The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1915, Image 6

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Tho State Board of Irrigation Flndi
Company Not Dicposed to
Carry Oat Contract.
-JiTmJt - II f Mia V r Wk 1 1
Retreat of Raiders Covered jy Sev
eral Hundred of "First Chiefs"
Troops General Funston May Go
After Bandits..
Brownsville, Tcx Sept. 27. Ono
American' soldier was killed, the cap
tain commanding the Americana wns
wounded and tho post olllco and gen
eral storo at Progrcso, Tex., woro
looted and burned on Friday when
about eighty armed Moxlcans crossed
Into Texas and attacked a small do
tachmcht of Troop3 B and C, Twelfth
Rc-cnforccinentB havo been rushed
from several army posts and General
Funston reports tho situation well In
hand. However, all tho Moxlcans,
with tho exception of 17 kill d
and 18 prisoners, havo recrossed Into
Mexico under tho protection of sov
eral hundred troops on tho other side
of tho border.
So sorlous Is the situation felt to
bo hero that It Is believed Genera'
Funston will order his men to .pursue
tho rnlders Into Mexican territory In
caso of a repetition of tho raids. OIII
ccrs who took part In the fighting havo
roported to General Funston that tho
soldiers bolongcd to Carranza'a army
Major Anderson, In command at
Mercedes, mado tho following report
to General Funston:
"Party of about eighty Moxlcans at
ta.Mtcd storo' houso nt Progrcso post
olllco at about daybreak In tho morn
ing, broko Into storo, looted tho pla'co
and set flro to It. A detachment of
Troops B und C, Twelfth .cavalry,
numbering about twelve men, woro
Hrcd upon nB tjloy approached tho
store. Tho flro was returned.
"Private Henry Stubbloflcld, Troop
B, Twolfth cavalry, was shot twice
In tho body and was killed. Four of
fleers and about sixty of our men par
ticipated In tho fight. Tho firing kept
tip about two hours.
"Capt. A. V. P. Anderson, who was
In command, rccolvcd flesh wound In
arm, but Is not considered dangerous.
Two horses woro killed and ono
"The Mexicans woro pursued In
brush to tho river. Several hundred
Mexlcnns on othor side of tho river
kept up a heavy flro to cover crossing
of Moxlcans."
San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 27. Gen.
Itaoul Madero, brother of tho slain
prosldcnt, and eight othor prominent
Vllllstas havo been arrested at Glonny
Springs. Tex., whore they crosae'd tho
border. Thoso taken with Madero and
sent to Alplno. Tox., are: Gen. San
tiago Sanches, Joso Pulldo, Emlllo
Vnsquuz, Tlyatilm Rangll, Joso Maria
Itodrlguoz, Itaul, Davlla, Kamond Par
tildo and Abraham Martinez.
Premier Says Army Was Mobilized for
Protection Greece Calls Out
Washington, S,cpt. 27. A statement
cr.blod to tho Uulgnrian legation hero
on Friday by Premlor Kadoslovorf an
nounces that llulgarla does not Intend
aggrcsslvo uctlon against any of liar
neighbors and that her mobilization Is
not to bo construed as Indicating that
she Is about to enter tho war.
Loudon, Sopt. 27. Hoforo many
hours have passed tho llama of war
may havo scared tho Balkan nations
again. i
With tho Uulgnrian army niuuscd
on cno border of Serbia and 800.0UU
AUBtro-Gcrmans ready to strlko on
nnolhor, Greoco and Itoumanlo, tho
last of tho Halkan states to hecomu
Infoctcd with tho war fovor, havo be
gun preparations to outer tho conflict.
Tho monaco of Bulgaria's moblll
zatlon was met by Groeco with a royal
decreo calling twenty classes of troops
to tho colors. Minister of War Uanglls
Issued an ordor culling out all tho
Greek rosorvlBts.
Simultaneous tho Roumanian cab
Inot wnB called Into hasty conferenco
with King Ferdinand '.n circumstances
that leavo no doubt that tho mooting
will bo followed by a mobilization or;
Amorlcnn Wireless Operator Missing
After Steamer Chancellor 8unk
by Submarine.
London, Sept 21. Tho Harrison
llnor Chancellor, .a British ship, ban
boon Bunk by a German subiunrlno.
Pnrt of tho crow Is roported missing,
among thorn G. W. King of Now Or
leans, an American, who waB assistant
Marconi operator on tho llnor.
Sea Gives Up Arabic Dead.
Quoenstown, Sept. 27. A body that
camo nBhoro on Friday at Clonnkllty.
on tho touth coast or Ireland,
has been Identified as that of Mrs,
Josophlno Brugularo of Now York, ono
of tho victims of tho Arabic disaster.
Americans Defeat Japs.
Tokyo, Sopt. 2,. Tho hasoball team
of tho University of Chicago dofcatod
tho Wuacda unlvorplty team rrlday
afternoon by a bcco of 5 to 3 In tho
opening game of tho scries, Thirty
thousand persona watched tho gamo.
it . m t r - m ran it- v . -k. s vi a x 1 1 Jt
u,i. .rar rTTVZ .
J M . . V Mi .
. : . to
i liermaiiB join Austriuns in iittm
- --- ' ' .... wtjiiiiiiu 1 1 III .
Blon of Serb a In nroleetcd ninrcli thrniifii liniifmo m n,in ah.
heavily reonforccd by Italian, French
mmiit io iorco way to uonstantinopio
'""" iuhuw nuacK on Montenegrins ana Sorblans at Cctlnjo to prevent
concentration of Slavs aculnst Invnslnn from Hnmn.wii a r..rai
army mobilized on frontier ready for
It l)nHn I.I. .1.. I I r
... uuBoaruuui reauy 10 join uoumanians m march through Bulgaria If
uv.uuiuai juina U11IIIH.
Fifty Persons Injured When Explosion
Carries Away tho Supportlno Pil
lars of Tunnel.
New York, Sopt. 24. Pollco are
hunting for Frank Midnight, whoso
real lmmo lu Mozzonceo, on a charge
of homicide. Ho Is tho man who had
chargo of blasting oporatlotiB In tho
now BUbwny being constructed in Sev
enth avenue, which collapsed on
Wodncsdny, resulting in eight deaths
and Injuring 50 persons, several por
haps fatally.
Tho generally accepted theory of
mo causo of tho accident wus that an
oxploalon of dynamlto hnd blown
away pillars supporting tho street
surfaco. Coroner Folnborg said he be
lieved faulty construction work, rath
er than nn explosion, caused tho col
lapse, but firemen found sovtiral sticks
of dynamite and aro kcoplng thorn as
Six porsons wero crushed to death
when a Btroot car plunged 00 foot
Into tho chasm as a block and a lmlf
of the street aurfaco collapsed.
Two othors died of tholr Inlurlcs
after being removed from tho ruins of
tno car, which was torn to pleccB.
Amsterdam, Sent. 23. Kaiser Wll.
holm and Princo Joachim wore slight
ly Injured In an nutomobllo ncnldnnt.
according to Berlin dispatches on
'tuoBday. Tho Imperial automobile
was wrecked, tho dispatches said.
Washington. Soilt. 21. Amorlnnn
marines under command of Col. L. W.
r. waller and -armed with mnchinn
gunn tiro forcibly opening tho way
rrom llio coast to tho interior of Haiti.
In a eorios of cngugenients between
Capo Haltlon and Itlvloros
tweon Gonalves and ISnnory llvo na
tives nave boon killed and their chler
Capo Haltlon. Sont. 21. Tim rnm.
mnndors of tho American battleships
in Haitian waters havo sent nn uiHmn.
turn to tho rebol chiefs In tho Interior
of tho Maud giving them eight days
in which to disarm tholr forces.
Tcrro Hauto. Ind.. Sont: 24. Mr
Sanford Shenlor. n rrrandnloco nf n,m.
Jamin Franklin and mother of tho
wife of Judgo Ull Redman, la dnmi
hero at seventy.
Maylleld, Ky., Sopt. 24. A plnguo of
bedbugs has caused the
building to bo closed that tho Insects
may ho exterminated. Whonco thoy
camo Is not known, but tho school
building was fllled with them.
Budapest. Sept. 21. Tho Ofllciul Ga
zotto of tho Hutigarlun govornment
printed a decreo calling to tho colorB
all males born lu 1897 before Octo
bor 15.
Germans Shoot Doerfllnner.
Genova, Sopt. 27. Friends of tho
SwIbb cycling champion, Doorlllngor
who was nrrosted by tho Germans
and couvlctcd of osplonago. claim to
havo rocolvcd inf rmatlon that ho wna
American Subscribes to German Loan.
I.'orlln, Sopt. 27. Robert J. Thomp'
Hon, tor many yoarB American consul
at Hanovor and now living at Tiia
Hague, has subscribed 500,000 marks
1126,000) to tho now Gorman war
C Ktluhi
- k mi Romotwirin i,.,..i.,mi., ....... i ......
n ....... i. o . w Lu, UUIIUIIUD. m. &1IIUS,
and British contingents, renow at-
ahead of Austro-Germans. 8. Aus-
attack on Bulgnrla. 5. Russian army
Von Papon Says Yankees Are Idiotic
Letters Found on Archibald
Made Public In London.
London, Sept. 23. Tho paperB taken
from War Correspond
Archibald by the British authorities,
on which was based tho request of
uio united States government for tho
recall of Doctor Dumba, tho Austrian
ambassador at Washington, wero mado
public In. part.
In tho letters from Doctor Dumha
that diplomat's candid opinion of the
president and of American sentiment
Is set forth.
Thero la a letter from Captain von
Papon, military attache of the Gorman
ombaasy in Washington, written to hla
wlfo and entrusted to tho accommo
dating Archibald. In It Von Papen
speaks of "these Idiotic Yankees."
Thero Is a copy of a letter written
by Count von BernstorfT to Secretary
Lansing, but It Is frankly an official
German reply to tho allegations re
garding Gorman plots in tho United
Tho dossier as mado public In tho
houso of common comprises twenty
ono pages, closoly printed. Included
in it aro tho letter from Ambassador
Dumba to Baron Burinn, tho Austro
Hungarian minister of foreign affairs.
In ono of theso, not hitherto made
public, Doctor Dumba rofors to the
"discouraging attitudo" of President
Doctor Dumba says tho president's
position Is that America In a serious
crisis would hnvo to depend on
foreign countries for all Its war mate
rial and "nt no prlco and in no caBo
will Mr. Wilson nllow this sourco to
dry up."
"For this reason," Doctor Dumba
sayB, "I am of opinion that a return
to the question , . . will not only
bo usolcss. but having regard to tho
solf-wlllod temperament of tho presi
dent, harmful."
Allied Flyers Drop One Hundred
Bombs on German Royal
London. Sent. 24. Onn nf Mm
daring aerial exploits of tho war was
accomplished by French aviators, who
now no miles into Gormany and bom
barded Stuttgart, capital of tho Ger
man duchy of Wuorttomborg.
Tho aviators, according to tho offi
cial communique Issued at Paris on
Wednesday, dropped 100 bombs on the
royal palaco and tho railway station
whllo under heavy flro from ih
man anti-aircraft guns, but escaped
unnarmeu ana an rotumed safely.
Tho aeroplanes nrobnblv mndn in nil
a flight of 300 miles.
Uio statement gives no details of
the damago at Stuttgart.
Schooner Minnie Slauson Sinks.
Hyannls, Mass., Sopt. 27. Tho
threo-mastcd Bchoonor
son, out of Now York for SL John with
coai, sanK on uyauuls after a col
llslon with tho Handkorchiof ItghtBhlp
Captain Dixon and tho crow lauded!
Prince Killed In Battle.
Amsterdam, Sopt. 27. A dispatch
from Vienna roports tho death of tho
princo or Thurn and Taxis. Ho WOs
killed during a battle with tho Bus
slans on tho Soreth river front, the
dispatch says.
s'K "VV Amu X srXrc '
Right of Visit and Search to Be Ex
erclsed and No Ship With Condition
al Contraband Will Be Torpedoed
Says Message In Frye Case.
Washington, Sept. 25. Germany's
latest note on tho sinking of tho Amer
ican sailing ship William P. Frye, pub
lished by tho stato dopartment on
Thursday, discloses an Important dip
lomatle victory for the United States
Germany ncceptB the proposal to fix
damagoB by commission and to lot
I he Hnguo pass upon disputed trenty
rlchts Involved. She nlso elves aBRUr-
anccs that no moro American ships
carrying -conditional contraband will
bo destroyed under tiny circum
Ono thing seemed to ofilclals certain
German naval commanders now nro
ordered t exercise tho rights of visit
and search with respect to all Ameri
can ships to dctermlno what cargo the
vessels carry, thus making It prac
tically suro that none will bo attacked
without warning or ample tlmo for
passengers and crew to bo transferred
inuHiJucuvo ol mo cargo.
Tho note follows in part:
"With regard first to the ascertain
ment of tho damngo by exports, tho
German government bellovos that It
should dlsnenso with tho nomination
of an umpire. Assuming that the
American government agrees to this,
the German government names as Its
oxpert Doctor Kenny of Bremen, dl
rector of tho North German Lloyds; it
begs to await tho designation of tho
American expert.
"The German government declares
that it agrees to tho proposal of tho
American government to separate the
question or Indemnity from tho qucs
Hon of the interpretation of tho Prus
sian-Amorican treaty of 1785, 1793 and
"It therefore again expressly states
that In making payment it does not
acknowledge tho violation of tho treatv
as contended by tho American side,
nut it will admit that tho settlement
of the question of Indemnity docs not
projuuico tho arrangement of the dif
ferences of opinion concerning tho In
terpretation of tho treaty rights, and
that this disputo Is left to be decided
by Tho Hagiio tribunal of arbi
tration. "Tho negotiations relative to tho
signing of tho compromiso provided by
article 52 of Tho Hague arbitration
convention would hnst hn
between tho foreign ofllco and tho
American ombaasy at Berlin, In view
or tho dinicultiea In tho wav of in.
structing tho imnerlal ambassador nt
"From tho standpoint of law and
equity It (tho Gorman government) Is
not prevented, In its opinion, from
proceeding against American ships
carrying contraband, according to Its
interpretation, until tho question is
Bottled by arbitration.
"For tho German government does
not need to dopart from the applica
tion of generally recognized rules of
tho law of maritime wnr, as tho Dec
laration of London, unloss and In so
far nB an exception based on a treatv
Is established boyond a doubt. In the
caao of tho present difference of opin
ion botwoon tho Gorman and American
governments such nn exception could
not ho taken to bo established except
on the ground of tho arbitral
"Nevertheless tho German covorn-
ment, In ordor to furnish to tho Ameri
can government ovldonco of Its con
ciliatory attitude, has issued orders to
tho German naval forces not to de
Btroy American merchantmen which
havo loaded conditional .contraband.
ovon when tho conditions of intorna-
tlonal law aro present, but to permit
thorn to continue their vovoeo unhin-
dored If It is not possible to tnko them
Into port.
State Department Delivers Pointed
Acknowledgment to Teuton's Re
questAustria Must Answer.
Washington. Sent. 25. Tho df-nnrt.
ment of stato acknowledged the re
quest of Doctor Dumba, tho Austro
Hungarian ambassador, for n anfn rnn.
duct to Europo. In doing s.o It Informed
tho nmbaBsador that tho subject of his
rotum had been taken up with tho
Austro-Hungarlan forolgn ofllco Tho
lnforcnco was plain that until t hn Aus.
trlan answer to tho Amorlcan request
lor tno nmuassador a recall had been
rocolved no saro conduct would hn
given Doctor Dumha has made
rosorvalions on tho Rotterdam, salllnc
on Soptombor 28.,
Swedish Steamer Torpedoed.
Chris.tlansand. Norway, Sopt. 25.
Tho Swedish steamor Forsvik, 1,107
tons, haB been sunk by a German sub
marine. Uio crow was saved. Tho
ship was carrying a cargc oi coal
through tho war zono.
War Tax Hits Americans.
London. Sopt. 25. Tho wealthy An.
glo-Amcrlcan contingent In London
will bo hit sovoroly by tho Increase In
Uio now war Income tax. Thov al.
ready havo contributed largely to
many forms or rollof.
It is the bollef of tho mnnilinrB n
tho Stato Board of Irrigation that tin
Central Bridge comnanv nf minnU
which was awarded the contract foi
tho erection of a stato aid brldgi
icroas tho river at St. Paul, is trylnj
to get out of the contract They wen
awarded a contract for tho buildlnj
of the bridge at $29,000. This wai
iuout SG.000 less than the lowest hid
3er above them. They made a doposh
or u certified check with tho boarc
Tor ?5,000, so that if they fall to carrj
out the contract tho Btnto will not hi
out much ns the next highest bidder
tho Omalm Structural Steel company
win get tho contract for about Jafi.oon
It is understood that there is some
controversy between tho company nnc
uie uoani in which tho attorney gen
erai is tailing a hand.
Nebraska will havo a constitution
convention In 1010, if the planB of the
league winch met In Lincoln recenth
are carried ouL Fifty persona attend
u, among tuem soveral Btato seimtori
and representatives. Tho plan as
adopted calls for a convention of 10C
members elected from the locislativt
districts at tho general election 1l
luis. bach member will receive $1C
day. After the convention has nro
pared the constitution it will- bo sub
mitted to tho voters of the state foi
their approval. In order to brine thie
iliout a commltteo was ai)nnhiIMl con
BiBtlng of J. N. Norton of Polk. Sena
tor yuinu.v of Omaha, F. A. Brogan of
Uiualia, It. B. How-all of Omaha. C. A
Gustafson 'of Mead. V. L. Locke ol
Lincoln nnd J. F. Cordeal of McCook
who shall havo authority to nrenare
petitions for lnitiatlnc tho nronoaltion
at the next general election giving the
people a chanco to say whether they
want the convention or not.
The cutting of corn for rodder sue
gests itself this year when a certain
percentage of tho corn crop will un
doubtedly not mature. Although thh
method requires conslde-ahle labor,
the stalks put up In this way make ex
cellent food for a much larger num
ber ol cattle than could be kept on
the same atalks If left standing in
the fiold. At the same time corn
Unlk disease Is avoided. Any corn
tvhlch has grown to Its full height
md formed cars will make excellent
fodder, if cut before severely frozen
and put In medlum-Blzed shocks foi
curing. College of Agriculture.
For the purpose of hogging down
corn, spring pigs weighing between
100 and 150 pounds can best be used.
Tho corn should be fed In small
tracts in order to get tho greatest
benefit from the grain. Fields of
about six or eight ncres are tho best.
Fencing can quite easily be done by
ising 2fi-Inch woven wire with stakes
for posts. As soon as tho pigs arc
tluough with one Hold the fence can
oo moved to take In new ground.
After the pigs are taken off tho field,
sows from the breeding herd can bo
put In to finish cleaning up the corn.
Little dribs of money are heinc ex
pended by waterpower companies in
state, but the amounts are pitifully
small, and It would take a thousand
years or more at that rate to end in
real development of those resources.
Flint Is tho condition disclosed by tho
books nt tho state engineer's office.
No general footing up of-the totals has
been made for several months, but nn
nspectlon of tho monthly reports In
iccordance with n 1913 enactment-
shows that the amounts expended for
development by tho various compan-
es aro inconsequential.
Dr. S. C. Cosford, In charge of tho
(Tnlted States Burenu of Animal In-
us try, in its campaign against hog
holern in northern Gago nnd John
son counties, has been instructed by
the Agricultural department to take
hog survey In tho counties of Jef
ferson and Saline. Tho purpose of
the government is to ascortaln tho
number of swlno raised In the two
ountles during tho years 1913, 1911
ind 1915, and also tho number that
have died during the same time from
Tho Stato Bank of Lowellcn, a lit
tle town In Gurden county, Is the first
of nearly 800 state Institutions In Ne
braska under tho stato banking board
o avail itself of the opportunity to
become a member of tho federal re
serve system.
Adjjtnnt General Hall and Captain
W. Shaffer, Nebraska National
guard, will make an aeroplane flight
from .Tnlesburg, Colo., to Lincoln-, if
the trip can bo financed.
Warden Fenlon of tho Btnto peniten
tiary announces that night school
classes havo been started In tho big
prison with a total enrollment or 110.
Chief Olork JnmeB O'Connell Is in
r.hargc of tho school and has lined up
his faculty for tho year. Part of tho
Instructors will bo members or tho
prison staff and part or them will bo
Inmates, Kenneth Murphy, Cherry
onntf youth, recently returned from
parolr, will teach ono division corre-
rponrMng to tho third and rourth
gradJB. Two college men, "Martin and
Kimbass, will bo on tho night faculty.
Western Battle Ground Scene of'
Great Activity. Lost Ground
Will Weaken Teutons. ,
London. Tho British and French
nrniies havo mado several large gains
against the German lines between,
Verdun and tho Belgium coast, cap
turing many trenches along a front;
of about twenty miles, nnd thousands
of prisoners, eight guns nnd a num
ber of mnchlne guns. At the snmo
timo British wnrships and Belgian
and French batteries bombarded tho
German positions on tho coast be
tween ijcebruggo nnd Nicuport.
The Berlin war olllco has admitted
tho repulse of a German dlvisioa
near Loos, with considerable casual
ties, together with tho evacuation of
nn advanced position north oIT
Tho offensive which resulted in the
French and British victories began
September 25. For several weeks.
there has been an almost incessant
bombardment, which late last week
increased in intensity, particularly In
the sectors where the Infantry at
tacks took plaoe.
Tho French, who are credited with
the most particular gain, made their
chler onset against the German linos
around Perthes, Beausjour, and Souip
pea in Champagne, where In Decem
ber they made a considerable gain of
ground. Saturdays attack, however.
gave them possession or moro terri
tory than they had retaken rrom tho
Gorman lines since tho latter dug1
themselves in after the battle of tho
According" to the French account.
the Germans were driven out of. their
trenches over a front of fifteen miles.
varying in depth froln two-thirds of a
mile to two nnd a half miles.
The Importance of this cain lies fn
the fact that every yard of crotind
taken in this region weakens iho
German position around Verdun, from
which the Germans might be com
pelled to retire should the French
succeed in making any further ad
vance. The total number of nriRnn-
ers taken by both British and French
troops amounted to 20,000.
Hill No. 70, one of tho nnsIUnnn
taken by the British, is loss than a
mile directly north of Lens, whllo
Hullock, which also fell into tho
hands of the British, is at the end of
the road near La Bassee. It Jr nniv
twelve miles from Hullock to Lille.
Feeling Out Westerners.
New York. The AncUPr.i,
financial commission and eastern
bankers have reached a vlrtimi
ment on the details or the proposed
uuu.uw.uuu credit loan to Great
Britain and France.
or the commission aro In hm
.confer with western bankers over tho
Tentative terms. Following aro tho
details of the loan upon which tho
commission and the bankers of east
ern states are In virtual accord. Tho
amount approximately $rvnf nnn nan
Tho securities Joint Anglo-French
notes. Tne interest rate Five per
cent to yield tho investor about Kit-
per cent by the notes being offered at
hiignwy unuor par. A conversion priv
Hego fit maturity of the nntBHHm
holder to receive cash or Joint Anglo-
urencn ntteen or twenty-year bonds,
bearing per cent interest It ima
become known that tho entire tenta
tive program bad been submitted by
cablo to London and Paris and that
tho attitude of tho home covorn.
ments, so far disclosed, 1b ono of ap
proval for all that the commlaslon
has' accomplished. It is assumed that
tho parliament of both Great Britain
and France would havo authorized
tho issuance or the loan and there
fore would not bo covered by any of
tho lonn authorized so rnr.
Bulgaria Sends Note to Powers.
London. Tho Bulgarian govern
ment has officially communicated to
tho powers a note, stating in tho most
categorical manner that tho mobiliza
tion of tho Bulgarian army was or
dered In the national. Interest, and
that it had not tho slightest war
movement Intentions.
Bulgars Leave Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland. Three hun
dred Bulgarian officers and men lort
Switzerland on a special train for
Sofia, recently, traveling by way of
Georgians Lynch Negro Boy
Jackson, Ga. Joo Persons, a negro
boy not moro than 14 years old, was
hanged hero ror assaulting an 8-year-old
whlto girl. To tho persons around
the scaffold tho boy admitted tho
crlmo and stoically announced he waa
ready to die.
Rus8 Take Four Thousand Men.
London. "Tho battlo north of
Lutck was a great success 'for tho
Russians. Wo took 4,000 prisoners
and recaptured tho town of Lutsk,"
saya a Petrograd correspondent