The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 26, 1915, Image 1

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::ffe Jwrffe pttfif mfcweMjt wfarE
No. 81;
W.. II. McDonald left Inst night for
Omaha to spend several days on busi
ness. Mrs.- Diamond, of Hershey, who vis
ited Mrs. Frank Buchanan last week,
left Saturday morning for home. .
Miss. AUco Fltzpatrlck, who Is
teaching at Brady, camo up Friday and
visited two days with her parents .
Ladles, Misses and Children's
Dresses, greatest variety In town at
absolutely the lowest prlcea, at The!
E. X. Ogler' expects to leave this
week for Schuyler to 'transact busl
ncs and visit relatives for a weeki
ThemiarriedMadles of the Catholic
church' will be entertained thfs af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Found A small handbag, near ths
Experimental Farm. Owner can havo
same by calling at this office and
paying for this notice.
Miss Gertrude Magner, of Rawlins,
is expected here, tills week to. niako a
monthjs viqlt wfyh thq Fitzpa'trick
Engineer Bert Chamberlain contin
ues to Improve at tho City Hospital
and will be able to return home in a
short time.
Short Rubber Boots, long hip boots,
boys' rubber boots at Tho Leader.
New Fall Suits still arriving dall
and we nre ..offering them at greatly
reduced prices. BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould and
children left for Billings, Montana,
iyesterdajf afternoon after spending
itwo weeks with Mrs. Gould's parents,
Mr., and Mrs. Koontz.
Wanted School girl to work for hei
board and room. Mrs. J. B. Ed
wards, G08 west Fifth street. 79-i
Equipped with all modern appli
ances and conducted on the highest
scale of efficiency ur watch, repair
department. DIXON, lbeUnioa Pa
cific "Watch Inspector.'
For Farm Loans see or write Gene,
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Mrs. Edward Rebhausen relumed
last evening from Hastings where she
visited her daughter, Miss Gertrude,
at the Sacred Heart College. Enroute
homo she visited Mi. and Mrs. Law
rence Wernert at Kearney.,
We have been actively interested in
the Optical work, having given satis
faction and comfort to our many pat
rons. We have dilllgeriUy studied Op
tical science and our practice enables
us to knowingly understand the needs
and requirements of thjose who need
help for their eyes. In this short
message wo Invite you to call and dis
cuss your eye troubles with us. HAR
RY DIXON, Registered Optometrist
Mrs. Mary J. Neary, who has been JA.VKS HKLTON DIKS AT
111 for acv.f oys, Is imp - vlng.- j SAX DIEGO YKSTIIHDAY
. Mra. ti'ih; ." ::s rcturi 1 last ev-j
oning from a short visit in Denver with James Bolton, a ploncor resident of
relatives. North Platte, died yesterday at San
last ov
.4wi Lit i iuiiu, uiuu juaiuiuuy ill Oiiu
C. Hoxio returned to Ogalalla BeBO. Cal., whoro he and his daughter
evening after visiting his family ,M,8B Cnrr,c 1,11,1 1)ten mnk,ns their
here for a few days.
Charles Fanition, genoral car 'n
spector of the Union Pacific spent
yesterday here tn business.
Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Sawyer, Jr., of
Cheyenne, came down yesterday morn
ing to visit tho former's parents.
Matt Walsh, foreman of tho U. P.
repnlr department, has (Seen off duty
for several days on account of Ill
ness. Mr3. Jrh i Day and duughter Elva
left Monday morning for Araphoe,
where they will visit relatives for a
The celebrated Collins health un
derwear, all-wool, the finest made,
and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
For sale by Tho Leader.
Oliver Ames, of Boston, ono of the
U. P. dlreiair;!, spent yesterday hore
on bU3lne3. while enroutd to .the Pa
cific coat:
Mrs. F. C. Hoxie, who has been vis
iting relatives in Chicago and other
cities in Illinois for several weeks,
s expected to return today.
I have a splendid assortment of
dress hats all trimmed in the latest
novelties. Also a fine line of trimmed
hats for $4.00 and $5.00. Miss Whlt-
toker, at tho Wilcox Dept. Store. 79-2
The Club Nevita' wil entertain their
husbands at a Hallowe'en party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brooks
Friday evening.
Miss Margaret Mettin has resigned
her position as saleslady at the Fash
ion Shop and Js" succeeded Vy Mrs
Harry Moore, who began work yester
ay morn'ng.
For Rent On east Tenth street, one
fout-vroom and one six room hou'sd,
both with basement. Phone Red
640. 78-4
A-fiuicftrdadstor occupied lby two
men and a woman and a Cadillac .qq-
pled by Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Household
er and six children had a head bn col
llslon east of Shelton Sunday evening.
All the occupants of both cars wero
more or less injured by being thrown
promiscuously over tho road.
The Kearney Hub states that thirty
carloads of cement have been receiv
ed at Kearney for use, in tho "seedling'
mile of the Lincoln Highway. Three
thousand barrels to tho mile would
mean about a million and a half bar
rels for a roadway from the Mlssouril
river to the Wyoming lino. When one
thinks of the stupendous cost of tho
highway ho has reason to doubt if
the highway wil be completed within
tho next fifty years.
homo for several years. Death result
ed from a paralytic stroko which camo
Thursday. Upon receipt of this afflic
tion, Mrs. W. II. McDonald, a daugh
ter, left for San Diego on tho first
Word of Mr. Helton's death was con
voyed by tho following telegram sent
by Mrs. McDonald and received this
morning: "My father passed away
today six hourn aftor I reached here.
Wo havo mado no definite plans yet,
but expect to leave San Diego Friday
or Saturday, bringing his body to North
A memoir of Mr. Bolton will appear
in these columns later.
' Houses, lots, farms, hay and other
land ai bed rock prices and on easy
payments. Sec us before you buy.
Two Things a Com
' Crib Must, Do
The first thing that a corn
crib should afford is thorough
ventilation to the stored grain.
To secure this, leave the sides
as open as po-siMe, and divide
the crib into small Dins.
The second thin? that a corn
crib should atYord is protection
from driving rains and snows.
This can be easily done by ex
tending the caves well down
over the sides.
Corn is one of our leading
crops. So there is no more im
portant building on the farm
than the corn crib. We can
help you build, the rigjit kind
rf mm crib heln vou with
ideas,, and supply you the ne
cessary materials. v,an on us
any time
that suits
To Every Member of the Christian
Church mid ltible School.
Wq need 105 points to win tho North
Plntte-Hastlngs contest. We are to
win, and wo are counting on every
ono of you to lend your holp. Wo
must havo 600 on next Sunday, the
last day of tho contest. I am sure
you wil not fall. If wo win, North
Platte wil sure bo onthc bible school
map of the state, for wo will In all
probability have tho largest school In
the state. J. II. VAN CLEAVE.
Yesterday Officer Baker killed sev
eral dogs on which taxes had not been
paid and which wero causing dis
turbances In their neighborhoods.
The bulk price of hogs In tho South
Omaha market October 12th was
$3.38, yesterday tho bulk price wa3
;$7.29, a drop of $1.07 In less than two
weeks, and this in tho face qf the
ict that shipments at the one period
Ostcrninu Pusses Through
II. C. Ostcrman, consul at large for
the Lincoln Highway, accompanied
by Mrs. Ostormnn and a prlvato sec
retary, arrived from tho west Satur
day afternoon. The party is return
ing from tho Panama exposition whero
the Lincoln Highway films wero shown
under Mr. Ostormnn's direction. He
pronounced tho views good, nnd us an
advertisement for tho Lincoln High
way ho thinks they will accomplish
much In Increasing tho popularity of
tho trans-contlnontnl highway.
Speaking of tho rond In tho Platte
Valley Mr. Ostormnn thinks It should
bo graded and covered with gravol,
tho latter to be obtained from the bed
of tho Plntto rivor.
While In town Mr. Ostermnn, In
company with A. B. Iloagland, inspect
ed tho now bridge bolng constructed'
east of town, and spoke of It In very
complimentary terms, saying that tho
people wore entitled to much credit
in securing its erection.
O stands for Op-tom-o-trlst, who makes
the eyes right,
Conferring a, blessing on those with
poor sight,
By . fitting of .glasses which make the
eyes see,
Both the old nnd tho young for a very
small fee.
Your eyes he'll examine and toll you
what's wrong
Sometimes takes a minute again, It's
quite long.
BuJ whether It's easy, or whether It's
Ho leaves nothing undone In any re
gard. C; S. CLINTON, Registered Optomet
rist; Look for the sign with the RING.
Brother of Mrs. Duvls Dies
A telegram received this morning
announced the death at Rlverton, la.,
of Ancil Eskow, a brother of Mrs. E.
S. Dayts, of this city. Mr. Eskew was
wero about the samo as at tho other. I injured in ,m automobilo accident Inst
just now tar , Thursdnvi nnd at the time Mr. and
The entertainment committee of tho
Elks announce that the entertainment
and dance to be given next Monday
evening will bo tho "smoothest"- over
produced. The stunts that will bo
pulled off have been In course of
preparation for several weeks, and in
to tneni lias been .injected tho re
sourcefulness of Dr. Wurtele, Jim
McDonald, Jack Horrlgan and several
others who are wel known originators
of funy things. The committee has
received skull masks which will bo
presented to attendants when tljoy ar
rive at tho home. However, each per
son must bring a sheet and pillow
case, which must bo worn after reach
ing tho scene of the festivities.
Tho best oyo In tlo world can easily
bo mado tho reverse by a slight strain
and abuse. No organ of the human
system will snap so quickly as tho
oye. WORK won't hurt abuse kills
It. C. S. CLINTON, Rogistered Opto
metrist. Look for the sign with tho
At York, Nebr., each year, tho Meth
odist church entertains tho older peo
ple at what they call a "Sunset So
cial." All thoso who have Teached
the ago of seventy or more years arc
Invited. This year 173 guests sat at
tho banquet, tho oldest bolng Mr. II.
F. Swnnbnch, who lives at tho Odd
Fellows' home. He Is a hundred
years old but doesn't look It. This
wa3 tho fifteenth year a "Sunset So
cial" has been given at York. Tho
Methodist ladles of North Platto wish
to inaugurate such an affair. They
wish to Invite all persons who havo
reached the ago of 70 or more years. It
will bo difficult to find al such persons
nnd anyone of this ago pr knowing
those who are, can holp with this
work by giving the names to the com
mittee. Mrs. Wilson Tout, chairman
committee phono Red. 430.
We would like to know
the law of supply and domnnd governs
the price of hogs and some other
things as well.
Tho base ball committee are com
pleting arrangements for the all star
game which will be played on the
local grounds Tluirsday. Hho dia
mond is being put in condition, tem
porary bleachers will bo erected and
tho business houses have agreed to
close from three to five. In addition
to the $1.00 for admission, a charge of
twenty-five cents' will bo made for tho
grand stand and for each' automo
bile. John Jameson, who resides near
Paxton, was arrested yesterday for
bolng Intoxicated on tho public streets.
The hearing was held this morning In
Judge Mlltonberger'3 office and a fine
of two dollars and cost was mado,
the total amounting to $G.80.
Overshoes for men, women and chil
dren, ono buckle, two buckle and four
buckle Alaska, at tho very lowest,
prices at The Leader.
Weathor forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday, warmer Wecnosday. Highest
temporature yesterday CO, a year ago
70; lowest last night 34, a year ago
-The Socialist Study Club will meet
with Mrs. Thomas Axtell, 405 west
Ninth street, Wednesday aftornoon at
2:30. Subject to bo discussed "Our
National Defense."
Mrs. Davis wore in Omaha attending
theOdd .Fellows' grand lodge. . They
immediately went to Rlverton, and
were there when tho end came
AV. S. Morlnnd Dies
John E. Evans received a telegram
this morning stating that his brother-in-law
W. S. Morlan, of McCook, had
died in Chicago last night. Death was
due to stomach trouble
Mr. Evans wil go to McCook to
morrow to attend tho funeral which
wil bo held Thursday.
Mr. Morlan was ono of tho well
known lawyers of tlio state, and for
mnny years occupied n prominent place
In tho legal, business and polltlcnl
conditions of western Ncbrnskn.
North I'latle residence for fiirm. Al
so u section of land for city property.
What have you?
Knit Goods
A lnrgo lino of knit goods Just re
celved, Including swentora for men,
women, children nnd Infants; knitted
scarfs; knitted tains, knitted vestees
for ladies; sweatcrcttes for children.
Mrs. Epson Killed at Fremont.
Mrs. Fred J. Epson, of Sydney,
Australia, was killed nnd hor husband
badly injured yesterday near Fro
mont, when tho auto in which they
wero riding upset. Mr. and Mrs. Ep
son, stopped In North Plntto Saturday
night while enroute on their trip cast,
nnd wore making tho overland trip In
compnny with Mr. nnd Mrs. Odtor-
Adler's Collegian Clothes
Play the winning game by wearing Adler's Collegian
Clothes. Original designs with the pop" nnd "punch"
that tickle the young fellows. J
Conservative models for Suits and Overcoats
men of Quieter tastes. Per- t i J
feet in fit and tailoring. p AO oHU Up
Tjrie Store where yon 2eel at home.
city And county news
p., ,
I . Card of Thanks
Wo vylsh to thank tho friends for
thq sympathy shown by their thought
ful words, kindly deeds and iloral of
ferings during tho long illness and af
ter tho death of our husband and fath
er. Mrs. Lottie Garnian and tho Gar
man children.
On nnd after November !)th next,
the Front Street Brick Barn. A rare
clmnco for the right party. Seo
Card of Thanks
Wo take tht3 method of expressing
our appreciation of itho kindness
shown us following tho death ot
Charles Llerlc, Sr., by tho Odd Fol
lows, tho Modern Woodmon, tho em
ployes of tho Union Pacific shops and
neighbors and friends. Also for tho
many beautiful floral tributes.
Mrs. Chas. Llerk, Sr., and Family.
Houses, nice unfurnished rooms,
storage rooms and safe deposit boxes.
We have a car of Johnathun Apples in. Ihese
apples are orchard run and so cheap everybody can
have a few bushel. We are goinj to sell them
while they last for 75c per bushel.
They can be bought at RUSH MERC. CO., JOHN
Thoro will be no regular meeting
of tho Yeoman lodge this evening.
Vincent Roddy attonded tho football
game at Storllng Friday,..
Cabbage at 75 ceiita per hundred
pounds, Llerk-SaudaTl Cd. 81-2
Attornoy W. T. Wilcox left yester
day morning for'-Paxton viero lie will
spend several days on legal business.
C. E. Talmagc, of Glendovy, Colo.,
spent tho latterj;part of last week with
his nephew E. C, Spicor nnd other rel
ntives. Miss Esther Schwaiger returned U
Kearney yesterday morning after
spending the week end with hor parents.
Tho Degroo of Honor will hold n
social at tho K. P. hall Monday oven-,
Ing to which all members of that or-
dor and A. O. U. W. mombors nnd their
families nro Invited. I
Mrs. W. F. Orammoll and MIsb Edith1
Ornmnicll, of Uig'Sprlngs, who visited
tho Gnunmoll fnnttllos hero for a '
week past, returned homo this mom-1
For Rent Eight room house and
bath at 510 west Fifth street. Inquiro
of -Mrs. M. E. Watts, 310 west Fifth.
Fred Letts camo down from Donvor,
Sunday and !b making arrangements
to move his household goods to that
city. Ho reports that Mrs.- Letts Is 1
greatly Improved.
Dr. Lucas was called south of Max
well Saturday to attond tho seven year
od son of Scott Shaner, who foil from
a horse and had his loft .log broken
In two places.
White Ivory is going to bo the thing
in toilet articles this season, and wo
bought a IHO lino of tho different
pieces; let us show you. Look for tho served the same (lay.
..I lit. 11... r- T v ft rt itr k m n . r I
sign wnii mo iiiiNu. u. a., uijits iuin,
the Jeweler. Bottled when hot
At a meeting of the A. O. U. W. held
last ovenlng a now clnss of members
was taken In, having been solicited
by State Deputies F. C. Simmons and
J. Fletcher. Thoso comprising tho
class woro Mosan( Harry McEvoy,
John Winn, W. C. Dean, Victor Ander
son, Vladlo Muchllnskl, O. II. Weston
feld, Walter Long, J. O. Graham, D.
i J, Etzel and F. 11. Yoarsloy.
The best mid cheapest written by
S a pure food store,
we are sslad to sell
Heinz Ketchup.
You can lasle the real tomatoes
ih tliis Ketchup they are picked
at just the right ripeness pre-
and scald. And it's put up with
out Benzoatc of Soda.
That's the kind of Ketchup
you want in your home.
We hav6'lt with many others
of the famous 57 varieties.