The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 22, 1915, Image 1

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    Ifofelg tribune
No. 80
4 (Jrtkj w MM& rH.
Miss Graco Moondy rottirned last
evening from a short visit In Omaha.
Mrs. John Rodlne entertained the
Lutheran aid society yesterday after
noon. The enrollment of pupils In the Suth
erland schools Is twenty-five per cent
greater this year than last.
Noste Steyanoff, a Bulgarian work
ing for tho Union Pacific, wbb struck
by the engine of a pascnger train
Wednesday and killed.
R. G. Smith, of the Nebraska Tele
phone Co., at Grand Island, formerly
st this city came up last evening to
spend a few days oi business.
Mr3. J. II. Donegan and nleco Miss
Marguerite Roddy left this morning
for Lincoln to visit Cyril Donegan and
attend tho foot boll game tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jensen are en
joying a visit from their son Edward
and wife of Council Bluffs, who aro
enroute to the Panama exposition.
Tho Brady Vindicator says: Tho
combined deposits of the two Brady
banks are now $280,000. Some con
trast to ten years ago when the depos
its were $13,000.
and Miss Esther Guffy collided In
Sutherland Wednesday evening, but:
the occupants escaped Injury. Both!
cars were more or less damaged. i
Just received another shipment oi
new Fall Wool and Slllc Dresses. Tho;
most beautiful Dresses ever shown in,
North Platte. Wool, Silk and Velvet
comblnatlonsr Fur trimmed at lowest1
prices. .. BLOCK'S. I
Tho corn show at Sutherland Tues-!
day and Wednesday drew good sized
crowds, a number from this city at
tending.. There was a large exhibit
of stock, poultry, vegetables and do
mestic articles. In the broncho bust
ing contest Lee Case caried off first
honors. ,
LaCamllle and P. N. Front Laco
and back laco corsets, In all the new
fall models, everyone guaranteed to
wear well and fit well, $1.00 up at j
Mrs. Earl Hamilton, living six miles
west of town, was hostess to the In
dian Card club yesterday. The mem
bers made the trip In cars and spent
a delightful afternoon, arriving home
about Gt30. One of the features was
the enjoyablo lunch served by the
One Price to All." Money
back if not Satisfactory
Why do we noil goods lit
such low prices? Our low
prices arc caused by our lo
cation. WE GIVE (JUAL1TY
to our cuHlonicr.s Instead of
paying high rent price and
expensive lixlures. Ono price
to nil.
AVn lira Koln nirAliM for li'n
bo and American Lady Cor-!
nets, $1.00 up. See our win
dow display. I
T. T. Marcott and Win, Beatty ar
rived homo from Omaha last Sunday
morning, whero they had somo fat
catle ou tho market. Cattle droppe'd
off Borne nfter they had been thoro a
few days nnd they purchased some
feeders and shipped them home.
Brady Vindicator.
Wether young or old for ago Is no
criterion for the wearing of glasses '
If ynu choo30 to go year after year,
wasting nerve energy and straining
your eyes because of some defect, you
must expect early decay of your visual
Jeweler and Optometrists
Menu for the commercial dinner to,
bo served by tho ladio-3 of the Chris
tian, church Monday, October 25th,'
from 11:30 to 1:30: Roast veal and
dressing, mashed potatoes with brown
gravy, hot slaw, baked squash, beet'
luusii, liiigusu sicanicu puuuing aim
coffee. Price 30 cents.
Tho reason Lincoln county has not
more automobiles Is becauso tho fac
tories cannot furnish them to tho lo
cal dealers. In not many lines of bus
iness is the prospective buyer prohib
ited from purchasing by Inability to
get what ho wants. But then, tho
automobile business is different from
any otherlu a good many respects.
All wool Sweaters to fit anybody,
young or old, In alf shades, belted ef
fects, 9Sc up at BLOCK'S.
Tho billiard tournament at the Elks'
homo will close Sunday evening and
on tho following Thursday evening at
6:45 the sixty or moro players will
surround tho tables and partake of a
supper prepared under tho supervln
fclon of Steward Smith, the expense of
which will bo footed by tho losing
This, has been a year of few trans
fers of city property, nnd while such
a condition usually affects prices it
has not proven truo this year. Resi
dence property is held at as high, If
not a higher, price than last year,
while rents aro somewhat lower than
last year, taken as a whole. The
more desirable vacant residence lots
aro held at altltudlnous prices.
Tho Junior Auxiliary of the Episco
pal church will hold a candy and art
craft sale In the Howo & Maloney
window tomorrow. The one object of
this sale is to help in sending a dele
gate to the convocation for the further
hejp of their own organization. The
underlying motive of all their work Is
to have each member learn how to
take, her place In working for the
BJiOMORROW you'll Profit by what you learn
of the Fashion Shop. 'Are you out for
some Real Bargains? If you are, come to the
Fashion Shop; follow the trail of shrewd buyers.
There you will find a great assortment of Ladies
Ready-to-Wear Garments, ;
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Hats and
Rain Coats at Cut Prices.
Try Us First
$17.50 Extra fine Corduroy Coals at
$22.50 Ladies' Suits al -$18.00-Handsome
Coals - -
$8.00 High Grade Trimmed Hats at
$5.00 High Grade Trimmed Hals al
$5.00 Fibre Silk Swealer Coals al -$5.00
Ostrich Feather Boa al - -$3.50
All Wool Serge Skirls al - -$7.00
All Silk Dress Skills at - -$2.50
All Silk Velvet Tarn O'Shanlers
Free Saturday and Monday
A 92.50 Ostrich Feather Boa with Every Suit or
Coat. Bring this Coupon.
A statement Issued by tho stato
board of equalization gives tho follow
ing figures relntlvo to Lincoln coun
ty. Tho sums given aro tho assessed
value, which Is one-fifth of the reai
Total assessed valuo of property1,
Assessed value of lands and Im
provements $2,134,051; average valua
per aero $1.41.
Vnlue of town lots and Improvo
monts, $703,G48; avcrago value of each
lot $95.04.
Valuo of horses $104,825; avcragb
per head $10.51.
Valuo of mules $18,885; avcrago
per head $10.50.
Valuo of cattle $205,975; avcrago
per head $5.31.
Valuo of automobiles $20,925; aver
age per car $50.00.
IV. V. Uonand Honored
At the meeting of tho grand lodge ot
Odd Fellows In Omaha this week, W.
V. Hoagland, ot this city, was electen
doputy grand master, the second high,
est office In tho exocutivo list of tin.
grand lodge. Mr. Hoagland has been
recognized as ono of tho active Odd
Follows of tho 3tato and last year hold
a grand lodge office.
Episcopal Church Sunday
Tho Rt. Rev. Geo. A. Beecher, of
Hastings will bo present at all ser
vices Sunday. Holy communion at
8 o'clock; Sunday school 9:45, morn
ing service and sermon at 11 and ov
cning service and sermon at 7:30.
furs! .Furs!
Of any .description, in sots or sep
arate pieces, also for trimmings, arc
shown nt BLOCK'S.
Tho biblo class of District No. 1
will meet with Mrs. J. H. VanCloavo,
102 south Elm street, Tuesday after
noon. Wanted School girl to work for hoi
board and room. Mrs. J. B. Ed'
wards, COS west Fifth street. .7)-2
The ladies' auxiliary of tho train
men will servo a l6c lunch of waffle
and coffee at tho K. P. hall Satur
day from 5 to 7:30. '
Mrs. Emma Adams, of Omaha, is ex
pected hero Sunday morning to visit
her son' Dr. Charles Adams and wlto
for two weeks.
Mrs. Fetter, of Brady, Us vlsltlns
with Mrs. F. J. Wurtole this week.
Free of Charge.
Expert Fitters
, J:
The city council hold an adjoumcn
or special mooting Inst evening ana
passed a resolution organizing Paving
District No. 1 and outlining Its
boundaries. This district Is as fol
lows: Locust street from south side oi
Ninth street to north side ot Thlru
street, six blocks.
Dewoy Btreot from north aide ot
Front to north side of Third, four
Pine street from north sldo of Front
street to south sldo of Sixth, out
Front street from cast lino of Vino
to west lino of Chestnut, four blocks.
Sixth street from east line of Vlh
stroet to east lino of Pine, thrco
Fifth street from cast lino of Vino
to east lino of Pine, three blocks.
Fourth street from west lino of Lo
cust to west lino of Pine, two blocks.
Tills makes a total of twenty-threo
blocks, with twelve street Intersec
tions and the alley sections.
' The rosolutlon ns passed will bo
published for thirty days, during
which period property owilers affected
may file a remonstrance. If fifty poi
cent of tho front footngo oppose tho
district, It does not Btnnd organized.
Property owners will bo givon tht
right to nnmo tho mnterlal to bo
Mrs. M. K. Neville will entertain a
fow friends tomorrow afternoon.
- 5G.00 Silk Sweaters to close out
quick, now going at $3.98. BLOCK'S.
Dr. T. J. Kerr lino gone to Lincoln
whero ho will spend a week or longer
on businoss.
Mrs. Charles Mitchell, of Lexington,
spent a fow days hero this week while
onroute to Goring. j
Mrs. It. E. Anderson left this morn-!
lng for Gothonurg to visit rolntlvea
and attend the barbacue. j
Grandma Cox, of Sutherland, camo
down this morning to visit tho Bon
ham family for a fow days.
Hawkey Caps, and now Fall Auto
Caps, of any description, for ladles
and misses, 25c up at BLOCK'S.
Riley warren an d Ilormnn Sluder
went to Grand Island yesterday after
nobn to attend a social danco last ev
ening. , Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hasset, of tho
Ba'i-knlow News Co,, havo moved int
tho house at 21G south Chestnut
Mrs. J. Wilson, of eastern Missouri,
was called hero by tho sorlous condi
tion of horIster, Mrs. Harry Schnr
mann. Mrs. Vigo Chrlstcnsen nnd son Ray
mond will leavo tho first of next weelf,
for St. Paul, Neb., to visit her parents
for a fortnight.
Mrs. Wilfred Stuart, of Lexington, Is
expected lioro tomorrow to visit hoi
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John TIghe, foi
a couple of weeks. , (
Found A small hnndbag, near ths
Experimental Farm. Owner can"hnvft
same by calling at this office and
paylngfor this notice. I
Boys' and Girls' all wool Chinchilla
Coats, lined throughout with heavy
worsted lining at only $2.98 at
Tho Royal Neighoors social club
will meet wlltli Mrs. F. W. Donaldson,
418 west Eleventh street Tuesday af-'
lernoon, October 2Cth.
A clean up salo on millinery, be
ginning Saturday, October 23rd. La
dies, mlsseses' and children's hats at
one-half price. Mrs. Sailor Milliner
nt Blocks.
S a.pure food store,
we are glad to sell
Heinz Ketchup.
You can taste the real tomatoes
ih this Ketchup they arc picked
at just the right ripeness pre
served -the same day.
Mottled when hot sterilized
and seald. And it's put up with
out Henoate of Soda.
That's the kind of Ketchup
you wanUirPyour home.
We have it, with many others
of the famous 57 varieties.
Luscious Chocolate Cherries!
60c Quality
- Saturday for
Full Pound Box
This is without louht the greatest Candy Special announced
yet. The delicious sweetmeats are made from the finest im
ported Maraschino Cherries, smothered in, cream and coated
with the purest Chocolate that can he manufactured. You
cannot secure better at any price. We guarantee their fresh
ness and purity. You will certainly want several boxes at
this'price, so gel around early, for there will he a great de
mand for them.
Wilcox D
Mr3. Roso Garlson is assisting nt tho
Dally Telegraph office.
Mrs. James Rannlo visited friends In
"Keystone for a fow days, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason loft thta
morning for Lincoln to v'slt for a fow
A son was bonv last evening to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Slathos and dlen
shortly nfter birth.
Mrs. J. B. Rodfiold went to Gothon.
burg this morning to visit friends aim
attend tho barboquo.
Miss Pearl Tagader rotumed yes
terday" morning from Denver whero
sho visited friends for two wcoks.
Tho sciiond ontortalnment on' tho
lecture courso will bo "Tho Old Glory.
Quartet" Thursday, October 28th, at
me l'resnyiorinn cnurcli.
MIbs Elsio Wittwer, of Salem, Neb.,
has been olected to teach In tho Wash
ington schools which wore ' ovor
qrowdjd and necessitated a division
being lilado.-
Mrs. Harley Bonham submitted to
an operation on her throat at tho
Mayo Bros, hospital In Rochester,
Minn., lust week and Is reported to
bo getting along nicely.
Misses Hazel Smith, Elizabeth Weir,
Dorothy Illnnian, Sybil Gantt, Lucilla
McFarland nnd jjllnzol1 Barber, wltli
Mrs. Charles W.ei'r as diaporono, weiu
to Sterling this niornln'fCto attend tho
foot ball gnmo and dance.
F. C. Simmons, of Soward, and L.
D. Fletcher, of Grand Island, who
havo been soliciting members for tho
local A. O. U. W. lodge for a couplOvpf
weeks, liave organized a class of fif
teen candidates who will be taken Into
tho order at their meeting Monday ev
ening. 1
Now Fall Suits still arriving dally
and wo aro offering thorn at greatl
reduced prices. BLOCK'S.
Tho Coppor club were tho guests of
Harold Langford Wednesday evening.
In tho games Paul Nolan mado tho
highest scores and kept tho title of
king which ho won at tho last meet
ing, aftor tho games a nicely pro
pared lunch wub served.
Mrs. P. II. Lonognn and Mrs. W. J.
Landgraf entertained a fow friends
yesterday at tho homo of tho former
In honor of Mrs. Charles Moran of
Load, S. D., who Is visiting In this city.
Tho ladles spent a couple of hours In
konslngton work and wore served with
nice refreshments
Tho entertnlnment by the "Old Glory
Quartet" October 2Sth, is a modern
American program and will mako you
glad you aro an American. Tho quar
tet has somo original patriotic songs
which you cannot afford not to hear,
such as "Broadway Cheers tho Flag,"
"An American Girl Makes a Homo,
Sweol Home," "He's the lioro of Many
a Parndo" and "Lord Grant Us Poaco
Through the World."
Tho scainloss wedding ring, made
from gold so thorougnly wrought ns
to mako tho metal resist wear, will
savo tho disappointment In aftor years
of bolng obliged to romovo tho ring for
ropalrs. Tills typo of ring has no 30I-
dorcd Joint to discolor or reak. Tho
gold so troatod saves tho necessity of
additional metal bolng added to build
up a worn out ring. Tho wedding ring
onco altored Is not tho original ring
soloct yours so old ago can rolled with
unstinted satisfaction.
DIXON, tho Jowolor.
A. R. Adamson recolved a telegram
from his son George, Avho resides at
Cheyonno, that his wiro, whoso maldon
nnmo was Besslo Cooper, died Thurs
day morning, and that tho body would
bo on No. 4 Friday night; interment to
take placo at Ringgold whero her par
ents and relatives rosldo. Sho was
twenty-ono years of ago and leaves a
little girl a year and a half old. Bo
foro tho birth of tho child, sho was tho
plcturo of robust health, but tuborcu
losls laid 1iold of hor, and deaplto med
ical treatment and residence In Den
vor and Choycnne, tho end enme.
apartment Store,
Brown memorial Hospital
Mr. C. J. Turner, who has been In
tho hospital for tho past ton. days, ro
tumed to his liomo In Dickons Wed
nesday aftornoon.
Mrs. H. Trlmmor, who has beeji ro
colvlng medical treatment tho past
weoks, returned to her homo In thl3 city
Thursday morning.
Mrs. Edward Grady loft for her homo
Thursday morning aftor a ten dava'
stay at tho hospital.
Mr. M. S. Banting returns to his
homo tomorrow. Ho was operated up
on ten days ago and Is now very mucn
Improved In health.
A play entitled "Miss Fearless and
Company" will bo glvon at tho Keith
theatro Friday evening, November 5th,
by members of tho Ttlllkum club of
tho Episcopal church.
About twenty membora of the T11U
kum club wer6 entertained at the homo
of Miss Virginia Bullard laso ovon
Ing. Miss 'Hildegardo Clinton as
sisted In entertaining. Nico refresh
ments wero served.
Jack McBrlde, who has been making
majiomo here for sevoral weoks with
hlB'sister Mrs. James Norton, and was
employed Intho local sliops, resigned
ills placo yesterday and returned to
liis former homo in Davenport, Iowa,
Plumas-, fancy feathers, flowers, rln
bons, velvets and hats trimmed and
untrimmed, In fact everything In tlin
atock, reduced to one-half price. Said
beginning Saturday, October 23rd, aua
continues tho rcnininder of the sea
son. Sailor Millinery nt. Block's.
Trontmoht of 'a Dog.
A dg Is a pet, a friend and a help
er. The confidence of a dog, once lost.
Is hard to regain.
In teaching tricks always reward the
dog with some tidbit when he mnn
ages the trick properly. ...
A dog can bo so trained that he will
watch a cat cat' without attempting to
touch tho food himself.
When you go into a yard and a dog
growls as ho conies to meet you speak
kindly, act as though you wero not
afraid of htm and Iiq will regard you
rather ns a friend than as an enemy.
Detroit Free Press.
Baby's Outfit
From the first little wrap
per baby wears to the pretty
( knitted afghan everything
; needed for a complete outfit
for the baby we are prepared
j to supply. Our Pearl line of
'infants' wear will interest
every mother.
Come in and see how pret
tily and inexpensively you
can dress your baby by mak
ing your selections from our
Pearl line of infants' wear.
E. T. Tramp & Sons.