The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1915, Image 2

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FIVE-YEAR COST $500,000,000
First Year's Plan Will Call for Two '
Dreadnaughts, Three Battle Cruto
era, 25 Submarines and 16 Destroy
ers To Build Own Ships.
Washington, Oct. 18. Secretary
Daniels' nnval program, which haB
been approved by President Wilson,
provides un expenditure of $500,000,
000 during a five-year period.
Tho exact amount to bo expended
each year 1ms not been decided, but
tho llrst year's program probablr will
call for two dreadnaughts and Uiroo
battle cruisers In addition to about
twetity-flvo submarines, sixteen do
stroyors and probably live scout cruis
ers. Tho flvo-year program calls for six
toon capital ships ten dreadnoughts
and six battlo cruisers.
The total amount to bo appropriated
for construction tho first year will bo
In the neighborhood of S100.000.000. but
slnco about $28,000,000 of this sum 18 j
ror llireo battleships authorized last
year tho total Increaso In tho naval
appropriation bill Is likely to bo ap
proximately $72,000,000.
Secretary Daniels said ho wanted to
increnso tho capacity of tho various
government navy yards and do much
of tho now warship construction In
thoso yards.
Secretary Garrison's plan for
strengthening tho military establish
ment and organizing a great continen
tal army for defonso proposes tho fol
lowing: 1. Regular army of 110,000 men, an
Increaso of 50,000 men in tho present
2. A continental army, 400,000
strong, enlisted for six years for sorv
lc.o within tho continental United
Stntes, These men would servo two
months n year for tho first tlirco yearB
with tho colors, undergoing a period
of Intenslvo training. Tho remaining
threo years would bo on furlough, sub
ject to call in time of need.
It is estimated that 40,000 of tho
540,000 men thus provided for would
bo noncombatants of tho medical
corps or other auxiliary forces not In
cluded In tho lighting line.
Dohlnd this army would bo tho Na
tional Guard, now somo 125,000 strong,
but whoso numbers might bo substan
tially augmented by tho organization
of tho continental army.
Hooper Hits Home Run In the Ninth
and Breaks the Tie Scoro
5 to 4.
Philadelphia, Oct. 15. 1)111 Carrl
gun's Hcd Sox brought tho world's
championship series to .an abrupt closo
on Wodnosday by defeating tho Phil
adelphia Nationals, 5 to 4, in tho fifth
game of tllo scrlos. Tho gamo will go
down In history as ono or tho greatest
over plnyed in a titular sorlos. Tho
Phllllos battled to tho last tlmo. Hit
ting was freo. Ilpmo runs to tho
number of four woro accumulated, and
two of thoso by Harry Hooper settled
the game. Harry'B final four-ply drlvo
camo In tho ninth on tho heels of n
similar hit by Duffy Lowin nnd knocked
tho breath out of tho fans.
Tho scoro:
Red Sox :..0 i 1 0 0 0 0 2 15
Phillies 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4
Hatterics Foster and Cady; Mayor,
Rlxoy und Burns.
Scoro of tho third gamo:
flumes o 0 1 0 0 0
Red Sox 0 0 0 1 0 0
nattorieB Aloxandor and
Leonard and Carrlgan.
Scoro of tho fourth gamo:
Phillies 0 00000
Rod Sox 0 0 1 0 0 1
Hattcrlos Chalmers and
Shoro nnd Cady.
0 0 01
0 0 12
0 1 01
0 0 2
Br.itlsh Submarine Destroys German
Deotroyer and Two Torpedo
Boats In Baltic.
London, OcL 18. A lono British sub
marine has won a naval victory over
Gorman warships In tho Baltic, sink
ing a destroyor nnd two torpedo boats
nnd putting anothor destroyor and a
cruiser to night, say dlspatchos from
Swcdon to newspapers of Copenhagen.
Tho Bubmarlno E-19, oporatlng noar
Faxo, sunk a Gorman torpedo boat
Wodnosday. A Gorman flotilla re
turned Thursday, but fled aftor tho
Bubmarlno Bank another torpedo boat.
Whllo operating In tho sound tho
Bubmarlno wad attacked by a Gorman
cruiaor and two destroyora. Tho sub
marine lodged a torpedo In ono do
atroycr. which Bank with a torrlllo ox
plosion, tho crow bolng lost.
Three Negroes to Hang.
Hamilton, Ga Oct. 18. John
Wright, Sam Couch and Wost Story,
negroes, were convicted of separato
mnrdorB nnd sentence! to hnng No
vember 10. Tholr victims wero also
U. 8. 8eck German Officers.
Washington, Oct. 18. No leaves of
absence shall bo given ofllcers or crow
of tho Prlnz Eltol Frlodrlch, the Ger
man auxiliary crulsor Interned at Nor
folk, until tho six missing oClccrs return.
i! phi Nihil , rtoi
Declares Small Boats Not Places
Safety When Ships Are Torpe
doed by Submarines.
Washington, Oct. 14. Tho United
States, Jn a noto dispatched to Ger
many, to bo presented by Ambassador
Gerard on tho caso of tho American
Bhlp William P. Fryo, asks that if it Is
found necessary to destroy American
ships carrying absoluto contraband,
passengers bo removed to a safer place
than small boats.
Tho Amorlcan government accopts
tho German suggestion In reply to tho
American proposal concerning a com
mission to fix damages for tho Fryo,
agroolng to dlsponso with tho umpire
and leave tho caso to two experts, ono
irom each country.
In agreeing to submit to arbitration
tho Intorprotntlon of tho treaty of 1828
to decldo whothor It gives Germany
mo rignt to destroy American shlptt to
stop contraband tralllc. tho Amorlrnn
government holds that not only must
warning Do given nnd passcngors and
crow saved, but that rmall boats aro
not considered a "plnco of safety."
Tho United Statoa Iiub not Insisted
upon thlB horotoforq with reference,
to Americans trnvollng on Bhlps undor
a uowgorcnt ling. Officials hero, how
over, fool that tho treaty was a spo
clal arrangomcnt between Gnrmnnv
anu mo united states oxpressly drawn
ior mo purpose or protecting the vcu
sola and Uvea of subjects of cither
party in war tlmo. Ah ono of tim nr.
tides of tho treaty apccitlcally pro-
V1UCS ror tho dollvorv Of enntrnlmnil
out of tho cargo of an American Bhlp
and then Btatea that tho vessel can
proceed to Its doatinatlon, tho Ameri
can govornmont draws tho lnforetmn
that it novor wob Intended that Ameri
can vessels should bo destroyed.
Third National Meeting of Marketing
ana Farm Credits to Be Held
In Chicago,
Chicago, Oct. 18. Tho third national
conforonco on markotlnir nnd fnrm
crodlts Is to bo hedld In Chicago, No-
vomner 2Dth to Docombor 2, inclusive.
Uio call for this meeting Is Issued by
tho general commltteo of tho National
Conforonco on Marketing nnd Farm
Credits, nnd by tho National Council
of Farmora' Coopornttvo associations.
At this mooting, representatives of ag
ricultural, educational and banking In
torosts of every Boctlon of tho United
States will bo brought togothor to
frarao legislation nocoasary to socuro
an easy flow of monoy to agricultural
operations, to socuro tho standardiza
tion of farm productB and to oncour
ago tho organization of agriculture
J. B. Fuller, Who Left Wlnslow, III.,
Returns From Chicago In
Frooport ill Oct. 18.-J. Bradley
Fullor of Wlnslow, 111., tho banker who
disappeared Soptcmbor 13 and whoso
bank subsequently was thrown Into a
receivership, reappeared In Wlnslow
on Friday. Ho told frieudB ho Intondod
to reimburse tho bank's patronB for
every dollar lost
Torpedo Sinks French Ship.
M m8' uL 1'-Th0 MnBorlea
Mnritlmos liner Yunnan has boon tor
podocd, presumably In tho ModUnrr...
nean sea. Tho vessel did not sink and
hor crow of ninety men took to tho
boatB nnd woro landed safely.
Three Perish In Flames.
Glovordalo. Cnl.. Oct. in n.M
persons aro known to bo dead nnd
nino uusinesB houses have been de
stroyed In a flro hero. All tho doad
woro tranned In tlm rinv,.r,inio
and Incinerated.
m cm won rfcji&
Jury out Two Hours Crowd Cheers
When Verdict Is Read In the
Indianapolis. Ind.. Oct. ik M.nvnr
Tosoph E. Boll of Indianapolis was ac-
uuiueu on Wednesday bv tho inrv nn
tho charge of conspiracy to commit a
felony nt tho primaries, registration
aim election in 1014. Tho Jurors wero
out two houra. Tho vordlct was ro
colved with a storm of applnuso from
tuoBo gathered In tho courtroom.
H becamo known that
lots wero taken by tho Jury, tho first
ballot Bhowlng nino for acquittal and
mreo ior conviction. Tho tbreo who
had voted for conviction nwltriiml to
acquittal on tho fourth ballot. Stokes,
waggoner and Dittrlch wero reportod
10 do mo jurors who voted for convlc
tlon on tho first ballot. . -
Prosecutor Rucker said iminrullntnl v
after tho vordlct was rccoived that bo
nun no siatcmont to make as to
whothor Jio would continue tho nroso
cutlon of tho other defendants on tho
Joint Indictment on which Mayor Doll
wns trioa.
its wnat every decent citizen of
Indianapolis expected," said Mayor
Hen wnon aBKefl for a statement ro
gardlng tho verdict.
Mnyor Boll was surrounded immedi
ately by a largo crowd of his frionds.
Mayor Bell was indicted with Thorn
as Taggart, Chief of Pollco Samuol V.
Porrott and 125 others Juno 22, and on
July 0 four moro persons wero In
dieted. Jooooooooooooooooooor
Paris, Oct. 15. Count Henri do
Vogue, boh of tho Into Vlscotmt Mol
chlor do Vogue, and a nephow of Mar
quis do Voguo, president of tho cen
tral committee of tho French Red
Cross, has died of wounds recolvcd
in battlo. Tho military modal was
pinned on his breast a few minutea
boforo ho succumbed.
London. Oct. 15. "Austria and
Gormany will probably dcclaro war
on tho United. States If she does not
censo manufacturing munitions for
tho alllea."
Thla statement Is attributed to Am
bassador Dumba by a Plymouth cor
respondent who Interviewed him on
tho stenmer Nlouw Amsterdam, which
put in at Falmouth on her way from
Now York to Rottordam.
Amsterdam, OcL 15. Tho death of
AroUduko Ludwlg Salvator of Austria
at Brandota castle, on tho Elbo, la
announced. Ho wna slxty-olght years
Charleston, 8. C, Oct. 18. Six mon
aro under arrest and two companlea
of militia anl a largo forco of deputy
Bhorlffs aro patrolling tho Btroota fol
lowing a shooting on Friday which
cost ono llfo and resulted In
oub Injury of four other persons. Tho
shooting occurrod Just outsldo tho
room whoro tho Democratic city ox
ocutlvo commltteo was to meot to can
vass tho returns of tho municipal pri
mary of laBt Tuesday, sidnov J. !o.
lion, a nowspapor ronortor. wna kill ml.
Of tho four othors shot only W. -A.
rumor is in a crltlcn condition.
Big Canada Wheat Crop.
Ottawa. Ont.. Oct. 18. An niiioini
report plncea Canada's wheat crnn nf
330,258,000 bushels from 12,986,400
acres, representing an nvorntrn vioi.i
of ovor 25 bushels. This year's cron
Is moro than doublo last year's.
Wealthy llllnolsan Weds.
Aurora. III.. Oct. 18. Thomnn n
Snow, wealthy manufacturer and for
mer mayor or uatavin, waa married to
Laura 11. Zimmerman, twentv.flnvnn
years old, of Aurora. Tho couplo wont
to Chicago and woro married.
Resolution Calls on the British Gov
ernment to Announce Policy of Re
prisal Through-. Attacks on German
Towns at Night.
London, Oct. 16. Fifty-llvo persona
woro killed and 114 Injured In tho Zep
pelin raid over London on Wednes
day night. Fourteen of tho 55 norsons
killed nnd 13 of tho 114 wounded woro
military cnsuoltlos, according to nn
announcement mado on Tfiursdnv bv
tho official press bureau. -
rho text of tho announcement fol
"Tho nress bureau of thn wnr of-
flco announces that n lloct of hostllo
alrBhips vjBlted tho eastern counties
and a portion of tho London area and
dropped bombs. Antlntrcraft guns of
tho Royal Field artillery, attached to
tho central forco. wero In action, nnd
an alrsTUp was seen to heel ovor on Its
side and dron to a lower altltudn.
"Flvo aeroplanes of" tho Roval Flv
lug corps went un. but owlmrtontmos
pherlc conditions only ono aeroplane
succeeded In locating an alrshin. Thin
aeroplano, however, waa unablo to
overnaui the airship before It wns lost
m tho fog.
"Somo houses wero damaged and
several fires were started, hut nn nnrl
ous damago was caused to military
mntorial. All fires wero soon got undor
control by tho flro brigade.
"Tho following military rnfumltlps
In addition to tho ono announced lnnt
night, havo been reported: Fourtoen
killed and 13 wounded.
"Tho homo ofilco announces thn fnl.
lowing casualties other than tho mili
tary casualties reported abovo.
Moil. Women. Children. Totnl
Killed ....27 9 5 41
Injured ...64 30 7 101
Total ..91 . 39 12 142
"Of thoso casualties 32 killed and 95
Injured woro In tho London area, and
these figures include thoso announced
Wednesday night."
uesoiuiions wero boforo a mans
meottng presided over bv fcnnl Wll
loughby do Broke, at tho Cannon
Stroet hotel, calling on tho envem
mont to announce formallv a nnllov nf
reprisal through British or French
noropiano rnlds on German towns-
raid for raid," as the resolution ox
pressed It.
Support Asked of Congress for Pro
posal of Regular Force of 120,000
With 500,000 Reserve.
Washington. Oct. 16. Prnnldnnt
"Wilson began on Thursday to nnv
the way for favorable congressional
action upon his program for tho In
croaso of tho armv and navv.
llo Impressed ' unon ConernRsmnn
Hay or Virginia, chairman of tlm mill
tary committee of tho house tlm
necessity of approving tho Garrison
pian ror Increasing tho regular army
to UU.OOO men nnd nrovldlnc a rn.
servo which will nssuro tho United
States a first defenso of fifm nnn
Postmnster Goneral nurlosnn
ConcrPHsmnn Pnn nf Vaiii.
- w ....... . W L. W A.Wi III IIIUI111U,
senior member of the liouso rules com
mittee, nnd discussed with him tho
advisability of n cennrnl pnnfprmion
of Democratic lenders boforo tho soa-
slon of congress opens to consider and
agree upon tho wholo subject of pro
parcdnesa. Tho following subjects will lm rnn.
1. Tho strength to bo given tho
2. Tho additions to bo mado to tho
3. Tho changes, if nnv. to hn mnrin
in tho tariff and wnr oraorgoncy taxes.
4. Tho SCOllO Of tho nrnnnnml Inliorl.
tanco tax.
Tho cost of tho nronosed nnlnrion.
raont of tho nriny and nnvv will nH'fl
$75,000,000 to tho array appropriations,
muKiiig uio total ror tho next flBcal
year In the neighborhood of $182,000,-
000. ThO linW Will nslf nn Innr.n
of about ?75,000,000.
Official Statement Says Bombs Were
uroppea on English Capital and
Other Places.
Borlin, Oct. 16. A
given out on Thursday by tho admir
alty regarding tho Zoppolln rnld on
London aaya that, in addition to drop
ping bombs on tho English capital, the
waterworks at Hampton and tho town
of Woolwich, whoro thero Is a great
araounl, woro hoaviiv hnmi.r.j
Great liros aro roportod to havo fol-
loweu mo explosion of tho bombs.
Anthrax Victim Dies.
New York. Oct. is.
Stackpole, tho aged lawyer who has'
been Buffering from anthrax at
Bollovuo hospital, died nf
caso early Friday, after waging a long
uBuuibi oeatn.
Take Suspect In Murder Case.
Aurora, III.. Oct. 18. a nnu- u,
In tho Emma Pctorson nnd Jonnlo Mil
lor murder mystery was takon In tho
arrest of Edward Addorman, twenty
eight years old, who says his homo la
In Ashton, Wis.
Failure to Carry Out Contract at Bea
trice Causes Captain Shaffer to
be Displaced by Order.
For failure to carry out his contract
ior nigiits In Beatrice nt tho Gage
county fair two weeks ago Captain C.
Shaffer, chlof of aviation of the Ne
braska National Guard, lins boon rila
placed by Captain. Ralph McMillan,
who becamo Identified three months
ago wilh the Nebraska aviation corps.
The change was ordered by Adjutant
ucucrnl Phil Hall. Captain McMillan
lins made a scoro of fllchts about N
braaka this summer. Captain Shaffer
win still remuln In the service In tho
rank of captain. General Hall plans
to develop tho aviation branch of tho
scrvlco In Nebraska on nn oxtenslvo
scale, nnd hopes to get several mill
tary aeroplanes from the War dopart
The Nebraska llvo stock sanitary
board la ondeavorlng to cnther Infor
mation and Btatistlcs'on tho use and
results of the hog cholera serum and
virus treatment. Tho department has
sent out oyer 9,000 report blanks
one to be filled In by the veterinary
or person giving tho treatment on
tho day tho herd Is treated, tho other
to bo mailed by tho owner of the herd
to tho board thirty days aftr tho Jierd
has been treated. This final report,
when properly filled out, will show re
sults, beneficial or otherwise, of tho
serum, or simultaneous treatment. Up
to tho present date tho board has Had
returned less than 6 per cent of these
Some light as to the reason why
tho boy leaves the farm may bo found
In tho fact that tho farm does not of
fer for him a fair opportunity. A sur
vey shows that 79 per cent of the
boys on small farms leavo- home,
while only 16 per cent of thoso on
larger farms leave. ' As a matter of
fact, the 16 per cent Is believed by
many to bo no larger n number than
the percentage of boys that drift from
the village to the city for similar rea
sons ap'parcnt lack of opportunity.
uoiiege or Agriculture.
A dozen county assessors will meet
at Norfolk soon with Secretary norn.
ecker of the State Board of Equaliza
tion to arrange for securing 'Informa
tion as to actual nrices nald for lands
that are sold as a partial basis for
next year's assessment. Ho has a
letter from A, H. CaVter, asssessor of
Wayne, endorsing this- move. District
meetings will be held In other sections
of tho state for tho same Diirnose
probably at Grand Island, Fremont,
McCook, Alliance, North Platte, Te
cumseh or Nebraska City.
M. E. Dickson, assistant In tho de
partment of poultry husbandry at tho
University of Wisconsin, has boon ap
pointed assistant professor, in charge
of the newly established noultrv do
partment of the state university at
Lincoln. Work In tho n6w department
will start November 1. A five-acre
tract of ground, south of the state
farm plant, which wns purchased flvo
years ago by tho board of regents,
will be given over to experimental
work In poultry raising.
A difference of $20,000 a year is
noted between Missouri Pacific and
stato railway commission experts in
computing passenger earnings In Ne
braska. Tho dispute Is in connection
with this road's ondeavor to obtain
214 cent nnssencer rato. The railroad
says tho earnings amount to $76,000.
Tho stato expert raises that by $20,.
000. The difference comes In the
method followed In the computation.
Lincoln will get cheaner electric
current If tho nlan of President W.
E. Sharp of the Lincoln Traction com
pany is realized. Sharp, who way
head of tho syndicate- representing
tho Commonwealth Power company,
now plans to secure power from tho
Big Blue river between Beatrice and
Manhattan, Kas.
Representative Jacob Sass of Sarny
county and County Surveyor H. D.
Patterson called on tho Irrigation
board to ask for a brldgo 320 feot long
across the Elkhom river west of
A. Tl. Cnrrothnrfi nf Grant conntv
has asked the Board of Educational
Lands and Funds to quiet the title to
100 nnrna nf lnnd lin hnn held undp.r
sale contract for tho laat twenty-four
Pliimlmiir and lipnHntr pontrn;lH for
the new boiler room nnd laundry of
tho Kearnev Tuberculosis hosnltal
havo been awarded to C. J. Burko &
son of Kearney at $467 by tho Stnto
Board of Control.
Flftv ner cent of tho nnnlo trees of
Nebraska havo died" slnco 1911 and
1912 nn admission by Secretary
Duncan of the stato horticultural
board, which Is bound to opori many
eves In this state. Mr. Duncan savs
that drouth and a dlscaso peculiar to
annlo trees have contributed to tho
disaster. Ho has repeatedly termed
tho disease "cankor," but has boon
cnljpd down Bevoral times for Uio
statement bv nnnlo crowors who dis
agree with him. This year's yield, Mr.
Duncan says, will run up to about
2,000,000 bushels.
Recruiting Director Declares England'
Should Have 3,000,000 Men Read
For War By Spring.
London. The allied forces from
Salonikl liavo bek'un nneratlnnn
against tho Bulgarians with unex
pected real and already the Serbo-
AllKlo-Fmnnll fnrnna 1.
w . . v. .l UIUU pVilVll UlUU
into Bulgarian territory, Just north ot
me ureeic boundary, and aro attack
ing the BlllEaHan fltrnnehnhl nt
Strumnltza, according to advices re
ceived from Salonikl by ReutePs Tel
egram company by way of Athens.
The Council of inlnlHfors. nrnnliln.l
oer by President Folncaro of France,
announced at Paris thai a stato of
war existed between Franco and Bul
garia dating from October 16.
Tho Bulgarian government has offi
cially announced that mines have
been laid, along tho coast of the
Black and Aegean Seas. Llehts hav
been extinguished and-tho port of
Dedeaghatch has been closed oxcept
to neutral merchantmen.
Neither Russian nor Italian .insist-
anco has yet doveloned In tho aid of
.Serbia by tho allied powers.
Tho Serbians aro beinc helned bv
tho weather, which is wlntrv. with
rains Impeding the movements ot the
troops and guns. Tho Austro-Ger-
mniiB, however, claim to have taken.
the heights south of Belgrade, whllo.
along the Danube, tho armv of Gen-'
eral von Gallwitz Is pushing the Ser
bians back.
Needs 3,000,000 Men by Spring.
London. "Great Britain lipids
3,000,000 -more mon by BDrliiK." This
declaration was mado by Brigadier
General Sir Erlc-Swayno, director of
recruiting In the northern command-
In a speech at Hull. General Swayne
estimated that Germany haB botween
9,000.000 and 10.000.000 men from tho
ages of 18 to 45, and that therefore it
was useless to talk about wearinc out
Germany, "In the snrlnc." Raid hp.
"Germany would lose moro men than
tno allies, which would balance the
numbers of tho allies and tho central
powers, hut if Great Britain "should
raise 3,000,000 additional, Gormany
probably would recognizo that It
would be fruitless to continue."
Bodies Washed Away.
Randolph, Kas. Tho exact number
ot dead In tho wreck, of the Union Pa
cific motor train at the Fancy creek
bridge near here may never bo
known. When tho car, which plunged
head first Into tho creek, was raised
tho front end dropped out, carrying
Into the Hooded stream yioso bodies
which tho rescuers wero unablo to
leach. All efforts to find tho bodies
In tho racing stream havo failed. The
number is not known, but officials
estimate that four, and possibly six,
rersons wero drowned in .addition to
tho eleven whoso "bodies wero recov
ered. In tho drive into the mud and
rock at the bottom of tho Btrcam
where tho car carrying sixty-four
pnssengcrs plunged when tho bridge
abutment gave way, the front of the
coach wns demolished. Of tho thirty
passengers In that end of the car, tho
swift flood waters lodged much sand
and mud about them.
State of War In Moscow.
Petrograd. An imperial ukase has
been issued proclaiming a "Btate of
war In Moscow and Moscow district."
Riots of severe proportions havo been
reported in Moscow in tho past sev
eral months. Mail renorts from
Russia last month told of riots durinn
Juno in which several norsons wnrn
Injured and damago estimated at
nearly was done to nron-
Army Plat? Up to "Bosses."
Washington Employers throuchont
tho United States, corporations, manu
facturers, professional men, trades
men and businessmen of all classes,
aro to bo asked to contrlbuto as tholr
aharo In the national dofense, permli
slon for their employes to engago
without serious financial losses. In
two months' military training during:
eacn or threo years. This is an es-
eentlal part Of tho ndnilnlRlrntlnn'n
plan for raising a citizen army of men In bIx years which, with
a regular army of 140.000 men. and
300,000 reserves, would givo a trained
rorce, exclusive of Btnto mllltla. of
about 1,200,000 In tho ovont of war.
Convicts Study to Be Teachers.
Berkeley. Cal. Fourteen inmntpn
of the Fnlsom prison, it was announc
ed, havo enrolled In a now correspond.
enco course for Instruction as teach
ers. At tho nrlSOn 520 nrlsnnnra nrn
taking tho university's correspond
ence course.
Transfers Government 8eat.
Milan. Via. Paris. Tho seat of the
Serbian government has heon imnn.
ferrcd to Mltrovltza, near tho Monte
negrin frontier, according to a din.
patch to tho Sccolo from Bucharest