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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1915)
THE SEMI-WEEKLV TRIDUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered As Many Girla Do Tells How Sho Found Relief. Sterling, Conn. "I am a girl of 22 years and 1 used to faint away every month and was very weak. I was nlso bothered a lot with f emalo weakness. I read your littlo book Wisdom for Wo men,' and I saw how othora had been helped by Lydia E, Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compound, and decided to try it, and ' it has made mo feel like a now girl and I am now relieved of all these troubles. I hope all young girls will get relief as I have. I never felt better in my life." Mrs. JOHN Tetoeault. Box 116, Sterling, Conn. Massena, N. Y. "I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and I highly recommend it. If anyone wants to write to me I will gladly tell her about my case. I was certainly in a bad condition as my blood was all turn ing to water. I had pimples on my face and a bad color, and for five years I had been troubled with suppression. The doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus tion,' and said I was all run down, but Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- Kund brought mo out all right "Miss lVisa Myres, Box 74, Massena, N.Y. Young Girls, Heed This Advice. Girls who aro troubled with painful or Irregular periods, backacho, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly dia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Baauty to Graror Faded Hair. toe. and 81.00 at Drucclite. Tush, Tush! Sho What a lovely vlow! He I'd Uko It bettor if you turned your face this way. Why That Lame Back? Morning lameness, sharp twinges when stooping,- or a dull, all-day back ache; each is cause enough to Buspect kidney trouble. Get after the cause. Help the kidneys. We Americans over do, overeat ana neglect our sleep and exercise, and so we are becoming a na tion of kidney sufferers. 72 more deaths from kidney disease than in 1890, is the story told by the 1010 cen sus, it annoyed with a bad back and irregular kidney action, modify the bad habits and use Doan's Kidney Pills. A Nebraska Case W. W. Smea, 2303 is. ixrcust St.. East Omaha, Nob., says: "My kidneys were weak nnd disor-l dor od as was shown by tho se vere pains through the small of my1 back. I felt tired and languid and my kidneys acted too freely. Lontr, hours on mv feet made tho nalna worse. Doan's Kidney Pills prevented a general break-down. They rid me of the pains and aches, toned up my system and restored mo to erood health." Get Doan's at Any Store, SOe a Box DOAN'S ETC LS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In tho local treatment of woman's ills, such as lencorrhoea and inflammation, hot douches of Paxtlno ard very efllcacious. No woman who has ever usod medicated douches will fail to approciato tho clean and healthy condition Paitino produces and the prompt rollof from soreness and discomfort wnicn follows Its use. This Is because- raxtino possesses superior cleansing, disinfect ing anu ueaiing properties. For ten years tho Lydia 13. Flnkham Medicino Co. has rec ommended Paxtlno In their private correspondence with wo men, which proves its superi ority. Women who havo been relieved say it is " worth its vrelcht in cold." At drucclsts. 60o. largo box or by mail. Saraplofree. The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Maaa. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutfirmly com pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con stipation, In' digestion, Sick Headache. and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED to Cuttir! Dlsckles Pllli. !. Western stockmen, bscsiiss thty protect whir athw vseclaai fall. Writ for booklst and testimonials 10-dole pkst. Blaaklca PUIS f 1.00 (O-SMe diss. BIssUm Pills 4.00 Use nr Injector, but Cutler's best Tbs superiority cf Cutter products Is due to o?er It Iters ot specialltlnc In tsMlaes and serum esly, Isilit a Cutter's. If unobtalnabla, order direct. Tae Cutter Laboratory, Bsrkilty, Cel., or Cnltais, III. mm kmis"-! :s 1 T-urVtot to .ssssssssssH r it r rw sHIsP m itti r aaaaaw av oil BUILD ROADS IN MOUNTAINS California Highway Commissioner Points Way for Opening of Arable Lands Convicts to De Used. "If you will givo ua tho convlcta to build roads through tho mountains thero nro 7,G00,000 acres of arable land on tho eastern platoau of tho Siorraa that can bo opened for settlement," said Charloa V. Stern, highway com missioner of California, in supporting tho bill which passed tho California legislature to permit prisoners to bo employed in road building. California prisoners havo not been employed in this work other than In a Bumll way around tho prison, but tho need of opening tho mountain dis tricts has started road bulldiug by tho prisoners. Tho net just passed is modeled after Colorado legislation, under which ex cellent results havo boon obtained. Tho highway dopartmenWs authorized to mako requisition upon tho prison department for tho numbor of convicts required, and is to organize and main tain tho camps as well as superviso tho road work. Tho' prison depart ment, however, retains control over tho discipline of tho prisoners, and, al though tho national committeo on prisons and prison labor boliovcs bet ter results can bo had under tho West Virginia system, whero tho prison de partment maintains tho camps, both tho convicts nnd tho stnto of Cali fornia will assuredly benefit under tho now legislation. Tho men aro to bo worked under tho honor system, and tho prison depart ment is empowered to grant additional good tlmo allowanco to convicts em ployed in this work, conditioned upon their loyal, obcdlont and efficient co operation with tho state. To bring about tho earlier comple tion of tho atato highways which will mako tho isolated regions accessible, tho bill wont into ofTect ninety days after tho adjournment of tho legis lature. Reporting tho successful passage of tho act to tho national committee on prisons and prison labor, Mr. Stern writes: "Wo expect to uso from 1,000 to 1,500 convicts on our moun tain roads, and a year henco will Good Road Through Mountain Pass. doubtless havo very interesting facts to relato." California la tho last of tho western states to employ her convicts in this way, aud it is hoped tho now legisla tion is a step toward tho reconstruc tion of her whole prison system along tho Hne3 advanced by those who havo tho welfare of tho convict at heart Bottomless Illinois Roads. Whllo tho American submarine that can cross tho ocean and como back on one helping of fuol is a great machino, tho perfected aubmarino will bo ablo to travel on tiio bottomless "roads" in southern Illinois after a rain. . Influence of Automobiles. In splto of much lingering preju dlco against automobiles their Inllu onco Jn improving roads is every where in evidence in a way which cannot bo denied. Help Strawberry Plants. If strawberry runners aro not root ing well throw a littlo dirt over ends of tho runners or places at which plantlets havo started. Supplement the Pastures. Loss, expense and risk hasten in the wako of withered pastures, unless sup plemental feeds aro promptly supplied. The Greatest Tax. It costs tho American farmer moro to feed his insect foes than it does to cducnto his children mm FEEDING WHEAT TO CHICKENS Exercise Given Hens In Scratching Out Grain Is Conducive to Egg Laying at All Times, (By II. II. 8HEPAKD.) Last year, being Bhort of hay and having only a small wheat crop, we cut all our wheat with tho mower and put it up for hay, harvesting It a fow days beforo tho regular wheat harvest ing time. Our wheat-hay stored in tho bam was fed to tho horses from tho tlmo II was harvested till lato In tho wintci when it was all used up. Incidentally, It proved to be ono of tho host horse foods wo over usod. But tho chickens had tho run of tho barn and lota picking up and scratching out all scat tered wheat. As Boon as our wheat was in tht barn and its feeding began, tho hem begnn Immediately to lay moro egg than usual. Thoy continued to laj unusually well all summor, fall and through tho winter till tho wheat-haj was all fed out and gono. Within lost than a week after this wheat-hay wai gono our hens dropped in their egg yield noticeably and thoy did not corns back to a heavy yield in spring till we reluctantly purchased wheat nt $1.6( a bushel and began to feed this grain 1 If Pure-Bred Orpington. Then they did como back to their for mer high yield. Tho hens lay enough moro eggf when fed on wheat to mako tho wheal bring oven better than war prices for grain. Thoy. seom to do much better too, when they are given wheat in the straw, or bundle, than when given the puro thrashed grain. It seems that tho exerciso thoy get In scratching ii out is conducive to egg laying. SOME TROUBLES OF TURKEYS Common Cause of Disease Termed Chicken Pox Is Overfeeding With "- Corn It Congests Liver. Turkoys aro sometimes infected with a disease which might bo termed chicken pox a condition in which the heads becomo covered with largo yel low sores, which discharge a little and form scabs, giving tho birds a most unwholesome appearance, writes I. B. Henderson in Farm, Stock and Homo. Tills is a form of scrofula, and it .seems to spread from ono bird to another, bo that It needs to be dealt with on definite lines. Wo bellcvo a common causo of this to, bo overfeeding with corn, which, In splto of advlco to tho contrary, still remains a favorlto food for turkoys with many farmers; but it overheats tho system, and, boing of a starchy naturo, tends to congest tho llvor oven of young stock. Tho blood in this way becomes fillod with Impurities, for the simple reason that the digestlvo proc esses cannot bo properly carried out. nnd thcBo oruptlons, especially if tho birds get inoculated with tho com plaint from somo othor sourco, will appear and will work untold mischief. Tho only way to deal with this in to soparato tho birds, batlio tho sores as they appear with a fairly strong solution of pormanganato of potash, paint with disinfectant, doso tho bird with opsom salts, and keep on a fairly low diet. Such a treatment will give tho bird a set-back so far as Iloshlng In concerned, but it is absolutely tiecossary to follow out such a treat ment if tho troublo is to bo chocked. Wheat for Laying Hens. Wheat in tho sheaf is not only ono of tho very best feeds for laying hens, but it is very good for littlo chickens and young growing stock. Wo cut wheat for all our poultry as soon as rrnln 1b formed, nnd continue tho feed ing for ull tho year. Thoro Is nothing bettor for tho birds. Wheat in tho straw in tho hen houso in wlntor fur nishes both grain and scratching lit ter of tho best .kinds. It pays to feed wheat if you want lots of eggs tor all seasons. Money Well Spent. Each year, as trap nesting is prno :Iced. better returns will bo obtained from fower hens. It Is important. Tho timo spent in looking after these nesta Is tho best oxpendituro on tho poultry farm. It is money woll spent. But, as already mentioned, It is equally Important to ubo males, in mating, that camo from hens that did good work. NO DOUBT THAT RESIN0L DOES HEAL SICK SKIN When you know physicians havo prescribed rcslnol for 20 years in tho treatment of eczema and other Itching, burning, unsightly skin oruptlons, and havo written thousands of roports say ing: "It is ray regular prescription for Itching," "Rcslnol has produced brilliant results," "Tho result it gavo was marvelous in ono of tho worst cases of oczemn," etc., etc., doesn't it make you feel that "this is tho treat ment I can roly on for MY skin trouble?" Tho moment rcslnol oint ment touches itching skins, tho Itch ing stops and healing begins. Sold by all druggists. Adv. Embarrassing, first Stage Hand What was tho row out frout during tho first scene, Bill? Second Stngo Hand Tho under study nursomnid got excited and car ried in tho heroine's baby when It wasn't duo to nppcar until thrco years later In tho fourth net. Damboo trees do not blossom till they attain their thirtieth year. Net Contents i5 Fluid Drachms ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. AVejjclnhlc PivpamlionforAs similalingtlieFoodundnctiiilA (ing the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DitJcstioaChccrful ncss and Rcst.Contains neither Opiiun.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. XwtfWDr.sbti'ut'fmai fumJun Stid. Alx StAAa KtxhtlU SalU Anist Suit IifhrJ!uinttSoda , ft an nux Suaar Wintnrttn t'lamf A perfect Remedy forCimstfpa lion. Sour Sfomneli.l)iitrrliocn, Worms, revvrishness and loss of Sleep; r Thc-Simile Signature of Tfie Centaur CompanV, NEWT YORK. ssFiffi.'JlMllilltl-'ISTlinssM 3 Exact Copy of Wrapper Mild Way of Snylng "You Lie." Hohba (telling a tall story) I as sure you, old mau, It I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't hollovo It. Dobbs Then you'll understand why I don't. Red Cross Unll ltlue. made in America, therefore tho Lest, delights the houtewife. All good grocers. Adv. Isn't it queer that a man novor shows his temper until after ho loses it? When all others full to pleaso Try Denlson's Coffee. Thoro aro somo 800 farmers' clubs In Minnesota at tho present tlmo. 10c Worth of S.Ket Contents iS Hold Drachms! G ASTORIA Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land South Byers Bros. & Go. want your order for enough CATTLE or SHEEP to fill your PASTURES and YARDS WE GUARANTEE "Satisfactory Service" H. G. KIDDOO, Mir., So. Omaha Business o o So. St. CP The. brlcklnyors' strike In Omaha has been settled. Brlcklnyors remain Ing In tho city will Btart work at onco, but thero will bo n great short ago of bricklayers and laborers on account of so much work. Following Is list of buildings under construction; First Presbyterian Church World Herald. Dunforth Apartments Ford Motor Company Blackstouo Hotel Hastings & Ilcydcn St. Cccolln's Cathedral 1'holan & Shlrloy BIdg. First National Bank Drcshor Bros. Stores Grain Exchango Swenson Bros. WarehouBo Crcighton Gymnasium Charloa Motz residence Roso Realty Bldg. St. Catherine's Hospital Good Shcphord Chapol Sklnuor Macaroni Factory Wcstorn Nowspnpor Union Bldg. National Printing Company Brnndois Power Bldg. And numerous smaller stores and residences. Tho world's commorco in 1912 1 amounted to $30,570,000,000,000. Children What is CASTORIA Castorin is a harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Paryt Coric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium. Morphlno nor other !Narcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms nnd allays Fcvcrlslmcss. For moro than thirty years It lias been in constant uso for tho relict of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, nil Teething Troubles ana Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels assimilates tho Food givlnff healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 i Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TH St OSCNTAUP1 OOMPANY, N StW VOS1K OITV. Nebraska Directory RHEUMATISM enn be cured or money refunded. Tlio Serum Treatment l tlio only positive- cur known. Unl tea day a timo required for a cure. Call or write for teBtluiouluU and full imrttuulura. Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Boo Bldg., Omaha, Ncbr. Llvo Stack Commission Jlannl SOUTH OMAHA.NCR. OUR MOTTO OOOO SERVICE 8 fTAGG BROS. & H00RHEAD (STPMI) Get rid of the stumps and grow wfejM big crops on cleared land. Now WfMl is the time to clean up your farm while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook of Explotoc No. C9F, and name of nearett dealer. DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE Omaha o Joseph X Renew Your Health Back of all good health I there must be perfect di gestion, liver and bowel activity and puro blood. You can help Nature bring about this condition with HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Cry For Signature of I Nebraska Directory nnd Bunullea house in tlio wraU E?IMIaMIMl. l"tmnnKOOils. Wopnjrc iiiiwiilliu (urn poaiage on unuiiiuift THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO,, 1013 Frnm Street Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. TUP CTOal Ot?ik IB Ha 8 flJ4 B tJJII EUROPEAN PLAN Room a from 11.00 up stogie, 75 cents up double CAFS PRICES RA90NABbIsi Good Scrum Will Save Your Hogs :From Cholera CsnU B. Got Licensed Scrum, i'lione. wire- writ or call on OMAHA SKKUBI COMPANY. 2Uths ts O tits.. a.Oiuuha.Nob., rhono South S8U8 Live Stoclr Commission Co, SHIPMENTS SECURED BT $100,000.00 CAPftA,h ft01 BEST PR1CE3 AND FIIZ8. South Omaha Chicago Kao. City Jackson-Signall Co,, Wrlto or wire for marked mtotntlons on all kinds ot Foe.lera, Sheep aud Out tie. tSS-IST Eiekanee Bldi S. Omaha, Kia llefcrnnccsi Lire Mock Nation al Bunk, BecuTltj- Stato ilack. UUU I UNO MACH & MACftf DENTISTS 3rd Floor Paiton Blocl IBth&ParnamSI. n.h. Jle.l ,mil,l OKCM 8pclftl discount i. sl Ulr aiiuMs '( Oaiii, DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because i Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric. Port laundry nurposesit has no equal. 16 oz package 10c 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO.. Omaha, Nebraska Hotel Castle 632 So. 16 St., OrauhQ, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof. Rooms with private bath . $1.50 Rooms with private toilet . . J. 00 Fred A. Castle, Proprlclos MUTUAL LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Sellers of Live Slock on the South Omaha market. Feeder haying a specialty BOTH CATTMt RJTPSMBN nriTii nnn oiv fiHrii W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 41-1915. MWU MMH MEN AND OFFICB MANAOEK WITH TUB 'HaV J I0NAX" UP TO TUB TIME IT 60JJ) OUT