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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1915)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I RUES AI OF JAPE Modern Ruler Takes Throne in Same Manner as Did His First Ancestor. SHINTO PRIESTS IN CHARGE Yoshlhlto, In Strict Privacy, Reads Address to Family Spirits Before Public Ceremony Begins Sa cred Dance lo a Feature of the Celebration. Tokyo. Lucky lndood will bo thoso fow tourists who aro In Kioto, the an clont capital of Nippon, when tho Em poror Yoshlhlto Is crowned. For thoy will vlow what Is probably tho most anclont corcmonlal in tho world. Tho modorn ruler, with aoroplanes, dread naughts and submarines at his com mand, will formally tako his placo on tho throno of Japan In tho samo man nor as did his first earthly ancestor, Jlmmu Tonno, In C50 U. C, which was aovcrnl centuries boforo Aloxander tho Great, unwitting of tho island kingdom, wept for inoro worlds to con quer. For tho western mind to compro- hond tho Japanoso coronation In diffi cult. Tho word "coronation" is a mis nomer, as thero is no crowning. It is necessary for tho Amorlcan to attempt to grasp tho fundamental Idea of Shlntolsm. Every morning tho Emperor Yoshlhlto. head of a Japanoso family worships to his ancestors at tho shrine In hia homo. Tho omporor worships at tho shrlno of tho ancostors of tho nation for tho wholo people. Tho spirits of Jlmrau Tonno tuid tho other 120 human ancostors of Yoshlhlto who have roighod In Ja pan aro supposed to dwoll in tho sanc tuaries M tho anclont palaco at Kioto. Informing His Ancestors. 1 Tho coronation is tho formal Jour noy of tho omporor and empress to Kioto for tho purposo of dutifully In forming his ancostors of his accosslon and assuring thorn that ho is carrying out tho fundamental principles which havo mado tho nation great. A Japanoso soos nothing odd In worshiping his ancostors whllo clad In a princo albort coat and silk topper, and it is considered perfectly correct for tho omporor to proceed to his an cient capital by train. Arriving at Kioto, ho will drlvo in stato to tho vast inclosuro of tho pal ace. H1b coming may bo sovoral days boforo tho coronation dato, Novem ber 10. Tho details of this day aro caro fully regulated uy tho Shinto prlostB, who preserve tho anclont rocords sup posed to go back to tho reign of Jlm mu Tonno. In tho morning Yoshlhlto will batho and purify hlmsolf. Then ho will enter a plain wooden pavilion or tomplo, made ontlroly without met al and fastened with wood pegs and tough viuos. Tho ceremony tukos placo boforo iho national shrlno called tho Kushlkl Dokoro which contains tho sacred mir ror, sword and Jowolcd Bcal be queathed by tho sun goddoss Amato rasu O-Mlkaml to hor grandson, Jlm mu Tonno, tho first nondolty to rule Japan, when she placed him upon tho throno. In Btrlcl nrlvacv. with nnlv n fnu 3htnto priests in tholr moving about, tho omporor will road a formal addrcsB to his family spirits. Tho noxt ceremony will tnim ninm. m a big now pavilion in tho prosonco oi uio leaning men of Japan and tho official ropresontatlvos of foreign states. Tho omporor will tako his soat on a throno set within nil nntnirnnnl rm. villon of red and black lacnuor. whllo tho ompross, If ill health Uocb not prevent, will occupy a smullor throno oy uis eiuo. Premier to Load Cheers. i no princes and great officers of aio wm surround tho throno; tho nobility will occupy ono end of tho hall and tho forolgn dlploiriatlsts an other. Count Okuma, tho prlmo minister will stand at a designated spot near tho throno nnd call on tho Japanoso peoplo to glvo throo "banzals" for tho emperor. Then ho will ascend tho stops of tho throno and render noraage to the now monarch. QH GO 10 MPEROR t - - : L Count Okuma has a wooden leg and somo of his political opponents havo raised tho cry that by all tho nnclcnt rules nnd regulations no such do formed porson may tako part In tho coronation. Modorn Japan simply Inughs. It might bo mentioned, howovcr, that tho practical count recently pro ceodod to Kioto nnd convinced him self by actual trlnl that ho Is spry onough to get up tho old-fashioned stops of tho throno and down again without "spilling tho beans," or what over Is tho Japanese equivalent. In tho ovenlng will tako placo tho principal rollglous rite. Tho emperor will offer rlco and black-and-whlto wlno to tho spirits of his ancostors in tho Yukldon and tho Sukldon, two small ancient shrines. Tho ceremony takes all night nnd boforo It tho omporor again under goes formal purification. This Kaijo sal, or sacrificial rlto Is tho highest coromony In tho Japanoso religion Tho Japanese, howovor, do not fool any awo as surrounding Kaljosal, It Is simply an act of filial communing with tho departed, a sort of Thanks- giving dinner with tho dead as well as tho living gathorod together. Sacred Dance a Feature. Thero aro many othor Interesting ceremonies and observances connect ed with tho coronation nnd theso last many days. Western vnudovlllo stages will probably bco this winter sorao gross caricatures of tho sacred danco which will bo porformod by flvo young womon of tho highest rank at a great banquet boforo 2,500 dlnora. This Is tho "flvo-fold danco," and tho story of how it originated Is known to ovory Japanoso boy and girl. Tho Emporor Tommu was strum ming tho Koto, nn ancient lyro with ilvo strings, when flvo heavenly muses appeared In tho clouds and executed somo celestial stops to his measures. In tho courso of tho danco tho muses turned tho sleovcs of tholr kimonos flvo times, which is considered a mlra clo of graco among tho Japanese. Tommu carefully momorlzcd tho danco and taught It to tho ladlos of his court It has been dancod at ovory coronation slnco through twenty-four centuries. Tho girls who will dance aro nono of them over twenty-thrco years old. If ono of tlicm entered a Now York drawing room sho would probably bo perfectly at ease, for all tho dancers nro daughters of tho highest peers in Japan, who aro carefully educated according to both western nnd Japa nese standards and probably speak English fluently. Tho concluding acts of tho corona tion will bo Journoy8 by tho omporor nnd tho high priests to tho national Bhrino to worship Jlmmu, nnd then to tho graves of tho four emperors lm- ncdlatoly- preceding Yoshlhlto. llesldes tho ceremonies at Kioto. thero will bo observances and holi days In every town and village of Japan. Tho schoolchildren will sing a song to which tho commltteo of tlto j board of education has awarded tho prlzo out of 1,000 sent In ns competi tors. Evon in Hawaii, tho ninety thousand Japanese thero will 3h6vv tholr regard for tho omporor. Thoy havo subscribed for a bronzo com- momoratlvo fountain, but tnls Instead of bolng sent back to Japan will bo sot up In Honolulu. LOSES ITS LAST BIG HERD South Dakota's Largest Cattle Com panies Are Obliged to Move On to Montana. Scotlnnd, S. D. Tho last of tho big cattlo companlos to loavo tho stato Is tho Matador company, ono of tho larg est raisers or cattlo and horso3 In tho world. It Is owned by a company or Scotch and English capitalists. For many years tho company has hold lenses on land in tho Choyonnu and Standing Rock reservations. Tho incoming of settlors has so reduced tho grazing grounds that tho company is moving to Harlem, Mont. LIQUID FIRE AS i ma plioiograpn, tuuiu muu ,v ouinwuiiu m .mine, mioh now tho French havo taken a lesson rrom tho Germans and havo adopted tho frlghful liquid tiro as a weapon of dofonso. S Scientists Unearth Queer Bones in California. Skulls Suggcct Existence Either of Lit tie People or Strange Indian Os traclsm Interesting Cooking Utensils Also Found. Lob Angeles.- Kovcallng either a raco of hitherto unknown pygmies, or tho ostracizing or tho unlit by tho nborlglnes of tho Pnclfld coast, "JO Btrango malformed skulls and othor Interesting remains havo been dug up near hero by Do Moss Bowers and Charles T. Urown. amateur archcolo gists. "Whother tho relics are of pygmies or a primitive form of eugenics Is n question I can't answer," said Mr. HowerB. "The skulls are by far tho smallest that I havo encountered In 30 years of excavating for Indlun re mains in California. Tho malforma tion of tho skulls may bo highly sig nificant. 'Though 1 can't answer whother theso wero the skulls or tho unlit, tho morally depraved, who had been os tracized, or thoso or pygmies, 1 can answer unothcr question. It Is that these aro tho Bkulb of fully grown men nnd women. Tho muturlty or tho teeth shows this. "In tho grave wo round ollns or cooking bowls or steatite, Bcrpcntlno bowls, and knives or chert, affixed to redwood handles by asphaltum. Now stcatlto is found only on Santa Cata Hna Island, whllo no deposits of ser pentine aro known eutsldo of San Luis Obispo county. 'Evidently theso pygmies traded with tho Channel and so-called Mis sion Indians. Bones from tho head of a whalo, painted red on tho Inside, wero used as tho head and fdotstouo or tho burial calm, though tho burial placo is nearly 100 miles rrom tho sea. "A mystirylng find in tho cairn was a baked clay bowl. Tho Indians or Arizona nnd New Mexico know how to bake clny, but thoso or Calirornla, so far as wo know, did not. It might be that wo havo hero a strango loo- lated tribe that Is related to others or which wo know nothing. 'Copper vessels or Spanish work manship wero also found In the grave, along with Venetian blue beads and stono nnd shell beads. This liking for ornaments shows that tho tribe was not depraved below tho esthetic lovel. "Somo shell ornamonts wero also,. round of n boring so mlnuto that It suggests that thcBo pygmies wero artificers of no mean ability. Flno specimens of fishhooks were also dUg up, together with tho' ear ornaments of shells." MAKE MUDH0LES FOR LIVING Mlssourlan3 Cultivate Traps for Auto lata, Is Charged by Highway Commissioner. Jefferson City, Mo. That mudholes In tho road aro carefully nurtured in many communities in Missouri by per sons who find It profitable to pull auto mobiles out of thorn when thoy got stuck Is charged by Stato Highway Commissioner Uuffum Is a road bul letin. Tho Issuance of this bulletin fol lowed tho action of a Callaway county farmer who rcrusod to pull tho auto mobile of Mrs. James Ilouchin out or a crock bed until sho gave him $25. Sand Yields Long Lost Ring. Atlantic City. N. J. Lost in tho bench sand at Tonnesseo avenue 1G years ago a valuablo ring mounted with a Masonic emblom, tho property or C. A. Willis or Columbin, S. C, hn3 boon recovered by Frank Mooro, a beach "minor." USED IN THE WAR FIND raw RELIC It is not onough that women should be liomo-makorH but thoy must inako tho world Itself a largo home. There Is no defeat, no call for ro trrat can bo blown from tho bugle of right. PEPPERS AND PEPPER DISHES. Sweet garden poppers aro such a fnvorlto vegetable that ono should always have at least a dozen plants In the gar den to supply the needs of the viable. v.llJ uscu" ft" this vego l i table when canned Is nlmnntn. which Is incorrectly used, ns pimento Is all spice. Tho real nnnio Is "plmiento," giving another syllable. A chopped green popper trlvon to almost anv Balad, and especially a potato salad, improves It wondcrrully. Caro should bo taken to carcrully wash them, ro- movo tho whlto Inner fiber, as well as tho seeds, before uslnc. PcnnorR chopped and pounded, then fixed with cream cheese make n most appetizing relish. Fried sweet penners mako a nice garnish to serve with lamb, mutton or pork chops. Stuffed Penners. Bread crumbs with tomato or rlco and a few nuts. corn beof hash, boiled rico with chick en, and many other combinations make flno stuffinc for nonnors. Sod that thoy aro well washed, then cut off tho best end to mako a stable re ceptacle, romove tho whlto fiber and socds; fill tho pepper, replacing tho cap. Put them into a baking diBh with a littlo Btock or butter nnd water to keep them moist whllo baking. Steak Smothered In Sweet Peppers. Spread over a round steak tho fol lowing mlxturo: A cun of hroad crumbs, ono small onion, chopped; a littlo poultry dressing, a pint of to matoes and nenners mixed: If canned thoy will not need chopping. Placo tno stuffing on steak, roll and tlo and pour over tho tomato and popper mix ture. Cook very slowly three hours. Add boiling water or tomato Juice If tho moat becomes dry. Canned non- pors should always find a nlnco nn tho emergency shelf, as they add much to many dishes. Creamed eggs with a pepper or two added, either chonnod or rubbed through a sieve; servo on toast as usual and havo an unusual rollsh. Theso eggs may bo served with a border of seasoned boiled rlco instead of toast, if desired. GOOD EATING. Somo of tho following aro so un usual that It may tako faith to try them, but thoy will bo enjoyed. Yorkshire Buck s. Toast 12 slices of bread and on top of each place a square of cheeso, and on top of tho cheeso a thin sllco of bacon; sprluklo with paprika and placo the toast In n dripping pan and pour over a little weakened vine gar, enough to moisten tho toast. Place In tho oven until tho cheese Is melted and servo hot. Apple Dumplings With Peanut Butter. Sift a pint of flour, two tea spoonfuls of baking powder, a half teaspoonful or salt, then rub In a half cupful of peanut butter; moisten with Iced water as for pio crust. Roll out and cut in squares. Lay on each squaro a cored, peeled apple, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, wet tho edges and pinch them togothor. Bnko and servo with cream and sugar. Cuban Stew. Tako four pounds of mutton, ono cupful of olive oil, ono can of tomatoes, eight medium sized onloiiB, ono can of pens, ono can of mushrooms and eight potatoes; a ta blcspoonrul or salt and a row dashes of pepper. Put olivo oil into a kct tlo, and when hot add onions, toma toes and meat, cut in pieces, with tho suit and pepper. Cover closely nnd simmer three hours. Then add tho potatoes, cut In halves, and when thoy aro tondor add tho peas and mushrooms, drained from tho cans. When well heated, thicken tho gravy and servo hot. Simple Cake. Into n measuring cup holding half a pint break nn egg. u tablespoonrul of molted lard, three ta blospoonfuls of cnnifcd crenm, then till tho cup with water. Sift together ono and a half cupfuls of flour, ono cupful of sugar, two teaspoonfuls or baking powdor and a pinch of salt. Add tho liquid and bent hnrd for live minutes. Bnko In layers or In n loar. Gypsy Stew. Cook together young carrots cut in slices, green onions, peas and now potatoes. Fry a slice of diced salt pork, turn In tho tender vegetables, add milk to It nnd sonson lugs, nnd serve very hot. GATHERED FACTS Spain has 3,5001000 acres or olives. Now York leads tho states In salt production. "Kid" Is gypsy lor "child." Uonco tho term kidnaping. Hailstones It Inches in clrcumfcr onco havo been found In England. Intrinsically, Vlctorl crosses aro worth 9 conts each. Somo Japanese spiders make webs Eo strong it requires a knlfo to cut them Life Is made of littlo "Ifs " Good mill bail together; It'B just tho "Ifs" that all through life Bring nun or stormy weather. DISHES FOR EVENING PARTIES. Often a light suppor which doos not tax tho dlgostion will bo round most agreeable Dresden Oysters. Chop two dozen large oysters, mix with a ta blespoonrul or molted butter, an unbeaton egg, one-third or tho bulk oi bread crumbs, a table spoonful of chopped par Bloy and a littlo onion Julco. Season with salt, and paprika. Form Into balls and bako ton or fifteen minutes In a hot oven. Serve on oyster shells with parsley and lemon as a garnish. Asparagus With Stuffed Eggs. Tako canned asparagus, or If fresh, cook until tender In salted water and arrange on a platter in n border of buttered toast points nnd quartered stuffed eggs. Pour over a hot sauce mado as follows: Tnko two table spoonfuls of butter nnd two and a half of flour; when well mixed add a pint of chicken stock, or a small can of chicken broth and six finely minced mushrooms. Stir and cook for fifteen minutes, then add a cuprul or hot cream and the Julco of a lemon; stratr and reheat. Chicken and Mushroom Patties. Sauto two cupfuls or mushrooms in two tablcspoonrulB or buttor flvo min utes; season well with salt and pep per. Remove from tho fire, tnko out a scant cupful and chop tho remain der flno with two and a half cupfuls ol cold cooked chicken. Beat two eggs, add salt, pepper and tho Juice of hall a lemon. Add a tablcspoonful ol chopped parsley and a pint or boiling milk; stirring until It thickens. Now add the mushroom and chicken mlx turo and when vory hot fill patty shells and garnish tho tops with whole mushrooms. Gingerbread with whipped cream and a cupful of hot coffco Is well liked by many people who do not en- Joy rich cako. Cold ham, boiled or fried, put through the meat chopper, mixed with a littlo mustard or hard-boiled egg, is nice filling for sandwiches. GOOD THINGS FROM GRAPES. Grapes aro at their best when eaten tlpe and fresh from tho vines gar nished with their own leaves. Grapes if placed over night on ico, then served with a leal or two on a plate will havo a frosty appearanco which will glvo them an added beauty and tho cool fruit will be most grntoful. Grape Juice. To propare pick the stoms from tho fruit and cover with enough water td bo seen between the grapes. Cook until tho seeds aro frco and the skins look pink or havo lost their color, then strain. Return the Juice to tho flro nnd boll 20 minutes; then to each quart add a cupful of sugar; cook ten minutes longor and bottle in airtight bottles, dipping the corks In melted paraffin. Grape Juice Ice Cream. To a cupful of grape Julco add a pint or thin cream and sugar to sweeten, a tablespoonrul of lemon Julco. mix and freeze Grape Jam. Removo the skin from tho pulp of well-washed grapes and put them in separate utensils; hent tho pulp with a cupful of wator and press through "a slovo to remove the seeds add tho skins to the pulp and weigh. To each pound of fruit add throe-fourths of n pound of sugar and just enough water to prevent burning. Cook slowly for 40 minutes. Grape Sherbet. Tako three pounds of Concord grapes, throo lemons, throe pints of wntor and thrco cupfuls of sugar. Wash tho grapes and put them in a granite pan, mash and squeeze out all tho julco; measure and ndd an equal amount of wator, tho lemon Julco and sugar. The sugar and wator, if boiled to a sirup, will mako a smoother sherbet. Tho amount of wa ter should bo allowed when measur ing. Freozo as usual. A pretty novelty Is crystallized grapes. Select firm, largo grapes In perfect bunches; wash carefully and dip In whlto of egg, then In pulverized sugar. Arrango on a platter on a bed of grapo leaves. For grapo Jelly tho grapes should be underripe Proparo thom ns for grape Julco, then add tho sugar to tho juice and cook until It thickens in a cold diBh, when a teaspoonful Is tried. St. Paul's Cathedral. London, cost $7,500,000. Spenklng of tho 131-pound catfish caught In tho Missouri river, if a thl-g is valueless tho supply Is always am Plo. A "tinker's dam" Is a wall of dough or of soft clay, raised around n spot which a plumbor, In repnlring, desires to flood with solder. Tho material of this dam can bo used only onco. and Is thrown away aftor this very tempo rary period of usefulness. Honco the well-known proverb. WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION Tell How She Was Saecli by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. ( Louisville try 44 1 thlnklf morosuf faring women would tako Lydia E. ifinkham'B Vegota blo Compound they would enjoy better health. I suffered from a femalo trou- Iblo, and the doctor dcaided I had a tumorous growth and would havo to bo operated unon. but I refused ns I do not: hplfnVA In nnnra. lions. I had fain tin a snnlta Mnntnrl nnd could hardly Btand tho pain in my left side. My husband Insisted that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I nm so thankful I did, for I am now a well woman. I sleep better, do all my housework and take long walks. I never fail to praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Compound for my goodhealth."-Mrs. J. M. Resch, 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Since wo guarantee that all testimo nials which wo publish aro genuine, is it not fair to supposo that If Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has tho virtue to help theso women it will help ny other woman who is suffering In a liko manner? If you are ill do not drag along until an operation Is necessary, but at once tako Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Writo to Lydia E. Plnlclmm Med Icino Co., (confidential) Lynn. Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read and answered by a woman, and hold in strict confidence. An Easy Way to Get Rid of Ugly Pimples Bathe your face for several min utes with resinol soap and hot wator. then apply a littlo resinol ointment very gently. Lei this stay on ten minutes, and wash off with resinol soap and moro hot water, fin ishing with a dash of cold water to close tho pores. Do this once or twice a day, and you will bo astonished to find how quickly tho healing resinol medica tion soothes and cleanses the pores, romovos pimples and blackheads, and leaves tho complexion clear and vel vety. Resinol 'ointment and resinol soap Btop itching instantly and speedily heal skin humors, sores, burns, wounds and chafing. Sold by all druggists. Couldn't Be. English Patient Well, doctor, what fieemo to bo the matter with mo? Doctor Case of Gorman measles. Pationt Oh, pshaw! doc, try again. My family's ono of tho oldest In War wickshire. Judgo. Idlo peoplo spend a good deal of time In calling up busy men who havo telephones. Going It Too Hard Wo aro Inclined nowadays to "go it too hard;" to overwork, worry, cat and drink too much, and to neglect our rest and sleop. This fills tho blood with uric acid. Tho kidneys weaken and then It's a slego of backache, dizzy, nervous spoils, rheumatic pains and distressing urinary disorders. Don't wait for worso troubles. Strengthen tho kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. An Iowa Case Thomas Thompson. S27 S. Second St., Washington, Ia says: "My kidneys w o r o weak and disordered and caused my .back to actio almost con stantly. I had nerv ous spoils and head aches and often got dizzy. Tho kidney se cretions were scanty and tilled with sedi ment. Donn'a Kidney Pills proved a bless ing, giving mo a per manent cure." Get Doan'i at Any Store, SOc a Bex DOAN'S WV FOSTER-MILD URN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS neve fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature BUCK ILsEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED t Cutler'! Blackleg Pllli. jx. prlctd. frrih, reliables preferred b Veitm itoctmen, becus thiy prefect when ether rtoeUil fall. Writ for booklrt and tntlmonUlt. 10-dtM BlMklll Pllll f 1.00 tO-fiu pkie. Ulukltf Pllll 4.00 Uia an Injector, but Cultera beit. The luixrtorl' ct Cutter prodJcts l due to orer IB fear of per!)ulng In aeclne antf aerumi ealy. Inilit ea Cutter't. If unobtainable, order direct. Tke Cutter Laboratory, Berkeley, Cat, U Chieaat. IUr ilV IILY.E?