The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 02, 1915, Image 1

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    7 'A
The J. F. P. Club will bo the guests
of Mrs. E. M. Johnston this afternoon.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply at 1013 west Fourth.
John Singleton, wlio was quite 111
this week Is much Improved today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason returned
last evening from Lincoln where they
visited for two weeks.
Five freight "drags" are marked in
frmn Mm mint. this forenoon, three At
Win. Huddart went to Fort Collins which have one hundred cars each,
this morning as a witness in a case
Tho Lutheran girls will be enter
tained by the Misses Helen and Gladys
Bird Friday.
Miss Anna House will entertain the
members of the Eldeen club tomor
row afternoon. .
We littvo customers for small im
proved farms.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent, of Stapleton, for
merly of this city, are visiting wiih
local friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hubbard left
last evening for Sidney and Cheyenne
to spend a week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ill Smith have return
ed from LeMoyne where they visited
the Weil family for a week.
To Exchange One or more horse
colts for muloB or cattle. Address
Howard's Ranch, North Platte. 81-3
Miss Hazel Smith entertained Miss
Gertrude and Chester Nelson, of
Gothenburg, the latter part of last
One hundred and sixty more en
gines were handled over tho turn
table last month than were handled
during October last year.
Purcliase a suit now while sizes are
still unbroken. It's the cost price
you'll be getting.
Supt. of Motive Power Fuller came
in from the webt this morning and Is
spending toda in town looking after
mattera pertaining to his department.
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Breese have re-
the other two ninety cars each
Tho Lutheran aid society will bo
entertained Thursday afternoon by
Mrs. Harry York at the home of her
sister Mrs. Oscar Sandall, 503 south
Dewey street.
The man of sense Is he who best
preserves those faculties with which
nature has endowed him. Ho may
"Hate to Wear Glasses," but senti
ment Is nonsonse. C. S. CLINTON,
Registered Optometrist. Look for the
sign with the big ring.
Charley Thornburg, George and
Will Shultz and Arthur Artz left this
morning for Oshkosh where they will
camp out for three or four weeks
and hunt duck uid geese. They took
with them a wagon load of camp
.Honey lo loan on real estate.
The mean temperature for last
month wns five degrees warmer than
tho average for October, tho highest
temperature being eighty-six and the
lowest twenty-seven. There were
four mornings in which there were
light frosts. The precipitation for tho
month was 1.07 inches, which Is a lit
tle below the average, but greater than
in OctobcrlOM and 1013.
All our suits are going at first
cost and aterations free. We do this to
keep up our tecord of not carrying
over any old stock.
The brotherhoods of the various
churches under whose auspices tho
lecturo course is. given request us to
state that an effort will be made to
have the Redpath bureau supply a
number to take tho place of the one
School Kond Klectloii.
Elsewhere Is published a notice of
a special election to bo held on De
cember 7th for the purposo of voting
on tho proposition to issue $50,000
bonds for tho construction of a Junior
high school building. This action on
the part of tho Hoard of Education Is
brought about by a present necessity
tho need of more school room to
accommodate our over-Increasing
school population. To accommodate
the present number of pupils every
resourco has been brought into play,
and oven then practically every room
is over-crowded with tho result that
tho teachers are unable to glvo the
best service and the pupils do not
receive tho attention that is due them
both are handicapped by the crowded
A condition and not a theory con
fronts us. Wo nui3t have more school
room, and tho solution lies only in the
proposed now building. As good citi
zens wo should cheerfully meet tho
school need which presents Itself and
vote the necessary bonds without a
turned from a brief weddlnc trln to missed last Thursday. The local man
points in Colorado and Wyoming. Mrs. agement was not responsible for tho
Breese was formerly Mrs. P. H. Rud- mixing of dates which resulted In
dy. j cancelling the entertainment last
The Children's Day program of the w(i!?k c , ..........
Yeoman lodge will be held this even- Bra" & Goodman write every j kin
Ing at 8 o'i pek In the Lloyd opera f the best V,SMrn"CC,i"LiT, SF
house. All friends and relatives of rntcs. All Iosm adjusted nroniptl) .
the children are invited. j Try them.
, , t , M , 1 A progressive Hallowe'en party was
Weather forecast for North Platte hold ,Sttfuraay evening by nine young
and vicinity: Party cloudy tonight M , ht Oc,ock ,the guests
and Wednesday, warmer .tonight. nssemb,cu atHhe home of Miss Helen
Highest temperature yesterday 69, a g ,u wno wng aasl8teti by Misses
year ago 74; lowest last night 37, a w Coates and Helen Soihert. The
year ago 40. rooms eft prettily decorated in Hal-
The Degree of Honor entertained lowe'en colors, and fortunes were told
the A. O. U. W. and their .families at around a camp tire, uyster siew anu
an en lovable entertainment in the K. sandwiches were served. The next on-
P. hall "last evening. An interesting tertainment was given by Misses Alico,
nrocram in which twenty children , Elsio and Eva Hoagland at the home
took part was rendered. Hallowe'en of tho former. Various games were
games were played and a delicious played and pumpkin pie with whipped
lunch served on long tables appro-: cream served. The. last course was
priately decorated.
City property for small farm.
(510 acres fenced, with well and
windmill, only twelve miles from city,
to exchange for city property. What
June you to match these
served at tho homo of Margaret Dor-
an, assisted by Esther Hogsett and
Cara DeRolf. An auto ride was en-
Joyed later.
The Front Street Brick Livery ham.
A money maker to the right party.
At any time .and at all times
you can buy a Wirthmor aist
at one dollar that's particularly
appropriate for the season.
Models illustrated will he shown for the first time tomorrow.
As Always, $1.00 and
As Always, Worth More.
THE Wirthmorc Waists that you can buy here (and here
only) are always new and correctly-styled. They come
to us at frequent intervals immediately after their
creation by designers in constant touch with the latest style
development and they are placed on sale in our store on
the very same day that they are first offered in the country's
recognized style centers. This constitutes an absolute assur
ancethal the styles are not always new, but always right
and in accord with fashion's latest dictates. As to values
just as the name implies they are always worth more than
the price you pay.
Wirthmor Waists Are Sold Here Only
The Leader, Julius Pizer.
Among tho most enjoyable Hallow
e'en functions was the party given last
evening by the 13. Y. P. U. The en
tertainment committee was composed
of Ray McCann and tho Misses Irma
McMicheal, Essie Wessherg and Hil
da Andorson. Tho attondanco num
bered seventy and they met at the
corner of Third and Locust at 8:30
from where a masked spook escorted
them to tho home of Rov. Barton. De
fore entering they were ordered to
crawl through a barrel Into a room
arranged as a cavo and filled with
ghosts. Guessing contests were held
here and flashlight picture taken.
Tho next stop was made at tho Mis
sion house in the fourth ward, whiro
the usual Hallowe'en games were
played and apples, doughnuts and cof
fee served in large quantities.
Anyone can afford to own a suit
now at these tremendously low prices.
Remember suits at cost.
Rov. Robert White, of Chicago, fill
ed the pulpit at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and evening,
and will remain and hold services
next Sunday. Mr. White Is a possible
recipient of a call to become pastor
of the church. It was announced that
a congregational meeting woul be
hold tomorrow evening to consider
extending 'him a call, but this meot
Ing, in view of Rev. White remaining
over next Sunday, has been called
off and a regular prayer service will
'be held Instead.
Tho Epwor'th League gave one of
the most original of the many Hallow
e'en parties Friday evening. They as
sembled at the Cram home, en masque,
early in tho evening, and after a short
time spent in social conversation, pro
ceeded to the commissary department
of tho ice houses where a series of
clever games and tricks furnished
amusement for several hours. Tho
lunch was one of tho most onjoyablo
features of the evening.
All Royal Neighbors are requested
to meot at tho home of Mrs. J. F,
Schmalzrled tomorrow afternoon at
o'clock to attend tho funeral of Mrs
Hemphill. By order of the president,
Miss 11a Martin , of Wallace, former
ly of this city, was tendered a pro-
nuptial shower there tho latter part
of last week. ShewIU be married next
weok, to a young ranchman of North
We have some first class first mort
gage loans In sums of $i!rl).(ll) and up
wards, netting 1 mill s annual in
terest, not taxable. These loans arc
wry curetiilly selected, based on con
sensitive values and hacked by good
collateral and good parties.
Klks Haw Merry Time
Sixty Elks nnd their ladles made
merry at a Hallowe'en party at their
home last evening and continued fes
tivities until one thirty. Arriving at
tho homo all donned sheets, pillow
cases and skull masks, Jiut before
reaching tho dressing room were
forced to travel dark and lonesome
pnths strewn with dead men's bones.
When all had been properly masked,!
In funereal procession In step to funer
eal music they wore marched round the
hall and then commanded to "squat"
on the floor. Hero in tho presence
witches stirring tho boiling caul
dron, and his satanlc mnjosty with his
numerous imps, tho stunts of tho ev
ening wero projected. Topical songs
Illustrated In action wero given, tho
subjects' treated being well known
Elks. For Instance tho song told of
Dr. urtolo'a visit to tho country In
his car and having blowouts, Illus
trated by an imp driving a toy auto
mobile and firing a toy pistol to Il
lustrate the bursting of nn outer cas
ing; other Illustrations wero Tom
Henley nnd his golf playing, "Skip"
Novillo tarpon fishing, Jack Harrigan
In an undertaking act and tho death
of tho devil by means of a shell from a
huge cannon. -
Following these stunts dancing and
nrd playing was the order of the ev
ening. Lunch was served at eleven
o'clock In the dining hall by tho Epis
copal ladles and dancing resumed.
During the lunch ench person wns pro
vided with a Halloween head dross.
Tho party was very cleverly pro
duced and thoroughly enjoyed.
ft. HTJ
a" 1
Mrs. N. McCaho will entertain tho
Catholic ladles this afternoon.
Mrs. A. O. Kockcn was taken 111
yesterday with symptoms of pneumonia.
Mrs. Robert Weir was called to Chi-1
cago Sunday evening by the death of
her father.
Mrs. J. H. VanCleavc left yesterday
morning for Lincoln to attend the
Christian convention.
One four horso power gasoline cu-
glno wllli pop-jacks for sale cheap If
taken at once. E. R. Goodmnn.
G. E. Winslow, who has been work
ing at Dickens forsomo time, spent
the week end with Ill's family.
Mrs. C. P. Carson, of Gothenburg,
came a few days ago to visit hor son
Perry Carson and wife for a fort
night. v
Commencing Saturday, Novomber
6th, Mrs. Goo. G. McKay will be at tho
basement of tho public library each
Tuesday and Saturday from 2 to C
p. m. to receive and distribute clothing
to tho needy of tho city for tho As
sociated Charities.
The foot ball team of the Oregon
state agricultural school passed west
Quality Is Built Into
Our Clothes
There's qual
ity in the ma
terials the
styles are
bristling with
quality and
the tailoring
is quality tail
or i ng ex
actly right in
every detail.
No matter
what your
age or taste we
can please you
and give you
values that will
make you glad
you carne to us.
Take a look at our recent arrivals.
Try them on see how comfortably
they fit how graLceMly they hang.
Suits and Overcoats $15 and up
The Store where you feel at home.
braska; for 'that portion of said Dla- bonds of the School District of tho
trict south of the tracks of tho Union City of Nortn Platte, In tho County of
Pacific Railroad Company and west Lincoln, In tho State of Nobraska, for
""M.. I-V .. ,..4 .1 .,t.lln .. .1 Kn ,!. t 11.. p...... I. .1.1..
n.i v'n nnrn, nn ,Ti K which Is a continuation of Dewey one 14 room school building on block
rr L V ;!:! ;: Street, n't tho Hoso House In tho
Third Ward of said City of North
Platte; and for that portion of said
District south of tho tracks of tho Un
ion Prtclflte Railroad Company nnd
east of said Dewey 'Street and public
Glasses arc not always an ovldenco road No. (J. tho same, helm; a contlnu-
of weak eyes, but rather of strong in- Hon of Dewey Street, at the. Hoso
tellect. Men and women of strength Houso In tho First 'Ward In tho City
both mental and physical, wear them of North Platte.
for tho preservation of nervo force At which nnld election the following
and vitality, as much aB for tho bet- proposition will be submitted to tho
termont of vision. C. S. CLINTON, voters of said School District:
grounds clad in' their playing clothes
and executed a number of plays. This
team defeated the famous Michigan
Aggies Saturday and wero on their
way home.
Registered Optometrist
sign with the big ring.
Look for tho
144 In tho First Ward of the City of
North Platte, Nebraska, within said
district. Said bonds to bo negotiable
in form nnd to bear interest at tho
rato of live por cent per annum pay
able semi-annually, principal and In
terest payahlo at tho fiscal agency of
tho State of Nobraska In tho City ot
Now Ylark, an if wljlch hald bonds
shall bo due as follows: In twenty
years from tho date thorcof but may
be paid at any time after ten years
from the dato thereof, at tho option
of tho Hoard of Education of said
School District; and against levying
and .collecting a tax annually, In nn
roats of Archnry.
In tho days when the buffalo was
found in vast herds on the western
"Shall tho School District of tho
City of North Platte, in the County of
Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska, is
suo ita negotiable bonds in the sumi amount sufficient to pay tho Inter
of Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000.00) est and principal of said bonds, as
in denominations of $1,000.00 each tho samo mature, In addition to tho
dated on tho first day of Anrll. 191C. tuxes, now authorized hv law. on all
plains there were Indians who whllo bearing Interest at tho rato of Ti per property within tho said school dls-
rhllng at a gallop could send an arrow cent por annum, payaulo Boml-nimu- trict."
through a buffalo's body. Komiirkable ally, prlnclpnl and Interest payable Thoso voting In favor of said prop
as this archery was. It did not equal tho llscnl agoncy of the Stato ot" No- osltlon shall mark their ballots with
that reached bv the archers of ancient braska In tho City of Now York nnd nn "X" after tho paragraph beginning
. payanio as ioiiows, lo-wu: in iwen- "Kor issuing $r0,000.00 or tho bonus
i !.., n,n r ly y(mrs lrom ,no int0 I'lercoi, ouuof the School District of the City of
o ,l tnai me .Mauints "i nmy ,)Q pjlll(1 t any llni0 ,lftor ton North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln,
years from the date tlioreor at tlio op- in the Stato of Nebraska."
Hon of the Hoard of, Education of said Those voting against said proposl
School District. s tlon shall mark their ballots with an
Said bonds to be issued for tlio pur- v nftcr tho narauranh bee nnin
pone of erecting and furnishing ono "Against issuing $50,000.00 of tho bonds
14 room school building in the First 0f the School District of tho City of
ward or tlio uity or worm riaue, wo- North Platte, In the County of Lin
Jiraska, on wocK H4 in said warn. coln, In tho Stato of Nobraska."
And shall tho Hoard of Education of Said election to bo onon at (8)
tho School District of tho City of eight o'clock a. m. and continue open
North Platto, in tho County of Lin- until (C) six o'clock p. m. centrat
coin, in tno stuie or wenrasKa, no time on said dato.
athorlzed to causo to no levied aim
In amount
It Is of reec
Oiiirloclc. Scotland, were such skilled
uichor.s that they could hit a mini at
the distance of 000 yards. In 171)1 the
Turkish ambassador at London hot an
arrow In a field near that capital -115
vanlrt against the wind. The secretary
of the ambassador, on hearing tho ex
pressions of surprise frmn tho English
cciitlumcii present, said the sultan had
kIioI fiOO yards. This was the greatest
tmi'fnrninneo of modern days, hut a
pure wnoiesome ana
good as if youpul l hem
i I
up vourstii.
nlllar standing on a plain near Lou
staiitlnonlo recorded shots ranging up collected, a tax annually
... l.. ou. i..i.,.f iiniiin itiH. sufficient to nav tho Interest and nrln
IhIi ambassador to the sublime porto. ?U'"1 of said bonds, as tho Bnmo ; ma-
records that In 170S he wns present
wlitm the
sultan shot an arrow
This wo assure you when you
purchase preserved fruit or any
other Pure Food Products lrom
Whole, sound berries, witli
pure sugar a feast for any meal
all without trouble to you, and
guaranteed tresh and fine.
Purity and quality these arc
standards of business success.
j We prefer to sell only the brands
thai stand lor this public satety.
Information Scuaht.
Tho bookkeeper approached his cm
ployor diffidently.
"Seven years ago. nlr." He la-gaii.
"yon engaged me on a week's trial."
"Well, what of Iff
VMny I presume, now that my posi
tion Is -niMiionf' - ii""'clililr.
Dated this 1st day of Novomber, 1915.
(By order of tho Roard of Education.
E. T. TRAMP, President.
A. F. STREITZ. Secretary.
ture, In addition to the taxes now au-
thorlzed to bo levied by law, on nil Order of Hearing on Original l'robato
property within tho said School Dls- of will.
trict. Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss.
Tho ballots to bo used at said elec- in tho Conty Couurt. Nov. 1. 1915.
tlon shall havo printed thereon; in tho Matter of tho Estato ot Mar-
"For Issuing $50,000.00 of tho Kratha Hurko. Deceased.
bonds of tho School District of On reading nnd filing tho petition of
tho City of North Platte, In tho County John Hurko, praying that tho Instru
of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Nobraska, mCnt, filed on tho 1st day of Nevem-
lor tue purpose or erecting ami rur- 00r, 1915, and purporting to bo tho
nishlng one 14 room school building ia8t Will and Testamont of tho said
on block 144 In tho First Wnrd of tho deceased, may be proved, approved.
City of North Platto, Nebraska, in said probated, allowed and recorded as tho
uisirict. said pomis to iiMicgouniiiouaHt will and Testament ot tho said
In form nnd to bear Interest nt the Marirratha Hurko. deceased, and that
rate of flvo per cent per annum, pay- tho orecutlon of said Instrument may
able semi-annually, principal nnd In-h)0 committed nnd tho administration
torest payablo at tho fiscal agency of 0f said Estato may bo granted to
the Stato of Nobraska, in the city of John Hurko, Pctor Hurko and Ellza
Now York and wljlch Bald hpndp shall both Hratt as Executors.
1)0 dllO as follows: In twdlltV VOnrS nnlnrml flint Vniromlmr !fi 191K nt
XotR'O of Special Klectloii 1 from tho dato thereof, but- may 10 2 n'nlnelc n. tn.. In nRHlcrnnil fnr lionr.
Notlco Is hereby given that on tho paid at nny time after ten years from ing said notltlon. when all nersons
7th day of December, 1915, a special the date thereof, at tho option of tho intorcsted In said matter may appear
election will bo held In tho School Dls- Hoard of Education of said school nt a County Court to bo hold In nnd
trict of the City of North Platto, in tho district; and for levying nnd collect- for said County, and show oauso why
County of Lincoln, in tho State of No- nB a tax annunlly In an amount BUf- tho prayor of petitioner should not bo
urasKu; mo poning piuues iu uu uaincicnt to pny tno intorosc anu pnnci- granted. Notlco of this hearing wllh
roiiows: "or tnat portion or saiu liib- pai or said bonds, as tho samo maturo.lbo published In tho North Platto
trict north of tho trucks of tho Uiilonhn addition to tho tnxes now authorized ( Tribune, for throo buccossIvo wooks
i-acmc uuurouu company, m mu iiuoui to no levied .v law, on an proporiy prior to said hearing
Houso In tho Fourth Ward In tho City within tho said school district." qeq E FRENCH
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne- "Against Issuing $50,000.00 ot tho nl3w ' c.mmtv .Tuiio
For Sale
Puro bred Duroc-Jersey spring hoars
your choice at $25.00 each.
-WW --