The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 12, 1915, Image 3

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San Jose Seal Young Larva Developing Scale; (a) Ventral View of
Larva Showing Long Sucking Beak; (b) Dorsal View of Same Some
what Contracted, With First Waxy Filament Appearing; (c) Dorsal and
Lateral View of Same Further Developed; (d) Latter Stage of Same
Showing Matting of Waxy Secretions to Form Young Scale. (From
Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture.) -
(By C. S. MILLER.)
Until lately It was supposod that
thero was but ono soason for spraying
for tho Bcalo, and that was in tho
spring boforo tho budo oponod. Now,
however, oxporimonts havo taught
that in tho fall, just after tho leavos
fall is oven a bottor tlmo to spray.
Thero aro a number of dlilorcnt
kinds of sprays on tho market, and
eomo of thorn in more convenient
shapo than over known for thoso who
dwell in towns and suburbs and havo
only a fow yard troes. But for tho
farmor and fruit grower, nothing has
over been found that combines cheap
ness and effectiveness in tho degree
that tho well-known lime, sulphur and
salt mixture does.
Truo, it la a llttlo troublcsomo to
mako, but not unduly so when wo con
eidor how cheap it Is and how easy
to procure tho ingredients anywhoro.
Formulas vary some, but ono that
has boon given a thorough test con
tains equal parts by weight of three
materials, 15 pounds each of lime, sul
phur and salt, being taken for 50 gal
lons of water.
Slako tho Hmo with hot water and
when boiling pour in tho sulphur,
which has boon dissolved in a llttlo
water, and stir it well into tho Hmo,
then add the Bait.
Boll together for an hour, when
tho mixture will havo becomo a very
dark rod. Then add water to mako
up 50 gallons of spray, and if possible,
apply it whllo warm.
If it stands more than 24 hours, it
is best to bring it to boil again bo
foro using. This wash can be cooked
Adult Male Scale, Greatly Enlarged.
(From Bureau of Entomology,
United States Department of Agri
culture.) in a largo iron kettle, but steam is
tho best heat whero it can bo pro
cured. If thoro is a mill or a factory close
by. It is worth whilo to try to havo
tho steam convoyed to tho barrels
through a hose. It saves a great deal
When Properly Applied the Solu
tion Is Fatal to Larvae of
Cucumber Beetle.
A concentrated nlcotino solution of
whlch thero aro several brands on tho
markot, properly applied, Is fatal to
tho larvao of tho cucumber beetle
which sometimes does a. largo amount
of damage to cucumbers whether hi
tho cold framo or in tho field. One
toaspoonful of a 40 per cent solution
of nicotino to c gallon of water is
Tho gardener should look for tho
larvao of tho bootlo just at tho sur
face of tho soil. When ho dlscovors
them ho should pour his nlcotino so
lution on carefully with a narrow half
pint cup, being suro to lot it run down
all sides of tho stalk.
Fighting the larvae of tho cucumber
beetle is bottor thau fighting tho ndult
beotle itsolf, as th ndults work chiefly
on tho leaves ana du not get at tho
vital parts of tho plant.
Extract of tobacco containing 40
per cent nlcotino in tho form of nico
tino sulphate will destroy plant lice
or aphlda on trow and shrubs, it
properly used. This material is on
tho market. Ono-half pint of this in
50 gallons ot water is very effective
if sprayed on tho plants in such a
way that every insect is touched with
a small partlclo of tho spray. This
material is ovon moro offoctlvo if
mixed with whalo oil soap ono pound
of whalo oil soap to ten gallons of tho
diluted nicotine solution.
of hard work and cooks moro thor
oughly. Tho ocalo is much moro susceptible
to tho action of sprays in tho fall than
in tho spring, for tho reason that dur
ing tho winter its covering tlssuo ot
shell bocomes harder to penetrate It
is only tho scale born in tho fall that
Adult Female Removed From Scale
Before Development of Eggs; (a)
Vernal View Showing Very Long
Sucking Setae; (b) Anal Plate
Showing Characteristic Ornamenta
tion, Greatly Enlarged. (From Bu
reau of Entomology, United Statei
Department of Agriculture.)
survives tho wlntor, and it is thero
tore soft and easily killed by contact
with oils and acids.
A small proportion of fruit buds
is sometimes killed by this wash,
but tho general bonoflt received by
tho tree far outwelghB this loss. Tho
lime and sulphur wash is not only
deadly to tho scalo but to all forms of
insect lifo and is valuable as a de
stroyer of fungous gorms.
It is a fact that 'a treo thoroughly
sprayed in tho fall entors upon tho
wlntor frco from insects and gorms
aiid in tho best possible condition to
begin its growth in tho spring.
When trees aro very badly infest
ed, they should ho sprayed again in
tho spring, for it is impossible to ex
terminate every individual scale at
ono application.
It has been estimated that a single
pnir of the San Joso scalo will at
their rato of increase multiply into a
million from Juno, when thoy begin
breeding, to November, which is
about at lato as thoy breed in tho mid
dle latitudes.
Presence of Unbroken Rock With
in Three Feet of Surface
Causes Failures.
In choosing a slto for apple raising
tho necessity for good depth of subsoil
cannot be emphasized too strongly.
Shallow soils should bo assiduously
avoided for orchard purposes. Tho
presence of unbroken rock, large
ledges, or hardpan within three feet of
the surfaco should bo considered pro
hibitive. A soil depth of at least six
feet should bo insisted upon, and an
even greater depth Is highly desirable.
Soils with tho underlying rock too
noar tho surface havo been responsible
not infrequently for tho failure of com
mercial orchards owing to tho inca
pacity of the subsoil to store sufficient
moisture to offset droughty conditions,
or to got rid of excess moisture early
enough in tho spring.
Tho condition of tree growth and
fruit yields makes it evident that soils
for any kind of orchard planting should
be deep, well drained and frlablo, yet
not bo porous as to bo droughty. For
the red varieties it is often desirable
that both soil and subsoil should also
bo well oxidized as Indicated by uni
form brown, yellow or possibly grayish-brown
colors. Light gray or mot
tled colors should bo avoided.
Buy Ducks In the Fall.
With ducks always buy now blood
in tho fall. It takes Bovoral months
for ducks to bocomo satisfied and
contented in a now location.'
Somo children roam tho fields nnil
And others work In noisy mills;
Koine dress In Bilks, nnd dance nnd
Wlillo others drudso their lives nwny;
Sonio slow with hcnlth nnd bound with
And eomo must Buffer all day Ions.
Chocolato is such a gonoral favorito
with ovcryono that any dish or com
bination using it will not
eomo amiss.
Chocolate Pie. Tako
a pint of milk, a pinch
of salt and a half a cup
ful of butter; put on to
boll, add n half cupful of
grated chocolato, a halt
cupful of sugar, well
mixed with a quarter of
a cupful of (lour; cook
until smooth. Fluvpr with vanilla nnd
bako In a bottom crust. Cover with
whipped cream. This makes a good
slzod pic.
Chocolato sauco to servo with ico
cream or as a pudding sauco Is deli
cious. Mix woll ono-half cupful each
of grated chocolato and sugar, add a
half cupful of cream and heat slowly
until woll blended.
Chocolate Gelatin. Tako a pint
each of milk and cream, a half cupful
of sugar, n half box of gelatin, two
ounces of chocolato and a toaspoonful
of vanilla. Cover tho gelatin with
one-half cupful of cold wntcr and let
soak for half an hour. Put tho milk
ovor tho fire, adding BUgar and choco
lato, then tho gelatin. Take from tho
fire and add tho vanilla and fold in
tho whipped cream when it is cool.
Set away to chill In a mold.
Chocolate Fudge. Tako a half cup
ful ot milk, two cupfuls of sugar, a
squaro of chocolate and a third of a
cupful of corn sirup. Cook togothor.
adding a tablespoonful of butter dur
ing tho boiling. When a ball Is formed
by dropping in cold water, remove and
stir, adding nuts if desired Let It
cool a whllo boforo stirring or set It
Into a dish of cold water whllo stir
ring. Cream puffs filled with a chocolato
mlxturo dipped In chocolato frosting
mako a most delicious small cako.
Chocolate Filling. This Is a most
delicious filling or frosting for a plain
chocolato cake. Tako a cupful of
sugar, flvo tablcspoonfuls of cream,
one egg beaten and two squnros or
chocolate, cook In a doublo boiler for
an hour. Then beat and when thick
enough put on tho cake.
Pygmies nro pygmies still; though
perched on Alps;
And pyramids nro pyramids In vales,
Each man makes his own stature,
builds himself;
Virtue alone outbuilds the pyramids;
tier monuments shall last, when
Egypt's fall
'Tls moral grandeur makes tho
mighty man.
When delicate laces becomo soiled
thoy may bo cleaned by squeezing
them tnrough skim milk
to which a llttlo bluing
has been ndded. Thoy
eomo out of their bnth
looking like now with
Just tho right stiffness.
Press on a Turkish tow
el. Never fill enamel nniiH
witn cold water after removing them
from tho heat, or emptying them of
boiling mixtures as tho suddon change
of tomperature cracks the enamel
When it Is necessary to carry bot
tles of liquid when traveling wrap
them woll and place them In your
rubbers, put tho rubbers together and
wran them woll.
A simplo cure for hiccoughs whlcli
will bo welcomed as It is a "novor
fall" remedy. Tnko tho largest possi
ble mouthful of cold water and hold
it In tho mouth whllo stopping both
ears tightly with tho fingers. Then
with tho ears stopped, swallow the
wator at a gulp. If tho attack is so
vero repeat two or three times.
When taking off gloves always roll
or snap them togothor, It will save
many a moment that Is spont turning
tho drawer upsldo down to hunt a
missing glove. Wash whlto silk gloves
at night so that thoy may dry in tho
dark, they will keep whlto longor.
Savo tho camera plates, soak thorn
In lukewarm water to dissolve the
gelatin. Cut pasteboard tho size cf
the glass and mount nny kodak pic
ture using passepartout binding.
Small rings with stickers may bo
bought to uso for hangers.
To relieve tho strain on tho bnck
and feet when Ironing uso a heavy
rug, folded twice on which to stand.
Had Right to Be Peeved.
Village Storekeeper (as pastor oxo
cutes a mastorly retreat from his
8toro)--"Dinged old hypocrito! This
is the same load quarter I put in tho
collection last Sunday!" Judge.
Lucky Gold Seeker.
A nugget of puru gold, weighing 84
ounces, was recently discovered by a
prospector, at the Phllbura gold Held
In western Australia, at a com para
lively deep level. Uo also found an
othei icuggct weighing 4!i ounces
Wo Tito by things that nro under our
By what wo linvo mastered of good
and gain,
By tho pildo deponed and tho passion
And tho vanquished tils that wo hour
ly meet.
In spite of tho fact thnt tho applo
was tho downfall of our ancestors, wo
still enjoy tho forbidden
fruit, and without doubt
it has n largo placo In
our affections. Thoro
aro apples of somo va
riety In tho market tho
year round, but tho win
ter applo Is the favorito.
It would almost soom
thnt thero had been everything snld
about serving apples, but Bomo now
combination or arrangement Is spring
ing up each day. For tho common
baked applo, to add to its attractive
ness a marshraallow plnced on top
whllo thoy aro still hot, or ovon bo
foro thoy eomo from tho ovon, makes
a pretty garnish. Servo them with
whipped cream. Whipped cream with
a cube of Jelly or a sprinkling of nuts
on bnked apples affords a pleasing
change. Fillings for corod npploa that
aro to be baked aro many. Nuts,
raisins, candled chorrles or dates and
figs choppod nnd mixed with lemon
Juice. Chopped hickory nuts is an
other well-liked filling; prunes, too.
glvo a doliclous variety.
Apple Conde. Carefully stow sliced
apples in a rich sirup, being caroful
to koor thom unbroken. Cook rice
and pack it into cups to mold, setting
It on Ico to chill. Turn out tho rice
on serving plates, arrango tho applos
neatly around tho mold, then pour tho
hot jdrup ovor nil. Surround with
sweetened cream and servo. Apple
dumplings are favorites of tho boys,
young nnd old. Roll out a rich biscuit
dough, cut In squares and wrap n
cored, peeled apple In each squaro.
pinching tho comers to keep them
tight. Bako and servo with sugar and
Applo mixed with celery nuts and n
plain boiled dressing served In pretty
applo cups, which aro made by scoop
ing out tho npplo at the stem end aft
er cutting off a neat sllco leaving tho
stem In, makes a moat fetching Balnd,
dish and all.
Apples added to chicken salad
mako It go farthor nnd are also an
An applo added to a potato salad Is
woll liked, giving an ndded zest.
I.lfo Is an arrow therefore you must
What mark to ntm at, how to uso tho
Then draw to tho head, and let It gol
Although oysters aro not so nutri
tious as wo onco wero led to believe,
thoy aro easily digested
HHRgSj antl nro mo8t delightful
HB flavor In many dishes.
WSrm Fried Oysters. Din
oysters Into beaten egg
diluted with milk, then
Into crisp cracker
crumbs. Fry in deep fat
and garnish with sliced
Curried Oysters. Al-
low six
oysters to each person,
a sauco by frying two
largo slicod
onions In buttor and
mixing with two tablespoonfuls of
curry powder, two ounces of gratod
cocoanut, a llttlo sour orango and
soup stock. Simmer for half an hour,
thicken with flour, then add the
oystors with their liquid. Simmer
for thrco minutes. Then squeezo in
the Julco of a lemon und servo very
Baked Oysters. Tako about two
dozen oysters, two cupfuls of bread
crumbs, half a pound of checso nnd
two cupfuls of milk. Mutter a bak
ing dish and cover tho bottom with a
layer of buttered crumbs, Iny a lay
er of oysters on this nnd cover with I
cheese, seasonings and a layer of 1
crumbs; add another layer of oysters
but do not ropcat igain nB threo
InyerB of oysters n not cook woll.
When tho upper layer is done tho
mlddlo ono Is uncooked. Finish with
checso nnd crumbs and bake HO min
utes In n moderate ovon. Two cup
fuls of milk are added boforo tho tup
layer of crumbs.
Cooked rice in placo of bread
crumbs Is another method of baking
oysters, and Is woll liked, omitting
tho cheese Tho combination of
clieeso and oysters Is not relished by
Grammar is tho sclcnco, or nrt, of
correct speech. It Is qulto truo that
somo people are able to speak and
write correctly without having stud
ied tho rules ns laid down In gram
mar, but it Ib -none the less truo that
but for a knowledge or tho rules the
majority of people would wrlto and
speak In a most barbarous fashion
Misfortunes wo cannot prevent aro
mitigated by resignation.
Render Will See That Smith's Reason
for Descent Was an Entlroly
Good One.
Hero is n story that was told by
Congressman Jnmos C. Cnutrlll ot
Kentucky tho other afternoon in Illus
trating a remark on tho forco of neces
sity: Recently Smith hired n horso for n
cantor nloug tho pike, but tho nnlmnl,
having neither n sweet naturo nor a
great doslro to work strenuously, bo
gnn to buck, nnd tho rider wns un
gracefully thrown through tho nlr antl
dropped by tho wnysldo.
"Hollo, Smith," smilingly remarked
a friend tho following day; "I saw you
out horschacklng yostordny."
"You did?" responded Smith, login
nlng to wander n bit.
"Yes," continued tho other, his smllo
broadening. "What mndo you drop
down so quickly?"
"Case of necessity," nnswered Smith,
"Did you see anything up whero I wus
to hold on to?'
One of Them Came Out Ahead.
Hoping to bo tho first to relate
somo unwolcomo news, tho youth
rushed into tho house nnd said:
"Father, 1 had a fight with Percy
Raymond today."
"I know you did," replied tho father
soborly. "Mr. Raymond enmo to boo
mo about It."
"Woll," said tho son, "I hopo you
camo out as woll as I did." Ladles'
Home Journal.
Giving Ticm Away.
Neighbor's Llttlo Girl When did
you got back, Mrs. Sprugglns?
MrB. Sprugglns Why, child, 1
haven't been away.
Neighbor's Llttlo Girl That's fun
ny. I henrd mother say you and Mr.
SpruggliiB had been at Loggorhoads
for a woolt.
Location. -
"What was th weight of that fish
you wore talking about all Bummor?"
"Which fish?" Inquired tho uublUBh
Ing boaster. "Tho ono I had on my
lino or tho ono I only had on my
The Leader.
Knleker What Is his motto?
Docker First bo Buro you'ro right,
then lose your head.
Reason for His Looks.
She Our waiter looks awfully tough
He That's all right. I havo a bill
to tender.
Talks From Experience.
"Do you believe that thero is a
higher power?"
"My dear sir. I married her." Llfo.
Many Positions
Carrying Large Salaries
arc open today to men in every walk of life. But the
men must possess vigorous bodies and keen, active
Success-making mental and physical activity relies
largely upon right living wherein the right kind of food
plays a most vital part.
In many cases the daily diet lacks certain of Nature's
elements essential to energizing and upbuilding the
mental and physical faculties. Most white flour prod"
ucts, such as white bread and many other commonly
used foods, are in that class.
A food especially designed to offset thinjack
made of wheat and malted barley, supplies all the
nutriment of the grains, including the mineral salts
sturdy builders of brain, nerve and muscle.
Grape-Nuts i3 thoroughly processed, ready to serve
from the package, fresh, crisp and delicious. Then, too,
there's a wonderful return of the power to "do" and to
"be" for the small energy required in its digestion.
After repeated set-backs thousands have found a
change to right eating means forging ahead.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Applicant for College Chair Had to
Confess His Ignorance of One
Modern Language.
"You aspire to bocomo our profos
sor of modern language?" asked the
president of tho board ot trustees ot
tho Mlllcdgovlllo collogo.
"Yes, sir," was tho respectful nn
swor of tho tho applicant
"Koonnen Slo Doutsch sprcchon?"
asked tho trusteo sharply.
"Jowohl!" camo tho answer of thw
applicant, not to bo taken off his
guard thus enslly.
"Pnrloz-vous francals?-' demandod
tho intcrogntor, giving tho applicant
no tlmo for recovery.
"Oul." said tho applicant Tho pres
ident beamed with ploasuro upon hl
fellow members of tho board.
"It Beeius," ho said udurebslng no
ono in particular, "that tho gontloman
Is eminently qualified for tho post
Hut." turning again to tho applicant,
"thoro is ono moro question that I
must nsk you. What is tho simian
equivalent of fear as oxprossod In tho
monkey languago as transcribed by
Professor Garnor?"
Realizing thnt ho had failed in tho
supremo test, tho applicant turnod
sadly away.
Strict Neutrality.
Llttlo Hetty was In tho habit ot
prnylng for her naughty playmato.
Tommy. Ono evening sho omlttod to
mention him. Asked by hor moth or
why sho did so, tho child replied: "Uo
was howwid to mo today. Ho frow
mud In my face. So I won't ask God
to bless him."
Hor mothor tucked hor in bed, and
then went into tho noxt room, leav
ing tho door opon.
Sho heard Dotty toss restlessly
about for flvo or ton minutes. Thon
there was n snifflo; thon a sound of
getting up, nnd, finally, a furtive voice:
"Ploaso, God, you o'n bleBs Tommy If
you want to but you needn't do it on
my account."
His Turn Coming.
"Why do you go out rowing with
that man? Ho thinks lt'a tunny to rock
tho boat."
"I'vo hoard so," ropllod tho athlotto
girl. "1 took a dtsllko to him tho nrat
tlreo I saw him, and I'm Just dying
for nn oxcuso to hit him over tho
head with an oar." Washington Star.
"He and She.
Sho Havo you ovor road "Llvos of
tho Hunted?"
Ho No; whnt'a It about bach
elors? Now York Post.
A woman enn Inherit monoy and
retain her common sonso. But mar
rying it often makes a fool of bor.