THE 8EMI-VVEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRA8KA. WHO WI IV I VA I M H 11 !I T-W ytftPf -.x I T la upon tho sotiboard gunB that tho security of tho nation will depend should nn oneray succeed In crippling our far-flung line, the navy, and drive our drcadnnughts to tho cover 01 uiu harborB and tho protection of tho heavy rifles and mortars of tho army. Tho quoBtlon In, can theBO Boaboard batteries hold a foe at bay? nn nnr continental shores wo have u total of 20 coast detenso commands, and 21 of theso aro located upon tho Atlantic littoral. Dut oven though there aro fewer stations on tho Ta ctile coast, still those aro vory formidable. With out considering weapons of eight-Inch caliber and under, wo already havo mounted a total upon our two shores of 372 12-Inch mortars, 105 12-Inch rllles. and 132 10-Inch heavy guns. Tho Htrongth of tho personnel of tho coast artillery, according to tho latest llguros, la 758 olllcors and w 17,901 enlisted men. This Is n shortago of sol illors of 1,420 ugreoably to tho forco authorized by law, and this Is an Intimation of tho extreme ly heavy work that tho men would havo to faco In enso of hostilities, bocuuso wo aro minus a vitally necessary reserve. Tho arcrago layman has but tho slightest knowledgo of tho oxtromely technical charactor of tho Coast Artillery corps, and to bo proficient thoso eoldlors recotvo a many-sldod education. Tholrs is tho task of getting tho ndvantago of tho onemy boforo tho foo can locato tho position of our guns and mortars, and thcjvholo system of dofonso Is tho exact opposite idf tho way In which a hostile squadron would approach Its ag gross! vo task. From tho very beginning of tho planning of our oxlBtlng seaboard battorlcs tho Idea of conceal ment was tho first concern. Tho mortars woro Uealgnod to bo hidden away In pits each of thorn holding four of thoso weapons. Tho heavy rifles woro not to bo In plain sight, with their threatening muzzles pcorlng over the crests of parapets. Instead, tho disappearing carriage was Invented for a mount. Theso gave tho rlllos tho powor to crouch whllo loading or awaiting serv ice, and then, when tho moment for action ar rived, to Bprlng up suddenly from behind tholr embrnsuroB, to flro directly at tho foo, and by tho forco of tholr own recoil to sink from view and Into position for reloading. How Is It posslblo for weapons of this sort to ho ulmed at tholr targots? It Is commonly known that in nnval servlco the guns aro held upon their quarry by moans of oloctrlcally operated mochnnlsma that swing and olovato tho rifles bo that tho cross hairs of tho telescopic sights can bo kopt right on a moving tnrgot oven though tho sea bo rough and tho vessel roll. Tho gun polntors are undlsturbod by this motion, and at 12,000 yards and moro aro able to do somo won dorful shooting. Dut tho gun pointers and train ers in tho mortar pits and tho emplacements of tho btg rifles do not, thouiBolvos, boo tho onomy. Yet dosplto this Booming handicap still they aro ahlo to do some extraordinarily offectlvo work. Tho army gun pointers near Now York, with 10-Inch disappearing rifles, havo boon 'nblo to flro four shots In a total elapsed tlmo of loss than ono minute, and theso wero concentrated upon a target four mllos away bolng towod at tho rato of something over five miles an hour. All four shots struck tho target and actually passed through a rcctanglo 24 foot high by 53 foot long. At M.G00 yards tho same caliber guns nt Fortress Monroo scorod six hits out of six shots at a mov lng tnrgot. Tho total olapnod tlmo of tho firing was slightly ovor two minutes, tho battorlcs scor ing 1.4 hits per gun per mlnuto. The science of surveying has mndo thoso achievements posslblo, oven though, as has boon said, tho guns and mortars must be trained and ciovated by men who cannot soo tholr targets. It la a well-known thoorem in plauo geometry that tho longth of tho two sldos of a trlanglo may bo found if tho length of tho baBo and tho degree of the two angles formed by tho oleics in quoBtiou with this baso aro known. In tho caso of tho coast artlllory problem tho distant ship of tho foo is nt tho remoto tip of tho imaginary triangle, - and tho known baso Is tho span between two ob serving or rango-flndlug stations. This interval may bo a mllo or moro and, within somo limits, tho longor tho bettor for accuracy. s Many havo seen from afar at our coast defense Blatlona what scorned to bo big bird boxos mounted upon towering tubular supports or web work of stool. There aro always two of thorn, and ofllclally thoy are known as tho primary and socondary range stations. In each of thorn, In tlmo of sorvlco, thero aro at least two men. Ono turns by mentis of n doltcately graduated mechanism n poworful tolcscopo from right to loft, and his function Ib to koop tho moving tar get continually at tho point of Intersection of two cross hairs in tho field of his Instrument. Ills companion reads off nt prescribed intervals tho angle mado by tho telescope with thd per manent baso and tho far-away foo. Tho snmo thing is being' dono nt tho other range station nt tho opposite end of tho bnBo. A tlmo bell rings at each of theso stations cvory 20 seconds, and at tho third stroko the man read ing tho angular scale telophones that measure ment to tho plotting room located whoro the onemy cannot see It and itself In telephonic communication with each gun or mortar division. In tho plotting room a group of mon make uso of the Information coming to thorn Intermittently from tho rango-flndlug towors and by a graphic procoss determlno with groat nicety tho dlstanco off of tho steaming foo. Tho plotting tablo or board whero tho Information from tho observers' Is nppllod Is a big somlcircular affair tho curved odgo bolng graduated to fractions of a degree, while tho straight edgo or diameter represents on n definite scale tho length of tho base lino between tho two spotter towors. At ench ond of thts baso lino Is a pivoted ruler. Ono Is called tho primary and tho other tho secondary corre sponding to tho rango-flndlng station with 'which Its operator is In touch by telephone. Hero Ib what follows: Tho soldiers at tho primary and socondary pivoted rulors or arms bring" tho froo ends to ward ono another In accordance with tho sopa rato angles tolophoned to thorn. A third man oporates anothor ruler called tho gun arm, which mcasuroa tho dlstanco or range, of tho axis of this trlanglo. At tho word of command from tho raugo ofllcor tho observors at tho two telescopes bring thoso powerful Instruments to bear In unison upon a chosen part of tho romoto ship. At tho ordor "Take," tho scalo readers telephone tho flguros to tho operators at tho plotting board. In a few seconds tho mon In chargo thoro has placed on a largo shoot of papor a dot at tho point whoro tho two straight odgos meet and has marked this pencilled point No. 1, Again, 20 soconds later, anothor dot la mado whoro tho shifting straight edges meot, and this Is numborod 2. Similarly positions aro thus re corded for No. 3 and No. 4, and If tho dlstanco betwoon thoso dots Is uniform tho plotters know that the target Is moving at a steady speed and tho path dots gives a vislblo trace of tho dlrec- lnniifiiriliWiBiiiiwHii SEES NO JAPANESE PERIL Hon In which tho foo Is advancing. As yet nono of tho weapons hnB been pointed, nor, If mortars nro to bo used, oven boon loaded. Tho plottors marks upon his paper a fifth point ahead and In lino with tho four other dots. This Is his "predicted point" whore tho onemy vessel should ho n mlnuto later. In this Interval of tlmo It is necessary for tho men In tho plotting room to do a number of things necessary to make It posslblo for tho weapons to score a hit. The moro rnngo Is not enough to know. Let us as sume thnt the foo is to bo attacked by means of mortars and that tho projectiles aro to- soar thousands of feet Into tho air upon their long flight that may take the bettor part of two minutes bororo plunging upon tho vulnerable docks of tho hostile drcadnaught. It is needful to know how long tho shells will bo in tho air at that range; how far the target will move during tho flight of tho missiles; how much tho path of tho projectiles will ho Influ enced by drift duo to their own rotation and tho effect of tho prevailing wind; tho oxact powder charge that will bo needed to propel tho shells this being determined by tho range and the state of tho atmosphere; and finally, how much ahead tho mortars must be aimed In order to allow for these factors. These complications are duo to the. method of Indirect flro employed, and In this particular the mortars are not so accurate as the big rifles a.nd, therefore, are more difficult to handle in order to insure good results. The final point sot In the plotting room is No. C and two minutes further along than No. 5, tho "predicted point," tho latter being verified by tho angles given by the observers at the spotter stations When the vessel Is duly reported at tho proper moment. All of this has taken longer to describe than actual performance calls for, hecauso tho error factors which havo been Just mentioned aro tabu lated and aro quickly -worked out graphically by ' means of cunningly devised apparatus. It must be evident thnt In an interval of four nilnutes a big ship 12,000 or 1C.000 yards off would not get measurably closer, and once tho proper range Is found and the mortars londed tho shifting rango is quickly verified and tho guns set accordingly. The men in tho towors and thoso in the plot ting. room aro at work all the whllo. At doflnfto intervals tho instructions are sent by tolephono from tho plotting room to each battery or mortar pit, and lest theso vocal directions bo mlsundor stood tho flcures and orders aro visibly repro duced. For this work tho telautograph Is em ployed, and thus words and numbers In writing check tho tolephono calls. As has been said, thoro ara four mortars In each pit, and as a" general thing thero aro four of theso pits at each defonso station. In other words, a salvo of 1C high oxploslvo sholls can bo launched by Indirect flro at a foe. If but two of theso hit tho onemy she would olthor bo destroyed or gravely damaged, because nono of hor decks would be ablo to withstand such an assault. In practice tho performances of such a battery havo been splendid. Ab a matter of rec ord, ono mortar company has fired as many as ton shots In 0 minutes 40 seconds, and In that In tcrval mado six hits, whllo anothor company has scored olght times out of ton shots during a span of 9 minutes 28 seconds. These mortar projectiles weigh from 800 to 1,000 pounds, and are charged with from 30 to CO pounds of high oxploslvo. For tho disappearing guns tho modus operandi differs In Bomo particulars. The tlmo of flight of tho shot Is far shorter than In tho case of tho mortar shell, tho powder charge Is not varied to suit different ranges, and tho stato of tho atmos phore Is not a deciding factor. Therofore, cor rections aro moro easily mado, for tho rlflo, when it does flro. Is pointed right nt Its target. Tho principal concern of tho battory commander Is to know tho rnngo, and this Is telephoned and reproduced by the telautograph at tho firing sta tionB. Tho battory commander also follows tho enemy ship with a teloscoplc rango finder thnt employs a short vertical Instead of a horizontal baso. This Borvea bb a chock and at each gun thoro Is a telo scoplc sight which Is functioned Independent of tho weapon tho operator looking ovor tho para pot and following continually the moving quarry. Dy swinging his telescope horizontally ho causes tho lateral anglo to bo Indicated at the gun stn Hon below, and thoro tho trainer swings tho weapon In unison and tho olevntor ralsos tho muzzlo ngroeably to Instructions from tho range tinders. When tho rifles have been loaded and tho mo ment for action arrives theso groat -war docs rlso upon t.holr steel haunches and thrust their muzzles abovo tho heavy parapets of concrete. Instantly thero la a thunderous boom tho spued ing projectiles aro on their murderous mission Dofora tho thin veil of smoko has been swept, aside tho guns havo sunk behind cover, and but for tho momentary flashing of their muzzles thoro Is nothing to show tho spottors on tho hostile craft whero tho attacking guns Ho. "I am firmly convinced that a break between Japan nnd tho United Stales could como about only as tho result of a political crime. I found nothing In Japanese thought to lead mo to believe thnt Japan anticipates, oven in a romofo degree, a disturbance of tho friendly relations between tho two nations." Such wero the words of Senator Wlllard Saulsbury of Dolawaro on his return from a trip to tho Orient. Ho mot tho rulers and principal men of tho two great castorn nations, Japan and China, and devoted himself to a study of oriental affairs. "All of this talk of tho Japanese peril Is to my mind vorlost humbug," said tho sonator. "Tho Japanese aro vory frlondly to us, particularly tho cducatod people. I am suro that tho responsible men in Japan do not want to raise troublo with tho United States, any moro than we deslro trou blo with Japan. The Japanese aro a very proud and scp.Eltivo people. Thoy glory in their progress, regard tholi rorm or government as a success, and consider their country ono of the important nations of tho world. "Thoy aro vory resontful of any suggestion of racial inferiority, and are proud not only of their traditions, but of their achievements In modern times." , L UNCLE SAM'S GRASS MAN Grass, If you tako tho word of Prof. C. V. Piper for it, is tho great economic necessity of tho world. Pro fessor Piper 13 tho "grass man" of tho department of agriculture, and his Job is -to find the kinds that aro most adaptable to humanity. Botanists have described 4,000 species of grass. It Is ono of Profes sor Piper's ambitions to try out every one of them to ascertain what they possess of economic valuo to any part of the United States. It Is a huge task. But In laboring to tho desired end Professor Piper has already mado astonishing discoveries, and tho great est of tlieso is Sudan grass. Only three years ago, as a result of Professor Piper's experiments, Su dan grass waB Introduced by tho de partment of agriculture. Alrcndy It lias created a remarkable rovlsion of land values In some parts of Texas. A native of tho north Pacific coast, wheffi grass and everything else grows thick, Charles Vancouver Piper has been an ardent student of plant life since boyhood. At eighteen ho received the degree of bachelor of sclenco from the University of Washington. That was in 1855. From 1892 to 1903 ho was professor of botany and zoology at tho Wash ington Agricultural college, and then ho was called to Washington as agros- tologlst in charge of forage crop Investigations. c SERBIA'S PRIME MINISTER Next to King -Peter, the nwst prominent man In Serbia Is Nikola Pashltch, tho prime minister. Ho Is a little gray man, sixty-eight years of age, long-bearded, virile, and Intellectual. Ills first public appolntmont of any noto was that of mayor of Belgrade In 1889. In this position ho showed such ability that tho people- wero ablo to see the worth of tho man, and his advauco was rapid. Ho was sent to Potrograd (then St. Petersburg) in 1893 as ambassador for Serbia, and again his. ability so shono out that ho won the admiration of all tho diplo mats of tho Russian capital. Twice he has been in danger of death owing to hlB connection, or supposed connection, with mutlnlos. Tho first time was when still a voting man. Then sovoral of his confeder ates wore arrested and- shot. In 1899 ho was again accused. Ho was tried and sentenced, but ho fought im prisonment, nnd finally Russia stopped In and ordered his persecution to cease. The peoplo believed in him thoroughly, and ho was mado minister for foreign affairs. When Peter bocamo king of Serbia, PasMtcu became 1113 prime minister, and has been so over since. ADVOCATES HOT BATHS HER EQUIPMENT. "That girl Is fishing for a husband." "Then I suppobo sho uaos a bcaullno In hopos I 01 a coou caicn. Hot baths are better than cold baths in tho opinion of Surgeon Gen oral William C. Bralsted, U. S. N. Doctor Bralsted acquired his hot bath habit In Japan. Thero It ia con sidered a matter of hygleno to Indulgo in baths as hot as tho bather can en dure Tho enthusiasts tako three and four parbolllngs a day and Insist that It dissolves all tho impurities on tho skin. To tho Japaneso tho cold bath Is a mattor of foolishness, for "how can cold water do the Bkln any good?" thoy ask. Doctor Bralsted is unique in that ho does not Book to impose his ideas on ovorybody elso. Ho is quito willing to let tho exponents of tho -cold bath have tholr way, only ho wishes to bi left alono in tho Indulgence of his t. vorlto plunge. "If you feel 'braced' aftor a cold bath, why, tako it," ho says. As for himself, Doctor Bralsted foels bettor aftor a hot ono, and ho takes ono every morning, winter and summer. It is so hot that it would scald one not accustomed to It