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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1915)
Semi-Weeklv Tribune IKA L. IlAItK, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : t .. .. t i. -tt..t I . . . t rti n UIIC It'll r 0 ,111111 III AUTUHCC , , .91 One Year by Carrier In Advnnce. .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postomcc as second Crass Matter. FRIDAY, OCTOHKIt I, ID IS. CITY AND COUNTY JfEWS C M. Newton received word yester day of tlio death of his mother who was a resident of Rochester, N. Y. The Christian Kndnnvnr will linlil n ten cent social in tho basement of the Presbyterian church this evening Mrs.' Lena Sensil who has made htr Junto here for year past will leave j.ix: week for her former home In Garfield. Miss Ruth, Johnson of Wollfleot, came, "Weflnosday morning to vUflt Miss Inna McMlchaol and other friends. Dr. S. J. Richardson, of Heishey, who nau neen in ennrgo of Dr TwI ncm'H office for several weeks, will return nomo today. Mrs. Mike McFadden nnd daughter Katherino of Paxton, who havo been visiting at tho Ilerrod homo for a wcfic win leave today. W. E. Snado and family who have been residing on south Vino street, it-it yestrdny morning for Overton whero they will make their homo. For Rent 14 room rooming houso opposite freight (Jepot; partly furnish ed; modern excopt heat. Phone black itiu or can at oiu east Flth street. 70-3 Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Carroll and chil dren returned Wednesdny from Fre mont where they visited Mrs. Car roll's mother, Mrs. Frank Wlnklemali. Mrs. G. T. Field has lsshed invi tations to a ono o'clock liriiehni ., morrow Is honor or Miss Lenorc Cum inlngs of Chicago who Is hor guest. Mrs. Charles Edwards, Mrs. J. D. R' dlleld and Mrs, N. F Clough went to Osalallu Wednesday to visit tho U.Ur., duughter Mrs. Arrowsmlth. Mi sdumes W. II. C. Woodhurst, C'hurles Weir and Andy Llddell have Issued Invitations to a luncheon to be held at tho home of tho latter on October Sth. Warren Soulos of Brady has Med papers In the district court asking that Charcls Hill be placed under peace bonds as he fears that IIlll will cause him bodily harm. Mrs. Harry Scott returned to Stir ling Tuesday evening: nfter visiting her husband who was operated upon recently at tho City Hospital for ap pendicitis and Is doing nieoly. Tho caso of the state of Nebraska against Eavoy, of Brady, for throw ing dead diseased hogs In the North Platto river camo up In tho county court tho first of this week and was dismissed Tuesday afternoon. A potltlon for divorce was filed In the district court Wodneedny bv Irene Razes ag.tii..t Gec.riru Razes U" .'Vliel ty. They were nn.-rn' I .here 'March M, 1914. She asks tint. In r ma. ioj mm of In-no Arnold bo restored to hor. Honrs Tor Sale Pure bred Duroc-Jcrsey spring boar your cholco at $25.00 each. CCtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Cnllfornlu Conditions. A prominent Lincoln man -just re tumid from California, whore hospout a numbor of weeks, was asked ns to the poltical conditions on tho coast, and said they wero far from satis factory, 'I saw thousands of men b eking employment. Business genor aly la dull. There is no market for reui estate nor for lands. No new 'en terprises of moment are starting up. BuHlnoaa depression throughout the country has curtailed the tourist busi ness In a measure, which has deprived California of some revenue. It has also lessoned tho demandTorfrults.and other products of that state. Tho mon I talked with soemed to understand that the war In Europe cannot bo held responsible for tho situation In Cali fornia. Mn everywhere seem to real l?o that tho trouble Is iuo to the sit uation brought about, generally speak ing, through the maladministra tion of government by the democratic pavly. They renllae, moreover thai rne trade Is costing this country heavily and that the republican policy or pHitiolion Is necessary to restore ronlldencp and to promote business ptoxperlty. Tho older generation of men know tills to be so, but the hun dreds of thousands of young voters who had not attained their majority during the era of disasters following tlie lust Clovelnnd administration would not believe thnt a return of the free-trad policy would plunge the country Into a wide-spread industrial stupor, nnd It was necessary for tin in to llvo through an ern of dein oeratlc depression before they would b' convinced. Now they have been shown, and thcro Is no doubt that their votes will swell the republtian majority m xt yenr." in y OJN FARMS AND Lowest Raton and Best Terms. Plenty of Money on hand to Closo Loans Promptly. Buchanan Wireless Telephony Across Continent. Wednesday afternoon tho human voice traveled across tho continent from the Atlantic to tho Paclilc with out tho aid of wires by means of wire loss telephone apparatus and methods developed by tho engineers of tho Bell system. President Vnil of the A. T. & T. Co., sat In tho office of the company In New York City, spoko Into a Bell telephone connected by wires with the wireless tower nt Arlington, Vn., and his words wore transmitted by wireless telephony to Maro Island, near San Francisco. The distance Is approximately 2,500 miles, and was tho first tlmo tho distance has bten covered by wireless tolphony. lvikimvkak To fit the Infant or (o the largest size made, for men, women and ( Mil droit, nil styles, separate and union. ion will lind In our underwear de parttnent the old scarlet wool. tjii: li:aih:r. Smith Hound Over. U. G. Smith, nrrestod on the charge of sotting lire to a house belonging to Roy Bunnell on west Eighth street last May, had preliminary hearing Wednesday and was bound over to the district court. At tho tlmo tho house burned It wns occupied by eight Italians, only one of whom Is now a resident of the city, the others having gono back to their native country. The flro occurred about eleven o'clock at night nnd tho sons of Italy made u narrow oscnpe from crema tion. For Rent The south room In my now building on Locust street. Will ront for nny business other than meat markot or pool hall. JULIUS PIZER. North Platte ('eneral Hospital Notes. Mrs. Alphonuo Plcard eontiiitec to Improve. Mrs. Thomas Pugli, who Is taking treatment at tho hospital, is getting along nlcoly. Mrs. Lumbard, ot Sutherland, who vas operated on recently, has fully recovered nnd returned homo this week. Mrs. Mnrio Khierhon, who is 111 from tho ccects of a bullet wound, re ceived tho Ilrt-t of this week, la Im proving. The bui'.ol was located near the right lung and removed. Hnptlst Church "oles Rogulnr scrvlcos will bo hold at tho Baptist church next Sunday, Oc, tober 3rd. Morning services at 11 o'clock and evening services at 8 o'clock. Rev. Fred Borry, our state secretary will bo with us nnd prencli to us both morning and ovonlng. All Baptists arc urged to bo present and glvo their support to Mr. Berry. VIsUots are cordially invited. Lutheran Announcements for Sunday. 0:45 a. m. Sunday school 11 o'clock Morning Worship. Tho Lord's supper will, bo celebrnted. Now members received; children baptised. 8 p. in. Evening worship. Special communion sorvice for thoso unable to bo present In tho morning. Anthem by tho choir. Solo by Mrs. Ellznboth Karr-Lang-ston. ( ' For Sale. Spring wagon In Na. 1 condition fitted with shaft nnd tnnnui) also sln- glo harness all for SCO.OU. CO WALKER. Attorney Leslie Basklns went to Gothnburg Tuesday afternoon on pro- 'osslpnal business. Tho Christian ladles will hold an exchange In Derryberry (c Forbes' window,' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert' unite, who havo boon visiting In Choyonne, are oxpoctod this evening. C. C. Ilupfer was umong tho North Plattors who attended tho fnlr and races at Stnpleton Wednosday. Notice For Bids. Rnnloil bldq will lin rp(!filvoil until October 2lBt for the Bale of tho two buildings known as the old church and resjdonco on lots 7 nnd S, block 135. The'comniltteo reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. C. T. WIIELAN, Chnirnian of Building Committee. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for tho scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Hny nnd dihgno&tic laboratories. Geo. B.Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M..D. J.B. KdfiehUl. D. J.S.Sirams,M.D. Miss Eiisc Sieman, Supt. RANCHES & Patterson COMING BACK To Maxwell, Nebr., United Doctors Specialists Will Again Be At The KNAPP HOTEL Wednesday, October 20. O.NK DAY OMA Hours 10 ii. in. to S p. in. Hcninrkiilile Success of These Talented Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Ilisonsvs Offer Their Services Free of Charge Tho United Doctors, licensed by the State of Nebraska for the treatment or deformities and all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to nil who call on this trip, consultation, examination, adr vice free, mnklng no charge whatev er, except tho actual cost of treatment. All thnt Is asked In return for these valuable services Is that evory per son treated will state tho result ob tained to their friends and thus prove to tho sick and afflicted in every city and locality, that at last treatments havo been discovered that aro reason ably sure and certain in their effect. These doctors are among America's leading stomach tind nervo specialists and aro experts In tho treatment of chronic diseases and so great and won derful have been' their results that In many cases It Is hard to tlnd the divid ing lino between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, Intestines, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sci atica, diabetes, bed-wetting, tape worm, leg ulcers, weak luns and those afflicted with long-standing, deep seated, chronic diseases that imve bat hed the skill of the family physicians, should not fall to call. Deafness of ten has been cured In sixty dnys. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, .goiter, piles, jetc, ns 'these diseases aro treated without operation or hypodermic injection. Thoy wero among tho first In Amer ica to earn tho name of "Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away with the knife, with blood and with all pain In the successful treatment of these dnn gerous diseases. If you havo kidney or blnddor trou bles bring n two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical nnalysls arid micro scopic examination. No matter what your ailment may be, no matter what others may have told you, no mattor what experience you may havo had witli other physi cians, it will bo to your advantage to see them at once. Have it forever fet tled In your mind. If your case Is Incur ablo they will give you such advice as may relievo and stay tho disease. Do not put off tills duty you owo your self or friendB or relatives who are sufforing because of your sickness, as a visit at this time may help you. Worn-out and run-down men or wom en, no matter what your ailment, ppn suit them. It costs you nothing. ' .Remember, this last free offer Is for this visit only. Mnrried ladies come with their hus bands and minors with their parents. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Olllco McDonald State Haul: Building Cdrner Sixth and Dewey Streets; Phones, Oliice 1S3, Residence 283 J. 1). ItKDFIELl). PHYSICIAN & SUKGEOS Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld Olllco Phono G42 Res. Phono G7C DEJlimiEIlKY & FOIMJES, Licenced Kmbalmers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. NlBht Phono IJhick G38. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red (l!t Oillce 459 C. H. WALTERS. Uy virtue' of an order for sale iNHUod from the District Court or Lincoln County, Xobraska, upon a. riecrro ot foreolosuro rendered In said Court wherein Commercial Hank of a rant, a Corporation, Is plaintiff, and I'atrloR I IJoylc. ot al Hre defendants, and to me directed, 1 will on the 80th d.iy of uciouer, ivm, at x o ciock p. in. at tlie east front door of the Court House In Nort I'latto, Lincoln County. Nebraska, sell at plihllu auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest ami oomin, tlie ioiiowiiih da- crlbed property, to-wlt: hrflf (EU) and the oast half o the west half (BVfe of Wtt) of Keettoi Twenty-two (22). Township Nine (11), North of ltang'6 Thirty-two (32), wont or tho fith 1. M. In Lincoln County, Nobraska. Dated North I'latto, Septomber 25, 10115. A. J. HALtSmUlY. sJS-fiw Sheriff. I'HOH.VTi: mitiiji: In the Mutter of tho ICutato of Nanuy A. HclKhtel, Docoased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, September 23, 191C. Notice Is hereby Klvuu, That tho creditors of said deceased will moot tho Administratrix of said Kstate, be foro tho County JihIko of Lincoln Coun ty Nobraska, at tho County Court Hnoin, In said County, on tho 29th day of Octobor, 1916, and on tho 29th day of April, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. in, oaah day, for tho purposo 'of presenting their claims for examination, ndjust mnnt nnd allowance. . Six months aro nllowod for creditors to present their claims, and ono yoar for the Adminis tratrix to sottlo said Kstate. from tho 29th day of October, 191D. This notice will be iHilillHhod in tho North IMatto Tribune, a lesral soml-woekly newspa per jirnueii in saui I'ounty, lor tour weeks successively, urlor to Octobor 29, 1910. GEO. K; FlUCNCH. s2b'"lv County Judge. flffsaniKlatflf "Not a Hospital But a Homo Nurse Brown MomorinI Hospital 1003 West 4th St., North Platte, Neft. 3Irs. ainrgnrct Hall, Superintendent. Miss Vein Plcknrd, (Jrndtiatc Ifurse. I)r. J. S. Twinein, Physician and Surgeon Best for Humanity's Cure Orlflclal Surgery with Homeopathic .Medi cine for Acute nnd Chronic Disease. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Otflce: Building and Loan Building Phnnoa I Office 130 Inone8 Residence 111! JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Olllco B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38. Ofilco phone 2-11. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Hospital Phono Blaclc C33. Houso Phono Black G33. IV. T. PItlTCIIAKI), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.. one-half block southwest of the Court Jlousb. COL. M. L. McDERMOTT, General Auctioneer PHONE RED C34. North Platto, Nebraska. Stock nnd Farm Sales u Specialty II. II. LAJfDGltAF Painter, Pnperhanger and Decorator, Phone Black 570. come a Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono made at tho Schmalzried factory. Our ron w utatlon as a maker o fgood cigars In North Platto 'extends back thirty years. If WO dill nnt ninlfp rfim1 ntnna would havo been forced to close the factory years ago. If you havo not uuuu Buiuiuug ociimaizricu s (Jigars it ia nut ioo into io Degin. J. F. Schmalzried. To Walter Hinkley, owner ot lot S, mocit zu, worm iJiatte, Nebr. The owners of nrorvftrtv nit Hi a west sldo of Willow street, between 12tll and 11th strnfits. nrn ImrMiv nn. titled that the Mayor and Council of the v. uy oi iNortn t'inue, Lincoln County, XclirflHka. tlilKrlPll nrwl nnurnvml on rdinance on tho 18th day of June. 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to iino ami gruuo, ami ot permanent ma terlal. ns nrovltled In th cnnomi nr dinnces of. said city, regulating the construction oi sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by VOU nlnntr tlm nnst bIiIa nf Int 8 block 20 owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or bofore the 19th .day of October, 1915, tho samo win oe constructed uy said city and tho cost nasoased nnnn tlin undl lnt owned by you adjoining which the suiue snail ue contructed. C. P. TEMPLE, (SEAL) city Cleric IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OP NEIIRASKA. NORTH PLATTE DIVISION In tho Matter of T. J. Dnldook & Son, a co-partnership, ' nnd William M. Huldock, an individual member thoreof, Bankrupts of the County of Lincoln. Caso No. 41. In Uunkruptcy. Volun tary Potltlon. Notice of Snle. Notlco Is horcby given that by vir tue of an order ot W. V. Hoagland, Reforeo in Bankruptcy, Jamos T. Keefo tho trusteo In bankruptcy of tho nbovo nnmed bankrupts, will soil at public auction to the hlghost bid dor for cash, all of tho stock of said co-partnership consisting ot' a stock of groceries and fixtures. Said Bale will bo hold In the storo room former ly occupied by said co-partnership In tho City ot North Platto, Lincoln county. Nebraska, and will commonco nt 2 o'clock In tho nftomoou of tho 24th day of September, 1915. W. V. HOAGLAND. CSt3 Refereo In Bankruptcy. v II NOTICE We, the undersigned, will prosecute to the full oxtent of tho law any per son caught hunting or trespassing on our land or land controlled by us: O. Phillips, C. H. Smith, Geo. Starr. Bert Llles, A. E. Mooro, A. W. Amett, G. H. Scharmann, T. A. Wlson, A. V.. TfnvlQ Tnn, t.'nll.. 11. W. Schnrmann, V. H. Scharmann, L. E. Jones. Frank Heneka, C. S. Trovlllo, s. C. Anderson, John Ttlford, Tom McConiioll, A. O. Olson, E. Jackson. To George LeDloyt, owner of Lot S. block 45. The owners of property on the west side of Oak street, between Dtli and 11th streets are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the Cltyf North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, pass eil and approved an ordinance on tho ISth day of June. 1913. ordering' a side walk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to line and grade, and of ponnanent material, as provided In the general ordinances of said city, regulating the construction of side walks In said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you nlong the east side of said lot 8, block t5. owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or before the 7th day of October. 1915, the same will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon tho said lot own ed by you adjoining which tho same shall be constructed. C. P. TEMPLE. (SEAL) City Clerk. To George LeDloyt, owner of lota 1 and 2, block 47. The oVnors of property on the south side of 10th street between Oak nnd Elm street are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, passed and approved an ordinance on the 18th day of June. 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said prem ises, to be constructed as to lien and grade and of permanent material, as provided In tho general ordinances ot said city, regulating tho construction o f sidewalks in said city. Unlcsssald walk Is constructed by you along tho north side of lota 1 and i, block 47. owned by you, In accord ance with said ordinances, on or be fore the 7th day of October, 1915, the same will be constructed by said city, nnd the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you and adjoining which tho same shali bo constructed. C. P. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. To George LeDloyt, owner of lot 1, block 47. The owners of property on the west side of 131m street, between 7th niul 10th streets, are hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City of -orin i-iiiiie, J.incuin county, feiras ka, passed and approved an ordlnace on the IStli day of June. 1913, order ing a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to ue constructed as to line and Krade, and of permanent material, as provided In the general ordinances of snld city, regulating the construc tion or siuewaius in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed bv you along the east side of said lot 1, block 47, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or before the 7th day of October. 1915, the same will be constructed by said cltv and the costs assessed upon the said lot owned iiy you aujoining which the same shall u cunairucieu. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk To Estate of Catherine Girklns, own er of lot 5. block 64. The owners of property on the easi sine or cnestnut street, bfe-tween 7th and Kith streets,, are ' hereby noti fied that the Mayor and Council of the uuy or rsortn iJiatte, Lincoln county Nebraska, passed and annroveil nn nr. dlnance on the ISth dav of .Tnnn. mis ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to lino nnti grade, anil or permanent ma terial, as provided in the general or dlances of said city, regulalng the con struction or siaewaiKs in said city. Unless said walk is ponstrnotf.,1 liv you along the west sldo of lot 5, block 64 duned by you. In accordance with said ordinances on or before the 7th day of October. 1915, tho same will be construct.-d by said city and the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall be constructed. C. F. TEMPLE. (SEAL) City Clerk. To Minnie E. McGuire, owner of lot 1, Block 20. The owners of property on tho west sine or u mow street, between llth nnd 12th streets, are hereby notined that tlie Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte. Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordl nnnco on the ISth day of June, 1913. ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said iu-emmes, io ue constructed as to line and grade, and of permanent material, as provided In tho general ordinances of said city, regulating the construc tion of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed bv you along- the east sldo of lot 1, block 20. owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or before the 7th day of October, 1915, tho same will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon said lot owned by you adjoining which the same shall bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clork. To MIcfiael C. Harrington owner of Lot 1. Ulock 75. The owners of property on the west side of Oak street between Sth and 10th streets, nro horoby notified that the ;uayor ana (jouncu or me city or .Norm Plntte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, pass ed and approved an ordinance on the lvth day of June, 1913 ordering a side walk adjoining their said promises, to be constructed as to lino anil grade, nnd of permanent material as provided In the sceneral ordinances of said cltv. regulating the construction of slde- wbiks in said city. Unless said walk Is constructed bv you along tho oast eldo of lot 1, block 7R, owned by you. In accordance with said ordinances, on or boforo the 7th day of October, 1913, the snmo will bo constructed by said city and the costs iisseMSeil unon the said lot owned bv you adjoining which tho same shall bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. if (it ice. Charles 13. Rima. Battle M. RIma. Ann Phillips, William L. Phillips, hus- bnnd of Ann Phillips and R. B. Den nis, defendants will take notice thai on the filth day of September, 1915, William E. Sampson filed hi-, petition n the district court of Llncol i county, Nebraska against said defojidui ts, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant Charles E. Rima and Hattle M. Rima to the plaintiff upon tho Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-nlno, Township Twelvo, Rango Thirty-two in Lincoln County. Nebraska, to securo the payment of one promissory note dated December 2G, 1911 for the sum of $1,000.00; that thoro Is now duo upon said note nnd mortgage the sum of $1244.97 for winch sum with interest from tho 2Gth day of September. 1915. at 10 per cent per annum plaintiff prays for n (lecroe, that tho defendants be re quired to pay the same, und that said premises ho sold to satisfy the amount due. You aro required to answer said petition on or beforo tho 1st day of Novomber, 1915. Dated September 20, 1915. WILLIAM R SAMPKOW By Wilcox & ilnlllgan, His Attorneys. To Margaret McGovern, owner of lots 1 and 2, block 85, North Platte, Nebr. Tho owners of property on tho south side of Eighth street, between Locust and Wnlnut streets, are hore by notified that the Mayor and Coun cil of tho City of North Platte, Lin coln' county, Nebraska, passed and nnnroved an ordlnnm-n nn tim isn. day of June, 1913, ordering a slde- t walk niHnlnlnr. Minlr ...... Hi....iD viivn omit ciiiiauOf iu bo constructed as to line and grado and of permanent material, ns pro vided In tho general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks In said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along the north side of said lots land 2, block S5, owned by you In ac cordance with said ordinances on or before the 10th day of October, 1915, tho same will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon tho snid lots owned by you adjoining which tho some shall be constructed. fSEALl Pit.' rMnrlr Notice to Contractors You aro herby notified that sealed bids will be recolved by tho director, Leonard Lauhnor, of School District No. 33 in Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the office of Beeler & Crosby In North Plat.te, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p. m. of the 10th day of October, 1915, for the erection and completion of a four room brick and re-lnforced con crete school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Such bids must lie accompanied by certitled check in tlie sum of one hun dred and fifty. 00.000 (150.00) dollars, payable to Henry Fulk, treasurer of School District No. 33, in Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, which will be forfeited if the person to whom the contract is awarded falls to enter into tho con tract. The school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications may bo ex amined at the office of Bert Mi Rey nolds, architect, North Platte, Nebras ka. Bids will be opened at the office of Beeler & Crosby, North Platte, Nobras ka, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. LEONARD LAUBNER, sUtd Director. To Dora V. VanDruff, owner of lot 5, block 57, North Platte, Nebr. ; The owners of property on tho east side of Chestnut street, between 9th and 10th streets, are hereby no tified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Plntte, Lincoln coun ty. Nebraska, nnsspd nml nnnrrw nn ordinance on the ISth day of June, 1913, oruering a sidewalk adjoining their said prem's, to be coiistructed as to line and grade, and of permanent ma terial, as provided in the general or dinances of said city, regulaing tho constn.ction of sl(levot,ts in said city. Unless said walk Js constructed by you along the' west side of said lot 5, block 57, owned by you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho 19th day or October, 1915, the same will be constructed by said city and the . costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho samo be constructed. C F. TEMPLE, fEAL City Clerk. I'ltOllATIJ NOTICE TO CIIEDITORS In the. County Court of Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Abble L. liobison. Deceased. ?Uc5 1? hereby given, That the cred itors of tho deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate, before nic, County Judge of Lincoln County. -Nebraska, at the County Court Room in said county on the Sth day of Oc- ,V' ,l?i5, nIiu on tlle sth day of April. 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of presenting their niiAV.V"1' "'"'nation, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed tor crpilltnr tn nrer.... u .. i and one yenr for the Administrator to rxWtJt? ,5?tal,S: ,lrorn tne stn day of October, 1915. This notlco will be pub- ,B,. semi-weekly newspaper, for four AVi -.eDijieij- prior to tne sth day of Octobar 1915. court this 3d day of September. 1915. ((Seal) aC-4 County Jubgo In the County Court of County, Ifchrnslin. Lincoln In the matter nf thr prnt 1 - ..w J 4. T. Lytic, Deceased. JSolIee of Hearing To tho creditors, linlrs nnd nil nnii. s.ons interested in said estate: Notice is hereby uivnn Hint Vniiin Russell filed her petition in this court on tlie lGth day of Sept. 1915, In which she alleges that tho said Owen T. Lytle. deceased, demfrtpd tbi nfn intestate, on the 25th day of August! iiu in Lincoln county, Nebraska be ing at the time nf bin ilrntli n rod. dent of Raid rnnntv nml ot.itn seized of the following described prop erty, to-wit: The South Half (&) and the South Half of the North Half (N'A) of Section hvnntv.alv rop.i Township fifteen (15), North of 'Range unrcy-two, (32), West of the (Jth P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska, in Which llO had nn onilltnliln Infnrncf and estate of Inherltanqe. Mrs. Schuyler Heald, age 40 Resi dence Moore, Mont.; Mrs. Nellie Rus sel, age 38, residence, North Platte, Nebr.; Mrs. Nola Young, age 30, resi dence, Francltas, Texas; Miss Ilia Lytle, age 27, residence, Fort Kla math, Ore.. Lester Lytle, age 24, resi lience, Valpnriso, Nebr., each Inher ited nn undivided one-fifth (1-5) inter est In the above described real es tate; that all of the property heroin described was and is wholly exempt from attachment, execution or other mesne process and Is not liable for tho payment of the debts of the said Owen T. Lytle. The prayer of sahl petition is that the court determino tho time of the death of the said Owen T. Lytle, deceased, ills heirs, the degree of kinship, and the right of descent of the real property abovo described, and that all claims and damnnds against snid estate be for ever barred. It 1b therefore ordered that said pe tition will bo heard beforo tho County Court In tho court house In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, on the 15th day of Octobor, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m., at which tlmo all porsons intorosted In said ostato may appear and show cause, If any. why tho prayer or said petition should not bo granted. Dated September, 15, 1915. (Seal) GEO. E. FRENCH, s2l-3 County Judge.