THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WCSTCRN GIRLS soccessfoccY WORK MININQ CLAIM Oy ROOeftT H. MOULTON vA final reclamation of the precious IJORFm I F rSBKMH t' IV metal' a"1! liavo succeeded bo well M?! 'WIL i &lll 41 7 4 difforont HIS is thu Btory of two western girls, Baker, Oro., who, coming unexpected- Iv Itlto fh tiniinonulnn nt n mlnlnn J " ----- ,.w.....w.. W. I . .. (, IZ clnlm In cnaturn Oregon, sot about to work It thoraBolves, from the digging to the cruHhlng of the oro nnd tho tlnal reclamation of tho precious metal, nnd havo succeeded so well that today a golden lmrvnHt In licnlly within their roach. In addition, thoy havo gained tho distinction of being probably tho only women gold miners in the world. It all caino about In a peculiar way. Tho young women's fathers wore ownors of a mining claim in tho Owl mountains, nhout eighteen miles from linker. Thoro the two girls went each summor unending many houra watching tho men at work far back In tho horizontal Bhaft which they had dug In tho mountain sldo. In this vay tbov liAnnmn . 1 1 1 ... .. . . .. . . . . "ukuiuu i.iuiiiinr wnn -the quartz, tho lay of ore vclna, and tho methods of blantlng and tlmborlng tho wnlls of tunnolfl When, later, thoy fell holrs to tho claim through tho deaths of Miolr fathora, their first thought was to sell It, But tho offers mndo them for tho property bolng In conslstont with tholr Ideas of its true value, thoy decided to lenso tho claim to Bomcono who would work It for them on shares. But horo again their ideas wero nt variance with thoso of others us to what would bo a fair division of tho npolls. Incidentally, thoy proved that thoy were not tondorfeot when it camo to bargaining with tho shrewd nnd prnctlcal mining mon of tho dls- incc Tjion a happy both mm - n 0( tl,u slrls Thoy had Si hoaX f tonch,n th0' wor trong and Zv in? 7 r, of nn ndvonturoua- spirit, llL w. 1 1 ,5atn0d a lot tt,,out tho mining game. Why not work 'ho claim themselves? i S 1 tnk0.t,,e "r one more than a sec ionM h8r0 U',nt Umt was Jst 1,10 thing; It SLb0 a roa1' EUr-onough lark, and as for oro car running on wood en .rails, with a metal sheath on top, was em ploye, tho tracks being extended back as ' fast aa tho opening waa mado. During thq summer months, while' this pre liminary work was In progress, Miss Carmalt and Miss Norwood were practically alono In their mountain homo, except for an occasional week end visit from somo of tholr Bollcltlous friends In Baker. But In splto of tho fact that almost tho IlrBt question asked by ovury visitor was, "Don't you nnu It awfully lonesome up hero?" thoy de clare that never for a moment, aftor the llrst half hour following tho doparturo of .tho wagon which had brought up tholr last load of sup plies, when thoy had a chanco to look, around, did thoy feel tho slightest Inclination to retraco tholr stops. tho Job. All of the men soem to recognize In tuitively In these Two energetic girls the moving powor and tho guiding hands behind tho whole project. Quickly and unerringly tholr eyes sin gle out any fault In tho work. Then in low pitched, modulated voices, which nevertheless havo In thorn a ring of command, they give their orders, and tho men, with tho air of those who bow to superior knowledge of tho subject, are quick to obey. The development of tho mlno Is now proceed ing rapidly, and whllo it Is too early to predict what material fortune tho young women eventual ly will onjoy, thoy seem to bo confident thnt their efforts will bo sufficiently row"ardcd. At any rato, they count their experience a valunblo ono, nnd thoy havo built up a fund of rugged health and contentment of spirit upon which thoy can draw freely throughout the rest of tholr lives. SCIENCE TO CONTROL THE EGG n.. .1.1 ,1...M jnnitlno- n ..' . : UD ,ul inero were many inmen, biuj uvm wu the worH S 11 t-woll, thoy would show w work, to keep time from hanging heavily on their T. ,7 uuiunuinou gins couiu do, oven If it was Bupposod to ho a mun's work nnd "0au Woman lmd ovor ftttomptod It boforo. Tho first thing wns to arrange for a cabin up nt tho mlno. Tho tents which thoy had ahared with their fathers eorvod woll enough In sum mor, but for wlntor, when tho snow wns 20 feet loop and tho thormoniotor hitting tho low Bpots. protection of n moro substantial charnctor was necossary. Of courso, all gouulno miners work tho year round, at least whon thoro's anything to do, nnd having docldod to go Into tho thing thoy proposed to seo It through to a finish. Tho result was that thoy had built a four-room Btructuro, which, whllo It did not tnnko any pro tensions to architectural olognnco, wbb 'guaran teed to dofy tho eloments undor tho most dis tressing conditions of weather. With true foro Hlglit, gained by knowlodgo of their Ufo in tho mountains, thoy locatod tho cabin undor the lee of a hill, whoro It would bo lonst oxpoHod to tho Icy northwest wlndn and would nt tho samo tlmo afTord nn unobstructed vlow of a magnlllcont panorama of ridges-and valloys stretching away to a lino of snow-capped peaks moro than a hun drocl miles distant. It should bo understood that whon Miss Car malt and MIsb Norwood camo Into possession of tho mlno It was moro a llkoly "prospect" than an assured monoy-makor. .Evidences of gold oro woro plentiful, but tho problom was to strike the rich veins which would yield oro In paying quan tities and warrant tho croctlon of a mill to treat it. Consequently tho IlrBt period or their stay In tho mountains was devoted to a search for thoBo veins, which thoy never doubted existed some whore back In tho mountains. Day after day, through thu summor and early fall, dressed In overalls and with lighted candles In their miners' cuptt they burrowed fnrthor and farthor back Into the mountains, frequently branching off from the main Bhaft to follow a now load. Much of this work, in tho looso stono and earth, was dono with pick and shovol, but now and then they found tholr way barred by a wall of Bolld granlto which could only bo romovod hy" blasting with dynamite. With tho dotalls-of thlo work tho two girls woro already acquainted, how over, so tho drilling of holes and tho placing and sotting off of tho oxplootvu caused thorn no con cern. Then as the work proceeded tho passages had to bo timbered and cleared of tho broken utone and dirt. For the latter purpose a small hands. In tho first place, thoro was always tho great map spread out at tholr foot to study by now lights and shadows. Then bird nnd animal llfo woro plentiful, filling the air with songs and chatter; coming to tho doorstops for food. v and ofton Invading tho cabin Itself. Frequently door fed around tho cabin In tho uvcnlngs, seem ing to rcallzo that thoy had nothing to fear from tho two human companions. A couplo of porcu plnos also boenmo very frlondly nnd caused no ond of nmusomont by uaing various means to tlnd a way Into tho cnbln at night. Down by a spring, whoro thoy got tholr water, a small bear mado his homo, and several times thoy found tho tracks of larger ones on the trail. Thoy also heard tho'crlos of n panther ono night. But thoy wore novor molested by any of thoso animals, although thoy woro woll armed to defend thomsolves It tho occasion demanded. During the summer they cultivated a small gardon and rnlsod chickens. Thoso things, ndded to their plentiful supply of canned goods, to Bay nothing of tho mountain trout which they caught nlmout nt tholr doorstops, afforded them a varied menu. Then thoy woro nlways certain of n sup ply of doltcnclos when any of tholr friends Jour neyed up from Bakor, So tho summer months passed, tholr llfc"a busy and n Joyous ono, with thu luro of hidden rlchoH to urgo thorn on In tholr work. Then one day, In tho fall, tho expected voln was uncov ered and tho two girls vclebrnted tlip discovery by turning tholr Inst cako of chocolnto Into fudge! Tho finding of tho voln necessitated a trip to Bakor, to make arrangements for tho construc tion of a mill ami the Installation of a stamp battery for crushing tho oro. So thoy locked up tho cabin nnd started on tho 18-milo trip afoot. Tho mill was erected that fall, and whllo tho two girls did not actually put It up thomsolves, thoy took an nctlvo part In Its construction and superintended tho work until It was complotod, Thoy also helped build a llttlo railroad for tho oro cars from tho mlno to the mill. Tho following spring tho stamp battery was put In placo and then tho real work of digging and crushing tho oro began, But as this work waa qulto boyond tho cffortB of ovon two such Industrious and ambitious young women, thoy en gagod n foreman and a number of mon, to assist In thoso operations, Thoro la never any ques tion, however, as to who are tho real bosses of Weil-Known Theatrical Missile Can Be Regulated From Debut to Old Age. Eggs, those mysterious 'coop Jewels within tho shells of which lie secretB that stagger tho brain and threaten tho proboscis, aro practically ex posed In a paper sent out by tho New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell, says tho New York Herald. Tho article shows how to color tho yolk, regulate tho odor, restrict tho caliber of tho alburaon, offset ovll spirits and protect tho American breakfast tablo. To begin with, a hon Bhould bo fed Just so In order to have eggs that aro dependable and up right. A hon which deliberately oats an onion usually knows in her heart that somo day In tho future thero is to bo ruined an omelet which might have been equal to any omolot over served. Still, that hon will eat that onion with no more thought of the. ultimate consumer than n farmer UBually has. H6ns aro a mighty treacherous Hock of cacklers at best, It scorns, according to tho late bulletins from Cornell. On tho othor hand, a hen that has boon shown Its placo in tho coop circle can be made to lay eggs that aro of a certain color, size, odor and condition of sorvltudo. Grocn foods and yel low corn produce deep color In tho yolk; whlto corn, wheat nnd buckwheat produce a pallid yolk. Even tho season of tho year, which has re mained above suspicion in Btorago circles until now. may havo a definite effect upon tho futuro conduct of a weak-chlnncd egg. A whiter egg is Btancli and Bound In comparison with almost any ono laid In the good old summer tlmo. They act hotter In cold storage, producing practically no disorder during their Incarceration. Tho matter of cold storage, incidentally. Is moro than touched upon. Aftor an egg has arrived on earth Ub treatment by those who can prove their right to It will to n groat extent determine what sort of an egg It will bo and remain. Evap oration of water through tho pores of an egg shell Bhould be prevented always, and a proper temperature and dogrcq of moisture should bo provided Hough handling Is specifically warned against, for, after all, oven an egg has somo small rights, Tho boat way to preserve tho Integrity of an egg. according to tho voluminous bulletin, Is by llmo wnter and salt solution and by water-gluas solution. Either method Is much better than cold storage, which has become somowhnt notori ous In recent years and Is, as they say at the egg candling resorts, In bad odor. An unusual feature of thu bulletin Is Its color plntes, of which thero aro seven, showing the candling appearance and opened appenrnnco of the eggs of different quality and at various stagos. Those tlfuBtrntlons woro made from actual speci mens nnd somo of thorn woro probably taken, for obvious reasons, from qulto n dlBtanco. 9 GT-Or (JDINAIW MhPEOPLE - MEDICINAL PLANT SPECIALIST Intorost in tho sources of out drug supply, stimulated by tho Eu ropean war, has brought Into some promlncnco ono of Uncle Sam's most usoful woman empIoyeoB, Miss Alice Henkel, a botanist of the bureau oi plant industry, who hns mado a spe cialty of investigations of medicinal plants. Miss Honkers work has had a widespread influenco through the bulletins sho has written. Thoso, nine In number, have been among tho mosl popular bulletins Issued by tho do partmont of agriculture. In fact, thoj aro in such demnnd that many re prints have been made of jeach, and thoy aro classed amongtho ""best sell ers" pf tho office of tho superintend' ent of documents. Ono pf tho most popular bulletins deals with wccdB that nro used in medicine. Miss Hcnkel's pamphlets havo been used as roforenco books by many of tho leading pharma ceutical colleges and dealers in crudo drugs, and have been widely quoted not only in tho pharmaceutical press of this country, but also abroad. Ono examplo of tho far-reaching Influence of hor work, which holds spo cial gratification for Miss Henkel, camo to her recently In a letter from a small mining town of Pennsylvania. She was told by tho writer, a young man who had become a cripple in a mine .explosion, that after reading her bulletins ho decided to follow tho business of collecting medlclnnl plantB to sell to drug firms, and find out if he. could become self-supporting. Ho said that ho had been successful and was ablo to make a small amount of money enough, nt least, to keep his mind off of his condition and lift him out of tho helpless class. c OLLIE JAMES' START j When- Olllo James, the giant sena tor, had finished the high school at Marlon at tho ago of sixteen, ho sought a position as page In tho Ken tucky senate chamber. His imme diate state senator promised him a place through the good offices of tho lieutenant governor. Vhen tho legislature assembled young James presented himself. Tho lieutenant governor declared ho had forgotten tho matter entirely and had appointed all tho pages. "But," said he, "I flnd.Jn looking them ovor, that thoy aro a lot of spin-die-legged" weaklings, scarcely able to .carry themselves. Thoro ought to bo ono page strong onough to lift heavy records and nowspaper files." "Come and look my candidate over," said James' representative. When tho lieutenant govornorhad a look at the giant youngster outside ho gasped. "Show the governor how strong you are, Ollie," said his senator. Whereupon Ollio Jame3 picked up tho lieu tenant governor in ono arm and his senator in another and trotted upstalra with them. "Heavens!" said tho presiding officer, "make a place-for the boy? Mako two places for him!" As soon aB Ollio James was installed ho organized tho pages of tho senate and house and established them at onco as a power in tho legislature. This was tho beginning of a career 'which has already progressed to a leading placo in tho United States senate. ADMIRAL OF THE AIR GETTING HIS. "Had a most onjoyable time at thu dentist's this afternoon." "Eh! Enjoyablo?" "Yea. When I wont In another deutlst wns nil Ing my dentist's teeth." THE MATERIAL. 'So you aro going to build n caBtlo In Spain. 1 know what tho material will consist of." "What will it bo?" "(Sold bricks The rapid expansion of the Brit ish naval air Bervico in tho war haa mado necessary its reorganization and it now is under tho direction of a flag officer. For tho important post of "director of air service" Rear Ad miral Charles Lionel Vnughan-Loo was selected, and tho British public has had to learn about another nota bility of whom it knew llttlo or noth. ing beforo tho great conflict began. In navy circles, however, Rear Admiral Vaughan-Lee has been woll known as an officer of scientific at tainments. Born in 18C7, ho served aa a middy in tho Egyptian war of 1882. Liko Garden and many other sailors of his generation, he first learned the necessity of putting cot ton wool Into his ears at the bom bardment of Alexandria. After be coming a lieutenant he dovotcd him self to torpedoos, and wont to work with his head as soon as he got the chanco. Ho has great ability and thor oughness, but despite his elaborate learning in tho strict science of his pro fession, he has always kept himself pliant and tolerant towards tho new Idea EMDEN RAIDER'S ROMANCE Captain-Lieutenant von Muocko, 3no of tho heroc3 of tho Emden, has written a pretty lovo s'tory into tho concluding chapter of his adventurous oxperlcnccB, having finally returned to Germany and at Bremen led to tho altar his old sweetheart, Fraouloln Carla Fluke. It was tho end of the Journoy which began on November 10, 1914, when Captain von Muocko reluctant ly started homoward, escaping with othor momboru of tho crow of the Emden when their boat wa3 sunk in the Indian ocean Jiy an Australian battleship aftor tho Emden had de stroyed moro than 70,000 tons of Brit' Ish shipping. Muccko and his men, who had boon sent ashoro nt Cocoa Island to destroy tho wireless station there, wore marooned, when tho Emden fought her last fight. Seizing a schooner, they sallod via Java for 2,000 miles boforo thoy reached Ara bia. Thenco they mado their way overland to Constantinople. At the Turk Ish capital Cuptaln von Muocko's Bervicoa wore needed at onco by tho com maudor of tno German squadron, Admiral von UBedom, and the woddlrg at Bremen had to bo postponod until recently. xsssflB!