The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 19, 1915, Image 3

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and Quaint "Mother
He falls not, who stakes his nil
Upon tlio right and dares to fall;
What though tlio living bless or
Bor him tho Iohr success of fame.
Hlchard W. Gilder.
Cabbngo may or may not bo a dell
cIoub vogetnblo, owing entirely to Its
preparation. In boiling
cabbago remombor to
cook It In rapidly boiling
water, uncovered to lot
the odors paBS away and
not bo absorbed by the
vegetable. It la also true,
that the houso will bo
quickly aired from
cooked cabbago If It bo
cooked In an open dish.
Ladles' Cabbage. Into four quarts
of water savo one-half of a hard, sound
head of cabbage. Add a teuspoonful
of salt, a quarter of a teaspoonful of
soda, and a teaspoonful of sugar.
Havo tho water boiling hot, cook until
tender, then drain and cover the cab
bago with sweet milk. Set on the
back part of tho Btovo to simmer ten
minutes. Drain again, season with
butter and servo hot. Tho addition
of buttered crumbs and a few chopped
olives makes this into Russian cab
bage. Escalloped Cabbage With Dried
Beef. Prepare and cook tho cabbage
as nbovo, put it into a buttorcd bak
ing dish In a layer, an inch deep, then
pour over a little rich white sauce, on
this a layer of shredded beef. Re
peat until tho cabbago and white
sauco is used. Cover with buttered
crumbs and bako fifteen minutes.
Cold Slaw. Shred enough cabbago
to serve, pour over It boiling water
and let stand two minutes, drain and
add a boiled dressing. Mix well and
Bet away to chill, ervo as a salad
with cold meats.
. German Cabbage. Cook bacon until
crisp, cut in small bits; pour this
over a half head of cabbage, chopped,
with one small onien, season highly
with salt, red pepper; heat vinegar
and pour boiling hot over tho cabbage.
Servo at once.
Gladly tho wild fowl skim the dark
ened fonm
At set of sun;
Swiftly to far-off marsh, to nest and
Tho day Is done.
God grant that to our souls at night
" may steal
Tho Joy and freedom that his wild
birds feel I
Tho thrifty housewife is one who
stocks her shelves with good things In
their season so that In
wlnter'when the variety
is limited she may serve
her family appetizing
relishes which are far
superior to any bought
in tho market.
Cucumber Catchup.
Lay twolvo ripe cucum-
bors in cold water to chill, then peel
and grato them. Grate two small
onions, add to tho mlxturo with salt
and chopped red popper to season,
add vinegar to make tho mixture of
tho consistency of marmalade and put
Into bottles or Jars sealed air tight.
This docs not need cooking as the
salt and vinegar preserve it.
! Cucumber Pickles. One of tho eas
iest pickles to prepare and one which
may bo added to, as the pickles are of
the right size, is tho following. Take
a cupful of salt, a cup'ful of ground
mustard, mix well and add to a gallon
of vinegar, put Into a jar and add
green cucumbers of medium size.
Keep a plate over them to hold them
In the vinegar and they will be ready
to uso in a few days. More cucum
bers may bo addod, keeping them
well covered with tho salted vinegar.
They keep fresh and crisp and aro
not too strong of mustard.
Cucumber Pickles. Slico small
sized cucumbers in half inch slices;
for each three quarts of sliced pickles
add three quarts of boiling water and
a cupful of salt, pour over tho cucum
bers and allow thom to stand until
tho third day, boll tho brino and ro
peat tho third, fifth and tho soventh
days. Then they are ready for tho
"next stage In tho treatment. Pour off
tho brino and cover with half vinegar
and water, with a toaspoonful of pow
dered alum, poured boiling hot ovor
tho pickles. Lot stand threo days,
then plnco In a Jar with a layer of
cucumbers sprinkled with chopped
green pepper, onions and raisins (not
chopped), threo poppers, threo onions,
and ono cupful of ralBlns. Coor with
vinegar nnd brown sugar in equal
quantities and placo a bag of clnnn
mon nnd cloves in tho Jar. Pour tho
vinegar ovor tho pickles boiling hot.
About ono thousand years ago Sadl
wrote; "A man had soro eyes. Ho
went to a horse doctor, who applied
to IiIb oyes what ho used for his
horses. Tho man became blind. Ho
took the caso before tho Judge, who
said: 'No damages; if this fellow wero
not an ass ho would not have gone to
a farrier.' "
If you were born to honor, show It
If put upon you, mako tho Judgment
That thought you worthy of It.
Tho school lunchoon days nro here
and should bo woll provided for with a
generous stock of papor
napkins and squares ol
paraftln papor. Cracker
boxes aro , lined with
waxed paper and the
boxes themselves mako
fine receptacles for dif
ferent foods for tho
lunch basket. Sand
wiches packed in theso boxes keep
frosh nnd moist. Ginger bread, which
is so good when fresh, may also bo
packed In a cracker box. Cold-cream
Jars or wide-mouthed bottles will bo
largo enough to hold a portion of Jam
or Jelly for a child's lunch. Screw-top
malted milk bottles aro line for car
rying malted milk, cocoa or plain
milk. Sandwiches should bo provided
for satisfying hunger with a pickle or
other relish and a dessert of fruit,
cake or tart
When preparing sandwiches sot tho
butter where it will bo softened by
heat, as It spreads much better.
Crisply fried bacon put between un
buffered bread slices makes a good,
wholesome sandwich.
Corned or roast beef, choppp-1 as for
hash, mixed with chopped onion and
mashed potato, is generally liked.
Codfish made as for fish balls mado
thin, and used ns filling for sand
wichos, Is also delicious.
Peanut butter or peanuts chopped,
mixed with cream' chooso as another
good filler, is most tasty.
Sweet sandwiches served with a
fruit salad and coffee will make a fine
Wo must remember in putting up a
child's lunch that it must be some
thing nourishing and quick to cat, for
ho Is anxious to havo more time to
play. Tho school that is up to date
will have some arrangements made to
servo some hot dish llko soup or
cocoa, or oven hot milk. A small
keroseno stovo is a most convenient
part of any school equipment, If tho
heating stovo Is such that there is no
surface for warming food. Children
are always happy with a bit of' fruit.
A bit of candy Is nnothor addition
which is always a delight, and a pleco
or two is not objectionable at tho
close of a meal.
Wero halt the power that fllla the
world with terror.
Were half tho wealth bestowed on
camps and courts
Given to redeem tlio human mind from
Thoro were no need of arsenals or
It is not tho unusual or uncommon
foods which aro tho most relished.
Often an unusual com
bination of ordinary
things makes a very
tasty dish.
Bacon and Apples.
Pool and quarter tart
apples, leaving on about,
half tho peeling. Fry
several slices of bacou
very crisp, drop tho ap
ples into tho hot fat and
cover closely until thoy begin to soft
en, turn onco carefully with a pan
cako turner. Sprinklo sugar over be
fore turning and let thom brown nice
ly before serving. Servo hot on a
platter with tho bacon.
When you havo a small piece of
ham left from a meal chop It with
some sour pickles, moisten with salad
dressing and uso as a lining for sand
wiches. Creamed Baked Bean3. A pleasant
change in serving beans is to put
two cupfuls of them into a cupful and
a half of good white sauco. When
hot servo on moistened toast, woll
French Mustard. Take a quarter of
a pound of tho best ground mustard,
pour over It a cupful each of vinegar
and water, add a piece of calamus
root (sweet flag) as largo as a hick
ory nut, a tnblcspoonful of flour. Cook
twenty minutes, stirring constantly.
Add a teaspoonful of sugar Just bo
foro removing; put in bottles and
cork tightly.
Apples, cored, peeled and filled with
brown sugar mixed with a teaspoon
ful of curry powder and baked, make
a fine accompaniment to meat.
Brief Missives,
"if 1 had hud moro time," a witty
Frenchman used to writo, "1 could
havo mado this letter shorter." Vol
taire Is credited with two of tho
briefest on record. Ono said, "Alas,"
and tho other "Bravo." Thoy woro in
recognition of a woman's bereavement
and remarriage.
Optimistic Thought.
It is a good thing to lo good rather
than to be conspicuous.
Both Imaginary.
Somo of tho cures for human all
ments aro imaginary, but so aro a
lot of tho ailments. v
Goose1'3' Book
The WRIGLEY Spearmen
want you to know and to
remember always that
brings joy in greatest meas
ure for its small cost
Because it lasts longer, tastes
good longer and benefits you
more than any other form of
confection for anywhere near
the price.
It affords healthy, wholesome exercise
for teeth and gums. It soothes the
throat, relieves thirst, steadies the stom
ach. It aids appetite and digestion.
To help you remember this de?:cious,
helpful refreshment tho WRIGLEY
Spears have produced an elaborate
jingle bookthe "Mother Goose"
tales revised. You'll enjoy it
tor tbi.n.a. sample ot tne new
HHM!,lltt) and copy of
this book, fill out the
coupon or send a
postal today.
Mil KlftftH
Evany fuML
paokago Hk2
airtight MLtm
rui' ....... V
L $B 1322 Kosnop Bldg., Chicago. mmkm
Coupon Wrappers for
mm aw
28 pages
in four colors
One on Rufus Choate.
Judge Parry, In a recent article on
"Uufus Choato, Advocato," says on oc
casion Choate would meet with his
Sam Wcller. Defending a prisoner
for theft of money from a ship, a wit
uess was called who had turned states'
evidence and whoso testimony went to
provo that Choato's client had Insti
gated tho theft.
"Well," asked Choate, "what did ho
say? Tell us how and what he spoko
to you."
"Why," said the witness, "ho told us
thoro was a man In Boston named
Choato and he'd get us off if they
caught us with tho money lu our
His Error.
"Ho's a self-made man."
"I know. Ho surely made a mis
take in not consulting an expert."
Pushing American Dyestuffs.
Dr. Thomas II. Norton, tho federal
lye export and head of tho dyestuff
bureau established by tho department
of commerce, rccontly wont to Now
York to begin accelerating tho devel
opment of tho dyestuffs Industry of
the United States. As his ilrst step,
ho conferred with twolvo manufactur
ing chemists representing an aggre
gate capital of $75,000,000.
Doctor Norton believes America Is
on tho ovo of a great development in
tho making of dyes, and ho has ven
tured tho opinion that when tho war is
ended tlio United States will bo in a
position to supply all of Europo with
dyes as good as Germany has been
The Test.
"I have been chasing a smuggler."
"I call that a pursuit of duty."
British India has 7G.1S1.000 acres do-
voted to rice growing.
ifcL a In The
i lis enera 1
Roofs don't
wear out they dry out When
properly made they dry out
very slowly and give the best ervice.
Made withasoftcenterasphaltand coated
with a harder blend of asphalt, which
keens the soft saturation within the life
of the roofing from drying out quickly.
Guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years according
to thickness guarantee backed by the
largest Roofing and Building Paper Mills
in The World.
Sold in your town at reasonable prices by
your own dealer whom you know.
Gen ral Roofing Manufacturing Co.
WorUVt laryent manufacturtrt of Hoofing
and IlutUilng Paptr
New York Citr CUeu PMaJelpUa Si. La!. CltTcUiil Pittibuia Detroit SiFrticiic
Ciidautl Minattptlis KiiiiiCitr ScttlU
AlUiU lUuit.a LooJen lUmbarf Sfin'f
Boys and Girls Make Money
Honing! muBia ior i;nis. it. uumo, inu iuwuub i
writer, dik nemiuuicfcHttio-suiiu juikv yiui
,K,llirrl(loiaaiii lutttremaf ,,a
Its. Wrlul'hM,
WninonlJ.Ooliimaii, Wash
ington. D.U. l!ooklrte. nutti
est rtlercucca. licet rwiulta.
IW-! T-t-t No a star, tuTstlfr.your frlendi
lilUKii- miunu tfcwtttaof 2i-xcelnntlrlrk.mil7
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 42-1915,
Nebraska Directory
i-tn b nroYf ntftd. for tiartlcnlara
consult you r Vctortna rlun or wrlto
to ui. Aiwaya fcpocur iitiin
i.u iiil-nuuiiiuMiu wnvn
U. It. Ttlrlrj Ufmn Xkar SI. Bro
that ttio bottles boar oar labels
and tbatth teals are unbroken
iCOi; OBtrl,8outli Uniahu
Nearest Fixed Star.
Alpha Centaurl is tlio sun nearest
to tho earth of all tho llxcd stars.
Ono of tho most magnlllcont ot tho
first magnitude stars oven to tlio
linked oyo, the tolcscopo reveals It all
suddenly as two grent masses of solar
flro, tho Humes, rod, yellow and blue,
blown upward and outward to tho
right by tho winds of tho universe.
Tho great pair of rainbow flames np
pear to stand out Hko tangible ob
jects In tho depths of Infinitely ro
mote spneo many times Inrger than
the naked oyo stars. Ono ot tho two
revolves about tho other In u period
of 80 yenrs. It is ono of tho most
stupendous and awful visions and tho
most absolutely beautiful that eyes
have ever scon.
Journal for Astronomers.
Tlio Astronomlscho Nachrichten, fa
mous astronomical journal, hus recent-
reached tho end of its two bun
drodth volume It was founded at Al-
tona In 1821 by II. C. Schumacher,
who edited it until his death in 1850
Sinco 1872 It has been published at
Kiel, to which placo tho Altona ob
servatory was moved that year. The,
present editor Is Hermann Kobold.
Th o Ijanio J-J.0. JH.r.nal iA5iJ?-n..ra''
:u wows) expresses us cnnracier; u
is essentially a newspaper for tho as
tronomers of the whole world, and its
appeal Is to tho professional rather
than tho amateur.
Strike Proper Balance.
Sex, religion and insanity aro near
ly associated. Thero is nothing that
should ho so well balanced as tho re
ligious belief of overyono. Sometimes
'experiences in religion' aro nothing
but tho most rampant of nourasthonlc
hallucinations. Tho rollglouB zealot
is almost always a neurasthenic, and
it only takes time to provo it. Thoro
aro two kinds ot neurasthenics, thoso
who havo lost religion and, of course,
happiness, and thoso who havo re
ligious fannticism. Strlko tho bal
ance and you huvo health. Kansas
City Star.
For a really flno coffeo at a mod
erate price, drink Denison's Semlnolo
Brand, 35c tho lb., in sealed cans.
Only ono merchant in each town
sellB Semlnolo. If your grocer isn't
tho one, write tho Denlson Coffee Co.,
Chicago, for a souvenir and tho namo
of your Seminole dealer.
Buy tho 3 lb. Canister Can for ?1.00.
Equivocal Praise.
"I understand Giddlns is living hero
now." said tho visitor. "I used to
know him hack In my homo town.
"Is that so? Wlint did tho peoplo
think of him there?"
"Woll," nnBwered the visitor, cau
tlously, "I novor heard any of his
neighbors threatening to mob him,
and, on tho other hand I never hoard
of anybody there offering him a bonus
If he'd como back.
Don Phones Foe's Approach.
According to tho Gnzetto do Franco
a certain French regiment possesses a
doc which Is sent out from advanced
sentry posts at night with a telephone
strapped ovor his mouth and a wire
connecting tho Instrument with the
post. If tho dog hears tlio Germans
approaching ho barks quietly Into tlio
Man Without a Country.
An ltalinn translation of Dr. E. B.
Ialo's famous story. "Tho Man With
out a Country," hns boon circulated In
Italy In a cheap pamphlot oditlon for
tho purposo of arousing patriotic fool
ing. A writer in tho Christian Uogls-
tor, noting this fact, tells us that ho
onco asked Doctor Halo If ho really
felt his great patriotic story as deeply
as ho mntlo his readers feel it, and that
ho received a most emphatic alllrma-
tivo response.
Most of the so-callod golden oppor
tunities that como our way aro only
A woman often looks as woll as the
display In a shop window. Hut a man
novor docs.
If you aro aulo to appear indifferent
tlio man who wants to boII you bio
dog finally will glvo him to you.
Beautiful, clear white clothes delights
the laundress who uses lied Ctobs Ball
Blue. All groccri. Adv.
Most of tho old axioms are as mis
leading as tho ono to tho effect that
women suffer in silence. ,
The silk hat falls too often into tho
hands of thoso w.ho aro strangers to
tho art of scenic Investiture.
A New Delight
The Menu.
"My friend Is a woodman."
"Then why not ordor chops?" Bal
timore American.
"What's an automobile lunch?"
"Why, tho kind you soo put up all
ready for n motor trip."
Willi real Bavou beans, or plain.
Made after the real and famous Mexi
can formula. The seasoning is most
piquant a zeitful tasty dish anywhere
any time.
Libby, McNeill & Libbv
for the
10c Worth of
Will run $1 nn wfk i nri
Get rid of the stumps and VWM.
Dig crops on cieareu mna. inow 'ScSiS
is the time to clean ud vour farm
while products bring high prices. Blasting ia
quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez
ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold
Write for Free Handbook of Explosives No. 69F,
and name of nearest dealer,
Thoro Is no capital punishment In
Tho password to tho Tower of Lon
don Is changed every threo months.
fT Oil
Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Painless Dentistry; work guaranteed 10
years; Fillings, Crowns, Bridge-work and Pistes that stay where I put them.
Send for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry It's free. Railroad fare for 50 miles
allowed. Crown from $2.50 up. 921-22 Woodman of Wotli Bldg., QmihaKik