Ac pi Eht JJorth patte $emi- THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 29, L915. No. 81 CUT AND COUNTY NEWS. Tho condition of Mrs. M. J. Neary, who has been ill for some tlmo, hns become serious. B. S. Davis have rc- Conntv Judco French IbsucJ a mar rlnco license Tuesday afternoon to Mr. .tintl Mrs, Miss Mae Mason age 27, of Flats and turned from Rlverton, Iowa, where Elmer Pelvin, ago 43 of Mayllower, tnv wero called by tho death of the and later pprformed the cerqniony. I latter's brother last week. Tho literary department" of tho 200 new Fal1 Conta to mako vour Twentieth Centry cub will meet with selection from, at prices to defy all Mrs. Jolin Dick, 1001 west Fifth ' competition, prices range from $1.03 street, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. to $40.00. BLOCK'S. W. Toole will bo leader of the meeting, j joff Long, a former resident of the Wool Scarfs, the crazo of the sea-'county, now living In Missouri, ar son, In all shades from $1.25 up affl? yesterday for a visit with his BLOCK'S. brother George, who lives northeast 1 of town. Mrs. Lemuel Steel wll give a pre- , , . . , ... nuptial bundle shower this evening , -The harvest of sugar beets which for Miss Margaret Johnston, who will Is, now 1,1 progress in tho valley west bo married to Albert 'Stearns on No-iof ov?n shows yields ranging from vember 3rd. j eight to sixteen tons per acre. Tho 1 fields giving tho light yields were dam- Harley Greeson, formerly of this aged either by hall or Hood. Lr101 nfe0LIHf1!rtlnif,fn tw! MM- W. U. Mungor, of Omaha, who S2rfnrSSnn,T nS Mw tn h been visiting her son Horton, was ZlJjL , called home yesterday by a long dis- universuy. tance tolbphone mossago stating that The funeral services of Mrs. M. her resilience had been broken into Burke wll be held at 412 west Fourth Wednesday night and many vnlu street, Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Inter- ables taken. mont wll bo at Fairview cemetery A prairie nre which was set out bv south of Maxwell at 4:00 p. m. Autos a passing engine at 'OFallons Mon will leave tho Bratt residence at 2:30 tiay burned about 200 tons of hay. P ni. j Gco'rge Brownfleld was the henvi- The Royal Neighbors' social club est loser, the fire destroying for him waa very pleastintly entertained at about 130 tons. .Other "losers were the home of Mrs. F. W. Donaldson, 408 tho North Platte Land and Water Co. east Eleventh street . Tuesday after-1 and Carl Wlckstrom. noon. Assisting Mrs. Donaldson wero Just Received! 75 new Fall Skirts In Mesdames John Johnson and M. C. all wool Serges and Gabardines, in all Rodgers. I tho wanted shades, all sizes, values Use your eyes but do not abuse1 0 for Saturday only . . TIM, .1 ltlnt nF V - ' "v-" -. Nationals llcfcnt Americans Seven hundred adults and a few hundred small bors n.w the Nntlonnl all stars defeat tho American all stars ointhe local diamond yesterday altar nocu by a score of five to four. "The gamo was not a sonant! Mini one, hi!! ft.ct it was somowlut listless for "nil stare " It Is true there wcro several double plays, MOino brilliant and fest work by tho Infieldors, but such things wo have seen pulled off by our own and other western Nebraska teams. Wo know, of course, that sensational ball games are never prepared In advance thnt s theso thrillers only come aB n game progresses but be cause theso players wero big leaguers wo naturally expected more than wo received; In other words we had hoped for more than we hnd n right to ex pect Then again you couldn't expect a high salaried ball player to rush Into a Hock of automobiles in attempting to Held a ball and possibly Injure him self, neither could you expect him to do his best sprinting after a lly or grounder over an outfield that was full of holes and bumps "safety first" vn3 tho consideration. The opposii.ji pitchers wore Vaughn of the Chicago Nationals and Ayers of the Washington Americana and thq men behind tne nnt wcro nenry or tne Washington Americans and McCarthy of tho Brooklyn Nationals. As viewed from a long rango scat In a car, those men seemed to porform well. Tho short stop on each team puled off some riulck attractive plays and there were a few base runnnlng stunts that were applauded. The National scored onco in tho First, the second, "third, sixth and Tho fnnrtpm vonr nhi snn nf Frml ninth innings: the Americans romped Simants, living north of tho river, was around tho diamond four times In the? brought to town last evening to re- flrt and then ceased romping. Each celve treatment for a gun shot wound team made ten hits and each two er- in one of his feet. The boy was out rors' , , hunting and through on accidental dls- , Ttley and Gettman umpired, the charge of tho gun one toe was shot former behind the bat, tho latter in tho off. Dr. Wurtel6 went out to the SI- diamond. mants ranch and brought tho boy to ,T1' Bate- receipts wore $G40. of the City Hospital.- which the local association received A Hallowe'en ghost party was hold twenty PorjconU last evening at the James Dorram 'flio Yedmen Dancv. homai About twenty-five neighbors Tho first annual ball of the Yeoman and friends walked in on tho family drill team was held last evening at dressed as ghosts and spent a very the Lloyd opera house. Beginning happy evening. Tho party was given at eight o'clock tho drill team gave in honor of Mrs. Dorram's sister, Mrs. an exhibition and wero inspected by Swanger, and hernlece Mrs. Line- Wm. C. Stoll, first lieutenant of the weaver, both of Iowa, who are Her u. s. army. In order to obtain tho dimness, tired feeling, an ache In the eyeballs or repeated headaches, ho warned, it is nature's call for help. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optomet rist. Look for the sign with the big ring. One frown a day when she Is in her teens will wrinkle a glrl'3 forehead like a crone's by the time she is twen ty. Physical defects cause more frowns than ill temper. Especially is this true of eye defects. C. S. Clin tcjn, ReghMred Optometrist. Look for the sign with tho big ring. Wo carry a complete line of matern ity drej30S, Skirts "and CorsetB at popular prices. BLOCK'S. n . .! Ht TU Tr Unnnlonil will entertain the Odd Fellows and Su--8lB- -'vu hyu wu oner 01 twenty:iive dollars per month Rebekaha this Friday evening at a P1"1 arid Pr,zes awardc to Mrs. from tho Dos Moines Homestead it SaUowe'en iS'sr&u John Daf fnd M J' .McDonnM. was necessary to be 90 per cent and have been issued except notices in the The pictures of the Lincoln High- after the Inspection the local team papers All Odd Felows, their wives wdv'fakerf by the Osterman party, was found to be 9G per cent and are and best girls and all Re'bekahs their will bo shown In North Platto within entitled to the benefit. The Stamp husbands arid';. besT fellows' are rei the 1 next mpnth. jn .all 23,000 feet,o soven niece orchestra furnished mti- quested to aferidt There wll be a mus- film woreStaken. This wascut,dpwn sic for the concert anddancing and Hallowe'en' entertainment aiid mus- t0 10,000 feet and will be condensed to the floor was crowded with dancers imi lirncrani 10,000. The pictures to bo Been here until the last waltz. Over one hun- 1 - will be 10,000 feet. Scenes of Interest dred and fifty tickets were sold at the Nick Damas, a Greek who was ar- wlll 1)e 8i10Wa at every point along the window and the gallery wa3 filled with rested at Sarben about a month ago r0ft(l from Now York to San Fran- spoctntfoTV Under tho supervision while employed , as a section hand on cisc0i In tUe series will be includedOf L. L. Borthe, Mesdames. Kerr, Tiloy, tno iNortn uiver urancn ami wkuu iu 3eVeral hundred feet of film of North Binning and Bertlie tho hall was prct Walsemburg, Colorado, to answer tho jpiatte scenes and views of this im- tlly decorated in colors of red and charge of murder, was convicted last mediate section. white, gold letters and sprays of as- week of murder in the first degree. ainnf. - vu suit nmi iinriimt on paragus fern. Tho stace was banked Damas and others shot and killed a ccnt off from tlic regular plain w,th potted plants and Hower boxes, paymaster who was carrying $8,000 -,,,.11 iow price, and the suit is anrt lloro refreshments were served. iu piy uu anu wuincia. xu rnu.u.- rg a(. a savng ,of from ?4.00 tO VI , ,... ers. however wero frightened away imnn m nmra nr n heroes Mne hunper before they secured the money. , .1. . 'v " " The supper served by Steward ' , , ' ' wo -ro Iul'y, e.iu,PpeH Tul l Smith and !iio nblo aisistants last Hiecoues unuurweur 111 uu atyius, newest anU most SCienilllC insirumcnrs nvnn nir nf tli.i P.llfj' Imiiio tr. Mv high and low neck, short sleeves or and trial lenses known to Optical Sci- or moro partlcipan's in tho billiard sleeveless, from 08c up at BLOCK'S. ence. Wo are prepared to give your tournament was a dandy as good if Miss Iren Stuart left Tuesday even- .ves a thorough test and render a not tlie best Mr. Smith hag so far sot ing for Denver where she was mar- sausiactory uiagnosis 01 your forth. Tho supper was served at 7:30 ried the following day to Mr. Jasper without subjecting you to the slight- ami by that tlmo appetites had been Mahaffey of Omaha who is employed est annoyance or Injury in doing so. shotted keen and the boys "fell to" as brakeman between Omaha and We nro qualified by experience and with much enthusfnsm and enjoy- Kansas City. After a honeymoon in Wth tho scenttflb and practical ment Tho QUality of the pumpkins Denver they will take up their resl- knowledge of Optometry to render you pio KOrved will long Do remembered. ilnnne n Omaha Mrs Mahaffev is tho the be3t service possible, while our eldest lUrSj.j'T. charges will ''Ot fom.d reasonab le In X()tIco (o Wn(cr (,)Ilsmm,rs Stuart and has been prominent jn ovory Instance. HA RIU DIXON, Reg- ..Saturday morning, October 30th, club and church work for several uihuhibuioi, ih.pi, w. me water win no snut on irom an tnnt years. Best wishes are extended. ey street, 1 Grocery Specials Saturday Only Swift Premium Skinned Ham? 10 to 14 lbs size per pound Granulate Sugar (beet) 18 lbs for , Only $1.00 wortli to austqmer. 21c $1.00 Pearl White Laundry Soap, 8 bar's for. 25 C Santa Claus Soap 8 bars for ... ;. 25c Lenox Soap 8 bars for .N. 25 C Kingsfords.Gorn Starch 2 pkgs j ...... 15c Silver Gloss Starch 2 pkgs . . . , . I5c Wilcox Department Store. portion of the city we3t of Maple street from about 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. so the hydrant at Fourth and Maple can bo repaired. HERSHEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. Money in Loun On Improved farm lands from three to fivo years at 8 per cent. No com mission. AddrcsR 44 Tribune office, North Platte Acb. 81f2 Mrs. Swarthout, of Plattsmoulh, is tho guest of her sister Mrs. R. D. Thompson this week. Mrs. Robt. Artlcy of Maywood, for merly of this city, Is visiting friends In town this week. Mrs. W. S. Dolson and daughter Florence left last ovonlng for a short visit In Grand Island. Mike McFadden and Simm Brogan, of Paxton, spent a few days horo this weok while enrouto home from mar keting cattlo In Omaha. Miss Gladys .Foster, who is attend ecial Suit Sale, FOR TEN DAYS ONLY ;Cosmences Tomorrow, Saturday, October 30 We are not going ta wait until the season is over when you have no use for a suit. Right now, in the heart of the season, you can buy your Suit at ONE-FIFTH OFF Regular price. We have about 100 new Fall Suits in stock made of wool Poplins, Gabar dines, Broadcloths and Serges, Fur and Braid Trimmed, in all the want ed shades, and in the season's latest styles, all go on sale at ,th Off Regular Price $16 $12 ne-r ii THAT MEANS TOMORROW YOU CAN BUY A $30.00 New Fall Suit for ! $25.00 New Fall Suit for $24 $20 "$2tfi00 New Fall Suit for $15.00 New Fall Suit for 200 New Fall coats, in Fancy ann Plain Plushes, Baby Lamb, Corduroys, Zibelines, Fancy Mixtures, Plaids and Plain Cloth Coats, in the very (I A QO ift (I A A Ah latest models, prices range from tjpswO W ePxU.ylr SKIRT SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 75 New Fall Skirts in all wool Serges and, Gabardines, regular $4!50 values, Special for Saturday only $2.48 Ladies' Outfitting Store, Worth Platte, Neb. Tho CHy Schools. ! How Dr. WilMnii Was Rewarded Man Burned In l'rulrlo Fire The Lincoln buldng has Just hud ur. Wilson, for thirty years a res- From tho Sutherland Freo Lance it mado a sand table lined with galva- jacnt of Curtis, enmo over with oth- Is learned thnt a prnrlo fire swept over nlzed trpn and csuipped with castors ors yesterday to witness tho ball a largo scope of country forty miles so It can bo taken from room ,to room. 1 Etime. Thoro was a tlmo when Dr. northwest of Sutherland Sunday, and Wet sand Is used In making models of Wilson wnB the only physician in that an oighteen your old son of John geographic forms, in Illustrating stor-! frontier cpunty. The porlol of dry Eggcrt perished. This young man was ies' in History, Reading and Language yftrs cum0, the homesteaders and kicked by n horse while attempting to and modeling In Nature and Numbers. their families wore afflicted with sick- saddle tho animal, and so badly stun- The city teacliors mot in tho main , noHB( i,ut, they had absolutely not a ned thnt ho could not get out of tho room of tho public library Inst Friday cent to ray tor the anvlccB of it pli"- way of tho'llro which swopt; over hlrn nfternoon and spent an hour with j ofcinn or for tho needed medicines, a low minutes later. Tho horso was uiu uuranuii in iubuubuuik ways uim,rjr. Wilson attended tnem until tus also burned. means for co-operating with tho II brary In getting better reading In tho schools. Tho Jefferson school has Just been provided with n set of tho Wonder World In 10 volumes. This 1b a set of books for young peoplo which has provon very popular and gives that building a library to be used llko the Romance of History Is used In other buildings. financial resourcos wore about ex- Tho barn on tho John Guthardt haustcd. Ho then decided to leave placo was burned, tho house nnd barn tho county, which determination on tho Thuno ranch and forty 3tacks caused widespread fear. How was of hay on tho P. and S. ranch and al slckness and disease to bo combattcd so somo buildings on tho Colo wlthout a physician In tho cdhnty. man plnco. The atrip burned over They Implored tho Doctor to remain, was several miles wide nnd about but ho told them that ho, llko they, fifty miles long. Thoro was a galo faced starvation. Then tho county , blowing at the tlmo r.nd tho flro trav commlssloncrs took up tho matter, cled very rapidly. They oaercu to pay Dr. wuson ins (ni Mm K"f!imiv Wnrmnl rnmi tin Inat evening to spend tho week end with 1 ventilator in bucJi a way as to keep her aunt, Mrs. Fred Payno. The high Bchool reforenco library ,icn,ni travellnir oxnonsos and tho uc lias JtiHt received a sot or Nelson's tual cost of tho medicine ho used If Loose Leaf Encyclopedia in 12 vol- )l0 remained. To this ho consented, umes. Tho publishers send from 500 IUi for sovoral' years tho Doctor to 1000 pages of now matter each year answored calls night and day without and these pages are Inserted In tho ,0j,0 or financial recompense. But proper placo and so tho encyclopedia flimy tho Doctor was rowarded tho is always up to date. A mechanical p0oplo of that representative district dovico allows tho binding to bo opened elected him to tho legislature, and and closed nt wlll. whllo at Lincoln spent moro money Tho basement rooms at tho Wash- than ho received In salary. But It ington school are on tho north side wag tt greut honor, for ho was tho only of tho buidlng and aro harder to keep democrat evor elected from that dls wann thnn If thoy wore on the south trlct. Thus was exemplified tho tru- sidc. Recently a gas radiator was In- jam vlrtuo lias Its reward. stalled In ono of theso rooms and tho , - gas humor was connected with tho J. W. Hlles was awarded $433.10 damages against tho Union Pacific railroad In tho Dawson county dis trict court ut Lexington last Satur day. Tho suit was brought to recover damages for tho destruction f an automobile at tho depot crossing in Brady somo two years ago. Tho auto ongino went dead whllo Mr. HUos' car was on tho track and (ast train No. 8 approaching, ho bnrely escaped with his life. It is said that the railroad company offered to sottlo at ono tlmo for $000.00. Brady Vindlcntor. F. J. Doran left last evening for Alliance and Crawford and other towns of westorn Nebraska to spend a week on K. of C. business. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Redflold aro en- Joying a visit from tho lattor's moth er, Mrs. Harris, who camo from Lin coln last evening to spend a fortnight. Following Is tho menu which will be served In tho Christian church base ment Monday, Novomber 1st: Fried chicken, hot biscuits, mashed pota toes and gravy, sweet potatoes, cab bagc salad, rice pudding, coffeo. Price 30 cents. Several chnnges have been mado In tho American Express office. Among them Is tho transfer of Will Schott from night transfer clerk to money clerk nt Sauna, Kansas, Walter Sam uolson of tho branch takes tho night work, and Georgo Shaffer will leave for tho branch; Edward Thompson takes charge of the deliveries, any of tho odor or fumes from being in tho room at any tlmo. This radiator! is on tho lloor and wlll help In equal-1 izlng the temperaturo and in giving mo'fo Heat on cold days. This week several teacliors of the Washington school havo taken tho pu pils of their rooms to tho City library at different times and explained the uso of the library so that moro of tho pupils would tako the books and read them. Job Mornn returned to Cozad last eypnlng aftor a short visit with IiIh aunt, Mrs. John Elilng. Mrs. Stovo Baldwin returned yes terdav afternoon from an extended visit with her son Dr. Frank Baldwin of Dos Moines. The Degrco of Honor will hold a social at tho K P. hall Monday ovon lng to which tho A. O. U. W. and their families aro invited. A program o music and readings wlll be given and rf 10 cent lunch served, It Is An Important Question (his business of Fire Insurance, nnd is is of most Iniporinuco to (ho family iniin who owns Ills own property. Fire Is such a treacherous visitor that ono never knows when It Is liable to pay us it visll. Uettcr bo prepared for it nt ull limes and tho best way to do (his Is (o let mo write you a policy in u good reliable Company. The cost is small. C.F. TEMPLE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS 12Ssa, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA.