Uncle Sam Opens
FcrtBerthoId (North Dakota)
Reservation Lands!.
Register i! Mlnol, October ISlh to JOIh
Send now (or Fort Berthold Cicutir
110,000 acres of desirable
homestead land situated in
a well-settled and prosper
ous agricultural section of
North Dakota, arc to be dis
posed of to settlers. Plan to
register at Minor, gateway
to the Fort Berthold coun
try; go there via the Great
Northern; choice of three
fast trains.
Mail the coupon below and
secure free circular containing
complete information about the
Fort Berthold Reservation Open
Cca. Immigration Agent
Great Northern
St. Paul, Minn.
E. C. Leedy, General Immigration Agent,
Great Northern Kailway, St. i'aul, .Minn.
Send Fort llertliold circular.
i FORD rll
A. real pilot lor Ford cars. Delivered anywhere
by parcel post $3.00. Holds the car straight
ind steady, but offers no resistance In turning.
Ml steel; freleht under two pounds. Adjusted
In ten minutes with only a wrench. Fully
guaranteed. Money baok it not pleased,
write for full description. Agents wanted.
Tho more talk It tnkes to run things
the slower thoy move.
Most particular women use Red Cross
Hall lilue. American made, cure to .please.
At all good grocery. Adv.
Tho trouble Is that victory too of
ten appears at lirst in the guise of
Literal Speeders.
"How did you get awny from that
country constable?" t
"By throwing dust In IiIb eyes."
"How can 1 make tho girl I adoro
tako-ntock in me?"
"I guess you'll have to go to par."
Coming and Going.
"Do you have any trouble getting
servants out whore you live?"
"Not a bit. We've had eight In tho
last three months."
Delay Explained.
"What are you doing there, Ellen?"
"Excuso mo, miss, but my apron
caught in tho door."
"But you left the room ten minutes
"Yes, miss, but I only just found it
out." Tho Passing Show.
Mrs. Tlmpklus was fond of moving
Onb day a friend met Timpklns
walking quietly after a vanlond of his
goods and chattels.
"Hallo, old chap!" ho hailed hirx
"Movlnc again? Where are you off
to this time?"
Timpkins returned his greeting nnd
then replied:
"I'm suro I don't know. I'm Just
following the furniture to And out."
When Teacher Has Coffee Habit.
"Best is best, and best will ever
Jlvo." Wlien a person feels this way
about Postum they aro glad to give
testimony for tho bonoilt of others,
A BChool teacher down in Miss, says:
"I had been a coffee drinker since my
childhood, and the last few years it
had Injured me seriously.
"One cup of coffee taken at break
fast would causo mo to becomo bo
nervous that I could scarcely go
through with tho day's duties, aud tills
nervousness was often accompanied
by deep depression of spirits and heart
"I am a teacher by nrofesBlon, and
when under tho Inlluence of coffee bad
to strugglo against crossness when in
tho Bchool room.
"When talking this over with my
physician, ho suggested that I try
Postum, so I purchased a package und
made it carefully according to dlrec
tlons: found It excollent of ilavour,
and nourishing.
"In a short time I noticed very gratl
fylng effects. My nervousness dlsap
pcared, I was not irritated by my pu
pils, life seemed full of sunshine, and
my heart troubled mo no longer.
"I attribute my change In health and
spirits to Postum alono."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Po3tum comes In two forms:
Postum Cereal tho original form-
must ho well boiled, lbc and li5c pack
Instant Pootum a soluble powder-
dissolves quickly In a cup of not wa
tor, and. with cream and sugar, mnkos
a delicious beveraco Instantly. 30c
aud 50c (Ins.
Both itlnds aro equally delicious and
cost about tho same per cup.
"Thore'B a Reason" ror Postum.
I A Patriot's I
I Prayer . I
X Deo el Mocdr BiUt loMitut X
X of Chicago v
prayed. Nchemlan 1:4.
Nehcmlah was a great man, a groat
statesman, a great administrator, a
great loader of
men. But bo was
great in tho spir
itual realm as
well, bo had great
power with God.
Although a Jew,
yet ho dwolt In
Porsla and occu
pied u position of
peculiar Influonco
at court; ho was
tho king's cup
bearer. It was Bomo
tlmo after tho ro
turn of his coun
trymen from thnt
land of their cap
tlvity to their beloved Palestine, but
thov wore not nrosiierlng very well
since their return. Somo of tnom on
a visit to Persia had been telling him
about it. They wero In great afflic
tion they said, nnd In great reproach
from their enemies round about, Tho
walls of Jerusalem had never been re
paired sinco they had been burned
down by Nebuchadnezzar 150 years
before, and tho result was they had
no protection against assault
Man Deeply Affected.
This deeply affected Nehomiah, so
that ho sat down and actually wept
When patriotism moves us to weep
for our country it looks like tho real
thing, especially when it Is followed
by something else as It was here
Tho weeping was accompanied by
fasting also, bo different from the
modern way of showing patriotism,
which not Infrequently takes tho form
of a banquet with Bpeeche3. This fast
ing lasted for days, ho must have ljecn
alono In it; but at length it came to a
head in prayer. Oh, if our statesmen,
and politicians and reformers only
know tho secret! How much moro
thoy could accomplish at tho Throne
of Grnco than by legislation, and con
ferences, and harangues, and newspa
per articles.
A Wonderful Prayer.
It was a wonderful prayer this.
First, it waB so unBelflsh. Ho was not
praying for himself but for people,
who, for tho most part, he did not
know and had never seen. Thoy woro
his countrymen, that was all, and thoy
were in sore need. How much do wo
over pray for our southern negroes, or
tho mountain whites, or tho dejected
Indians on our western plains, or our
dependents in tho Philippines? What
real interest have wo in either their
material or spiritual condition?
Second, it was such a humblo
prayer. Somehow or other ho ioit a
sense of personal responsibility for
tho condition of his countrymen afar
off though they wero. Ho confessed
to sin in the premises, and included
his "father's house" in his confession.
If ho and hla ancestors had acted dif
ferently things would not have beon
as they wero. What do we know of
Third, tho prayer was helpful nov
orthclcss. Hopeful, bocausc ho had a
strong promise of God to rest upon.
"Hemembor thy word," ho said, and
then ho quoted that word. Can you
do that? You must know tho prom
Ises to bo able to do It, and you know
tho promisor alsq. How much do you
search God's word to discover Its
treasures for yourself or others, and
how much do you exercise" yourself to
bring thom down from heaven for llfo
on earth? Nehomiah Just agrocd with
God about this matter., Ah! that is
power. Read tho chapter for yourself
and Bee how he did It.
Fourth, Uio prayor was very defl
nlte. He didn't go round Robin Hood's
barn as the saying js. Ho didn't mouth
out a lot of lino phrnses or pious notn
ings. Ho told God just what ho want
ed and whon ho wanted It, if It would
plenso him to glvo It. Ho was going
to Btund before the king on a certain
day in his capacity as cup-bearer, and
that would bo a good time to ask a
favor of tho king. He was going to
ask him that he might bo commls
sloned as governor of, Jerusalem to go
up there- and build the walls and de
liver his people out of their affliction.
Tho king must be disposed to grant
tho request, and ho asked God bo to
dispose him. Why do not tho rest of
us cultivate that simplicity aud di
redness? How Interesting it would
mako both our private nnd public do
votlons, and how It would enhance
God'H glory as wo thUG came to look
for answers to what wo asked.
Fifth, tho prayer was successful, of
course "It pleased tho king to send
me," says he, "and I set liim a tlmo.'
Tho God of Nehcmlah still lives and
nothing Is too hard for hlra. Tho prom
lso m I'luilpplans reads: "Bo nnx
loua for nothing; but in everything by
prayor and supplication, with thanks
giving, let your requests bo mado
known unto God." Our national
Thanksgiving day will soon bo hero
again, and If sincoroly wo count our
national blessings during tho past
year, It will do tho best preparation
for that earnest prayer wo bo much
need. Afflictions aro upon us in cer
tain quarters and perl's are ahead and
greatly do wo as a nation need God
Plans for New Public Buildings Are Deferred
WASHINGTON. Tho long-pending plans for construction of now buildings
for tho state, justlco and commerco departments, south of Pennsylvania
avenuo, botween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets northwest, will not bo
taken up, at tho earliest, beforo tho
departments now occupy leased buildings. Tho two former have complained
about their Inadequate quarters. Tho commerco dopartmont arranged with
prlvnto capitalists to orect Its present homo on a llvo-ycnr lease at an annual
rental of $05,000.
Tho tract south of Pennsylvania avenue, between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth streets, was bought by congress a few yenrs ago with tho announced
Intontlqn of putting up buildings for thrco departments. Stops to npproprlato
lor them fell through, however, and slnco then somo of the properties on
tho tract havo beon leased by tho government by tho year.
Lock and Key of Peking Interested These Two
TWO young Chinese men stood boforc a glass caso over at tho museum.
That tho exhibit on Its lower shelf had caught tho Interest of tho two
was evident from their suppressed excitement of speech and tho caro with
which one of thom copied tho informa-
Uon on tho accompanying curd.
Curiosity Is contagious. As soon
as tho Chlneso had passed on anothor
person who had been watching from
tho fish pond went over to the caso.
At first sight the exhibit looked liko a
cistern pump of old and rusty iron,
and lying by it anothor pleco of tho
name ancient metal that might bo a
sort of lover, say, about thrco feet
long. Its dramatic interest for tho
Orientals lay in the printing on tho
card: "Lock and koy to tho city gate of
rectly opposite the emperor's palaco. This gato was takon by tho United
States marines, August 14, 1000. In tho spring of 1900 tho perilous situation
of the members of tho American legation at Peking, and tholr completo isola
tion in tho midst of a murderous population demanded piompt action for their
reliof. Tho commandant, division of tho Philippines, was instructed by cnblo,
Juno G, 1UU0, to send at once a regiment of infantry to Taku, and Maj. Gen.
Adna R. Chaffee, U. S. V., was selected
"Please move1 so's wo can see."
Tho person who had been reading
shouldered, double-chinned, big-walstod young woman In Bllvor-grny crum
pled from travel, and freak whlto shoes that bulged over at tho sides llko
raised dough. And she was clinging to an undersized and obvious bridegroom.
When she saw what there wns to
her undersized one with an artless
havo ears:
"Lordy, Jim;,-'! thought it mustorben
that woman was stnrln' conierlong."
To them the lock and koy of tho
rusty, time-gnawed Iron. So, naturally,
Anil whnn tln rasn wna p.lpnv tlin
New Air Fighting Gun
NEW air-lighting gun is undergoing
corps of tho United States navy
Commander Clclnnd Davis, U. S. N.,
tho mlddlo, whero tho big cartrldgo
la Introduced. In tho rear part of tho cartrldgo aro packe'd 15 roundB of
buckshot, between which and tho projoctllo is tho firing chargo of smokeless
When tho shell is discharged at tho muzzle the buckshot Is simultane
ously thrown out at tho butt end of tho tubo, which Is of tho snmo diameter
throughout its length.
The buckshot, needless to suy, is not meant to do tho adversary any
damage its dlschargo merely serves to take up, tho recoil of tho weapon.
This, up to tho present tlmo, has been tho principal difficulty encountered In
efforts to boIvo the problem oh the aeroplano gun. To flro largo oxplosivo
projectiles from a Hying machine has seemed impracticable because tho
recoil of tho gun would upset tho dolieato balance of tho warplano, im
periling Us safety and that of Its navigator.
It in for this reason that nowadays no moro formldnhlo weapons than
light mnchino guns, weighing nbout 20 pounds and firing ordinary rlllo bul
lets, aro installed on the armored aeros.
Why They Cheered Transfer of George E. Downey
CHEERS on tho transfer of Georgo E. Downey from tho post of comptroller
of tho treasury to a placo on the court of claims arose from nt least ono
department In which Downey had curtullod expenso accounts that woro do-
icrlbod as verging upon graft. In
sonic instances, it is admitted in the
comptroller's office, tho apparent
'graft" was perfectly regular under
tho law, but oven In those Downoy
told it to bo llIc;itImato and declined
;o approve vouchers which technlcal
y seemed to be correct.
For example, an array officer stu
.ioned in tho tropics put in a claim
.'or his "fuel allowance" of $76 for
'boating his homo," and threatened
.ho comptroller's office with dlro con
sequences when it declined to honor tho bill. Under tho law of the United
thin otllcer was entitled to this rtllowunco; under tho law of common sense
Downoy put bis foot down.
"This Is onlyyono of almost a thousand Instnncos demonstrating tho
negligence, carlossness and rccklesyness with which confesses puss
laws, especially under tho army, navy
omciai or tno comptroller s office.
aibo li is saiu 10 no -vory customary" ror an army officer to rent a
houso tor, say, )40 and charge tho government tho maximum ot ?(J0, allowed
him for nlB qunrtors, tvhllo somG
from tho real owners and In turn lease
rato tor their own families' occupancy.
ooen exposed under tho Downoy regime. '
so now the alleged benellclurlca
encored the t)uarturo ot Downey,
lapse of two moro years. Word has
Bono out to tho heads of theso de
partments that congress will not bo
asked to npproprlato for federal con
otruction boforo 1917.
Tho reason for thiB postponement
In economy at a tlmo when tho treas
ury Is in a depleted condition, to
gether with tho prospect that con
gress will ho asked to appropriate for
the nntionnl defense.
Tho labor, Justice and commerco
Peking, known as tho front gate, di
to command "
tho card mado way for a heavy-
boo tho young lady elephant said to
disregard of tho fact that other peoplo
somethln' worth lookln' at the way
city gato of Peking was only so much
they turned to me(al morp attractive.
Pliltinnn mon rntnrnnd "
That Shoots Both Ways
experimental trial by tho aviation
department. It Is tho invention of
and Urea a 15-pound sholl carrying about
ono pound of high explosive enough
to blow a flying machlno to smlthor
eons or to Inflict dnngerous damage
upon a Zoppolln or other dirigible.
Commnndor Davis 1b tho navy's
foremost Inventor. It was ho who not
long ago originated a now kind of
torpedo gun which Is under considera
tion by tho department.
One remarkable feature of his
"aero gun" Is that it shoots both
ways. For loading, It Is "broken" in
nnd othorjipproprlatlon bills, ' Bald un
officers' wives aro said to rent houses
thom to tho government at a higher
Many other irregulnritles also hnvo
of tho reported Irregularities havo
Sad Days.
Big sister was rending In her book of
"Tho molnncholy days havo come
tho snddost of tho year."
"Sis, bIb." hroko In her schoolboy
brothor, "don't pull any of that 'sad
dest of tho year' stuff. With nlno ex
amples nnd a page of grnmmor to do
I know whnt tlmo of year it 1st"
At Onco Relieved by Cutlcura Quite
Easily. Trial Free.
Tho Soap to clcanso and purify, tho
Olntmont to sootho and hcnl. Nothing I
bottor than thceo fragrant supor
creamy emollients for all troubles af-1
footing tho skin, scalp, hair and hands. .
Thoy mean a clear skin, clean scalp, 1
good hair and soft, whlto hands.
Samplo each frco by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere Adv.
When you meet n man with
scheme, proccod to get In a hurry.
How many men do you know who
do Just as thoy ploaBo?
Children Cry
Tho Kind You Havo Always
in nso for over SO yenrs.
ana una con znauo nnaor ms per
Bonal supervision slnco its infancy
V4CUJi Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Conntorfcits. Imitations
Exporlmcnta that trlllo with and endanger tho health ot
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castorla is a harmless suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothlnp Syrups. It is pleasant. 10
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic?
txnbstnnco. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fovorlshncss. For moro than thirty years it s
has heen in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation.
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething? Troubles and.
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates tho Food, giving healthy nnd natural Bleep,
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
'Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Called His Bluff.
Thoro aro a lot of four-flushers who
go through llfo without learning that
four-fluBhora Is a flno art. Such aro
beneath contempt. Rut ono has groat
admiration for those few who havo
mastered tho game.
"If a man callod mo a liar," assort
ed ono of such, "I'd sail In nnd lick
him If ho wolghed 300 pounds."
"Well, you big bluff," answorcd ono
who was tired of listening, "I call you,
right horo and now. You're a liar."
"Dluff yourself," came back tho ar
tist, without a minute's hesitation.
"You don't wolght moro thnn 150, and
you know what I said." Hartford
For a really lino coffee at at mod
erate price, drink Dcnlson's Seminole
Brand, 35c tho lb., In sealed cans.
Only one merchant In each town
sells Semlnolo. If your grocer Isn't
tho one, writo tho Dcnlson Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and tho namo
of your Semlnolo dcalcr.N
Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00.
Of Course Not.
"My boy, If 1 hadn't worked and
slaved, you could never carry on this
way. Why don't you settlo down and
go to work?"
"Why, you don't want your grand
son to carry on this way, do you?"
"I'a, what's a diplomat?"
"In times of peace he's a social or
nament; In times of war a trouble
maker." Always use Red Cross Ball Blue. Delights
the laundress. At all good grocers. Adv.
And many a olnglo man Ih guilty of
doublo denllng.
10c Worth of (gUPDNr
Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land
Get rid of
big crops
is the time
A Bad Stomach
Is a Foe to
Be Feared
Nearly all illness has its
origin in a weak Stom
ach and clogged bow
els. Your food remains
undigested and you aro
deprived of its health
sustaining properties.
Weakness and a gen
eral rundown condition
soon overtake you. Bo
wise in time and pro
vide proper aid, which
suggests a fair trial of
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has hoon
has liornotho Blcnataro of
nnd Just-as-cood" aro hut
Signature of
Boys and Girls Make Money
BoUID, mtllio 10 r unas. n. imrnn, mo lawoaa n
sonanrUer, IllKfloldiqulcseatcsand large prof. W
It. VtrlUCku.k.nirrU,C.lamllaTlM.lralll4..Sw Ir
Bfl A toilet preparation of merit.
IHE Jl.Ipa to eradicate dandruff.
MotVM&H For Roitorlnz Color and
IBjvfjSlkillesMBeeuty to Gray or Faded Hak.
Bpfpaffffn Wo. and f LOO at DrurclaU.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
Rooms from II A) up single, 75 cents ap double.
nnd supplies. Largest
house In the All
Eastman Roods. We pay if
turn postage on Unfailing.
THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnam Stretl
Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha. Hob.
Make Money
By Parcel
This new servlco is making suro income
for thousands who know how. Got my
Drochuro, which describes a dozen ways
of doing it. Written by an expert. De
scriptive circular free. I. P. ST. JOHN
1100 OILER
(luaranterd to
f rri-tiogioj llco.
mange and
nr.unrr. Price
Or If jon with
to tare nt ex
change, collec
tion c bar lies,
office work and
fretabt. remit
coati with Tnur
order and we
will accept the
sum of tft.&O.
H n p v I '
Dept. 4
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 43-1916.
the stumps and grow
on cleared land. Now
to clean up your farm
while productB bring high prices. Blasting is
quickest, cheapest nnd easiest with Low Freez
ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold
Write for Free Handbook of Explosive No. 69F.
and name of nearest dealer,
sold Dy Grocers