..e raj? nw No. 77 NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 15, 1915. THIRTIETH YEAR. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. George Hanlon Una necopted a posi tion with the Simon Bros., Harry Lamplugh Is spondlng the day In Lexington on business. Attorney Losllo Basklns Is transact ing budlnoss In Lexington today. .-5G . 00 Ladles' Silk Sweaters, to close , Kmmctt Well Is assisting In the Har-. out (liucK. ior umy io.no. uuuvuu E. B. vnnscoy left this morning for Lexington to spend a few days on bus iness. . Mrs. 11. M. Grimes will entertain nt a konslngton tills afternoon, tho third of a series of functions she has lately given. Christian Science services Sunday nt 11 a. m.. subjoct "Doctrine of Atono- court & Jensen clothing store E. P. Sooborger will go to Omaha next weok to attend tho Bankers' convention. Mrs. William Landgrnf, Sr., was Episcopal Church Stimlnj Hdly communion at 8 o'clock;, morning service and sermon at 11 1 o'clock and evening service and scr-, mnn nt 7!M. This Is lhn first of the' evening services since last spring nnd a good attendance Is desired. Library Notes Mlas Charlotte Tcmpleton. of Lin- nintn oniiintftii nf Min lllirnrv dr. sociatlon, 1 visited her. Wednesday, Demand the Best for Your Money, You Are bure to uet it at man Mrs. milium iiinuh1"1! u"p - , .. culled to tho oastem part of ths state 1illo onrouto home from a buslncsj a few days ago by tlio mness oi nor vibu m raiiu I alahir The Bible Class of District No. l win meet, with Mrs. J. A. Mean xi u. m., ouujuui . "' will meet wim imts. j. iv. mu.ui- ment." Sunday school 12 m. Room 23 cjiaoi( 203 south Vine street, Tues B. & L. building, , ,iay afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Baker and Mlas Jo- MlBg ilutu Hubbard is nsslsting in sephlne O'Hare will leave tho first of tll0 s & H prcIulum department at cne Lieauor uuring mu uibwh-c ui ! Mrs. HOrbort White. Tin. iiru' Innsn lnaf oncvelonedla was rocolved this week and Is rady for tlu. patrons of the library. Yesterday afternoon Supt. Wilson Tout presented the library with flftj children's books which will be ready for the shelves In a fow days. M MUiMSldJUMHIlMllim I rvi vi ! ! Mir b v ; 1 m ill I next week for Omaha to visit friends for ten days Miss Elsie Spencer of Los Angeles, iwiss iiiiBie aiiuixuui ui uua "e'i xne ureatest ouu saio in mo ma arrlved hero a few days ago to entor tory of North Platte opons at The the training school for nursos at tho Leajer tomorrow and continues un North Platte General Hospital. tli Saturday evening, October 23. For Sale Indian Runner ducks. Xolg K.iS,nu83cn, R. Williams anil Price 50c. Phone Black 844. j Millard Rlggs have returned from t-...i i ..i.ti.t- PnMiin wlinrn tbov were called as 1U1 O a Hl v.. .v --' - " ' wriin snout snvoral weeks with her father, A. R. vilamson, returned to Portland Wednesday evening The dancing party given at the Elks' j home last evening was not very large ly attended. Those presfent, how ever, seemed to on joy the occasion. Messrs. Bert Troxler and George Farmer, of Omaha, are guests at tho Martini home and will remain here un til Mondy. They are traveling by aut6. Children's Coats and Dresses, larg est showing In the city at lowest prices, now shown at BLOCK'S. Harley Bonham has returned frbm Rochester, Minn., where ho accom nnnipfl his wife last week. On ac count of tho crowded condition of the Mayo Bros.' hospltal'Mrs. Bonham will be obliged to wait for a vacancy before, she can take lier treatment witnesses in a court case last week. Mrs. Minnie Perkins returned last Voters Elect 1'rof. II. C Kliott nil rillllieiilllll- (if KlllllSl1lf)llIS Prof. Edward C. Elliott, head of the'. educational department of the Univers ity of Wisconsin, has been elected chancellor of the Montana State Edu cational Institutions by the state board of education, It has been an nounced, lie Is to take charge Feb ruary 1. Prof. Elliott Is tho llrst chancellor to ho elected In that state under a law tta.xci.TiamxBr7uaB ai KSNfl LADIES' OUTFITTING STORE The Styles Are Right, The Fabrics are Right, The Fit Is Right, and the Prices Are Right. Mrs. Minnie Perkins returned last Pccontlv passCd. He wll appoint the evening from tho suffragist convention ,)r03l(l0ntg ot ,tho stato university and urlilnti ivnc hnlil n.t. ColumbUS tllte.i.. i n which was held at Columbus tlifs week. Tim nrmviipii nnndltion of the Wash ington school will necessitate a dlvis- iion ot the grades and an extra teacn er will be needed. Tho matter will receive attention next week. mm miu-o Tinvps fell from a chair on which Bho was standing yesterday, dislocating her right lilp and sustain- inc a number of bruises. Her injur ithr. stnte atrrlcultural college. Mr. Elliott is the son of Mr. Mrs. rreu iuioii oi una unj. and X iirwe Drown Mcmorl'.il Hospital Notes Rose Dancer, small daughter of Mr. mil ATrc. P.. V. Dancer, left the hos- fpv dnv?! nen. She will visit in Wallace a couple of weeks before returning to her home at Collins. Miss Florence Booze, wlio lias ueen Ti. j n ni mnunn i.ariinc Tolinf nmmml nf mnnev vou are willing to in 0 vest in you new Fall Suit, Coat or Dress, you may rest assured that you will get the best ior value receivea nere. uur unnutnuo wm bwu io w. . things: -Style, Quality, Worth and Price. Each point is enough to induce you to do your shopping ot mis Diore. ing a number oti)ruises. er n1Ju.-. - ;" V treatment the past ies will connne ner to tne nouau , Tuesday. She SOmQ .time. ,.,. ,, .im, i,nP alalor. Mrs i win i uiiiani ii ivu - - - Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Unsettled weather to night and Saturday, colder toniglit. Highest temperature yesterday GC, a year ago GO; lowest last night 52, a year ago, 2G . . ... . a nvti "ipro win nn hiii;ciiii bu viuua iui Hppiniunir t ie eariy uart ui hcam ...v.. . - ------ .....T ,.. ..ri n.i r.m nmi. R ilerlv neonlo at tne in. jjj. cuuiuu. non with each loaf of bread sold at the Sunday morning. Please call Rui baLry fofcasi. To the one present- 593 or the M. E. parsonage If any inc the greatest number of coupons on would caro to have autos cal for them evening of November 24th will bo so that they might be able to attend, awarded a five pound box of line candy.j lleVi a. J. Clifton, at one time sta Wanted to Buy A good second hand tloned hero as pastor of the Methodist La s "r rk'l,c sss-jsr: s:sr;s aa ferred. Mrs. A. i. ost. r&tirQil 1)st wlth a pcn8ion at ft. i i i.li,. .1 . n. i t nf cnn. .. . c .. HTw nnil TVTrc retary of sthte Pool's riffico Is making cilfton have moved to Grant where .. -v . : . - i,.ln'nLil'f1tn llnnnon . . j I . . ' . til nnn.lf. 1. ( Tj.nnt.fi r- a ciean-up tu in uuiuini.'uiir "'"" jiir. umioii win iJiutiiu uiuuiv and plates taking, euro r.f Hie same tic . " to 70,000 license and piatcs. ; conflnd t0 the hospital. If Tic Manager Garman, of the Keslth, reCovers, which Is doubtful, ho will hi says the prospects for theatrical at- iin invalid for life. In his suit against tractions this season are not very tlie Faililroad company recently for bright. Companies of the class that 550,000 a settlement of $35,000 wa3 ordinrialy mak a stand at North ma(ie Platte have apparently gono out of m-nivail from Needles. business. Mr. Garman nas maue o - r, "V,ed'n7sday by N . A. siuder that torts to secure guuu cuiiipa...c-a, ---- . Mr and Mrs IIor. his attempt has not been very sue- the jounb soil or m, an CeSSt'lll. ' . . , 1.. i. ...... 1 ,1,n cnlinnl nlnv Following Is the menu which will grounds anil was unconscious for four be served at the cotnmercial dinner at uourg. Tho child fell from tho top of the Christian church basmeent Mon- a sliding board and struck his left day, October ISth, from 11:30 to 1:30: ;oye. p0r a .time his condition was Vegetable soup, roast pork, beef loaf, 'serious, but he is getting along nicely . i ..... . nnrl I V O 1-T" 1 1 '1 1." d 1 1 . .. .. I r . DrOWll poiULUUO aim """"."lill lilSU lUJIUllo. Wrntilr fnnnaii. until she is strong enough to bo moved to her home at Tryon. ' , Mr. C. J. Turner, of Dickens, who was operated on Sunday morning, is ilnlnc- vorv lllcelv. Mnlvln. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust TirniiMnrr. underwent an oneration at the hospital yesterday morning. Tim Knmll son nf Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tnffnra hnil a bad fall last nlgllt Willie playing ball. As a result no is sin tering from a fractured clavical. a cmnii nnti nf Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spurrier was kicked In the fnce by a mules last evening. Vnv Sill vn Clicill) "Pilinc boxes ami shelving, cabl tinta ntn. In numbers and sizes to suit purchasers. flnn flr.at nlnss walllllt tOD desk. One Monarch Malleable iron range. n,m 'TpoiI fitit.tor. At Hershoy's Fifth street opposite ppstoclce, pnone id. Hcrshey Tinies Items Tirvnior Tinnirftrford has leased a quarter section of land near Wheat land, Wyo., and wo uiuiersianu no ux-tifir-tn tr move there and mako his i' ' lw.irin In thp Rnrlnc. Tlion fillmnn. Jr.. of NOW YOrk CUv.arrlved last Friday and is spend ing a couple of weeks looking after the f thn North Platte Land & Water Co., of which his father is tlie nrn'jIflnTII Tim nroiiniinnrv stons towards or ganizing a gun club in Hcrshey were EXTRA SPECIAL! A Liberal Cash Discount will be given with the purchase of each Loat, uit, Uress or DKirt, i omwrrow, oaiui day, and all ot next week, jj For the Stout Women Plenty of Stylish Garments in Coals, -Suits and Dresses, in. all the latest models and in all the wanted" shades, sizes 41 to 51. Prices range $15.00 to $32.50 Follow the Crowd to BLOCKS, The Store Always Busy. beans, escaloped corn, cabbage salau, with cream dressing, beet pickles, ap ple aauce, plum pudding, milk and coffee. Price 30 cents. l'laiio Lessons Pinnn lessons tilven at 412 Third street. Phone Red 104. 77.3 BERYL HAIIN. east Sutherland Free Lance Notes Special Millinery lUsnlny iimi't foruet to Inspect the bcnutl ful -display of Visk lints nt Howe & nhnpo. Mnloney's. This sale closes Mitur dny night nnd It will he well worth vour effort to secure one of these bar ftiliiK. ..MRS. EIW. liURKK. . . .. 1. . . Ilia nnltrlllinr. gaiUZlllg a gun uiuu 111 " 1 1110 potato uruii ituuiH iuu 1H..0....V.. taken Monday night at a meeting held hoo,i ja vcry satisfactory this season, 1.. mt.... nfl'tnn Alinllt fwPlltvl . 1 1, .llr.fvlnrT tlin tlll.Or-A Ift III UlU luuua uiii-u . w .. ..... mm LUU wuiiv ui itibb1 ." - - numbers have signified their inten- wcn under way. It is expected tho tion of becoming members so far. A ,,rCe wju be unusually low owing to new automatic trap is to bo ordered t)ie j,jg yirlil In tho potato-growing . 11' ...,,1 In flrut fl;ma .1 -1. it... ...... r. ailll lUO isiuuiiita !' gccliOIlB Ul mu oiuiu. ape. . v B. B. Powell, residing soutliwest H-ivn vnti Rfi&n those bee-utlful olec- np tnwn. RiiRtnlneil a badly sprained trio glims tho railroad company prom- aUki0 when a load tt hay upset with . . 1 .1... ..I O I . rrt l 1. n ised to put m ami arouuu our uupui. j,IU Saturday niteruunn. two oi No, and no one el3o has. Their prom- children wore on tho load vif.li him, Ises amount to about as much as a lin,i tboro woro also threo pltcforks in snow ball In h . Welcome the ny the hay. The wonder Is that. the dam- 1 1 ..... i.T.r.Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 II CI I 1 . tlie uuriuigiim Buio uuoj . ....u ago uone wua nu uiu;i thru here, and there Is some activity Numerous farino.-s show au incll- PJUIJUHUU llicm ujf tuv "-lint1 11UAL BPVUltll 1 1 1. e. 1l o1trrC3 fftlltiri I . 1 I a .. I.. II. r-nr,,- T Wfli U r n houso and yards for a division point, considerable acreage has already ...,. 1 .1 1 1 . . , . .1 i ...,.. 1.. 11.1., ' nrl-in(l Oro Tn nmvliln a nlnnn niunlty buy all their outer1 garments of resort, aftor tho stato prohibition at BLOCK'S. ' l'iw Bus lnt0 oft'eot Januaryl next, TI , , , for laboring men who now gather In Misses Hilda Anderson and Bssle .,, ,.,, ,,na inanii fmiP itr.ti. ntiifinil Woiiiioultiv morn- n l lug from a short visit In Omahn. I Thn rnsrillnr lllOIltblV lllCOtlnK Of tllO Chnmber of Coinmorco will bo held at eight o'clock this evening In the buse- mont or tlio uniuiing a ioan miiiiunB. story onco building 'nnd will lit it up at 1 J. MEN EH & CO. Real Estate nnd Iusurnnco Cnnin nn,l an Ilk fnr Inwn Intn In Tim Tinnkv Inountnln division of tho ' different parts of tho city. Good In- legal department of tho United States ', vestments on easy terms. Houses for reclamation has been moved from Den- sale and rent. Wo have also good bar ver to Scotts Bluff, with A. R. Hon-' gains In farmB and ranches, nold In charge. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs. still holds good. lusiness Bound To Banking "Yes, business is bound to banking, but at the Platte Valley State Bank It Is bound with Service-ties." One of our officers voiced this aentl mont tho'othor day, and wo feel that It Is so oxprosslvo of this bank's attitude toward business, that wo pass It along to our customers and friends. Wo Invite you to Join in the cordial relations that exist between ourselves and ourmany patrons. Platte Valley State Bank, 4 per cent Interest On Time Deposit. North Platte, Nebraska. Anxioua to Please. The colored population In n little Alabama town was having a race meet nt tlio local fair grounds. An aged ne hnso slmos tfi'I'O HlilSUOU to lilVl' I bis trnatly too Joints air nut In a Heat on the grand stand, immediately in front of hlni stood a large, excited tinint.Pl who laid n whole dollar wager ed on tlio favorite in the free for all trot. Ah the horses turned Into tho home stretch tho woman Jumped up In the nlr."eomlntr down snuarely with all her weight on the Intlrin extremities of the old mnn. A groan escaped him. and Bho turned and begged his pnrdon. "Uncle Zni'h. I's awlully sorry r slie mid. "Dat's all right, honey," answered tlie old man gallantly. "1 only hopes mah feet ain't too corrugated lo yoali pleasure." Saturday Evening Post. Box Social At ,thn Nichols school on Saturday ntiht. October 30. A short urogram will bo given by tho school children. vnrvimn is cordially invited nnu cv- orvono w 11 bo welcome. All girls are asked to bring boxes. homi nwn nrit. a fow of tho farmers havo been unable to get the required amount In tlie ground owing to a tuhii of other work. But It can bo expect ed that the acreago of this valuable crop will be very large. David Hunter statea yesieniay iiuu this wnrlf will nractleillv wltllOSB the completion of :ho harvest of the High er grade applou at tup uiennurnio fruit furin aimmj.unatelv PJ.ilOO busii- ,.1U T irfVn w 11 lie lifr lfltm i. uu lO 4,000 bushels of low grade amlos ye4. on tho trow, smlUllo for working up . ,r . ..i t. . fnr vlnoirur. ius. 1110 nnrvest naa honn nmirresHiiii: recently at the rate of about 700 msncls per day. Ship ment in carload lots to various towns In this portion of tho state Is now un der way, Col. Hill lieing in Norm Matte with a car today. Vow York. Annllcatlon has hoo'l made for incorporation of the Nntlonal School Camp association. Tho object of tho association is to issuo a can ior 1,000,000 school boys to take a course in military training. Among the in- fnrTinrntnrs are Ernest K. Cutler, (uporlntenaeni or me society ior tnu I . vention of cruelty to children, ins l.iw nnrtnor. Charles W. Bnnd . and Charles W. Berry, state sanitary sup ervisor. Elizabeth Kaar-iangsion T eacher of Singing i I Tho 1'hlladelnhla Dlavers' sharo of thf wnrlil'a series monov wns divided Into twenty-four parts ami eacn or tno twentv-tiiren mon o ici me to nartici- pato in thofsorlos was given a clieck fnr !.40frM.'" Thlrt 't .wnntv-fnurth share was divided Into threo parts, ono or wnicn went to ritcner uescnger whn rnlnlnnil thn PhlllloH In Snntem. her, and tho other two parts woro dl- viuou among mine ueo, ino trainer The Permanent Hog OO'OSe pay8 For Itself So Quickly nnvernment extiert savs that "Good liOK men ilwint n'nti nitre r!iUfrl tn the litter. MatlV do lictter. But the general average raised on the farm docs not exceed four pigs to the litter." This big difference is largely in the housing-. The question is -not so much a matter of cost as the t. roper design of a hog house. Many hog houses cost enough to be good, but are entirely, unfit because the sun cannot smne into tnu iJna. wiuiioin. ....v. . - - tion are absolutely necessary. (Jn tlie otner nana, inexpensive uuuscs untu give better results man more cusuy linrnifin nt tlin better OCSlCm. . . T tt The design is wliat counts, tiere a Where we can neip you. W. W. BIRGE CO. Studio 122 West Front St and several others. v