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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1915)
Semi-Weeklv Tribune IIIA L. HAKE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Olio Yrnr by Mall In Advance , . .$1.23 Ono Year by Carrier In Advance .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofflco as Second ClaBB Matter. TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS!, 11)15 Aulo Tourists No attempt has been made to kecj. an accurate count of the tourmth win CITY ANI COUNTY tfEWS. For Rent Furnished house. A. A. Schatz, Mrs. Sam Wnrnock, or Kimball, ar rived yestorday morning for a short visit with Mrs. Anna Simpson. Miss Marjorlo Cnmpball has accept cd a position In the Dickey confeo tlonory store. Lorcn Hastings nnd Clarence Mc- Cabo roliirncd Sunday evening from a short visit In Kearney. Mrs. Brooks Meadows, who hat been visiting relatives In Omaha fo two weeks, Is expected nome today. Chris Paulson returned Sunday ev- liavo nas:(ed through North Platte cnlng from Omaha whete no uttenaca this year, but at Clicyenno they figure the Ak-Sar-IJen celebration last week, that 11,000 cars conveying CG.noO pab M nml Mr8 WftUor Koclce'nPe sengors passed through that city bo u , , u , t, M tween April first and Soptombsr thli. woo,i fni, tnnnrrow tleth. Granting that one-half of thosi wo(m m" lfmortw cars passed west or oa-it to C'hcycniw Mr. and Mrs. Luke Conneally, ro by way of Denver, an' 'he oMior ItnlS Wallace, spent tho wsok end In town passed directly through North Platte and while here purchased a new IlulcU over tho Lincoln Highway, the num.. ci. I er traveling through i Is city would M)880S l8nI)ellft nnJ KBtll0V HrRlldl bo 1,000 cars and 28 000 pooplb. of Wnllaco, formerly of Mils city, visit. Wo Bubmlttcd this estimate to I t , , , f , , thc lnttor t of , t owner of a local garage, and l-.o said: wpti. "Well, from April first to September thirtieth Is 183 days, and to reach Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and 7,000 tho dally number would need bb Miss Ella Corbctt, of Wallace, were a fraction less thai' ihlrty-n'ne can, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hanlli. a day. That seems 111:? a pretty bit this week. Tally average, and yjt I don't believe -itaFwolborn has returned from It Is much too high. Hundreds of cars Durnng0 Cola., where ho was called rir..hB through during tint p-riod rccontly'by the 8erloUs lllno88 of h8 novor stopped a wheel In orta I latte i-rnMior they cut cut garages and 1 oUs, but "l0l",-I baso my estimate on tho number of ' Engineer T. G. Thompson purchase cars whlctt have stopped at my gar- ed tho former John Hurgnor property ugo together with the number slop- pn east Fourth street from C. O. ping at tho other four garage3 In Welngand last wok. town. These tourist, however, were M Jo, M , enjoying -i vis, not j all coast bound, but In my estimate t from , m, KfTaIlldnt,g'htl3'; MftI J.p "5" ?,ni? ,l ' 'T1 "v !lT Kathleen Murray, who came from Lin states other than Nebraska or Nebras- kans who wore onrouto on trips rang ing from 500 to 1.500 miles." coin tho later part of last wo.ik. Wo notice by We Bee, that Geo. 11 Payne, of t'n Payno Investment Co. Hlirh School Defeats Cozad who is well known In this section, hat in a gamo of football that started Hold Ills country homoln tho suburb out with a lack of ginger on the part m umana for ?40,000. oi mo local team, nut increased in TitrB t niann nf T nvlno'mi na it ,i..,,.i n. Mrii, Tin, .. ftirs- J. "'son, or Lexington, wns vv .".A iiii i -i 1110 euost of Honor at a kensington llu" "V" . B , Blvfn Friday afternoon by her dough. a scoro of twonty-elglit to nine. Mi the first quarter It looked as though North Platto had a real gamo on Its hnnds; In fact tho visitors outplayed thc locals but accepting this first quai tor as preliminary exercise, tho North Platto boys ended tho first half with a scoro of fourteen to two, nnd In the second half Increased this to twenty olglit, tho visitors making a safety In tho first quarter and a touchdown and kicking goal In the last half, and well earning their nine points. Cap tain Cool, of the local tcoin, played a brilliant gamo and Louis Kelly earned ravorablo mention. Uogud re tired In tho first hair on account of a bad leg, resulting from an Injury lr. a practlco gamo several days before, Hood, who took his place, was kicked on tho nnklo nnd replaced by Calhoun. EVcri) Dart MaJcJuriraJ NO chilly days with the Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Olllco: Building and Loan Building Phone, t Office 130 i nones Re3idence 115 PERF SMOKELE wc TION HEATER,' Perfection Oil gives best results. STANDAND OIL COMPANY (Ncbr&tkn) , Omaha A IP Ml I Vlki- 1 Ji'.I i . l.l!l"k"I":lN.- ID JOHN S. SEJIMS, M. 1) Pliyslclan nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. Office phone 241.- Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases, Office McDonald State Bank Building Corner Sixth and Dvey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 .7. B. M2DFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEOK Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redflold & Redfleld Office Phone 042 Res. Phono-C76 Mrs. Ira Johnston nnd baby, of Grand Island, arrived a few days ago to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lochlol Johnston for a couple of weeks. pared refreshments wcro servd . Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Kocken onto talnod nt a family dinner Sunday in honor of the seventy-sixth birthday oi tno lormers ratner, A. O. Kocken Plates wero laid for eighteen. Messrs. Sicinoy McFarland aid liar rls Stuart hold a very enjoyable dance nt tho Masonic hnll Friday cventim About thirty couples attended and ro port a pleasant time. The Whlta Tramp orchestra furnished the musio. John LoMaster is nursing n vcr painful Injury on his left liand 'which occurred Inst week while he was turn Itig steel on a liltho. Ills haiid wns caught In tho shavings and a deep wound mado In the llcsh. Tho In Jury has effected tho wholo arm whicl lias becomo swollen. To Maxwell, Nek, United Doctors Specialists Will Again Be At The KNAPP HOTEL Wednesday, October 20. 0E BAY ONLY Hours 10 n. in. to 8 p. in. Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians In the Treatment of Chronic Diseases Offer Their Services Free of Charge F. j. THF.NFn & ('(). Real F.slnlo and liiMirance Come and see us for town lots In different parts of the city. Good In vestments on eusy terms Houses for sale and rent. We have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front nnd Dowev Sts.. upstairs Hospital Phono Black G33. House Phone Black 033. IV. T. PIUTCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar Ian. Hospital 21S south Locust St. one-half block southwest of thc Court House. Xot n Hospital But a Home Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital 100S West 4th St., North Platte, Neb. Mrs. Margaret Hull, Superintendent. Miss Ycta Plckard, Graduate Dr. J. S. 'JLVinem, Physician, and Surgeon Best for Humanity's Cure Orificlal Surgery with Homeopathic Medl cine for Acute nnd Chronic PIscasc. Are You (Jolng to Mnywoodl Secrotnry Temple, of the Chamber of Commerce, Bays: "In talking with tho secretarr or 1 10 Mcuooic uommer clal club last week 1 wns. told (hat Way expected to go to Maywbod on Wed nesday of this week with at le.ut loo care that McCook was going to shut down for ono day nnd como ti meet Ibtir North Platto fr'e'ids at the fnlr La vc compote .vllu a sho.v'ni' ot thh kind? Lot's show them that wi can. Let "ovo'ryono figure on going l Muywood Wcdnesu" ' thnt can p:'i, h'v pxt away" - Film Soon to be Shown. Tho Lincoln Highway Association has notified Secretary Temple, ot the Chamber of Commerce, that tho Lin coln Hlgliwny (Hut, which wns takei. Inst summer, will soon bo shown in tho towns along tho lino of the high way. Tho film wns presented to a lnrgt audlcnco at the Panama oxpoalllon u row days ago nnd was pronounced ox ccptlonnlly Interesting, The?Jorth Platto Chamber of Com merco paid $75 to hnvo North Platte and Lincoln conty, featured lu this film, which gives us consldernltlo pub licity. ' Tho United Doctors, licensed by tfie S. K. Wolf, of Cheyenno, who bait State of Nebraska for the treatment beeu In charge of- the'- Ex. of deformities and all nervous nnd press 'dffico for three weeks, left foi chronic diseases of men, women and home Sunday ovonlrig. Tho ofTWi h children, offer to all who call on this now In charge of A. 13. ErlcUnon, who 'trip, consultation, examination, adr arrlvcd hero with Mrs. Erlckson fron. vlco free, making no charge whntov- Kcarnoy Sundny. A. II. Marks, tin or, except tho actual cost of treatment. former manager, has been transferred. All that Is asked In return for these to tho Kearney office. Tho Bank of Lincoln County at Horsncy Is completing a very hnna some pressed brick building which It will occupy ns Its home. Tho turnlHh ings will bo In keeping with the extei valuable services is that every por son treated will Btato tho result ob tained to their friends and thus prove to tho sick and afflicted In every city and locality, that at last treatments have been discovered that are reason- i t i i . i i rtf -A ornnneara. re and thn 1 S 8,lrc certal 1,1 lllelr cfTect for appearance, nnd tho appointments ' nn nrn nmnnir Amorlca'i tnrougnout win lavoraiiiy compare :r r:r. ..; Qincta With If nnt snrnnnq nnv hunklnc nioiiiuuu uuu uui u hm io In tho S and liro cxl,erts ,n t,,Q treatmont of nouso m tno couni . chronic diseases and so great and won- Rooms for housekeeping, 40G east dcrful havo been their results that In Third. Phone Black 104. 7Bti many cases It is hard to. Unit tlio uiviu Tin. enso nf lira. TCHn Hnvnii vk Inc lino between Bklll and miracle. tho Union Pacific railroad company Diseases of tho stomach, Intestines, for $50,000 will como up In the art. Hvor, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, nroine e.niirt Onlnlmr tfliii. Mr tinv. kidneys, or blnddor, rheumatism, sci- oll received a Judgment for $20,000 In atlca, diabetes, bed-wetting, tape tho lower court two years ago ami worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those tho comnnnv annealed tho cn.w. lfu. afflicted with long-standing, deep husband, tho Into Fred Huxoll, was Ucated, chronic diseases that havo baf- To Richard L. Groves owner of lots killed (Ivo yenrs ago while In the em Hcd the skill of the family physicians, it 2 and 3, Block 11, North Platto ploy of tho Union Paclllc company. should not fall to call. Deafness or- Town Lot Co's Addition, North Platto, To the estate of Frederick N. Dick, deceased owner of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and C, Block 0, North Platte Town Lot Co's Addition, North Plate, Neb. Tho owners of property on the south side of 0th street-, between Jefferson and Grant Ave, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordl nance on the 18th day of Juno, 1913 orderinc a sidewalk adlolnlnc Welt said premises, tq'.be'constructed as ta lino and grade, and of permanent ma terial a3 provided in thc general or dinanco of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In said city Unless said walk Is constructed bj you along the nortlvsldc of lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, and G, Block 9, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho 9th day of November, 1915, tho samo will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon the said lot3 owned by you adjoining which tho samo shall be constructed C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Orlando Murphy, a man 05 years o ten has boon cured In sixty dnys. ' Nebr. uko had a team run awnv with lilm According 10 viiuu uu u ino owners in jnuiioiiy un uw Tuns v on . nlnrn vniioJ m (? operations for appendicitis, gallstones, B0Uth bWo 0f Cth street, between Jet- mi 1 .1 I . 1 1 miMt nf TTitmiinv whiin lm , rnvinir tumors, .goiter, piles, etc., as tiiose forsoit and Grant Ave, are hereby no- T1m Hfi VutH r'f V? V' hnv He 2 thrown from the Sko diseases are treated without operation tmed that the Mayor and Council of eith Novillo In tho roar of his blocks , Ho wns thrown from the rake llvnn,,nrini iiMlnn. m hiv nf vnrti, Pintte. Mnnnln Keith on Front stroet and ondJowoy stroo; wero pieced In service yesterday. In constructing theso plants and equip ping tho buildings with heating ap paratus Mr. Novillo has invested about $9,000 Tho boiler liousoa havo a basomont and a ground door, tho lu ter bolng well adapted for white-, storngo of vegetables and fruits. Th Palace Cafo has leased the ground floor of tho house In the rear of tho Front stroot block and Is using It for a bakery and vogotablo room. For Sale Cheap. Tho two-story building back of tho McDonald clothing store. See Ottan- stcm, or phono 258. 71tf iiiu r.,,w. kii t.M..i..n.i i or nynouonniu hijuchuij. me c uy oi oriu i-iuiiu, incuui itim (ma uivu uuiiiv uiiiincu iiij unit 1 ... . - . i a..iaJ . . 1 1 1 nn nrm lirnkon nwlni tn tlw ih nf wero uuioiiB uiu u ai u county INeumSKIl, pussuu ami uppruvuu ...... - , w..n v V 'CW . .1 1 V I' 1 llinillnO 1 II 11. . - nil. .1 - . .a Ta n.A ...111 1.- ii 1.- ri in earn iiiu luwut- ui uiumnwo n orinnaiio uu liiu i&lu uuv ul juuc : " r UT," SureoonB." by doing away with tho 1913. ordering a sidewalk adjoining """ """'."I'. ll''J".'"Wh"n ,.,U1. 1.1,1 nn,l u.illl nil tinlll h'l,nU o.l mmD. to 1,n nnnctrnntml IIorHliov nlfnlfti mil linn bopn riinlipn R""v -" i" l""D"i l" t n, nn,it n, ,..0f ,., ti the successful treatment of tneso uan- nilll Is nearly 200 tons behind on Its serous diseases. ,,.,,,,. ,rn,, orders now nnd several orders havo . . 'ou hav Ml11"?. "r hl10 t5 uies uriug 11 lwu uuura uuniu ui juui urlno for chomlcnl analysis and micro scopic examination. No matter what your aliment may be, 110 matter what others may havo told you, no mnttor what exporienco boon turned down because of Inability I to (111 tho orders on time. Horshoy Times. G40 For Trade ncros near Stapleton to ox- ,,.. wm, nthor nhvsl- cnango tor city property or smaller cmna, u will be to your advantage to uiiui iiuiir luwii. i ius i 11 buuu viuuu. I se0 tllOlll at ( Seo or phono, 75-2 O II.. THOELECKE. W A R M T H 1 1 At this time of year is necessary for Health. One of these portable Gas Heaters is just what you need. We have them from $2.50 up suitable for every purpose. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. K. MOREY, Mgr. once. Havo It forever sot- tied in your mind. If your caso is Incur- nblo they will give you such tuivico as may rollcvo and stay tno uiseaso. uo not put off tins uuiy you owe yuui solf or friends or rolatlvos who arc suffering because ot your sickness, as a, visit at this Unto may help you. Worn-out and run-down men or wom en, 110 matter what your ailment, con sult them. It costs you nothing. Romomber, this Inst free oner is lor this visit only. Married ladles como Willi uietr nus bnnds and minors with their parents. ns to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided In the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In said city Unless said walk Is constructed by you along tho north side of said lots owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or before Wo 9th day of November, 1915, tho same will be constructed by said city and We costs assessed upon the said lots owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. O. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk Notice for Publication Serial No. 05301 i DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Land Offlco at North Platto, Nobr., October 2, 191b. Notlco Is hereby given that Louis ru. Macoy, of North Platto, Nebr , who, on Oct. 30, 1911, mado Homestead En try No. 05301, for NEVi Section Township 14 N., Range 29 W fiti Principal Meridian has man notice of intention to maka t'nal three yen. Proof, to establish calm to Wo land above eVecrlbcd, boforo tlit Reglstet and Receiver at North Platto Nebr., on tho 24W day of November, 191B. Claimant names! an witnesses- Purdy, Jess Long, all of North Platto, Georgo Kopf, Lnben Hollar, Frank Nebr. ol2-Gw J. E EVANS, Resist Ci. Notice. Charles E. Rlma, Hattlo M. Rlma Ann Phillips, William L. Phillips, bus band of Ann Phillips and RT B. Den ills, defendants will tako notlco that on tho 11th day of September, 1915 William E. Sampson (lied his petition n tho district court of Lincoln county Nebraska against said defendants, the object and prayer of which nro foreclose a certain tnortgngo executed by tho defendant Charles E. Rlma and HaUte M. Rlma to tho plaintiff upon tho Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-nlno, Township Twolvo, Rnnco Thirty-two In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of ono promissory note dated December 20. 1911 tor tno sum ot m.uuu.uu that Wore Is now due upon said noto and mortgago We sum of $1244.97 for which sum with Interost from tno -20th day of September, 1915, nt 10 po COL. M. L. McDERFIOTT, General Auctioneer PHONE RED 834. North Platto, Nebraska. Stock and Faim Sales n Specialty II, H. LAND GRAF Fnintciy Pnperlinnger nhfl Decorator Phone Black. 571). j If Welcome a cod And a good cigar means ono made ut We Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utatlon as a maker 0 fgood cigars In North Platte extends back thirty year3 If we did not make good cigars we would have been forced to close the factory yeais ago. If you have not been smoking Schmalzrled's Cigars It Is not too late to begin. J. F. Schmalzried OH Ul fl 4- ft Bought and highest market prices.paid PHONES Residence Red G36 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 53 723 Locust Street A modern Institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Roy nnd diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Denl, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redficltl, M. D. J. S. Sirams, M.D. Miss Elisc Sieman, SupL PEItltl'HEIUiY & FORBES, Licensed Eiubnlmcrs Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. Probate Notice In the Matter of Wo Estate of Cora H. Osgood, Decased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Oct. 4, 1915. Notlco Is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will meet tho ad ministrator of said estate, before tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at . tha County Court Room, in said County, on tho 5th day of No vember, 1915, and on the 5th day of May, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for We purpose of presenting their claims and one year for the admlnls and allowance. Six months aro al lowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the adminis trator to settle said estate, from the 5th day of November, 1915. This no. tlce will be published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal newspaper printed In said County, for four weeks successively prior to November 5, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, o5-4w County Judge. To Margaret McGovorn, owner of lots 1 and 2, block 85, North Platte, Nebr. The owners of property on tho south side of Eighth street between Locust and Walnut streets, are here by notified that the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of North Platto. Lin coln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on Wo 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a side walk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to lino and grade and of pqrmanent material, as pro vided In the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the north side of said lots land 2, block 85, owned by you In ac cordance with said ordinances on or before tho 19th day of October, 1915, the samo will be constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon the said lots owned by you adjoining which the some shall bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. Notice to Contractors You are herby notified that sealed bids will be received by We director, Leonard Laubner, of School District No. 33 in Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the office of Beeler & Crosby in North Platte, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p. m. of the lGth day of October, 1915, for We erection and completion of a four room brick and re-lnforced con crete school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Such bids must bo accompanied by cortified check In tho sum of ono hun dred and fifty. 00.000 (150.00) dollars, payable to Henry Fulk,- treasurer of School District No. 33, hv.Llncoln coun ty, Nebraska, which will bo forfeited if tho person to whom We contract Is awarded fails to enter Into tho con tract. Tho school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications may bo ex amined at the office of Bert M. Rey nolds, architect, North Platte, Nebras ka. Bids will be opened at the office ot Beolcr & Crosby, North Platte, Nebras ka, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. LEONARD LAUBNER, sl4td - Director. snr.HiiT's sai.i: By virtue of an order for sale Issue from tho District Court of Uncol County. Nebraska, upon a decree ot foreclosure rendered In Bald Cour .... 1.- I .. t T 1 .... 1 . A rHnM. wnoiein vuiuiuui uuu jjiiuiv ui mum. . fnrnoration. 1m nlnlntlff. and I'atrlcli V. Doyle, et al are defendants, and to m illr.x'tpil. 1 will on the 30th day of October, 1915, at 2 o'clock i. m. at the enst front door of the Court House In Nort lUatte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at phblic auction to the highest; bidder for cash, to satisfy sfild decree. Interest and costs, tho following des cribed property, to-wit: Kost half and the cast half of the west half of Wft) or Boot Ion Twenty-two (22), Township Mno (0), North of ltango Thirty-two (32), wost of the fith V. M. In Lincoln County, Dated North Platto, Septombor 2C, 191 B. A. J. SALISBURY, 828-Cw Sheriff. IMIOUATK XOTICU In tho Mnttor of tho Estate of Nancy A. Boightel, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Soptembor 23, 1915. Notice Is hereby given, That the creditors of said deceased will meet the Aiiminisirairix ot kuu n.iuio, uu fore the County JudKO of Lincoln Coun 1 ... v.iirnuirn nt thn County Court r I Room. In said County, on the 29th day To Dora V. 'VanDruff, owner of lot 5, block 57, North Platto, Nebr. Tho owners of property on tho east side of Chestnut street, between 9th and 10W streets, are hereby no tified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln coun ty. Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on the 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grado, and of permanent ma terial, as provided In tho general or dinances of said city, rcgulalng the construction of side w tits In said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along the west side of ahl lot 5, block 57, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or boforo tho 19W day of October, 1915, the samo will bo constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon Wo said lot owned by you adjoining which tho samo shall bo constructed. O. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. of October, 1915, and on the cont per annum plaintiff prays for a April. 1916. at 9 o'clock a. m. each decree, Wat the defendants bo ro-!day. for tho purpose of presenting milrnil tn nnv Mm Hntne nnd thnt said tholr claims for examination, adjust quircil to pa tno same, anu inni saiii je)U anA allowance, six months aro sold to satisfy tho allowed for. creditors to present their clnltnBj nntt -oe year inr iu Au.mnin Raid tratrlx to settlo said Estate, from the promises bo 'amount due. OU aro reqmreu to uuswui y9,n'rtny of October. 1915. This notlco petition on or before tho 1st day of -?iV, lie published in tho North Platte V...Ainl,f iniR I rr.llo.nn n tnirnl RAml . WAPkl V IlCWHDa- Dated September "0 1915 Per printed" In "said "County; for four Dated September ;o, l ji&. f ivceJ HUe8Hlveiy prior to October Y luuuuu Qium uu.i, gg 1915, lt.ei. r udnin. By Wilcox & Halllgan, His Attorneys. s28-4w County Judgo, To Walter Hlnkley, owner of lot S, block 20, North Plnttc, Nebr. Tho owners of property on tho west sldo of Willow street, between 12th and 11th streets, are hereby no tified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, passed and approved an rdinanco on tho 18th day of June. 1913, ordering a sldowalk adjoining their said premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grado, and of permanent ma terial, as provided In tho goneral or dlnnces of said city,- regulating tho eorTstructlon of aide-walks In said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along, tho cast sldo of lot 8, block 20 owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or bdfbro Wo 19th day of October, 1915, the samo will bo constructed by said city and tho cost assessed upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall bo contructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk.