The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 08, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weeklv Tribune
IRA L. IIAIli:, Editor mid Publisher.
One Your by Mall In AdTnncc....$1.25
One Year by Carrier In Advance. $1.50
Entered nt North Platte, Nobraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
City Council Meeting.,
Tho city council met In regular ses
sion Tuesday ovcnlng with nil present
except Councilman Hell. THc park
nnd paving levy was confirmed, and
monthly reports received and placed
on nie.
Threo petitions for street lights to
be placed on the corners of west
Eighth and Augusta Avenue, Elm nnd
C streets r.nd Third nnd Elm wore
referred to tho committee.
Tho petition for plumbor's license
of C. J. Uurko & Son was hold ovot
until they sccuro a placo for their
A resolution was passed making a
sepclal levy for opening Willow, A, U,
and C streets through the formor
Thompson tract of laud.
David Scott complained of an open
switch frog on tho Locust street cross.
Ing of tho Union Pacific. This wns re
ferred to tho street committee.
The question of a suitable place for
tho keeping of tho flro truck caused a
lengthy discussion nnd was held over
,untll tho next mooting of tho council.
An ordinance amending the tax or
dinance, Increasing peddlers' licenses
from $2 to $5 was passed.
Tho water commissioner asked for
repairs to be made to the power
plant. Upon motion ho was ordered
to proceed with said repairs. Monthly
bills wero allowed.
Dismiss Health Inspector
Tho city council at Its meeting Tues
day ovcnlng voted to dismiss the
health Inspector after Octobor 15Ui,
tho object probably being to do away
with tho expense during tho winter
months. A. D. Honglnnd has been fill
ing tho position, and the number of
peoplo ho has hauled Into the police
court for failure to comply with the
hca:th ordinance In pretty good evi
dence that bo has bpou a courageous
official. To his credit It can be said among those cited to appear in
court wore some our most prominent
citizens ho absolutely played no fa
vorites. 1
During his tenure of office Mr,
Hoagland cleaned up the greater part
of tho city of refuse matter, abated
ninny nuisances and compelled many
houses to connect with tho sower, thus
doing away with unsanitary cess pools,
and vaults. There is, however, much
of this lntter work yet to.Jio done, ana
wo believe It should have been prose
cuted until cold weathor arrived. Tho
cessation of tho work nt this time Is
likely to make the fellow who wah
compelled to do tho work feel a Ht-j
tlo "soro" because tho other fellow has
now been allowed to let tlio work go
over until next spring or summer.
Hoagland is to bo complimented for
tho good work ho has done, and tht
council Is to bo congratulated for ap
pointing a mnn who has had tho cour
age to ,do tho work regardless of tho
anathemas that has been hurled at him
by irate householders. j
Short oh Cattle
Noll Turplo and Earl Hamilton
returned from Omaha Tuesday. Thoy
marketed oeventy head of calves In
South Omaha and recolvcd a price
that was not altogthor satisfactory;
These calves wore gathered up among
farmers, and in view of tho fact that
Lincoln county has 20,000 head of cat
tle less than it should liavo in order
to consume tho grass nnd rough feed,
It Is to bo regrttcd than any youn
Btuff should bo shipped out. For ten
years past tlio county, has lost thou&
amis of dollars each year becauso
thoro has not been enough cattle to eai
up tho grass. At ono time thoro wero
05,000 head of cattle within its boi
dors. Today tho number Is less than
Shipment of woatorn cattle to tho
eastern markotB haB been unusually
heavy tins fall. At tho local stock
yards tho number fed in transit has
been tho honvlost in rocont years.
dmm i ii
Hard Con! Heater.
That cost SG5.00, good as now for
$25.00. Buehunnn & Pattorson. 74-4
Which Will You Build
A log cabin, such as yon sec in our sketch,
with the chinks filled with mud, or the modern
bungalow with plastered walls, beamed ceilings
hard wood floors and cozy porches.
We are so sure it will be the latter that we
haven't a supply of logs on hand, but an
abundant slock of the
Bost Lumber and Building Material
Coatcs Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7.
Sues City for $.1,000
Thomas Sherman Carr filed a com
plaint against tho city of North Platte
Tuesday for $3,000 for Injuries alleged
to havo been received on an Icy walk
last winter. He claims that while
walking ion tjie crossing between
Walnut nnd C streets on January 27th
ho slipped ad fell and broke the bone
In his left leg, causing him great pain
nnd rendering him unable to perform
the manual labor of which he was for.
merly capable and leaving him unable
to provide for his family. Ho states
that dralnngi? at said crossing wah
neglected and the wnter allowed to
stand until Ice formed, making the
wnlk dangerous and also states that
a notice in writing of tho nccident
and Injury was given the city clerk on
Feb. 10, 1915;
piano ti:nkh will
visit north platte .
Chas. C. Perry, who has been lo
cated In Grand Island for a number
of years as a piano tuner, will visit
North Platte regularly In the future.
His first visit here will bo the week
beginning Octobor 18th. Orders for hit
services may bo loft at the Rlnckor
The subjoined letter is submitted:
Grand Island, Sept. 14, 1915.
To Whom It May Concern:
This lotter will introduce to you
Mr. Chas. C. Perry, who Is com
petent to glvo you tho best of ser
vice in piano tuning as well as work
in general. Trust him on my recom
mondntlon, as I know he has the abil
ity and will bo Honest in all tho de
partments of piano work.
Very truly to the Public,
Tuner and Builder. Retired.
Gibbon, Nebr. (Advertisement.)
.Speakers nt Dickens' Institute.
Tho Collego of Agriculturo will send
tho following speakers to assist In
tho Farmers' Institute to bo held nt
Dickens on Saturday, October 10,
1915: Tho subjects "Soli Fertility"
and "Tho Present Status of Agricul
turo" will bo given by Mr. A. P.
Davidson, Curtis; "Economy in the
Kitchen" nnd "Evolution of tho Home"
by Miss Erene Dnlton, Curtis; and
"Live Stock Farming In Western Ne
braska" and Farm Management" by
Earl Godfrey. ,
Mrs. T. C. Patterson, who attendoo
tho Woman's clubs convention at Noi
folk and tho Ak-Sar-Ben In Omahji
is expected home tomorrow.
Ordinance o. 72.
An ordinance amending Article 1,
chapter nine of ordinance number 1,
entitled "taxation," being the occupa
lion tux ordinance keying n license
lax on each nnd every occupation and
business within the limits of tho city
of North Platte, N'ebrnsku, in snld or
iginal ordinance enumerated; nnd tills
amendment refers especially to pnrn
grnpli entitled "Hunkers and Ped
dlers." Ho II ordained by the mayor and cltv
council of the city of North Platte, Ne-
Section 1. That Paragraph entitled
"Hawkers and Peddlers," ,of Article 1,
Chapter 9 of. Ordinance. is'D. 1, of. the
city or North Plntto, Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
. VTho sum of five dollars per day on
each hawker and on each peddler of
goods at retail, by sample, or by tuk
ing orders or otherwise: this does
not lncludo commemclal travelers
soiling to dealers only. And for tho
purpose of this article any person,
persons, r,rm or corporation, who
shnll upon any street, avenue, slde
walk or alley, or from any stand 01
vohlcle within said city oxposo or of
fer or cry for sale any goodB, wares,
merchandise or articles of any kind
shall bo taken and doomed to bo 0
hawker; and uny porson traveling from
house to house or from place to place
in the city of North Platto, Nebraska,
oxposlag and offering for sale, least
barter or cxcluulgo at retail, by sam
plo, by taking orders or otherwise,
any goods, wnres, merchandise or any
article of any kind shall be deemed
to bo a peddlor."
Section 2. All ordinances or parts of
ordinances In conlllct herewith an
horeby repealed.
Section 3. This ordinance shnll take
effoct and bo In force from and after
Its passage and publication according
to law.
Passed nnd aproved this fifth day of
October, 1915. E. II. EVANS,
Attest: Mayor.
(Seal) City Clork.
Soo the now styles in Ladles' Neck
wear at Wilcox Department Store.
County Surveyor Roy Cockran Is
spending a few days at Stockvillo this
Charles McNamara returned Tues
day evening from n business trip to
Mrs. Sam Blagdon has returned
from a visit In the eastern part 01
this state.
A now shipment of ladies skirts
Just arrived.
Rev. C. B. Ilarman left tho first
of this wool: for Lincoln to attend tho
Lutheran Synod.
J. B. McDonald and Joseph Larson
left Tuesday evening for Omaha to av
tend tho Ak-Sar-Bon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. White left
Wednesday morning for Omaha to at
tend tlio Ak-Sar-Ben.
C. M. Newton left a few days ago
for Omaha to attond the Ak-Snr-Ben
and buy Christmas goods.
S. R. Benton real estate dealer or
Cairo, Nebr., was tho guest of Dr. and
Mrs. J. B. Redfield this week.
Mrs. P. A. Norton loft Tuesday at
tcrnoon for Omaha and citios of Iowa
to spend a month with relatives.
A permit to wed was granted Wed
nesday to John A. Landry ago 22,
and Sidney A. Galo ago 17, of Gar
Held. Judge French iyud a marriage li
cense Tuesday to Rollon E. Jackson
age 20, and BlanchoFowlerago 17, both
of Farnarn.
F. .1. D I KNIT. & CO.
Real Estate and Insurance
Coruu and seo lib for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses foi
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains In farms and ranche3.
Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts.. upstairs
We, the undersigned, will prosecute
to the full extent of the lnw anyper
son caught hunting or trespassing on
our land or land controlled by us:
O. Phillips, C. H. Smith,
Geo. Starr. Bert Llles,
A. E. Moore, A. W. Arnett,
G. H. Scharmann, T. A. Wison.
A. E. Ravis, Tom Kelly,
H. W. Scharmann, V. H. Scharmann,
L. E. Jones. Frank Ileneka, '
C. S. Trovillo, S. C. Anderson,
John Tljford, Tom McConnell,
A. O. Olson, E. Jackson.
To Maxwell, Nek.,
United Doctors Specialists
Will Again Be At The
Wednesday, October 20.
Hours 10 n. m. to 8 p. m.
Itemnrkublc Siiccesn of These Talented
Physicians In the Treatment
of Chronic Discuses
Offer Thcjr Services Free of Charge
Tho United Doctors, licensed by tho
State of Nobraska for the treatment
of doformlties and all nervous and
chronic diseases of men, women and
children, offer to all who call on this
'trip, consultation examination, ad
vice free, making po charge whatev
er, except tho actual cost of treatment.
All thnt is asked in return for these
valuable services is that every per
son treated will state tho result ob
tained to their friends and thus prove
to tno sick and afflicted In every city
and locality, that at Inst treatments
have been discovered that are reason
ably suro and certain In their effect.
Theso doctors aro among America's
leading stomach and ncivo specialists
and aro experts In tho treatment of
chronic diseasea-nnd so great and won
dorrul havo been their results thatsln
many cases It Is hard to find tho divid
ing lino between skill and miracle.
Diseases of tho stomach, intestinos,
llvor, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen;
kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci
atica, dlabotes, bed-wetting, tape
worm, log ulcers, weak lungs and thoso
afflicted with long-standing, deop
seated, chronic diseases that have baf
fled tho skill of tho family physicians,
suouiu not tall to call. Deafness of
ton hns been cured In sixty days.
According to their system no moro
operations for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, .goiter, piles, etc., as thoso
diseases aro treated without operation
or nypouornuc injection.
Thoy wore ninong tho rtrst In Anier
lea to earn tho name of "Bloodless
Surgeons," by doing away with tho
knife, with blood and with all pain In
tho successful treatment of these dan-
gorous diseases.
If you havo kidnoy or bladder trou
bles bring a two ouuco bottlo of your
urlno for chemlcnl analysis and micro
scopic examination.
No mntter what your ailment mny
bo, no matter what others may havo
told you, no mattor what exporlenco
you may havo had with other physi
cians, it will bo to your ndvantngo to
seo them at onco. Unvo it forever sot-
tlcd in your mind. If your enso Is incur
nblo tliey will glvo you such advice as
may rollovo and stay tho disease. Do
not put off this duty you owo your
solf or friends or relatives who nro
suffering because of ybur sickness, as
a visit at this timo may help you.
Worn-out and run-down men or wom
en, no matter what your ailment, con
sult them. It costs you nothing.
Romombor, this last froo offor is for
this visit only. '
Married ladles como with their hus
bands and minors with their parents.
Licensed Kmbnlmors
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 234.
Night Phono Black 5S8.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given lo Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Oflice: Building nnd Loan Building
,,. I Office 130
Phones Rcgidence 115
john s. snrais, nr. d.,
1'hjsicls.n nnd Surgeon
Ofllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Oilicc, 83: Residence 38.
OfTice phone 241. Res. phone 217
, Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Oflice McDonald Stato Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Oflice 183, Residence 283
Successor to
Drs. Redfield & Redfield
Ofllco Phone 642 Res. Phone 676
Hospital Phono Blaclc G33.
Houso Phono Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housf).
General Auctioneer
North Platto, Nebraska.
Stock and Farm Sales a Specialty
Painter, Pnperliaiiger njtul
a . Decorator
Phone IJInclf 570.
Welcome a
Good Cigar
And a good cigar means ono made
at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep
utation as a mnker o'feond cltrarR in
North Platto extends baclc thirty years.
li we am not make good cigars we
would havo been forced to close the
factory years ago. If you havo not
been smoking Schmalzrlod's Cigars it
is not too late to begin.
J. F. Schmalzried.
Bought nnd highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G3G Oflice 459
sunitiri 's sai.h
Hy virtue of an order for snlo iHsucd
from tno District Court of Lincoln
county, Nebraoku, upon a decreo or
foreclosure rendered In snld Court
wherein Commercial Hank of Grnnt, a
Corporation. Ih plaintiff, and Patrick
1'. Doyle, et al nro defendants, and to
nie directed. I will on tho 30th day of
Octobor, 191 G, nt 'J! o'clock p. m. at the
?nst f.ont ,,oor ot tho Court House in
Nort Vlatto. Lincoln County. Nebraska,
at phblio auction to tho hiKhost
bidder for ensh, to natlsfy said docroo,
interest nnd costs, tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
Knst half (K) and tho oast half ot
tho west half (1SV4 of WV4) of Section
Twenty-two (22). Township N'lno (9).
North of UaiiBe Thirty-two (32), west
of the Cth 1'. jr. in Lincoln County,
Dntfwl Vi1t Tllnl,n - nr.
I Si f- . A J- SALismmY.
---" mieriir.
T l'ltoii.vii: MtTion
In tho Matter of tho Kstato of Nancy
A. HclKhtel, Deccnsed.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraskn, Septombor 23. 1915.
ftotlco Is hereby slven, That tho
vruiiiiurB ot nam upceasetl will meet
tlio Admlnlutrntrlv nf nnl.1 iinin
fore tho County Judo of Lincoln Coun
ty Neht'nsKfi. nt ilm nnimtu r...-t
I ll.9inl Sfi,(i unty, on tho 29th day
of October? 1915, nnd on tho 29th day
of April. 1918, at 9 o'clock a. in. each
iimy, tor ino purpoBo or presenting
i tliolr ClntniR for oxnmlnntlnn. mlliiHt.
moilt ntld nllOWnncn. Slv mnnllm nm
allowed for crodltors to prosont their
I claims, and ono year for tho Admlnts-
iriiwix io houio saia isstato. rrom tho
29th day of October, 191G. This notice
will be published In tho North Platte
Tribune, n leirnl nnml-wnlrlv nawnnn.
per printed In said County, for four
weeks sucesslvely. prior to October
29. 1915. OKO. E. KUKNCII.
sZS-lw County Judge.
mis am! Cat
Mm. McCellau of Gothenburg, who
was tho guest of her daughter Mrs. R,
E. Anderson, returned homo Tuesday
..General Hospital..
Phone 58 723 Locust Street
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgicnl and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagno&tic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J.B. Redfield, M.D. J. S. Simms, M.D.
Miss Elisc Sicilian, Supt.
Probate Notice
In the Matter of tho Estate of Cora II.
Osgood, Decased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Oct. 4, 1915.
Notlco Is horeby given, that tho credi
itors of Bald deceased will meet the ad
ministrator of said estate, before the
County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, at the County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 5th 'day of No
vember, 1915, and on the 5th day of
May, 191G, at D o'clock a. m. each day,
for the purpose of presenting their
claims and ono year for tho adminis
nnd allowance. Six months nro al
lowed ' for creditors to present their
claims and one year for tho adminis
trator to settle said estate, from thb
5th day of November, 1915. This no
tico will bo published in the North
Platto Tribune, a legal newspaper
printed In said County, for four weeks
successively prior to November 5, 1915.
o5-4w County Judge.
To Margaret McGovorn, owner of lots
1 and 2, block 85, North Platte, Nebr.
Tho owners of property on tho
south side of Eighth street between
Locust and Walnut streets, are here
by notified that the Mayor and Coun
cil of tho City of North Platto, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, passed and
approved an ordinance on the ISth
day ofJunc, 1913, ordering a side
walk adjoining their said premises,, to
be constructed as to line and grade
and of permanent material, as pro
vided in tho general ordinances of
said city, regulating the construction
of sidewalks in said city.
Unless said walk Is constructed by
you along tho north side of said lots
land 2, block 85, dwiicd'byyou in ac
cordance with said ordinances on or
before the 19th day of Octobor, 1915,
the same will be ionstructed by said
city and tho costs assessed upon the
said lots owned by you adjoining which
the some shall bo constructed.
(SEAL) . City Clerk.
Notice to Contrnclors
You areherby notified that sealed
bids will bo received by the director,
Leonard Laubnor, of School District
No. 33 in Lincoln county, Nebraska,, at
the office of Beeler & Crosby in North
Platto, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p.
m. of the lGth day of October, 1915,
for tho erection and completion of a
four room brick and re-inforced con
crete .school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Such bids must be accompanied by
certified check in the sum of jmo hun
dred and fifty. 00.000 (150.00) dollars,
payable to Henry Fulk, treasurer of
School District No. 33, in Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, which will be forfeited if
the person to whom tlio contract is
awarded fails to enter into the con
tract. The school board reserves the right
to reject any and nil bids.
Plans and specifications may bo ex
amined nt the office of Bert M. Rey
nolds, architect, Nortli Platte, Nebras
ka. Bids will be opened at tho office of
Beolor & Crosby, North Platte, Nebras
ka, at 1 o'clock p. m, of said day.
sl4td Director.
To Dora V. VanDruff.-owner of lot 5,
block 57, North Platto, Nebr.
Tho ownors of property on the
cast sldo of Chestnut street, between
9th and 10th streets, aro hereby no
tified that the Mayorand" Council of
tho City of North Platte, Lincoln coun
ty. Nebraska, passed and approved an
ordinance on tho 18th day of Juno, 1913,
ordering a sidewalk adjoining their
said premises, to be constructed as to
lino and grade, and of permanent ma
terial, as provided in tho general or
dinances of said city, regulalng tho
constriction of sldcv-.iiKS itriiald clty.
Unless said walk la constructed, by
you along tho west "side of ald lot 5,
block 57, owned by you, iri' nccordanco
with snid ordinances, on oreforo the
19th day of Octobor, 19151,' the samo
will be constructed by said city and
the costs assessed upon, tho said lot
owned by you ndjojnlng which the
samo shall be constructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
To Walter Hlnkloy, owner of lot 8,
block 20, North Platte, Nebr.
The ownors of property on tho
west sidtf of Willow street, between
12th and 11th streets, aro hereby no
tified that tho Mayor and Council of tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, passed and approved an
rdlnanco on tho 18th day of June. 1913,
ordering a sidewalk adjoining their
said premises, to bo constructed as to
lino and grade, and of permanent ma
terial, ns provided in tho general or
dlnncos of said city, regulating tho
construction of sldownlks in said city.
Unless snld walk Is constructed by
you along tho cast sldo ot lot 8,
block 20 owned by you, in nccordanco
with said ordinances, on or boforo tho
19th day of Octobor, 1915, tho same
will bo constructed by snld city and
tUp. cost assessed upon tho said lot
owned by you rfdjolnlng wliTch tho
samo shall bo contructed.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Not n Hospital But n Homo
Nurso Brown 3rcmorInI Hospital
1008 West 4th St., North- Platte, Neb.
.Mrs. ainrgnrct Hall, Suiicrlntcjidont.
Miss Vein FIckard, Grndunto Nnrsc.
Pr". J. S. Twincfn,
Physician nnd Surgeon
Best for Hiimniilty's Cure Orlflclnl
Surgery with Homeopathic Medi
cine for Acute nnd Chronic DIsenso.
To the estate of Frederick N. Dick,
deceased owner of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and
C, Block 9, North Platto Town Lot Co'3
Addition, North Plate, Neb.
Tho owners of proporty on tho south
side of 6th street, between JefTerson
and Grant Ave, nro hereby notified
that tho Mayor and Council of the city
of Nortli Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, passed and approved an ordi
nance on tho 18th day of Juno, 1913,
ordering a sidewalk adjoining theii
said premises, to bo constructed as to
lino and grade, and of permanent ma
terial as provided In the general or
dinance of said city, regulating tho
construction of sidewalks In said city.'
Unless said walk is constructed by
you along tho nortli side of lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, and G, Block 9, owned by you, In
accordance with said ordinances, on
or before the 9 th day of November,
1915, tho same will be constructed by
said city alid the costs assessed upon
tlio said lots owned by you adjoining
which tho samo sjiall be constructed.
C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
To Richard L. Groves owner of lota
1, 2 and 3, Block 11, North Platto
Town Lot Co's Addition, North Platto,
Tlio owners of proporty on tho
south side, of Gtli street, between Jef
ferson and Grant Ave, are hereby no
tified that tho Mayor and Council of
the city of Nortli Platte, Lincoln
county Nebraska, passed and approved
an ordinance on the ISth day of June,
1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining
their said premises, to bo constructed
as to line and grade, and of permanent
material, as provided in the general
ordinances of said city, regulating tho
construction of sidewalks In said city
Unless said walk is constructed by
you along the north side of said lots
owned by you, in accordance with said
ordinances, on or beforo the 9th day
of November, 1915, tho same will be
constructed by said city and the costs
assessed upon the said lots owned by
you .adjolnlng"whlch the same shall bo
C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
Charles E. Rima, Hattie M. Rima,
Ann Phillips, William L. Phillips, hus
band of Ann Phillips and R. B. Den
nis, defendants will take notice that
on the 11th day of September, 1915,
William E. Sampson filed his petition
n tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska against said defendants, tho
object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by the defendant Charles E. Rima and
Hattie M. Rima to the plaintiff upon
the Northwest quarter of Section
Twenty-nine, Township Twelvo,
Rango Thirty-two in Lincoln County,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of
ono promissory note dated December
2G, 1911 for tho sum of $1,000.00;
that there is now due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of $1244.97. for
which sum with interest from Wio
2Gth day of September, 1915, at 10 per
cent per annum plaintiff prays for a
decree, that the defendants be re
quired to pay the same, and that said
premises be sold to satisfy the
amount due.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the,;.. 1st. day of
November, 1915.t M,'
Dated September 20; 1915.
By Wilcox & Halllgan, His Attorneys.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
In tho matter of the Estate of Owen
T. Lytic, Deceased.
Notice of Hearing
To tho creditors, heirs and all per
sons interested In said estate:
Notice is hereby given that Nelllo
Russell filed her petition in this
court on the 16th day of Sept. 1915, lu n
which she alleges that the said Owen
T. Lytic, deceased, departed this life,
Intestate, on tho 25th day of August,
1910 In Lincoln County, Nebraska be
Inff at the time of his death, a resi
dent of said county and state, and
seized of tho following described prop
orty, to-wit: Tho South Half ()
and tho South Half (Mi) of the North
Half (N) of Section twenty-six (2G),
Township fifteen (15), North of Range
thirty-two, (32), West of the 6th P.
M. Lincoln County, Nebraska, In
which ho had an equitable Interest
and estate of inheritance.
Mrs. Schuyler Ileald, ago 40 Resl
dence Moore, Mont.; Mrs. Nellie Rus
sel, age 3S, residence, North Platter
Nebr.; Mrs. Nola Young, age 3G, resi
dence, Frnncitnsy Texas; Miss Ilia
Lytle, ago 27, residence, Fort Kla
math, Oro., Lester Lytle, age 24, rosl
donce, Vnlparlso, Nebr., each inher
ited nn undivided ono-fifth (1-5) inter
est In tho abovo described real es
tate; that all of tho property heroin
described was and is wholly exempt
from attachment, execution or other
mesno process and Is not liable for
tho payment of tho debts of the said
Owen T. Lytle. Tho prayer of said
petition Is thnt tho court determine
tho timo of tho death of the said
Owen T. Lytlo, deceased, his heirs, tho
degreo of kinship, and the right of
descent of tho real property abovo
described, and that all claims and
ddmands ngalnst said estate be for
ever barred.
It Is theroforo ordered that said pe
tition will bo hoard beforo the County
Court in tho court houso In the city
ot North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, on the 15th day of Octobor,
1915, at 9 o'clock a. m at which timo
all persons interested in said estato
may appear and show cause, If any,
why tho prayer of said potltlon should
not bo granted.
Dated September, 15, 19115.
(Seal) GEO. E. FRENCH,
s21-3 County Judgo.