THE REMI.WPFKLV TPiniiNR nhotm pi attc mchraqka I IS HI! THE WHITE MAN'S BLACK BURDEN IB SUCCESS TOLD PROCLAMATION ON FIRE LOSS u. Governor Calls Upon People of State S. COURT ORDERS MOVING PICTURE COMBINE TO DISSOLVE. FRENCH TROOPS GAIN GROUND to Make October 9 General Clean up Day. KAISER'S NOTE ON ARABIC CASE DOES NOT SATISFY U. S. IN THE CHAMPAGNE DISTRICT. HLM 15 DEMANDS i - VIOLATED ANTITRUST LAW Decision Rendered at Philadelphia Says That Contracts Were a Con spiracy In Restraint of Trade and Therefore Illegal. Philadelphia, Oct. 4. Tliu United States district court on Friday decided tlio antitrust dissolution suit against llio Motion Plcturo Patents company In favor of tho government The Motion Plcturo Patcnln com pany is a holding concern. It was charged by tho government that It controlled most of tho moving picture patents In tho United States and also had n largo Interest in tho American rights In fotelgn patents. Tho suit was heard ovor n year ago hy Judgo Oliver D. Dickson, whoso decision Is a sweeping victory for tho United States department of Justice. It was charged hy tho government that tho Motion Plcturo Patents com pany and other defendants wore on gaged In Interstnto and foreign com morco In motion pictures, films, cam eras, exhibiting machines and other articles and apparatus used In tho motion plcturo art, In violation of the antitrust law. Tho court In Its decision nays that all tho contracts onumcratod In the government's petition and tho combi nation therein described wore a con spiracy In restraint of trado and thoro foro Illegal and that they constituted, with tho exception of tho operations of the Mollcs Manufacturing company, a monopoly In violation of tho anti trust laws. Defendants named In tho. original petition of complaint besides the Mo tion Plcturo Patents company nro: General Film company, Thomas A. Edison, Inc.. Georgo Klclno of Chicago. Lubln Manufacturing company, Pathe Frcres, Sollg Polyscope company of Chicago, Vltngraph company, Frank L. Dyer. Henry M. Martin, J. J. Ken nedy, William Pelzer. Samuel Long, J. A. Hcrst of Chicago, Slcgmund Lu bln, Gaston Molles. Albert U. Smith, George K. Spoor of Chicago. V. N. Sollg of Chicago, With rofcrenco to tho Mollcs com pany, tho court said: "Tho Mclles Manufacturing com pany has denied (as have all tho do fendants) that It was in any senso n party to tho combination charged. Wo have gono ovor nil tho proofs without finding any which go to mak ing good Jlio chnrgo against this par ticular defendant. It Is, therefore, excluded from tho findings mado and tho petition us against It Is dismissed." DENIES CRIPPLING U. S. TRADE Great Britain Shows American Gains Are Enormous Sayo Germans In spired Charges. Washington, Oct. -I.-Great llrltalu's answer to reports widely circulated In this country Hint sho has boon Inter fering with legitimate trado of tho United Status with neutral European nations Tor tho bonollt of her own ox porters Is given in n noto handed to Ambassador Pago in London by Sir Edward Grey, tho foreign minister, and mado public hero by tho stato de partment. Data and figures aro quoted at length to prove that whoro British exports and ro-oxports havo Increased the growth of similar trado from the United States has boon many times a3 largo, whllo In many cases there have boon vast Increases of American ox ports, compared with decreases In those from tho United Kingdom. Tho noto, which In In rosponso to the Hrltlsh ambassador's report of a refer ence at the stato department to tho unfavorable Impression created hero by reports of Increases In Mrltlsh trado with northern European countries since tho war began, suggests also that stutom nts concerning Great llrltain s policy havo boon inspired by German agents. August 13 Is tho dato of tho noto. MONTFORT HEADS G. A. R. Cincinnati Man Electeo Commander In Chief at Washington Slay. baugh8enlor Vlce-Commander. Washington. Oct 4. Capt, Ellas It. Montfort of Ohio, who served for 10 yoars as postmaster of Cincinnati, was on Friday elected commander In chief of tho Grand Army of tho Ho public. Montfort was chosou ovor Frank O. Colo of Jorsoy City and Wil liam J. Pattorson of Pittsburgh Mont fort received 639 votos, Patterson 231 and Colo 188. Georgo 11. Slaybtugh or Washington was selected as senior vlcocommnndor. English M. P. Dies at Front. London, Oct. 4. L'nnt. iinrt,i T. Cawloy, member of parliament for tho jmywoou m vision or Lancashire, has boon killed In the Dardanelles light ing, upmin i;awioy is tho third mem ber of parliament who has died Train Hits Auto; Five Die. LancuBtor, Pa., Oct 4. E M. Zoll, nged, llfty. and four school chlltlron wcro killed whon tho automobllo In which they riding wnB struck by a Pennsylvania railroad express trutn at a grado crossing near Loolu. TERMS OF WAR LOAN ANGLO-FRENCH COMMISSIONERS SEEK $500,000,000. Baron Reading Gives Details of Pro posed Loan Following Banquet In Honor of Visitors. Chicago, Sept. 30. Financial agents of Grent Britain and Fiance, In America to lloat a vast credit loan, an nounced formally la Chicago on Tues day night that half a billion dollars was tho nmount sought by tho warring nations. Tho announcement, carrying with It tho terms of tho proposed loan, was mado simultaneously In Chicago and New York. Tho local declaration fol lowed tho hnnquot to tho members of tho Anglo-French commission at tho Ulackstono hotel. Hero nro tho terms of tho history making loan, as described for news paper men by Baron Heading cf I5r lolgh (Sir Ilufus Isaacs), lord chief Justice of England: "A total of $500,000,000 to bo Issued on Joint Anglo-French fivo-year live per cent bonds offered to the public at 08, and to tho syndicate of underwri ters at 9G. "Furthermore, tho proposition Is to Issuo tho bonds In denominations as low as $100, and arrangements may bo mado by which subscribers might pay for thorn by Installment," explained Baron Rending and his European col leagues at tho banquet given by tho Commercial club. Tho Now York announcement of tho nmount and terms of tho loan was mado through J. p. Morgan & Co. Dispatches told of a repetition of tho announcement mado horc. MAY TELEPHONE TO EUROPE Wireless Record Broken When Men In Washington Talk to Others by Radio In 'Frisco. Washington, Oct. 1. Long ills tnnco wireless tolophony, tho dream of scientists for yoars, becamo a reality on Wednesday when tho human volco wns transmitted frqm tho Arlington radio station, on tho outskirts of 'Vnsh Ington. to tho Maro Islam! "station at San Francisco, nhmit 2,000 miles, It Is bollovcd now that telophonlc communication by wireless between tho United States and Kuropo is near. TURKS REPORTED IN RETREAT British Rout Sultan's Men In Mesopo. tamla Many Prisoners and Guns Taken. London, Oct. L A swooping vic tory for tho allies In tho Dardanelles Is roported. It wns announced In tho house of commons that tho British army had routed tho Tarks In Mesopo tamla, with heavy loss and that tho Turks were In full retreat toward Bag dad. Man- prisoners and guns woro taken. Tennessee Town Burned. Hamburg. Tonn., Oct. L Tho on tiro business district of this town of 1.000 population is lovol with tho grouud, tho result of a Hro of myste rious origin which occurred on Wednesday morning, Slew Husband; Is 8et Free. Qulncy, III., Oct. 4. Mrs. Mary Wlo lago was acquitted of tho murder of hor husband. Elmer Wlolago, after a hariT-fought trial In tho circuit court In this city. Tho state nskod for tho death ponnlty tor tho woman. 3,000 Get Cut In Hours. Hammond, Ind., Oct. 4. Work at tho Stnudnrd Oil Rotlnorlcs wits revo lutionized whon tho olght-hour labor Byatom was put In force. Tho aon will get tho 8ama pay for eight hours as they did boforo for ton 549 PERISH IN FLOOD HURRICANE SWEEPS IN ON NEW ORLEANS FROM GULF. Many Persons Were Injured and the Property Loss Will Run Into the Millions. Memphis, Tonn., Oct. 1. Tho total death list In tho Guir coast Btorm of this week Is 549, according to tho latest reports reaching hero. Persons who have penetrated tho storm swept district Inland havo reported that scores aro dead, but these reports have not been verified. More than 400 persons nro missing In tho storm-swopt area of Louisiana and Mississippi. Tin property loss will total nearly 57,000,000, according to tho latest ad vices recolvod hero from the storm region. Most of tho loss of Ufa reported was In Frenlor and Mnnshnc, La. Tho railroad ugent at tho former town tolo graphed that eight white persons and seventeen neKrocs had boon drowned and many Injurol when tho wind (trove tho waters of Lake Pontchnr train into tho streets. At Manshac, ten miles north, a rail road section foreman and sixteen ne gro laborers were reported drowned. Unofficial estimates placo tho prop erty loss at Now Orleans at nearly $2, 000,000. Seven lives were lost there. At least 150 persons wero Injurod by tho collapse of buildings, falling signs or flying glass. Hundreds of struc tures woro unroofod or demolished In various parts of tho city. Tho maximum velocity of tho wind wan reported by tho Now Orleans weather bureau as between 120 and 130 miles an hour. SPARKS FROM THE WIRE Parlq, Oct. L A dispatch from Sofia hfatCB that tho cabinet headed by Proialor Radoslavoff has collapsed. King Ferdinand has nBkeU M. Malln off, a friend of Englnnd, Franco and Russia, (o form a now cablnot. Providence, It. I Oct. L Mrs. Elizabeth Blair Mohr was Indicted on tho chnrgo of murdering hor husband, Dr. C. Franklin Mohr, and assaulting with Intent to kill Miss Emily O. Burg er, tho physician's secretary. Kunsna City, Oct. 1. A Hvo-story fall from his ofilco window caused tho death of Thcodor C. Polzer, who Is said to havo carriod Insuranco policies aggregating $425,00tr and to havo loft an additional estato worth $500,000. Ills accident policy tottilod $85,000. Mr. Polzer was president of tho Farm ers' Loan and Trust -company nnd a real estato oporntor. Ho Inherited a fortuno from tho estato of his father. Ho leaves a widow. Boston, Oct, 1. Tho Phlladolphlas on Wednesday won tho National loaguo championship for 1915, with Al oxnndor pitching a otic-hit garao against tho presont titlo-holding Bravos. Tho acoro was 5 to 0. Tho dofeat or tho Braves makes It possl bio for tho loaguo leaders to loso all tholr romalnlng games and still havo clear title to first placo. Kuropatkln Gets Command. London, Oct. 4. Gon. Aloxol Kuro pntktn has boon nppolntod chlof of tho Russian Gronadlor corps, says n dispatch from Potrograd Kuropatkln was disgraced after being dofeated In tho war with Japan. Band of Mexicans Retreats. Brownsville, Tux.. Oct. 4. A band of between 700 and 800 Moxlcana, which haa boon threatening to Invado Toxus and Progroao nnd raid ranches, lias rotreatad ten miles up tho Rio Grando rlvor. HILL NO. 191 IS CAPTURED Berlin Admits Position Has Been Lost, But Insists That Counter-Attack Against the British Is Gaining 121 Big German Guns Taken. London, Oct. 2. Continuing the ter rific offensive which has netted tho allies almost dally gains for tho pnst week and has resulted luHho greatest loss of life nnd prisoners of any sliri lar porlod In tho entire war, tho French troops In Champagne district on Thursday ngaln broke through tho German lines west of Tahuro Height and nt Hill No. 191, capturing tho lat ter strategic position nnd rendering almost tho cntlro German railroad from Cernay to Sommo-Py useless. Berlin officially admits the loss of Hill 191 and tho penetration of tho German lines southenst of Souchcz. Tho greatest French gains continue In tho Chnmpagno region north of Mesnll and farthor to tho cast be tween Hill 190, north of Masslges, and tho road from Vlllo-sur-Tourbo to Cernay, followed by bayonet charges. More prisoners woro taken In this ac tion, according to Paris. Tho French statement admits the success of German counter-attacks at L'Ouvrngo do la Dcfaltc, but declares a second attack was repulsed with heavy losses to tho Germans. Tho recount of booty taken lb this fighting slnco September 25 puts tho total of field pieces and heavy guns captured from tho Germans at 121. In tho Chnmpagno district It now appears that tho French nro directing their heaviest attack upon the great German dofenslvo works at Tahuro, which command tho lateral railroad along tho German front. Moro than 500 French guns aro pouring solid shot and-shells Into this fortification. But whllo tho French nro reciting further gains In tho Champagno and southeaqt of Souchez, tho British ac tion on the extremo western end of tho lino has been slowed down. Ber lin claims steady If Blow progress of the countor-attack against the Brlt'-h, Including tho blowing up of two Brit ish companies south of tho Menln Ypres road. All eyes ro no- fixed on the. region around Lens, northern Franc i. where tho Franco-British pincers aro closing In slowly and Irresistibly on the Ger mans. This district of France is known ns tho "black country!" Lens being the heart of thd coal-mlning Industry. Eastward of Loos, which lies north of Lens, tho British have pushed on a considerable dlstnnco on Ln Bassoe road and now occupy tho entire oval plateau of which 11111 No. 70 Is tho culminating point. Tho British thus dominate both tho city of Lens and the plains surrounding It. WILSON SAVES MURDERER Joseph Hlllstrom Granted Reprieve Until October 16 Governor Spry Makes Announcement. Salt Lako City, Oct. 2. Governor Spry announced on Thursday that' ho had granted Josoph Hlllstrom a re prieve until October 1C out of cour tesy to President Wilson. Hllistrom was sentenced to bo shot at dawn on Thursday. Tho text of tho governor's mcusago to tho president has not been given out. Washington, Oct. 2. At the request of tho Swedish minister, W. A. F. 12k engrcn, President Wilson on Thursday telegraphed to Governor Spry of Utah, asking a stay of execution for Joseph Hlllstrom, a Swedish subject convicted of murder Tho Swedish minister said that ho believed Insolent behavior of Hlll strom during his trial had prejudiced court nnd Jury against him. ONE DEAD IN MINE BLAST Seventy-Five Others Burled Alive as Result of Explosion at Hanna City, III. All Aro Rescued. Peoria, 111.. Oct. 2. Ono man Is dead, ono Is dying nnd 75 others wero hurled nlivo ns tho rosult of on ex plosion on Thursday night ln tho mlno of tho Lognn Coal company at Hanna City, III. Flro followed shortly aftor tho two men were rescued. Tho blazo was extinguished In two hours nnd tho 75 men woro rescued. None woro Injurod. The dead: Martin Perrlt, nged for ty,. Hanna City. IU. Tho Injured: Frank Robinson, aged thirty-two, Han na City, 111., will dlo. No causo for tho explosion has been determined. Tho damage to tho mlno will amount to sovcral thousand dollars. British Miners Strike. Cardiff, Oct. 2. Flvo thousand min ors In tho South Wales district aro itow on Btrlko ln protest against, tho employment of nonunlonlsts. Two thousand moro work In tho Cu maman collieries on Thursday, Two. British Generals Killed. London, Oct. 2. Tho British casual ties In tho rocent offcnslvo action on tho weBtorn front Included Lieut. Gon. Sir Thompson Capper and MnJ. Gen. Q. H. Thoslgor. Both woro killed, it was announced hero. Governor Morehead has issued tho following proclamation deslirtintliiB October 9 as clean-up day and a day ior lectures in public schools on fire prevention. "Tho fSnfotv Plmn rl n Pi linn nl , A. VU,1UVIUII Ul America, havo designated Saturday, uciouer mo atti, as a day to impress on tho minds of all tho people, tho need of co-operation to provont the loss of llfo and property by fire. The ion exactcu uy lire in tho country is enormous, being, in round numbers, $23ff,U00.000 ln the vear 1914. Mitrli of this loss Is caused by carelessness on ino part, or the people in their fall uro to observe ordinary enro nml ni tentlon in handling and disposing oi Inflammable and combustible sub stances. In order that this waste be reduced to minimum, I, ns governor, would recommend that nn ripfnivnr n all public buildings, factories and nomes be thoroughly cleansed of rub bish accumulations. That all heating, ugnung and lire extinguishing nppa ratus be examined, and If fniimi (ir.n tlve, promptly repaired. That fire drills bo held in all schools, factories and other places whero flro drills arc established. That lectures be given In all public schools, on Friday, Octo ber 3, by representatives of tho lire uopnrtment on tho common hazards of lire, and whero such officials are not available that teachers bo urged to give such Instruction as they may have nt command on the subject. The latest estimate of tho Iohh hv itrr In tho United States and Canada for 1914 was $235,591,350. Itcasonab'c caution arid the adoption of protective measures would havo erentlv this enormous total." Stato banks ln Nebraska have doubled In the last fifteen yea-s, and the deposits havo moro than quad. rupled, according to E. Royse, secre tary of tho Stato Banking board. There are now 801 banks, with ag gregate deposits of $111,000,000, com pared with 412 banks, with deposits of $2f.,000,000 In 1901. Forty-five new state banks have taken out charters In tho last year, while the deposits havo Increased $15,000,000 over any previous year. With fine crops ln view, the coming year promises to There are now 804 bankst with ag sninsh all past records. The hist ad dition to. state banks, Just cfiartered, is the Cheyenne County bank, at Lodge Pole, with a capitalization of $15,000. Nebraska's total assessed val uation this year is $500,000,000, ac cording to figures prepared by State Auditor Smith. The assessed valua tion of the ninety-three counties of the state, to bo exact, Is $471,007,158, putting the actual wealth of the state, a.T revealed by the assessor's figures, well over $2,000,000,000. The actual value Is live times tho assessed val uation. Tho total tax levy for all purposes, including' state, county, school, township and road districts brings In $20,505,157, of which approx imately one-half Is for educational purposes, including tho support of the stato university normal, city and ru ral schools. Tho stato receives onlj about one-sixth of the total lor the support of its various institutions, ac cording to tho figures compiled by the auditor. Attorney General Willis E. Reed hat filed suit in tho supremo court to set tle the ownership of a strip of land three- miles wide and eighteen miles long between Grant and Garden coun ties. The action consists -of quo war ranto proceedings to prohibit Garden county from exercising Jurisdiction and collecting taxes Jnjho disputed territory. Tho further prosecution ol the suit will bo In the hands of Grant county. Tho suit is said to bo n friendly ono. . Four landowners ln a proposed drainage district south of Humboldt, called on Governor Morehead re cently to get his approval to Irriga tion plans, which hnd previously been disproved by Stato Engineer Johnson as inadequate to take care of excess of flood waters. Tho district includes 3,800 acres, and the length of tho ditch will bo six miles. The governor prom ised to tako tho matter up with the onglneer. Tho property commltteo of tho uni versity board of regents has awarded tho contract for general construction of tho now Bessoy hall, tho first build ing to bo built on tho city campus from tho extension fund, to tho Sel-den-Breck Construction company ol Omaha, for $111,000. Besscy hall will bo tho most expensive of univer sity buildings, rivalling oven tho splendid Engineering building, which cost, completed, $110,000. Stato Superintendent Thomas haa recelvod applications from 135 schools that dcslro to qualify under tho high school normal training law. Tho Btato banking board has nc power to make a rule denying a char ter to a stato savings bank whose business Is carried on In tho Bame room or building with a national bank, nor has It authority to deny a charter to a stato bank on such grounds, Is tho substance of a ruling mado by Judgo Cornish of tho Lancaster dls trict court Tho ruling waB on the application for a wrltt of mnndamut to compel tho stato board to issuo a charter to tho incorporators of the First Savings bank at Clarks. Attor ney Genem! Reed will appeal tEb case. RUPTURE AGAIN LOOMS UP Althounh Note Affords an Opportunity for Further Negotiations Between the Two Countries. Washington. Germany haa failed to satisfy tho request of tho United States that tho sinking of. tho Arabic, with a loss of American lives bo dis avowed and liability for tho act as mimed by tho imperial government. This beenmo known nftor a confer once between President Wilson and Secretary Lansing, at which tho lot ler submitted a noto given him in Now York by Count von Bernslorff,. tho German ambassador. Whllo tho situation is improved to the extent that there is no danger of nn Jmmedlato break in diplomatic re lations na the note affords an oppor tunity for further negotiation, it wns stated reliably that final refusal- hv Germany to meet tho American view point On the Ar.'llilf onan mlfrfif h,-!,..,- o"" about the threatened rupturo in dip lomatic relations. In general, It was learned that Gemrany, aftor examin ing tho evidence submittal! hv ti. United States, camo. to tho conclusion that the submarine commander erred in assuming thnt tho Arabic was in cut on ramming tho German sub. marlno when steering to rcscuo the pasgengers on the British steamer Dunsloy. This admission of a mistako would amount to a disavowal nf thn one but the United States has insisted mat the disavowal must bo accom panied by an assumption of responsi bility and liability and that full renn. ration must bo riven for Amnrimn lives lost. President Wilson has tak en tho position that tho United States cannot arbitrate questions involving tho loss of American lives, ami tt ti belioved that in tho next step tho Washington government will indicate that tho only matter it can submit to arbitration is the amount of tho dam. ages to be paid after the question of liability itself already is admitted- Crisis In Balkans. London. The Russian mlnlstar TTi Sofia has been ordered by ills govern, ment to leave tho Bulgarian canltnl If Bulgaria does not openly brecfk with tno central, powers "and .dismiss tho Austro-Gorrunn officers who rer.nntlv arrived in that country to direct tho operations of King Frdinand's nrmy. Tho other powers of the quadruple en tente nro backing un Russia in these demands, so Bulgaria must decide on continued neutrality or lin cnnntilnrnil definitely with tho central powers. From Bulgaria news of tho past few nays It Is considered certain that King Ferdinand and Premier Radosla voff havo made their choice and aro only awaiting tho completion of mobi lization to strlko at Serbia, and as sist the Austro-Gormans to onen tho road to Constantinople, which has uecn anxiously waiting for many weeks for promised aid from tho cen tral powers. Greece, it is believed, will live up to her treaty with Serbia and como to her assistance if sho is attacked, but tho attltudo of Rumania, which remains an only partly mobi lized spectator, is uncertain. Submarines Cross Ocean. -Boston. Grabble stories of tho vnv. age of a flotilla of American-built sub marines, which crossed tho Atlantic to Join tho British naval fomnn nt Gibraltar, ate beginning- to como in. The underwater boats mado tho pass age under their own power and with out much discomfort for the crows, ac cording to lottors received from men in the expedition. The flotilla form ed part or a group of ten submarines for which the "British adjilrnltv had contracted In tho United States, After Washington had decreed that tho con struction of tho vessels In this coun try would bo a violation'of neutrality. the parts wero shipped to Canada, where tho boats wero completed. The now vessels sailed from Montreal under convoy of . the gunboat Canada. Child Drinks Liniment and Dies. Trent, S. D. Arising in tho morn ing before other members of tho family, the C-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGinty drank two spoonfuls of poisonous liniment. thinking it wns cough medicine, and died somo hours later. A peculiar ef fect of the poison was that It caused him to become totally blind somo hours before his death. Germany Apologizes. Berlin. The foreign office at Stock holm has. received a communication from tho Gorman govornmont apolo gizing for tho sinking of tho Swedish steamship Malmland and promising to pay .damages, says tho Overseas Nowa agency. Hundreds Suffer From Cholera. Amsterdam. Cholera Is raclm: In Galicla, tho Tolograaf jjays and, ac cording to tho homo office, no loss than thrco cases of tho malady have been reported.