CITY AM) COUKTY NEWS. ATHENA Underwear for lTl Women and Children. Here are the features that give Athena its com-) forty its daintiness and its tailored fit. Shjx (' V fly 'ohijr Shoulders and Sleeves Conform to the shoulders with out wrinkling under arms. p Perfected Shoulder- stqy Keeps garment from stretching across the shoulder, and hoid3 sleeve in place. Curved Arm hole Brings rm seams to the natu ral curve of the shoulder and holds garment snugly and smoothly up under arm, doing away with unnecessary cloth. Three-Cornered Gusset Is so shaped as to relieve the. usual strain at the thigh. In sures greater comfort and. longer wear. LowNech Sleeveless Suit Just as a woman is fuller across the bust than the back, so this earmnf is made with extra fullness in front. This consists of a plait on each side of the back, instead of extra cloth in the middle where it causes- dis comfort. Always stays closed and allows sufficient room, sitting or standing. Single Ik Ml ill le garments as low as 50c. Union Suits as low as $1.00? Lt A style for every taste a weight for every temperature a price for every purse a scientifically improved underwear. E. T. Tramp & Sons. DR. 0. II.CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Oflico over the '.McDonnM Stnte Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Buy your now Fall Suit at 20 par cpnt off regular price uO BLOCK'S. High 'grade chocolates 25c a pound at Wilcox Department Store. Mra. CJoorgo Mudd of Horshoy, is spending a fow days with local friends. Miss Allco Phunnior, of Maxwell, spent tho week end with , friends In town. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trottor, of Brady, visited with local friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Don havo re turned from a short visit In Arapahoe with relatives. Ray O. Langford rotumed Wodnes day evening from Ognlalla whoro ho attendou a sale. Banlcor II. B. Sawyor and W. S. Mc- Knlght of Wnllaco, nro transacting Miss Evangeline Horrod will enter tain her classmates at a Hollowo'en party tomorrow evening Mrs. Robort Qrannell left tho first of this week for Big Springs to spend a month with rolatlves. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald re turned Tuesday ovonlng from Omnlin where they visited for a, week. Mrs. Carl Enrhhrt and daughters who 'spont a wook with rolatlvos In Grand Island havo returned home, Mr. and Mm. Fred Elliott will loavo shortly for Helena, Mont., to spend sovcral weeks with their son Edwnrd Elliott. MrB. Milton Marcott and baby left at noon Wednesday for Council Bluffs to spond a wook visiting relatives and friends. Mesdamoa Gliaiies Yost and Ray Langford will "go to Lowellon next week i(r visit Mrs. Mata Spllndor for a wook or more. Mrs. C. S. Sawyor, Jr., and baby of Choyeno, who visited tho Sawyor fani Mrs. (icorgo Lnnglols ha3 roturncd from a short vfitit In Grand Island. II. Spring, of the Rcbhnusen barber shop Is visiting In Ognlalla this week. Cabbage at 75 cents per hundred pounds, Llork-Saudnll Co. 81-2 I George Shoup of Sutherland Is spending a few days here on business. I See our line of $2.50 Shoes for men. Wilcox Department Store. I Hanker Dolatour, of Lowellon, is spending a fow days horo on business. Rev. Harrnnn has rotumed from Sidney whore he spont tho first of this week. Wm. Adair went to Gibbon yester day afternoon to spend a fow days on business. M1ss Effle Durbln left a few days ago for Lexington to visit frlonds for several duys. George and Mart Rodle, of Wallace, wore among the out of town visitors hero this wook. Mrs. Harry Murrin who visited, rola tlves In Cheyenne for a fow days, has returned home. Mesdnmes Yardor and FeltOr of Brady, came up yesterday to visit frlonds for several days. C. F. Tracy has returned from Den ver where he attended a board meet ing of the engineers this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hoofer and Mr. and Mrs. St. John of Lowellon are vis iting In town this week. , Ben Dolatour and M. J. McCormick. of Ogalalla, spent yesterday in town and attended the ball game. Wm. Harcourt spent a few days at Dickens this week on business. Mrs. Agnes Allison, of Ognlalla, camo down yesterday to attend the ball game and visit friends. For Sale Quick for cash, Lot 9, Block G. Inquire of Martin Wymait at VanC'lcave's blacksmith shop. Sltf Dr. Geo. H. Moore, of Oshkosh, was at tho North Platte General Hospital with a patient Wednesday night. Dr. J. B. Redficld was in Big Springs Wednesday, having been called tnero on a professional visit. The Twinem car was slightly dam aged yesterday morning by colliding with tho Lierk-Sandall delivery truck. For Rent Eight room house1 and bath at 510 west Fifth. street. Inquire of Mrs. M. E. Watts, 316 west Fifth. Tho high school foot ball boys will entertain the Gothenburg eleven at a social danco at the Masonic hall to night. For Rent On east Tenth street, one four room and one six room house, both with basement. Phone Red 54D. 78-1 Miss Mablo Turple" of Golden, came Wednesday evening to visit for two months with her brother Frank Tur pio and wife. Miss Julia Henning, of Channoll, who had beon visiting her sister Mrs. J. E. Sebastian for two weeks left a few days ago. , Steven Rhoads of Kearney, who was tho guest of his daughter Mrs. H. A. Lawhead for a week left for homo yesterday afternoon. To Exchange One or more horse colts for mules or cattle. Address Howard's Ranch, North Platte. Sl-3 Harry Crook and wlfo of Ogalalla, formerly of this city, camo down yes terdny morning to visit reatives and attend tho ball game. Glrs! Don't miss seeing our Special Skirt wo aro offering at ?2.48 for Sat urday only. Just it for school wonr, BLOCK'S. Mrs. Clifford DeMott and daughter, or bcotts UIuIT, camo down yesterday morning to visit her nunt, Mrs. Clara van Doran, for a week. Work will begin this week on tho second story which is to bo added to the building occupied by the York t'cod store-on Locust street. Louis Burko of Portland, formerly of this city, was called hero yesterday morning by tho death of his mother, mo mie Airs. Margaret Burke. FrnnkVLatiKhlin left Tuesday oven Ing for Billings and Butto, Mont., to apenu lurno;. weoKS op business. MIRS Ada-'TflolBI nnil tilonn Mko Katllf rlno Boylo Will Jeavo this even ing for .KerirnCy to spend the week enu witn, relatives. Mrs. Herbert White who has beon vlslllng rolatlves ,in Denver for a couplo of wooke, is expected to re turn tomorow evening. Mrs. Harloy BQnhom who is taking ireuunonis, nt tno Mayo Bros, hospital in Rochester, Minn., Is 'reported to uo geiung njong nicely, Frank Gllner nnd H. B. Simons of ivonrney enmo up tho first of tho weeit to visit Charles Dixon und play gou ai tno country club. Kathorlno Horrod and brother Al bort who had been visltinc in Pmctnn with tholr slstqr Mrs. Mlko McFaddon, returned nomo Tuesday ovonlng. luesunmes stiff and llospoll of uoinonourg, who woro guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Woods this week, ro- luniou nomo Wednesday morning, hoicct your Fall Suit and deduct m per cent ore from tho regular plain maritou low -price, and tho suit Is yours at a saving of from $4.00 to S10, Donald, tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Carson who linn boon in for two weeks from tho swelling of mm jiuuk ginutis, is reported Improved luiiuy, 'iiio enso of Mrs. Ella Huxoll vs. tho Union Pacific Railroad Co., for OTA AAk . . yuu.uuu camo up in tno supromo court last wook and was taken under ud vlsoment. Dean Bowkor left Ing for Omaha to attend tho North- wusiorn aynod which is bolng hold thero this week. Ten Episcopal Bishops will attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shrnth nnd Mrs. Charles Brown of Mnywood, who came tho first of this woook to attend tho funeral of tho lato Wm. Carman, huvo returned homo. Trunnt Officer Fred Elliott roports that tho number of children of school ago who aro not In tho school census for this yenr number nbout thirty but tho majority aro mombora of families who recently moved to this city. In tho court nt Scotts Bluff this wook, Dan Jordan who was on trinl for tho murdor of tho Into Josonh OTRAWBERRY Preserves, as pure wholesome and good as if youpul them up yourself. This we assure you when you purchase preserved' fruit or any other Pure Food Products Ironi us. N Whole, sound heroes, with pure sugar a feast for any meal all without trouhle to you, and guaranteed fresh and fine. Purity and quality these are To The IiiKurnnco Public The insurance men residing in North Platte, and citizens thereof, rep resenting various lnsuranc6 com panies writing Life, Fire, Accident and Health insurance, addressed tho following communication, October 1), 1915: To tho Chnmber of Commerce, North Platte, Neb. Oentlomen:- The undersigned insurance men and citizens of your city, and interested in tho welfare of North Platto and vi rinlty nnd tho cltlzons, wish to express our' disapproval of you, as a body, en dorsing any business of special In surance, viz: Fidelity LlfeAssoclation, as an Inducement for them to make headquarters within the city. Wo wel come open competition, but ask that they come in of their own accjord, wimout any indorsement of your body, Before any action on your part, would llko to have you confer with a com mittee from tho undersigned In order to discuss this matter." - ror ome unknown reason the above request wae not granted by the Chnmber of Commerce. The resolution adopted by the Chamber of Commerce In reference to the Fidelity Life Association of Ne braska Is misleading to tho public, as it indicates that this company is an old lino comapny, when In fact it has only qunllfled with tho State Insur ance Department as a purely Assess ment Comapny and is only legally authorized as such in this stnte, as the following letter, under date of October 22, 1915, and over the sig nature of the State Insurance Com missioner will show. "The Fidelity Life Association of Lexington, Neb., is an Assessment Comapny and as Buch is mot required to make any deposit with this depart ment." The Insurance Mens' Club, Oct. 25, 1915. North Platte, Nob. LOCAL ANl)lEJ?SONAL. Mrs. Wm. Haste of ITershov. is spending this week with Mrs. A. J. Salisbury. Henry Weil returned to LeMoyne Wednesday morning after visiting here for a week. Lost One. mid-iron Golf Stick be tween town and country x club. Return to Charles Dixon. Mrs. George Rodgers who spent last week in Omaha and Lincoln returned homo Tuesday evening. New line of Children's Fall Dressc'3 50c to $2.00 each at Wilcox Depart ment Store. Mrs. James Schaffer and daughter Mary lett a few days ago for Sheridan to make an extended visit. Visit our Candy department. WILCOX DEPT. STORE. The World Herald of Wednesday published a marriage license of Elvan H. Friend age 33 of Omaha and Bertha H. Scott age 24 of North Platte. Miss Mablo Rowley, of North Platte, and Frances Edwina Ogburn, of btapleton, were married Wednesday afternoon by County Judge French. Allen Lawhead ontdrtalned thirty young friends Tuesday afternoon at a lrthday party. A series of games were played and the young hot received a number of gifts. Nice refreshments were served. Wo wish to thank tho dear friends and neighbors for their kindness at tho death of our niece, Mrs. Bessie Adamson, and also to tho dear ones for their beautiful floral offerings,, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Walker. Drop a coin in tho blind man's hat then THINK. Sight is the most in estimable of all blessings; blindness tho most woeful of all afflictions; this being so, you will readily concede the valuo of your eyes as a part of your animal organism, a momotary realization of your holplessness with out them will aid you to a just appre ciation of their worth. C. S. CLIN TON, Registered Optometrist. Look for the sign with tho big ring. Tho ladles of the Catholic church mot at tho homo of Mra. Jos. Murphy Tluesdny afternoon and otllned a plan of work for tho winter ninths, the re ceipts of which will be used in re mdellng and lmprvlng tho altars and interior of tho church. Light refresh ments wero served. Aslsting in entor tnlning wore Mesdnmes J. B. Murphy, J. K. Ottenstoin and N. McCabo and a similar moettng will be hold at tho McCabe home on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 2nd. Whipping ('renin n Speciality. For the convenience of our cus tomers, wo will have on sale at tho (em Candy Company, as woll as at Dickey's Itukery the celebrated Stnte KxpcrliuiMitnl Farm cream and milk. This cream and milk 13 produced under tho mo3t sanitary conditions known to tlte dairy industry. Boforo bolng milked tho cows are curried, their udders aro carefully washed, and tho milking Is done by mon clad In white uniforms, after which tho milk Is sterilized and then strained through two layers of absorbent cotton, which absolutely precludes any foreign mnt ter being In tho milk placed on sale. Wo guarantee that this milk will keep longer on account of its purity than any other milk sold In tho city. DICKEY'S BAKERY, GEM CANDY CO. For Sale Citron. Tho two-story building back of tho McDonald clothing store. .See Otten stoin, or phono 258. 71tf success. lly horo for ton days left for homo, .tonco nt tho state pcnlteiWry.' Wo prefer to sell only the brands Ncuneminy morning. His dautrhtnr Miss Tjivfnn ivhn U'nn flint t; I n i I fit lK!n ..t.l!n I Mb ElYa Day-nnd mother came held in the local Jail for some time 1 """" wY Siorao yostordny from Arapahoo whoro will bo given a hearing in a few days, Tpinir O 1 Ml in rt they spent tho groator part of tho having been suspected of bolng an nc- I MkK - SAlJHU I III -week with relatives. compllco In tho dcod. LitillUV urhWU tilth jJ, I K. ,i. niKNEU A CO. Heal lvstnto and Insurance Come nnd see us for town lots In different parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for salo and rent. Wo have also good bar gains In farms and rnnchos. Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts.. upstairs. Rev. MaIoney of) Ogalalla, spent yesterday as the guest of Rov. McDaid. For SalePure bred Duroc Jersey spring boars nnd gilts, all ellgiblo to registry. Prices right. Inquiro or nddross, Dlankonhurg Bros., 1305 North Locust street, North Platte, Neb. 79-4 The Club Nevlta wero tho guests of Mrs. Harry Samuelson Wednesday af ternoon, nt a Hallowe'en party. Tho rooms wore decorated appropriate to the season and a dellcluos two-courso lunch was served. An Interesting contest was held and tho prize was awarded to Mrs. Carl Brodbeck.' F. L. Mooney returned Tuesday evening from a six weeks' trip in tho east, visltjng Chicago, Cleveland, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, Boston, Now York, Philadelphia and Washington. From Clevolnnd to Buffalo ho traveled by boat and took tho water,, route from Boston to Now York. It wns his first visit to tho Atlantic constand there fore very" interesting. ' For Snlo Pure bred Duroc-Jersoy spring boars your choice at $25.00 each. GCtf EXPERIMENTAL) STATIQN. 3C 3C OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH v The First National Bank ll -ol- 2CORT1I lZ.ATTBt XJS1MASKA.. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CA''VIX AJVD SURl'LUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. ; STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE H IIAVK BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AM) THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. LI1E1I z: 1EZ3C NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE NURSES PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES Wo are in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 and stal e whether you want graduate or domestic nurse nnd we will complete all the arrangements for you without charge. Sanitary 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82' Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the physicians of North Platto and country tributary thereto. Money to Loan I J ON FARMS AND RANCHES ( Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson IP" aiiir.nMiw-.fTBm---mr, TfieSst of' Progress I Ml Constantly the Bell Telephone System spends large sums of money in scientific, experimental and research work, pursuant to the policy of al ways providing- the best. In the working out of complex scientific 'and engineering problems alone, the Bell System has a staff of more than 500 skilled engineers, the graduates of seventy American and foreign universities. Hew Telephone inventions Hundreds of improvements in switchboards, cables, and long distance lines have been made the last few years to better the service, and all has been done so quietly and without disturbance to telephone users, that the public has hardly real ized they were going on. Since work began on the Panama Canal, the Bell Telephone System has spent twice as much monoy on extensions and improvements as it cost the government to- buy the right-of-way and build the canal. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY