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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1915)
r p . f ) x DR: 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Dank. CITY A-3fI) COUNTY SEWS. Cabbage at 75 cents per hundred pounds, Ltcrk-Saudall Co. 81-2 C. F. Tracy went to Denver the lat ter part of last week to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tlley will leavo Sunday for Omaha to spend a week or more." Attorney M. E. Crosby went to Osh kosh this morning to attend court for several days.i $0.00 Silk Sweaters to close out quick, now going at $3.98. BLOCK'S. Henry Cordes has sold one of his houses in the south part of town to Edward Wills. Rev. C. B. Harman went to Sidney y03terday morning-to spend a few days on church work. (Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Rasmussen and children of Hershcy arc visiting at the Martini home tlits weljk. iMrs.AS.vQ.vM.cGoy.-tof Omaha, came lasjt evening to visit her mother Mrs. AL. Wessburg for a fortnight. Attorney Leslie Raskins went to Ar thur county yesterday morning to spend several days on business. Boys' and Girls' all wool Chinchilla Coats, linqd , throughout with heavy worsted lining at only $2.98 at BLOCK'S. Thomas Horden Wather and Veste Fern McMasters were granted a mar riage license Saturday afternoon'. Mrs. W.'Hl Munger, of Omaha, "is the guest of her son Horton Munger and wife, having arrived Friday evening. Dr. and Airs. Harry Mitchell and children came home yesterday morn ing' from a visit with Omaha relatives. A train of forty cars bf sugar beets enrjpute to the Grand Island factory, passed thrugh the leal yards Sunday morning. . ' Hawkoy Caps, and new Fall Auto Caps, of any description, for ladles and misses, 25c up at BLOCK'S. Judge II. M. Grimes and Court Re porter Barron went to Lexington yes terday morning where , the Judge is holding count. . . Francis Norris and Charles Rincker who attended the foot ball game at Lincoln Saturday, returned borne yes terday mprning., Drj J. K. Elms, of Lincoln, formerly of this city, who had been transacting business here for several days, will return to Lincoln Saturday. ARs Freda rpeRolf,4.of Chicago, who had been visiting her uncle, John Da Rolf and family for several weeks, re turned home yesterday morning. Don't forget The Leader is selling Ladles' Plush Coats, sizes 1G to 4G, with a guaranteed satin lining, for $15 which cannot be duplicated at whole sale. TlfE LEADER. , Mrs. J. H. Donegan and niece, Miss Marguerite. Roddy, returned yester day morning from Omaha and Lincoln where they spent the week end. G. :L. Alley, of Omaha, general bag gago agent for the Union Pacific, spent yefjtexilay, moaning here on business at the local office while enroute to Clicy-' enne. . ' j I have a splendid assortment of dress hats all. trimmed in the latest novelties. Also a fine lino of trimmed hats for $4.00' and" $5.00.. Miss Whit-, taker at tlie Wilcox Dept. Store. 79-2 John Monick who was called hero by the death of the late Charles LIcrk, returned to Fremont last week. Mrs. Monnlpk will visit here until Sunday with her mother. What could be more fitting for a gift than a fine brilliant diamond? It will prove a good investment as well as a great joy to the possessor. Wo have beautiful diamonds from the moderate priced gems to the ,mt)st expensive. 1 DIXON, the Jeweler. , The M. M. M. Club were entertain ed at card3 Friday evening 1y Mrs. F. J. Wurtele and Mrs. J. E. Hegarty at the Wurtele home. Prizes were won in tho games by Leslie Raskins and Mrs.W. R. .Malonoy. The evening was onlivenedSwltlL several musical selections.. A nicely prepared lunch wad served in courses at midnight. Tho funernlof the late Wm, Gar man was lield at three o'clock Sun day nftornqon from the homo of his daughter, Mrs. E. -T. Ogler. Rev. Barton was In charge of the services and hymns were Bung by tho Presby terian choir. Interment was made In tho North Platto cemotory where a largo numbor of friends followed tho remains. Tho floral offering were very beautiful. Pall bearers -were W. J. Tlley, Edmond Dickey, F. Buchanan, Ad. Boyorlo, A. W. Shilling and'L. U. Dick. Tho G. A. R. attended tlio ser vices In a body. Miss yaunlta Hayes spent the week end in Grand Island with 'friends. Men's Suits from $8.50 up at Tho Leader. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Brown of Lc wollcn, aro spending a few days bore this week. The Catholic Girls', Club will be entertained at tho homo of Miss Sadie Shecdy tomorrow evening. All wool Sweaters to fit anybody, young or old, In nil shades, belted ef fects, 9Sc up at BLOCK'S. HI Smith and wife went to LcMoyne Saturday morning to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Tony Pushman formerly of this city. The boys Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church will hold a Hnl Jowe'on pa'rty this cvofUng nt tho homo of their teacher Miss Flo Johnson. Men's Union Suits at G5 cents and up at The Leader. Miss Wllda Miller Anderson, ago eighteen of Wallace, was adopted In tho county court Suturday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Anderson of Wallace. Mesdames A. W. Brown, A. AV. Shill ing, L. L. Berthe and Jack Sinclair will entertain a number of friends at a Hallowe'en party this evening at the home of Mr3. Brown. Fur Trimmings by the yard at The Leader. M. K. Neville was among the North Platte people who witnessed the Corn-husker-Notro Dame foot ball game at Lincoln Saturday. Local attendants say It was some game, the score at all stages of the game being such as ito keep the 8,500 spectators on "their toes". The score was twenty to nineteen in favor of the Nebraska men. For Sale Five room cottage at 509 west Fifth street. Good out-bulldlngs, nice lawn and trees, sewer connection, electric lights, sidewalk and curbing. For price and t6rms apply to Louis Peterson. 79-2 Saturday afternoon was about tho busiest day the local merchants have had in months. The number of farmers in town was unusually large and they camo to town to buy. Between three and five o'clock in tho afternoon automobile's were so thick on Dowey as 'to really require a traffib police man. Hoodies that just m-c-l-t in yoi'r mouth Ifcht, flufTy, tt-ndcr ,cal:cc, biscuits and doughnuts that just k?op you hanging 'round die pantry all made with Calumet the cafost. nurcct. im economical Baking Pow der. Try it drive away bake-dav failures." Chwip and big conBnklngPowdors do not SAveyou money. Cnlumetdoea it'sPure . ' T;- supe.lor t" sour milk anil soda. p "Goodieg Oft iC&l 1 ijJSwf Received Highest Award vw 'it Slip m l'ound Van, j&kL tellil Vv baking pow0 A To The nisunincc l'ubllcj. The Insurance men residing in North Plnite, and citizens therco'f, rep resenting various insurance com panies wTltlng Life, Fire, Accident nnd Health Insurance, addressed the following communication, October 11, 1915: To the Chambor of Commerce, North Platte, Neb. Gentlemen:- Thc undersigned Insurance mon nnd citizens of your city, and Interested In tho welfare of North Platto and vi cinity nnd tho citizens, wish to express our disapproval of you, as a body, en dorsing nny business of spccinl In surance, viz: Fidelity LlfeAssoclatlon, ns an Inducement for them to make headquarters within tho city. Wo wel come open competition, but ask that they como In of tholr own accord, without any Indorsement of your body. Before any action on your part, would like to have you confor with a com mittee from the undersigned In order to discuss this matter." For some unknown reason tho above request was not granted by the Chamber of Commerce. The resolution adopted by tho Chamber of Commerce in reference to the Fidelity Life Association of Ne braska Is misleading to the public, ns it indicates that this company is an old line comapny, when In fnct it has only qualified with tho State Insur ance Department as a purely Assess ment Comapny and is only legally authorized as such In this state, as the following letter, under date of October 22, 1915, and over the sig nature of tho State Insurance Com missioner will show. "The Fidelity Life Association of Lexington, Neb., an Assessment Comapny and as such Is not required to make any deposit with this depart ment." Tho Insuranco Mens' Club, Oct. 25, 1915. North Platte, Nob. Wins from Sterling II! to 0. . Tho North Platto high school foot ball team, accompanied by fifty or more rooters, wcnMo Sterling, Colo., last Friday nnd defeated the school team of that town by a score of thir teen to nothing. Touchdowns were made by Cool and Kelly. The game was well played by both teams, but North Platte showed up the stronger. In the evening a reception and dance was tendered the North Platte team, which proved very enjoyable. The kindliest spirit exists! between these schools. Will Add Second Story Joseph Morsxh and Will Klenlr,"who are having a business building erected on Locust street between Sixth and Fifth have concluded to build two stories Instead of one, as atflrst con templated. The second story will bo used exclusively by tho Yeomen as lodge quarters. That this new building is to be two story instead of one will add much to its appearance and will not "cheapen" Locust street as a one story building would. Kunkel Family Hold a Reunion. A reunion of the Kunlrlo family was held Sunday, October 17th, athe home of Mr. and Mrs,; Amandus Kunkel southwest of town. Eight Children and seventeen grandchldren were present nnd a very happy day was spent by nil. One of the enjoyable features was tho three course dinner served. The Kunkel fnmlly are old residents of the county and. are among our best citizens. For Rent. G40 acres at G3c per acre all good fanning and hay Jand, 1G0 acres in cultivation, good five room house, barn ( for 8 head of horses, grainary 3Gx27. , cement cave 12x18, good well, 10 ft Sampson mill 30 ft steel tower, 10 ft tank, 4 miles of cattle-wire fence. ani,Ani 1 , , ....... 1 1 .. n ouuuui huubu uu uuat bcu. jiiii;, uuc 9-11-34, G miles north of Wallace o.n B. & M. road and 12 mile aouth of Suth erland on U. P. Rnilrorfd. Address W. R. Harding, North Platte, Nebr.81- Knitrhts of Columbus Will Build. Tho local council' of tho Knights of Columbus aro making tho preliminary arrangements for the erection of ni building on the 44-foot frontage north of the now Hotel McCabo. Tho pros-1 cut Intention is to erect a three story uiuv ..III UJ M. i.v:4ii, lu lliu city and to tho order. It Is hoped to have all the prelim inary arrangements completed no that I work may start on the building enrly next spring. Allison Tenm Wins. Tho billiard tournament nt. Ibn RlkR J Club which had been In progress for n I couple of weeks, closed Sunday. Tho j team captained by Ralph Allison won 'over Captain Joo Larson's tenm by fifty-four points. Over .sixty players ( took part in the tournamont. Tho Lnr . son team will pay for tho suppor1 which . . . - . 1 (Siowurti smith win sorvo nt tho homo' ; Thursday evening at 7:30. j For Knlo Cheap. Tho two-story building bnck of tho McDonald clothing otore. Seo Otten- stein, or phone 258. Hit LOCAL AND I'EKSONAL. Misses Fern nnd Zoo Watts visited In Brady tho later part of last week. Mrs. John Cornett was taken ill last week with symptoms .of typhoid fover. Mrs. W. R. Malonoy will entertain tho 1110:11 bo rs of .the M. M. M. club this aftornoon.' Will Burke and Arthur Barraclough, who wore visiting In Denver, enme homo Sunday evening. Attornoy J. G. Beolcr, who trans acted business In Omnha last week, re turned homo Friday. Mrs. Andy Llddell returned Sundny evening from Omaha nnd Columbus where she vlaltcd last week. When the eyes itch, smart, burn or ache, thero Is something needed be sides a ruu. You can't' remove eyo defects with tho rub of a linger. You very often cause Incrensed irritation. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optomet rist. Look for tho sign with the RING. BASE BALL CELEBRITIES t Who will appear in the All Stars game in this City Next Thursday Afternoon Jack Coombs, pitcher for the Brooklyn Nationals. Henry, Catcher for the Washington Americans Hohlitxel, first baseman for the Boston Americans. THE LOTUS Steam Heat. Runninc Hot and - Cold ater in alj the rooms. Prices Reasonable. Corner 6th and Locust St. K.- I ,4 I ikiLr.Ji& V' Jri M lr sM 9iL Yeoman Hull The Guard team of the- Yeomnn lodge wll give their first annual ball nt tho Lloyd opera house Thursday evening, October 2Sth. At 8 o'clock the guard team will bo drilled and' inspected by Lleutonnnt AVljllamTd. Stoll, first lieu tenant' of the (nftntry of tho U. S. army. At 9 o'clock dancing will be Misses Esther nnd Fnyo Elder loft ycsterdnyjr Omaha to spend a week or longer. Mrs. James E. Boyd and daughter Mrs. ElllBBIerbowor, of Omaha, were guests of Charles McDonald this week while enroute to California. . Tho Royal Nolghbors social club will moot this nftornoon with Mrs. F. W. Donaldson, 40S cast Elovonth st root. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho B. of R. T. will meet Friday afternoon, Oc tobor 2flth, at the homo of Mrs. Porry Buchanan, 520 west Second street. The Rltner vs. Dunn and Waggoner vs. State Bank of Maywood cases were decided In tho . supromo court laslt weok. Tno supremo court nfllrmed tho decision of tho district court-In both cases. Tho Submarine. There la little glorious about tho service of tho submnrlnc. She is the sneak of war's bloodthlrstlness, creep ing upon victim like n murderer In the dark. For her thero Is no defiant battletlng, no glint of sun on wnve, no thrilling roar of battle. Sbo worms her slimy way through the murk to kill or bo killed In tho horridly practical business of slaughter. Her seamen toll amid mere machines. For the scent of burning powder she supplies tho reck of gasoline. Her crashing broadside Is but tho hacking cough of compress ed nlr. Ami her cud comes not with mastheaded ensign, but upside down, with her people tangled In tho gear. And this is the service which takes the strongest, tho bravest, tho dauntless. Thero can, bo no trepidation in tho spirit which guides tho submarine twisting through the depths, where, if she cannot be seen, she cannot see and where death lurks everywhere. Hartford Times. Tho First Doctor. , 'The oldest physician whoso exist ence wns known practiced at tho court of a Pharaoh of tho fifth dynasty nbout C.O00 years ago. Ills popularity with h)s master had apparently been great, for the Pharaoh had given an order that hu .should be supplied with slabs of stone for his tomU similar to those bo was having prepared for him self. Ills private life hiid evidently been less happy, for In every case the name of his wife, had bee,M erased. Splints found In the 'Nubian deserts were slmllnr in principle to tipje of the present day, and tho knots used to keep tlicm ii yplaco wore, rpo.f knots, tho same iis tlioso 110W taught to stu dents. The bandaging, as today, was done so that the folds crossed nt right nngles, with a view to their being kept In place. Palm Ilbor was used to serve the function tTf cotton wool and a fine linen to take tho place of gnuze. His Ono Luxury. A wealthy London dandy was noted for always wearing cosUy flower in his bjittuholq. Tien. ho lost all his money Wti.' in tjmo beenmo shabby, but still every day he wore a fresh nnd expensive bouquet. Curiosity prompted one of his old time friends to ferret, oilt the reason, nnd he uls covered that In the man's prosperous dnys ho found It "a bit of a fag" to pay for his flower every day, and so. In a very lavish mood, ho struck a bargain with tho florist that for a lump sum down and it was not a small one ho wns to be supplied with a fresh bou quet of his own choice every day for five years. The result was that. although sometimes lie had not enough ready cash for a crust of bread, ho was nlways able to claim his flower and to sport "a poppy or a Illy" as he walkod down the Strand. London Answers. Simple Nnil Filo. Ono of the nicest null fill's you can got Is a bit of whetstone, miy 0110 and one-half Inches long. Try different stoups and select the one wlmso to: hire best suits the texture of your nails. By using it frequently you can eliminate the cutting of the nails. It leaves a beautiful smooth edge on the nail. Is quicker untl easier to use than a steel file and. never produces any of those unpleasant sensations that so often nttend the uso of a steel nali Hie. Farm Life. Horse of Another Color. "Thnt's marvelous quick promotion o' that no'er-dao-weel son 0' Donald son's. They tell mo bo's been pro posed for'a Held marshal." "Aye! Ills father was awru' prood Vvct inuf of "mocks i ,Mi 5. Mui till n wire com' sayln' It wis a mis- er's Addition. ' take. It wis n conrt martini." Lon don Bystander. Advice. "Because they onco saved that city to tills day gecso aro honored In Home." "In that case if I were you I think I'd go nnd live there, my dear." Kan sas City Journal. Getting It Straight. Husband You spend altogether too much money. Wife Not at all. The rouble Is you don't mnko enough. Now Orleans 'J'lmcs-Picnyuue. Some Shy. Patience Was she shy on her birth day? Patrice Oh, yes; sho was shy about ten candles In her birthday cake Yonktrs Statesman. (.ciicral Hospital Notes 1 Dr. J. B. Rcdflcld has recently add ed ncv decorations to his offco which makes it very nttrnhtlvo. Miss Loretta Tnlbott .iB-lmprovhig at the North Platto General Hospita'., after hor Injury a week ago. Mrs. H. D. Tlmmer Is able to be up and around. She underwent an oper ation at the North Platto General Hoti pltn three wcoks ago. Van Lawronco Is improving nnd In now considered out of dnngor nt tho North Platto General Hospital. Mrs. W. A. Elklns, of Oshkosh, Is liri proving after a serious operation ot tho North Platto General Hospital. Mr. Shrovor, of Maxwell, Is improv ing nt the North Platto Gcncrnl Hos pital where ho Is taking treatment for sovoro Injuries ho received while stack ing hay a short tlmo ago. R. W. Crannoll, who underwent n sorions operation at tho North Platto General Hospital, is convalescing nicely and Is able to sit up. Miss A. M. Buckloy, a registered nurso of Martin Falls, Ohio, has boon secured ns superintendent of tho North Platto General Hospital. (MIss Buck loy hos had several years ot experi ence In direction of nurses, comos highy recommended. Sho Dr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Rcdflold spout Friday nt tho Gothenburg barbacuo and roport a very pleasant time. For Sale, Pino Lawn Manuro. Inquire of Joo Spies, Phono Black 1G1. 73-8 HKSOM'TIO.V HU IT HK.SOLVKD, By tho .Mayor ami City Council of tho City ot North IMntto, Lincoln County. Nebraska, slt tlnn: at a regular mcotlurc ot tho Coun cil 011 Octoliur nth, 1915. for tho pur poses of hhhcnhIuk iluiiliiKcM In tho mut ter of uiiproiirlatliiK private property for struot purposes mid for tho opqniiiK of a portion of Willow nnl "A" anil "H" streets wlthlri- the City of North I'latto. Nobrusku. Whereas, the Slnyor nnd Council of tho City of North Platte, Nehrndkfl, did on tho 2i)th day of June, 11)15, pur- cnnHo rrom private owners 1110 101 IowIiik ileHcrllieil property to-wlt; He- nuiiiiK nt tne .Norinensi cornor 01 ua lorthwoHt (linirter (NWli) Of North west cnmrtor (NWU). Section four (-4), Township thlrteon (13) North. Hano thirty (30) west of tho tith l. M., thonco south alonn tho east lino ot snltl North west qunrtor (NWU) of Northwcfat. linirter (vi Mccnon iour (1) 11 (llHtnnco of feet,- thence west pnrnllcl with tho north lino of Section four (1) a dis tance of 3 IS. 5 feet, thonco north pnral lol with tho east lino ot tho Northwest quarter (NWU) of Northwest qunr tor (NWU ) Section four H) 11 tllstunoo of S.O feet thonco east parallel to tho north lino ot salt! Section four (4) to tho southwest cornor or lot rour tj Hlook-rwo (2) to Selby's Subdivision of 'ltnrK l'lat of n pnrt of Lot Kour, (1). Section four (4). Township thir teen (13) north, ltnnuo thirty (30) West, thence south parallel to the east Hue of tho Northwest qunrter (NWU) of the Northwest quarter (NW',4) of section four (4) 11 distance of 4 foot, thonco' oast parallel to the north lino of saht Section four (4) a distance of 138.24 feet thoiiPo north parullol to tho east lino of Northwest qunrtor (NWU) or ho Nortwosi quarior (NWU) Section four (4) a distance of four feet thence east narnllol to north lino of Section four (4) n dlstanco ot 10 foot thence south, parallel to uio east u..,.' .if-1 In. Nm-MiweHt miurtor (NWU) of tlie.JCorthwo8t quarter (NW',4) Soc- llOll lOlir (UHUUICU IIL 1 thonco east parallel to tho north lino of tsuld Section four (4) a. distance ot 115.30 root, thence norm pnrniioi m the east lino of said Section four (4) a dlstanco of 250 foot, thoncn West parallol to tho north lino of Section four (4) a distance of 115.U0 foot, thenco north pnrnllol to tho enst lino of North west quarter (NWU) of" tho Northwest qunrter (NWU ) Section four (4) a dlstnuco of NO foot, thenco oast parnj- lol to the north lino or Mocuon iour (4) a dlstanco of 115.00 feet thence north parallel to the oast lino of Worth west qunrter (NWU) of the Northwcfst qunrtor (NWU) Section fOUMO U dis tance or iuj.u ieei. muiiyu .woni piMiii lel to tho nortlv line of flection, WUr (1) a dlstnuco of .115.90 feot, thehco north parallel 10 uio easi 11110 ui west quarter of tho Northwest quarter (NWU) Soottoil four .(4) sv (Hstanc6 . of 111.0 feet, thence east parallel to tlio tlni-tli. lino nt m'ctloil four (4) a dls tanco of 115.00 foot thence north par allel to the east lino of the Northwest qunrtor (NWU) of tho Nortwcst quar ter (NWU) Section four (4) a dlstanco of 141.0 feet, thence west parallel to the north lino of Section t a distance of llfi.98 ,feet, thehco north parull?) to tho onst line ot tho NorthwoBt quarter (NWU) of , the Northwest quarter (NWU) to -tho north lino of said sec tion four (4) thence oaBt alonK tho north lino of Section four (4) to plnce of hoirlnulnif, for tho purpose of opeu liiK streets anil for street Improves inents, and whoras said tract was pur chased for tho sum of $300.00 ortclUH Ivo of any assessment together with costs of purchaso utnountlnir to tho sum of 190.00, same helnn a ronson ahlc and Just sum and In tho opinion of tho council the lowest amount for which snld promises could bo obtained. WHKIIUAS, said Council of snltl City doem It expedient and best that tho daninKCB nnd costs for snld appropria tion bo nssesscd nnutriHt tho real prop orty nearby that may bo especially ben- ellttoci. TIUOIUCFOUK. UK ' IT H13SOLV13D. 11V TUB MAYOR and COUNCIL OV TW3 CITY OK NORTH PLATTK, NK HIIASKA: Thut tho property purchased by said Cltv to bo paid for by damages and i levied and iihbomhoiI upon tlo ronl Iiroperiy intrreny eapogiuuy uuneiuimi by such appropriation and that said Council sit ns a Honrd of Kqunllzatlon for tho purposo cqualllntr said damaKos and costs of purchase and levying said tax against such properties at tho reg ular meotlng of tho Council to bo hold Novombor 16th, 1915. Said damages and costs to ho assessed ngHlnst tho following described lands, the same being the real property es pecially benefitted, to-wlt; uiockh 1 anu - or noioy s nuuiuuii, Lots 1 nnd 8 n H ock 188 of tho Orlglnnl Town of North Platto. Blocks 5 nnd 12 of South Park Ad dition. . , . Lots 4 and C. Hloek 189 of tho Orlg- 1 Inal Town of North I'latte. , I .South half of Ulock 187, original ' town of North I'latto. That p.irt or Lot 3 111 section aa, Twp. 11 N., Hango 30 W., lying south of Lots 5, 0, npd 7, Ulock 187 of tho original town of North .Platto. Hlocks 1 and 2. Hank's Addition. Illocks C and 11 of South Park Ad dition. Lots 0, 7 and 8, Ulock 189. Hlocks 12 and 13, and cast half of Hlocks 4 and 5, Miller's Addition Lots 9 and 10, Wilson's Suli-dl vision of Lots 5, fi, 7 and 8, Ulock 185 of tho original town. That part or Lot 3 In Sec. 33, Twp. 14 N.. Itango 30 south of Lots ,5, 0, 7 and 8 In Hloek 18(! of tho original town. Block 1. 2, 3, I, 7, $, H and 10, South Park Addition. I'asHod and approved this Cth day o' October, 1916. K. H. IIVAN , (SICAL) M.-.yor. Attest: C. P TI3.MPM3, City Clerk. MRS. C. F. JOHNSTON, Prop.