THE SFMI-WFFKI V TRIRIINF. NORTH Pl.ATTE. NEBRASKA. NEWS OF II WEEK CONDENSATIONS OF GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANCE. OF EVENTS National, Political, Personal and Othor Matters In Brief Form for All Clasaeo of Readers. WAR NEWS. All Greek reservists In Canada huvu hcon ordered home. Tlio recnll order rached the- Greek consul, J. C, Walsh In Montreal from Athens. Tho Paris Temps announces that Franco and Groat Britain already have takon military measures "to de fend Serbia and Greece against Bul garian aggression. Berlin reports that one British war shin was Bunk and two others were damaged in tho attack by British squadron on German batteries along the Bolglan coast. An Athens dispatch to n, Paris newspaper says that Bulgaria has concluded an agreement with tho Tou tonic allies and will enter the war October 15. A formal order declaring London nnd surrounding districts to be an area undor tho defenso of the realm net, In which tho practice of treating Is prohibited and a further dilution of spirits Is allowed, has been Issued. Tho Greek chamber of deputies passed without debate bills declaring a stalo of slcgo In Macedonia, provld Ing $30,000,000 for mobilization of tho , . ... it. . . 1 1. . i vjix'uk armies una auinoriziug mu iv lief of families of soldiers in caso of war. Every malo German, Turk and Aus trlan of military ago in London, who has not been granted exemption, will bo rerirtlrcd to surrender to the po lice. Austrians under 51 years of ago and Germans under 55 years will lie Interned. Tlio Munch Post has received a report from Switzerland, that Popo Uenedict is preparing a circular let ter to the belligerents, asking for "a. general truce on All Saints' day, ded icated to tho memory of the soldiers who have perished In the war. German casualties In the recent of- fcuslvo of tho French and British, In eluding killed, wounded and prison ers, woro given officially by tho French war office in Paris as In ex cess of tho strength of three army corps (more than 120,000 men). A German newspaper Is authority Jor tho report that British and French troops for sorvico in Serbia linve landed at Port Kathrln, near Salonlki, Greece, while thero is a ru mor tlmt 300,000 Austrian-German troops have begun an advance on tho northeast Serbian frontier. GENERAL. Elias It. Montford of Cincinnati, O., was elected commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic at the an nual reunion at Washington. Art Smith, aviator, flying at tho state fair at Springfield, broke tho world's record for looping the loop. He mado nlnotcen loops In succession. Ono hundred girls, who came to Winnipeg, Man., Canada, before tho war started, are In various mechani cal shops taking lessons to prepare themselves for mechanical positions. Many Winnipeg girls aro learning to bo chauffours. Andrew II. Cogglns, called the "king of high gradors," pleaded guil ty to stealing oro estimated to be worth $40,000 from tho Empiro mine at Grass Valley, Cal., and was sen tenced to servo four years in tho state penitentiary at San Quentln. Heads of independent motion pic ture companies aro elated by tho news , flint tho United States district court at Philadelphia rendered a decision adverse to tho Motion Picture Patents Co., familiarly known In fllmdom as "Tho Trust." Tho effect of tho deci sion, it is declared, will open for the first time, a frco market to producers of picturo plays. A spark from a workman's hammer Ignited a tank car of gasoline In Ard more, Okla., and as a result 50 peoplo wero killed and200 injured. Two en tiro blocks of tho city was destroyed with a loss estimated at $500,000. By n unanimous voto, membors of tho Omaha Young Peoplo's Socialistic league adopted a resolution pledging themselves to do "all in their power to destroy tho curse of militarism, nnd its parent, tho capitalist system, which Is responsible for the war hor ror." James Kelr Il-rdle, labor membor of parliament and leader of tho peaco element In tho British socialist party, died of pneumonia at Glasgow re cently. Tho bank clearings for Omaha wero over $7,000,000 grcator in September than they were September a year ago. Llpltty passengers of a Southern Pa cific Mexican train wero thrown into a car containing hay and tho car sot on tiro by n band of Yaqul Indians near Torres, Sonorn, according to ad vices received at San Diego, Cal. All but twenty perished. Tho statement was made by offic ials of telephone companies in New Haven, Conn., that messages by wlro loss telephone wero sent from tho wireless telegraph station at Arling ton, Vn., to Honolulu, Hawaii, a dis tance of about 4.G00 miles. Tho annual pamphlet report of tho Union Pacific Railroad company, mado public in Now York, for the ilscal year ending Juno 30, last, shows a decrease of $1,440,308 in op- oratlr-g income and a decrease or $5,578,Gf?G in total Income. Charles C. Glover, president., of tho Riggs National bank of Washington, D. C; William J. Flathor, vlco presi dent, nnd II. H. Flathcr, cashier, wero indicted for perjury in connection with tho bank's recent suit against Secretary McAdoo and Comptroller Williams. Plans for tho biggest religious re vival Chicago has seen in many years arc announced by tho Moody .church. A tabernacle to seat G.OOU persons will bo erected and meetings will bo hold nightly for six months. Mayor Thompson will open tho revival on October 31. John W. Carrigan, slate inheritance tax attorney, announced at Los An geles, Cal., that he had completed a survey of the estate left by the late A. O. Spalding, sporting goods mnnu lacturcr who died recently at point Loma, and found that tho value was in excess of $1,000,000. Tho Carranza commander at Las Pelados. Mexico, headed tho attack ing narty of Mexicans who crossed the border and in a light with Amor- lean soldiers, canlured Trooper Rich ard Johnson, whom they shot and then mutilated, It was reported to southern department headquarters nt San Antonla, Tex. SPORTING. Fred Fulton of Rochester, Minn., knockout out. Tim Logan, United States navy champion, in the second lound of a scheduled ten-round bout in Eu Claire, Wis. . .- Matt Brock of Cleveland, Ohio, knocked out Bobby Ward of St. Paul, Minn., in the sixth round of a scheduled ten-round contest at Min neapolis. E. J. Hanlon, president of tlio Sioux City club of tho Western league announced that the Ail-American and All-National league baseball stars will play in that city October 23. Earl Caddock of Anita defeated War Eagle, the Indian wrestler, In Atlantic, la., in two falls, tho first In thirteen minutes and the second In three minutes, both falls being won by a scibsors hold. Tho Jockey club stakes, the only 10,000 sovereign (G0.000) race of the present English turf season, was run at New Market, England, and won by Lanlus. Dame Prudent finished sec ond and Sir Cassel's Gadabout was third. That tho Western league is planning to secede from organized baseball and to affiliate with the Federals is a statement accredited to Jack Holland of St. Joseph. Holland says tho re port, believes thero Is an organized plan to throw over the traces and that It will be mado public soon. WASHINGTON. Naturalized American citizens trav eling abroad wero 'advised by tho Stato departmnt to take their natural ization papers with them. Dismissal of six midshipmen, sus pension of four others for ono year, without pay and tho demotion to tho next lowest class of fifteen others, was announced by Secretary Daniels as the result of tho recent hazing in vestigation at tho Annapolis Naval academy. Secretary Lane announced tho open ing of 110,000 acres of land within tho former Fort Berthold Indian reser vation in North Dakota to surface homestead entry. Registrations may be made at Mlnot, Blsmark and Plaze, N. D., beginning October 18 and end ing October 30. The treasury's Income for the month of September was just a llttlo moro than $50,000,000 and about $10,000,000 less tlian tho ordinary disbursements of tho month. N Standing on tho same spot where fifty years ago President Andrew Jackson reviewed tho parade ol Grand Army of the, Republic, homo from tho war of the robolllon, Prest dent Wilson rcvlowcd tho parade ol the feeble remnants ot mat nrmy, called by historians tho most efficient fighting force the world had known. BOARD SOLE JUDGE POWERS OF RAILWAY COMMIS- SION SET FORTH IN BRIEF. TWO-CENT FARE HEARING SET Application of Missouri Pacific to En join Railroad Board to Bo Heard In Omaha November 3. Lincoln. That tho Nebraska Rail way commission is tho solo Judgo of equttablo freight rates within tho Btato, and that those rates should not necessarily be governed by tlio Inter state commerce rates, Is tho sub stance of a brief prepared on behalf of tho Nebraska commission by Ed P. Smith of Omaha, Bpecial counsel em ployed by the attorney general's of fice. The brief is In reply to the crit icism of tho Nebraska class rato Bchcdulo by tho Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Kansas City nnd Atchison. Considerable attoutlon is given in tho brief to an explanation of tho equali zation of rates as botween Nebraska Jobjiing centers, which arc declared to be on practically the sumo basis as tho adjustment mado by the railroads themselves beforo the class rate order became effective. Answering tlio chnrgo that certain roads aro required "BETTER BABIES" . AT NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. Elizabeth Martha Webster, Thirty Months' Old, the Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Webster of Havelock, and a Perfect Baby, Scoring 100. to make tho same rato over round about routes as other roads in direct line, Special Counsul Smith Intimates that the commission would bo willing to allow the circuitous road to charge Its rates If It cares. to surrondor Its business to tho direct lines. Tho hear ing of the application of the Missouri Pacific railroad against tho Nebraska Railway commission for a temporary injunction in tho Nebraska 2-cent rate law has been set to bo heard in Omaha November 3, by Judgo Walter H. Sanborn of tho United States cir cuit court. The receiver for tho rail road, Benjamin F. Bush, is asking the federal court to restrain tho commls slon from enforcing the 2-cent law and asks that tho company bo allow ed to chargo 3 cents a mile for pas ficngers. Bar Commission Reappointed. The supremo court has reappointed all the flvo members of tho stato bar commission, whoso duty la to exam ino applicants for bar examinations Investigate charges against attorneys and make recommendations on those matters to tho supremo court. Tho five, reappointed for another year, aro: W. L Anderson, Lincoln, secro tary; A. D. McCandless, Wymorc; Bernnrd McNcny, Red Cloud; N. C Pratt, Omaha, and J. J. Ledwlth, Lin coin. Assessment Figures. Assessment figures from all the counties on real estate, live stock and automobiles will bo published in pam phlet form by Secretary Bornecker ol the Stale "Board of Equalization to as sessors of Nebraska as a guldo foi their w"ork next year. To Appoint Postmaster. Postofilco inspectors have been do tailed to mako Investigations with a view to appointment of a postmaster .at Oolycr, Morrill county, Nebraska to fill a vacancy caused by roslgna tion. Hearing On Water Rights Delayed. Attorney Genernl Reed has recelv ed a telegram that tho hearing In tho Colorudo supremo couit In which a largo number of farmers In western. Nebraska havo cases will not bo held In October, being laid over Boveral months. Tho big suit between Wy oming nnd Colorado ovor water rights Is of much concern to Nebras ka becauso Colorado Is claiming ab solute rights to head waters of the Platte. If tlio Colorado claims are upheld It would be a serious blow to Irrlgutors In tho 'western part of Nebraska CONDENSED HEWS OF INTEREST TO ALL. O, D. ntchey is erecting a $25,000 garage at Hastings. Clearwater Is to have n now high school building. Red Cloud voted $30,000 to build a high school rccoutly. Tho now town hall at Saronvlllo was dedicated last week. Tho Carnogle library in Hartlngton will be dedicated October 8. 'flic Nellgh Lender has changed from a weekly to a Benil-wockly. $7,000 worth of property at Merrl- man was destroyed by fire recently. Work on Bridgeport's sugar factory s expected to start in a month or bo. Tho $22,000 parochial school just built at Kearney, was dedicated Inst week. The Fairhnry High school athlotes organized a football eleven for this season. Nebraska Bankers' association will hold its annual meeting in Omaha Oc tober 27 and 28. U. F. Davis, editor of tho Silver Creek Sand, died suddenly at his home In that city. Editor Stone of tho Hnrtlngton Hor- ald, lias been appointed probation of ficer of Cedar county. Fred Stcllor of Lushton was se verely scratched by u largo domostlc cat while walking along a country road. The all star American and National league ball, players aro to ploy an ex hibition game In North Platte on Oc tober 28. Civil sorvico examination will bo held on October 23 for rural lettor carriers at Lincoln. The Omnlia creamery men havo de cided to cut loose from tho old Elgin regime and to mako Omaha Its own market. In a heavy electrical storm nt Hrldgeport, Frank Meyers, an Kin- kaider, was Instantly killed by a bolt of lightning. Tlio First Security Stato hank of (Vdar Creek, with a capital of $10,000, has been granted a charter by tho State Banking hoard. NcbroRka Methodists in their recent :onvontlon at Lincoln, decided to mako stnte prohibition tho paramount Issuo from now on. Arthur Pnskn, a Blair man, in his naste to get on n northbound pae s neer train, at Fort Calhoun, fell ami lost ono arm under tho "wheels. While attempting to drag a shotgun from a boat by tlio barrel, Raymond Maurer of Plattsmouth was shot through the left breast and Instautly killed. John Truto of Elk Creek was killed and four others wero injured when an automobile turned bver near Boa- trice. Arrangements havo been mado for io appearance on October 18 of tho United States Marino band nt Kear ney. James Renny was thrown from his norse nnd trampled upon nnd serious ly hurt nt tlio Nemaha county fair nt Auburn. Miss Sutherland of Elwood, tench ing school near Alvo, in burninng trash raked from tho yard, caught her ilothfng and was sevoroly burned. Gus Swan of Arlington, whllo walk Ing to the farm of Frank Morehouro east of Fremont, was run down by a CNonnwepiorii ireigni irain onu luuuu Out of forty cultures taken In South Omaha public schools by Dr. Boler, assIstaViX city physician, twenty post tivo cases of nhsal diphtheria wero found. Governor Morcliend has Issued proclamation asking Nebrasknns to loin In n cienn-un campnlpn on Octo her 9 to forward lire-prevention work The State Railway commission Is sued nn order directing the Burling ton to Install electric lights at Its depot and grounds at Dorchester. Plavln with strychnlno tnblets caused tho death of tho olovn months-old baby daughter of Ben At wood nt Humboldt. Tho child was discovered p'nying with them, having swallowed several. Tho station settlement at Koller, hist east of Minden. Is on loving tho distinction of having its first stnro under erection. John Hoover, grain man. will havo charge of the storo and will deal In general niTeliandlFe, John J. Bllck of Bennlneton has nsked the railway commiFslon to or der tho Northwestern railroad to fur- nlnsh tank cars for the shinning of buttermilk out of Omaha. Tho hear ing lus been set for October 11. Dr. W. R. Peters or Stanton me with nn accident threo ml'es north west of thnt place whn tho automo bile In which ho was driving turned turtle nnd pinned him under the car, where he rennlued for nlrht hours Tho Stato Board of Ar-leulMtro al loved all bll'n for tho 1915 fair and heard n financial report. It Is ex petcd thero will ho n balance c'ono to $20,000. Tho next meeting of tho as sociation Id to he held in Lincoln In January. Tho completion of a $5,000 barn and silo combined on the Mntt Ilourtz , farm near Junlnta was celebrated by i an old fanhloned barn dance, attended by over I! fly people. The Walrnth, Sherwood & Kent lumhor business of North Bend, n i branch of the Omaha llrm, was sold recent'y to the Farmers' Cooperative . association, , It Is estimuted thnt tlio annual loss from hog cholera in Nebraska for tho I last two yearn has been at least $5,000,000, according to a recent bul letin of the College of Agriculture. BUILD INEXPENSIVE HOUSES FOR POULTRY An Open-Front A good poultry houso need not bo expensive It can bo mado of rough boards of any kind. If n floor Is usod It should bo mndo ot a double thick ness of planks with a shoot of build ing pnpor between. Tho sides nnd roof should bo covered with heavy tar paper, battcuod down over all tho cracks, tho essential thing being to provent any draftB whatovor. Tho roosting closet should bo sep arate from tho laying room and scratching shed. Hons should novor bo fed In tho roosting closet nor should tho floor of the closet bo cov ered with straw, ns this gathers dampness., Many successful poultry men do not ubo dropping boards at all but clean tho floor overy day, which Is, all things considered, profcr- ablo. Of course, if tho droppings aro nllowcd to accumulato on tho floor tho conditions will bo as bad as If allowed to accumulato on tlio drop ping boards. CloanlincsB Is always essential and whether tho dropping boards aro usod or not tho roosting house should bo kopt perfectly cloan and dry nt all times. By sprinkling n llttlo dry earth or Baud on tho floor tho droppings may bo removed in a fow moments and tho floor can bo kopt clean with very llttlo effort. Tho laying nests should bo ar ranged in an upartmont adjoining tho roosting closet nnd hero tho birds muy bo fed. This laying nnd scratch ing shed should bo ontlroly open to tho south, tho front being covered with wlro to provent tho intrusion of rats and othor rodents. A box of grit nnd n box of dry road dust should always bo kept in tho scratching shed. No matter how care ful ono may bo fowls cannot bo kept entirely frco from vermin without having constant access to dry dust it is tliolr natural way of protecting thomsolvcs from vermin nnd If they aro confined without being allowed to dust thomsolvos thoy aro suro to bo affected. Nests should bo placed at least two foot abovo tho floor with a board so placed on an inclino that the lions can easily walk up to tho nest Instead ot being compolled to fly up. Young pulletn heavy with egg aro often in jured by flying up to, and down from nosts placed too high. Nests should bo arranged with movablo bottomB so that tho contents may bo frequently removed and tho nests kopt porfoctly clean. Tho nest should not bo less than 14 inches squaro In bIzo, particularly for tho larger breedB of birds. No nttorant is mado hero to go into tho Bclontlllc considerations of poultry houses used by fanciers or vory largo poultry breeders, but tho Information given Is intended for tho benefit of tlio smnll flock raisor, tho farmer or Buburban dweller. Tho ground plan of tho poultry houso shown hero Is 12 foot by 30 feet, and is divided into partB each 12 feet by 10 feet. Tho compartment on tho right is used as a winter roosting and laying place. Tho center as n scratching shod In wlntor and n sholter from rain and Bun during tlio summer. Tho room at tho loft 1b used during tho wlntor as n placo ot oxerclso and in which to feed mashes and to water Ground Plan of Poultry House. tho fowls. This room also contains dust boxes and where tho feed is Btorcd. A, A, A, in tho dotted squares rep resent tlio windows or thplr location In tho front of tho houso. U, B, Is Bided up solid to tho lino running from B to B ono and ono-halt feet high. Tho lino running from C to C is tho top of a four-foot high poultry netting which runs tho cn.Iro longth of tho available tho oyster shall will bo aufll house. dent. Thero Is a drop curtain arranged In cach room to como down next to this wlro In stormy weather or cold nights, From O, O, to top of tho houso Is planked up solid except tho windows, ns shown In A, A, A, D, D, d, tno nest boxes undor tho dropping board N. There aro two rowa of nosts ono facing tho scratching shed, tho other facing tho right-hand room. A trap noat may bo arranged vory convon lently horo. E Is a drop curtain in front ot tho roosts In tho wlntor department, hatched early in tho aeaBon. Farm which ia to bo let down at night. F I er'a Review. Poultry House. is tho roosting polos In tho wlnto) qunrtors. G Is tho roostlug poles In tho sum mor roosting quartorB. H, Hr-tho doora of poultry netting I, tho llttlo door that leads from tho scratching shed to tho ond room. J, cut straw scattered on tho floor ot tho "scratching Bhod In which to scatter wheat, ryo, oatB and corn. K, tho dust box. L, tho drinking fountain. M, M, M, tho floor which should bo or oand nnd grnvol. N, thn dropping board In wlntor roosting department. Alhouso of theso dimensions should bo nlno foot in front nnd seven foot tall in the rear. It may bo mado ot any stuff at hand, or to suit tho builder. Mnny successful poultrymcn profor dirt floors, but unloBS thoBo nro prop orly constructed thoy will bocomo damp nnd muddy nnd a sourco ot great annoyanco to tho person in chargo of tho flock and a danger to tho health of tho birds themsotves. A dirt floor Bhould bo filled in nbovo tlio lovol of tho ground at loast four inchoa Interior of Poultry House Showing Muslln-Covcrcd Window. with very coarso sand or gravel or broken rock and on top of this three or four inchoa ot light soil, tho wholo covered with n heavy contlng ot dry sand. A floor of this kind will resist dampness unless tho houso Is built In a low or swampy place. No matter whoro located tho ground should bo thoroughly drniuod on all sides of tho houso on tho outside. Ot courso tho ideal dry dirt floor is mado by first laying tiled drains at tho depth of about six Inches, 18 Inches apart tho entire length of tho houso, extending out on each side from six to eight feet. This will absolutely prevent dampness. Tho opon-frbnt housca may bo adapted to tho small flock of tho farm or to any numbor of birds by simply multiplying tho units. This form ot poultry houso has boon tried in all climates and has proved moro satis factory than nny othor. In tho oxtromo northern states whoro tho thormomotor falls to many degrees below zoro it 1b well to pro tect tho birds at night by a thin mus lin curtain attached to a roller which may bo rolled up during tho day and lot down at night but in moderate climates this protection is not nt all necessary. A muslin curtain Bhould bo of such toxturo that tho air may pass through it, othorwlso draft will bo caused and draftB nro posi tively tho most harmful condition? that can affect poultry. Tho opon-front curtained poultry houso has boon thoroughly triod at tho oxporiment stations of Malno, Minne sota, Montana and in othor states whoro tho tcmporaturo falls to 20 do- greca or moro below zero, and with excellent success. In those localities whoro thero 13 llttlo snowfall but exccBslvo moisturo during tho wlntor months, tho cur tains should be left oft for in theso cases thoy aro sure to hold dnmpnoss in tho houso. THREE GU0D POULTRY HINTS Supply of Grit Is Essential Select Well-Shaped Eggs for Incubator Hatch Chickens Early. Unless tho hens havo access to n freo run on gravelly boII both oyster shell and mica crystal grit should bo supDllod whoro tho honB may have free access to it. If n frco rnngo is In soloctlng eggs to placo in an ln- cubatoronly nvcrago-sized, woll-Bliapod oggs should bo used as extremely largo or small ogga or egga that do not conform to normal shapa will in variably hatch n low porcentago ot ir- rogular-Blzed chicks. Early hatched chicks will mako moro rapid growth than lato hatchod ones. It ono wishes to soil brooding stock this Is a decided advantage - Also If ono wishes to market part of tho chick crop aa broilers and roast- era tho market 1b boat for thoso