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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. ARE YOU SICKLY? IS THE APPETITE GONE? IS THE DIGESTION POOR ? ARE YOU RUN DOWN? COMPLETELY DISCOURAGED? YOU SHOULD TRY HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS AT ONCE. IT REALLY HELPS Sketch Under Shell Fire. Sonio of tho many artists who arc at tho front In Frunco make their sketches undaunted by shell fire. Tho Century magazine publishes a picture of tho ruins of a farm houso, about which the battle had raged, drawn by Henri Jacquler, who took tho first grand prlx of tho Salon. "While M. Jacquler," says a follow-artlst, "was finishing this drawing with very rapid pencil strokes, a shell burst near him, and actually flung ths earth Into his car. But the drawing was finished." THICK LOVELY HAIR Because Free From Dandruff, Itching, Irritation and Dryness, May bo brought about by shampoos with Cutlcura Soap preceded by touches of Cutlcura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. A clean, healthy Bcalp means good hair. Try these supercrcamy emollients If you have any hair or scalp trouble. Sample each free by mail with Boole. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. It Made Him Think. "I listened to your speoch with tho greatest care," said the constituent to tho young congressman. "Well, I think there was food for thought in It," said tho congressman. "You bet there was! It Just mado mo think what a fool I had been to roto for you." For a really Una coffee at a mod erate price, drink Denlson's Seminole Brand, 35c the lb., in scaled cans. Only one merchant m each town eells Seminole. If your grocer isn't tho one, wrlto tho Denlson Coffee Co., Chicago, for a souvenir and the namo of your Seminole dealer. Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00. Adv. His Position. "Do as you would bo done by, my boy." 'But I don't want to be done by any body, dad." The Fatal Words. "Is Mr. Slyboy very talkative?" "No; I've been trying for two yearB to make him speak." Always proud to show white clothes. Red Cross Ball Blue does make them n-hite. All grocers. Adv. The Brazilian government estimates next year's revenue at $1G9,6GO,000 and expenditures at 5174.254.000. Somo people tako particular Joy in tolling the truth when they know that !t Is unpleasant. The General Say$: Why lend your money away for "b.rfcain roofing" when you can net the best roofing at a reasonable. Dries or your W7 own local bVaU fi 5 i IH auarauiocu ill irfiuuif. u imtia tur k'V'j rears xor zpir. ana id Tears zor o-pit, tbe resDonslbllltr of oar bin mills stands behind this guarantee. Its qualltr Is a the tUghestand Its price the most reasonable. d General Roofing Mfjr. Company 4 rA WurU'tlarvtit-manuJactMrtnoJ llooilng 'A R and Hunting Vai.trt R Kuuuauie. V Sotwtai; 8.1. Cklcu Plll.Virjk 9 Kit. Uni. caetuiti swuiUir 4itxit Wntaon E. Coleman, l'steot lwyer,WasbtnEUn, D.C Advice and hooks free. Lain reasonable. Illf best references. Hest services. JUST ODT Automatlo Hog Wster Fountain. Thousand already sold. Orders repealing. 'Uountlei for sals. aaUaulU knit yiuia O, 0U, Nebraska Directory Good Scrum Will Sav Yeur Hogs :From Use U 4 (lor Licensed Hernm. Chore wire irrtt or call on OMAHA tJKHUM COMPANY. SUtta fl O &U.,U,Oumbu.Nb., l'lioue South a BOS OMAHA ROBE and TANNING CO., Inc. Manufacturers of ROBES, FUR COATS, mittens and caps, har ness ana laco leathers. Phone So. 2854s Factory 27lb Bad K Sli, SO. OMAHA, NEB. t (TjSlTheGeneralSays: 4 K WJmI XilSa Why lend your R W KZTk J jTrSFfif money away for M -agKvMWl J-nMna1 "braln roofing" Jjj JE jmtsibiUHBStliFi when you can net K 9 afSfcffMpT im the best roofing m W Ma&& jeS22 . reasonable h fj er whom you know 7 2t e e i 5 a Roofing g A la imiranteed In writing, 6 years for 1-plr m aiu rears xor zpir. ana id Tears zor o-pit, ta and tbe rMDonstbllltr of our bin mills 9 Cholera ROADS IMPROVING THE POST-ROADS Four Hundred and Sixty-Five Miles of Experimental Highways Are Now Under Construction. Four hundred and sixty-five milca of experimental post-roads of different types, benefiting 28 different counties, uro now under construction In 13 states, which are cooperating with the federal government. These roads, which are being built under tho su pervision of the department, aro au thorized by tho act of congress of Au- - ;., 4s , . . Ohio State Highway, Brick. gust 24, 1912, which appropriated for the post-road department $500,00D, to be expended in an experiment to test out the value of Improved rural-carrier routes. Tho federal government pays one-third and tho stato or county ben efited must defray two-thirds of tho cost. The entire sum of $500,000 of federal funds and $ 1,000,000 of local funds will bo oxpended under tho su pervision and checking of federal highway engineers. Tho following work on post-road Im provement has been undertaken, ac cording to a bulletin dealing with tho construction and maintenance of roadh and bridges, Issued by the depart ment: Lauderdale county, Alabama, 30 miles of earth road. I3oono and Story counties, Iowa, 51 miles of earth, road. Dubuque county, Iowa, 20 miles of gravel road. Bath and Montgomery counties, Kentucky, 11 miles of macadam road. Montgomery county, Maryland, 5.4 miles of macadam road. Cumberland county, Maine, 21 mllea of bituminous macadam road. Leflore county, Mississippi, 24 miles of gravel road. McDowell county, North Carolina, 16 miles of earth road. Davie, Forsyth and Iredell counties, North Carolina, 48 miles of sand-clay and top-soil road. Licking and Muskingum counties, Ohio, 24 miles of concrete road. Jackson' county, Oregon, 51.4 mtlcB of earth road. Aiken county, South Carolina, 27.3 miles of sand-clay and top-soil road. Loudon county, Tennessee, G.4 miles of macadam road. Montgomery county, Tennessee, 7.G miles of macadam road. Hoxnr, Comal, Aravis, Hays and Guadalupe counties, Texas, 71.C mllea of gravel road. Fairfax county, Virginia, 12.3 miles of gravel road. Spotsylvania, Carolino and Hanover counties, Virginia, 38.2 miles of sand clay and top-soil road. As rapidly as these roads aro con structed tho department is endeavor ing to Interest the local authorities in inaugurating systematic main tenance to keep them In condition. Tho county englneor haB undertaken tho mnlntanunce of tho Virginia post road In Spotsylvania county, and an other will suporvlso tho upkeep of tho completed part of tho Ohio post road. It 1b believed that this local maintenance system will bo oxtendod to tho post-roads to bo built in Maine, Tennessee, Texas and Alabama. Bulletin on Roads. Tho United States department of Agriculture bullotln, No. 220, Is upon the subject of roads, and lt Is well worth reading. It tells of Roman roads, French roads, and trnats not only of road surfacing, but of road grading and foundations for roads. Send for It, it's free. Keep Roadsides Clean. Roadsides and fence rows free of weeds, rank grass and rubblBh, aro not only pleasing In appearance, but Injurious crop pests cannot start housekeeping in such places. Neither is there a chanco for noxious ced3 to mature or dangerous plant diseases to start on clean roadsides. Greatest Single Factor. Tho greatest single factor In nation al economics is transportation, and tho reatcst s'ngle factor in economical rauspcrtaUou Is good roads. ISf AUTUMN IS BEST TIME Figure 1. F0"re 2. (Uy PnOP. J. O. MOOItE, Wisconsin Col Icgo of Agriculture.) In thoso socttons whero winter pro tection of tho grapo Is advisable, tho greater part of tho pruning should bo dono In autumn after tho leaves havo fallon. Thcro Is a variety of sys tems of training in use, but tho ono which will roquiro tho least attention durlug tho growing season la tho drooping systom, commonly known as tho Knlffcn system. Thcro aro sov eral modifications of tho original Knlffon system, but theso aro modifi cations of detail rather than principle. Tho four cano Knlffon Is tho ono most commonly used. In this system a two-wtro trellis is necossary. Tho bottom wiro should bo at least two feet from tho ground and tho upper wlro two feet higher. With most varlotles theso dis tances should bo somowhat groator. Tho four cano Knlffen system consists of so pruning tho vino that two canos aro loft for oaoh trollls wiro, ono run ning in either direction. A healthy grapovlno, after n sea Bon's growth possesses several times as much wood as it is deslrablo to leave for tho production of tho next season's crop. As a rulo tho amutour grapo grower loaves altogether too much wood on tho vino. Flguro 1 illustrates a vino as It ap pears on tho trollls in tho autumn after tho leaves havo fallen. It will bo seen that tho vino is really composed of wood of throo ages; "a" rcproBents tho trunk or oldest portion of tho vino. From this arises four branches, canes "b," 1, 2, 3, 4, which havo finished their second season's growth, and from each lf" X Figure 3. arises several shoots "c," 1, 2, 3, etc., which havo been produced tho past season and which, at or near their baso, produced tho fruit crop. Theso Bhoots of tho growing season just paBt become tho canes of tho coming sea son. It will bo noted that each of theso shoots possess n number of buds. If all wero loft thcro would bo too many now shoots next season endeav oring to produce fruit, which would result In tho weakening of tho vino and Inferior fruit production. In addi tion, tho vino would Boon bo only a tangled mass similar to a wild grapo vino. Pruning of this vino will consist in reducing tho wood bo that it may bo kept within bounds and still produce tho maximum amount of good fruit without weakening tho plnnt. It Is ov ldont that wo must solcct four of tho shoots to replaco tho four two-year-old canos. Two things should bo kept in mind in making this selection. First, that tho shoots selected should bo good, vigorous ones; socond, that they should arise ms near the baso of tho canes as possiblo, as it Is desirable to keep tho producing wood closo to tho trunk. In pruning tho vino illustrated In Fig. 1, wo will thcrcforo select shoots "c" 1, 9, 7, 8. Shoot "c," C, although nearer tho trunk than "c," 8, is dis carded because of its weakness and lack of sufficient strong buds. Wo will removo tho canes and shoots oth er than thoso selected by making cuts at "d." Tho next question which arises Is how much of shoots "c" 1, 9, 7, 8 should bo removed. This depends upon a number of factors, such as ago of plant, dlstanco between plants, char Young Trees Farmers often buy nursory stock HEELING IN NURSERY STOCK FOR WINTER MawdOjAiB4AnMtaAMaMMMaMaaawiaMaABMiaHattM ing or for setting out in tho spring. Tho groat objections to onloring in tho eprlng aro that tho buyor must wait tho convenience of tho nuraorymcn, must bo propared for delays duo to transportation and must do tho work at tho busiest time of year. When it Is necessary to hold treoa ovor winter they should bo heeled in. A trench 12 to 18 Inches deep ia opened and tho troos laid obliquely, as shown in tho cut. Thoy aro then covered complotoly with soil and allowed to remain undisturbed until spring. No hay or straw should bo used In connection with tho trees. Such mutorlal furnlshos harbors for mlco. In tho spring when planting tlmo arrives tho trees may bo act t onco. Orange Judd Farmer. TO PRUNE GRAPES acteristic growth of tho variety and vigor of vino. Undor ordinary condl tions usually from four to six buds arc loft on tho shoot3 for tho lower trollls wiro and from eight to ten on those for tho upper trollls wiro. It must be understood that this number Is only suggestive and tho growor must use his Judgmont as regards tho number of buds. Ho will bo materially assist ed In this If ho will romcmbor thai under favorablo conditions each bud loft will produco a shoot tho following season and that each shoot should pro duco from threo to five bunches of grapes. Our vine, properly pruned and Hod to tho trollls tho following spring will look llko tho ono illustrated in Fig. 2. If tho vines aro old and neglectod, somo difficulty may bo experienced in getting tho Ideal form of vino. Undor such clrcumstancos tho growor should not expect a well-formed vino for at least two years. In cases of tills sort It may bo nec essary to dovolop a now trunk. This may bo dono by soloctlng ono of the shoots which has arisen from tho base of tho vino or low down upon tho old trunk. It should bo left juBt long enough to permit of tying to tho upper trollls wiro. Tho following season It will produco shoots and may then be handled as a now vino. Observation will reveal that each succeeding season tho bearing wood Is getting farther and farther romoved from tho trunk. In tlmo it becomes djcslrablo to got back nearer tho root system. This is accomplished by tak ing out ronowals. Renowals aro of two kinds low and high renowals. A low renownl Is takon from near tho baso of tho plant and ultimately bo comes tho trunk. It is essentially de scribed nbovo. A high ronowal is a renewal of tho extension of tho trunk (arm) from which tho cano arises. High renewal Is accomplished by se lecting n shoot arising from tho trunk near tho trellis wiro or at tho baso of tho arm from which the canes arise. Low and high renowals aro illustrated In Fig. 3. POULTRY AND FRUIT GO WELL TOGETHER Hens Render Valuable Service in Destroying Injurious Insects In the Orchard. If the hens havo tho run of an or chard thoy will not render ns good sorvlco In protecting tho trees from Injurious insects as thoy will if con fined in yards around tho trees. Whllo tho orchard should bo utilized, it gives much opportunity to tho fowls to work over n largo surfaco, which may to a certain extent lessen their vigilance around tho trees. Tho old maxim is, "Bring your chickens to your treo, keep them there and thoy will destroy moro insects than In any other way." Tho sugges tion is a good ono If not Inflicting oxtra expense for fencing, but it is possiblo that Homo kind of movablo fonco should answor tho purposo, na tho fowls need not bo confined except early In tho season. Surest of Bearers. After all, tho grapovlno In ono of tho surest bearers, as It fruits on now wood cntlroly, and oven if somo of the now vines aro neglected, It puta cut fresh wood which bears somo fruit Keep the Sheep Dry. Sheep must not bo allowed any cold rain wettings. It will tako off the gain of a week's feeding. Keep Calves Growing. Keep tho calves busy "putting II on" If they aro Intended for baby beef In Trench. in tho fall, either for immcdiato plant 10c Worth of m mi Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land Get rid of the big crops on Crlnollno In History. Tho oft-threatened return of tho crinoline, prophesied by alarmists of fashion, leaves us all wondering. Wo find that tho crlnollno was first worn In tho sixteenth century by n Spanish princess, who usod it to conceal her love letters from n forblddon admirer. According to pictures of Queen Eliza beth, she was tho first to wear It In England, u writer in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Btatcs. Porhaps she woro it for tho samo reason. Slio had need of pockets to hldo such, provided all hor admirers wroto to hor. Among her earlier portraits we find that hor dress resembled that of Queen Mary, hor Blstor. Tho sklrt3 of thoso wero simply widened at tho bottom. Ancient Egypt. Thcro uro no statistics for tho pop ulation of anciont Egypt. Ilorodotua says that In tho rolgn of Amasls tho number of Inhabited cities was not less than 20,000. Amasls reigned somewhere about 525 D. C. Tho num ber of cities glvon by Ilorodotua Is hold to bo impossible Authorities on ancient Egypt aro Maspcro, Champol lion, Flinders, Pctrlo, and Rawllnson. Tho Encyclopedia Uritnnnlcn haB an oxhaustlvo artlclo on tho subject. Easily Satisfied. "What do you think of the. now stato constitution?" "I havon't road It, but I'm for it. provided thoro's nothing In It to pre vent mo from going out to play golf on election day." A bacholor girl Is sometimes an old maid who is ashamed to admit It. Pacific coast hops aro now largely picked by machinery. When Health is Wrong The Pay is Short Getting ahead in this world calls for mental and physical forces kept upbuilt and in trim. Often the food one eats "makes" or "breaks" it depends upon the kind of food. In many cases the daily dietary lacks certain essential elements for keep ing brain and body at their best. Over 1 8 years ago a food was perfected to offset this lack Grape-Nuts and it has stood the test of the years. Made of whole wheat and malted barley this famous pure food supplies all the nutriment of the grains including their mineral salts Phosphate of Potash, etc. necessary for building brain, nerve and muscle. Grape-Nuts has a delicious nut-like flavour; is always ready to eat fresh, and crisp from the package; so thoroughly baked it is partially predigested. Thousands "on the job" every day know "There's a Reason" for Grape -Nuts sold by Grocera everywhere. stumps nnd crow cleared land. Now is the time to clean up your farm while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freer ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. tVnfo for Free Handbook oFExptoiivcM No. 69F, and name of ntarett dealer. DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE FOUND HIS TROUSERS IN USE Incident That Probably Would Hov Embarrassed Anybody hut a Citizen of Pitt8burah. A Pittsburgh man who frequently goes to Columbus, representing a holl er concern, had an ndvonturo recently on that homo of adventures a Pull man car. Ho had takon an uppuf berth. At tho time bo retired tho lower berth was unoccupied. But bo-, forp tho night was far advanced a woman took tho lowor berth. Just boforo ho wont to slumbcrlnnd tho Plttsburghor hung hip trousers ovor the edgo of tho berth so ns to keep them na smooth as posBlhlo. When ho nwoko ho started to pull hla trousers up, but thero was a tug in tho other direction. Ho pulled ngnln nnd was again roslstcd. Finally ho discovered that tho woman hud taken his trousers for a part of tho drnporloa and hud pinned to them all of hoi; extra nnd oxtrancouB hnlr. Gallantly ho waited until she had detached het trcsBCB. aftor which tho trousors woro mado to sorve their natural purpose Columbus Olspntch. Real Far. "Isn't tho fighting In Franco terrible Just now?" "Oh, It's awful!" , "Yes, so much of It Is in Cham pagno, I am afraid thoro will bo n ronl scarcity at functiona this winter." Tolling a woman not to worry la about, as offcctlvo as1 warning a small boy not to cat too much. Tho Moskwa, ono of Potor tho Groat's squadron in 1718, haB boom found near Libau. 1