The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 05, 1915, Image 4

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    The Wirthmor Waist, $1, Worlh More.
How Can Such Beautiful Waists
Be Sold at Just One Dollar?
This is a question frequently asked ni'l its answer .explains
why the Waists sold here are so entirely dissimilar, and so
deeidedly superior to what is ordinarily sold at the same or
somewhat higher prices. We, in common with one good
store in practically every city of consequence, have an ar
rangement with the maker, which has materially lowered
the cost of making and distributing these waists, and the
large saving thus affected, has been used to give .added value
to the product.
New Models on Sale Tomorrow. Only $1.00.
Julius Piser.
Chas. C. Perry, who has been lo
cated In Grand .Island for a number of
years as a piano tuner, will visit
North Platte regularly In the future,
Ills first visit hare will ho tho week
beginning October 18th. Orders for his
services may be left at the Rlncker
, store.
1 Tho subjoined letter is submitted!
, Grand Iland, Sept. 14,1915.
i To Whom It May Concern:
Tliis letter will introduce to you
Mr. Chas. C, Perrv. who Is com
petent to give you tho beat of ser
vice in piano tuning as well an work
in general. Trust him (in my recoiii.
mondBtion, as I know he litis the abil
ity and will be honest In all the de
partments of piano work.
Very truly to the Public,
Tuner and Ilullder, Retired.
Gibbon, N'ebr.
Miss Sylvia Wntts spent tho week
ond with Cozad friends. j
Tho Catholic Girls' club will meet,
...... .uiju .n.. ti .nt.i villi luiuutiun
Misses Marguerite and Angela Rod
dy spent Saturday with friends In
Grand Island.
Wood Whl to went to Grand Island
Sunday morning to spend a fow days
on business.
Charles Boguo returned to Omaha
Sunday morning aftor a visit with
tho homo folks.
Mrs. C. C. Voncoll of Horshey, is
spending a fortnight with hor mother
Mrs. L. L. Gray.
Harold Roddy and sistdr loft today
for Horshoy to attend a purty given by
Claire Rasmusscu.
Ray Murray of Lincoln, came Satur
day to visit his mother and transact
businoss for a fow days.
Just nrrlvcd it shipment of Chil
dren's Coals uml Dresses.
tub li:adi:r.
Miss Odts VanCap, of Omaha, is vis
iting Mr. nnd Mrs. Scth Sherwood
this week while enrouto homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanson, who
recently moved to Grand Island, enmc
up Saturday evening to visit tho homo
MIsa Ucrtha Thoelocko of Melrose,
camo Saturday to visit hor brothor
0. 11. Thoelecko and wlfo for a fow
days . t
Pat McGruw, of Sheridan," camo a
few days ago to visit his mothor Mrs.
Johanna McGraw for a week or
A a meeting of the stato library as
sociation in Fremont lust week. Miss
Annio Krnniph, of this city was elected'
first vice-president. I
Wp luivo a fow lots in (ho Cody Ad-'
dllliuis. Tltc.v.t lots can bo nought on
easy terms mid very reasonable".
c. r. TinifLi:. i
MlsseB Ksther Elder, Marjorio Lld
dell and Vorna Dolph attended the
Sunday School convention at Cozad
Mrs. Laura Shaffer who has been
living on a homcstiul near Dickens
for several months spent tho week end
in town with local friends .
Rev. Wm. Roberts, of Chicago, re
turned homo tho latter part of last
week after visiting his brother Dan
Roberta ahd wife for a wooelc.
The city council will inoet In scg
elon this evening and it is probable
that a start will be made on tho pre
liminary work for streut paving.
Tho annual Good Fellowship ban
quet of tho Twentieth Contury Club
will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs; T.
C. Pattorson Tuesday evening of next
Sheriff Salisbury Is at present con
ducting n. hog ranch as a side lino.
He traded his Ford runabout tho other
day for a bunch of forty pigs, and is
now looking for a buyor.
It will bo worth your while to wait
for tho big dlsplny of Flsk hats, at
Howo & Maloney's, date to bo an
nounced In Friday's paper.
Mrs. Geo. T. Fiold ontcrtnined at
n luncheon Saturday complimentary to
hor guest, Miss Lenoro Cuninilngs of
Chicago. Covers wero laid for twolvo.
Table decorations wore pink and white
Mrs. Wm. Huddart wont to Grand
Island Sunday evoning for a short
Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Jr., will en
tortnln tho J. F. F. club this nftor
noon .
Clarenco McCabo and Loren Hast
ings spent Sunday In Koarnoy with
A baby boy was born to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hnry Shnw of .the Fourth ward
Mr and Mrs. W. C. McDermott
will leavo this week for Omaha to
visit friends.
Mrs. A a Snow Is enjoying a- visit
irom Airs. A. Hudson who enmo from
Omaha Sunday evening.
Mrs. P. H . Lonergau and Mrs. W.
J. Landgraf wont to Omaha Saturday
to visit for a week or longer.
Mrs. Milton Marcott went to 'Suth
erland yesterday morning to spend n
few days with relatives.
Misses cienevlovn Wnnrfg nmi rin
West, of Wallace, aro visiting Mr. and
Mrs', John Ivhox nnd family.
Miss Clara Kane , of the Twlnem
office, is taking u two weeks' vacation
which sho will spend In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ilonner left
Monday evening for Omaha to visit
friends nnd attend the Ak-Sar-Ben.
John Walz 6t. Myrtle, visited in town
Inst wok nnd loft Sunday morning for
Omnlm to spend a week or longer.
Mrs. Lloyd Stuart, of Grand Island,
ennio a few days ago to visit her pa,
onts Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McDemioMr
Mrs. P. J. O'Brien of Onmlm ro.
.turned hoin Sunday evening after a
visu noro witn Mrs. Magnolia Duke.
Mrs. D. II. White and Mrs. Luni,
of Sutherland who visited Wm. Eshel
nian nnd family last week loft Sundn"
Miss Irono Hubbnrd and slstor Ruth
spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy Hub
bard, who Is attending tho Kearney
normal school.
' Mrs. Carson returned to Grand
Island yesterday morning nftor spend
ing two weeks with her parent's, Mr.
and Mr.s. George M. Smith.
1 Mrs. H. U. Drake, of Broken Bow,
who visited at tho Huddart homo last
weok while enrouto h'omo from Cali
fornia, loft Sunday evening.
Patrick Maloney, of Rodlngton, vis-
lied his brother Wm. Maloney, Sr.,
last weok. whilo enrouto homo from
Omaha where no took a car of cattle.
Attorney Leslie Bnsklns expects to
leave the lntter pnjt of this week
for Omaha to moot't Mrs. Raskins, who
has been visiting In cities of Pennsyl
vania for several months.
Mrs. Charles Cocklo and Mrs. R.
Hanks and daughter of Sutherland,
wno wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs,
Raloigh Cockle last weok went home
yesterday morning,.
E. T. CInrk, of Bnltmore, who has
been tho guost of lbs former classmates
M. K. Neville for sovoral weoks, will
leavo Friday wllli a touring party
from tho oast to attend tho Panama
Notice Per IHds.
Sealed bids will bo received until
October 21st for tup1 sale of tho two
buildings known ns tho old church
and residence on lots 7 -and S, block
i!15. Tho commlttoo roservoa tho right
10 reject nny or all iiiuh.
Chairman of Building Committee.
Newly Furnished FireprooJ
This Institution is now open far the Reception nnd Treatment of Surrr
icul, Medical and Obstetrical cuses. '
A Strictly modern Hoiipital for tho convenience of tho physicians of
North Platte and country tributary thereto.
Hairy Farm Five allies From Town
For Sale.
Section of Improved land, with good
frame building. SO acres under cultiva
tion, and nil fenced and cros.s-fenced. ,
This farm Is located northeast of.
town nnd Is sand-hill land, but of good
(lunllty. Considering tho excellent
grazing there it would make an ex-;
cellent dairy proposition. Price $151
per acre. Terms to suit purchaser.
C. F. TEMPLE, Agnt.
High School Cadets. j
The high school cadets have orga
nized for this year and are holding
drill practices daily. Now uniforms
wero ordered for the additional num-
bor who Joined this season, from the
Freshman class. There are now 100
cadets. The officers aro: Major, Geo.
Thompson; captains, Sidney McFnr-j
land and Will Calhoun: lieutenants,,
A. Hood and J. Antonides; first ser-J
gennts, Chas. Rincker and A. Han-1
sen; second sargeant and qunrtemias-j
tor. Loren Hastings; second sargeant,.
0. Renoan; third sargeant. R. Lang-i
for; chief musician, L. Sluder; cor.
porals, Weingand, Bretzer, Bergman, I
Murrin, Hammond, Ogier and Davis.
IMks' imilnrd Tournament !
The billiard tournament nt the Elkr.'J
club started last night and must bo
completed on or before October 21th
The two teams arc captained by Jo j
Larson kand Ralph Allison, with thirty-,
one players to each team. !
Tho tournament is certain to arouse I
much interest around tho Elks' home, j
Beet Harvest lloelns Next Week. ;
The harvest of sugar beets In Lin-1
coin County will begin next w oleics nnd
for several weeks tho growers will be'
pretty busy people. The crop in the
valley ns to yfsld Is "spotted,., some
fields being exceptionally good, while
others will yield a very light crop. :
At tho convention of the Thorn Xi
fraternity held at San Francisco Sep
tember lGth, 17th and 18th, .Francis
Flynn of this city a student of Stun. I
ford university, and elected delegate
to tho 101G convention which will con
vene In New York City In February
of next year. This organization has
spread throughout the universities of
the east and was only recently Intro I
durcd at the university of California
and at Standford, whero It Is claimed '
tho number now approaches threo
hundred. j
Tho funeral of tho late Aloff Swum
son was held from tho Presbyterian
church Frldny afternoon. Rev. C. B.I
Ilnrman was In chargo of tho services
and delivered an impressive sermon j
ana uie rresuyicnan cnoir sang a
number of hymns. Floral offerings
wero very beautiful and included a
number of set nieces. Pall bearers
IVIlrn nf thn cffifP n iUn t.oi.l .iot. rt.ri 1
.. v. w fa. v..v uiuil 111 lllu ..(.111 IIIUOICI a
department, fellow workmen of the -de
ceased. Interment was in tho North
Plntto cemetery where a large con
course of friends attended the last
For Snlo
I have 50 head of reclstorort Per-
cheron horses, all ages, from colts to
u years old. Can bo bought on tlmo
witn goon security. Wm Edis, 2 miles
south of town.
Johnnie Amen hns returned from
Bridgeport where ho visited for n
Wanted A good man on farm,
stoudy Job. Thomas E. Doollttlo, phono
782F022. '
"Too Many Cooks" which was billed
at the Keith for Oct. 8th, has cancelled
tho engagements
For Sale Round Oak hard coal stove
In good condition. 322 west Second
street. Phone Black 531. tf
Miss Erma McMichael returned yes
terday morning from a short visit
with relatives in Wolllleat.
Attorney Goorirn fJlllha whn lina
been visiting relatives In Kansas City,
is expected to return tomorrow.
Mrs. W. C. TayW returned to
Chirks yesterday after visiting for
two weeks with Ms. Amos Foster.
Mrs. James Kennedy returned Sat
urday from Willow Island where she
spent ten days with the home- folks.
Mrs. 0. H. Cressler is enjoving a
vitlt from her sister Miss Loulso
Wills of Denver, who came a few days
For Rent Furnished house. A. A.
Lew Payton, of Paxton, was in town
this week nnd whilo here purchased a
new Dodge car nt the Hondy-Ogier
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adnmy and baby
of Stapleton, formerly of this city,
spent the latter part of last week
In this city.
Elmer Stalup, of Lincoln, who vis.
Red at tho L. L.. Gray homo last
week, left Saturday morning.
Mrs. Geo. B Dent who left last week
for Norfolk to attend the state con
vention of Women's clubs, Is expected
iiomo tomorrow.
For Farm Loans see or write Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. " 4itf
0. Oglor, of Los Angeles, who had
beon-vlsltlntr his hrntiior ni n.u..
and family, wont to Wallace Saturday
to spenu a rew days.
MrS. M. Vi. fiontt lino .n(ni.nn,l
from Norfolk where she went as a
uoiegato to tho women's clubs state
convention last week.
- For Rent 14 room rnnmlni. Iinncn
opposite freight depot; partly furnish
ed; modern except heat. Phone black
1(50 or call at 510 east Flth street. 70-3
E. T. Ashcraft of Adams, returned
nomo yesterday afternoon nftnr snonii
illg u month With his Errnn(l-flniirlifr.T-
Mrs. Carl Rabel who lives north of
LUVVil .
Mrs. Theresa Halderman. now a
nurse at St. Luke's hospital in Kear
ney, loft yesterday morning aftor visit
lug hor parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred
i nompson.
Mrs. P. M. Sorenson will rein tn
morrow from an extended visit with
nor daughter In Vermillion, S. D.
Enrouto home sho will spend a' few
days with Omaha friends.
Mrs. Edward Salisbury, of Lena, 111.,
Who is Visitillir hero nnd Airs T.pnn
Salisbury returned yesterday from
i uxion wnero tney spent the week
enu with iurs. Hoyt Hart.
Just received another lnriro shin
ment of ntew Fall Suits and Coats,
tno real classy kind at prices that
win appeal to an. Better drop jn
and see them while the picking is
goon. ijLruuivs.
Mrs. Thomas Jeffers was tendered
n surprise party Saturday afternoon
by a number of her neighbors each of
whom presented her with a fancy
npron. A pleasant afternoon was
spent and nicely prepared refresh
ments served.
n .
l' .i. IHKNFT. & CO.
Real Ustale nnd Insurance
Come and sou us for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses foi
sale and rent. We have also good 'jar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sta.. upstairs
1'nrs! Furs I
Largest display of furs ever shown
saSSf SWKM i i in ,, , ,,
It is false economy to buy any but
mgn-grade, anti-skid tires.
You can know true tire-saving only by using
Come in, telephone, or write us for the price
on this famous, long mileage, real anti-skid tire.
You will be surprised to find how little you
will have to pay for G & J "Chain Tread" Tires of
the size you use.
J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. North Platte, Neb
In North Platte new shown
Mrs. BonJ. Lyle, of Youngstown,
Ohio, camo Inst evening to visit her
slstor, Mrs. Frank Darnell, for a cou
ple of weoks.
J. C. Den. Ed. Robhausen nnd
Aaron Coberly left Sunday nn a hunt
ing trip twenty miles north of Pax
ton. A. II, Frame, of Herslrey, spont yos
torday In town. Ho came down to em
ploy men for the hay field and suc
ceeded In securing several.
The Means ranch In Logan county
comprising 1,200 nrres, has been sold
Klin Trees For Sale
Home grown Elm trees, lhnulro oflto Frank Drnk( for $22,000. Posses
R. Owens, 221 cast Twelfth St. tf,8'011 wl1 Blvon next March.
If you feel dull, and do not know what to do, answer
I hat long-postponed letter. The mental exertion caused by
this occupation will benefit your spirit, lift 'the dullness and
remind you to do several things you had entirely forgotten.
A Letter Delivers Two Messages
Ohe is contained in the
written words, the oth-
in the paper, one expresses
the writer's thought, the oth
er one the writer's taste. If
you want your stationery in
keeping with the refinement
of your message, let us
show yon our stock, we
know what is correct in
writing paper.
We give double Stamps Sat.
111 J
1 1 II
tone's Pharmacy s
North Platte, Nebraska.
It I I I
1 " ... u
set a man thinking about his fire in
surance or the lack of it. Every time
there is n big conflagration it means
a rush for fire insurance policies. But
why wjiit? Why not take out a policy
at oncer Delays in matters of this kind
are always dangerous1. I cui insure
your house and contents in a most re
liable company at small cost for tho
protection afforded.
MifLZn, VTtKT rtTTWn -m .itrr
At this time of year is
necessary ' for Health.
One of these portable Gas
Heaters is just what you
need. We have them
from $2.50 up -suitable
for every purpose.
North Platte Light & PowerCo.
C. R. MOREY, Mgr.
It's A Pretty Good Plan To Shingle
Before the roof begins to leak;
It's a pretty good plan to batten
Before the wind begins to shriek;
It's A Pretly Good Plan To Buiid Some Sheds
To Keep things under cover
The plows, cultivators, binders
And one thingand another
And You'll find it a pretty good plan
Lumber and Building Mat pjdjl Bills
Coates Lumber and CoarTo
The Home of Good Coal. Pliorie T