The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 08, 1915, Image 5

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Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
Stnto Bnnk.
crry ajpd coilxty sews.
Ask to seo our now special $2.4S
skirt, slzcs'22 to 3G. BLOCK'S. i
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. McIItigh have'
returned from a visit with Denver
Mrs. James Flynn camo down from!
her homestead near Keystone Inst
Mrs. Andy Wossburg Is visiting
In Omaha having loft the early part of
this week.
Bradley Sweaters, the host that are
made, at Wilcox Department Store.
George Sherwood, of St. Lous, for
merly of this city, Is sponding a few
days In town.
Mrs. W. S. Leon hs returned from
a short visit with relatives tn Council
Bliffs and Omaha.
' Mrs. Charls Toole entertained tho
Eldeen club In a pleasant manner
Wednesday afternoon.
Wo have a big hew shipment of suits.
Correct styles, have you seen them?
; Mrs. Allison Wilcox will entertain
'the Member? of tho Indian Card club
at tho Eayne ranch tomorrow after
noon. ! For. Sale Green tomatoes cheap. L.
,1. Tucker, phone Red 098. 75-2
Mrs. Tavlor, of Council Bluffs, came
a few days ago to visit her daughter
Mrs. W. S. Leon for a couple of
. For sale Hard coal burner, largest
size Radiant Home, Phone Black 29G or
call at C21 west Fourth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson, of Cleve
land, 0., a former resident of this
, city is visiting this week with local
F. A. May, district commercial
manager of the Nebraska Telephone
company, transacted business hero
this week and visited Mr .and Mrs.
Bruce Brown.
I have 50 head of registered Per
cheron horses, all ages, from colts to
12 years old. Can be bought on tlmo
with good securitj. Wm Edis,-2 miles
south of town. 73tf
Mr .anci Mrs. Gene Neville, of New
York, who are enroute to California
by auto left yesterday after visiting
their cousins M. K. Neville and Mrs.
Charles Reynolds for ten clays.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope and Mr.
and Mrs. Perry faifcon will go to
Omaha next week. The former will
attend special sessions of the I. 0. O.
F. and tho others will visit with
Two sections of train No. 1 Wednes
day afternoon were W. C. T. U.
specials' enroute to Seattle to tho an
nual convention and on board wfcro
representatives from almost all of the
eastern states.
Elm Trees For Sulo 1
Home grown Elm trees, inquire of
R. Owens, 221 east Twelfth St. tf
New Middles for school wcat at Wil
cox Department Store.
Mrs. Joseph Jessup will entertain
the ladies' auxiliary of the B. of R. T.
this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy will
go to Omaha next week to attend tho
Knights of Columbus banquet.
Clydo Fristo has taken a vacation
from his duties at tho postofflco and
will visit relatives in Dickens.
Mrs. Roy Mehlmann, who has been
visiting relatives in Raclnn, Iowa foi
several fweeks, will return homo next
A permit to wed was granted to
Wm. Tnppen ago' 20 nnd Myrrnh Pen
ner age 20, both of Gaudy, Wednesday
Mrs. Edward Salisbury, of Lena, 111.,
who had been tho guest of the Salis
bury family horo for acouplo of weeks,
left yesterday.
See tho now melon shape muffs at
. Charles Weir reports tho death of
"Gingor," his pet dog, which had been
with the family ,for over sixteen years.
Ho bocam so ill that It was necessary
to chloroform him Wednesday after
noon. Clarence F. McCnll age 23, bf Grant,
and Miss Fern Fye, ago 20, of Suther
land, were granted a marriage licensb
Wednesday morning and were mar
ried that afternoon by Rev. II. G.
W. J. Bell, of the Blrdwood country,
was in town yesterday visiting friends.
Ho recently returned from Cana
da where" ho had gone to bo present
at tho fiftieth wedding anniversary ot
his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Palmer, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Hoagland and Mr. and Mrs.
McKale are among those who will at
tend the I. O. O. F. cnventlon at
Omaha next week.
A s&mple of corn from thd Roy Ed-
minston ranch ten miles southwest of
town is shown in the Platto Valley
Bank window and demonstrates that
a large per cent of tho corn in Lincoln
county has not been damaged by tho
James Kenedy, Dr. N. McCabe, W.
J. O'Connor, Patrick Miles, James
Hart and J. J. McFadden, of Sidney
are among thoso who will take the
fourth degreo in the Knights of Colum
bus in Omaha on Octobr 12th. Aftei
tho meeting a banquet will be held at
the Fontanelle hotel.
The Tilllkum Girls were t rtertalntd
in tho basement of the Episcopal
church Wdncsday by Misse3 Marjoric
Den and Hazel Barber. During the
latter part of the evening the vestry
men of the church were guests
of the club. Nicely prepared refresh
nqnts were srvd ahd;tv pleasant evo'n
ing""wa3 spent by "all . r
Dolphin Meyers, the well know),
Garleld table' farmer and stockman,
who sold his personal property last
9prjng,.nnd went to Twin Falls, Idaho,
returned yesieruny, no comes oacii
to Lincoln county pretty well convinc.
ed that this country compared with the
irrigated Twin Falls section is tho
better of the two, and hp will contiu
e to "make this county his home. '
r. For Sale
Pure bred Duroc-Jersey spring boars
your choice at ?25.00 each.
(.Somctimca Called Hog Ruhbiny PosO
The Only Oiler made without valves,
cylinders or wheels. Can't clog, stick,
waste oil, leak or get out of order. Re
quires no attention winter or summer ex
cept lining, liusramceu a tears.
Uses Crude or Rowe's Medicated
Oil. Simplest and most satisfac
tory oiler on the market. Costs
$2 to $12 less than others.
Keeps Pens and Yards
Oonfinualfy Disinfected
Applies the vermin destroying
oil right on the itch; heate the
kj: skin of mature, scurvy and
Xj other skin diseases. Promotes a.
healthy skin and a smooth glossy
coat of hair. Does awav with
bothersome dips and sprays. Disinfects pens and yards. Wards off dis
ease. Best and cheapest disease preventative and profit-maker you can find.
Oiler P
S l AM. THE II C l&A
6 time W
The First National Bank
NOftTll 1'L.ATTn, 2iniiRA.SU A.
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
ixTfupracaT nATTk CiWl TTMP flPPAClITR
P-irnrr II II 1131?
dffc 5jHElLBiAaiCoMP4N Ss
T What to Wear
! - - . in Co cits . i
IfifPOU'LL soon want to choose your coat lor fall
and winter. Knowing the correct style features
for the season will make it so much easier to
pjj, choose right
You'll find not only correct style, but the added
value of superior quality and tailoring in these Wooltex coats.
Thirty-four years of coat designing and tailoring experience are
back of coats that bear the .Wooltex label. They, lead America. They
combine the best style ideas of the world's great fashion centers -Paris,
London,. New York and Cleveland.
Fashion says coats must
have certain style features
Sec them,
in the coats
Your coat rr.iift show the
natural t f tic figure,
but without bcins tichtly
fitted. Or, it muse hang
loosely from the shoulders and may be loosely belted.
Coats of either general style are smartly flaring from
waist downward.
Belts in
novel effects
Belts were never so stylish.
Belts a'l around or short belt
effects at sides or across the
front, are artistically used to
add to the dressy effect of the whole coat.
Collars of plush,
cloth or fur
High, straight collars of
plush or fur are ultra fash
ionable. Bands to match
encircle the aids and lower
edge. Self cloth collars are convertible, and may bs
worn low if desired. Revers are wide.
PURE wool materials tested by experts,
and custom quality tailoring support
correct style in every Wooltex coat.
. No matter how many seasons you choose
to wear your Wooltex coat, it stays good
looking. It is refined, genteel the ideal
for a gentlewoman.
The variety of models, in many cloths
'.and colors, makes it easy to select one that
Fabrics are
greatly varied
Rouen fabrics in solid colors,
two -tone combinations of
cloth and trimmings, and
Scotch mixtures have Dame
Fashion's stamp of approval. One of the decidedly
fashionable coatings is Pompadour cloth, to be found
only in the Wooltex Pompadour coats.
is becoming to you. At $16.50, $20, $25,
$30 and upw ards, we have Wooltex coats to
suit your figure, your tastes and your purse.
All the coats pictured here are Wooltex
coats. We invite you to see them this
week. , Try oil a few; see what is correct
and fashionable. Nowjs the ideal time to
make your selection, while the assortment
is so complete.
Wooltex Coats at $16.50 to $45.
Suits at $25 to $65
Skirts at $5 to $15
Wilcox Department Store.
i he Store That Sells Wooltex
D am
ih Store That Sel .
W v :l
" S4 Corvrlcbt 191 S JSJ Tte Wooltex Tailotl tST ' ' . 3 J
Tho Stamp orchestra will hold J
danco at tho Lloyd opera house this
Found Vheol-barow. Ownnr tint.
lfy Jos "Wilson and pay for this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ttrnlrnr wl.
entertain tho Lutheran Brothorhood
Monday ovonlng.
Wnntod A good man on farm.
steady job. Thomas E. Doollttle, phone
Mrs. Charles Mfil.nno rntn
Tuesday ovening from a short visit
wun relatives in cozau.
Mrs. Lester Wilson nnd son Paul
left Wednesday afternoon for Grand
Island to visit friends for a week or
Wood Whito left Wednesday morn.
ing for Los Angoles to visit his wlfft
and son who havo been thoro for sov
oral weeks.
Harvey VanDoran and sister Mist
Nina will attend tho Maywood falv
next weeK nnu visit Mr. and Mrs
Ubcrt Artley.
Miss Anna Carey, of Wellfleet, was
in town Wednesday enroute to Scotia
whero 'alio was culled by tho suddon
death or her father.
Miss Orra Murphy, of Cheyonno,
formorly of tills city, is expected horo
uus weeK to visit nor sister Mrs. Jos,
wuinn ior a lortnigut,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulson aro
sponding this week in Omaha with
Mrs. Frod Rasniussen of Ilorshoy,
visited hor sister Miss Mario Martini
this week.
Mrs. Glen Miller left Wednesday
for Omaha to spnd a week or longci
with friends.
Nv Wale
match your
Mr. nnd Mrs.
coats now
Xorlli rintiu (.'enenil Hospital Xole
Dr. E. C. Stevenson of Gothenburg
camo up tho first of tho week to glvw
treatments to his patient horo.
Miss Mario Shorhaum who had bcou
taking treatments at tho hospital hnt
roeovored and) returned to Gothenburg
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss MablqiHolm of Gothenburg, lh
taking- treatments and getting nlonK
Skirts toiHlcoiy.
shown at1 Van Lawronco continues to improve
I from his recent operation.
Mrs. II. D. Thinner who recontly
Flour Prices
We hnve reduced the price on
our old Wheat Flour to the basis
of new wheat.
Fred Wcndehorn, who ,,":' ,V r' Vi Z rZ"" ;r"1 if
have been visiting In Omaha for Betug n,ng nieely '
week, will return tonight. i n. T 1 V i
inn. 1 tuii. uv una uucn very lit,
James Eddy of Denver, camo a few
days ngo to make an oxtonded visit
at tho McWlllliams homo.
Mr .nnd Mrs. James Itoddy spent
tho first of this week with tho Ras
niussen family in Harslioy.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. McCrono left
Wednesday for Crook to spend a
couple of weeks with relatives.
, Mrs. Dameron, of Sutherland, who
was visiting Mrs. E. S. Davis left
Wednesday morning for homo.
Mrs. H. V. Ilrock and son, wht
havo visited in Fairbury for several
wooks, aro expected homo tills even.
A scinl danco will bo hold In th6
MaHonIc hall this ovening under tho
aninagemont of Mossr3. Harris Stunrt
and Sidney McFarland.
is convalescing.
Tho training school will open on
Monday, Oct. 11th, and lectures will
bo given by tho nurses and doctors of
tlio hospltnl staff.
A' now X-ray attachment has been
added to tho machine, with which t
locate roroign bodies and tissues.
Mrs. Harnlsh has taken charco o,
tho domestic department of tho host
Notice For Bldti.
. Sealid bids will bo received until
October 21st for tho snlo of tho two
buildings known as tho old church
and residence on lots 7 and 8, block
i.15. Tho commlttoo reserves tho right
to reject any or all bids.
Chairman of Building Committee.
UnionKlour the best made, pack
ed m heavy towel sack(
per sack
Tulip Flour guaranteed
first pulcnt per sack
sack . .
We have enough on hands for
a week or ten days business after
that time we will have flour
made from this year's wheat.
Better buy an extra sack or two
of old wheat flour.
Wilcox Department Store