The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 12, 1915, Image 2

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Tho peak of Tcnorlffo casts
shadow on tho ocean 50 miles long.
When all others fall to ploaso
Try Denlson'o Coffee.
Opossum farming for tho fur of the
animals has passed tho experimental
.tnge In Australia.
Wash day is emilo day if you use Hcd.
Cross Hall lilue, American Jiuidc, Ihcrcforo
tho best made. Adv.
Of Good Repute.
"Out what Is his reputation? That
13 tho principal thing."
"Well, papa, ho Is reputed to spend
fifty thousand a year. That's good
enough for mo!" Judgo.
Unwelcome Contribution to the Conscience Fund
- -wmniw..wwi.WKWWrtt.l Mv?mJ
Canadian troops of the Shorncllffo command marching In review before King Uuorgo of Enirlnnd
Kitchener. British secretary of stato for war.
240 New Game Laws Were Passed by Legislatures of the Various
States in 1915 Nine States Bring Closed Seasons Into Agree
ment With Federal Migratory Bird Law Four States Bar
Aliens Some Novel Features of State Game Laws.
Washington, D. C Moro than 240
new game laws wero enacted during
1916 a larger number than In any pro
vlous year except 1911, according to
Farmers' Hulletln C92, "Gamo Laws
for 1915." Forty-three states hold reg
ular legislative sessions, and in all
of these states except Arizona, Geor
gia and Nebraska somo changes woro
mado In the stututcs protecting gamo.
Tho largest number of now gamo laws
passed In any ono stnto was 01, in
North Carolina; but In California,
Connecticut, Maine, Now Jersey, Oro
gon, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin tho
number reached ten or moro. Sov
oral measures wero vetoed, Including
a general game bill in Idaho, tho tlrst
bill appropriating tho hunting llccnso
fund In Pennsylvania, a bill protecting
bears in California, and throo soctlons
of tho gamo bill In Washington. A
number of bills woro introduced for
tho purpose of harmonizing tho stato
laws on migratory birds with tho fed
eral regulations. In at least nlno
Btatos changes wore mado which
brought tho seasons into substantial
agrcoment, viz.: California, Con
necticut, Maine, Michigan, Now I lamp
shiro, Tcnnessco, and West Virginia.
In Illinois tho seasons for nil migra
tory birds oxcopt coot and waterfowl,
and in Washington for tho smaller
shoro birds, wero mado to conform
with tho regulations undor tho fed
eral law. Uniformity was also so
cured by provisions in tho laws of Con
necticut, Malno, Now Mexico, North
Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin,
prohibiting hunting between sunset
and sunrise. On tho othor hand,
Dclawaro adopted a resolution oppos
ing tho migratory-bird law, and Ohio
and Rhodo leland, which had harmo
nized their seasons in 1911, changed
tho seasons on waterfowl this year.
Aliens Barred Out.
As a result of tho decision of tho
Supremo court of tho United States
on Jnnuary 19, 1914, sustaining tho
alien hunting law of Pennsylvania, leg
islation prohibiting aliens from hunt
ing or owning shotguns or rlllcs wpb
enacted In at least four states Mass
achusetts, Now Jorsoy, North Dakota
and West Virginia, but certain ex
coptions based on property qualifica
tions woro mado in Massachusetts and
Now Jorsoy.
Closo seasons extending for several
yearB woro provided for certain kinds
of big gamo and also for gamo birds.
Hunting mountain sheep was suspend
ed in Idaho, Montana and Washington,
and goats woro protected until 1918 In
Montnna. Mooso woro protcctod for
four years In Malno, tho first abso
lute closo seanon on this Bpcclos for
35 years slnco tho suspension of
hunting from 1878 to 1S80. Antolopo
wero given Indollnlto protection In
Now Moxlco, and Oklahoma pralrlo
chlckons wero protected for Bovernl
years. Michigan extended complcto
protection, nlso. to quail, imported
pheasants, grouso, and wood ducks for
Hvo years. Minnesota protectod
doves, woodcock, plover and wood
ducks until 1918. Now Moxico gnvo
protection to pheasants, bobwhltes,
pigeons and swans. Oklnhomn pro
tected doves, grouso, wood ducks nnd
curlow. Several birds wero removed
from tho gamo list and protectod
through tho yoar. Oklahoma gavo
such protection to pollcans, gulls and
borons. Tennesson doclurcd ring
nock pheasants, bullbats, robins and
racadowlarks to bo nongamo birds. In
a fow cases protection waB romoved
from certain species notably tho tur
koy buzzard In Dclawaro, Florida and
North Carolina, owls nnd starlings In
Now Hampshire, and cormorants In
Illinois and North Dakota.
For tho llrst tlmo In 12 years mooso
hunting Is permitted In Wyomlnirand
for tho first tlmo Blnco 1907 pralrlo
chicken Bhootlng is permitted In In
dlann. New Features of state Laws.
Amonp- tho novel features In thi
laws this year may bo montloned tho
declaration In tho Florida law that
ownership of gamo Is vested In tho
respective counties; tho provision of
tho California law protecting spiko
bucks, or door with unbranchod horns.
Instead of deer with horns of a cer
tain length; and tho Wyoming exDerl-
mont of allowing tho killing of 50
bull mooso under $100 licenses Instead
of an Indollnlto numbor during a lim
ited season. Methods of hunting wero
restricted in Michigan by prohibiting
tho U8o i automobiles In hunting
partridges, nnd In Indiana by pro
hibiting tho uso of searchlights or oth
or artificial lights attached to autos
for hunting gamo on or near a high
way. Several new restrictions on
shipments appeared for tho llrst tlmo:
Illinois prohibited importation from
points outsldo tho stato of any
gamo except door legally killed. Penn
sylvania prohibited shipment of game
by parcel post, nnd Wisconsin, ship
ment undor an nllns. Connecticut au
thorizes tho commissioners of Usher
les nnd gnmo to grant permits to
bring in gamo lawfully killed outsldo
tho Btuto, provided such gamo Is not
offered for sale.
Notwithstanding tho agitation In
fnvc- of protecting qunll for sovornl
years In somo sections, no bills or this
kind woro passod this year, and 39
states still provido quail shooting. Tho
seasons wero shortened six weeks In
Oklahoma ami two weeks In Nuvada.
Limits wero' established for tho llrst
tlmo In Arkansas and New Hampshire
reduced in Iowa from 25 to 15 por day,
In Oklnhoma from 25 to 10, in Minne
sota from 15 to 10, nnd increased In
Novada from 15 to 20. All but 14 of
tho Btates which permit quail hunting
now have a limit of 20 birds or loss
a day.
All tho states now nllow waterfowl
hunting, but tho wood duck in nrntnnt.
ed for sovornl years throughout tho
northern zono nnd In tho southern
zono in tho states of California, Knn-
Ras anu west Vlrglnln. Dally bag
limits woro established for tho llrst
tlmo In Arkansas and Cnnnnrtirnt .
duced In Oklnhoma from 25 to 10, nnd
Increased In Missouri from 10 to t5.
i.ost or tno states now Imvn n limit
of 25 or less per day.
Open Seasons.
Opon seasons wero longthonod In
Montana on oik nnd tlnnr twn
in Florida on dcor and birds thrco
wooks; in Mlchluan on mintl n
nnd In Nevada on sairo honn four ,.ni
n half months, on grouso ono month,
mm on qunii two wcoks. Now Jorsov
rovortcd to tho fonnor plnn of hunt
ing dcor on four consecutive Wednes
days Instead of flvo consocutlvo
Seasons wero shortened 111 n nnrntiir
of Btatos. In tho enno nf
deer season was curtnllod In Arknn
Baa throo months; in Oroton nnd Wash
Ington two wcoks. in now Moxlco tho
seasons woro generally shortened and
nrrnnged in two districts divided nt
latitude 35 degrees. In Pniifm-ntn n.
dovo season wns mado Inter and In
Minnesota shortened 20 days; in Ok
lahoma tho quail soason was curtailed
six wooks. and In Michigan. Novnda
(ducks), Tonnessoo and Wyoming,
spring shooting of waterfowl was
Laws Protecting Bin Gamo.
Tho moro Importnnt changes nffoct
Ing big gamo included tho closing of
tho season for four years on mooso
in Mnlno; authorization for tho kill
Jng of 50 bull mooso In Wyoming
longthonlng tho season on oik in Mon
tana two wcoks; closing tho season
on mountain sheep in Montana;
changes nlTcctlng does In soven states
Including the removal of protection In
lorlda, Novadn, Now Jersey and
Wyoming; establishment of a limit In
ArkmiBas; and decreaso In tho limits
In Alnska. Michigan, Montnna uujI No
vadn. Under present commons deer hunt
Ing s permitted In 30 states. n about
one-third of which tho hunter Is ilm.
Itod to ono door a soason and In most
of tho othors to two. Elghtoon states
protect doos at all sonsons and allow
only bucks to bo killed namely, Ala
boraa. Arizona, Callfornln, Ucorgla
Idaho, MlfBourl. Mississippi, Now Mex
ico, Novada. Now York, Oklahoma.
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas. Utah
Vermont, West Virginia nnd Wlscon'
jth. Pennsylvania requires that deer
killed shall havo horns two Inches
above tho hair, Now York onrt.
and Lord
Vermont nt least three Inches lone.
and West Virginia four Inches long,
while California prohibits entirely the
Killing or spiko bucks.
Freak Doq nt St. Albnns, Va., Makes
a Specialty of High
St. Albans. Vt. W. L. Plnmley ol
North Clarendon hns a freak dog
whoso specialty Is climbing. Tho
highest climb ho over mado was 32
feet. VotcrlnarlaiiB and others who
hnvo examined tho dog's feet nro nt
n loss to understand how ho grips t
treo trunk In climbing.
His nnlls nro llko thoso of tho or
dinary dog, though possibly a trlllo
moro pointed, nnd tho lleshy pads ol
his feet are perhaps a littlo broader.
So accustomed to height Is tho dog
that ho sleeps in tree branches 20
feet above tho ground. Ho Is throo
years old and part pug and part bull.
Indian "Village" Blacksmith Retires
After Sixty Busy Years at
the Forge.
Lafayette, Ind. Matthew McNulty,
who was at ono tlmo known ns tho
"vlllago blacksmith" of Lafayetto. has
retired aftor belnc In tho business for
nearly Blxty years. Ho estimates that
ho haB shod moro than a half million
horsos and mules In his career.
Ho wns a horseshoor duiinc tlm
days of tho Wabash & Erie canal and
nau tno contract for shooing tho mules
that provided tho powor for tho boats
botween Toledo and Lnfavetto. Mo-
isuity accumulated a fortuno of $40,.,
wuu mm HiivH no win now rotiro to nis
University of California Psychologists
Co-operate With Berkeley Police In
Making Scientific Survey.
Borkoloy. Cal. Crlminaln arrosiort
In Bcrkoloy hereafter will bo kuIiIppn
ed to n sclentillc survey by experts at
tached to tho psychological depart
ment of tho University of California,
it was announced by Chief of Pollco
vollmor. t
Tho University nsvcholocIstH imvn
agreed to mako sclentillc tests of nil
criminals that enmn nmlnr ilmir
for tho purpose of determining tho ox?
tent or tneir dellclency and tho rco
sou for It.
..-.v .. .
George Cram, tho aged mnn ot tho
plcturo, Is olghty-slx. To sco him you
would novor think that ho has spent
tho Inst 25 year In Sng Sing prison
for tho murdor of his wlfo. Ho looks
llko a man who has grown old happily,
regardless of tho fact Hint ho has
boon ono of tho tunny numbered In
mates of tho "Collego on tho Itlver,"
as tho grim old prison Is often called.
Twonty-livo years havo worked mar
voloua changes In his homo city Now
York, and when tho old man wub
whisked from tho littlo vlllago f
OsBlnlug, ho oxpcrlonccd every thrill
of n visit to Wonderland. First there
was tho big automobile which walled
for him at th. prison gntos. There
was tho swift rldo half-way to tho
city In tho machine. Then tho rldo
In tho olectrlcnlly equipped railway
cars through tho tunnel Into tho great
station of tho Now York Central, fo.
lowod by nn olectrlcnlly cooked dinner
nrrnnged for him In tho Hornld Squara
WASHINGTON. It took somo bookkeeping on tho part of tho division ol
public moneys of tho treasury department to. cover Into tho United
States treasury two two-cent Btamps received for tho consclcnco fund the
n. childhood crime. Tho note accompanying tho Btampa told that tho wrltei
had used a canceled stamp, nnd now sent double tho amount of tho pilfer tc
square tho account. There was no signature. Tho postmark was much ol
O ttt 4 -IV -
mm tuulu mauo out only
' oimu nut, uiauiiKUisiiauiG.
Secretary McAdoo was el
-.. .
i'tuiuiu, 11, ijujh 10 uuveruso.
Ho received for Undo Sam a $300
. . -mm ,
Hum u wuuiuii in lYiumo who wroto:
T J....i 4
uutu juat icurneu i can aona
navo wanted, for 20 venrs. to nav thn
- , '"htJ,"Jb ouuw luiuua 1UI
a rriund who ordered them and wroto mo from America saying she could
Imf fl ff fv1 in .1. f a ... ........
u.iuhi iu imvu mum ii biio pam tno
Tho woman further exnlained tli nf
11... ,1 . . . v u " wuuics 101
rem tnat it would disnlcaso her hiiRh.unt. wim limi ni.o,.o i.,t.i 4t. n
dutiable goods bo sent in by express.
vwm cuuivouiiu interest ior 20 year3
iui .u.un mnim ihui nau ween
Thought Bryan Was
JUSTICE SIDDONS, when examining prospective citizens as to their fit
ness for naturalization, receives somo peculiar replies to his questions
Ono npplicant mistook the happy estate of the District of Columbia ai
traceablo to tho pacific views of tho
rormcr secretary of Btato
"How is tho District of Columbia
governed?" was asked -of this nppli
"By a governor," ho answered.
"Well, who Is the novcrnor?"
queried Justlco Siddons, with eager-
"Bryan." rosnonded tho nnnlWi.t.
Tho court thoucht tho
citizen should read un a littlo morn
on local "politics" and continued his case for six months. Another would
bo citizen showed an intlmato Icnowinri nf iim Mon.o .
. . 0 . vuu .1UITU1UU uuoiui uuesu, UU'
looked on It as establishing a new precedent.
now nro tno district commissioners appointed?" asked tho court.
"By tho president," responded tho applicant.-
"Is that all that Is necessary beforo thnv mnv nnior nn .i.i- ,i..i--o
was tho next question.
"No, they must be confirmed bv th
tho ready response of tho would-be citizen.
National Press Club Takes In Two Presidents
HE National Press club has added to its list of highly distinguished
members two additional presidents of ronnhHon wii.n
being a member. Tho names ot Dr.
wnsiungtonlann ard to members of tlm
V Si
larly woll known Dy tho naval officers who bolong to the club, as well as to
a numbor of nowspaper mon and others who aro members, and President
Mombrono has but recently left Washington nftcr scrvico hero as minister
from Honduras. Whilo hero ho was frequently a guest at tho club, and presl
tlont Cabrera has always mado it n point to entertain Americans visiting his
taity Guatemala CIty' nmny Washlngtonlans having enjoyed his hospl-
Both Doctor Cabrera and Doctor Mombrono entered tho club notas
presidents of ropubllcs, but ns authors, under which category Woodrpw Wil
son becamo a member. Doctor Mombrono is ono of tho distinguished liter
ary men of Central America. Ho is tho author of sovoral works on law
subjects as well as of several on tho Indian antiquities ot Central America.
Doctor Cabrera has long been an author of books on economic nnd political
subjects, nnd ho iu noted as an authority on Central American history.
American Bluejackets Refuse to Wear Pajamas
T"f PaJnma as tho night apparel for tho bluejackets haB not been popular
in our navy. Somo tlmo ago stocks of theso articles woro placed on
board ship for salo to tho men. but thero has been practically no demand
for them. Tho pajamn novor has lmon
in voguo on board ship; it may havo -
oocn regarded as moro or less noc
turnal, but nt no tlmo nautical, nnd
with nothing to commend It ns a con
traption in which tho real Ballorman
need mvolvo hlmsolf as a protection
against tho perils of tho night.
At all events, tho sentiment of tho
enlisted men has been plainly evident,
whntlmi nit lint It 1- 1 i
satisfactorily explained oven by thoBO
"; imuii-Diuu uuu IIIipil
cntod. Therefore, the pajama has lcmalned unsought, if not dishonored, iu
tho storerooms on board Bhlp, with tho result that this notlco has been sent
out by tho paymaster gouoral ot tho navy:
"It Is requested that, as soon ns possible after receipt ot this letter, tho
etoclc or pajamas carried in clothing and small stores bo forwarded to tho
provisions and clothing depot for disposition by salo."
This meant that something llko a stock ot $100,000 worth of pajamas
was to bo turned In nnd sold to tho highest bidder.
"Wo couldn't wear them becauso It took so long to climb out," explained
one bluojocket. "Our clothes havo to bo built for speed as woll as for com
tort. So wo ve Just naturally gono baclc to tho old-fashioned he-nightgown.
. via gooi r-nouRD. tor Washington. It's ood enough for us."
otner morning by Secretary McAdoo
Had It been a slnftlo two-cent stnmn
probably tho consclonco fund would
not navo boon enriched by that much
In fact, whenever tho Bender of n
two-cent stamp is known tho stamp It
returned. For it costs moro to change
a two-cent stamp into a cash asset
mako out certification of deposit and
bookkeeping entries than tho trnns
action nets to tho government.
Tho sendor of tho two-cent stamp!
tvnR trvfnrr r rnmnntianln ninfnl .1
ns from tho post offlco of Huntorsville
... w.u nunc,
contribution tn (h rnnain ...
VOll mnnnv fnr Mm nr.olrt e i i
fiutinn fnr nmiin-u im.
nlin illil nrtf ilnnlm-n i.n .1.11...
, .tu ui 11 ui o iiiniaLcii 11.11 nil
Tho duty was $67. and It was sent
to mako up any deficiency and to nas
urougnt in inadvertently.
Governor of the District
V kill I a nvi lA
Manuel Estrada Cahrorn. nmii.,nt n
Guatemala, and of Dr. Alberto Mem
breno, presldont of Honduras, were
proposed for membership in tho fa
mous organization, and after the
lapso of tho usual two weeks, during
which names of proposed members
must bo posted In tho club, they were
added to tho rolls, already distin
guished by tho names of many person
nges In tho United States as well aa
In foreign countries.
President Cabrera and President
Mombreno aro weU known to many
v-i.w ... vj noil Illiutvil iu mitnj
Home, Sweet Home.
"Homo Is whero tho heart Is." re
marked tho sentimentalist.
"That's right," roplled tho ordinary
person. "You can always tell what
town a man Is from by observing
R-hat ball club ho rootB for."
Due to Dandruff and Irritation, Pre
vented by Cutlsura.
Tho Soap to clcanso and purify, tho
Ointment to aootho and heal. Dally
shampoos with Cutlcura Soap and
occasional applications of Cutlcura
Ointment gently rubbed into tho
scalp skin will do much to promoto
hair-growing conditions.
Sample each free by mall with Book.
Addreas postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Where P.syche Was Executed.
A Now York man was recently act
ing as guide through an art gallery
for a friend from tho country. As
they paused beforo n statuotto, tho
guldo said:
"That Is Psycho. Executed in term
cotta. '
"What a pity!" said tho rural one.
"How barbarous they aro In those
South American countries!" Now
York Times.
Canny Scot.
Jack MacTavlsh and two Encllsh
friends wont out on tho loch on a fish
ing trip, and It was agreed that tho
first man to catch a fish should pay
for a dinner. As MacTavlsh was known
to be thcjbest fisherman thereabouts,
nis friends took considerable delight
in assuring hlra that ho had as good
aB lost already.
"An, d'ye ken," said Jack In sneak
ing of It afterward, "baith o them had
a guid bite, an' wis sao mean thoy
wadna' pu' In."
"Then you lost?" asked tho Hstenor.
"Oh, no, 1 dldn' pit ony bait on my
hook." Exchange.
Question of Time.
Uneln Dzlnn Pllro plonrofl hln (lun-il
shifted his quid, soizedhis chnnco to
got a word in edgowiso and began:
"About tho war"
A murmur of protest chocked him.
But again he began:
"About tho war"
When a dozon determined men drew
In breath with a hissing sound, such
as tho snako makes beforo It strikes,
you know what it means. Undo Oziaa
knew what It meant. But he did not
lack courage. Again seizing his mo
ment, ho exclaimed:
"About tho war"
"Shot up about tho war!"
"Shet up about It ycrselves." shout
ed Uncle Ozias in return. "About th'
war'nteo deed them Smith irals
wuz t' glv' ye on th' skulo-
bus lot thoy won't glv' yo
nono goll durn yo an' sarves
yo right ! "Judgo.
Medicine Not Needed in This Case.
It Is hard to convlnco socio people
that coffee does them an injury! Thoy
lay their bad feelings to almost every
causo but tho truo and unsuspected
But tho doctor knows. His wide ex-
porlcnco has proven to him that, to
somo systems, an InsidlouH
poison that undermines tho health.
Ask nlm if coffco is n causo of con
stipation, stomach and nervous trou
"I have been a coffeo drlnkor all my
llfo, and when taken sick two years
ago with nerve prostration, tho doc
tor said that my nervous system was
broken down and that I would have to
give up coffeo.
"1 got so weak and shaky I could
not work, and reading an advertise
ment of Postum I asked my grocer if
ho had any of it Ho said, 'Yes,' and
that he used It in his family and It
was all it claimed to be.
'So 1 quit coffeo and commenced to
use Postum steadily, and In about two
weeks l could sleep better and get up
in tho morning feeling fresh. In about
two months I began to gain flesh. 1
weighed only 146 pounds when 1 com
menced on Postum and now 1 weigh
167 and feel better than 1 did at 20
years of ago.
"I am working overy day and Bleop
woll at night. My two children woro
coffco drinkers, but they havo not
drank any slnco Postum camo into tho
house, and nro far moro healthy than
thoy were beforo." Name glvon by
Postum (Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Postum comes In two forms:
Postum Cereal tho original form
must bo woll boiled. 16c and 25c pack
ages. Instant Postum a soluble powder
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa
ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious boverago instantly. 30c
and 50c tins.
Both kinds aro equally dollcious and
cost about tho same per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
sold by Urocera