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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA. MRS. THOMSON TELLS WOMEN How She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Handsome and Practical Corduroy Coat Destructive Heresies DrKEV. J. H. RALSTON Sctttij- of ConMposdtnc Dnxrlnttt, Moody Uifcl Initjiula ( Qu'ctio Two favorites of fashion for this season enter Into the composition of this handsomo coat; they aro tho orduroy velvet of which it is made, nd tho opossum fur on tho collar. Corduroy in a good quality is about tho best choice ono can innko among materials designed for coats for gen oral wear, and tho high favor of opossum fur threatens to thin tho ranks of tho little animal, whoso lino markings havo lately sprung into un precedented favor. Tho coat is long, amplo and grace ful. It ia cut with tho long urn's eyo and easy adjustment which makes It practical for wear over evening gowns. Linings selected for coats of this kind are of thin, supplo silk or crepe, in order that tho coat may fall in good lines about tho figure. It is cut Beautiful Types Two of the most beautiful hats of tho season aro portrayed here, and thoy belong to thoso types that with little variation reappear with each sea son. They aro picture hats on such .good lines and with so much to recom mend them that their welcome is al ways assured. Tho hat at tho left is made of blnck velvet or of ono of tho dark shades which aro fashionable In colors. Tho crown Is round. Tho wide brim is lloxlhlo and cut with a straight edge at tho right sido. At tho loft it turns up and is bent toward tho crown, showing, altogether, tho influence of tho season's tendency toward eccen tric brims. Us lines aro wonderfully becoming. It remained for this season to show Just vhat beautiful offects can bo wrought by tho artist whoso medium of expression Is tho fancy feather. This hat Is trimmed with fancy os trich. It seems that nothing else could look Just as well. Tho bat at the right is a wldo brimmed French sailor mado of vel vet faced with striped plush. Us color possibilities nro worth considering. It has a round crown nnd, for trim ming, another mastorplcce In fancy feathers. It Is not always easy to recognize tho kind of feather which thoso clover people who work In them convert Into tho things of beauty that adorn so with full skirt, which ripples nt the bottom, nnd Is provided with a shaped belt and sash ends of the corduroy, also lined with silk. Mnchine stitch ing makes tho finish, and tho ele gance of the coat is still further en hanced by the lack of any other trim ming. Tho model is double-breasted, fas tening at tho throat with a single largo and ornamental button. A sim ilar button in a smaller size appears on each cuff. Tho collar is raado so that it may bo rolled up about tho neck and fastened with hook and oyo in a high turnover. Although pictured as worn over an ovoning gown, this coat is npproprl- ato for all sorts of wear. Tho mate rial is very serviceable, but its rich luster places it in the class of dressy coats as well as among thoso do signed for much wear. of Picture Hats much of the season's millinery. But soma feathers, like thoso of tho bird of paradise, aro too beautiful in their natural stato to bo Improved upon, while others aro vastly changed and beautified by the makers of fancy feathers. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. The New Belts. Four-inch belts of soft kid In light and medium colors aro bound with black or whito silk braid. Black rib bon lacings through black eyelets aro seen on smart models. Ornaments and buckles to match aro used on bolts, tho former being placed at tho back. Buckles aro also n.ado of Jet, gilt, pearl, galallth, silver, beads, etc. A very military-looking belt of kid or leathor has for a fastening a bucklo Imitating four cartridges mado of gilt, nickel, gun metal or a combination of two metals. Embroidered bcltB nro used of satin, ribbon, soft kid or panno velvet. With princess fronts tho bolt disappeared under tho sldo of tho ono pleco effect. Sometimes it is worn nt tho real waist lino, or It may go an inch above White Net Gown. A charming gown Is of white net with blossoms hung from tho tabs of silver braid. Another pretty decora tion consists of bowkuots of silver ribbon. State Department Needs ASIIINGTON. A "noto" in tho old sense of tho term was a brief, in formal message sent to a friend or acquaintance In tho language ot tho diplomatic world, a "noto" is a most formal document. In fact, It is tho most Ben Q. Davis, E. B. Rubs, and Percy F. Allen. Tho dopartmont of stato Is the homo of perfect penmanship. Moro of it Is done thero than In all tho other olllco3 of tho government put together. Tho reason Is thnt all foreign corre spondence is essentially distinctive nnd individual in its character. Here old forms of address and quaint complimentary closings nro tho order ol letters of diplomacy going out to kings, emperors, potentates, and rulors ol tho great and smnll countries that aro dotted over tho face of tho earth. This correspondence thnt has a tondency to redundancy, or at least tc verbosity in somo cases, cannot bo conducted by printed or engraved forms It is individual and it is necessary that the document shall bo entiroly leglblo, nnd artistic as well. It must, therefore bo dono undor tho hand of a man who is a master of tho pen a "Jim tho Penman," who uses his talents only for good and legltlmato purposes. Corps of Engineers Keeps Busy in Peace Times THERE Is ono division in tho war department as busy In times of peaco na It Is indispcnsablo In timo of wnr tho corps of engineers. To it falls not only tho preparation of our forts and coast defenses, but tho enro of all tho national waterways and harbors. If Podunk wants its crook converted Into a raging ship canal Podunk must socuro tho approval of tho district engineer and the chief of engineers beforo congress will appropriate from tho treasury tho money to pay for tho operation. Tho Jurisdiction of tho war de partment extends to tho navlgablo waters and tho streams that feed them, so that no bridges can bo con structed over tho navigable waters without a permit, and practically no dam can bo maintained In oven tho smallest stream If the department finds thnt it is against tho interest of tho government, as guardian of navigation, that it should exist. Tho courts havo held that tho wator supply of a navlgablo river must not bo curtailed. So, when a complaint was mado by a ferryman that manu facturers on tho Savannah were putting up flnshboards from Saturday after noon until Monday morning to conservo their supply of water, thus making tho river below tho dam fall so low that tho department ordered tho Dashboards threats, of lawsuits, tho water resumed days. All tho functions of this nonmilltary oxorclscd by the secretary through tho ment has already oxponded moro than year was a llttlo moro than $35,000,000 bo scon that somp heavy work muBt bo Rifles, Dogs and Ferrets THE population of "Rattown," in tho Eastern markot, Soventh and C streets southeast, ono of tho most prominent local ccntors for tho tribos ol rodents of tho District, suffered tho and clerks making no Impression upon them. Thnt is all over now, though. James H. Sherman, superintendent of weights, mensurcs and markets, was appealed to, and, liko a modern Pied Piper, ho Indicated tho method by which tho rats could bo restrained from running tho baznar. Tho dogs, ferrets and marksmen wero procured, and thoy commenced a ten-day war. Whon tho popping of rlilos, shrill yelps of dogs and squenks of ratB thoy generally gavo Just ono squeak beforo tho terriers broke their neck pro ceeded from tho market, groups of spectators gathered about. There wore precipitate retreats from doorways and windows when somo rodent working tho law of self-preservation to tho limit dashed madly for tho sldowalks. When tho ferrets wero released from tho boxes in which thoy lay sleep ing unconcernedly, things began to movo moro quickly. Great Recreation Ground MAMMOTH recreation ground for grown-ups, so universal in appeal that tho lover of practically ovcry Bport will find tho means of Indulging hia favorito pastime; so central In location ernment clerk need waste no precious moments after office hours In reach ing it, and bo cosmopolitan In estab lishment that tho multimillionaire can find congenial compauiouship as well as tho man who works for a small wage. Such is tho gigantic plan now un dor way In Washington, that will glvo to tho capital a rcrcatlon ground equaled In no other world center and far outshining nil other similar places In this country. Furthermore, Undo Sam is backing tho project, financially as well as In every other way. Tho location for this recreation ground is that portion of Potomac park cast of tho railway tracks. It Is a pleco ot ground which on tho old maps of tho District was designated merely ns "rlvor." In other words, It Is "mado ground." Present plans for tho recreation park call for a vast stadium, ono 18 nolo golf courso, 40 tennis courts, six baseball diamonds, two gridirons, two cricket Holds, two bathing pools, with suitable house adjacent for dressing room purposes; a boating nren, hand stand, golf house nnd refreshment houso, as well ns genoral picnic grounds. Just how long It will tako to build this gigantic playground for grown-ups nnd how much money will bo needed aro two questions which Colonol Harts lluds himself unable to answer. Ho makes tho emphatic statement, how over, that a beginning will bo mado Just aB booh aB congress appropriates p.utllclent money, and that as Boon as tho next session convenes plaus will )0 lu shape to show tho appropriations committee. Fine Penmen for Notes formal method of communication be tween two sovereigns. "Notes'" hnvo been going from Washington with more or loss fre quency of lato, and while tho world is interested in tho contents, fow think ot tho way tho word of the president of tho United States is con voyed to tho rulors on tho other side of tho sens. Such messages nro writ ten, or more properly speaking, thoy nro engrossod by tho lino penmon in tho employ of tho department of Btato, ho could not operate his ferry boat, removed, and although thoro were its flow Sundays as well as other authority of tho war department arc engineer corps, and since tho govern' ?800,OOQ,000, and tho appropriation last for this branch of tho servlco, It wil! dono, Clean Out "Rattown" other night at tho .hands of men armed with rifles, eager terriers nnd lithe ferrets. To tho latter crawling intc pipes about half as big as their own bodlos is all In tho day's work. For months tho activities of the rats caused Markotmaster James A Mangnn to suffer with nlghtmaro. Not contented with holding banquets each night among tho big stands, thoy had grown so bold that thoy stagod caucuses, debates and committee meetings in tho middlo of tho Hoot nt noon, tho prcsonco of customers for Adults in Capital that tho business man and the gov UND FOR TliXT Hut there wero false prophets also nmotiR tlio people-, nven na thero sliull be fnlso teachers nmonB you, who privily shall bring In ilntnnnblo heresies, i von denying tho Lord that boiiRlit them, and brine upon themselves swift tfestruc-Mon.-U Peter 2:1. Tho tltlo of this sermon Is taken from tiru Rovlsed Version of tho Holy Scriptures, and nt first glance this would scorn to bo loss portentous than tho expres sion in tho Au thorized Version, "dnmnablo horc slcs." As ordinari ly u n d o r 8 t ood, "damnation" or "c o n d omnatlon" suggests the oternnl punish ment of tho final ly lmponltent, and in such a text as thlB tho meaning would bo that those who present such heresies will bo oubjects of this condemnation. What Is Heresy7 Scrlpturally, ono meaning Is that it refers to sects or persons, nnd anoth er thnt it rofors to discords or dis sensions. In Potor's time thoro wore porsonB in tho communities to which lie wroto, who woro giving out teach ings that woro not in accord with whnt ho had taught. Notwithstanding that all that is not in accord with the nccoptcd teaching of tho church is not "damnablo" nor "destructive," it Is a simple mnttor of fact that thoro have boon men, nnd it Is sad to Bay wom en, too, who havo boon bringing In "heresies of destruction." Wo ro colvo tho suggestion in tho text, "false teachers bringing in damnablo horo sles, oven denying tho Lord that bought them." Tho ordinary result of such work has been tho securing to theso teachers many followers, nnd bringing upon thomsolvcs tho de struction which their heresies pop forco cntnils. Many Heresies of Today. Probably novor in tho history ol Christian thought and tc'achlng woro thoro so many "destructive horcslcs" ns today. Thoso aro not in nccord among thomsolvcs, and iho man who dooa not llko tho truth of God's Word and has rojected tho peoplo of God is greatly porploxod to know what ono of tho many heresies ho should adopt, Tho followers of theso horcslcB, as a natural result, contend with each oth or Just as bitterly as any ono ot them contends with tho Gospel as nc coptcd by tho church through all of Its history, ovorywhoro, and by all (som per, ublquo, ot nb omnibus). And novor In tho history of tho church wero Christians needing to bo undor guard as today, for those falso teach ors nro not always outside of tho church. Potor says thoy aro "among you." In somo ensos thoy havo re pudiated tho church formally, but in many cases thoy cling to tho church, wear its livery and poso as Its teach ers and loaders. A heresy of today may bo ono of two things.. It may bo by an adding to tho Word of God, or by omission, or Ignoring somo of it. Thoro is hardly a modern rollgiouB fad that does not connect Itsolf In somo way with the Blblo. Tho niblo may not bo tho chief literary authority, but In this coun try tho religionist must coino to the peoplo with a profession of lovo for tho niblo. Tho country Is run ovoi by roltglonists who sell, or if need bo, give nwny religious Utoraturo, and oftcntirnoB this Utoraturo is professod ly bnscd on tho Blblo. Paul avoided horesy and told tho elders of the churdh at Ephesus thnt ho had not failed to declaro unto thorn tho wholo counsol of God. Tho moBt prominent of tho modorn teachors of tho "do- Btructlvo horcsloB" toach much that la in tho Blblo, but thoy lenvo out much which, If given out, would utterly change their teaching, and it iB bo- I cause of thlB that wo speak of their teachings ns horctlcal. Peter sums up tho horosy In mind In thoso words, "denying tho Lord that bought them." Horo wo havo n safeguard whon wo como to dollna horcsles of destruction. Thoy aro in ono way or another denials of Josus Christ, cither of his porson or of somo phaso of his work. Person and Work of Jesus Christ. Tho groat question of questions Is "What think yo of Christ whoso Son Is ho?" Wo aro confined to tho work of Christ as tho Son of God. Now, briefly, what Ib tho truth nhout the porson ot Jcbub Christ? As taught by tlio church from tho beginning, It is thnt Josus ChrlBt Ib tho very Son of God, born of tho Virgin Mary, was historically a person in tho days of Pontius Pilate, was absolutely sinless In his thought, teaching and life, died rb tho only sufficient sncriflco for tho sins of tho world, rose again from tho dead, ascended into heaven, where he now sits on tho right hand of God from -whence ho will como ns Judgo and to bo tho modltorlnl king or earth, and nftor manifesting his kingship in that form, will yield that kingdom up to God, that God may bo till in all. Philadelphia, Pa. "Intn just52yeara of ago and during Chnngo of Lifo I suf fered for six ycara terribly. Itrledsov cral doctors but nons Deemed to givo mo any rcliof. Every month tlio pains wero intense in both sides, and made mo so weak that I had to go to bed. At last a friend rocommen ded Lydia E. Pink ham's Vogotnblo Compound to mo and I tried it at onco and found much relief. Aftor that I had no pains at nil and could do my housework and shopping tho soma as always. For years I havo praised Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegotablo Com pound for what it has dono for mo, and shall always recommend it as a wo man's friend. You aro nt liberty to uso my lotter in any way." Mrs.TllOMSOM, 649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa. Change of IJfo is ono of tho most critical periods of a woman's existence. Women overywhero should remember that thoro is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through this trying period ns Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. If you want spocial advlco write to Lydia E. Pinlcham Med icine. Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will lo opened, read and answered by a woman mid hold in strict confidence. Information About Lincoln. It wnB loft to a Hoston schoolboy ot a dozen years to glvo tho world somo entirely now information about Abra ham Lincoln. Ho did It In this way whon asked by his teacher to wrlto what ho know about tho great war president: "Abraham Lincoln wns born on a bright, sunny dny In February, 1809. Ho was born in a log cnbln ho had helped his father to build." Hope Gleaners May Return. For many years a plcturosquo scono has vnnished from tho country sldo, but which on account of tho high prlco of corn I trust may bo revived this year. 1 alludo to tho gleaners, who gladly avail thomsolvcs of tho privilcgo of gathering in tho aftor math of tho reapers' toll. London Giobo. ' , Preparations. "Has your flanco given you to un derstand thero will bo anything on hand for your approaching marriage?" "Oh, yes. A diamond ongngoment ring." Summing Up Results. "Did your gardon help you out nny with your supplies for tho wintor?" "Yes. Somo of tho tools will mako protty good Implements for tending tho furnace." Every woman's pride, beautiful, clear whito clothes. Ueo Ilcd Cross Ball Blue. All grocers. Adr, Evory mnn knows worse of himself thnn ho knows of other mon. Backncho Sufferer! Thousands will tell you what wonderful relief they have had from Doan's Kidney Pills. Not only relief, but lasting cures. If you are lamo in the morning, have headache, nervous troubles, dizzy spells and irregular kidney or bladder action, don't wait until gravel, dropsy or Jiright s duenna gets hold. Use JJoan s Kidney Pills, the bcst-rccotnuiended kidney medicine. A Nebraska Cato "f wry Retort Mrs. Q. II. Miller, 1611 N. 26th St.. Omaha, Neb., says: "I Buffered from different ailments, as tho result of my kidneys being disordered. The Jialns across my olns were very an noying and my back ached nearly Kin siory" nil tno time, it was hard for me to a t o o n or lift. X Doan's Kidney Pills cured all and the cure has these troubles lasted." Get Doan's at Any Store, BOo Box DOAN'S fJLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tired-Out of Sorts Havo No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you right in a lew aays. They do. their duty. CureCon-i stination. 1 Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature fffflS JBlCARTFR'sT IMP W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 44-1915.