The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1915, Image 6

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Auditor Smith's Report Shows New
School House for Every County
Since January- 1, 1915.
r r i
Statement Asserts Forco That Crossed
Danube at Capital Were Partly De
stroyed and Partly Captured Bul
garia Officially af War.
London, Oct. 11. Tho advance
guard of tho Austro-Gonnuns which
crossed tho Dunubo nt Bclgrnd3 has
lioon partly dcfitroyod nnd partly cap
tured, nnd thoao who ontcrcd Serbian
territory ncross tho Save havo met
with enormous losses, according to un
olllclol dispatch received on Friday
night hy tho Serbian legation from
Tho Austro-Gcrman force that Is In
vnding Sorbin probably numbers 400,
000 men, with a tremendous amount
or artillery. It Is commanded by Field
Marshal von Mnckonsen. (
Serbia and Bulgaria nro olllqlally at
wnr. Aviators from Bulgarian terrl
tory bombarded NIbIi Friday night,
killing five persons, nnd tho Serblnn
government handed his passports to
tho Bulgarian minister. Part of tho
Jhilgarlnn army has Invaded Serbia.
Tho Bulgarian minister to Franco
has been given his passports.
All tho allies' ministers at Sofia, In
cluding tho Italian, received their
passports at Sofia.
Tho Times correspondent nt Athens
telegraphs that tho Greek govern
ment lias decided to declare an nttl
tudo of benevolent neutrality toward
tho allies.
An Athens dispatch states that Pre
mlor Zalmln and his neutrality cab
inet have decided that tho terms of
tho Serbo-Grook alllouco do not re
quire tho Intervention of Greece In
tho war to defend Sorbin.
Great Alexander Triumphs Over the
Hub Town Players In FIrat Game
Score 3 to 1.
Philadelphia. Oct. 11. Grover Alox-
andor, tho star pitcher of tho National
league, won tho first game of the
world's cliarhplonship serlus on Frldny
for tho Phillies from tho Boston Red
Sox. Tho final score was 3 to 1 and c relations between tho two coun
was bitterly contested. Philadelphia tries.
did not club its way to victory until
tho eighth Inning, and then two lucky
plays favored them. Tho winning
runs were rushod to tho pinto nftor
ona man, Alexander, hnd been retired.
Emlo Shore, who twirled a commend-
nblo game, tossed away his honors by
passing Stock. Tho Phillies scored
tho first run of tho battlo In tho fourth
inning. Fivo hits in all wero made
off tho Red Sox hurlor and four of
dheso were Infield bounders.
Philadelphia. 11.
Htock. 3b 1
Bancroft, hu 1
J'liBlicrt. cf 1
Craviuli, rf 0
I.lllU'l'UH, lb 0
WhUtPd. If 0
Nlehorr. 21) 0
iitirn.M, c o
Alexander, p , 0
Totnl.i 1 , Is
Boston. It.
Hooper, rf 0
Hcott, 88... 0
SiH-nltor. ef '.....1
HolillUi-1. lb 0
J. owls, If 0
Clnnljier. 3b 0
Hurry, 2b o
duly, c 0
Shore, p 0
llonrlckucu 0
Kutli o
IIorlelfin linttnd for Cndy In ninth.
man naueu nr Hhoro in ninth.
Boston 0 0000001 01
Philadelphia ....0 00. 1 0 0 0 2 3
Struck Out-Hy Alexander. Cndy, Lewis
mium, lioopur. unrry; uy Hhoro.
lluriiH. Niehott.
unses on linlla-Off Alexnndor. 2; off
nnoro, 1.
Stolon nasos-Wlilttcd. Iloblltrol.
Hitnltlcu UltH-Beott. Oordner. C'rnvnth,
v liny.
Umpires -Klum. O'Loughlln. Evans nnd
President Issues Formal Statement In
Which He Says Question Is Not
National but Stato Issue.
Washington, Oct. 8. President Wll
son camo out for woman suffrage. In
a formal statement ho dcclnrcd that
ho would vote In favor of amending
tho Now Jorsoy stato constitution to
that effect. Ills Htntomont follows:
"I Intend to voto for woman suf
frngo In Now Jorsoy becausu I believe
that tho tlmo has come to extend that
prlvllego and responsibility to tho
wom6n of tho stato; but I Bhall voto,
not as tho leader of my party In tho
nation, but only upon my prlvnto con
vlctlon as a cltlzon of Now Jersoy,
called upon by tho loglslaturo of tho
stato to oxpross his convictions at tho
i inniK mat now jorsoy win oe
gronuy uonouicu ny tno cnango."
saved From Mob by Sheriff.
Decatur, ill., Oct. 11. Foarlng mob
vioienco, anorin uiggs spirited Will
Hpencer, a nogro, irom tno Sholbyvlllo
Jail to Hlllsboro. Tho negro
ehnrgod with having attacked Don
jjiuiani. inirieen years oiti.
Five Injured In Wreck.
Mnnsfleld, O., Oct. 11. Fivo persons
wero injured, two sorlously, when an
excursion train over tho Pennsylvania
railroad, returning from tho county
fair at Coshocton, wau wrecked at
Walbonding, near hero.
II. I'. A.
0 0 3
1 4 1
1 1 0
0 1 0
1 10 0
1 3 0
0 1 4
0 7 0
1 0 4
I. 27 U
II. 1 A.
1 0 0
I 2 1
0 1 0
1 11 0
2 2 0
1 0 1
1 fi 4
0 3 2
1 0 4
0 0 0
0 0 0
"I 21 n
British, French, Russian, Italian and
Serbian Ministers at Sofia Ask
for Passports.
Solln, Oct. 8, vin Paris. Tho Rus
sian, French and Italian ministers
hnvo uliked for their passports, Bul
garia's answer to tho ItusBlnn ulti
matum being unsntlsfnctory. Tho
Serblnn minister also nnked for his
London, Oct. 8. A dispatch to Ren
ter's Telegram company from Solla,
sent by way of Petrogrnd, says:
'Bulgaria's reply to tho Russian ul-
tlmatuin lu unsatisfactory. Tho Rus
slun mlnlstor has notified Premier,
Rndoslavoff of a rupture of diplomat-
"Russian Interests In Bulgaria have
been consigned to tho Dutch chargo
King Constantino of Greece, broth-
cr-In-luw of tho German omporor, ap
pears to hold tho balnnco cf power of
tho near East In his hand for tho hour.
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria rejected
Russia's ultimatum demanding that
sho break with the central powers and
oxpol German oflicors who havo taken
chargo of Bulgaria's army staff, and
at tho sanio tlmo, say several corre
spondents, sent nn ultimatum to Sor
bin, nllnwlnir t woiitv.fniir ltfinrn fnr
tho cession of Macedonia to Bulgirla.
Tho program of tho Germanic em
pires apparently includes consolida
tion of their field operations with tholr
Turkish nlllos by sweeping clear n
path from Berlin and Vienna to Con
stantinople. Thus tho crucial field of
warfare has shifted from tho Fronch
nnd Rubslan fronts to tho Balkan pen
insula, whoro Gorman success would
mean realization of Emperor Wil
liam's ambitions for expansion toward
India nnd Asia.
Indianapolis Mayor Says He Didn't
Give Bills to "Bud" Gibson
Explains Receipt.
Ituiianapous, Oct. u. Practically a
complete denial of having knowledge
of wrongdoing on tho part of anybody
in tho primaries, registration sessions
aim gcnorai election was mailo on
Thursday by Mayor Joseph B. Boll, on
tho witness stand In his own behulf
In tho enso in which ho Is accused of
conspiring to commit a folony nt tho
prlmnrles, registration sessions and
general election of 19H, In tho crlm
inal court. Boll denied that ho gnvo
Tnmcs ("Bud") Gibson $11 In one-dol
lar bills election day and assorted, In
explanation of tho testimony concern
I"B tho receipt by himself of $500
from Lucius O. Hamilton, that
formed n part of n paymunt amount
lng to $3,070 credited on tho treasur
er's report to himself nnd Thoma
Examination In chlot of Mnyor Boll
was concluded at tho tlmo Judgo W,
Eichhorn adjourned court.
Blizzard In Wisconsin.
Fond du Lite, Wis., Oct. 1). A rccuinr
mldwlntor blizzard Is on hero. Snow
4b falling and u high wind la drlvlnc
tno iiaKes into onus. A frecz iik tern-
pornturo pruvans,
Ellerman Liner Still Anrounri.
Yokohama, Octt. 11. Tho Ell ormnn
liner Bufford Mall, nshoru olf Aoml
Bhlmn. Is reported to bo in a crltimi
is condition. Tho crow of 90 mon wero
still aboard on Friday, a florco cnln
preventing their rcscuo.
Carranxa Going to Capital.
Vera Cruz, Oct. 11. Secretary of
Stato Lansing has Instructed John W
Bolt to accompany General Carranza
to Mexico City, In accordanco with
an Invitation extended by tho constl
tutionniiBts nrst ciiicr.
President Wilson's Demands Are Up
held in Note From Ambassador
Von 3ernstorff.
Vashlngton1...Oct. 7. Safety of non
combatants In tho naval "war zono" s
assured. Washington officialdom de
clares President Wilson has won a sig
nal victory for tho principles for
which ho has contended In tho subma
rine wnrfnro controversy with Ger
many. "
Germany, through Count Johnnn von
Bcrnstorff, her umbassador, dlsnvowed
tho sinking of the liner Arabic and
promised tho Washington government
It would Indemnify it for tho loss of
all American lives. Germany has
yielded on all points brought to Us at
tention by tho United States.
Secretary Lansing on Tuesday gave
out the text of a letter received from
Count von Bornstorff, which was as
"My dear Mr. Secretary:
"Prompted by a desire to reach a
satisfactory agreement with regard to
tho Arabic Incident, my government
has given me tho following instruc
'The orders Issued by his majesty
tho emperor to tho commanders of tho
lorman submarines, of which 1 not!-
lied you on a provlous occasion,' havo
been made so stringent that tho recur-
,ronco of Incidents similar to the Ara
bic case Is considered out of tho ques
tion. According to tho report of Com
mander Schneider of tho submarine
which sank tho Arabic and his afll-
davit as well as thoso of his men,
Commander Schneider was convinced
that tho Arabic Intended to ram tho
"On tho other hand, tho Imperial
government does not doubt tho good
faith of tho allldavlt of tho British
olllcors of tho Arabic, according to
which tho Arabic did not Intend to
ram tho submarine. Tho attack of tho
submarine was undertaken against tho
Instructions issued to tho commander.
rho imperlnl govornment regrets and
disavows this act and hns notified
Commander Schneldor accordingly.
"Under these circumstances my gov
eminent Is prepared to pay an ludom
nlty Xor American lives lost on the
Arabic. I am authorized to ncgotioto
with you about tho amount of thin In
'I remain, my dear Mr. Lanalng
yours sincerely,
United States, for First Time In His
tory, Produces Bllllcn Busbelc
of Grain.
Washington, Oct. 9. For tho first
tlmo lu Us history United States this
yenr produced a billion bushels o
wheat. Tho crop reporting board, de
partment of agriculture, estlmatod on
Thursday Unit this year's crop based
on October 1 Indication would total
1,002,000,000 bushels. Ixst year'c out
put wan S91.000.000 bushels. Record
crops also woro produced In oats and
barloy. With an estimated outturn o
i,uw,uuu,uuu uusnois mo oats crop
ovorran the Soptomuor forecast by
109,000,000 bushels nnd Hurpassod nyy
provlous crop, tho Darioy crop is 237,
000,000 bushels.
Wisconsin Hotel Held Up.
Roclno. Wis., Oct. 11. Two masked
automoDllo uanultB hold up tho Luk
SKlo hotel south of tho city limits on
Thursday, nnd taking valuables nnd
Jewelry escaped nftcr a wild chass
toward tho city.
Rembrandt Brlnna $75,000.
London, Oct. 11. Lord Spencor hau
sold from his famous collection
Althorp his "Portrait of a Bov."
Rembrandt, for approximately $70
ouu. tho presont buyers namo
Sofia Government Hands Passports to
the Entento Envoys and Walts War
Declaration French Troops Reach
Serb Border to Aid Ally.
London, Oct. 9. Tho Austro-Gertnan
dMvo Into Sorbin has begun. An of
lldal statement from Berlin announced
that German and Austro-IIungarlan
troops havo crossed tho Dvlna, Dan
ubo and Save rivers at numerous
points and established a firm footing
on Serbian territory.
Tho Cologne Gazette reports two
Russian cruisers actively bombard
ing tho Bulgarian port of Varna.
A nows dispatch by way of Munich
announces that Roumanla will issuo a
decreo for general mobilization with
in twelvo hours. Mcanwhllo, advices
fium Bulgaria stato, Bulgaria, having
given passports to tho diplomatic rep
resentatives of tho quadruplo entente
nt tholr own request, Is awaiting an
Immediate declaration of war from
the cntonto allies.
Tho situation in Greece is chaotic,
analysts hero bollovo it to bo but
question of hours boforo all tho
Balkan nations nro involved In tho
war. Whether tho allies will declare
war on Bulgaria or wait hostllo ac
tion by tho Bulgarian government,
which Is bound to como vory soon, Is
still a question.
Tho start of tho Teutonic Invasion
of Siberia, which has for Its object
not only tho crushing of Serbia as
a powor, but tho ultlmnto advance to
Constantinople, to tho relief of tho
beleaguered Turks, is tho most Im
portant event of tho dny's develop
ments. n official dispatch reached Lon
don otatlng that tho Austro-German
armies concentrated . against Serbia
total 400,000 men.
No formal declaration of war has
como from Sofia, but dispatches from
Uiero, relayed via Berlin, declared Bul
garia expected to be at war within a
few hours.
Serbian forces havo bo n massed
along the threo rivers for soveral
weeks, ready to meet tho Invader.
An entire Fronch army corps, It is
eported here, hns renched tho Serbian
Envoys of the allied powers left
Sofia, according to Athens dispatches.
Gun. Llman von-Sanders, German
commnndor In Turkey, has arrived at
Phlllppopolls, whoro he is in confer
ence with tho Bulgarian Czar Ferdi
nand. Other German officers aro re
ported to havo loft Constantinople for
Bulgaria for tho beginning of tho
Sorblan Invasion.
Chicago, Oct. 8. Max Palensko, for
mer assistant cashier of tho Drover's
National bank, was Indicted rby the
federal grand Jury In connection with
tho misapplication of funds of tho
bank. Tho Indictment contains threo
counts, charging misapplication of
runuB, tno muKing or raise entries and
defalcation of $33,000.
Auburn, Nob., Oct. 8, Church Howe,
former consul to Sheffield, England,
Montreal, Canada, Palermo, Italy, and
Antwerp, Belgium, died nt his homo
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct 11. James
Klrby, president of tho Brotherhood
of Carpenters 'and Joiners of America,
died hero on Frldny. An operation for
appendicitis was performed and ho
did not recover from tho shock. He
was fifty years old.
Montreal, Quo., Oct. 9. Tho famous
parish church at Lachlno was do
stroyed by fire with n loss of $250,000.
King Constantino Unable to Support
Policy of the Ministry Venlzelos
Favors Allies.
London, Oct. 7. Premier Vonizoloa
of Greece has resigned, according to
a nows agency dispatch received hero,
King Constantino having Informed
him that ho was unahio to support the
policy of his ministry. Previously,
Vonizolos had told tho chamber of
tho landing of allies at Salonlkl and
rofutod tho arguments that tho gov
omrncnt Intended to lead the country
Into war. A voto of confldcnco In tho
ministry was then tnkon.
Tho voto of confldcnco In tho Vonl
rclos cabinet, takou in connection
with the premlor'B resignation, is In
terpreted as an open break between
tho ministry and King Constantino.
Fight In Gulf of Mexico.
Galveston, Tex., OiH. 11 Attacks on
Brltlsltank ships in tho gulf of Moxi
co nro ascribed to tho German yacht
Two Sistors, which was bought re
contly nt thrlco Us value and after
word left Galveston.
Conscription In England Near.
Now York, Oct. 9. "Conscription In
England Is almost n certainty," do
clarcd Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson
who arrived on tho American liner
Now York. "No serious results aro
School bonds reaching past tho
luilf million dollar mark hnvo been
registered with Stulo Auditor Smith
ainco Inst January, according to a re
port of tho last nine months given
out by the auditor. Thoro has been
i new school building within that
tlmo for every county and ono left
over, irtnklng ninety-four districts
that havo been bonded for new
buildings. ThiB number was distrib
utes niout tno state, not, however,
exactly ono to each county. The fol-
Horace Gregg Armltage, 32-Months-
Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Ar
mltage, of Kearney, Who Scored 100.
lowing represents the principal issues
with tho total amount of each:
School, .$539,825; street Improve
ment, $7i5.077.G4; sower, $220,500;
auditorium, $150,000; lighting, $211,
000; refunding, $220,500.
The most suitable supplenicntih-j
feed to corn for fattening hogs seems
to depend on several variable factors.
Oil meal, cold pressed cottonseed
calco. nnd tankage rank close together
in the profits secured in nearly all
tsts. In some tests these by-prod nets
give faster gains and more profit than
corn and alfalfa, and In other tests the
rfverso Is true. Tho physical condl
tlon nil Influenced by the weathei
.corns to deterimne whether alfalfa
luty or such by-product Is most profit
able. North Platte Experimental Sub-
The board of commissioners of
.Tohiibon county has ordered a war
rant drawn to tho stato treasurer for
tho sum of $2,500. This is In partial
payment of the $10,500 the county
still owes on the Insane lax lovy prior
to 1891, wlen tho counties took care
df tho expenses of their Individual pa
tients at tho state hospital.
George W. Berge and H. H. Wilscn
of Lincoln will defend Stato Trpasurer
Hall in tho suit brought, against him
by Fire Commissioner RIdgoll, accord
ing to announcement made by Mr,
Hnll. Tho fire commissioner is suing
to force tho treasurer to countersign
warrants drnwn for salaries of tho
fire-1 commission during September.
A hundred and eighteen corpora
tions of Nebraska delinquent In occu
pation luxes remitted to the secretaty
of stato In reply to 025 letters sent
out to them. The largest corporation
remitting was tho S. D. Mercer com
puny of Omaha, which paid tho secro
tary $S39, which included more than
$100 in penalties.
Gather the perfect green tomatoes
that are not frostbltton and put them
in n nool. drv Dluce out of the aun. In
this way. fresh ripe tomatoes may be
had almost to Thanksgiving.. Tlic
rlnenlnc may bo hastened by exposing
to tho sun as many as desired at u
time for a day or so before using.
College of Agriculture.
As a roward for faithful service,
several members of tho convict road
making gang at Camp Moreheod, near
Lincoln, received paroles
When corn Is late, as it is this sea
son, It should not be cut too early for
silage. When corn Is Just In tho milk
stago It contains only about (75 per
cent as much dry matter as It will
cnntnln two weeks later, so that cv
orv iinv Into in tho season thnt tho
corn can stand In tho field counts. At
thin tlmo tho nlant stores mutorlal In
tho stalk and car very rapidly. Frost
ed corn will moke good nllago, provid
ing It Ik cut Immediately after It Is
frosted. Tho effect of frosting Is to
cause n Iobb of moisture. Department
of Dairy Husbandry University of Nob.
Constitutionalist Chief Says Move of
Pan-American Conference Will
End Strife in Mexico.
Vera Cruz, Mexico. General Car-
rnnzn received with great jiloasuro
the news that the Pan-Amorlcun con
ference nt Washington had decided to
recommend recognition of tho party
led by him as tho do facto govern
ment In Mexico. Iii response to
quostions General Cnrranza said:
This news puts an end to all efforts
of our enemies to bring ubout foreign
intervention. They continue their
Intrigues and their attacks in tho
newspapers, but recognition of tho
constitutionalist govornment nnural-
ly will rob them of tho fruit of tjielr
efforts. When peace Is absolutely re-
lored and tranquility really estab
lished throughout the republic am
nesty will be granted to all these per
sons, but not now. To permit them to
return at this time would bo to en
dure their machinations within tho
republic. Tho Immediate effect oC
this news will bo a groat moral
strengthening of the cause of consti
tutionalism, and a corresponding dis
heartening of opposing factions.
There will bo no more formal battles.
Fighting of that sort already has end
ed ,but naturally, the struggle to put
down minor outbreaks and lawless
ness must be continued for a greater
or less time in a country such as tills,
where there are extensive open
areas. Already these bands are dis
integrating rapidly and their chiefs
aro surrendering. This development
will bring the surrender of tho lead
ers of the opposition, since tho news
of rcognition will remove from them
further hope of success."
Belgrade In Hands of Teutons.
London. The Austro-Germans now
are In full possession of Belgrade anil
the heights surrounding tho city, and
havo begun nn advance eastward to
ward the mountains which the Serb
ians last year s.o stubbornly defended
ngulnct tho Austrlans For some tlmo
to come, tho Invaders, It Is expected,
will have to fight only roar guards,
whoso duty it Is to delay their pro
gress, for tho Serbians doubtless will
do as they have done on previous oc
casionsfall hack until they reach
positions jn which they will havo tho
best opportunity of holding their
ground. In fact, military writers hero
do not expect a pitched battlo on this
front for ten days or a fortnights by
which tlmo tho allies forco Is landed
at Salonlkl and should havo Joined
hands with tho Serbians. Tho Bul
garians, as far as Is known, have not
yet made any Incursion into Serbian
territory, and It Is believed they will
withhold their hands until they know
how matters go with the Austro-Germans.
First Dry Sunday in 40 Years.
Chicago, 111. Saloon, hotel and res
taurant bars wero closed here Sun
day, October 10, for the first time in
forty-four years. Mayor Thompson's
order was In conformity with tho
slate law which had almost been for
gotten becauso of Its non-obsorvnnce,
the 7,152 saloons of the city nnd tho
restaurants and hotels operating
their liquor privileges under a city
ordinance requiring iosure qnly be
tween the hours of 1 a. m. and 5 a. m.
According to police reports the order
of the mayor was generally observed.
Instances of places in widely scatter
ed parts of the city opening sido
doors for admittance of a favored
few wore reported, but these in
stances wero comparatively rare in
the loop district, the order being
rigidly observed, according to tho
Wilson May Wed in Two Weeks.
Washington, D. C With tho return
of President Wilson, his fiancee, Mrs.
Norman Gait, and their party, it be
emtio known that plans considered on
tho trip nnd now believed to havo
been practically decided, provide for
tho wedding at a date that may sur
prise their friends and the country. It
Is reported tho event may take place
within two weeks.
"Mother Jones" to Help Out Strike.
Chicago, 111. "Mother" Jones, not
ed labor advocate, has arrived in Chi
cago and will take an active part in
the striko of the garment work
ers hero.
Find- Dynamite Near Home.
Phoenix, Ariz Dynamito was found'
In a lot adjoining tho homo of 15. A.
G. Dulmago. manager of tho Arizona
Gazette, which Is tho exponent for
tho operator's side- In Clifton Htrlke.
Industrial Plan Adopted.
Denvor, Colo. With tho announce
ment of the complete returns from
Atllo referendum voto of tho coal min
ers employed by tho Colorado Fuel
and Iron Co. officers of tho company
declared the Rockefoller Industrial
plan adopted.