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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
Jt X Prize Winners at the For the benefit of the people of Lincoln county, we are printing the returns of the County Fair In full, giving the names and address of parties awarded premiums. This i list also shows the names and address of parties awarded premiums at '.he Nebraska State Fair and the returns of the Better Baby Contest and also the money that was paid out to tach precinct as a precinct exhibit. Klndlv us to thank you for your efforts which you expended tlu.l made our 1915 Fair a succe ss. Lincoln county took llrtt money at the Nebraska State Fair. This h i something every citizen In the county appreciates, from The I standpoint of good citizens!?, and a boast for 0,K wTfurther desire to say that if there has been any mistake in awarding these premiums, paying out these nremlums on the part of the fair managment, or In other words It any exhibitor received too much money or failed To receive cnougl money, we would be glad to have you call our atScn to any error that might have occurred nnil wo will be glad to adjust the same. Bellevelng that the county fair interest throughout Lincoln county lu growing from year to year, and hoping that our 1910 lair better In every respect than the 1915 fair, and again thanking you 'or yur ef forts and soliciting your heartiest co-operation for the 1916 fair, which stands for the betterment of agricultural condi tions in all Its branches, we remain, Yours very respectfully, F C. PIELSTICKER, President. J. E. SEBASTIAN, Secretary. LINCOLN COUNTY MONEY AT STATE FA1K $2:10.75 Slate Tnlr Returns to Individual Exhibitors from Lincoln County. , , nn Thos. Orton, city, 1st on display Manitoba Seed $ 00. John Griffith, Maxwell. 4th on display dent corn other than yellow, white calico or white cap, $.2.00. Fair Association, city, 4th, best and largest collection by 'joff'Fowfe0;, city, 3rd, on display hard winter wheat, red' George LeDIoyt, 1st on display Durham wheat, $2.00. 1. M Abercrombie, Blgnell, 2nd on display winter rye,WmB0H. Drayton, city, 3rd on display cabbage, 50c. Conrad Scharman, 1st on display celery, f2;00. J. F. Roddy, city, 2nd on display wax field beans, 1,BC. J. Pass, city, 1st on display peppers, $3.00. Geo. Fowler, city. 2nd on display white kohlrabi, $1. -, ,.. omi nn lUsnlnv nurnle KoniraDi, Seor Fowled cUy72nu on display kershaw squash, $2"John Fowler, city. 4th on display sweet Pipkins, 50c Chas. Hupfer, city, 4th on county sign, $5.00. Precinct Money Awnrdcd Lincoln county 1st money at state fair, $230.7 j. Sellars, 1st, $20.00. Pavne. 2nd. $15.00. Hinman, 3rd, $10.00. Class L, School Exhibit Oma Creek, District 65, Wallace, Map of Nebraska, firStFaryoeMull!'District 65, Wallace, Map of Nebraska. OHazPe?Heck;0Di'strict 65. Wallace, Composition, "Why T like to live in the country," second prizo $1.00. Betty Turpie District 127. North Platte, Penman- 'uT'r 127, North Platte, Physiol- 6y tTA' Platte, Penmanship. BCCORuthrlMcCon0nell, District 37, Hershey, Map of Ne- "nredcDi'stricrs, North Platte. Composition. "Ullr?t ar&SSVaSiS;. Composition, , 1 11,. rnnnrill nrlvp $1.00. iin "whv I like to live in uiu cuuun j, r T tl0nWRhlnCton School. District 1, North Platte, maT,nM North Platte, Intermedi- at irLCTmlSk 55. Sutherland 6, 7 and Grade Work, first prize. $5.00. T4,,,n,n wrk Brady School, District o, uruuy. imuu.v n i o r nr Maxwell School, District 7, Maxwell, Primary rP?aPtrel Va&strict 8, North Platte, Intermediate -on. Son work, first prize . 6.00. District VI, waiwei'i . $2.50. 2nd 1st J. Boyd Allen, North Platte, German Millet Cane Seed I. M. Abercrombie, Bignell, Ryo Yellow Dent Corn Squaw Corn .50 .50 $ 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 Canned Peaches White Onions Cauliflower 1uu Geo. Browning, North Platte, Cow Pumpkins .., Slicing Green CuoMmbers .... l.u Seed Cucumbers Maud Ballard, North Platte, Outline Embroidery D. W. Besack, North Platte, Plate Grapes W. .W. Birge, North Platte, 50 50 4.50 Shorthorn nun Shorthorn Bull, three years.. Shorthorn Cow, over 3 years. Shorthorn Heifer Shorthorn Bull Doc. Besack, North Platte, Pen Cockerels Pen Pullets 8.00 5.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 Wm. Beatty, Brady, n0 Timothy Carl Broeder, North Platte, Rye Early Oats Late Oats Bloody Butcher O.lalfv i.MW .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2.50 7.50 2.50 2.50 2.E0 fl.EO 2.50 2.50 White Summer Squash Mule, over three years Mule, over three years Stallion Pcrchoron Stallion, over 4 yrs. percoron Mare, over 4 years.. Grado Stallion, sucker Grade Mare, sucker Chester White Boar Chester White boar, under 4 mo Chester Whito Sow Chester Whito Sow H W. Bird, North Platte, li Annies 5.00 10.00' 8.00 .75 Mrs. H. R. Ballard. North Platte, Crazy Quilt A H. Brink, Sutherland, .25 .00 Parsnips . . f.nnn strine Beans 1.00 D. M. Brooks, North Platte, Portrait Interior Landscapo . . . Henry Broternitz, North Platte, Tobacco Plant ...... Mrs. Emma Bretzer, North Platte, Crochet Pillow Slips . Laura Brewer, North Platte, , MvrttoeelQr,' North Platte, W Water Coior Painting, Fruit.. Water Color Painting, Figure. . .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 ,5Q ,50 Lincoln County Fair. 1st .50 .50 2nd Ulow Case Gottrune Pakcr, North Platte, Inttlng luesMi Scarf Celery Mrs. Mary Blgham, North Platte, Tidies Miss Grace Clark, North Platte, Landscape Painting Flowers Painting Figure Painting Miscellaneous Conventional Naturalists Mrs J . J Crawford, North Platto Silk Q(ilt Mrs. R. L. Case, Blgnell, Crochet Table Cover Table Cover Wool Quilt Towel :;,'.:" Mrs. Anna Church, North Platte Piano Scarf Center Piece Sheet Crochet Lunch Set Knitted Lace Pillow Cases Drawn Work Pillow .50 .50 .50 ,75 .75 .75 .75 50 ,50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 Collection Towels rinllv .25 Mrs. R. .V Cox, North Platte, So' RmI SDreail C. L. Coolidge, Norm i-iaue. .50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 early Potatoes otner man uu Rhubarb 1,uo Grade mare under 4 years .... Grade mare undor 2 years .... Shorthorn Bull Holsteln Cow Heifer Holsteln Bull, one year J. J. Crawford, North Platte Pen Whito Rock Chickens .... pn Barred Rock Chickens .. 5.00 1.00 1.00 Mrs. Carson 708 E. 6th, North Platte Pen Polish Chickens I-00 Paul Cook, North Platte, White Dent corn .50 Ruth Davidson, North Platte, Crochet yoke Mrs. Delay, North Platte, Embroidery Skirt Collection of Quilt Silk Lunch Cloth Doily Baby Pillow Handkerchief Gladys Dlener, North Platto rimrmnilt Cake .60 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 Hazel Donaldson, North Platte, .60 Doilv .25 Child's Hood rn Hnndkorchlef 'ov Ethel Donegan, Norm riaue .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Table Runner Florence Donegan, North Platte, Woolen Shawl Mrs. A. L. Donegan, North Platte, Raised Biscuits Apple Pie Lemon Pie Plum Preserves Boquei Dahlias Plate Plums Boquet Cosmos Neoma Uobie, Nortli Platte, Pieced 1 otion Quilt Mrs. M. H. Ponces, North Platte Apple Jelly Crabapple Jelly Blackberry Jam Roger Decker, North Platte, Black Giant Rabbits Black Giant Rabbit John Discoe, Bignell, Calico Corn Carrots n,omatoes 1 Plump .50 .75 1.00 .50 .50 50 50. , Pri - .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 8th 1.00 Pears Virgil Davis, North Platte, work, 50 s . r. ii. cjock .50 Yellow Onions 1.00 1.00 1 00 Tomatoes Cabbago V".'. J. McDonald, North Platte Pnlr Ducks Total M .25 R. L. Douglas, North Platte, Mare over 4 years Saddle horse Driving horse 11. F. L'oehke, North Platte, Boquet pansies Boquet dahlias Warren A. Doollttle. North Platte, Honey comb Native grasses Sweet clover seed T E. Doollttle, North Platte, Percheron mare over 4 years . . Percheron Stallion und. 4 yrs. Percheron mare under 4 years Percheron filly C. H. Emple, Sutherland, Winter wheat 5.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 $ 1.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .00 5.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 2.50 -.50 .50 2.50 Wni. Llder, worm i-mnc, Gj'.Jea pheasants J. II. Fills. :.')! Platte, Flemish Grant Rabbit Flemish Grant Rabbit Black Dutch Rabbits New Ireland Red Rabbit Mrs. M. H . Fry, North Platte, Sour cucumber pickles .... Geo. Fowler, North Platte, Bloody butcher corn .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 26.50 2.00 1.00 Turnips t 0Q Cushaw Largest pumpkin Au Butter ' Melt Fry, North Platte, Hubard Squash W. Fowler, North Platte, Pen geese .50 Calico corn White rico pop corn 1.00 Winter wheat 1uu Ryo Early oats Alfalfa seed Mllo Ifetorita I- Whito navy beans l.uo Kohlrabi W Summer Squash J." 51.50 .75 Sweet pumpkins 1.00 Sow, over one year Boar, over one year Virgil Fowler, North Platte, 2 no Native grasses John unniin, mttwuu, Yellow dent corn Hereford bull, under one year 1.00 4.00 1.50 Hereford cow Heroioru neuwr 1.00 Mrs. H. K. GawcKa, isorui rmtiu, 25 ' Mrs. O. urccn, isoriii niwi Crochet collar .25 Mrs. A. L. Gambrel, North Platte, i Crazy quilt 1 Edging Jabots and bows .50 .50 1st 2nd Collar R. C. Grelson, North Platte, Cockerel Pullet nn B. Rock Houdnn 1-00 B. Hock Pulfet 1-00 .50 .50 Total MrB. A W. Hontson, Sutherland, Canned Blackberries Canned Crabapplea Canned Strawberries Caullllowor Mrs. E. S. Ollnc. North Plnttcs Raised biscuits D. C. Gidson, North Platte, Pen Cornish chickens .50 .50 2.00 .25 .50 .25 1.00 .50 1.00 H. J. Godfrey, Norm Plane, Pen Bantams Mrs. Win. Hayes, North Platto, Patch work quill Mrs. C. Haner, Blgnell, .50 4.00 .50 Cotton nr:h worK quill .... .25 Eva Hoagland, North Platte, Tatted hand bag Mrs. Eva Harnlsh, North Platte, .50 Tatted towel edge Tablo runner Tlrnaunr Rpnxf .SB .26 25 .25 .50 1.50 Tn ft oil lintr Ralph Hlnklc, North Platte, Burnt wood box Haspel. North Platte, White dent com Barley 1.00 1.00 1.00 Collection begonias Knit socks Knit stockings MIHnna 2 75 Gladys Hinkel, North Platto, Handkerchlei Crochet Towel Clint Hoatson, Sutherland, Barred Rock cock Pen Jnps Cockerel 1.00 Darroll Healey, Nortli Platte, Cock Pnllot Mrs. H. P. Hinkel, North Platto, 18.50 Dress Bcari Nieht cown yoke r... Uommnml. North Platto. 5.UIM nninm elln lipalil crochet .... .50 .50 .50 I AlllV " . ' ' ( 1.00 1 nteA nrn nrnnhnt Vflkrt 60 t TiitflTiB. Tllcncll. 1,11 D. u. ...ftB.""' " Pmlirnlilorv doilV 50 r(.f ilnllv Sophia Hupfer, NorUi Platte, 50 Knitted taoie scan Drawn center piece Tinlnt lnrn dollV Mrs. Anna Huntington, North Platte P.rnphnt. lacn 1.75 .50 .50 iu-a t v. . Hood. North Platte, 50 W. B. Hauser, Maxwell Largest pumpkin Wlntnr armies 1,25 D. Hunter, North Platte, PA Summer apples 11 nnnlon 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Wlnfnr finnles 50 Cmmor nnnlfiS W. V. Hoagland, North Platte, Summer apples Joe Housor, North Platto, Egg plant F. O. Johnson, North Platto, Clover seed . Mrs. John Jones, North Platte, Pnto.h work nullt 1.00 4.00 Mrs. W. D. Yoder, North Patto, .50 .50 .50 Plum Jelly strnwlinrrv 1am Mrs. I. J. Jessup, North Platte, Table runner Canna plant 1.25 1.00 This List will be .75 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Smgery and Obstetrics. 3.00 .60 Office: Building and Loan BuildinR I Office 130 Phones Residence 115 3.b0 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. ! Physician and Surgeon Ofilce B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Ofilce, 83: Residence 38. 10.00 2.00 Office phone 241. Hes. phono 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. C.50 19.50 .50 .50 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. .50 Special Attention Given to Gynecology (JosteiricB uuu vuuui n u OHlce McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streots. Phones, OHlce 183, Resldenco 283 J. B. ItEDFIELI). 1.75 .50 .50 l'HYSICLVN Ss SUJtGEOK Rnccessor to I .40 3.00 .60 TivsimAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL " ,..,,.! .50 Drs. ucuneiu w iwuuv Office Phone 642 Res. pnono icuiw "nnforced to closo tho Printed In sald County, ror rour wookb .50 Hospital Phono BlacK bis. tto Phono Black 633. .50 .50 .50 .50 W. T. riUTCHAltl), Graduate Veterinarian ElKht years a Government Vcterlnar- lan. Hospital 218 south Locusi ai.,i nno.hnif block southwest of the Court Ilousb. 2.50 4.00 2.50 COL. M. L. McDERNOTT, 16.00 General Auctioneer PHONE RED 834. North Platto, Nebroska. Stock and Farm Soles a Specialty 2.50 2.00 2.00 .25 9.00 H. H. LAND OK AF Painter, ranerlianger and .25 .2 Decorator Phone Black 570. .25 Total 1.50 Boquet mixed flowers Mrs. F. C. Jackson, North Platte, Collection dolUcs Crochet night gown yoke .... Crochet center piece Crochet petticoat Crochet sack E. A. Lewis, Sutherland Cherry preserves Currant preserves Gooseberry preserves Plum preserves Ponch prosrvei Chrrry Jelly Goosolxrrv Jelly Grape Jelly Strawberry Jelly Raspberry Jelly Apple Jam Chorry Jam Blackberry Jmu Currant Jam Grape Jnn Gooseberry Jam Plum Jam Peach Jam Rufpterry J;m Strawberry Ji'm .50 .50 3.00 .50 .50 .50 ,50 .50 1.75 .25 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .60 1.25 .25 Canned e:nb npplo Canned pears Canned rliubard Canned Gooseberries Cnnncd r'um8 Canned tomatoes Onions Plcnllll Pickled apples Picked crab apples Picklued pears Pickled peaches Winter apples Crab apples .50 .60 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 3,-75 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 2.00 run Hand mndo apron 00 Hand made dust cap Hand made towels Plllnw natch work 1.00 Mrs. J. A. Jones, North Platto, Ftrnw berry preserves Apple Vlly P.ltt.'kbcrry Jelly Cauued cnerries Pour nrescrves 1.75 iTheo. Jeffries, North Platte, .25 .25 Wlilto urani ruuun. r.n Everett Johnson, North Platte, I m M ........ Mrs. A. P. Kelly, Nortli Platte, Tcwel edge .25 .25 .25 i oo Oris. Kllng, Maxwon, Spring wheat I Roy KnottB, North Plnttc,. .75 .50 Utunnt. corn Gordon KnottB, North Platte, Whito rice pop corii V. W. Knotts, North Platte, Stalk wiute iicni ram stalk non corn .50 .60 1.00 N. Kelso, North Platto, MrEKC 1 LVwisVNoVVh Platte, Castor beans Loaf bread Fruit cake Cherry preserves Raspberry preserves Strawberry preserves Bacltbcrry preserves Currant Jolly Raspberry Jelly Canned Kackberrles Cucumber plcklon Mixed s.our pickles l nnalUll 4.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .25 1.00 HaudkiMtiof box a Lathan, North Platto, mu Child's lace next Tuesday's Issue. Concluded in Dry Bones Wanted. $10 Per Ton They Must be Dry in Order to Get This Price. Phone 58 North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. Welcome a Good Cigar Ami n. ennd clear means one mauo claims and one year for tho aumlnlB- . r..i f.i.inr nnr rcn- trator to settlo said estate, from thft l I"" DUimuunvu r.,. ., x-,l, 101K Thin nrw .-,, nB maker o fgood cigars In ' ''.""'iYr,'.' .r mh. r.' V. : ,l.nnlr Ihlrtv VMm. will no puuuniiuu monn rwio 7' ' Platto Tribune, a legal newspaper uum ... ,. successively prior io iovi!iuuui u, iu. been 8mokIng Schmalzrlcd'B Cigars " IB not too law iu u.-Bi" J. F. Schmalzried. Bought and highest market pricos puid PHONES Reiidsnce Red G3G Office 4 j9 C. H. WALTERS. DURRYDERRY & FORRES, T IcoiiKi'il KnibnlniurH Undertakers and Funeral DlrectorH Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. Ross andCattlc 1.75 .25 .25 1.75 .25 .23 .25 .25 .2:. .25 .25 ,2ii .25 .2. ,25 .'5 .25 .25 .25 2f .50 .25 !5 25 11.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2.25 .25 1.00 .25 1.0C 1.00 .50 1.00 .25 1.00 1.00 .5') 1.00 .50 .50 .50 25 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 1.60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 5.00 .20 I .50 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) 723 Locust Street A modern institution for tho cientiftc treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rty and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redfield, H. D. J. S. Sirams, M.D. Miss Elise Sicman, SupL l'robuto Notice In tho Matter of tho EBtato of Cora II. Osgood, Decased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Oct. 4, 1915. Notice is heroby given, Wiat tho cred itors of said deceased will meet the ad ministrator of said estate, heforo tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at tho County uourt noom, In said County, on tho Btli any oi No vember. 1915. and on tlio 6tn uay or. Mav. 191G. at 9 o'clock a. m. each, day, for tho purpose or presenting iiieir claims and one year for tno aummis- and allowanco. Six months aro al lowed for creditors to present their GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judgo. To Dora V. VanvDruff, owner of lot 6, block 67, North Platte, Nebr. Tho owners of property on tlio east Bide of Chestnut street, between 9th and 10th streets, aro hereby no tified that tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln coun ty. Nebraska, nossed and anuroved an ordinance on tho 18th day of Juno, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to bo construcieu as 10 lino and grade, ana or permanent, ma terial, as provided In tlio gonerai or dinances of said city, reguiaing uio constriction of sidcw.viKfi In said city. Unless said walk is constructed uy you along the west sldo of said lot 5, block 57, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or heforo the 19th day of Octobor, 1915, tho Bar will bo constructed by said city md tho costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho samo ahall bo constructed. C. V. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clork.