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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1915)
'HUT i A Few November Columbia Records. "Violets" -Soprano Solo. "Mother MaChree" Chauncey O'lcott "Wedding of Sunshinj and Rose.1' "Little Gray Home in the West." , "It's Tulip Time in Holland." And One Hundred more new Grafanola records including oome splendid productions ok Nor dica. ..DIXON, The Jeweler. SOCIETY AND CLUBS. IT CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Helen White 1ms returned from a short visit with friends in Denver. Frank Herrod, of Ogalalln, is visit ing his mother Mrs. Hegina Herrod this week. A baby boy was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyles, who live west of town. . j Latest Hair Dress 25c, Coates par lor. I A. 0. Sumption, traveling auditor of the U. P., spent the latter part of la3t week here. I Dr. W. T. Pritchard returned Friday afternoon from Lincoln where he spent several days. I Mrs. L.VW. Tarkingtou left the lattfr part of last week for Northport, where her husband Is employed. Havo you seen our now lino of silk (taffeta Petticoats!? Some class to them. BLOCK'S. Mrs. Isaac Dillon will leavo In the near future for Minden, La., to spend several months with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Goodwin. Miss Ada Toole and Miss Katherine Boyle returned .Sunday evening from a short stay in Kearney with the former's mother. Mrs. John Monick, of Fremont, re turned home yestcrdny after visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Lterk, Sr., for two weeks. Mrs. Arthur Genzler, of Gothenburg, cr.-ue up Friday morning to attend the foot ball game and visit with Miss Blanche Fonda. Mrs. E. Folda, of Colorado Springs, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hah ler 'last week while enroute to Michi gan, left Frday evening. Mrs. Clifford DeMott and daughter, of Scotts Bluff, who visited her aunt, Mrs. Clara Van Doran for a weak, went home yesterday. Two cars of local Yeomen wont to Sutherland Friday evening to attend a special meeting and Initiation. After the business was completed they cn joved a social dance. .. ! 200 new Fall Coats to make your selection from, at prices to defy all competition, prices range from $ 1.08 to $40.00. BLOCK'S. In a dFamatic contest held at tho state university last week In which there were a largo number of con testants, Miss Myrtle Beoler, of this city, was one of the six who were selected. Miss Rose McGinley, of Paxton, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Omar Huff this week. J Mrs. J. 13. Rector will leave this week for Pine Bluff where she will vlst her mother for two weeks. j Ray West, of Wood River, b trans acting business in town this week and visiting his brother-in-aw Guy Drake. Representative Stebbins and wife of Gothenburg were hero Friday to visit friends and attend the foot ball game. County Supt. Alleen Gnntt will leavo today for Omaha to attend the state teachers' association meeting this week. Buy your now Fall Suit at 20 por cent off regular price at BLOCK'S. Miss Dorothy Bartholomew, of Goth enburg, spent Friday here visiting Miss Ruth Loan and attending tho loot ball game. Mrs. II. Berger, of Lexington, who spent ten days with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bergner, returned home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Brewer, of Omaha, returned to her home Saturday morning, after a two week3 visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rector. For Rent On east Tenth street, one four room and one six room house, both with basement. Phone Red 540. 78-4 Charles Burke, of Omaha, arrived here Saturday morning to nttend the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. Margaret Burke. Mrs. Swanger and Mr. arid Mr3. Linewcaver, of Eagle Grove; Iowa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Dor ram this week. Mrs.-Edwlna Schatz and Miss Eileen Kellhor, arrived here from Omnha Sat urday .morning to visit Albert Schatz and wife for a week or more. Attorney Carl Hollman returned Saturday morning lfcom a month's visit in Tipton, Iowa. Mrs. Hollman Will remhin there for a week longer. For Sale Quick for cash, Lot 9, Block 0. Inquire of Martin Wyman at VanCleave's blacksmith shop. 81tf Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeberger re turned Sunday night from Omaha, where the former attended the bank ers' convention and the latter visited friends. , , Tho Et-A-Vlrp club were pleasantly entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Wm. Diener. A nicely prepared lunch was served late in tho afternoon. Miss Mabel Rasmussen, of Wood River, was an out of town guest. The Assembly club will meet Fri day afternoon with Mrs. W. E. Booth, 515 west Eleventh. Mrs. E. A. Garllchs and Mrs. Julius Plzor will entertain tho Harmony Card club tomorrow evening at the home of tho former. Mrs. Perry Buchanan was hostess to tho 11. of R. T. Auxiliary at a kenslng ton Friday afternoon. A Hnllowo'on luncheos was served. The Misses Dulclo nnd Thelma Frn ter will entertain tho Tllllkum girls In the basement of the Episcopal church tomorrow evening. Tho M. M. M. club will bo ontertaln cd tomorrow evening by Mosdamos Will Hawlcy and Frank Buchanan at tho home of tho former. The Travel and Study club were entertained last evening by Miss Syl via Watts Subject for discussion was "Tho Irish Folklore." Light refresh ments were served after tho program. I Tho sunset dinner for all residents of this city who havo reached tho ago of sovonty .years will bo held at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbes at noon tomorrow under the nusplces of tho ladles of tho Methodist church. The attendance at tho social dance given Friday evening In the Masonic hall In honor of the foot ball team was not a3 large as usual, but thoso who attended report having spent a pleasant evening. Music was furnish ed by tho White-Tramp orchestra. A number of young people were en tertained at a surprise Hallowe'en party at the Winget home Friday af ternoon. Master Herbert Winget was the guest of honor. Several hours were spest in games after which de licious refreshments were served. Tho .Catholic choir were entertain ed Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trovillo, who live west of town. The guests were conveyed to tho farm in automobiles and spent a pleasant evening In card games, music and dancing. Enjoyable refreshments were served. i ! ra I Days are getting shorter now."" More ""jliHm fl ' moro you must depend 011 electricity. Putin IYWT-jfrii TeM'M ' J ! theso economical lamps thnt give you three lfAilffi' If '' A j times us much light without increased eost. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS llfgflfci W Made in V. S, A. and Kicked by Mazda S ,-rtce IMp!wli 4 Compare the lifM of P.IIISON' MAZDA Willi sour old I f ' mf I. i.irboii lnum's liirht. Try tl.U toniirlit in jour own ill 1O, fJMWP ,'), I? home liiflit lira "lie nnil thou the oIIiit: Nolo tlio ft 1 z i I ot'liclit. l'ut tlicm in every io ket. lhc arc made Mil WA. i&J sn 1 In i tizci for n-t i y lighting nml. ' 31 35c Another Drop in Prices IN- ILsz Jk. EI S SEE E $Ei U I ii One more lot of Ladies' Suits Shipped in by our New York buyer at fifty cents on the dollar, and they must be cleaned up. We have made them up in three lots. Lot 1 Suits worth up to $27.50 are being sold at $16.50 Lot 2 Suits worth up to $35.00 arc now sold at $22.50 Lot -3 Twenty-five Suits, last season's styles, the very finest materials, sold last season as high as $40 per suit, your choico for $9.48 ESSES DRESSES Just received 50 of the most beautiful dresses of the season which were 23a purchased by our buyer at cut prices and we now place them on sale at a North P atte Light & 1 ower Co. C. S. MORE", Mgr. The prenuptial shower given Friday evening by Mrs. Lemuel Steele for Miss Margaret Johnston was a very pleasant affair. Enjoyable games wcro played and a large collection of pretty gifts showered upon the guest of hon or. The decorntions and refreshments were suggestive of Hallowe'en. Miss Ela Day was hostess to a cleverly arranged Hallowe'en patry Saturday evening. The sixteen young ladles and gentlemen who attended wero entertained for several hours with comic games and Hallowe'en doc- orations wcro much in evidence. A delicious lunch was served at mid night. A score of little folks woro enter tained at a Hallowe'en party Satur day evening by Lydia Yost. A series ot games wore played nnd in the pen nut race prizes were awarded to Mas ter Howard McMullcn nnd .Miss Ida Mengle. Tho guests wero arrayed in. comic cosumes. Nice refreshments were served late In the evening. The decorations were very pretty. One of the most enjoyable Hallow e'en partes last week was hold in tho basement of the Presbyterian church by the Christian Endeavor society. Sev-enty-Ilvo members attended In comic costumes and participated in a series of games, contests, tricks nnd "apple diving. Decorntions appropriate to the season were in evidence and tho lunch was served in typical Hallowe'en style. Tho Eldeen club entertained their husbands at a Hallowe'en party Sat urday evening at the homo of Mrs. Arthur Artz. Games, music nnd con tests made up a pleasant evening. Mrs. Robert Arnold was awarded tlio prize for tho most comic talk. Miss Elizabeth Drodbeck was voted the most unique dressed and Mrs. Luelln Hughes was given second prize. Deco rations and refreshments wero ap propriate to tlio day. Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of tho U. of L. P. and E. and the Assembly club hold a Hallowe'en party at the K. P. hall Krday evening which was attended by a largo number of the members and their families. Tho evening was spent In various trames. annlo races, etc.. and proved very" anniBlng. At mid-j insist prizes were awarded and a menu of pumpkin pie, cider, apples, etc., sfrved. A number of enjoynblo musical selections added to the eves ing's pleasure. A feature of the ev ening wns the gliost drill led by witch es. Tho latter part of the ovening wns spent In dancing. Tlio Club Nevlta entertained their husbands at a unique Hallowe'en par ty at the homo of Mr. and Mr3. II. A. Brooks Friday evening. Ghosts and spooks appeared in unlooked for cor ners and a series of Hallowe'en games and tricks were provided for tho guests. Tho decorations wore ar tistic and in keeping wth tho season as were also the refreshments. Prize-' In tho various contests woro award ed to V. P. Snyder, Mrs. John Tucker and Fred Duncan. During t'le evening u number of musical selections were rendered by Miss Kuth Loan. Miss Floronce McKay assisted in serving. All present report a pleasant evening and the ladies wero highly compli mented on their entertainment. A reception for tho members of thy I. O. O. F. and Roboknhs and their fam ilies was hold at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hongland Friday evening. Tho guests numbering one hundred and fifty, were received at eight thir ty and after spending a half hour In social conversation onjoyed a program of music and readings. Those taking part in tho evening's entertainment woro EvoYett Kendall, Mrs. L. IS. Coy, of Paxton, Mesdames Hongland, Do Ford and Tlloy. Tho spacious room, wero decorated with Jack o' lanterns, black cats and other Hallowe'en sug gestions producing a pretty effect. Pumpkin pie, doughnuts nnd elder woro served and oach guost recolvod n small Houvonlr. Assisting in serving wore MesdnnioB Iloagland, Singleton, Hastings and HiisboU. Out of town guosts were Grnnd Patriarch L. E. Coy and wife, of Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. George White. Mr. and Mrs. ' DeMar Mrs. Lowe and G. Wilson, of Sutherland. Discount of 20 Per Cent. I IT .1 . - !! Til ' .c.. i. tvt .. i f j: f uj; isxe iui ju tniiy. new aMrivcn m jics , misses and Children's Coats every day. The sale is on right 6$ now, Don't delay, come quick before sizes and styles i are broken 7 i 0 K4 mmm tarn m tyi &t lesa SbsLi ilmsi Sk. m JULIUS PIZER. Tt7 SJPS SJ;V' S5 rem rcrf rem iTttd r n wvr. North Platte, Neb. NORTH I'LATTi: 1VIXS FJt()3l (SOTIIKNUUIM! i-'O TO 7. In a clean, hard fought foot ball game so far as tho players were con-' corned, North Platte won Friday af ternoon from Gothenburg through their superiority in tlio open game. Tho locals received tho kick off and carried the ball to Gothenburg's goal line, Baker going over but fumbled behind the lino. Tlio ball was put In play on tho twenty yard lino and Gothenburg punted to Cool. Tho lo cals again ndvasced tho ball to tho twenty-ilve yard line from which point Thompson scored on a forward pass from Jones. Nclthor bUIo scored In tho second quarter, and tho half end ed G to 0 In favor of North Platte. Is tho third quarter Gothenburg scored and kicked goal after a series of pen alties had placed tho ball near North Platte's goal. At tho beginning or tlio fourth quarter with the score seven to ix in favor of Gothenburg, tlio l.ocnls hold on their ten yard line and re ceiving the ball opened up and scored in llvo plays, fourvof which woro pass es, Cool running fifteen yards for tho touch down after receiving a thirty five yard pubs from Thompson. Twice moro in the next seven minutes, North I'Intto crossed tho goal lino using the samo tactics, Jones mnklng both scores. Gothenburg claims the best team they havo ever had. For North I'Intto the entire team played good hall, but llaker, Dogue nnd Cool sbow- d, if poss'ble, better than tho othors. Nortlf Platto tried ten forward passes in tho lost qunrter, nino of wli'ch woro xuccossful, Thompson, I3oguo and Cool bolng the principal passes and Cool, Jones, linker and Kelly doing moat of th receiving. The passing of Thompson clnssos him with the. best. :' ' , The funeral services of the late Mrs. Margaret Hurko wero held Saturday afternoon at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Ilratt. Dean Uowkor de livered a very lmpresslvo sornion nnd tho Episcopal choir sang "Abide With Mo" and "Nearer My God to Thes." Tho lloral offerings were very bounti ful' nnd Included mnny set pieces. Tho pall bearers wero Messrs. John Tlurko, Potor Hurko, Louis Uurko, Charles hurko. Edward Goodman nnd John IJrait. The largo nuinbor of friends who attended the services nnd called to oxtend sympathy to the relatives testified the hluli esteem In which Mr1 Uurko was hold. Woril was received In town tho lnt pr part of last week that Thomas o'Noll, or Lincoln, formerly of this city, Is on tho road to recovery after a siege of pnomonta. Ralnh W. Allison loft Sunday morn ing for Douglas, Wyo., whero he has boon transferred as stonogrnphor in thq U. S. land office. V. .i. WENBr. & CO. Ileal VMnU nnil Insurance Cora'o and seo us for town lots In different parts of tho city. Good In- vestmonts on easy tonns Houses for ajb (Hid rnl We hiivi alo good Mar- iim in '-rms and run'!" ! i" r r ,nl fid DfW"V Ji I. up'ilrH Swedish Lutheran Congregation Services will bo hold In tho Advent church next Sunday morning at 11. All members are requested to come at this time. Tho Svea spcloty will meet at tho homo of Mrs. H. P. Ilcnckel, Novem ber 12th at threo o'clock. KENNETH DESCHER, Pastor. Attorney J. G. Ueolor transacted business JjicJlnKtjjhyeatorduy. Deam'-fiowkcr1 has? returned It Is For You lo Decide Next Sunday, November 7, Is Sunday School Day at Platto Valley as well as olsowhorc. Let us havo a largo at tendance on that day. Those who havd so faithfully promised tlmo and again, come and nuiko yoir promises good. Wo need you; not only next Sunday, but every Sunday thoreaftor. It is for you tq decide. Shall our Sunday school contlnuo to bo a success? CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. nsL wcturnoa trom Omnmha where ho attended tho Epls-J copal synod ltisLwoplc. Mr. and Mrs. Ilert Darbor havo gdnO to Lowollen to remain Indefinitely,, . REGISTRY GRADUATE NURSES CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 DOMESTIC ' NURSES We nre in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Cull Phone 82 Hnd state whether you want Krailuato or domestic nurso S nnd wo will complete nil the arrangements for you without charge. CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Stnp; ictil. Medical and Obstetiical casus. A Strictly modern Hospital for tho convenience of tho phj fcicians of North Platte nnd country tributary thereto. if m. 30. j I 'ja w ; . The Call For Help when a liru Is raging brings to (ho mind (iilckly Hie necessKy of lire In. siniuice. i:cry lionio should bo in surcd. You iiiiij- lie ns careful as you please, but lire will break out where It is leas! expected. (Jet a policy from mo Million! delay, and lie on the safe side. The companion I represent arc all re liable and prompt payers. CLIP. TEMPLE, REAL ESTATE, LOAMS AND INSURANCE ROOMS IKSSa, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, NORTH PL.ATTE, NEBRASKA.