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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1915)
ATHENA Underwear for JT Women and Children. Here are the features that give Athena its com- j fort, its daintiness and its tailored fit. Sloping Shoulders and Sleeves Conform to the shoulders with out wrinkling under arms. Perfected Shoulder Stay Keeps garment from stretching across the shoulder, and Holds sleeve in place. Curjyed Armh o IS Brings arm seams to the natu ral curve of the shoulder and holds garment snugly and smoothly up under arm, doing away with unnecessary cloth, Three-Cornered Gusset 'titm iiwiniiiu'w i iifcw Miriam mHamji Is so shaped as to relieve the usual strain at the thigh. In sures greater comfort and longer wear.' IB lowNeckt ,Sleevelessa tSuit jfu s t "a"a VonwrTi sf ufeTTcTosT the" bust than the back, so this garment Is made with extra fullness in front. PatentJSgtrt This consists of a plait on each side of the back, instead of extra cloth in the middle where it causes dis comfort. Always stays closed and allows sufficient room, sitting or standing. Single garments as low as 50c. Union Suits as low as $1.00. A style for every taste a weight . for every temperature a price for every pursea scientifically improved underwear. E. T. Tramp & Sons 9 CITY AM) COUNTY JiEWS. I Mrs. jqeorge Roberts, of Maxwell, ( 3pent. -yiffjsijgj part of- last week vis t . - itlng local frteuUs. Dr. anil Mra.i.T. .J. Kerr returned Saturclaymornln's fronv Lincoln where they spent last week. Mrs. John Statos left Saturday morn lng for Denver whore she will visit Walter States and family; Mrs. Edith Qualley, of Mitchell, came down Saturday morning to visit her mother, Mrs. John Conuett. Misses Ethel Potter and Bessie O'Kano, of Gothenburg, visited hero ' last weok with friends. t Mrs. James Craig, of Holly, Colo, came a fow days ago to visit her moth- or Mrs. Charles Wyman. . Mrs. Philip Drake roturncd Satur ' uuy morning from a,month'B visit with relatives in Missouri, 0. L. Johnston, of Edgar, arrived tho later part of last week to visit his brother E. N. Johnston and family."' Dr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan, of Grand Island, visited In town Friday whilo onrouto to Scotts Bluff by auto For Sale Quick for cash, Lot 9 Block C, Inquire- of Martin Wyman at VnnCleavo's blacksmith shop. 81tf Mrs. S. C. Cunningham will leave this weok for Illinois where sho has been called by tho illness of her mother Mrs. Carl Earliart and two daugh tors wont to Grand Island Friday ov enlng to visit her mother, Mrs. Pill ing. Just received another shipment 01 now Fall Wool and Silk Dresses. Tho most beautiful Dresses over shown in North Platto. Wool, Silk and Volvci combinations, Fur trimmed nt lowest prlcos. BLOCK'S. MIbb Mlnnlo Lowo returned Satur day morning from Oiiiuhn whoro sho nttonded tho Itobokah convention last woek. Ira LoMnstor Is expocted hero In tho near future to spend somo time with his patrents, Mr. and Mrs. John LoMastor. woqk end With relatives in Paxton. Mrs. Conuolloy and daughter Katie, of Wallace, are visiting In town this weok. Mrs. Russell Wyman will entertain tho Entro Nous cluo tomorow after noon. Mrs. Harry Samuelson will enter tain the Club Novlta tomorrow after noon. Mlsa Irono Stuart roturncd Satur day morning from a week's stay In Omaha. , Mrs, A. J. Frazler roturncd Satur day morning from a short visit In Sutherland. Attorney and Mrs. Wm. Shumnn ImVo gone to Omaha to spend a week or longer, ' Attorney Rolfo Hnlllgan spent the Inttor part of lust week In Lexington on business. A. E. Tlmmcrman attended- the Gothenburg colt show -the latter part of lns( weok. Tho Vnu Dornn lady orohostra fur nished music for a daneo at Hershoy Friduy evening. Mrs. M. E. Scott loft Saturday morning for Omnha and Lincoln to "Visit for a week. Mrs. Abo Kolthly, of Ogalnlla, who visited Mrs. Freda Barnoll last woek, has gono home. R. L. Graves came In from Omaha Saturday morning to visit friends and transact business, Mi'3. Charles Royuolds has returnod from Omnha where sho visited rela tives for two weeks. Mrs. Harry Murrin loft Friday ev ening for Cheyenne to visit ro'latlves for a week or more. Miss Irmu Johnson has accepted n position in tho candy department of tho Wilcox store, Wo can show you tho best Suit or Coat from ?12.C0 to $25.00 in western Nebraska. 'Don't tako our word for it, but como In and be convinced. BLOCK'S. Harryq Murray left Saturday for Sidney where ho will be omployed for several weeks. Lost A gray mncklnaw on road cast of town. Please roturn to this office. Mrs. D. L. Roborts and son Dan de parted for Cheyenne Saturday even ing, whero they will visit rolativoa for two weeks. Carl Simon and daughter Veronia left Saturday evening for Hastings whero they will visit relatives for a woek or more. ' Ladles', Misses and Chilren's un derwear, union and separate gnr- monts, the Dcpendon , brand, nt tho lowest price at THE LEADER. Dean Bowkor left Saturday morning for Goring to hold services and later will visit several towis on tho North River branch. Wo can show you tho best Suit or Coat from $12.50 to $25.00 in western Nebraska. Don't tako our word for It, but come in nnd bo convinced. BLOCK'S. Misses Cleo Chappoll and Blanche Cox, of Sutherland, spent a day hqro while enroute to the teachors'meoting at Brady Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luko Healey and grandson Darroll returned tho latter part of last week from Denver, whore they spent a week. Tho second entertainment of the lecture course will bo "The Old Glory Quartet" Thursday, October 28th, at the Presbyterian church. Mrs. M. A. Cemer, of Los Vegas, N. M arrived here Saturday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke while en route home from Omaha. The Presbyterian ladies' aid society will bo entertnined In tho church par lors Thursday afternoon by Mesddmes White, Davidson and Watts . Now Fall Suits still arriving daily nnd wo are' 'offering them at greatlj- reduced prices. BLOCK'S. Mrs. James McEvoy and son Pres ton returned home Saturday morning from Omaha where tho latter is taking treatment from Dr. Jonas. Mrs. Robert Salsettl arrived here from Sweden Saturday morning to make her home. Mr. Sal3ettt has boen employed hero for some time. Mrs. Worth Miller nnd chlldron of Ogalalla, came down Saturday to visit Mr. Miller, who is in tho City Hospital. AVhlle here they were the . .. C T ...)- 1 T 1 TT J-l ' ' Kiii-ais ui juufu uuu ira. tn. ii. urimcu. Miss Mary1 Kathoriric Murray re turned to Lincoln the latter part of last week after a two weeks' visit with her grandmother, Mrs. John, Murray. V Mr. and Mrs. Perry Carson returned yojtqrday from Omaha where they visited last week and also attended tho foot ball game at Lincoln Satur day. A new shlpmont of Dress Goods and aims just arriveu ai tho meaner. Just received a largo vaTlety of Dress Trimmings at tho Leader. Miss Freda Hammer, who has been visiung roiaiives in siuney ror a week I3 expected to return tomor row and spend a few days before leaving for Omaha whore sho will make her home. E. Sywoulka, for soven years and a half a missionary under the African Inland Mission In British East Africa, will speak at tho Baptist church Wed nesday evening, Oct. 27th. All nro cordially Invited to attend this service. A prairio fire west of town Sunday evening caused alarm to residents of that viciinlty and the lire department wns called out. As It was out of the city limits thoy could not bo of much assistance. Slight damages to fences rosulted. Don't fail to seo our now lino oi siik I'ouicoats, in all the wanted shndos and combinations. S BLOCK'S Whilo enroute home from tho Mrs. George Adnmson funeral at Ringgold Snturday, Will Adani3on was thrown against tho car in which ho was rid lng and sustained a bnd cut on the face. Ho was rondordd unconscious by tho blow. Mr. Coopor, who was al so riding In tho car wns also rendered unconscious. For Sale Pure bred Duroc Jersey spring boars and gilts, all ellglblo to registry, Prices right. Inqulro or nddress, Blankonburg Bros., 1305 North Loqust street, North Platto, Nob. 79-4 John II. Gnnzoll, ex-flrst baseman of tho Cincinnati Red Sox, spent 'the lat ter part of last weok hero and enjoyed a hunt for ducks with sovoral of tho local hunters. Othor members of tho party woro Mrs. John Gunzoll, Juno Gnnzoll and Homer Travis, of Ro chostor, N. Y. They are onrouto to Honolulu In Kholr tourin g car andaro ahead of ithoir schedule. Mr. Ganzoll and J. J. Gottman played togethor in tho longuo games In Now York and re nowed tholr ncqunlntanco hero. WILL JEFFE118 IS MAtfE GENERAL SITEHINTEjfDENT Effective Novejnbor 1st, Wm. Jeffcrs, superintendent of the Nebraska di vision nnd n former North Platte boy, will become general superintendent of the Union Pacific. This office was nbollshcd three years ago when Charles Ware was made gcnoral man ngcr, but will be re-created Novem ber ljt, presumably for tho purpose of relieving Mr. Ware of part of his duties which probably have becomp greater than oven so efficient man ager no he can handle with best re- ait. Air. J.effers' appointment a? general superintendent Is n.iothor p'r.motl.'.n that his North Platto friends aro glajl to' sec, and' is one in lino with The Tribune's "Watch Bill Jeffcrs Climb" prediction made when he was appoint ed assistant superlntednent of the Wy oming division, and The Tribune Is confident that "Bill" is not yet through climbing. Supt. Brophy, of he Wyoming di vision succeeds Mr. Jeffers on the Ne braska .division, and As3t. Supt. Toucoy, who has been stationed at Ogden, becomes superintendent of tho western division with headquarters at Cheyenne. Arnuigc for All-Stars Game. W. E. Gorman, of New York city, who is traveling In advance making preparations . for the All-Stars ball games, spent Saturday in town secur ing accommodations for tho forty or more people who form the party. He says that the players, thirty in num ber, will arrive hero from Grand Isl and on train No. 15 Wednesday even ing. Including the wives of several of the players, the party will consist of at least forty and two Pullman cars and a baggage car will be occupied. Two of tho players, Strunk and Shang, are on their weding trip, having been married after the world series games. Frank Bancroft will he In charge of the party. From hero thoy will go to Greeley, Col., Thursday night. Foot Ball Game Friday. Tho Gothenburg high 3chool foot ball team will be here Friday after noon for a game Avlth the local team. By reason of the friendly rlvialry, which has existed between these schools at foot ball for several years much Interest is itaken'in the coming game. So far this season Gothenburg has nqt been defeated. The games they liavo playec and the scores were as follows: Curtis agricultural school 30 to 0,, second team of the Kearney Nor mal G to 0, Hastings high school last Friday 37 to 7. It is evident that the local team will know that there Is a game on their hands when they tackle the boys from down the lino. AJfB PERSONA. Mrs.' James Snyder Is enjoying -a visit 'from Ifor brother Robert Scott, of Benvor City, who arrived a fow days ago. For Snlo Pure bred Duroc-Jorsoy spring boars your cholco at $25.00 each. GCtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. LaCamlllo and P. N. Front Lace and back laco corsets, in all the new fall models, everyone guaranteed to wear well and fit well, $1.00 up at BLOCK'S. llupfer Acts as Clicf. C. C. Hupfer, of tho Vienna Cafe of this city, officiated as chef at the bar becuo held at Gothenburg Friday in connection with the ,colt show. To feed the crowd he raalle one hundred gallons of vegetable soup, roasted a steer and two hogs and had on hands a supply of 3even thousand buns, two barrels of dill pickles and a couple hundred gallons, of coffee. It Is es- (Jlmated that four thousand, people woro fed. Everything was free to the farmers, but tho town people were charged for the feed and-sports. Robert Dodglas left yesterday morning for Grand Island to spend several days on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Den left yester day morning for Arapahoe to visit rel atives for a week or longer. To Exchange One or more horso colts for mules or cattle. Address Howard's Ranch, North Platte. 81-3 The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Ray Langford Friday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Crosby of Suth-. orland, and Mrs. Ebcn Warner of Chadron, were guests of Attorney and Mrs. M. E. Crosby this weok. Infanta long nndshort white coats Just arrived. A largo assortment. Prices from one dollar up; . THE LEADER. A party of young Indies nlcniced in the hills south of town Saturday. evening and report n pleasant even-1 lng In the moonlight. George Adanison wisheB to thank the workmen in , tho round house hero for the flowers they sent to deck his wife's casket, and for other acts of sympathy. , Mr. nad Mrs. Thomas Austin are enjoying a Vllrik'-from tho former' parents who arrived a fow days ago from Sobctha, khn. Tifey were accomi panled hero by Airs. Knowles.of Set botha. Saturday evening tho ladies auxilr lary of the B. of R. T. held a waff lo lunch at the KV "P. hall, Which" was well patronized and tho ' sdrvic, and lunch highly complimented by the pa trons. ' ' ' New Wool Scarfs, the crazo of the season, In all shades, now shown nt BLOCK'S. The recently elected officers - of Council 1211, Knights of Columbus, will be Installed at tho reguar moot ing to he held Wednesday evening at tho K. P. hall. Coffee and cigars will be served. . Taken up by tho undersigned Sutl-. day evening nt his placo south of city limits two red cows branded .T G on loft hip. Owner please call and paj charges dnd tako animals away.! ' F. H. PAYNE. Apples A big crop of good winter apples at tho Glenburnlo Fruit Farm, Thcso aro choice varieties and aro selling cheap. Special prlcea on wagon loads. 76tf DAVID HUNTER, Sutherland. Furs! .Furs! Of any description, in sots or sep arate pieces, also for trimmings, arc shown -at BLOdlv'S. Chicago Minister Will Preach Rov. Robt. H. White, of Chicago, will preach at the flr3t Presbyterian church next Sunday, both morning nnd even ing. Rev. Whlto was recommended by tho McCormick theological semi nary, of Chicago, which Is one of the leading Presbyterian theological schools of America, as a candidate to (ill tho vacancy of the Presbyterian church In tills city. Ho graduated from this school two yenrs ago. All members of the congregation are urged to be present. S0-2 To Exchange Two housos in Denver, one large, one small, $4,000, no incumbrance, for proporty in Nebraska. Fred Eastman, 2G2S Dodgo St., Omaha, Neb. Br. Iljslnger Will lie Here Dr. Holmes Dyslnger, theological Instructor In tho Midland Collogo at Atchison, Kansas, has boon secured to doilver tho address at tho annual meeting and banquot of the Luthoran Brotherhood which will bo hold ou the evoning of November Sth at tho Masonic hall. Dr. Dyslnger Is said to bo a very able Hpeakor and will no doubt deliver a very Intqrestlng address. v. .i. niEFi: a co. lloal Estate and Insurance Como and see us for town lots In difforont pnrts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for aulo and rent. We have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Duwoy Sts.. upstairs. NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE NURSES PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES We are in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians," on snort notice. Call Phone 82 and state whether you want graduute or domestic nurse ami we win complete an me arrangements lor you without charge. CITY HOSPITAL 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg ical. Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for tho' convenience of the physicians of North Platte and (country tributary thereto. I cue OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH v The First National Bank -01- XOHT21 PL.ATTJB, :VJ5J32ASA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAJPJTAZ, AiYD SUIZJPZ,USt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. H STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HATE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 11 DC 31 H B T7 r Yi . UK Is ror mityiM OTO1T1& Dress in comfort with a Use Perfection. Sjp Oil for best STANDARD OIL COMY