The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1915, Image 4

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is tailored to fit the figure smoothly,
snugly and entirely. It is fashioned to
fit like a glove.
illere are the features that give Athena its comfort ,
its daintiness and its tailored fit.
htfng Shoulders and
Conform to the shoulders with
out wrinkling under arms.
Perfected Shoulder
Keeps garment from strctchihgl
across the shoulder, and holds'
sleeve in place.
Curved Armhole
Brings arm seams to the natu
ral curve of the shoulder and
holds garment snugly andj
smoothly up under arm, doing
away with unnecessary cloth.,
Three-Cornered Gussei
Is so shaped as to relieve thci
usual strain at the thigh. In
sures greater comfort ndl
longer wear.'
Low -Neck Sleeveless Su it
Just as a woman is fuller across the
pust tnan the back, so this garment
is made with extra fullness in front..
Patent Seat
This consists of a plait on each side
of the back, instead of extra cloth
in the middle where it causes dis
comfort. Always stays closed and
allows sufficient room, sitting or
ft ffl
Aloff Sminson Passes Awny
Friends In this city wore Bhocked
Wednesday morning to hear of the
death of Aloff 13. Swanson who had
been ill for a short tlmo with typhoid
fever at his homo on South Vine
street. A little over two weekB ago
he was takon 111, hut his condition
was not considered serious until
Tuesday when It was adlvsod to send
to Omaha for a trained nurso and
summon relntlves. They camo Wed
nesday morning but he had expired
three hours boforo their arrival.
For the past Ave or six. years Mr.
Swanson had been employed as yard
master's clerk, was faithful In his
duties, popular with his fellow work
men antl friends and very devoted to
his family. Tho funeral services will
be held at th Presbyterian church
this afternoon and will be conducted
by Itev. C. 13. Harman.
Aloff 13. Swanson was born March
29, 188(1 at Adams, Neb. In 1804 with
his father and mother he movod to
Neldon Neb. and at the nge of S his
mother died.
He graduated from the Nelson high
school May 20, 1004, completed a com
mercial course in the North Western
Mu&lness College at Beatrice, Nob. In
1908 and entered the service of th"
Union Pacific Rallronrt company at
North Platte.
On June 21, 1911 he was married to
Ida Harriet Bostwlck of Hershey, Ne
brasna. He leaves a wife, little daugh
ter, father and stepmother, three brot
ers and a sister.
A full line of everything in underwear lor Ladies,
fusses ana umaren at very moderate prices.
Ew T Tramp Sl Sons
For Kent FurnlHhed rooms for
liotiBolcooplHtf. Mrs. church, 414 west
Third Btroot. Cstf
Edward Woeko has accepted a posi
tion at tho Howo & Maloney furnlturo
Dr. J. K Elms, who recently moved
to Lincoln, spent several days In town
this week.
Mrs. Jesse Van Dyko and Mrs. J. W.
Shcppard visited flrcnds In Gothen
burg this week.
Mrs. F, E. Pouso and daughter Miss
Graco of Paxton visited Mrs. Albert
Muldoon this week.
For Rent FIvo room cottage, mod
ern except heat. Enqulro William
Maloney, 803 east Fifth. 72-2
J. P. Carey, assistant superinten
dent for tho Union Pacific spent Wed
nesday hero on business.
Outing pvns sizes up to 10, prices
ranjrlii(r from .() cents up, at Tho
Mrs. Harry Barraclough loft
Wednesday afternoon for Calloway to
biiuihi a weeK or longer with relatives,
John Den, H. J. Rehhausen and Geo.
Carter aro among Uiobo who attended
tho County Fair at Stupleton tills
A marrlago Hconso was granted
Wednesday morning to Gumnnr
Young and MIhs Harriet Larson of
Mrvnnd Mrs. Ebor Murphy expect
to go to Omaha In tho near futura
to spend a couplo of weeks with
l-xplosion, Theft, Colllolon, Property
Damncocand Liability. Soo
L. L. Ilortho has resumed work af
ter being off for soma time on account
of nn injury to his oyos caused by a
hot cinder.
Slgfrod Swanson of Sheridan, Wyo.,
was cnlled hor tho first of tho week
by the death of his brother tho late
Aloff Swanson.
Mrs. J. T. Murphy Is enjoying a
vIbU from hor mother Mrs. J. C. Wor
ley who eumo from Knnsau City Wed
nesday nfternoon
Three speclaUrulns occupied by GOO
agents of tho Aotna Insurance Com
pany, will pass through this evening
na sections of train No. 17, They uro
enrouto to tho Paclflo coast by way
of litnver.
A 5-cent dance Will be given nt the
Lloyd opera house this evening by
Messrs. Christ nnd Splcer. Music will
uo iiirnisnea uy stamps orchestra.
A. P. Kelly, M. S. Ilebhnusen and J
Gettmau went to Stapletou In tho for
mer's car Wednesday to attend tho
snoot which wad held In connection
with the county fair.
Mechanics In the buldlng trade are
nusy, tlio deslro being to hasten con
structlon work to completion before
winter comes. Just nt present there
is much much work for carpenters.
Jon Plznr rnrplvtvl n ilnnn nut nn
his forehead a few days ago while
playing ball on tho second team of tho
i. f t. f
nign Bcnooi. ii wns necessary ror tne
physician to tnko a number of stitches
t ii.
in uiu opening.
Blnnkots and Quilts hi cotton, woo
mill unir-wool nt the very lowest prlc
cs nt The Lender.
John LeMaster returned Wednes
day from a ton days' visit In Donver
with hiB son Irn, who is employed In
tho Ford Auto assembling plant. Mr.
LeMaster says Denver is very quiet,
nnd tho business men say it will bo
more so when tho saloons go out of
uusiness tho first of January.
Mrs. Roy Cottroll entcrtnlned the
Domestic Sclonco Deparment of tho
Twentieth Century Club Mondny af
ternoon nnd demonstrated making
several different kinds of sandwiches,
Papers wore read by Mesdames Ual
dock and Richmond Dirge. Tho ladies
report a pleasant afternoon.
The Luthoran Urotherhood Is mak
ing extonslvo preparations for the an
nual bouquet to be hold somo tlmo
in November. Efforts will be made
to got Rov. Dr. JJaltzy. of Omnhu, to
ninkr, an address. Tho Do.-tcr mado
tho addr.oss at tho banquet last year
nnd his talk was a splendid one.
W. A. Grogg. of Jack Morrow flats,
says two-thirds of his corn is well
dontod, nnd would not bo Injured In
ordinary frosts. Farmers from other
sections of tho county bring In simi
lar reports. If only two-thirds of tho
prosent corn mnturos, tho crop in
Lincoln county, as a whole, will be
considerably .above tho nvorago.
The Yeomen lodgp.met at iholr hall
Tusday evening and Initiated twenty
candidates. After tho buslnoss meet
ing tho menibors enjoyed a social ov
onlng and partook of dolldous re
freshments. Tho mooting hnd tho
largest attendnnco of any this sonson.
PIuiib were mndo Tor a series of to
clal functions to bo hold during tho
wlntor months.
Take Examination for Priesthood
Starting yestordny asd continuing
until tomorrow noon, an examination
of candidates for the priesthood In the
Episcopal church has been In progress j
nt the Church of Our Saviour. The
examiners are Rev. Lee II. Young, of
Hastings, and Dean J. J. I3owker, of
this city, and the candidates are MrJ
Dumville, of Scotts I31uff for priest-:
hood nnd R. A. Pinkhnm, of Sidney,'
and Snml. Hnrtmnn, of Bridgeport,1
.for deacons. i
Itillianlist Kntcrdiins r,ll;s. i
G"o. E. Spear, who lays claim to the
world's champion bllliardlst, gave an
exhibition nt the Elks' homo Inst ev
ening to a large crowd. He made
many marvelous shots, some of which
had never before been executed by ex
perts who have visited the city In the
Services nt Presbyterian Church
Rev. Gdo. It. Keith, of Exeter, Neb,,
will hold services at the Presbyter
Inn church next Sunday morning nnd
evening. Members of the congrega
tion aro asked to favor this vlsltlsg
minister with their presence. .
Two degrees in Mnsonry were am
plified at the Masonic temple last ev
ening, several candldntos taking the
dgroes. Prceding the initiatory cere
monies the ladles of tho O, E. S.
srved a fine supper.
Tho Swodlsh Lutheran congregation
will have services in the English Ad
vent church Sunday 11 a. m., October
Cd. All Sciindanavlnns are cordially
-welcome. Rev. Konnlth Iiescher, Pus.
tor. ' ,
The Entro Nous club were the guests
of Mrs. Carl Bonner Wednesday after
noon. Prizes for the games w6ro won
by Mesdames Asa Snyder and M. L.
Brown. Mrs. E. w. Mnnn
ed tho guest plzo . Delicious refresh
ments yerc served in two tourss.
Evcb cas bo rested whiln li
If you wear tho proper glasses you
win nnn mat your eyes will stand
as much work as they ever did. That
is a great advantage of glasses they
glvo relief the minute you put them
on and glvo it continuously. But
the glasses must be chosen with ab
solute accuracy.. In optics a small
error Is a big error.. Wo guaranteo
you perfect sntlsfactlos. C. S. CLIN
TON, Registered Optometrist
now is Tin: ti.hi: to get
Look out the following list of houses
nnd see If yon cannot Impnne your
locution or get a better house than
3 on Inno for tho same or less money.
FIvo room house oh east Second
street, belnr nlnn hi nrlra fmm
Bath and lights, also a good basement.
House has been newly pnpered and
varnished. Excellent condition. Rent
Five room Iinnsn nn nnat c.,.i
street, being nln blocks from tho court
llOUSO. finnil linrn rlilnlrn i
block of ground. An idenl place to
iwoc vim-nuns, uenc fiu.uu.
Two 4 room houses on west Ninth
street, and ono 4 room houso on west
Tenth street. All of them in tho west
Part Of tOWll mill Plnuti tr nni.. .....!
llOUSO. All Of tllOm II nw linnana n...l I.,
?xc..1Ient com"t'o. Ront from ?S.00
FiVO room linn an n.HI. i.nti. i
lights on Jefterson Avenue. Conven-
i iMi i to now round house. Rent $12 00
Phone Red 500 for further Infoniia
ton. Will bo trlnri to ai
toyou. C. F. TEMPLE. Am
.Sliindard and Jlnrshnll 3Iny Fight.
There Is talk on tho streets that
tho Standard and Marshall oil com
panlefc may Indulge In a struggle, tho
Standard to take the Initiative In a
move to force the Marshall out of
business In North Platte. The
method to bo pursued by the nggrois
sor will be to lower tho price of
kerosene nnd gnsollno to a point less
than cost price and keep It there until
the Marshall people let go.
As the Marshall company Is pretty
well entrenched in North Platte, tho
Sfasdard may be compelled to fight
for some time before It strangles lt.i
competitor. While the fight is on the
public may reap n benefit, but what Is
saved during the strangulation period
will soon be absorbd by a raise in
price after tho fight Is over.
Leased Rllnrr Cafe.
Having leased the Ritner Cnfe, I
am now ready to serve good meals,
carefully prepared, well cooked and
plenty to ent. Regular table board
$5.00 per week. Sunday dinner 35c.
72-2 W. A. SKINNER.
Elm Trt'es For Sale
Home grown Elm trees, inquire of
R. Owens, 221 east Twelfth St. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steel left this
week for Grand Island whore they
will reside. Mr. Steel, who is a trav
eling man, had mado North Platte his
headquarters for the past year.
Christian Science sorvice Sunday 11
a. m., subject "Uureallty." Wednes
day evening meetings every week at 8
o'clock. A cordial invitation is er
tended to all. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
.Menu for dinner to be glvon by the
Christian aid society iln Uio base
ment of the church on .Monday from
ll::!0 a. m. to 1 o'clock: Fried chicken,
mashed potatoes, .brown gravy, car
rots creamed with peas, combination
salad with dressing, raspberry pie, tea
, coiieo anu mint.
I TIlO 3Illf 111 llllllillllir .(. T.onn (cent..
i Hon is nrennred to kxno ih,w,i
1 amount of its Full Paid "Stock. First
come nrst served. This stock is Is
sued in any amount from $100.00 to
.?.,wu.ui mm pnys semi-annual dhl
wuuHs in ruie oi six per cent.
Charles Reynolds is displaying a
numoer or coins an d paper bills in
tho McDonnld State Bank window
which ho collecfpil u-hlio
visit in Mexico and Calfornla.. They
are oi various sizes ana rnngo Jr. value
from Ono to twnntv ilnllnra Tv nn
a.n of congress the gold dollar, half
dollar, and -quarter were made to be
used as a souvenr of the Panama ex
position and the limited amount of
uu.uuu were mailo. They were de
signed by Chas. E. Barber. Tho di
rectors Of tho OXnnaltlnn lini-o tnVon
all that were coined in tho San Fran
cisco mint nnd oaeh nlel hrlnin ilrm-
ble its value. Tne largest of these,
pieces is auout tne size of a dime. They,
are tne only coins on which Inbor- is
represented. The Mexican Peso, or
uonnr, is worm about forty-five cents
For Salo Cheap.
The two-story building back of tho
ucuonniu ciotning store, bee Otten
stein, or phone 25S. 71tf
One Night Only
Saturday, Oct. 2.
The Musical Satire
"Walk This Way"
18 Musical Numbers 18
Ladies Band and Orchestra
Parade at 3:30 p. m.
Popular Prices
SOb, 76c, $1.00
Reserved Seat sale opens
Thursday, night at 7:30.
Box ofice will be open Fri
day and Saturday.
Sanitary Newly Furnished Fireproof
lXSS. nUCPtl0n nml Tretne"tof Burg.
NoSrSY of of
The First .National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fity Thousand Dollars.
A. H. Mansfield, one of tho stock
holders in the Mnnsfleld glnss &
Paint Co., o.' flastlnt', ylsll'.ni lucal
friends this week.
Mrs. Jame3 Morrow who Is living
on n homstead near Qurnsey came
down Wednesday to spend a few days
with local friends.
Mr .and Mrs. W. B. Brown leave
Sunday for a visit with relatives nnd
friends in Philadelphia Mr. Brown
will spend a couplo of weeks thero
and Mrs. Brown two months..
Edward Johnson who had-been tak
ing treatment nt one o the local
hospitals was released Tuesday and
returned to his home In Hershey.
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtolo aro on
Joying a visit from tho lattor's bro
ther Lyon Ilnthmnn who came from
Fontlnolle, Wyo., a few days ago.
Tho county commissioners wore in
session Wednesday and yestordny and
adjourned last evening. Tho principal
business transacted was the allowanco
of claims.
If you feci dull, and do not know what to do, answeo
that long-postponed lelter. The mental exertion caused by
this occupation will benefit your spirit, lift the dullness and
remind you to do several' things you had entirely forgotten.
A Letter Delivers Two Passages
One is contained in the
written words, the oth-
in the paper, one expresses
the writer's thought, the oth
er one the writer's taste. If
you want your stationery in
keeping with the refinement
of your message, let us
show you our stock, we
know what is correct in
writing paper.
Stone's Pharmacy,
North Platte, Nebraska.
With a Policy Behind Him
u householder's drend of firo Is con.
sldcrably mltlgnlcd. Without such pol
icy ho Is, Indeed, to bo pitied, nnd yet
the cost of a good Firo Insurance Poli
cy is so small that one wonders how
any property owner can uffonl to be
without one. Of course, tho posses,
sloii of u policy does not prevent tho
lire happening, but It prevents the nt
temlant poverty should you happen to
be wiped out by lire. t enables you to
start afresh without loss. Come and
see me about n policy.
North Platte Light
At this time of year is
necessary for Health.
One of these portable Gas
Heaters is just what you
need. We have them
from $2.50 up suitable
for every purpose.
& Power Co.
C. R. MOREY, Mgr.
It's A Pretty Good Plan To Shingle
Before the roof begins to leak;
It's a pretty good plan to batten
Before the wind begins to shriek;
It's A Pretty Good Plan To Build Some Sheds
To Keep things under cover
The plows, cultivators, binders
And one thing and another
And You'll find it a pretty good plan
Lumber and Building Material Bills
Coates Lumber and Coal Co.
The Home of Good Coal. Phono 7.