The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1915, Image 7

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Inclu'dca What Is Going On at Wash
ington and In Other Sections of
the Country.
A Swiss roilorl snya the royal pal
nee at Stuttgart was badly damaged
b thu raid of the allied aviators last
A new army of 110,000 has been
sent to the assistance of the allied
forces at the Dardanelles, according
to reports reaching Berlin.
A new mobilization decree promul
gated by Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria
calls to tho colors twenty-seven class
es of reserve troops, between the ages
of 18 and 45.
The total subscription to the new
German loan given out In Amsterdam
totals 12,030,000,000 marks (3,007,
9 P00.000. This is said to be tho great
est war loan in history.
All eligible Russians In China have
been called to the colors under tho
most- recent ukase, according to a Pe-
lting dispatch. It is reported that Har.
" bin and Vladivostok will soon bo de
nuded of men of military age.
k L'nver Pasha, Turkish minister of
war, In. an Interview "with tho Con
stantinople correspondent of tho Ber
lin Ttiggeblutt on Sept'nber 1C, stat
ed that Turkey now has 2,000,000 men
under arms.
as a result of strikes In several
factories in Russia, the military gov
ernor of Pctrograd has caused tho
posting of a proclamation demanding
all employes return to work under
penalty of court-martial.
Greece has decided upon mobiliza
tion of its army and lias called the
classes of 1892 to 1911 to the colors.
Athens dispatches quote the official
statement that Greece intends to de
fend Its own rights and support Ser
bia. Diplomatic circles In Athens have
been Informed that Bulgarian war
ships, which were stationed at Varna
on the Black sea, have sought shelter
in a neighboring bay and that the Bul
garians are fortifying their Black sea
Berlin reports that commanders of
Gorman submarines have been given
strict orders that in case of doubt as
to the Intentions of liners they are to
take the safo course and permit the
ship to escape rather than run the
slightest risk of error.
Minister of Munitions Lloyd George
has Issued an appeal to the people of
Great Britain to let the government
decide whether or not compulsory mil
itary service of all able-bodied men Is
necessary to win the world war. The
situation, ho says, Is the gravest tho
country has ever faced.
Property totaling more than $100,
00,000 Is now ow,ned by tho -Young
Men's Christian association In cities
throughout tho country, according to
tho annual report mndo public in Chi
cago. Tho total association member
ship is 020,789.
During tho half year ending Juno
30 the producing of coal . in Great
Britain declined by 1.1,148,000 tons, or
8.9 per cent over the corresponding
period for last year, according to an
official statement by the London
board of trade. '
lligner average rates of Interests In
tho United States will bo one of tho
inevitable results of tho European
war,' formor United States Senator
Theodoro E. Burton of Ohio told tho
Investment Bankers Association of
America at Denver.
Included In the cargo of the Dutch
steamer Sloterdljk, arriving in New
Orleans from Rotterdam, were 1,847
cases of German-made toy3, said to
be tho fret shipment of Christmas
novelties from Germany received at a
southern port this year.
Two hundred persons were dropped
thirty feet Into a great gap in a now
sub-way, under construction In New
York, when It caved in for an entiro
block. Eight people were killed and
many injured.
The Rteamshlp Eastland, which cap
sized In tho Chicago river July 24,
drowning 812 persons, has been or
dered sold by Federal Judge Landls
to satisfy a claim of $34,500 for the
worc of raising Hho boat from tho
river bottom. Tho ship will bo sold
at auction on December 20.
Walter Taliaferro, a military avia
tor, attached to tho signal corps at
San Diego, Calif., broke tho American
endurance record for pilot alono when
lie stayed In tho air nine hours and
forty-five minutes.
Tho Anti-Saloon lenguo of Missouri,
through the next legislature, "will seek
ngaln to bring about stnto-wlde pro
hibition, it was announced at tho
league's headquarters In St. Louis.
President Wilson will bo nBkcd to
recommend to the next congress fed
eral reclamation of 80,000,000 acres of
swamp and ovcrllow lnnds as the re
sult of n resolution adopted at San
Francisco by the Nntlonal Dnilnago
Tho biggest cattle run In tho his
tory of the Omaha yards was recorded
Septembor 20. Tho run totaled C2C
cars, making J 7,1 83 head. The pre
vious record was mndo Octobor 19,
1914, when 027 cars, containing 10,775
head, wore received.
Delegates to' the senate convention
of tho Women's Christian Temperance
Union In session In Denver, Colo.,
voted to Initiate a constitutional
amendment prohibiting the manufac
turing, gift or sale of cigarets, clgaret
tobacco and papers In Colorado.
Minneapolis team of the American
association won tho 1915 pennant in
thnt league, It being tho fourth pen
nnnt won by that team In the last six
Eddie Rlckenbacker, Omaha auto
mobile racer, won the 100-mile $10,000
sweepstakes automobile,, race at tho
Nnrragansct park speedway nt Prov
idence, R. I. His time was 89:24:70.
All motor car speed records for ten
miles were broken by Darlo Resta at
the new Shepshend motordome . at
New York. Ho made the distance In
5 minutes 32 4-5 seconds, it being at
the rate of 104.4 miles an hour.
Five hundred and one horses are
entered to start in the twenty-six late
closing stakes of tho Grand Crlcult
trotting meeting, which begins in Lex
ington, Ky., on October 4. Eighty-five
thousand dollars are hung up In purses
for the events.
Columbia Fire, bay gelding pacer,
owned by Ed Bohannon of Lincoln,
Neb., easily beat Hal McKlnney, own
ed by C. N. Clark of Wlnfleld, Knn.,
In two lively heats at the Douglas
county fnlr at "Benson, Neb., for a
purso of $1,100.
William N. Johnston, national ten
nis champion, was defeated in an ex
hibition game In St. Louis by M. E.
McLaughlin, whom he defeated in the
recent national tournament. Two
sets wore plnyed and in each set tho
score was G-4 in favor of McLoughlln.
Mrs. W. E. Daust of St. Louis drove
Bud C. to a division of first and sec
ond money In the 2.25 trot at the Illi
nois state fnlr at Springfield. Mrs.
Daust Is the only woman on the west
ern circuit and one of the few suc
cessful women drivers on the turf.
Official timers at the new Sheeps
head Bay automobile speedway, New
York, asserted that Eddie Rlcken
backer had set a new world's record
for one Inp of tho two-mile course by
covering the distance In 1:001-5, or
at the rate of 108.70 miles an hour.
Ty Cobb's stolen base during tho
Detroit-Philadelphia game, Sept. 23,
gives him Uie record of tho American
league, It was stated by a statistician
In Chicago. The previous record of
the league was eighty-eight, bases
stolen by Milan of Washington in 1912.
Cobb has stolen eighty-nine.
The Slate department has Icon ad
vised that General Carranza now has
moved all the departments nf his gov
eminent from Vera Cruz to Mexico
("II y and again Is prcparlus; to go to
the capital' himself.
Counsel for Union Pacific Railroad
Co. stockholders and others filed a
brief in tho supreme court nttacklng as
unconstitutional tho Income tax pro
visions of the Undorwood-SimmB tariff
Tho British government is pre
pared to receive applications unoffic
ially through the foreign trade ad
visers of the state department for re
lease of $167,000,000 worth of Amer
ican canned goods held at Rotterdam.
Soveral American philanthropists
have signified a willingness to pro
vide funds for bringing to this coun
try persecuted Armenians In tho far
east who desire to emigrate, accord
ing to advices that havo reached the
State department.
President Wilson was appeuled to
In a telegram from tho St. Louis
branch of tho American Neutrality
league to. use the Influence of tho ad
ministration to prevent federal re
servo banks, other banks and insur
ance companies lending money to any
of tho European belligerents.
In a note on tho case of tho ship
William P. Fryo, Germnny lias riven
the United States formal assurance
that American vesselB carrying con
(iltfonal contraband will, under r.o
circumstances, bo destroyed, oven
t' ough deemed lawful prlzd.
Business conditions throughout the
country are showing- improvement and
trade generally is picking up, accord
ing to members, of the federal advis
ory council, which held Its regular
quarterly session with , tho Federal
Reserves board.
Secretary of statp Horticultural
Board Sending Out Premium
Lists to All GroWers.
Lincoln. Tho winter apple show
to bo held In Lincoln January 18 to
20 is being boomed by Secretnry J
R. Dunrnn of tho state horticultural
society, the organization under whoso
auspices tho show will bo given. Tho
show is to bo held in connection with
the annual meeting of the society.
Mr. Duncan Is sending out premium
lists which show that competition -is
open to all Nebraska growers and no
fees of any kind nro required. All
fruit must bo In placo Monday morn
ing, January 17, at 10 o'clock, and ro
main In placo until Friday, January
20, at 4 o'clock. Each exhibitor is ex
pected to send his fruit prepaid to
the Beatrlco Creamery company to be
placed In cold storage. The society
will pay storage charges and deliver
tho fruit freo to tho show room. Sec
retary Duncan says the display of
fruit at the stato fair was the largost
over had at any fair, and he believes
the exhibit at the winter apple show
should beat any over held In tho
Only One Under Federal Rule.
Just one stato bank out of nearly
800 in Nebraska has entered tho fed
ral resorvo Bystem under the new cur
rency law. This was the Information
given out by the stato banking board.
Tho lono institution is situated nt
Lewellen in Garden county, it has
$25,000 capitalization. A law passed)
by the last legislature pormits stato
banks to enter tho federal system.
Before that, however, tho banking
board announced that It would allow
such stops to bo taken without for
mal legal permission.
Young Vs. Old Brood Sows.
The average number of pigs per lit
ter raised -from old sows during a
period of four years was G.BG. at a
cost of $2.11 per pig, weighing 50
pounds, according to experiments car
ried on at the North Platte Experi
ment Station. Tho average number
of pigs raised by young brood sows
during a like period at North Platte
was G.2, at a cost of $1.08 per pig,
weighing 50 pounds. Tho fall pig was
grown to tho weight of 50 pounds as
cheaply as the spring pig.
No Fortune to This Man.
Some man down nt Crete with vis
Ions of a large fortune has sent five
samples of water taken from five dif
ferent wells in Creto, claiming that
tho water shows signs of oil or some
minerals which If put to use will mean
much to the state and more to tho
owner of tho wells. The samples are
of different colored water and Dr.
Wild, state chemist, has just complet
ed an analysis of the contents, which
appear to be strongly and simply
sewer water.
Nebraska Football Schedule.
October 2 Drake Unlvrslty at Lin
coln. October 9 Kansas Aggies nt
Lincoln. October Iff Washburn col
lego at Lincoln, October 23 Notre
Dame university at Lincoln. October
30 Iowa Aggies at Ames. November
0 Nebraska Wesleyan at Lincoln.
November 13 Kansas university at
Lawrence. Novembor 20 Iowa uni
versity at. Iowa City.
Switching Earnings $95,919.
Net earnings of tho switching de
partment of tho Union Stock Ynrds
Co. of South Omaha amounted to
$95,919 during tlve year ( ending Juno
30 last, according to tho annual report
filed with tho stato railway commis
sion. Tho total receipts of the de
partment wore $494,264 for tho year
and the expenses aggregated $598,320.
Star Players Will Return.
Guy Chamberlain, star halfback,
nnd Earl Abbott, sturdy guard, mom
liors of last year's nll-vlctorlous foot
ball eleven at tho University of Ne
braska, will don tho moleskins and
got Into the Cornhusker lineup for
another gridiron campaign.
To Appoint Postmaster.
Postolllco Inspectors have been do
tailed to make Investigations with n
view to appointment, of a postmaster
nt Colyer, Morrill county, Nebraska,
to fill a vacancy caused by resigna
tion. Fair Balance Nearly $20,000.
After a closer check of receipts nnd
expenditures of tho 1915 Nebraska
stnte fair, Secretary Mellor of the
stato board of agriculture, found that
tho balance remaining on hand will
be $18,000 to $20,000.
Wife of Land Commissioner Dead.
Mrs. Beckraan, wife of Land Com
missioner Fred Beckman, died at tho
Beckman homo In Lincoln after a
lingering illness of soveral months.
Postoffice Employes Near Revolt.
Decapitation of two men from tho
Lincoln postoffico carrier sorvice and
Its payroll has called for a sharp crit
icism of Postmaster General Burle
bom by numerous Lincoln mon nnd It
is said that civil sorvice rules were
uoverely ruptured when they were
turned down. Tho two men concern
ed are hacked by friends, nnd aro
bound to regain their places. They
ivero cent out via tho resignation
route, but those documents were en
tirely Involuntary, according to lnvos-ligations.
Scottsbluff is to havo a now crcanv
Work on tho now Masonic Temple
at Ansohno is progressing rapidly.
Citizens of Ansloy nro mnklng an
effort to secure n Carnegie library.
Tho city of Alllnnco will hold n
market week Octobor 25 to 30.
Norfolk will hold its fall festival
September 30, October 1 nnd 2.
Crop conditions aro reported satis
factory throughout Gngo county,
Work has begun on Schuyler's
$40,000 high school building.
Dr. E. S. Hon ton is building a
$10,000 residence at Onkland.
Tho town of laurel voted $12,000
for an olectric light plant
Work on Ansohno's new high school
building will commence about Nov. 1.
AVork has commenced nt Allon on
the erection of a new $3,000 parson
age. Citizens of Gnndy nro laying plans
for n waterworks nnd electric light
Tho Central Granaries Co., of Lin
coln, will build a $40,000 elevator at
Joseph Pendhnyn, a Genova aviator,
was killed while making a flight at
Plalnvlew, Toxus.
Products from Lincoln county won
more prizes at the stato fair than any
county In that district.
Hunters In Lincoln county report
the prairie chickens aro fewer this
year thnit ever before,
Bert Gibbon of nroken Bow was
severely Injured when his uutomobllo
turned turtlo nenr Westervllle.
Keeping a phonogrnphlc record of
voices of the pastors of tho Hastings
churches Is a now Innovation In that
city. v
A Swedish song festival on the or
der of the Germun Saengorfcst, Is to
be held In Omaha some time next
Tho enrollment In the Oxford High
school was so large this year It was
found necessary to hire another
Omulm was chosen ns the next
meeting place by the Women's Tern
peranco Union at Its convention In
Grand Island.
Nebraska Stato Federation of La
bor at Its annual convention In
Omaha, Golectcd Fremont as tho 1910
meeting place.
By defeating Wisnor in nn exciting
ten-inning ball game recently, Pender
claims tho championship of north
eastern Nebraska.
Sixty cars are counted upon for tho
auto floral parado during Ak-Sar-Ben
week in Omaha. The parndo will take
place Octobor 5,
The Cedar County Stato bank tho
nowly organized bank in Hartington,
bus opened for business. It 1b capi
talized at $35,000.
Tho Fremont city council hns plac
ed an order for a tractor englnp to
bo used to supplant horses In grad
ing Fremont streets.
By order of tho city commissioners
Omaha street cars will stop on tho
far side of tho streots. The near-sido
stop proved unpopular. I
The "horse diseaso" that caused so
much troublo In Nebraska three years
ago Is sold to havo broken out on a
horso ranch near Mullen.
Henry Damkroger, a resident of tho
Dowitt vicinity, recently purchased
the 240-acre farm of Albert Eckel, for
which ho paid $30,400.
The Minneapolis' & Omaha depot
and two freight cars standing on an
adjoining track, together with tho en
tiro contents, wore destroyed by flro
at Bancroft.
Georgo Cumrine, a woll known far
mer, near Grand Island, ran into nnd
killed John Peters, tho 22-months-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rudolph Potors,
In tho outskirts of that city recently,
The Hastings Gas company, now
seeking a now francliiso, claims to bo
earning but 3 per cent on its Invest
ment, nnd has Invited tho public to
call and Inspect Its books.
Tnbornnclo meetings will ho hold
In Seward commencing early In No
vomber. Evangollst Hamilton will
conduct them and all churches of tho
city will Join In supporting tho meet
ings. Story O. Krotslngor, son of Judge
nnd Mrs. E. O. Krotslngor of Beatrlco,
will help lay out grounds in South
Chicago for tho erection of an clova
tor to cost $3,500,000, and will havo
a capacity of 10,000,000 bushols of
.Too Steelier, champion wrestler,
will bo presented with a diamond
studded belt by his admirers In
Dodge October 8. Govornor More
head is expected to make tho prescn
tatlon. Citizens of Dodge plnn to
make tho event a homo coming day.
Reports from tho registrar's office
of tho Doano colloge at Creto placo
the enrollment of freshmon In the arts
and science department alono at fifty
flvo. This brings tho enrollment of
tho freshman class In advance of any
previous enrollment In tho history of
the school.
St Paul cinched tho 1915 champion
ship of the Sherman-Howard leaguo
by blanking St. Llbory, 11 to 0, This
makes four successlvo seasons this
league has run.
5,000 peoplo wero caught In a ter
rific rain storm while attending the
Platto county fair at Columbus. Many
were unable to find shelter und were
dronched to tho skin.
E, 8. Scoflold, formerly editor of
the Nellgh Register, has started a new
papor in that town, known as tho Ne
llgh Semi-Weekly Nows. ThlB makco
three papers In tho town.
Healthy Barred Rock
(By DR. U. II. WILLIAMS. Arizona Ex
periment Htntlon.)
Cholera Is one of tho most Infec
tious poultry dlBonsoB, ofton swoop
ing away an entiro flock of any va
riety of domesticated fowl, and oven
sorao spoclos of wild birds. It Is
caused by Bpoclftc bacteria which
spread most rapidly In filthy yarda
and houscB whoro tho blrdB nro not
In thrifty condition. Tho gonornl na
turo of tho diseaso and its method
of spreading ovor n district resomblo
hog cholera. To provont It from en
tering a flock whoro tho diseaso Is
provalont in tho district, great caro
must bo exorcised to avoid carrying
tho gorm by moans of droppings,
oarth attached to clothes, eggs, birds,
wind, water or food.
Jho symptomB vary conBldorably in
aftoctod birds. Tho first Indication
of cholera is usually diarrhea with
x yellowish coloration of tho urates
which normally appear whito in tho
iropplngs. Tho coloration may final
ly turn to a groonlsh or bluish green
color as tho caso advances. Some
tlmoa uffectod birds maintain a good
ippotlto till death, but usually thoy
quit eating nnd fovor Is nlwnys pres
ent. Tho comb and wnttlos loso tholr
bright appcaranco nnd tho birds ns
jumo a drooping, rounded outllno,
caused by tho lowering of tho tail,
head and wings. Tho period of incu
bation varloB from ono day to sovernl
ivooks, averaging about eight days.
Death may occur at any tlmo, bolng
preceded by convulsions nnd sharp
srlcs. In tho virulent form most of
tho birds dlu In a few days, but if tho
chronic form Is present tho diseaso
Green Food and Corn Add to Color of
Yolk, While Beef Scraps Impart
Firmness to WhlteA
It Is, perhaps, not generally known
that tho quality of eggs Is dopendont
in a largo measure upon tho food tho
hoiiB cat. In oggs of high quality the
yolk is a doop yellow color, and tho
whito quite firm, not thin nnd wntory.
Tho foedlng of green food nnd corn
(proforably yellow corn) will add to
tho color of tho yolk, and beef scrap
will Impart flrmnoss to tho whito.
As cortnln foods will add quality to
tho oggs, cortaln othor foodB will Im
part a flavor that decreases tho quality
of tho eggs. Thus onions, fish scrap
and hlghsmelllng boot scrap will Im
part to tho eggs cortaln character
istic and dlsagrecablo flavors.
Odors also lower tho quality of
BggB. Egg-shollB nro vory porouB nnd
air readily enters. Eggs should bo
gathered ofton and stored in a cool,
woll-vontllatcd room. If nllowcd to
remain in a foulsmolllng poultry houso
for any length of tlmo, tho odors of
tho houso will lowor tho quality of
tho eggs.
It Is safo to say that eggs of tho
vory highest quality nro not posslblo
unless tho malo birds nro romovod
from tho pons. Tho ombryo of a fer
tile egg often boglns to dovolop bo
foro tho ogg Is laid,' and no matter
how ofton gathered or how woll cared
for, fortllo oggs cannot compnro in
quality with lnfortllo ones. Tho gorm
of life is tho germ of decay. An ln
fortllo egg will docroaso In quality
with ago, or through Improper han
dling, but It cannot decay.
Buying Breeding Stock.
It is not a good plan to wnlt until
spring to buy your brooding stock.
If you want a well-bred roostor, for
instance, look around among tho
breeders and pick out ono that Is fit
to show at tho poultry exhibition. If
you wait until ho goes to tho show
and wins a prlzo, you will pay twlco
or three times an much,
Water la Always Necestary.
Some pooplo Imagine thnt If thoy
glvo their chickens skim milk, wator
is not uecessary. This Is a mlstako,
as milk turns into solid food almost
aB soon as It reaches a bird's dlgcstivo
apparatus, and water must always bo
Fat Hens Are Lazy.
Do not allow tho laying hens to
becomo too fat as thoy not only bo
como lazy but aro apt to becomo egg
lilt J
Cockerel and Pullet.
spreads moro slowly, remaining In.
tho flock for wooka.
There is no effoctivo euro for poul
try cholorn. Sometimes tho diseaso
may bo rotardod by giving a doso of
ono-third of n tonspoonful of Epsom
salts mixed In n mash, or n tnblo
spoonful of ollvo oil, or ono tonspoon
ful of castor oil followed by dlsolv
Ing one-tenth of a grain of morourlc
bichloride , In a quart of drinking
wator. A fow drops of creolin in a
quart qf wator is also considered
This is tho only means of saving
many of tho flock. Tho birdB should
bo watched closely and all thoso
showing any sign of tho diseaso
should bo romoved at once, killed
nnd burnod. Avoid bringing In now
contagion nnd tnko acttvo otops to
dostroy all germs by burning tho lit
tor nnd dosing tho houso nnd yard
with a Btrong coal tar dlslnfoctnnt
Tho yard should bo plowed deeply
and 'sprinkled with slacked Hmo. If
possible, remove tho healthy birds to
clean quarters, putting a fow in a
placo nnd thp groups widely sepa
rated. An orchard or back Hold may
bo utilized for tills purposo, but tho
birds should bo woll fed and caro
fully watched. Even tho suspected
cases should bo isolated from tho
It Is most fortunato that opldemlcs
of truo cholorn nro rnro among poul
try ns It Is a vory disastrous disease.
Whoro proper caro la oxorclscd to
koop tho birds clean und healthy
thoro In Uttlo dangor, except when
It appears In a district.
Nothing Yet Found That Answers
Purpose as Well as Beef Scraps
Produce Stronger Chicks.
Tho modorn hen, tho bird wo aro
forcing to lay moro oggs each year,
has dovelopod into sort of an ogg ma
chine. Pnrt of tho fond sho eats goes
tO'innlco blood and bono and musclo
for her own body. Tho rest of tho
food, If It Ib of tho right sort, goes
to mako eggs.
But tho best hen In tho world can't
mako oggB from tho air. Tho eggs a
lion lays como dlroctly from tho food
she eats.
Slnco It lo not posslblo to furnish
bugs and -worms such as tho hens find
for themselves, wo muBt look for a
good substitute. . Up to tho present
tlmo nothing has boon found tliat
nnswors bo woll ub beef scrap.
Tho beef scrap must bo absclutoly
Bwoot and pure, or troublo Is suro to
This Is especially truo In tho breed
ing season, whon It Is nocossary not
only to got oggs, but oggB that will
hatch woll. It has boon found that
eggs laid by hens that havo been fed
boof scrap not only hatch hotter than
thoso laid by honB that havo not boon
fed any animal food, but thoy also
produco stronger chicks.
Quantity Eaten by Hen In Year and
Cost Given by Maine Experi
ment Station.
Tho question as to tho amount of
fcod a hen will eat is best answered
by tho following interesting flgureB.
Tho Mnlno oxporiment station, in
tho courso of rocont tests oxtendlng
over a period of ono year, found that
a hen in this tlmo consumed 90 pounds
of grain and meal mlxturo, 40 pounds
of oyster shell, 2.4 pounds of bono, 2
pounds of grit. 2.4 pounds of charcoal
and 10 pounds of clover. Thoso ma
terials cost tho station $1.45. Thla is
about tho avorago cost por hen for
most poultrymon, although wo havo
mot peoplo who havo done oven bet
tor than this. It is perhaps highor
than tho avorago farmer pays to feed
lila lions, but it lo a fair estimate for
thoso who ralso chlckons as a bust
nosB. Damp Quarters Cause Roup.
Itoup, ono of tho most troublesome
diseases among chlckons, is almost al
ways caused by damp quarters. Keep
tho quarters dry and warm, and tho
yards clean and roup will not troui
ble you.