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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1915)
DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LP C AL AM) PERSONAL. Georg LBnitldlB spent th. week end In n ....... .. i . . i ? ' u x iiAiuu on nuainess. . Mr. nntl Mrs. Fred Letts who vis H1 Inst week in Denver have return od homo. Mrs. Charles Toole t will entertain tho nioinhors of the Bldeon club to morrow afternoon. Miss Hazel Feeney wont to Kearney Friday evening to spend the week end v i It 1l a m hinM P. H. .McEvoyiwill go to Omaha tut ll lev. I1IIVK. Miss Alice Fitzpatrck who Is teach ing ai urauy tins year, spent the week ond with her parents. Edwnrd Thompson left the last of last weoK for Chappell to spend a few days with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. .T. A nivnn win leave for Omaha this week to visit relatives for about ten days. Mrs. J. W. Adams, wife of Traln . mastor Adams, Is spending th Is Week In Omaha visiting her son. pNew FALL ALL WOOL Serge Dress es in all th wanted shades, sizes 14 to 44, at $4.-79 at BLOCK'S of course. ..A new shipment of Ladles Suits and-Coats just arrived nt The Lender. , Trices loner tlitiu elsewhere. Dr. J. 11. Cains of Lincoln, came . the later part of last week and is ' vaccinating cattle at the experimental farm . Miss Aileen Gantt will leave tomor row for Omnlia where she will act as lady-in-waiting at the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball. Miss Margaret Mettin and mother left Saturday Mining for Oberlin, Kans., to spend two Weeks with rela tives . Mr. and Mrs. Win, Yost and daugh ter, are among the local people who are attending the Ak-Sar-Bn in Omaha this week. Mr. and Mr3. J. w. Fitznatrlck and daughter Mildred left Saturday for- umana to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben and visit the Mullen family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendeborn left Saturday morning for Omaha to visit Mr. and Mr3. Fred Weingand and at tend the Ak-Sar-Ben. , Misses Mamie Spies andMarian. Lawson are assisting in tho Kauffman Wernett store during the. absence of some of the salesladies".- Miss Ida Anderson of Los Angeles, who spnt tho past month with her sister Mrs. Helen Winget returned home ,3aturday-"evening: ' " : Mrs. L. P. Jensen returned tho lat ter part of last week from Omaha and Council Bluffs where she spent two weeks with relatives. Mrs. Mary Elder received word Sat urday of the birth of a son weighing eleven pounds to her daughter Mrs. J. R. Johnstone of Allegany, Ore., formerly of this city. New Fall Underwear in all styles, high neck, long sleeeves, low neck oi short sleeves, low neck or sleeveless, in cotton or wool now shown at BLOCKS. Billy Clifford and his musical girls entertained a good-sized audience nt the Keith Saturday evening. There was fnlr singing, excellent selections by, the "Weston sisters on the violin, cello and cornet, good comedy stunts by Billy. and VanAlleu. Noting the afct that Claude Delnney of Northport won the Studebaker car raffled off by Will Voscipka. of this city, tho Bridgeport Blade says "Claude is still buying them for the boys" in other words he is very hap py over securing the car by an invest ment of two dollars. The monthly summary issued by tho local U. S. weather bureau, glvea tho mean temperature of September at sixty-two dgrees which was colder than tho average September. The rainfall for the month was 1.S1 inches, The' accumulated precipitation since January 1st is given at 13.75 inches. The members of tho Nevlta club were the guests of Mrs. W. A. Kocken at a banquet Friday evening. "The In dies were taken' to and from the rest, dence in automobiles. Table decora tions were very protty and-Bweet peas were much in evidence. Every course yas nicely served and brought forth fiattorlng remarks. The banquet was 1 . O ' . . 1 .. 1 .1 1. . 1 r. . . , . ui vcu ill o u uiuuiv iiuu wte itiiii-i jmj i ' fo tho evening was spent in social conversation. Twenty ladies were present and report a delightful evening. NORTH PLATTE WILL HELP -MAKE FA I It A SUCCESS North Platto will materially nsslst In making the Southwestern Nebraskn Fair to be hold at Maywood next week a success. A large part of tho Lincoln county exhibit at the local fair and also at the state fair will bo taken to Maywood and placed on exhibition; a North Platte orchestra will furnish music for a dnnco to bo held each evnlng during tho fair; a tug of war between teams from North Platto and McCoolc is on the program of sports, and the foot ball team of tho North Platte high school will nlav the Curtis team on tht Maywood grounds. It ie probable that several hundred North Platte people will drive over to May wood during tho fair, thus swelling me crown and doing their share to make the fair a financial success. The Maywood people will find that North Platte believes in boosting Western Nebraska; that Us people do not confine all their energy to their home town. i Chirk Car Found. The Ford enr belonging to Henry Clark which was stolen from in front of the Lutheran church on the evening of September 2Gth, was found Sunday in the canyons Tforthwest of Maywood. The car is in pretty bad shape, tho engine burned through running dry, the fenders bent and several wires and rods broken and disconnected. A rain coat, pair of waders and other articles of apparel which Mr. Clark kept In the car, were taken. Suspicion attaches to Earl Inman, of this city, as the fellow who took the car. He was missed from town about tho time tho car was taken, ho was seen in Maywood the early part of last week, and Saturday night he left Maywood on a train for tho east part of tho state accompanied by a young girl. The offioers will make an effort to locate Inman. Henry Clrak has taken a forty-day leavo of absence and will spend the time in Omaha taking a course in em balmlng. During his absence Ole Gra ham is carrying the mall on the val ley route i SOCIETY AND CLUBS. Ilia UNBEKWEAK SALE, riMDAY AM) SATURDAY Elizabeth Kaar-Langsion Teacher of Singing ! Studio 122 West Front St. 1 AT THE LL'AIJEK. Tim tnntnn fni' llllileruoni- Is HOW lmi-n IVii it 111 mil u-nff until flm sen- L-.m tu zivni ill ir ll'l illn lllllllll' flll llPII. ellt of reduced prices, but will do il . . .1 .1 now when me goous lire neeticu 'iUVKVTV ( TAT OFF on all underwear for ladles, misses, clillureir, men ami uoys ir nm uujs iviiliiv nml Kiilurrinv. Cash only. Take ndvaiiiiitio of this oppor tunity to v uvo money. THE LKAIIKK, .IllilLO i Winn. Associated Chnrities Meeting The annual meeting of tho Associa ted Charities will bo held in the base ment of the public library, Wcdnes- uay oveqing, uct.. utn.-atii odocic. A full -attendance" 6f alt'those interested in the work of the Associated Chari ties is requested. . 0 ANNIE C, KRAMPII, Pres. CITY AA'lFcorNTY NEWS. Ask to sec our new special $2.48 skirt, jsizes 220,36. BLOCK'S. Mrs. Emma Poor began work as sn.lpslady pt the Leader Saturday morning. W. W Hunt nnil ffimllv wpnt In Lexinsrton Saturdav to visit relatives for a fortnight. Maurico Gardnell of the Ogalalla ball team who visited here last week, left Srurday morning. Misses Ruth Carroll and Irma Bar- raclough who visited in Omaha last week came last evening. Miss Hildegard Clinton returned Sunday evening from a pleasant visit in-Omaha and Lincoln with friends. Harry and Oscar Swanson returned to Nelson Friday evening, They were called here last week by the deatli of their brother tho late Aloff Swan-son. Found Wheel-barow. Owner not ify Jos Wilson and pay for this notice. A Children's Day Program under the auspices of the Yeomen will be held at the Lloyd opera house on the evening of Oct. 2Cth. Children desir ing to enter this class please notify Mrs. Georg Garrard or Phone Red 501. ..Twenty per cent discount on Ladles' Silk Sweaters at The Leader. I am getting out a new list of city property for sale. If you want one of the lists phone mo your name, or If you desire to sell call and see me so that I can get the property on the list. C. F, TEMPLE. Curd of Thanks Wo take this method of expressing our heartfelt thanks to friends, neigh bors and employes of the Union Pa cific for the many acts of kindness ten dered during the illness and nt tho funeral of our husband and brother and for the many beautiful floral trib utes. MRS. OLAFF B. SWANSON, S. W. SWANSON. Hides Wanted Good Price paid for them. It, pays to sell in your own town instead of shipping ihem. All' kinds of j JUNK BOUGHT ! Bring it in and we will give you highest market price. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. Probate Notice In the Matter of tho Estato of Cora II. Osgood, Decased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Oct. 4, 1915. Notice is hereby given, '.hat the cred. itors of said deceased will meet the ad ministrator of said estate, before the County Judgo of Lincoln County, Ne braska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 5th day of No vember. 1015, and on tho 5th day of May, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purposo of preseiuing their claims and one year for tho admlnis-and- allowance. Six mouths are al lowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the adminis trator to settle said estate, from tho 5th day of November, 1915. This no tice will bo published in tho North Platte Trlbuno, n legal nowspapor printed in sold County, for four weeks succeasjivaly prior to Novomber 5, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, oo-Iw County Judgo, The P. E. 0. will bo entertained nt 11 luncheon nt llin lirmin nt 1ra n . 'B. Prosser Wednesday. j A party of twonty young folks hold a nlntitp In llin nntivmio lanntli nt 4rt.. Friday ovonlng and reported having a very pleasant time. i Mrs. H. M Grimes gave an enloynblo kcnslngton Friday afternoon to thirty jlady friends. Delicious refnfshmonts . added to tho enjoyment of tho nftar I noon. I The wedding of Miss Marie Flnhlve or Louisville, Ky., and Win. Welch of this city which was to take place1' tomorrow has been postponed until Oct. 20th. Mr. Welch will leavo fOr Louisville about Oct. 14th. Mis Lillian Sfcks entertained oight young ladles at a theatre party and luncheon last evening, complimentary to Miis Mayme McMichaol. The lat ter part of the evening was spent Pn dancing at H. I. Smith homo. The Saturday Bridge club lis being entprtained b y Mrs. L YVT Walker this afternoon complimentary to Mm. Fred Warren who will soon leave for her home in the south. At tho conclu sion of tho games a picnic lunch will be served. Llttlo Helen Ritenour entertained a score of her young friends at a birthday party Saturday afternoon. Games were played and nico lunch served. Tho hostess was presented with a number of pretty remom brances. Mrs. C. 0. Williams gave a sur prise party Thursday night in honor of her husband, the occasion being tho anniversary of his birth. The evening was spent in playing cards and an en joyable evening was had by all.- At tho close a two course luncheos was served. Covers were laid for fourteen guests. .Mrs. Casli Austin entertnined a number of ladies Friday evening at a pronuptlal handkerchief shower for Miss Mayme McMlchael. Unique games and contests furnished amuse ment and candy hearts wore awarded for various stunts. A dainty collection of handkerchiefs was received. Tho lunch was nicely prepared and served in two courses. Decorations wero in green and white. To the woman who is unwilling to make a mistake WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE .Mr. Tenant, why ill you pay out rent each month and not lunc it thing to show for It except u bunch of re ceipt ;J Youp can buy a home of your oimi, paying lor it on practunliy the '.nine terms you pay rent Pnyinir a Miinll amount down, and tiie bnhinci in monthly payments .Lcf me show you what I htne that I can sell you on these terms I also hae "several meant lots (hat can be sold on these terms. C. F. TKJU'Mi. HALLKOAD XOTJiS A. i5.Schenmerhorn of the B. & B. Department of the Union Pacific, spent the latter part of last week here "on business. Henry Hccker, engine foreman, went to Grand Island Sunday to visit friends for a week. Carl Grieson Friday accepted the position of chief clerk in the yardmas tor's office of tho Union Pacific to fill the vacancy caused by tho death of tho late Aloff Swanson. V. E. Bloyd will take the position formerly held by Mr. Grieson. The Barkalow N6ws Co., of Omaha, are placing a news stand and parcel department in the south end of the Union Pacific waiting room. Georgo II. Schnell, their representative, is superintending the work and every thing will be In readiness today. The back glass wall case will contain dally papers and popular magazines. Confectionery, and tobacco and cigars will b kept In the show cases and cab inets. Tho furnishings are of ma hogany, and a number of additional lights will bo used. Mr. A. L. Has sitt wil be in chargo and in company witli Mrs,. Hassltt, camo Sunday ev ening to look up a residence here. This company has placed similar stands in nlmost every Union Pacilc station in Nebraska. p i HALF the pleasure of wearing a new suit or coat is in knowing that it is 'stylishly correct, that it is becoming to you, that it will stay good looking. A mistake in choosinn a suit or coat not only means waste ful expense, but it makes 3'ou self-conscious (jives you an uncomfortable feeling every time you wear the jfannunt. A mistake today is a mistake for a whole season. JVhtrt you select your tailored suit or coat will be a great factor in avoiding a mistake. You can choore with certainty here. We have just the right garment for you. Our assortments include Wooltex tailored suits and coats Suit 2SG3 Without Mttcme ItatnrM. )rct corrrct anJ ttylith. It Is juit the lult lor the woman lio thinkt much of economy. Mailc o( ser viceable materials. anJ very care fully tailored. You will be well i!reed in this suit as Ion; as you cbotsc to wear it. We know Wooltex tailored garments are correct in style, for America's greatest organization of fashion artists designs than. Experts select and test every yard of cloth that goes into Wool tex garments. Outer materials are pure wool linings arc pure silk. Skillful, painstaking tailors , make every Wooltex garment, whether high-priced or low-priced. Every garment is carefully in spected four times. Do you wonder that wc are proud to be able to offer Woohex tailored suits, coats and skirts to you? There is such genuine econ omy in buying Wooltex garments that every woman should get ac quainted with them. Conic in and see the new fall models. Try on a few) examine them closely. Their smart styl ishness, their through-atul-through goodness will prove that you make no mistake when you buy Wool tex tailored garments. We have Wooltex tailored suits at $x5 to $65 Coats at $16.50 to $45 Skirts at $5 to $15 Wilcox DeparSinesat Store The Store That Sells Wooltex, 3 IjlJ Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Rebhausen, of Dodge, who visited at the home of Edward Rebhausen, left for their, homo Friday. They were returning! from a trip to tho Pacific coast. Tho Methodist Aid Society will be, entertained next Thursday afternoon' at tho homo of Mrs. D. W. Besack.l 702 enst Fifth street. Those assisting! her will bo Mesdames Hosier, Mason ; and Calhoun. Tho Episcopal guild will meet Thursday afternoon In the bnsement of tho church. Business of importnnco will bo tranactetl and every member is requested to be present. An orchestra composed of Herbert White violin, W. K. Starr clarinet, Wilson Tout cornet and -Mrs. B. A. Cram piano, hns beteii organized,. and I will piny at tho evening services at tho Methodist church. The county commissioners wero in i session yesterday transacting routine I business. Mrs. Frank Hoxie left this morn-i lng for a three weeks visit with friends in Iowa towns. J. B. Ilomphlll returned Saturday, morning from Omaha. He left Mrs. Hemphill improving In the Swedish Mission Hospital under the care of' Dr. I). T. Quigley. , For Siilo Chenp I The two-story building back of the1 McDonald clothing store. Sea Often-' stein, or phone 258. 71tf 11 2L OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH rFfi in J "RwT H TiTTi 1 iner irsi national Esanie t -oi- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. 6nc Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. Flour Prices j Reduced i i We have reduced the price on our old Wheat Flour to the bas-is of new wheal. Union Flour the best made, junk ed in heavy towel sack ft mf per tack i fl U Tulip Flour guaranteed best tirst patent per sack . . (T ....."'.rSLSO We have enough on bands for a week or ten days business after ! that time we will have flour j made from this year's wheat. Uetter buy an extra sack or two of old wheat flour. Wilcox DepartmentSf ore 1 l4 D H STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE llKtS TJHJ FACTOltS IS THE OKOWTH OF THIS HANK, AM) THE SAME CAItEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LAItGE UA LANCES. n LJ INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. " 1EZZZZZZZHT-, , I PHIZ i IM .oney to FARMS AND Loan RANCHES Origin of Road Rules. Tho origin of tho rulo for pedestrinns to keep to tho right dates back to a period when such things ns roads wero unknown. Ueforo tho road us we knoxv; It existed progress from place to place was accomplished by moans of trackn or paths, used In common by mounted and foot wayfarers. As in early days overy traveler carried his II fo in his hands and saw in every approaching stranger u potential enemy, so tho un armed man elthert retreated from tho path or was boa tun from It by an ad vancing stranger, if tho Intter wero armed. 'When two armed men met, with shield on left arm nnd sword in right hand, they of necessity passed each other on the right, so aa,.t bring shield to Hhlcld. thus completely sheb tored. hut with the sword arm ready to stride If needed.-London (Jlobe. Origin of "Watered Stock." The expression "watoredV stock." whic h describes so well tho cjtiamlon of the mod; ol'i cilmpany txiyond the value of the property, originated, It U said. In connection with Daniel Drew who was once the wcalthlodt a;id mo' I unique manipulator In Wall street. Drew had been a drover in hls-younger days, and It was said of him that Ix foro selUng his cattle In the nmrket I." wouliru'rst give them larj;o quanta! i of salt to make them thirsty jihd then provide thorn with H the water they could drink. In tills way their 'wclcht was greatly Increased, nnd tho pur chaser was buying "watered stock." Lowest Rnten and Best Terms. Plenty ol Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Paiters graciagifHaffizga Bobby's Fruitless Search. Bobby heard his mother tell his fa ther that her mother, who was 111, was lu a comatose state and she inufet go to her nt once. Hobby immediately ran for his rook raphy and looked dlllgontlytor some tlmo through it. Finally ho brought it to ills father and said: "Father, 1 can't find tho stato of comatoso hi here. VUIyoirt"-Judgt Hoylo. Tho father of whist, Kdmond Hoylo, lived to bo ninety-seven years old. Ills treatise on cards hns been published In all languages, and probably no work except tho Ulblo has passed through nioro editions. Tho original work ap peared lu London in 17.12. Brevity, "Brevity is tho soul of wit," remark, cd tho old. fogy, "Then there are mighty few witty preachers in tho world," said tho grouch. Buffalo News.