LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Jerome Campbell went to Dickens yesterday to spend a weok or longer. Miss Minnie IJedell, of Gothenburg, -vlsltdd relatives In this city last week. Mrs. U. C. Morris has returned from avlslt with relatives in Gothen burg. Mrs. P. 11. Lonergan and Mrs. "W. J. Landgraf attended the May wood fair ast week. Dr. Charles Adams will go to Kear ney tomorrow tq attond tho state Dsn tal meetings. Mrs. M. K. Neville left last. week for Omaha to visit relatives for a couplo of wooks. Jack Grover loft Saturday mornisg for Grand Island to spand a few days with rolatlvos. Mrs. II. A. Lawhead will entertain tho G. I. A. socioty at her home to morrow afternoon. Mrs. Charles Thornburg will leave today for Chappoll to spend a week or more with hor mother. Mrs. Rose Garrison has boon assist ing in tho Dr. Twlnem office in the ab sence of Miss Clara Kane. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy, who were visiting in Omaha and Willow Is land, have returned home. Miss Effio Chriat returned Friday evening from Omaha. Enroute home she visited her sister at Loxington. Mrs. Mary Moonoy returned Friday evening from Loxington where she visited relatives for several days. Mrs. JeHso Van Dyke and daughter went to Gothenburg Saturday morn ing to visit relatives for several days. Mr .and Mrs. Cy Payton, of St. Joo, who wore guosts of Mr. and Mrs. 'Jesse Van Dyke have returned hpme. Mrs. John Vosolpka and children have returned from Kearney where they spent several days with the Trot family. J. B. Hemphill went to Omaha Sat unlay evening to visit his wife who Is taking treatment In a hospital there. Will Dorram and Charles Colo went to Cozad Saturday morning to visit relatives and spend a few days In hunting. Miss Fern Coatos has returned from a pledasunt visit with tho Buzza fami ly in Council Bluffs and girl friends in Lincoln. Mrs. W. A. Buchflnck and son, who yavo been vUMtlng hor parents In Grand Islasd for two weeks, will re turn this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ilitenour left Saturday morning for Omaha wliero tho former will submit to an opera tion for appendicitis. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlo3 Gould of Portland, who have been visiting tho latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Koontz wild leave this week. Remember, wo are including a crepe do chino waist with each suit pur chased at our store. ' E. T. TRAMP & SONS. , Mrs. Gcorgo McKay haa returned from St. Catherines, Canada, where sho was called by tho death of her mother several weeks ago. Miss Florcnco Stoffrlggeir, of Goth enburg, camo Saturday morning to visit her brother Edward Stroffriggen of tho Clinton Jewelry storo. Mrs. Miller of Chappell,, came dpwn tho first of the week to visit her daughters Mrs. Charles Thorn burg and Miss Maudo Miller. Q. E. Stallcop, of Des Moines, grand master of ceremonies of the Yeoman lodge, was tho guest of Mr. and Airs. W. J. Tiloy la3t week. Ml3s Arvllla Whittaker left Satur day evening for Omaha to meet her mother Mrs. Fl. II. Whittaker of Vermillion, S. D., who will spend the winter here. POIt KENT Houses nice unfurnished rooms, afe deposit boxes and storage space. HKATT & UOOH.MAX. WOHK STARTS ON NEW BUSINESS BLOCK Guy Drake spent Suridny with rela tives in Wood River. John Ilolcombe went to Oshkosh yesterday to attend the races. Tho Copper club will meet with Harold Langford tomorrow evening. W for Work started yesterday on the new business block which Joseph Morsch and' Will Klenk will .erect on the north half of the former Joseph Hcr- shoy lot on the corner of Fifth und Locust streets. This building will be GCxSO feet, making three 22x80 store rooms. It will be but one story, but the walls will be built witu a view or n nnntnl tatrtt 1 if It an 1 nm fl n f I f it 11 fl- r 3. Tiloy left yesterday morning , , tf Tho front will Omaha to spend a week or longer, ,)0 ed bJr,ck 'wUh modoni wn. Hurry Block went to Omaha Sunday dows, and there will be a basement to transact business tor a couple of undor the building days. Clyde McMiclmol has tho contract ,, ,, , . , for erecting the buildlnK Hnd will push Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson spnt the ",...,, ,ifi. ,.n .,,,..11,10 ItlllU. ,, , ,,,,.1 .), 1 II, .,- 1, 111 in uitucisiuuu iiiiii. tftii i ul mr building has already been leased, with Island, spoilt tho week end hero with prospective tenants for tho remainder relatives. It is probable that the south half Mrs. Frank Darnell and daughter ?ntl'"w?Jl?f.",1! Xt went to Hartley Sunday morning to S3,.?LtI'lnBoen,,.LyoJi.n"d ?.no"ir visit friends.. . L".""."s Mrs. George Rodgerg left Sunday cust street, evidence that within an- morning for Omaha to spend a week other year that street will become a or longer. bus'intKB thoroughfare second only v tw v.nrUnft ,.r r.i. i m, J to Dewey street. iniHuf nf Mr nnil Mru R.Hvnnl Pr.r. v-huiimj .oiiu num.- i S.ui.iK hurt this week Apples A big crop of good winter apples at the Glenburnlo Fruit Farm. Theso are choice varieties and nr) selling cheap. Special prices on wagon loads. . 7Ctf DAVIDHUNTKR, Sutherland . Mrs. Jack McOraw and sister, Mls3 Maude Rcis, went to Omaha Friday ev ening to spend the weok end. Mrs. Gcyer, of Gothenburg, came yesterdny morning to visit Mrs. A. E. Mooney for a few days. Mrs. Fred Thompson nnd son Walter went to Chappoll Sunday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Thompson for a few days. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE A nice oily resilience lo exchange for farm. What lunc you I BItATT St GOODMAN. For Sale Cheap Filing boxes and. shelving, cabi nets, etc., In numbors and Blzes to suit purchasers. One first class walnut top desk." One Monarch Malleable Iron range. One Feed Cutter. At Horshey's Fifth street opposite postocico, phone 15. Henry Schott and son Percy; went to Omaha SuSdny morning -to Bpend a few days.' Mrs. Sohrlver returned Sunday morning from Oiniiha, wliero she vis ited friends for a week. Attorney W. T. Wilcox loft Sunday evening for Sidney where he will transact business this week. Dr. C. F. Clark, of Omaha, nrrived Sunday morning to visit his daughter Mrs. Chas. McXamara for a week or more. at a very satisfactory gait. Mm. V. 1, Utntmrila will le-ivn Mils I Itllil.. Srlwml Cnnli'd week for Odessa to visit rolatlvos for A contest In bible school wofk that a week or longer. promises to be one most earnest!) Tin, .TnllV Yn.inir Mntrnn nl.,1, will '?u8h.t 0Ut. ,s B,nS 011 "0W between i, i. ,, r P. n,. ni, Jtho Christian bible scliool at Hast ..,; n7r.:;.. ""3"a "Hings and tlui local ChrltHan bblc school. Though Hastisgs had sonu E. S. Davis left Sunday morning what of an advantage in the start th for Omaha to attend the I. O. O. F. local school is showing them a mighty convention tins weok. good race. One stormy Sunday in Mrs. James McEvoy and son wont North Platte gave Hastings a lead of to Omaha Sunday morning where the ,vor "veM ,1"I1,'rc( 'polnt?' but sInc, latter will tako medical treatmont. "';" North Platte has made some good gains on them by extra hard work Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McDermott left leading In Inst Sunday's acore by 193 saiuruay evening lor Aima, i'a to points nnd having nn actual attend make nn extended visit with rela- ance 344, which is the largest attend lives. ance Inthe history of the school. Many Mr. nn.i Mrq i it Muk'nio win of tho classes have more than doubled leave shortly for Portland and other nnfl xo clllS3 ot intermediates have westers points to spend several f"r Un,CB "s an ns, when the co- wecSi test started. Three adult classes arc especally worthy of mention. La3t The Tilllkum club will meet Thurs- Sunday's record the Loyal Wide Awake day evening at 7:30 with Miss Virginia class of women attendance 61, Loyal Dullard, assisted by Miss Hlldegardc Daughters, attendance 41, Loyal Men Clinton. attendance 32. The elementary de- Misd Focia Jossion. nf tbn Snllnr mil. partment of eleven clnsses is so in llnnrv niirlnra lnff Rnnilnv fnr fJrti.wl crenscd that new cla3SCS must be iHlnnd to Hnnnii thn wfok with tho formed in order to do the best work hnmn fnlku At present the district court room is being used in order to tnke care of Miss R03a Green, who spent the past the overflow of tho school. A visit to five months with hor sister Mrs. A. this bible school will certainly re- dumiHuii, iuu oauiruay evening ior veal the effect of hard systematic iiuue, .vioniann. Work. Next Sunday will be Cra-lle Tho ladies' auxiliary of tho Bap- Ro11 lav ,when thts department of the fist rlmrrii win nmot with Mrci An. school will be present in a body and dcrson, 224 west First street Thursday ,ach baby wIU rocelv" a souvenir of nfternoon at 3:1S. XX Mrs. Harry Holderman returned to Comniends Acllon of Hoard ner noma in bt. joo baturiiay, alter . .Vnrth Pintto im Pivon npnniRsinn visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Van for the teachers in the schools of that uyico ior two weeKs. dty to attond tlte statd teachers' as- Chnrlps Jturtlni .Tr. Deri WTroxler soclation meeting at Omaha in Xove.ni- and Georgo Palmer, who wore guests 1,or' t0 remain throughout tho entire nt thettMartinI home Inst week lnft. convention. This is a point on which yosterdny morning. - there is disagreement between 'boards , .... , of education and superlnt,cndeijts MISS Ella Corbett, Of WalaCC, WllO Tho nnllpv nhnnlil nnt nnlv hn tn nor. liai.l.!'c.eilj1l0,ue8t of her cousin Miss mlt, but to require them to go on iull eu Maninn ior a weeK, returned nomo pay. The teacher that attends the yesterday morning. . county and state ga,thorlng3 every year Mrs. Whltnev Dean, of New- York. Ma better eqipped for the teaching bus came Saturday evenlne to brt 'the-cuost Mness. not alono because of added of her nelco Mrs. H. L. Pennington knowledge gained, but because of . the for a couplo of weekB. mental quickening that results from .,,.. . , ,,. , such association. Kearney Hub. iua. j viiuer nuuiiia win il-uvu shortly for Now York City to spend the Big Church Attendance winter with heT son who has a thcat- Tho attendance at the regular ser rical engagement there. vices at tho Christian church Sunday t n u...nl, fr, n, ii evening numbered five hundred nnd Island Saturday afternoon to transact " '"'" o ZZLti V 0i i,i i.flinoHa fnr n row ,inVH Mate Uio congregation. A splendid sermos was delivered by Mr. Knowles Mrs. Vina Pope, of Hillsborough, excellent music rendered by the choir Iowa, camo Saturday evening to bo and orchstra, and tho services closed tho gue3t of her nelce, Mrs. Frank with instructive biblical screen pic L.augnun, tor a rormignt. tures rra s,.,,nvor nf Vownrk m Tho Christian church is certainly J., camo Saturday evening to visit composed of a wonderfully active body li HaI. am 111 nn.l pATinlimlnn fnm . HIVU U1IU WUIIlfU (IIU UUlllDllllKI tt A. VUIUIII()tUlt lies for a couplo of weeks. T Wnmia mill fnmliv, ""-"'"s " icauy aim IUUIUlUiy IS Ul UUll Blinpo Mr. and Mrs. J, Grand Island, who their son A. for two weeks, returned homo Satur-, day afternoon, j Edward T. Jennings, ot Grand Island, and Mrs. Eva Felton ot Los Angeles; wore, granted a marriage license by County Judge French Sat urday morning Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Weeks, of Grand Henry Ford, maker of tlie Ford car, island, are in town, havlnc been call n WnmlB nf nntl r0P"lcd to bo worth $203,000,000, cd hero by the illness of Mrs. Weeks worn LMinfttn nfims8ca llirouB'1 on a special car ti- father E. J. Huntington who both phys - r - I 1 1 n ntrnnln i unlit A tn I in Unrtltln in ladles' outing night "n penults his removal to the sol large, made long and I ultra homo nt Grand Islnnd. lie will Extra values pnwim ovtrn lnryo full in everv wav. Satisfaction is ourM'0 tnlten ,llore' watchword. Price offerings for prairie hay and E. T. TRAMP & SONS. alfalfa is very low, and this together , , . . with the poor condition of mucli of the wuiinn, rnhM.on nf (hi. itv i Vt'TJ.. w. '"",u'?.u makes the outlook somewhat discour Ml V , na sn H f ri nnVf 7r XfX'1?-." IV" Bns for the grower. The Present married in Lexington on Oct. 9th by . KSedto Uoa dayoirT MB,Wta 13 around Pr uouniy judge u. ji. aiouius ami navo "- Notice For Bids. Loxtngon will soon nave a sew returned to this city to make their home in one of the Simnnts houses in tho south part of town. Tho groom is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cohngon and has been in tho employ of tho local telephone offlco for sev eral years. Tho bride was a popular young lady of Bralnord where sho made her homo with her brothor. Sealed bids will bo received, until ground floor picture theatre and opera October 21st for tho salo of tho two houso which Is nearrlng completion buildings known ns tho old church In that town. The new theatre will seat and resldcnco on lots 7 and 8, block about six hundred and Is being erected 135. The committee reserves the right by Leinbeok nnd Woise, ot that city to reject any or an uuis. aim win oo urnicr uieir management C. r. WHELAN, For Farm Loans sco or write Gene Chairman of Building committee. CroQk- room 3( Waltemath building, North Platte. WARMTH JUL At this time of year is necessary for Health. One of these portable Gas Heaters is just what you need. We have them from $2.50 up suitable for every purpose. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Mgr. 41tf to Tin: PUBLIC Dear Friends and Pntionts: Last month wo called your attention to Blood Prossuro. By thlB Is meant tho pressure oxerted by the blood on tho walls of tho vessels In which It Is flowing. Normal Blood Pressuro ranges from 123 to 133 M. M. average, ac cording to ago. Our Spoplallsts are equipped with tno latest sciontinc Apparatus and in strumonts nnd will niako not only Blood Pressure, but also a complete analysis of tho Blood, Freo of ChargQ Wo bollevo that tho Blood Is tho Life "As tho Blood, bo is tho Man. Without pure 100 Oxygen-carrying powor blood you cannot hopo to kcop perfect health, much less regain lost health. Wo administer all blood treatments Intra-Venously (dlroctly into tho life stream), using only our own private solutions as Introduced by our Doc tor Lofflor. Wo Invito you and your friends to call for freo consultation and exam (nation. Yours truly, THE QUAKER SPECIALISTS Thursday, October 21st, 2 to G m., at tho Tlmmcrman Hotel. -Aim m - , . HOGS ON THE A FRAME FARM NEAR 1IERSHEY 3IR .FRAME HAS ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED HEAD OF HOGS XOW (Cut furnished by North Platte Chamber of Commerce. free.) NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE NURSES PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES We are in a position to furnish competent nurses tor physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 nnd state whether you want graduateor domestic nurse and we will complete all the arrangements for you without charge. Sanitary CITY HOSPITAL ) 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Newly Furnished Fireproof This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg ical, Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the physicians of North Platte and country tributary thereto. ft lis mmmm A2I3I There's No Place Like Home Especially if it's your own home built alter your own ideas and just to suit you. Every Man Should Build Something " During His Lifetime You take more pride and satisfaction in something ol your own creation. BUILD SOMETHING AND SEE US FOR Lumber and Building Material Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution 'for the scientific treatmont of medical, sjvgical und cor'finoinent cases. Completely equipped X-Riiy and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Cent, M. D. V. Lucas, H. D. J.B. Rcdfisld,M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elisc Sieman, Supt. COMING BACK To Maxwell, Nek, United Doctors Specialists Will Again Be At The KNAPP HOTEL Wednesday, October 20. O.NE DAY OSLY Hours 10 n. tn. (o S p. in. Heniarluiblc Success of Thcso Talented Physicians In the Treatment of Chronic Diseases Offer Their Services Free of Charge Tho United Doctors, licensed by tho State of Nebraska for, tho treatment of deformities and all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this 'trip, consultation, examination, ad vico free, making no charge whatev er, except the actual cost of treatment. All that Is asked in return for these valuable services is that every per son treated will state the result ob tained to their friends and thus prove 10 mo sick anu afflicted In every city and locality, that at last treatments have been discovered that are reason ably sure and certain in their effect. These doctors are amonc America's leading stomach and neive sneciallsts and are experts in the treatment of chronic diseases and so great and won- uertul nave been their results that in many cases it is hard to find the divid ing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, intestines. livor, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci atica, diabetes, bed-wetting, tapo worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs and.thoso ainicteu witu long-standing, deep seated, chronic diseases that liavo baf fled tho skill of the family physicians. should not fall to call. Deafness of- ' ten has been cured in sixty days. According to their system no mora operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, .goiter, plies, etc., as theso diseases are treated without oneration or hypodermic injection. They wero among the flrst in Amer ica to earn tho name of "Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away with the knife, with blood and with all pain in tho successful treatment of these dan gerous diseases. If you have kidnoy or bladder trou bles bring a two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and micro scopic examination. No matter what your ailment may be, no matter what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had with otner pnysi cians, it will bo to your advantage to see them at once. Have it forever set tled in your mind. If your caso Is incur able they will give you such advice as may relieve and stay the disease. Do not put off this duty you owe your self or friends or relatives who aro cuffering because of your sickness, as a visit at this time may help you. Worn-out and run-down men or wom en, no matter what your ailment, con sult them. It costs you nothing. Remember, this last free offer is for this visit only. Married ladies come with their lius bands and' minors with their parents. I tro. nap Fl oneyto Loan FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Rotes and Best Terms. Plenty of Jloney on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson Dry Bones Wanted. $IO Per Ton They Must be Dry in Order to Get This Price. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Bam. DEItRYHEJtltY & FORBES, Licensed Emlialincrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Black 588. Order of Hearing on Filial SeUleinenL Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County. In tho County County Court: In the Matter of the Estate of Dennis J. O'Brien, Deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in tho estato of. Den nis J. O'Brien: Tako notice, that Corda V. O'Brien lias filed in tho County Court, a report of hor doings as Ad ministratrix of said estate, and it is ordered that tho same stand 'for hear ing the 12th dny of November A. D. 1915, before the Court at tho hour of 9 o'clock a. ni., at which time any per son interested may appear and except to an d contest tho samo. if Notice of this proceeding and tho hearing thereoMs ordered given to all porsons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of (his order in the North Platto Tribune,- Beml-weekly nowspaper printed In said County, for three consecutive wcako prior to said date of hearing. Dated October 1C, 1915. GEO. B. FRENCH, ol9-3w County Judge.