The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 02, 1915, Image 6

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J 1 Wl
Sole Survivor Recalls Wreck of
Bark Egypt.
niu iMiiuiu oi mo u. a. K ui una year a eiicumpmeiil in Washington
wan OBpcclally notablo because it followed the route on Pennsylvania avenuo
taken fifty years ago by tho grand review of tho armies at the clouo of tho
Civil war. Tho Illustration shows, above. William McKinlcy post of Canton,
O., carrying tho largest Hag in tho country, nearly 150 feet long; below, tho
Second Now York regiment, which was in full-dress uniforms and bearskin
Predicts "World System" of
Wireless in Future.
Hundreds Will Be Able to Talk at
8amo Time Through the Earth
Static Disturbance: Eliminated
by Invention.
New York. Nikola Tcslu announced
that ho had rocolvod a patent on an in
vention which would not only ollml
nato static lntcrforenco, tho present
bugnbqo of wireless telephony, but
would onablo thousands of porsons to
talk at once between wireless stations
and mako It posslblo for thoso talking
to see one another by wlrolosa, regard'
loss of tho dlstanco separating them.
Ho said also that with his wirolosR
station now in tho process of construc
tion on Long Island ho hoped to mako
Now York ono of tho contral exchanges
In a world system of wlroloss tele
phony. Mr. Tosla has been working on wlro
loss problems for many years. Recent-
r .
.' 1 I
Miss Helen Nnmur, a popular loud
er and ono of tho prettiest Klrls in
hor But, longB for an opportunity to
aid tho people of King Albert's war
torn country. Since tho outbreak of
tho war sho has worked unceasingly
in tho intercuts of BoIkIuiii. bolim en
rolled in practically all tho movements
for tho aid of tho tiny kingdom whore
back In tho fourteenth century her
ancestors playod a loading part In
some of tho most important and m
mantle historical ovonta of tho Itttlo
country. Thoy lived in tho vicinity of
Namur, whoro tho greatest forts In
tho world woro shattorod by. tho 42
centimeter guns of Mio (lormun army
and many of their doHcendnntH roald
ed there until tho outbreak of tho
war. MIbu Namur's paronts camo to
tho United States -19 years ago and
nettled In Now York, whoro slut wna
born. Realizing tho great need of
workers in tho stricken country where
many or hor relatives uro lighting In
tho trenches, sho off or a to no nH n
wur nurso or as a relief workoi to aid
tho helpless women and children loft
at homo to light battles at even great
ff ndfla Minn thna t nirrw t .n ....!
wh . vmwuu vtivuuiUUl UU IJ )
tho men who bold tho Germans back
until tho Kronen woro mobilized.
Af'flvMWW "Ttjfci I At
ly ho exhibited an articlo published
In tho Electrical World olovon years
ago, In which ho predicted not only
wlrolcss tolophony on a commercial
basis but that it would bo possible to
ldontlfy tho volco of nn acquaintance
over any dlstnnco. That Its operator In
Hawaii was nble to distinguish tho
volco of an engineer friend at Arling
ton, Va., was announced by tho Amer
ican Tolophono and Telegraph com
pany ns tho most marked triumph of
Its communication by wireless telo-,
phono from tho naval radio station at
Arlington to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, a
dlstanco of 4,000 miles.
Tho Inventor, who haB won fame by
his electrical inventions, dictated this
"Tho oxpertfl carrying out this bril
liant oxporlmont aro naturally de
serving of great credit for tho skill
they havo shown In perfecting tho de
vices. TIicbo aro of two kinds: First,
thoso sorvlng to control transmission,
and, second, thoso magnifying tho ro
eolved Impulse. That tho control of
trannml8stou Is porfect Is plain to ex
ports from tho fact that tho Arlington,
Mare Island, and Penrl Harbor plants
aro all Inefficient and that tho dls
tanco of telephonic communication is
oqunl to that of telegraphic transmis
sion. It Is also perfectly apparent that
tho chief merit of tho application Ilea
In tho magnification of tho micro
phonic Impulso. It must not bo Imag
ined that wo deal hero with now dis
coveries. Tho Improvement simply
concoms tho control of tho transmit
ted and tho magnification of tho re
ceived Impulso, but tho wlccloss sys
torn Is tho name. This can nover be
"Thnt it Is practicable to project tho
human volco not only to a dlstanco of
5,000 miles, but cloar across tho globo,
I domonstrntod by experiments In
Colorado-In 1889. It Is claimed that
static disturbance will fatally Inter
fere with tho transmission, while, as a
matter of fact, thoro Is no static dis
turbance posslblo In proporly doslgnod
transmission nnd receiving circuits.
Quito recently I hnvo described, In a
patent, circuits which aro absolutely
Immuno to static and othor Interfer
ences so much so that when a tele
phono Is attached, thoro Is absolute
sllonco, oven lightning In tho Immedi
ate vicinity not producing n click or
tho diaphragm, whllo In tho ordlnnry
tolophonlc conversation thoro aro all
kinds or noises. Transmission with
out static interference has many won
derful proportlcs besides, first of which
Is that unlimited amounts of power
can bo transmuted with very small
"Anothor contention Is thnt thero
can bo no secrecy In wlrolnas toln-
phono conversation. I say It Is absurd
to rniso tins contention, whnn it in
positively demonstrated by experi
ments mat tho earth Is more suitable
for transmission than anv wirn rnniii
over bo. A wlrolcss tolophono conver
sation can be mado ns socrot as a
"It's all a wondorful thing. Wlroloss
Is comliiK to mankind in ltn full
Ing like a hurrlcnno somo of thoao
nays, bomo day thoro will bo, say, six
great vvireless telephone Btationa In a
world system connecting nil tho In
habitants of this earth to onn nnnthnr
not only by volco but by sight. It's
suroiy comijjg."
Demand Causes Jump In Price Until
Maximum la Set by Au
thorities. Paris. Tho Figaro nuotes th itmin.
post correspondent of tho Frankfurter
xoitur.g as roiiowa:
"Tho olllclal organ of tho contral
uuiiKuuuH HiuuKiiiur nouses states
that in tho Hlharkensztoser .district
whoro nil Hie Italian residents nf 1 1 mi
gary aro Intorned, a groat number of
cats aro killed and dressed dniiv ti.
dumnud has boon such that tho prlco
oi cuts roso to a prohlbitlvo tlgurc
hence tho local authorities stmmmi in
and fixed tho maximum prlco at three
crownB tno kilo." (About 25 cents
Went Down In Gale in Bahama Sixty
Six Years Ago Clings to Rigging
for Five Days and
Blnckwell, Okla. Tho only survivor
of the wreck of tho bark Egypt 00
years ago Is visiting relatives In Kay
county, nnd celebrated tho anniver
sary of what was known to him as
the most tcrriblo week ho has spent
In his cighty-nlno years on this earth.
Sheridan Is yet a halo and hearty
old "sea dog" and his tale of tha ad
venture many years ago In which prac
tically the whole crow of tho bark
wero drowned and the remaining 13
como near meeting a much worse
death was told by him In this fashion:
"It was nlxty-slx years ago this sum
mer that tho old bark Egypt put out
from Portland, Mo., with a cargo of
lumbor nnd a few weeks later utruck
a real northwester whllo In the gulf
stream near tho Hanks of Dahama.
A happy outfit wo woro, all full of life.
"On tho evening of September G a
storm struck us and for six hours wo
battled that galo In a terrific fight.
Finally, however, tho bark turned
over. Tho masts and rigging woro left
nlloat, and to theso thoso of us that
woro loft mado. Whon wo counted up
tho next day, thoro woro thirteen of
"Without food, without a drop of
fresh water, suffering lntensoly from
tho semltroplcnl raldsummor sun by
day and from tho cold nt night, half-
famished and nearly crazed from
thirst, wo clung to tho rigging of that
half-submerged vessel for flvo days
and nights.
"Time after tlmo I was In tho no
tion of letting go nnd ending tho tor-
turo in tho cool deep of tho sea, but
each tlmo tho lovo of life was too
great, and I held on in tho hope that
somo timo boforo my mind left mo,
which Is tho usual ending of those
cast out in that way, wo might bo
rescued by a passing boat.
On tho evening of tho fifth day n
sailing vessel bound for Now York
sighted us an hour after wo had seen
It. That was tho longest hour of my
Hfo, Tor I was nfrald that thoy would
go right on by without seeing us.' Wo
quickly revived, but tho memory of
thoso times will bo vivid always."
HAS MADE 20,000.000 BUNS
Brother Wllllamford Is Baker for
University of Notre Dame for
Fifteen Years.
South Bend, Ind. Brother William-
ford, who estimates that ho ha3 baked
approximately 20,000,000 breakfast
buns, has Just completed his fifteenth
year as tho head of tho bakery of tho
University of Notro Damo. Ho has
kopt caroful count of tho vnrlous eat
ables ho has prepared slnco ho began.
Tho brother's family Is about 1,500
whllo school Is In session.
By Brother Wllllnmford's calcula
tions ho has mixed 32,850 barrels of
(lour and mado 012,500 llvo-pound
loaves of bread, 10,425,000 cookies
and almost 20,000,000 buns for break-
fast'. Pies for tho school aro mado
by tho slstors at St. Mary's college.
John I). Hockofollor and his grand
daughter, Madollno Prcntlco, alighting
from a train nt Tnrrytown, N. Y.
Wife of Washington Man Says After
Convention He Kept Her as
Hired Girl.
Evorott, Wash. Too much rollglon
on tho part of Roy Pattlson has ro
sultod in his wife tiling i suit for di
vorce In her complaint Mrs. Pattlson
charges that In January, 1913, her hus
band "Joined a religious socloty nnd
announced ho had boon consecrated
to God. which compollod him to Klvo
up his wtfo." Sho says her husband
hired her to do ho work nhout tho
house and told hor ho had no further
uso for hor aa his wlfo because of his
Well-Bred Mare Is Splendid Invest
ment for Any Farmer Get Colts
Only From Best Stock.
Nowadays farmers are beginning to
awaken to tho fact that it takes strong
horses to do good work on tho farm.
Tho fact that almost any horse can
bo mado to do something at fr.rni work
Is no valid excuse for men who pro
fess to havo their own Interests at
heart to persist In breeding horses
Farm Mare and Colt.
that nobody wants, not even them
In tho fields a big team makes hasto
by tho width of tho furrow or Bwath
they cut.
There is pleasure and inspiration In
tho business of breeding and handling
high-class horses.
Bear in mind in breeding horses that
it is Just as essential to breed good
feet on to them as to get weight and
blood in them. .
Tho purebred maro Is a good invest
ment to tho small farmer, and if he
will allow hor to share tho work of
tho placo she will do nearly as much
work as a gelding, and raise a good
colt besides.
A well-bred maro bred to a stallion
of best typo will bring a colt worth as
much at weaning time ns a grade colt
would bring at maturity, sometimes a
lot more.
Device Patented by Illinois' Man Is Es
pecially Good for Hogs May Be
Moved Easily.
Handling of Hvo stock, especially
hogs that aro ready for market, Is oft
times cruel and a cause of real finan
cial loss to the shipper because of
lack of unloading facilities at tho local
stock yards. An Illinois farmer has
patented tho unloading chute Bhown
here. It Is strong and yet light enough
to bo moved freely about so that hogs
may be unloaded from tho wagon on to
tho level ground. Cleats prevent slip
ping of an animal that Is coming down
tho chute, thus reducing tho possibili
ties of broken legs and bruises. The
chute may bo folded up and carried on
Chuto for Live Stock.
tho load of stock, or put back out of
tho way when not In ubo. Its ubo on
largo farms or at small Btock yards Is
certnln to bo found practical by busi
ness farmers everywhere. Farming
Best Way Is to Drive Animals Into
Pen Where They Will Have But
Little Room to Move In.
Tho quickest nnd easiest way to
drench a drovo of hogs is to drive
thorn Into a small pen where thoy will
have but little room to movo about.
To hold tho animal whllo drenching
it a noo80 of sash cord or quartor
inch ropo can bo placed around tho
upper JaWf woll back toward tho
angles of tho lips, and tho mcdicino
thrown Into tho back part of tho
mouth with a doso syringe. As there
Is dnnger of a hog breaking a syringe
it is host to uso a metal one. Some
times whou the drench is bulky and
tho hog hard to hold, It is necessary
to elevate tho head and raise tho fore
foot off the ground. For this purposo
a pulloy and ropo wlro stretcher Is
rocommended. It should bo hung in
tho most convenient part of tho pen
I and the animal secured in tho usual
way by placing a nooso around tho
Jaw. Tho end of tho ropo Is thrown
, over tho hook In tho lowor pulloy and
tho hog drawn up until it Is almost
off tho floor. It Is best to wait till
tho hog has becomo quiet, well under
control, boforo giving it. tho drench,
ns thoro Is somo dnnger of tho medi
cine gottlng Into tho air passages nnd
doing harm.
For Fattening Sheep.
Peas nro strongly recommonded for
fattening sheep. When fed in combi
nation with either corn, barloy or oats,
equal parts, bettor gains are mado
than when olthoi of tho abovo cereals
Is fed alone. This Is especially true
whoro timothy hay or com stover Is
fed as a roughage.
Tho onuses of failure nro; No ponl
tlve nltn In life; no special prepara
tion; luck of appreciation of the many
opportunities for self-Improvement In
youth; desire to be In tho swim of
fashion and pleasure; liastu to get
rich; MolllalincHs.
There aro so many relishes, con
serves, preserves and Jollies to mako
in tho fall that ono
i s embarrassed
with ideas to try
unless a ptau Is
well thought out.
An unusual pre
serve which 1b well
liked is tho combi
nation of tlin Rinall
yellow cherry tomato and plums. Tho
acidity or tho plum with tho rich fla
vor of tho tomato is very pleasing.
White Relish. Chop four quarts of
tho whlto inner leaves of cabbage, a
quart of chopped celery, one quart of
whlto strlngless beans, cut In bits, ono
quart of silver-skinned onions,
chopped. Sprinkle all tho vegetables
axcopt tho onions with salt, using a
cupful, cover with cold water and let
stand overnight. In tho morning
drain off tho wator, add the onions
and put over tho heat, add a cupful
of gratod horsoradlsh, one ounce cuch
of mustard and celery seed, three
cupfuls of sugar and a pleco of white
ginger root Cover with good vinegar
and cook until tho vegetables aro ten
der; then put 'into Jars.
Green Relish. Tako two quarts
each of groen tomatoes and green
cabbage, chopped, ono quart of green
cucumbers, ono qunrt of green pep
pors and a fow whlto radishes,
chopped. Placo tho vegetables In a
stono Jar and pour ovor them enough
cold wator to covor, adding a cupful
of salt. Let stand overnight, then
drain off tho water. Put three quarts
af vinegar In a porcelaln-llned kettle
and threo cups of sugar and three
small bags containing ono ounce each
of allspice, clover, popper, mace, mus
tard and celery seed. Mixed spicos
may bo used is preferred. Covor with
vinegar and cook until tho vegetables
ire tender. Add more salt If not
snough has been used. Put In Jars
mil seal.
Chill Sauce. Tako 24 large, rlpo to
matoes, six green poppers, four largo
Dillons, three tablespoonfuls of salt, a
hair cupful of brown sugar and a cup
ful of vinegar. Chop the peppers, on
ions and cut up tho tomatoes; put all
In a kettle and cook ono hour. Put
In bottles and dtp corks In melted par
A most dollclous dessert may be
mado using tho largo whlto or purple
grapes. Skin and seed
them nnd cut In halves :
add to a cupful of Uie
grapes four slices of
chopped pineapple, a
half cupful of almonds, a
dozen marshmallows, cut
In quarters; a cupful ot
cream, whipped and
mixed with two tablcspoonfuls of a
good boiled dressing to glvo It season
ing. Sorvo as a salad or In sherbet
cups as a dessort.
Grape and Almond Salad. Itcmovo
tho seeds from a quart of grapes and
cut In pieces; mix with a cupful of
blanched almonds, sliced In strips.
Add a half cupful of mayonnaise
jrosslng to which n hnlf cupful of
whipped cream has been addod Servo
Dn grapo leaves.
Grape Pie. Itemovo tho skins from
tho grapes, bring to a boll and press
through a slovo to remove tho sccdB
Add tho skins to tho pulp and cook
lirteon minutes, then add a cupful of
sugar for each two cupfuls of pulp, a
tttblespoonrul of butter and a tea
3poonful of corn starch. Bake In a
hot oven with two crusts.
Sliced Grapes. Mash tho grapes
ivlth a wooden spoon nnd to soven
pounds or the fruit, weighed raw, add
diio cupful of vinegar after the grapes
havo boon boiled and stralnod to ro
movo the seeds nnd skins. With the
vinegar, add threo and a half pounds
of sugar, two ounces of cinnamon nnd
two ouncos of cloves, tied In a chceso
cloth. Boll tho pulp, vlnogar and
spices together until like a thick mar
malade, then put in glasses.
Grapes in Melon. Cut medium
sized gem molons In halves; removo
thd seeds nnd chill. Fill cavity with
shaved Ico, sprinkle with nutmeg nnd
Bugar and cover with chilled white
grapoB which havo been seeded, Thoso
may bo served at tho oponlng of tho
meal or as a finish for dessert.
Thoro is no more wholosomo fruit
to servo ns a breakfast fruit than
grapes. Thoy supply important olc
monts which build up tho blood.
Sweden Is importing American coal.
Stockholm has a Russian newspa
per. Dogwood trccB aro being plnnted In
Tokyo parka,
Tho wator In tho Panama canal la
gradually becoming salty.
Tho dollar sign was derived rrom
tho letters "U. S." In monogram.
It is said no one can breatho at a
greater height than seven miles from
tho earth.
A delicious catchup for winter that!
Is especially fine to servo with fish Is,-
the following:
Lemon Catchup. Mlxi
ono tablcspoonful of
freshly grated horso-rad-lsh
with tho gratod rind
of four lemons, add
threo scant tcaspoonfuls
of salt, tho Julco or tho
lomons, threo tcaspoon
fuls each of whlto mustard, and cel
ery seed, four cloves and a fow dashes
of red popper and boll 35 min
utes. This will bo ready uftor stand
ing flvo weeks.
Radish Sandwiches. Slice thin a
fow radishes and let them stand in a
well seasoned French dressing for fif
teen minutes. Kcmovo them and put
between thin slices of buttered bread.
Sorvo well chilled. .
Nut Sauce for Ice Cream. Boll un
til it threads a pound of maplo sugar
and a third of a cupful of wator, Btlr
in a half cupful of minced almonds ot
walnut meats and sorvo hot over va
nilla tee cream.
Pot Roast Chop a small pleco ot
boor &uet and brown It In a doop try
ing pan or kettle. Add a chopped
onion and when well browned add
three pounds of round beef, cut In
sorvlng sized pieces and brown on all
sides. Tho bcof should then be well
salted and peppered. Romove the
meat to a sauco pan and add ono and
a half tablespoonfula of flour to the
fat and brown; pour In a cupful ot"
wator, stirring constantly. Pour this
gravy over tho meat In tho saucepan
and qover. Cook over a slow fire for
three' hours, or until tho meat la ten
der. Turn It often and add moro wa
ter if needed. Servo with potatoes
carrots and peas.
Vegetarian Mincemeat. Tho ingre
dients required are threo pints
chopped apples, three pints of chopped
green tomatoes, four cupfuls of brown
sugar, ono and a third cupfuls of vine
gar, threo cupfuls of raisins, three tca
spoonfuls of cinnamon, one of cloves,
three-quarters of a teaspoonful of
mace, tho same of allspice, two tea
spoonfuls of salt, and three-quarters ol
a cupful of butter. Mix all tho Ingre
dients except tho butter. Simmer for'
three hours, then add butter and seal'
in glass cans.
This is tha tlmo of the year to pre
pare sauces and relishes for winter
uso. Tho follow
ing recipes will be
found most -satisfactory:
Chili Sauce.
Scald and peel 24
rlpo tomatoes,
chop them wltb
two red (hot) pep
pers and two green, sweet ones and
two largo onions. Put Into an enam
eled saucepan and add four cupfuls
of vinegar. 1 cupfuls of brown sugar,
two tablespoonfuls of salt, a teaspoon
ful each of wholo allsplco, cloves, cin
namon, ginger and nutmeg, ground
Bring to a boll and cook, stirring fre
quently until tho onions aro done. This
will tako an hour. Remove and can
In large-mouthed bottles. Dip In par
affin to seal.
Chill Sauce. Twelvo largo toma
toes, four small onions, threo red pop
pers, two tablespoonfuls of salt, two
tcaspoonfuls of ginger, 1 cupfuls of
vinegar and a third of a cupful of
sugar. Boll two hours. Chop tho vege
tables before cooking.
Chill Sauce. Twelvo mcdlum-slzcd
tomatoes, ono popper finely chopped,
ono onion also finely chopped, two cup
fuls of vinegar, threo tablespoonfuls
of sugar, ono tablcspoonful of salt, two
teasponnfuls or cloves, two of cinna
mon, two or allspice and two or gratod
nutmeg. Peel tho tomatoos and slice.
Put Into a preserving kettle with the
remaining Ingredients. Heat gradually
to the boiling point and cook slowly
2t hours.
Sweet Mixed Pickle. Cook all the
vegetables separately and keop them
ns whole as possible. Tako two dozon
small cucumbers, ono quart or whlto
onions, ono quart or green tomatoes,
cut in cubes; ono quart or tendor wax
beans, ono quart of shotted lima beans,
not ripe enough to bo hard; ono quart
of carrots cut In strips; two bunchcfi
of celery and two heads of cauliflower
Covor tho vegetables overnight with
a weak brlno, then drain In tho morn
Ing after cooking them In tho wator
Boll a gallon of vinegar, add twe
pounds or sugar, n bag or mixed'
spices, rour teaspoonruls or colory
salt. Pour over tho vogotables artor
arranging them In tho Jars.
Jerusalem In 1913 nnd 1914 exported
moro than $110,000 worth or goods to
the United States.
Allnh, tho imrao ot tho Mohamme
dan deity, means "tho ono worthy to
bo adored."
Tho odor ot clorcs has been known
to destroy microbes In ,35 minutes;
cinnamon will kill somo speclo3 In Ti
minutes; thymo in 35 minutes. In 4f
minutes common wild verbena l
found effoctivo, whllo tho odor of sorjo
geranium flowers has destroyed vari
ous forms of microbes in 50 minutes.