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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1915)
Association Nebraska. Organized under the Laws of the State of Nebraska to issue all forms of Life, Health and Accident Policies, . the rate of which is based on the American Experience Table of Mortal ity, with four per cent compound interest To the People of North Platte and. Lincoln County: Having made arrangements with the Chamber of Com merce of Nortli Platte for the removal of the humc of the Fidelity Life Association to this city, the Fidelity now has one thousand policies ready to be issued and are only a waiting the applications properly executed of one thousand loyal citizens of North Platte and Lincoln County, who de sire to see North Platte the home of the Fidelity Life As sociation and by that action ypu assure to your city and county all the benefits of keeping your money at home in stead of sending it away to foreign insurance companies. Our policies are the most liberal issued anil if a better pol icy could be written, the Fidelity would write it. The peo ple of North IMatte and vicinity alone are sending approxi mately $500,000.00 annually to foreign insurance compan ies; ten of these companies doing business in North Platte, collected from the people of thev State of Nebraska last year. $2,503,734.00 and returned to the policy holders of Nebraska, $045,531,00 of this amount, leaving a balance for the benefit of only ten of the one hundred and thirty five companies doing' Iksines in the State' bf $1,18,20.00 more than they returned to policy holders. : We come asking your patronage and Support liptin'the mutually selfish proposition and th'e'fatft that' we Heed and want your business and you' have' 'the opportunity of build ing up your city and county by1 keeping at home this sur plus which amounts to approximately foiir-flftlis 6f all the money that you are pending away:1 It mean's indreftse' of population ; "it' Means' increase of business for the mer-v chant; it means' the' occupation or purchase of liumeKo'tis homes in this city. " We made the above arrangements with the Chamber . of Commerce believeing that we are going to make our home in a live, wide-awake progrcsive, city that is alert and ready to reach put and bring to you all enterprises that will aid in your development. "We comb asking your support, after the Investigating committee"; had satisfied the Chamber of Commerce that we were a safe and proper company and worthy of your support and confidence, as the' following endorsement adopted October 15th, 1915, will show. "Whereas, the Chamber of Commerce of North Platte believes that in building up the City and County, it is to our advantage to bring to this City all of -the commercial,, all of the manufacturing, wholesale and business institu tions that it is possible. "Whereas, we believo that it would add greatly to the wealth and to the advantage of our farming, city, country and western Neraska, to bring to North Platte an old line life insurance company, whereby the moneys for life in surance would be brought into the county instead of being sont away to foreign institutions. "Whereas, the Fidelity Life Insurance Company is a life insurance company organized under the laws of the Stat-) of Nebraska whose home is now at Lexington, Ne brasjea, and who is willing to come to North Platte and make it a North Platte and Lincoln County institution, if the Chamber of Commorco and citizens of North Platte are willing to endorse the company and give it thoir support. "Whereas, the Chamber of Commerce through its com mittee, have made an investigation of this company and find that its insurance rates upon the old line basis have been approved by the Insurance Department of the State of Nebraska, and that Its funds and management are within the control of the Insurance Department of the State, which is a guarantee that its funds will bo protected in the interests of its policy holders; and we believo that the policy holders in this company will be as amply protected and will receive as great or greater returns than can be re ceived from foroign insurance companies. Therefore, be it resolved that the Chamber of Com merce of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, hereby In dorses the Fidelity Life Insurance Company and invites said company to make North Platte its home and that it placo representatives, citizens of North Platte, Nebraska, in itu directory and official position. Be It further resolved that the Chamber of Commorco of North Platte, Nebraska, hereby commends .said insurance Co, to the citizens of North Platte, Lincoln County, and Western Nebraska,' and hereby requests Said ' citizens to Indorse said company and to patronize It and to tako insurance policies in said company to the end that said Insurance Company may be brought to the City of North Platte and made a North Platte institution the samo as any bank or commercial institution in the City. "Be it further resolved that a committee of the Cham ber of Commerce be appointed to further confer with said Insurance Company and to act for the Chamber of Com merce in making such arrangements as may be necessary and as will protect the City and its citizens, to the end that said Insurance Company may be brought to North Platte. J. J. IIALLIGAN, O. E. ELDER, W. R. MALONEY. ' North Platte, Nebraska, October 20th, 1915. To the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce: We the undersigned, being the Committee appointed by you to further make arrangements to insure the re moval of the headquarters of the Fidelity Life Association to North Platte, Nebraska, hereby beg 'to report that sat isfactory arangements for the removal of said Company have been made witli the Officers thereof and such remov al should be made in January, 1916. J. J. IIALLIGAN, O. E. ELDER, W. R. MALONEY. The liberality of our policies is attested by the follow ing extract of a letter from the State Insurance Depart ment: JOHN H. MOREHEVP, Governor, Chairman Willis E. Reed, Atorney General Wm. H. Smith, Auditor '' ' of Public Accounts ' ' Office of , STATU INSURANCE HOARD ' of Nebraska ' ' . ' ' Lawsoil G. Brian, Insurance Commissioner. " '" ' Lincoln, Neb., July 22, IDS 5. Dr. B. B; Baker, President, ' ' ''' ' 2 -v" Fidelity Life Association, ' ; ' Lexington, Nebraska. Vi ' ' Dear -Sir; "VI' Your letter of the 20th inst. just received. I have again looked over the rates shown on card and find them equal to the net whole life premium on the American Tabic with 4 per cent interest and a small loading. I am free to say Doctor, that I think your rates should be re vised so as to give you a reasonable loading, stLf 25 per cent or 30 per cen of the ndt rate. However, I am glad to be able to state that the rates are sufficient to provide n legal reserve. We' shall be very glad to get the printer's proof of the policy form which was agreed upon, which you say will reach' ti the latter part.of this week. Vdry truly yours, II. S. WIGGINS, Department' Actuary. In the above letter, you will observe that there is no complaint as to the rate, that being admitted to be suf ficient to set aside, the .legal reserve and to care for the mortality. These elements can neither of used for expenses. We can only use what is explained in the let ter as loading or expense loading, as only that portion of the premium on an insurance policy may be used for ex peases. . Now, as the above letter indicates, we are saving the policy holder the differencp between the small oxpense loading which we are collecting and that of the ordinary proposition which is suggested in the above letter to be 25 per cent or 30 per cent of the premium, as we can use nq portion of the premium except the expense loading for expenses, then the policy holder is benefited by buying our proposition to the extent of our loading being smaller than that of pther companies, and as we are perfectly sat isfied with the amount of expense money on our proposi tion, certainly the policy holders are pleased and bene fiited. j The following letters are self explanatory: Sutherland, Nebr., June 25th, 1915. The Fidelity Life Ass'n, Gentlemen: I received the full amount Claimed by me for my recent double fracture of my collar bo'ne, being $100.00. My wife and I bought a joint combination Life and Accident Policy of your Company, on April 1st, 1915,. On April 19th, I was thrown from my horse, receiving a fractureof the collar bone nnd other injuries. Our policy covering both of us cost $109.81. I receive for this one injury, $100.00, or my dividend on this one accident leaves the cost of our insurance of $3,000.00 on both of our lives, $9.81 for the year, with still nine months time for either of us to draw sick or accident claims. We aro certainly convinced that your nolicv insures and recommend IKo the man who. knowjjtthafrUie buys Jnsur-t A iuico ior protection. Yours truly, .. "Q. W. HUGJtIESt ,rjL . v-t Sidney, NoTJ&i'ska, August 1, loSi. Fidelity Life Association, Lexington, Nebraska. f m?1' Si11ls,:I receIve(l your check today for amount of $37.50, settlement in full of my claim against your com pany for injuries received to the first two fingers of my right hand. Being a dentist, I could not work without my right hand and lost one week total and one partial. I cer tainly am well pleased with your settlement and your promptness. A settlement in full inside of two weeks and without any dispute or red tape is mighty fine and I thank you very much. Yours very truly, DR. GLEN BLISS. ,inHf t -f a ... , Hyannis, Neb., Oct. 26, 1914. Fidelity Life Association of Nebraska, Lexington, Nebraska. Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your favor of the 24th enclosing draft for $200.00 being settlement in full for every dollar that I claimed as due me on my policy of in surance, as the result of my recent injury. In my opinion your manner of doing business will add to your fast grow ing popularity. The people want insurance that insures. I shall take pleasure in recommending your comnanv to my friends and you are at liberty to refer any one to me at any time. I shall cause a copy of this letter to be pub lished in my local paper. Yours truly '' A. M. GUSTAFSON. T.e . . Sidney, Nebraska, FebiV 2, 1915. The Fidelity Life Association, Lexington, Nebraska. Gentlemen: I wish to acknowledge with thdiiks-tlie receipt of $02.50, in full settlement of my claim for . sick benefit, incident to three weeks total and one week par tial disability, acount of an attack of appendicitis The promptness with which the matter was attended to,by you, was yery commendable- fahd i haievery reason to be glad I have a. policy in, the Fidelity. . . . ' "M ' ' I'ahi very truly yours, ; r' .. Rt .. . STELLA L. MA'NTOR. In the letter from Mrs. Mantor of Sidney, Nebraska, it is evident that unless she will undergo an. operation for removal of theapdx'ltiieKeis no means of knowing how, soon .another, attack may oedtir or how 'long tiri'e at taclcwill last. .t ji.' ? We insert a few of the many 'letters in our possession simply to illustrate the fact thatjour combination life, health and accident policy coversf.wo propositions, i. e., a life policy written you by one company and a health anil accident policy by another company. We write it all1 in one and you only pay us the one expense. If you are sick or in jured and hold simply a life policy, you must pay for the policy and your sickness "and accident; if you have simply an accident policy and die from sickness or disease, your family gets nothing, while our combination life, and acci dent policy covers all in one. If you die a natural death we pay $3000.00; if killed by accident, it doubles and we pay $0,000.00. This policy pays for loss of two members; both yes, both hands, both feet, $15Q0.00; for loss of one mem ber, one hand, one eye, or one foot, $750.00; for total dis ability from sickness or accident, $25.00 per week or prac tically equivalent to $110.00 per month, a sum sufficient to protect you and your income and pay expenses of any sickness or accident or disaster of such nature that may overtake you, enabling you to get up with your bills paid, ready to face the world and begin life where your misfor tune disabled you. We also write this policy, a jqint pol icy on man ami wife, covering equally both lives and pay able to the survivor, covering sickness and accident for both. If you are a loyal, progressive citizen of the city or county and interested in the development of yoiir com munity and desire to know more about our proposition, kindly fill in the coupon placed in the corner of this ad and mail it to Dr. B. B. Baker, North Platte, Nebraska, the President of the Fidelity Life Association, and he will see that an agent of the Fidelity will call upon you at an early date and fully explain the proposition to you. You incur no obligation or expense yourself in giving us your ad dress, thereby indicating your .interest in the matter. ,1915 Dr. B. B. Baker, Pres., - V : Fidelity Life Association. '?'- I would be pleased to: have, your proposition fully explained to me. Name Res Street;. a, rt vy m. . .See.,;, iT..f,". . Si Si