt,, n s'eml-wo'okly nowspaper printed liAsald County, for. tlirOjO consecutlvo weeks prior to said uaio ot neanng. Dated October 1G. 1915, GEO. E. FRENCH, Cattle ol9-3w County Judge. Not a Hospital Rut a Home ursc Brown Memorlnl Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platte, Neb. Mrs. Margaret Hall, Superintendent. Miss Vela Picknrd, Graduate Nurse. I Dr. J. S. Twincm, Physician and Surgeon Hest for Humanity's Cure Oriflclal Surgery with Homeopathic Modi rftflin f if A mi 4 n nu1 Ii V I f A IttunnoA I v...c .v ,v...v .Dva. . B. REDFIELl). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HVSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Office Phone 612 Res. Phono C76 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Altenlion given to Surgery and Obstetrics. OfRcel Building and Loan Building Phones OfTice 130 Residence 115 Tn TMnhnrd T,. r.rnvoa nwnor nf lnt , , ------ i, t; . 2 and 3. Block 11. North Tlatte Town Lot Co's Addlt on, North Platto, Mpi.r iNe" . . .. iiiu uuiiuio ui iiuiiiij uu mo .nm mo west line or l'lno Street" all south Sldo of Gth street, between Jof- ' 1,0f.tlon of Fourth Street lying:' be ferson and Grant Ave, are hereby no- andTho'sTI'orP?'0" et tilled that tho Mayor and Council of tlio city or North Platte, Lincoln county Nebraska, passed and approved an ordlnnnco on tho 18th day of June, luia, ordering a their said premises as to line and grade, and of permanent material, as provided in tne general " 111 li' 1 u,ue?H 11 nmjonty or the own ordinances of said city, regulating the V, w?n?M' ."."iV.Sn0."1!.."1- constructlon of sidewalks in said city Unless said walk is constructed by von nlnnc- tho north sido nf said lots "it i Va 7n "TmT " m unucu uj juu, in nun duiui nnllnnnrtna nn nr hofnpo Mm Otli rln I of November 1915 tho same will ho wovvHiuer, iJio, i no same win m. constructed bf said city and the costs assessed upon tho said lots owned by von niHolnlntr which the same shall be jou aujoimns wnicn inc same snail oe constructed G. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk To the estate of Frederick N. Dick, deceased owner of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and G, Block 9, North Platte Town Lot Co's Addition, North Plate, Neb. Tho owners of property on the south side of Gth street, between Jefferson auu uiujil an.) aiu nuiuu; uuiiucu that the Mayor and Councll of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne- braska, passed and approved an ordi- nanco on the 18th day o June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining thel said premises, to be constructed,. as to line anu graue, anu ot permanent ma- terlal as provided In tho general or- dlnanco of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In s,ald city, uuieaa biu wum is you along tne norm sme oi lots i, z, j, 4, G, and 6, Block 9, owned by you, In uccoruunce wuu sum oruuuuices, on or Deiorc tnc am uay oi iNovemuer, 1915, the same will bo constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon tho said lots owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (Jlty Uleric. Prolmtc Notice. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss, In the County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Eliza- beth Whiting, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Edward S. Whiting, praying that tho Instrument, filed on the 13tli day of October, 1915, and purporting to be the Transcript of tho Probate Pro- ceedlngs in Henry Co., State of 111., of the last Will and Testament of tho said deceased, may be proved,, ap- nished by said Hendy & Ogler In and proved.probated.allowed and recorded upon said car, under a contract there as the last Will and. Testament of tho for by one John Doe, whose real name said Elizabeth Whiting, deceased, and Is J. Pensal, and who has failed to that tho execution of said Instrument may be committed and the ndminlstra- tion of said Estate may be granted to Edward S. Whiting ns Executor. Ordered, That Nov. 12, 1915, at o'clock a. m., is assigned for hear- ing said petition, when all persons in- tercsted In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause wny tho prayer of petitioner should not uo granted. GEO. E. FRENCH, 019-3 County Judge. Notice of Suit In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Frank F. Davis. Plaintiff vs. Georgo n, iiiuiviu, lun nm " nnrl Mm. R. P. Owens. Defendants. Georco B. Melvln and Ida May Mel i i i i i ...111 iun M,nf vln, defendants, will take notice that tho plaintiff, Frank F. Davis, filed his petition in tho District Court of Lin- ' , 7, , . V.,,i, is coin County, Nebraska, on October 18, lUlo, against saiu ueieiiuiinia .,.., ,1 rvi.innf nnd nrnvrr nf until I Tn. -T . ,, rinln petition being to forecloso a certain ill, 111,. ,1. L1IU V H IV.H1. ...... j - mortgage maue, execuiu auu uuuvuiuu liv Kiild defendants on Anril I. VJll P,LS,'1.. inu iJiuiiitiu. ..iiiii a...,. .. .n..0w 1 nnd nnnveved to tho said nlalntll all of Section Thirty-Two tiJ-J iowubiup n,,... xt n. t., 'Pl.lrtiA Threo (33) West Gth P. M. In Lincoln ,ivri.iii I l ii i iui in. j.vt.ii,, . .... vj County, Nebraska, as security for tho nnvmont of a cortain noto made, exo- nntn.1 nnd delivered by tho said do frmdnnts on Anrll 7. 1911 to tho plain tie heroin, said note bolng In the sum Notice Is hereby given, that the cred of $2,000.00 with interest at 10 per itors of said deceased will meet tho ad cent from April 7, 1911 and snld mlnlstrator of said estate, before the mortgage being recorded on April 17, County Judgo of Lincoln County, No 1911 In book 42 of mortgages at page braska, at tho County Court Room, 44 nf tho records of Lincoln County, In snld County, on the 5th day of No- Nobraska. That there Is now duo up- on said note and mortgage, tho sum of $2000.00 with Interest nt 10 per cent from April 7, 1914, and also tho sum of $22 85 with Interest thereon at 10 pcr cent per annum from October 18, 1915. on account of taxes paid by ..min.iff m.n Rald land. o-i.i ,izvf.,,.inni0 n remilrod to nns J Kn(,i nntitinn on or boforo tho 29th .lav. nf Mnvomber. 1915. - . FRANK F-DAVIS, Palntlff. By WM. E. SHUMAN, nm.4w His Attorney. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., l'liyslcifl.rl and Surgeon Olllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83; Residenco 38, Ofllce phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. ItUSOIifTlON 0f . C,MII1.. r t. - ; .. . (i, ... 1V."HV!t;:'!.,l"w -'nvlnw nutrlvt No. 1 U'ITM1P. l,n rl.. n9 ....... did at a special election held on Sop tjsmbei' nth. 1910, vote to authorize laauo oi oonus in the sum of Jlfl.000 VJ.n.inf. )l"'lllJ8o ot pavlliB street Inter sections Iltlll Rtmnnu n.,.,nal, 1 1 ,Vlll.l., ".I'.'"". iVWU3 Ismi n iJ Kliy 'JP' which saiu bond Jf"Uo now available for such pur- pose ' I'orebv created to be compo 'cd o Vie f01!?11 streets and portions of stroots therein nnd contained within Jm . , u, ,u ""unuaries here n set forth and doflned, to-wlt; ah that portion or Locust Street lying between tho south side of Ninth Street and tho north oi.i,. nt mi.i...i .Street; all that portion of Dewoy Street street and tho north side of Third rl la " niai iiortion or l'lno Street lyliif,' botwoen tho north sldo of Front rttrect una ton snutli mI,i nt m.ft. Street; nil that portion of Front Street lyliiK between tho east lino of Vine S ' . we' ,ne. ? Chestnut V l. ""'."i1 l,ml portion or sixth Street lylnir between thn nnst iino nf nZ f?ff ef. UJ?', or l''no Street; !l.U.Vmt lortln of Fifth Street lyintr between the east line of Vine Strpot HE IT Fi'itTHicn UESOLVED: That ' resolution bo published NinhPiiue Semi-Wcekfy TrYbunc and the North Platte Telegraph and that dress of said respective' non-residents objections to the creation of said dls- ".lct nn('.t? tho pavini? and curbing of f, t.""J. . .. "AVs from the " l' . "rl " "U1 cation .or this reb- uiuuuu, men mo limits and boundaries of tills District ns ilollnml olinll 1, no. inu ravms auu curmiiK thereof ordered by ordinance and that the Mayor and Council shall proceed forthwith to construct such pavement BU,,Jeet to the riijht of the property owner therein to deslnnnte the material to bo used. Passed and nnnrnvpd thin "lot iinv nt October, 1P1G. ,. E. II. EVANS. (SEAL) Atnvni. C. F. TEMPLE. Citv Clerk. Notice for Publication Serial Nn fiKSM DEPARTMENT OF THR tntriiiou u. S. Land Office at North Platto. iNCOr.. (JCtOber ' l'llT Notice is horebv clven that T.nnU t.: Macey, of North Platte, Nebr , who on Oct. 30, 1911, made Homestead En. try No. 05301, for NE'A Section 3 Township 14 N., Range 29 V , Gth Principal Meridian has filed notice- 0f Intention to mako fDal three yea. proof, to establish claim ro tho land m,ov? Ascribed, boforo th TtPf?iRtii and Receiver at North Platte Nebr. on mo Z4Ui uay or November, 1915 Claimant namosi . at? witness Purdy, Jess Long, all of North Platte, ueorge Kopr, -Laben Hollar, Frank webr. ol2-Gw J. Bj EVANS. Reglstct, Notice of Sale Under Lien for Re. pairs on Automobile Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned will sell at public auction at tho garage of Hendy & Ogler In the city or North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 13th day of Novcm- her, 1915, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m., one Flanders 20 automobile, car- rying license No- 4923 of Arizona, to satisfy tho sum of ?G2.95 with ac- crulng expenses and interest upon the same, to tne highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a Hen upon said automobile for repairs, material and labor fur- pay the same after repeated demands therefor. That a verified itemized statement ior said repairs, material and labor furnished In and upon said 9 car was duly liled In tho office of tho County Cleric or Lincoln County, Ne- braska, upon tho 22nd day of Septem- bor, 1915. That no proceedings at law have been had or instituted to recover tne amount or tno saiu lien or any part tnereor. Dated this 18th day of October, 1915. 019-4 HENDY & OGIER, By A. Muldoon, Their Attorney. SHHUIFr'S SALE By vlrtuo of nn order for sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County ..Nebraska, upon n decree or whoreln Commercial Bank of Grant, a Corporation. Is Plaintiff, nnd Patrick - F. Doyle, ot al'are defendants and to me uirocioii. j. win on mo Jum uay ot Ootobor, 19l5i nt 2 o'clock p. m. nt the enst front door of the Court Ilouso In Nort Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska se11 at phbllc auction to tho highest ,,ddor for cn8h t0 satiSfy said decree. interest nnu costs, tno lonowine ues- crlbed nroporty. to-wlt: ' I . . . . . , . . , . , .... . 1 . a iimsi nan ui,',') nnu ino case nan oc thQ west lm,f of of SectIon Twenty-two 'tsaj. -i-ownsiup wine tui, to inoiiii ui iuuibo iiuriy-iwo idjj, west P- In Uncoln County. 1 iveiirasica. llatod North Plntto. September uf., - "u,ouKd"PL S28-DW Sheriff. . i Probate Notice In the Matter of tho Estate of Cora H. Osgood, Docased. - In the. County Court of Lincoln - County. Nebraska. Oct. 4. 1915. vomhor. 1915, and on the 5th day ot May, 191G, at 9 o'clock ar in. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims nnd ono year for tho. admlnls- and allowance. Six months are al- lowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for ho admlnls- trator to settle said estate, from the, - 5th day of November, 1915. This no- tlce will bo published in tho North Platte Tribune, -a 'legal .nowspaper prjnted la said County, foi vour weeks successively prior to ixovemue. u.uino. GEO. E. FRENCH, o5-lw County Judgo. . THEUHKOItE, BE IT 11ESOLVED, by the Mayor and Counell or tho Citv o 1 Of tlio CltV Of N'nplli Il,.il '